Ashland weekly tidings. (Ashland, Or.) 1919-1924, December 13, 1922, Page PAGE FOUR, Image 4

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Local and Personal
(From Saturday Dally)
Movei Reported
De?p Snow on Dead Indian
C. N. Gilmore has moved from 346 I Jamca Smith, of Phoenix, and a
Liberty street to 676 on the same; partner came in from the Dead In
street. jdlan country Thursday, and report
B. Holman recently moved into throe feet of snow on the farther side
Her on Business
A. R. Brashear, live-wire resident!
of Rogue River, in the northern part j
of the county, was In the city Friday
afternoon and today. Though a resi
dent of Jackson county, Mr. Brash
ear represents the Closset & Devers
concern of Portland and Seattle.
Ie Molay Initiates
Several local boys were initiated
into the order of De Molay, at Med
tord Thursday night, the boys repre
senting practically all parts of the Mo,
Rogue River valley. Visiting Masons:eenlng from
the property at 426 A street
Rot u i hi from Bua uesa Trip
H. G. Endors Jr. returned Friday
from a short business trip to San
Francisco and some of the oihnr bay
of the mountain. They spent all day
Wodnesday traveling by foot from
Lost Prairie to the Hunt ranch on
the Dead Indian road. They walked
in from the Hunt ranch Thursday
r!H. TIb rennrts lot of rain In the. 1110 m "avo ocen trapping ana re-
south, and is glad to get back to ! 1 ort hvinS cau6ht tw n"a
4hiBn(i Jmals, one being a fisher and the
Returns from Visit in East
Mrs. H. G. Euders returned Fri
day morning from a three months
visit with her mother In Amsterdam,
Mr. Endors returned Thursday
a several days' busl-
from Grant Pass, Medford and Ash-jness trip to 'Frisco.
for the
core- (iasolino Sales Heavy-
There were 6,405,454.2 gallons of
gasoline sold in Oregon during Octo
ber, according to reports filed with
Sam Kozer, secretary of state. The
state tax totals $112,254. 60, While
land were present
"The Gold Diss"" Pleases
With a laugh in nearly every lire,
an excellent cast and fine stage fit
tings, Avery Hopwood's comedy,
"The Gold Diggers," delighted a: gasoline sales decreased 15 per cent
large audience at the Vinlng theatre! as compared to the previous month,
last night. The attraction was es-sales of distillate show a gain of
other a marten,
Football Danee. Tonight
In honor of the football team,
Floyd Dickey 'has extended an Invi
tation to all the football squad to
attend the danco as his guests at
Jackson Hot Springs this evening.
The following men have boen Invit
ed: Beeson, Marske, Hobson, Chap
man, Carlton, Wentner, Caldwell,
I Bowerman, DIx, Mofflt, Lockhart
and Butterfield. Yell-leader Hall
I will also be present, and will assist
In making the evening lively. Ever
ett Acklin will furnish transportation
for the boys.
peclally enjoyed, In that Ashtaml
theatre goers are seldom given an
opportunity to see a production of
this kind here.
Hearing Is Waived
more than 30 per cent.
O. A. ( Yacaton Soon
Si udents now attending the Ore
gon Agricultural college at Corviil-
I is will be returning home for the
(From Monday's Dally)
Mra. Mabel Nichols, confessed i annual Christmas vacation In a short
alayer of Robert Greer at the bum-i time. The vacation period will be-l
I Dunce Greatly Enjoyed
The football dance at the Jackson
j Hot Spring Saturday night, given by
' Tll. l 1 - . . .
ml t tHnn . week flirn this!,.. i u "'ey in uouor 01 ma local
morning, has waived preliminary Oregon and other colleges will close ?'rn P.roVteid T 8UC"
Vw-tnc ho. hn KnnnH i fn ll.. .1 . . .....ft lu 1.1UDB wuo were
"w"6 o uv.. wwH..u -"iiiteir iiuuib a lew uajs mier.
the grand Jury, now In session at
Klamath Falls. Ball was fixed at
$5000, which she was unable to
Visited Mrs. Abbott
Mrs. A. R. Mount and son, Rob
ert, were recent guests at the homo
of Mrs. A. F. Abbott, returning home
the earlier part of the week.
Returns from Portland
Henry F. Pace, who has been in
Portland for the past week, enjoying
a phort vacation, returned to Ashland
Friday evening.
Visited from Dunsmu'r
Mr. and Mrs. Clyde K. Brown were
recent visitors in the city from Duns-
muir, spending a few days here with
Mr. Brown's father.
Leaves for Portland
Jesse Winburn left this morning
for Portalnd for a short trip.
Here from Medford
Paul MacDonald, of Medford, was
In the city Friday night to attend
the performance of "The Gold Dig
gers." Several people from Medford
motored down for the show.
Will Study in Los Angeles
Miss Pauline Plummer expects to
leave January 1 for Los Angeles, to
enter the Bible institute. Her
friends will miss her In Christian
Endeavor and Sunday school activi
ties, but rejoice in this splendid op
portunity for study that she will
Return to Rogue Rive
Miss LUlie Anderson, who has
been visiting Mrs. Charles Robert
son on the Boulevard for a few days,
returned to Rogue River today.
Hei from Ki'rby
Mr. and Mrs. S. Williams, of Klr
by, were In the city this week, on
Home from Eureka
Mike Patton returned Thursday
from Eureka, Calif a-rter having
spent the past two months In that
I hTimatli to 0H- Season
present. The music was excellent,
and a live crowd, almost all of whom
Official opening of the Christmas were from Ashland, kept things go-
season at Klamath f alls will be made lug every minute.
