Ashland weekly tidings. (Ashland, Or.) 1919-1924, December 20, 1922, Page PAGE FOUR, Image 4

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    ASttLAM ttfiftlttt tlDLVGS
no pocb
Local and Personal
(From saturaara Dally)
Bent from Green Springy
Mr. DeCarlo, of the Green Springs;
mountain country was In the city
Friday on business. He reports
about 10 Inches of snow on the top
of the mountain, and says that very
few people are using the road at the
present time.
On Sick List
Mrs. A. H. Pracbt Is confined to
her home by Illness resulting from a
. cold.
Makes Trip to Applcgnt
Benton Bowers made a trip to the
Applegate section this week to bring
home some of bis cattle that were
driven but on that side of the moun
tain at the close 'of the grazing sea
son. He took over some of the cat
tle that belonged In the Applegate
country that had been brought out
of the range on this side of the
Returns to Trail
Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Dunlay, and
baby have returned to their home
at Trail, after a short visit In the
Here from Junction City
J. E. Barker and wife, of Junction I
City, were visitors In the city for a
short time Friday.
Marriage Is Reported
Edward O. Steiger and Miss Mary
Agnes Bennett, both of Ashland,
were married here last Monday, Jus
tice Bagshaw officiating. Jackson
ville Post.
Learn Inn to Walk
Jesse Smith, who has been In the
hospital for the past several weeks
as the result of having both of his
legs broken In a fall from a load of
hay, Is endeavoring to learn to walk
again. The casts have been taken
off his limbs and he finds It quite
difficult to get used to standing up
after spending six weeks in bed.
Visit in Ashland
Mr. and Mrs. Austin Taylor, of
Spokane, Wash., spent two days this
week as the guests of Mr. and Mrs.
J. H. Snyder, who live In the Phipps
building. Mrs. Taylor and Mrs. Sny
der are cousins, while Mr. Taylor Is
a brother of Glenn Taylor, of Med
tord. The Taylor's are motoring to
Lodl, Calif., where they will spend
Christmas with Mr. Taylor's parents.
Remains CritlrjUly Hi
fi. A. Hawks, who was badly In
jured In a fall several weeks ago, re
mains quite critically ill at his home
on Factory street. It is thought his
chances for recovery are very slight.
Walking on Crutelies
Horace Mitchell was In the city
Frldayi making his way around on
crutches. Mr. Mitchell had the mis
fortune to get a broken leg a short
time ago, and will be on crutches for
the next few weeks.
Error Corrected
The Tidings carried an article In
Thursday's Issue to the effect thai'
Mrs. B. C. Tabor had died In Spo
kane a short time ago. This should
have been Mr. Tabor instead of Mrs.
A ngwin Visits Dunsmnlr
J. E. Angwin, foreman of the
Southern Pacific shops, was a visitor
over the California line last Thurs
day, spending the day In Dunsmulr.
Will Give Lecture
John Herbert Doran will give his
lecture, "Man In the Making," at
the Civic club house, Thursday, De
cember 21, at 8 o'clock. This Is the
same lecture that 'created a great
amount of Interest among students
and faculty at Reed college an3""t?ie
University of Oregon. No admission
will be charged, though a silver of
fering will be made.
Make Trip to Medford
Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Kuykendall
and Mrs. Burus, Mrs. Kuykendall's
mother, motored to Medford today.
Betufit Dance Planned
The first public dance to be given
In Ashland this season will be staged
Monday nlgh.t December 25, for the
benefit of the 484th company, Ore !
ton National Guard. Interest In the'
military organization has been In !
creased and recruits continue to be
signed up, though not as rapidly as!
It desired. It lg believed a large
crowd will attend the holiday dance.
Boys Adopt Earrings
In an effort to create excitement
and to get away from the beaten
path of custom, boy students of
Klamath Falls high school recently
appeared at school with the time-
worn wearing apparel of cannibals:
and other heathens In their ears,
One of the students Is quoted as say-)
ing: ."Once a year we are going to j
Irritate our elders and the flappers.
with earrings, and nntll we win our
point we will continue the good
work. Boy suffrage Is our motto,
Watch our smoke."
