Ashland weekly tidings. (Ashland, Or.) 1919-1924, December 20, 1922, Image 1

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    fnlverslty of Oregon Com;
M I,. DoiiKlru. t,llrrlse
A' '.U
NO. 16
llff; MARKED
? WATERLOO, N. Y., Dec. 19.
$ The days of Old Dobbin are
past. $
The gasoline motor Is replac- $
t ing him so fast, both on the
t farm and In the city, that he f
brings less than one-half of bis $
valuation of two years ago, re- j
$ gardless of how Btrone and .
DISBANDMENT CRISIS IS S sound he may be.
BELIEVED TO BE PASSED An analysis made of recent S
? auction and private - sales In 3
S western Now York shows that
horses have brought an average
Near East Peace Conference at Lausanne
of but $90 each while two years i
' b ago the figures were from $150 4
incrcaso riojiNlng to .Men mm Oifi- j (0 2fl0.
(vrsj Regular Atk'iidiiio at Drill j, q$,4,qqqwq$iiq4$
Kl III Niwwmry; Athlet'; Actlvi-;
lies A id. Now on Program. I
If the present amount of interest
In the 484th company ia continued,.
Ashland will not lose its military
organization, according to a report
made by headquarters. During' the
past two months, the company hasi
risen from 29th place on a list of
30 military units in the state, until
It stands 19th. It was because of
the length of timo the company had
remained at the foot of the list that
Adjutant General George A. White j DENVER, Colo., Dec. 19. Secret
was seriously contemplating tlto dis service men, department of Justice
banding of the 484th' company, as it 'men and peace officers uave Joined
was not living up to requirements! in a great man hunt to apprehend
made by the government. the four daring bandits who yester-
Durlng the month of October, j day held up guards transporting
when the unit stood second from the! money from the United States mint,
foot of the list, 68 men were attend-' escaping with $200,000 In green
ing drills while the quota demanded ! backs and killing Charles Linton.
85. An average attendance of 33.2 j No clewg are revealed yet, although
men was recorded. This was a gain; the posses are hot on the trail,
over September when but 25.3 men Eva Lewis, "queen" of the notor
attended drill. This was a gain ofjious Dale Jones gang, denies she had
7.9 with no losses. anything to do with the crime. She
In November, the 484th company Isays woman is "ever the pawn 'of
Jumped into ' 19th place, .with ajman. She acts impulsively and with
strength of 75 men and a quota of ' out premeditation. It is hardly pos;
5. This represented an average lii-jsible she was implicated in this de
crease over the previous month of
45.3. The gain for the month of No
vember was 6 per cent over any
other organization In the state. . The
company was rated during Novem
ber at 56.9 Instead of 39.1 as It was
during October. In order to keep up
the average attendance, according to
members of the organization, 1t is
necessary for as many men as pos
sibly can to attend the Thursday
night drills In addition to the regu
lar one for Monday night.
Regular drill was held last night
liberate affair
SAN ANTONIO, Dec. 19. Mrs.
Ruby Kerenek and Corporal Gordon
Hunter, of Camp Travis, were found
together with quarterly Inspection! shot to death in a local hotel today.
muster. Lieutenant R. T. Kerr.jAn automatic was found beside Hun
recruTMng officer for the United, ter.' The woman was shot in the
States ivy, assisted Captain J. i back of the head, and Hunter throug
ft H -5St'ZW; i
rnnTr.Avn m v n- m
A private detective employed ;
4 by Cortland county to get evi-
deuce .against Thomas Riley,
$ local "mine host," believed to 3
8 be violating the Mullan-Gage
dry law, will have to tell how
he carried away the evidence
!? In hlB mouth, when the case is ?
moved for trial in countv court a'DIMSTIC ANTI-NARCOTIC
here. a
The county authorities say
!$ the alleged liquor was later 8
poured Into a bottle and pre-
? served as evidence against $
i Riley. I'rolilbitlon enforcement
$ knows no similar caso, it Is said.
I nnin inwumr
! .
Tliee phoKigruphs have Just arrived from Lausanne, Switzerland, where the Near East peace conference Is In
esstonv The Turkish delegation Is shown arriving for the opening of the conference, urn! Inset ure seen Lord Curzop
of Great; Britain, Premier Mussolini of Italy nnd Premier i'olm are of France.
Six mow days until Ninas, ?j
'S Don't delay HhoppliiK. 'J1:
December 18-19-rU. S. navy l
? recruiting officer here. $!
December 19 C. of C. meet-
? ting, Civic Club building.