Move RTorted
Irving Bos t wick
moved Friday.
from the Robinson apartment on j
North Main street to the Mary Woods ,
property at the corner of High and
Laurel streets.
Come Here from Misouri
Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Fielden arrived
In Ashland this week from their
home in Misouri, and hope to spend
the coming year In Ashland, if they
can find a suitable place to live. Mr.
Flelden has rented his place in Mis-
souri, and has come to the coust i.i!
I the hope of finding anore even cli
mate, and should it prove to his lik
ing in Ashland, he will probably buy
property here and make his home
here permanently.
Returns to Montague
E. K. Loosley returned to his home
at Montague Friday, after a several
days visit here with his parents and
other relatives.
(From Monday' Daily)
Who Will Winter In South?
A local party received two letters
this morning from friends in Lob
Angeles announcing that It had been
raining "night and day" for the past
week In the metropolis of southern
California. Doesn't sound like much
better weather than can be found in
Medford S. P. Sinn Visits
Mark Montgomery, agent for the
Southern Pacific at Medford, and I.
T. SparkB, district freight and pas
senger agent for the same road, with
headquarters In Eugene, were in the.
city on business today.
Takes Pliice as Clerk
J. E. Kuykendall has taken the
place of L. G. Fitzwater as clerk at
the Tlaza market. Mr. Kuykendall
came here recently from Texas and
expects to make hla home In this
Will Iienve for Portland
Mr. and Mrs. L. A. Wood and son
Kenneth expect to leave Wednesday j
for Portland, where they will spend
the holidays as the guests of Mr
Wood's parents.
Leaves for California
Duve Whittle accompanied Al Bock
on a 10-day trip Into California. The
two young men yeft by machine late
Saturday night. San Francisco, Bak
ersflcld and Fresno will be visited.
The trip down was made by the coast
Vacation Dates Announced
Official Information regarding the
holiday recess of the Ashland public
schools was made today. The vaca
tion period will begin Friday after
noon, and will last for two weeks.
A great many of the teachers are
planning on spending the holidays at
home or visiting with friends in oth
er cities.
Ila-ketbull Practice UricliM
With the senior girls and the Boph
omoro boys winning the class cham
pionship In baHketball respectively,
interest at Ashland high school has
now turned toward the regular quin
tet, work starting In earnest today.
Try-outs for the various positions are
now being contested by many play
ers who are seeking berths on the
first team. Selection of a manager
will be made In a short time.
How Funeral Sunday
Funeral services for L. JameS Heer
were held from the Elks' lodge rooms
Sunday afternoon at 2 o'clock. In
terment was made In Mountain View
Chester MacCTaeken Returns '
Chester MacCracken, a senior at
the Oregon Agricultural college, re
turned home Saturday night for the
Christmas vacation. He is a member
of Sigma Alpha Epsllon fraternity.
Lyceum Poorly Attended '
Too many counter attractions, a
week before Christmas and a Satur
day night contributed greatly to thej
size of the crowd that attended the
Siewart I. Long lecture at the Ar
mory. Though Mr. Long gave an
excellent talk, the gathering was ap
j.roxlmately one-half of that gener
ally In attendance at the lyceum
numbers, nut two more numbers
remain on the course.
Ib-re. from Hullo Falls
Royal l'. Cambers arrived In Ash
land from Butte Falls last week to
spend the holidays at his home, 338
Holly street.
Christmas Program Planned
Ashland high school will give Its
regular Christmas program Frldav
afternoon at the assembly room. A
feature will be the forensic play.
" Christmas at Pine Knot Ranch."j coducted a series of evangelistic
Music, speeches and stunts are alBOand divine healing services In the
(planned. The public la invited to
j attend the program.
Return from O. A. (V
j Oliver Andoraon and Malcolm
Wharton returued Saturday nlRht .
from Corvallis where they have been'
attending the Oregon Agricultural
college. The men drove down in a
flivver roadster and report a fine ing. Dr. Price is now conducting
trip, with the exception of a coating meetings in Eugene, and has just
of Ice on the highway between Cor-, completed a series lu Albany,
vallli and Cottage Grove. The trln',.iB from Hill
was made without any serious mis-
O. A. C. Kluih-nt Airlves
Miss Marjorle Adamson,
known young woman of Talent, who
hag many friends In Ashland, has
returned home for the holidays from
the Oregon Agricultural college at.friends during the Christmas holl
CtnyonviUe Road Opened '
Tourists and others . wishing to
drive to Portland on the Pacific high
way are cautioned about the Can
yonville-Galesburg road. On the odd
hours machines are permitted to pass
going north, while machines coming
south are permitted to pass on the
oven hours. This Is the only part
of the highway between the stats
line and Corvallis that Is not paved
and opened to general traffic at this
time, with the exception of the bridge
at Gold Hill and that section of the
Pacific highway lying within the city
limits of Grants Pass.
Copco to Give Dinner
Nearly 200 members of the Copco
will be guests at a Christmas dinner
Kiven by the power company at tho
Hotel Medford, Saturday, December
23. Following the dinner the guests
will adjourn to the lobby of the ho
tel where gifts will be distributed
from a large Christmas tree.
Looked After Timber Interests
James H. Owens, of Brookings
over on the coast near Crescent City
was In the city last week looking af
ter some timber land in which he Is
Interested. Before returning to his
home he expects to visit in the east.
Guard Strength Given
According to a monthly statement
issued by the headquarters Ninth
corps area, the total aggregate
strength of the National Guard in
this corps area is now 10,786, dis
tributed as follows: California 3576,
Washington 2546, Oregon 2334, Ida
ho 727, Utah 708, Montana 455, Wy
oming 440. Oregon stands in first
place in the percentage of troops
formed In proportion to the total al
lotment. Wlnne W.ns Official "O"
Seventeen orange "O's" were
awarded football playors at the Ore
gon Agricultural college for work
during the paMt season. Of these.
Berton Wlnne, of this city, was one
of the fortunates. The board of
control was In doubt whether to
award letters to Winne and Fred
Tebh, but on Becond consideration
gave them recognition.
Here from Eugene
A. E. McCarthy and family, of Eu
gene, were in the city overnight.
Klamath Falls Man Here
Boyce Young came over . from
Klamath Falls yesterday for a short
visit in the city.
Visiting from Hilt
Fay Potter, of Hilt, Calif., arrived
in the city Sunday for a short visit.
. K. S. Entertains
The officers of Alpha chapter No.
1, O. E. S., entertained the worthy
matron, Mrs. Hal McNalr, and the
worihy patron, Mr. S. A. Peters Sr.,
Suturduy evening at the home of
Mrs. N. G. Bates, on Scenic Drive.
The evening as spent with games,
after which delicious refreshments
were served.
Lcnvo on Iiong Trip
A. L. Lamb and wife will leave
via auto tomorrow for Portland, Van
couver and other northern points on
a business trip. They will be gone
about two weeks.
Celebrate, Anniversary
Mr. and Mrs. William Johnson, of
Lower Almond street celebrated their
66th wedding anniversary quietly at
their home Sunday. This elderly
couple have a host of frlendsin the
city that wish them many happy, re
turns of the anniversary.
Grants Pass Man Hero
Joe S. McFadden, county commis
sioner for Josephine county, was in
the city on business from Grants
Pass this morning. While here he
negotiated for an elevator to be used
In his department. This was a part
of 'a carload of road construction
equipment shipped into the city from
tho north by Sam Shell, who will use
the remainder of the carload In his
work on the Green Springs mountain
road. McFadden stated that the
sunshlno today was quite a relief
from the fog that 'hangs over the
Rogue river during this time of year.
Klro Department Called
The tire department was called to
1235 East Main street shortly after
noon today, by a roof fire. The fire
was out before the department ar
rived. The house was occupied by
O. E. Jobb.
Dp. lil-e to Return
Dr. Charles S. Price, who recently
city, will be In Ashland December 21.
according to a wire received In tho
city yesterday. On account of his
being here but one day, J. H. Doran,
who was scheduled to speak on "Man
i the Making" at the Civic club
building on that date, has postponed
'hi torture until the following even-
F. S. Carter and wire, ot Gold Hill,
were in the city over the week-end
visiting with Mrs. Carter's sister.