December 21. Cooked food l
' - I 4 cola Trill?.. Hull,!. !
. '- December 22 Christmas pro-
; WASHINGTON Dec. 19. Discus-:. glam, High School. ?
slon ft to how America can mostly. December 22 "Man In
Los Aneles VUy Counril Asked to
Appoint Ctmmillteo to Piobe Al-
- li-(;ed Dnii; Center; Complete Vln,
dilation If t luiiRts Found Fulse.
DUBLIN, Dec. lfl. Seven Irregu-
ilia f'lnt raikii lilloi i hilunnai ir c in ovAAiit.
helpfully participate In the settle-Making." Civic club building. 8! ed at Mount Joy prison today by the
ment' of German reparations, de-
$ December 25, Monday $, Irish Free Slate government.. They
SALEM, Dec. 19. The act of 1921
making women eligible for Jury duty
was declared constitulonul in an
opinion of the state supreme court
handed down today. Also the pro
vision for an equal number of men
and women in the trial of sex crimes
means exactly that, the opinion
The case at J, J. Chase vs. the
slate of Oregon, where the defend
ant was charged with the rape of a
nine-year-old girl, was , in question.
complete the panoh
scribed as the crux of the Eiirniiean a i,..t0i, -a,.n i,i ..,. ...i, i ir; l
.i i. k . u , " -6" .He pled the law was unconstitutional
situation has been renewed by he- December 25-Chr:stmas ball 4;1are for tearing up rails threat-!whe me Juror wcre re(mM ,
president and h , cabinet. America I benem 484.1, company. Armory. enlnR to wreck trains. efrrt , , a
., ; y .ccicio i;p ftionuayj January i, lvn. ;v .no conuemnea men were iriea ny:j0
deterjtilne whether the allied govern-' January 1-5 Week of prayer Va secret court martial, nnd charged j
ments' want American help. j$. Ashland 'churches1. 'with having weapons for rebellion.!
ine government wants readjust-j$ $ q j j, j. steplmn White, Joseph Johnson, Pnt-
ment of reparations to aid in fimd-j : r(. Mangan, Patrick Nolan, Brian
ing the eleven billions of war debts , i I Moore, James O'Connor nnd Pnt.lck
owed to America..
Dagnoll wero the men executed.
Tho tubercular testing of entile be
ing about completed In the Ashland
vicinity, activities have shifted to a
point further north. Domino Trovost, son of Mr. and
Testing is being done today ln'the,Mrs. P. S. Provo.itf left this morn-
territory southwest of Talent, in-. ing for Oakland, Calif., where he
eluding the Wagner and Anderson ! will meet Miss Mildred Carlton,
creek districts. lOf Wclland, and will marrv her on
Cattle owners of Talent are re-j December 21, at the home of Mr.
WASHINGTON, Due. 19. Enact
mont of moi'o drastic anti-narcotic
laws is likely to result from the reve
lation of Wallio Reid, slave of drugs.
It Is declared In congressional cir
cles today.
Senator Shortrldge, of California,
says Hold's ari'lictlon Is a danger sig
nal to tho whole movie world of tho
"frightful punishment inflicted by
drugs." Shortrldge recommends a
harsher enforcement of existing
laws, and new federal restrictions to
wipe out the drug trade throughout
the nation.'
Senator Borah, of Idaho, recom
mends such action. He frowns on a
federal movie censorship, however,
declaring American motherhood Is
capable of protecting the children
from Immoral pictures.
Senator Meyers, of Montana, de
clared the Reld case Indicated a need
to clean up the undesirable charac
ters In tho movies.
LOS ANGELES, Dec. 19. Metho
dist preachers of southern Califor
nia have urged the Los An;;eles city
council that alleged vice and drug
conditions In Molly wood he Investi
gated. The plea folio. vod the case
of Wally Iteli who is very ill fol
! lowing u breakdown snid to he duo
j (o tho effects of narcolica and over
indulgence in alcoholic drinking.