Mrs. Fred Homes and their family.
VNlilivg During Holidays
Ralph Young, student at Oregon
Agricultural college. Is here visiting
I days.
Many Gather Xmas Trees
Many people were out Sunday af
tarnoon In search of Christmas trees
As next Sunday will be too late to
decorate a tree tor the occasion, ad
vantage was taken of the fact that
stores were closed, allowing many
to get out In the woods and chop
down their own trees.
Judge Calkins Honoied
Members of the Josephine County
Bar association are giving a dinner
tomorrow at the Oxford hotel, Grants
Pass, to Judge P. M. Calkins, who
Is retiring ag county judge. Judge
C. M. Thomas will also be present,
ag will the wives of the members.
Here f ram Fall Creek
E. P. Rlppan, of Fall Creek, is
spending a few days In Ashland.
Hornbrock Man in City
John Graham, of Hornbrook, Calif,
was in the city over the week-end.
He arrived In Ashland Saturday ev
ening. Home for Holidays
Iverne Kpller, a sophomore at the
Oregon Agricultural college, has re
turned to Ashland for the holiday
Moore Ranch Is Bold
Sale of the old Moore ranch, near
the Bear Creek orchards, to the Ros
enberg brothers, has been announced.
This .property consists of some of
the oldest and finest pear trees in
the valley, having been planted In
1885. In adding the Moore place
to their other holdings, the Bear
Creek orchard is-. now the most ex
tensive pear orchard In the Rogue
River valley. .
Guessing Contest Ik ing Staged
If you are lucky In guessing
weights, a, largei four-foat stick of
candy Is awaiting you Christmas eve
at the Plaza confectionery. The big
piece of confection has been dis
played In the-window and any who
desire are permitted to estimate thej
weight of the candy. The stick will
be weighed Christmas eve, and the
person guessing the nearest to its
weight can carry It home. Two oth
er prizes will be given tho two com
ing the next closest In the contest.
Returns to Crescent City
Ed Platsted, who was in the lity
last week, has returned to his home
at Crescent City.
Grants Pass Reduces Debt
Grants Pass has reduced its total
indebtedness $112,260 during the
past five years, an average of $22,
452 every year, according to a finan
cial statement Issued by H. H. Allyn,
city recorder, says the Grants Pass
Courier. ' '
Returns with Truck
Henry Hoxi'e'has returned from
Portland with a government truck.
He stopped In Grants Pass Friday
night for a visit with friends in that
city. '
(From Tuesday's Daily)
Visits in Ashland
Ben D. King, of Klickitat, Wash-
arrived in Ashland Saturday for a
few days' visit in the city.
Washington Man He
C. Fellows, of Lyman, Wash., was
a visitor in the city the latter part
of last week.
Grants Pass Couplo Visit-
Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Roberts,' of
Grants Pass, were shoppers In Ash
land recently.
Mr. Wheeler, of the east part of
the city, expects to leave this week
for California, where he will spend
the .holidays. i
Homo from Corvallis
Miss Margaret Johnson Is at home
from O. A. C, for the holidays, vis
iting with her parents, Dr. and Mrs.
F. H. Johnson, 146 Manzanlta.
Will Spend Xmas, Here
Mrs T. J. Jones, of Sacramento,
Calif., expects to arrive In Ashland
this week to spend Christmas with
her son C. R. D. Jones, and family.
Will Spend Xmas Here
Mrs. Charles McWllllams and
daughter Constance, or mamain
Falls, arrived Monday to be an over
Christmas visitor at the F. O. Mc
Wllllams home on Church street.
Visiting with Bister
Meade Hoover of San Francisco,
arrived In Ashland Sunday for a two
weeks' visit with Ms alster, Mrs.
N. H. Harrison.'
Returns from O. A. C .