The ministers ask that a remedy
bo taken if Hollywood is found to bo
A pleasant surprise party, was held' vvAhitiiwiuN, Dec. 19. The. a drug comer, and also, it cnargoi
for Miss Ernestine Hicks at her homo' ,e(,,','a' ia',fl commission has Issued are found to be false, that a complete
cm North Main street on Saturdiy a P0I plaint against all wholesale pa- vindication of tho film center bo
evening. Many beaullful presents ' 1,Pr (,oaloi's of Oregon, Washington j forthcoming. They suggest a corn
were received by .Miss Hicks from!""1' Cnlifo,'nia. alleging that by n mission of prominent citizens be np-
Quincy Advms In making the Inspec-J back of her head, while Hunter was'iuested to have their animals, three and Mrs. Prosser, of Oakland. The! t (()wn Jo an eI(l)onU , , j
Hon, and gave the men a short talk bhot through the right temple. r less, at the open lot or a nearbyi young couplo wore expected hack in1 ',, ,.... . . . C, ' '
w - . . . m-t . i. ....!. i.i n i t..t. .... aiuhiijiiu iituuie oi wiucn wns n;
The woman's husband wns found bam t of the Talent Mercantile' tho city Sunday night or early j
those present, of which she is Justly COI"'0Uea woi'mont, members of lo
proud. f8' association seek to maintain a
Tho early part of the evening was i 8cll0(Iule of m'lce8 "ml ,0 suppress
spent In dancing. Then the guests c"mpPUU"n'
They have been given 30 days to
nswer before trial.
pointed to investigate.
A. V.
large birthday . cake decorated with
Following the drill, by-laws of the asleep in the next room, and is being, "ore at o'clock tomorrow. Wed-! Christmas morning. They will make n (11 ' Followlnlr .... ,,..,.
i 1 -1 .. 1. .,.. a . : 1 .... ii t . I n.aHo ii ITa.l a rt fm. ... ... I.. ..IHiaIm hnmn nn Mm finw rf Tallinn, " lllO 4UI1LII
Hunter met his wife last Monday.
484th company fraternal club were
adopted and officers nominated.
These will be elected at the next
drill night, which will be Wednesday
night of this week instead of Thursday.
At a 'business meeting after drill, NEW YORK, Dec. 19. Sam Simp
various forms of athletics, including .son worked hard. All day long he
basketball, boxing, hand and volley carried heavy iron baulks and gird
ball were planned for the cominglers to and fro. Towards morning
year. It was also announced that j be said to the foreman, who was 8
garrison caps would be issued in a i notorious slave driver: "Boss, you
short time and that foils to be used jam sure you got me down on dat pay-
quostioned by the police. He says nesday. Herds of four or more In or! their homo on tho corner of Union
In fencing would be available.
The Armory club rooms are kept
open for members during the week
end and on Sunday afternoon. This
feature is providing a place of recre
ation for those whose homes are not
Iroll, yeh?"
The foreman glanced at his list.
"Yes," he said sternly, "here you
are Sam Simpson. That's right.
isn't it?
"Yaas, boas, but Ah thought meb-
near town will be visited by request. ;anl Falrview.
Both of the young people lire well-
PRESIDENT HARDING TO EAT known in the city, Mr. Provost hav
OPPOSUM FROM THE SOUTH Ing been associated with hi lather
j in the hardware business and is i
WASHINGTON, Dec. 19. Honey graduate of Ashland high school.
Honeycut, self-styled champion 'pes- His bride also has a host of friends j
sum hunter of the south, has scntjin the" city, having spent several
President Harding nn opposum for months here daring the summer
Mrs. Hicks proceeded to read the
cups as they sat about the table,
which was highly enjoyed by all.
Those present were: Mr. and Mrs.
G. Gulley, Mr. and Mrs. E. Coovllng,
Mr. and Mrs. B. Mlddleton, Mrs. F.
Doardorfi Mrs. Jennie Schwann Mrs
Emma Murphy, tin Misses Ruth Os-I
The horrors of tho Astoria fire will
I be portrayed on the screen at the
Viuiug tonight nnd a brief talk on
what he found when he arrived in
the city to do rescue work will be
made by a former Ashland man,
Upon leaving Ashland about six
It was received by parcel post at months ago, she went to Pasadena,
the White House from Honeycut's' where Bho had a fine position with
jnian, Mae Hadfield, Ernestine Hicks, j Frallk w- "'"ison, who was among
! Adeline Coovling, Effle Hazen, Hazel 1,10 fllBt ,0 nrHve to lleln the
iDoardorf, and Ollle Easterllng, Fred! sl,icken people.
I Beck, Lars Allison Wright Hicks. 1,8 llas Iriressed meeting at Al-
home In West Lake, La.
Vlidr Plans Nnias Tree
Children attending the Vlnlng the-
In the city. A canteen also supplies be yuh done gono got me down dab
their wants. A vote of thanks was as .Samson."
given the Civic club last night for
the donation of chairs for the club j Study Srliclulo Arranged
room. Students at Ashland high school
. I were busy today arranging their
FORMER A. H. S. FOOTBALL 'study schedule for the next term,
STAR COACHES CHAMPIONS which will begin January 22, 1923.
Vacation In the public and high!
The rotogravure section of the Echool of the city will begin Friday,
Minneapolis Journal for Sunday, De-December 22, and will terminate the'rt of r jiceu,,- T0nluht
1 1 1 - 1 1 I I .. : I . . . . rt I '
cen.uer o, B.B..u.u r.iu.o morning oi January s, iaza. P. A. Nagley, professor of business!
ine Alexandria, nnnn., iiign scnuu. iukkitiwiii I'l'anice JK'gins
football team, tho champions of i Basketball practice hag begun In
northern Minnesota. , j earnest at the high school, with
This team made an excellent, show-' nearly five teams out the first night.
Ing during the past season under the'onlv two members of the champion-
the telephone company. A short time
ago she resigned, and visited with!
friends and relatives in San Diogo1 CHAMBER OI
and other California cities. She Is
expected to reach Oakland on the
same day that Domino Provost does.
T. Mornn, and Mr. and Mrs. Hicks.
banyi Eugene, Roseburg, Grants Pass
land Medford In the Interest of the
jfire victims, and a good crowd Is
The bulletin on winter short
I courses at the Oregon Agricultural
j college is now off the press, and
j those Interested may obtain copies
I by writing to the registrar of the
college, Corvullls, Oregon.
These courses are arranged to give
the largest amount of practical
training possible In a short time, and
have been arranged to come at a
time when the work on the farm is
least pressing.
Tho only admission requirements
are that the applicant must be at
least 18 years of age, and must have,
completed the eighth grr le of the
public schools, or by practic! experi
ence have acquired the ability to
I O.flMr.Ilt 11, nvnuiilail in nltnn.l in l.ant 1. i Avnil
BOARD IN SESSION MONDAY' facts about what Astoria l like to-C;"7 the nncctutty.
Courses offered are as follows:
M.. TJ.wlur... envi Ilia iinu'.nq.l
The regular meeting of the board, ner8 have underrated the1 Tractnr ,1C.C "!";C8' jn.nBnr? ' 10
and the two will meet at the court- of directors of the chamber of com-: damaK0 and the suffering now occur-' f' ' TtTh , , , '
house. The wedillmr will he solemn-1 merce wan hehl In tho ao.r.tpv't ...... ..... January 2 to Marcii 1 7 ; h(.. ticulturo.
atre at the Sunday matinee will be Ized nt , ll()nle r fricml3 lmmed.: office Monday evening. A report of. ttlZ h 7m s ow arly de e!janunr' 2 t0 Mareh 171 da,ry ,ler,ls
greeted by Santa Claus and a IargeiateIy , tIln (rip ,,, comm,.ncn(1 , the actIvItles of tlie orKanlzatIon In ' of Ih"! iuJlneV",. oh' maM' e0Ur"' J"",m,'y 2 ' JUne 10''
Christmas tree. Every child attend-i ,I1B UMn,pr Vatr wa. ,, , many of the pro , Inent buslne , men )nl manufactlrln8( Jllllmlry 2.37
" - nr Aflinnn n ni ii !i 1 1 v nrn rnnnv. -
L , , , , land January 2S to February 24;
sack of candy and nuts by Santa.;; ' . '1 1 ZZ taken H .u u " "I . '"""""V.T. ''''"'"'.".'V: short course In horlicultnral prod-
who will be present at that time' ""Z Z" ZZ' to hold It early ZZ
through a special invitation of the' ....... ,.. ... 'commltten Pm,i r t. vor. J . ' ,T ' ... '' '. ... March 19-24.
l. .LI. . . . , I
11.H iiiin ir iui iuuiicH win iir Eivpn n . ... .... . . , .
- n..v , i.i... ti,. minim' nr inn n .1 niinnunt urna. . . .......