Ernel Stearns, a senior at the Ore-
eon Agricultural college, and a mem
ber of Kappa Delta Sigma fraternity,
has returned to the city for the holi
days. Here from Albany-
J. R. and H. J. Rice, oi Ainnny
... .1 . V. atim1flt, Atlfl
were visitors in mc cj -
Ran Franrfsro Visitor
W. H. Turner, of San Francisco,
was In the city a few days ago on
Arrives from Tillamook
A. O. Bial. of Tillamook, Or., ar
rived In Ashland Sunday for a rew
days' visit.
Iratrd at Long Brew
The J. A. Barham family write
from Long Beach, Calif., stating that
they are located in the city by the
ocean and will spend the winter
,ntr, I
GLAD Christmas Day Is her again,
with loving word and deed.
When an get much they do not want, and
little that they need.
The baby's jacket cousin sent, we can't
get on at all,
And mother's slippers are too large and
father's are too small
And sister Zella got a hood she'll be afraid
to wear
Because Its color clashes with the color
of her hair.
And brother Henry got some books from
pious Uncle Ned,
And after he had told him, too, he hoped
he'd send a sled.
Spokane People Visit-
Jack Fry aud L. B. Otis, of Spo
kane, Wash., are spending a few
days In Ashland and looking over the
surrounding country.
Hero from Portland
R. B. Dorsey, of Portland, spent
a few days in Ashland during the
latter part of last week.
Stop Hero for Night
Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Maxwell stop
ped over Monday night In Ashland.
Mr. and Mrs. Maxwell live In Seattle.
Shopper from Weed-
Mrs. Eugene Holmes, of Weed,
Calif., Is a Christmas shopper In
Ashland today.
WHI Leavo for 'Frisco'
Miss Amy Darnell, who has been
visiting with Mrs. Burnie Burnett
in the Allen apartments for the past
few weeks, expects to leave for her
home In San Francisco Wednesday.
ChrlMlnm.H Visitor Expected : " "'
II. B. Kennedy, of Rockford, 111.,
left that city Monday and Is bound
for Ashland, expecting to arrive here
before Christmas. Mr. Kennedy Is
an uncle of Dobbin Irwin, and will
visit with the Irwin family for some
Buys Car in Ashland
In a clipping taken from the Ore
gonian a few days ago, It was stated
through the columns of this paper
that E. V. Carter had purchased a
new Bulck sedan while in Portland.
It seems that the Oregon Ian wag mis
Informed on the matter of where Mr.
Carter purchased his car as the car
was bought through the Bulck sales
agency In this city before he left for
Portland, and was delivered to him
Build New Fence
. An attractive picket fence has
been built at the edge of the raised
portion of the' Nlnlnger & Warner
pool room, and will eliminate any
possibility of some one being injured
In jumping from the higher pbrttott
of the floor to the lower part. '
Installs New Player ;t i
Dobbin Irwin has Installed a 'new
music box at his pool room on East
Main street. The new box is one of
the very latest designs and turns' out
some fine music. '
Hens fop Holidays
Berton Wlnne, student at the Ore
gon Agricultural college, and a mem
ber of the varsity football squad; has
returned to .Ashland to spend 'the
holidays with his parents. "' '
U. of O. Vacation Soonr
Students attending the University
of Oregon at Eugene will take their
final examinations this week, and
will return to the city Friday night
and Saturday. Several are planning
on spending the holidays In Port
land. MbWonnry Society to Meet
The Presbyterian Women's Mis
sionary society will be entertained
at the home of Mrs. C. B. Lamkln,
157 North Main, tomorrow at 2:30
o'clock. Members and visitors be
prepared with a news item from the
home or foreign topic "Persia and
Syria" and'Mormanlsm." .
Mrs. Fi-eneli Reported 111
Friends of Mrs. F. E. French, for
mer resident of this city, now living
In Grants Pass, will be glad to learn
of her recovery after having been
ill for several weeks. She Is now
able to be about the house. j
Green Springs Road Good
The Green Springs road is now In
good condition, state drivers of the
Klamath Falls stages. The recent
freezes have resulted In a smooth
surface as the snow Is frozen hard.
The trips will continue to be made on
schedule time, unless a thaw occurs,
which will greatly damage the sur
face of the road. j
Vn.., -
!-" v... r
Eugene Detrlck, who was quite 111
last week, is able to be out again.
Vlnitlng In Grant Pass
Mrs. Hattie Keuber, of this city,
is visiting friends in Grants Pass.
She will remain In that city for
some time. . j
Tfachers to lavc Friday
Teachers of the public schools who
live outside of Ashland are planning
on leaving naay nigni ami oainmoj
morning for their homes. 8everal
ho live too far away to make the
trip home, are planning on visiting
friends in Portland and other potnta.j
Chrilii jonnets 3
Day-epring, Deliverer, Just and Holy One,
Thi way, the Faithful Witness, Prince of
The bread of God, Lord of our righteous
neu, Our Passover, Trot Vine end Cornerstone,
Adam the 8econd, only-begotten Son,
Image of God, deal re of every race,
Our Chancellor, oar advocate for (race,
The Morning 8ter, Horn of Salvation,
Root and ofleprlng of David, tenet's Lamb,
Shepherd of souls, Emanuel, the I Am,
The Plratand Laet, Salvation's only Name,
Our yeaterday-today-for-aye the same,
Light of the world and conquerer of death,
Author and Finisher of our Faith.
Chrlat-dasiled eyes we turn how comfort
To Thee, O Gentle Friend, sweet Naxa-
John-like upon thy boeom fain to lean.
O eyes we love to look in I eyea that lee
Beneath our faults our human frailty
Forgiving eyes I And hands so strong and
We love to feel our frail hands needing In;
We kiia the white ecara where thine agony
Once flow'd for us, and In our grateful biles 1
So filled are we with Christ love we are
To eeperate oven Judae from his kiss.
And If we have them, say to our enemies,
'Tomorrow meet with me in Paradise."
OH, tkal Chriitmo ta Ike heart
Doe't aoa feel it, don'l aoa kaoe
All Ike qlora o) lU apatl,
Alt Ika Baqie of ill qloB?
, That Ckriltnu lading itealiaa;
rrom aour kud anlo aoar f aet
' AUm to ill tkal liqkte Ika not Id.
To all thai daclu Ike (Met I
Ok. Ikal Carutnai ia Iko heart,
Tkat long. Ikal laitiiq aoice
Tkal tiiqs throaqk all Ika harrowing qoete,
Anditaq "taioical lojoical"
Tkal Ckrutaua qlora. craoping
froai ftnqar tipa to toaa
Tka naiie o Ika world avaka.
Aad Ika balla acrow Ikanowal
Ok. tkal Ckriilatai in Ika kaart.
Tkal aoe'va qot to kaaa to bo
Oaa wila Ika tpirit of tka love
,.. - That aakea ell CkriitaMjqlee;
Tkat Ckrii tnua qladnaai riaqiag
Tkroaqk oaera komruoe liaa
Tkat tpirit of Ika qoldea power
f Tkatcrioa, "Iqivol" tqivel"
. Be Ika satutoara Sard, (a Hoaitoa Poet
' A Quitter,
Old Santa Claue, that (eneroue eoul,
Createa a Joyoua din,
But haetena homeward to the pole
Before the bills come In.
Season Proves That Men and
Women Are Friendly Beings.
Desire te Make Presents and to Bi
Cheerful Shows People With
... to Be Congenial.
ONE of the Quest things about
Christmus is its trueness, the
Joyous reality of It. At Christum
time no exhortation is necessary to
make it go; Christmas never bus to
be . made a "success," as a purade or
a pageant.
Christmas Is In a certain sense an
Institution; It comes at a certain date
each year; It always has its Christmas
tree, its stocking, its poultry dinner
colored with cranberries. But It Is
one of those Institutions that litis uev
-r been Instltutionlzed; It exists In
lie nature of num.
Christinas proves to us that men,
ivoinen and children lire at heart
frleudly beings. The spontaneity of
Christmas giving and Christmas cheer
proves what people reully want to be
;ood friends.