iciim iii-iuukiii in linn, nn ii.:inn;u - - .. ine nusiuess men ni asiimiii car-
i"nnt ffiilliv" In n plioren nf hnvlnc laueil Up and discussed. It being de- -i,i ,. ititio i,,,.f,a niv.n In
uiiuAiuaiiiiK niu"i mo iri.7n.-..u.., 1 - -- --- 1 ... , mo rxiremeiy nign rnio inai iippiieii
but' was ordered to the county Jail committee composed of L. F. Fergu-to the city, which accounts for the
when he was unable to furnish 20onjon. R. E. Detrlck nnd I. R. VlnlngneaVy IoBg stained,
bonds was "elected to make the necessary. '
arrangements for the affair. IkILENT CALL SYSTEM
administration of the University of ""nn 1'r" I "" """ """" "
Oregon, will speak on "Making George Edwin Dunn, commander "'ke the place on the board of dlrec-
Money from Ideas" at a meeting of of Ashl"1"1 1,031 11. American; ' v.....e., w,,.,, ...;just oml,lp,fi( n8taiiing the silent churches of the city have arrange.l
the chamber of commerce this even-' LoRlon' ls wearl"S 8 linI,n' lnlln ros";na,lnn etiry ' the Yr- but,can gystem nt the Community hos-ito hold a week of prayer, beginning
inir Th m.iin. ,m h i: today on account of the arrival of a which 'a not accepted until a re- . ... . . . . ,.,.,...' the evening of January 1 and contln-
coachlng of Harry E. Roese. Though ship team of last year are In school tn9 clv,c cub j,uliding, and will be Leglonalrre at his homo this niorn-iret nineling. A. C. Nlninger Is alao.j,,,,, absolutely noiseless when pa-'ulng for five nights. The sermon r. l
The Murphy Electric company has
The ministers of tho Protestant
there are probably not very many this year, the others being lost
people In the city today who will through graduation. These are
remember him, thoso who were close Hobson and Chapman. Tho material!
followers of the gridiron In 1912,. is good this year, and Coach HugheS!pace of tne reguiar TUPgdav forum :D,lnn ,!"""" wclK,ls ,0'4 pound,
will recall that Boese was a member, has hopes of developing another uncheon. The public ls cordially In-:
of the Ashland high school football championship team this season wlth;v,t6d t0 attend (ne mpotns thls cv. Mcny Stores Bring lKMoiiiteil
tAnMr. nf t 1 1 .1 , ni "hi. la .HA r par nrn-ian r.iiiiii.l wrn hn it nan '
word of him that has been rt.elved body.
followed by a social hour, during"1- noth the young soldier and nis. ... - tents call for a nurse. New Year's night w.ll bo by Rev.
which light refreshments will be1 mo!her are rpl,ortr'1 u 1,0 dnl,,R vory! ,'en . l'I"Ce of The system Is composed of lights' John Leggett. of the Christian
rred. Thla moilnp i. hoi,! i nicely, rue lamsi amuuon 10 ine vnrnil, .,., ..n,i is 80 arrniieil church, on Tuesday niglit Dy iiev.
) the east a few months ago.
that a nurse Is able to tell Instantly. 8. J. Chancy of the Methodist church.
on what floor the call was from and on Wednesday night by Rev. J. E.
on reaching that floor, lights In-, McShane of the Naarene chnrrh, on
To do this, every available
for some time and friends will he-man must report for practice,
glad to learn of his success In the Will See Kolb and Dill
coaching game, and wish him good; A party composed of Miss Ruth
luck next season.
In keeping with the holiday sea- . APPEAR OX THE SCREEN stalled at the entrance of each room Thursday night by Rev. w. Judsou
. . . j son, many merchants are making anj . I will tell the nurse where the call Oldfleld of the Congregational rie-
Medord Cop Smell Booze 'effort to decorate their siores and; Bert Moses received word this came from. In this manner, the call nomination, and ou Fiiday nl;ht by
A collection of choice liquors, In- ln a majority of Instances the result-1 morning from the Premier Syndicate. I also remains continuous until ih Rev. B. C. Millers of the Biptists.
eluding gin, champagne and whiskey.'ant erfert Is very fine! The win-! who are placing his sayings wlth'nurse goes to the patient and turns The services will all be held in thu
Osmun. Mr s Emma Murphy, Mrs.jgix sack full, were located In a ma-Mows in general present an attractive; periodicals over tho country, to the the light off In that room. I Presbyterian church and, owing t,
Selma Gray and Mrs. C. H. Pierce ex-, chine In a garage by Officer Adams.jappeaiance, while- the interior of thej effect that the Literary Digest had
Rev. W. R. Morenz-Oeser, of Med-, pert to motor to Medford tonight for of Medford. The driver, who gave buildings have been mado gay with ' contracted for his articles and that
ford, owner of the east side service the Kolb and Dill show, which plays his address as Vancouver, Wash.,' festoons of evergreen, tinsel and col-'they would be shown frequently In
Station, was in the city today.
stated neither the car nor its con-'ored paper.
iomo 1000 theatres over the country.
A ten-volt transformer has also this ract, Hev. Koenier win not ae
been installed to provide for the liver a sermon during the week but
special lights that are used with the, will have charge of the music each
system. night.