Wurs go on at other times; men
and women quarrel among themselves
ver property or over other men and
.vomeii ; artificial requirements are lin
tioged that Incite to gieed, dishonesty
and bitterness. But ut Christmas time
there conies over the broad surface of i
ur western civilization, which is pret
ty much like other civilizations, a
great reversion to type. Man wants
most to be happy, he wants to dunce
and sing and to make other persons
happy.- At other times than Christ
mas something seems to be wrong, and
nmn reasons that someone else Is to
At Chrlstmns time there Is a gen
eral forgetting of everything but be
ing nutural. Christmas Is the great
Christmas Specials
Fresh Golden Dates, per lb. 25c 5 lbs. for '. 1X
Fresh Citron, Lemon and Orange Veel
English Currants, per lb.
Cluster Raisins, per lb 83!
Hun Maid Seedless Raisins, 7 lbs. for
Dittos stuffed with Pecans, per pktf 1"
No. 1 California. Walnuts, per lb. Sc 3 lbs. for $1.00
Home grown Walnuts, per lb 2r,c
Home grown Almonds, per lb V
Hrazll Nuts, 5 lbs. for
Chestnuts, per lb 25c
Hickory Nuts, per lb 25c
We Have Full Line of Christmas Candles at the Best Prices
In the Circuit Court of the State
of Oregon for Jackson County.
City of Ashland, a municipal cor
poration, plaintiff, vs. Constantino
G. Chumos, and nil others claiming
any right, title or interest In and to
the property heroin described, de
fendants. To Constantino G. Chumos, tho
above named defendant: In the name
of the Staie of Oregon:
You nre hereby notified that the
City of Ashland Is tho holder of Cer
tificate of Delinquency numbered
0125 Issued on the 3rd day of Sep
tember, 1921, by the Tax Collector
of the County of Jackson, State of
Oregon, for the amount of Sixty-nine
Dollars and sixty-eight cents, the
same being the amount then due and
dellnqupnt for taxes for the year
1917, together with penalty, Inter
est and costs thereon upon the renl
property , assessed to you,' of which
you are the owner as appears of rec
ord, situated in said County and '
State, and particularly bounded nnd
described as follows, to-wlt: All of
Lots 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 and 8 in
Chumos Addition to the City ot Ash
land, Jackson Counjy, Oregon, as tho
same are numbered, designated and
described on the official plat of said
addition .on file in the office of the
County Recorder.
You nre further notified that said
City of Ashland has paid taxes on
said premlfM for prior or subsequent
years, with the rate of interest on
said amounts as follows:
Tax for 1919, paid Dec. 1G. 1922.
amount $58. OG, rate ol interest 12
per cent.
Tax for 1920, paid Dec. 15, 1922.
amount $91.29, rate .of Interest 12
per cent.
Tax for 1921, paid Dec. 15, 1922.
nmount $76.23, rate of Interest 12
per cent.
Said Consfantine G. Chumos, as
the owner of the legal title of tho
above described property as the same
appears of record, and each of the
other persons above named are here
by further notified that the City of
Ashland will apply to the ClrcnK
Court of the County and State afore
said for a decree foreclosing the lien
against the property above described.
and mentioned In said cermicaic
And you are hereby summoned to
appear with In sixty days after the
first publication of this summons,
pxchislve of the day of said first
publication, and defend this action
or pay the amount due ns above
shown together with costs and ac
crued interest, and In case of your
failure to do so, a decree will be ren
dered foreclosing the lien of said
taxes and costs against the land and
premises above named.
Thia oumnmna i nnhlisheri bv or
der of the Honorable F. M. Calklns,
Judge of the Circuit Court of.tno
State of Oregon for the Cojurfty of
Jackson, and said order rfas made
and dated this 10th day of Decem
ber, 1922, and the date of the first
publication of this summon; Is tli! '
20th day of December, 1922.
All process and papers in this pro
ceeding may be served upon the un
dersigned residing with In the Staii
of Oregon at the address hereafter
WM. M. BMfiflS.
Attorney for Plaintiff.
Address: Pioneer Block, Ashland,
Oregon. 16-6-wed
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