Tuesday. Christmas trees for street Expects to Move Here
necorauoiiB, one tor cacn zs leet, r. n. Taylor a civil engineer of
will be supplied to merchants (at $ljFort Jones, Calif., spent several days
each). High school boys will cut' last week in Ashland. He was here
Ihe trees and bring them to town, looking for a house to move Into, as
The stores will not be open in the he expects to move his family here
evening, but every merchant will. about the first of the year,
have his windows decorated and , Buys New Car
lighted. Miss Vlda Bradshaw, teacher In
Black Bear Near City
While going up the canyon road
one morning this week, W. A. Con
ner and Mr. Kelts spied a good-sized
black bear crossing the road just
above the third bridge beyond tho
the Wagner Creek school, bought a
new Ford the latter part of last
Hw Are the Roads?
Inquiries In regard to the condi
tion of the roads to the south of
lower reservoir. Mr. Conner says! Ashland have been made and might
the bear did not see them approach
ing until they were only n short dis
tance away, but that he made tracks
In a great hurry once he saw them.
Mr. Conner also says that on Thurs
day morning he saw tracks where
five or six deer came down the road
to the Lacy home, which Is only a
little ways above the upper camp
ground. Entertain Bercnu Class
The monthly meeting of the Bap
tist Berean class, Mrs. O. F. Carson,
teajcher, was entertained, by Mrs.
Channell at her cozy new built home
on. Fairvlew and Union streets,
Thursday afternoon. .After devotion
al exorcises, the afternoon was Bpent
in review of Bible work in the Sun
day school. The study of the life of
be answered as very good, consider
ing that one car drove from Wood
land, Calif., Sunday nnd two others
arrived here in the evening, having
made the trip from Redding. The
occupants of the cars report that
snow was falling all the way from
Redding until they arrived at tho
Barron place a few miles south of
Riuul Rehearsals PostHned
Rogular Monday night practices by
tho city band will be discontinued
until after the first of the year ac
cording to word given out by Carl
H. Loveland, director, this morning.
This means there will be no rehear
sal this evening.
Dies Here Saturday
Dr. Harry E. Mitchell died Satur
day afternoon at 1 o'clock at the
Christ will be taken up at tho noxtjnome of c M. WaIte on Iowa treet
meeting in January. Delicious re
freshments consisting of ice cream
and three kinds of cake were served
during the afternoon. Those present
beside tho hostess, were: Meadanies
O. F. Carson, C. A; Cotter, J. H.
Phllpott, S. A. Peters Jr., Elda An
derson, E. Spates, C. Taylor, H.
Hamilton and F. Dodge.
.Meet with Mm. Cotter
Dr. Mitchell came here very recently
to visit with friends and was strlck
en with paralysis. The funeral ser
vices will be held Tuesday afternoon
at 2 o'clock from J. P. Dodge & Son'B
funeral parlors. Interment will take
place In Mountain View cemetery.
Here on Stjito Business
Lee Rusk, representative -of the
bureau of labor for the state of Ore-
section of the country. He also made
a short trip to San Francisco and The Friday Afternoon Ebroldory g0n, Is spending a few days In Ash
other cities about the bay, while In club met ycBterday afternoon at the . land, looking over certain equipment
the neighboring state. home of Mrs. C. A. Cotter, on Hnrrl-i which Is Inspected by the state every
Visiting In AhIiIhikI son street. The afternoon was spent j few months. He arrived from Klam-
Mr. and Mrs. Campbell, of Med-. In tho rush of completing many.ath Fulls Saturday and will leave
ford, were visiting Friday with Mr. dainty things for Christmas gifts, i In a few days on his trip north, stop
and Mrs. C. D. Woods at their home 'during which time light refreshments' ping at various places where boilers
on Cresham street
Open New Iol Itunnk
James H. Cooke, who recently
rented a portion of the building oc
cupied by the Square Deal grocery,
opened his pool room this week. Mr.
Cooke was formerly in the room now
occupied by the Irwin pool hull.
Move to Shook Uiilldlpg
Robert Middleton, proprietor of
Elkhorn gun store, has moved his
place of business from the room with
the Orres tailoring shop to the room
In the Shook building formerly oc-
were served.. Those present were:
Meadames Roy Hale, Mark Smith,
Walter Frulan, O. W. Long, J. C.
Poor Frank Nelson, Roy Hosier, H.
C. Emery, Guy Jacobs, and tho host
ess. Guests for thi afternoon were Roseburc. snent Snnilav vlsitlne with
Mesclames F. Dodge, E. Crisler, C. ! bis parents, Mr. and Mrs. S. A.
and equipment are to be Inspected.
Here, fiom RoNebiii-g
Howard Parker, who has been em
ployed for some time by the Cali
fornia Oregon Tower company, at
Bomar and H. Bell.
Grants Pbnh Men Identified
Positive Identification of Oregon
Eden Man Exhibit
Among the poultry exhibitors from
and Dewey Jones, charged with high-, this section to exhibit at the South-
way robliery north of Grants Pass ern Oregon Poultry association show
last September, as convicts 1909 and was E. C. Lockwood, of the White
1910, by officials of the Oklahoma i Wing Poultry farm, of Eden precinct.
copied by the Pantorium pressing; state reformatory, has been made His birds were ineligible to compete,
and cleaning establishment. The . eastern sentences were given as he had their wings clipped, this
Returns from California July 12, 1917. ' Oregon Jones is said barring them from entrance for hlgh-
Al McN'abb who has been spend-jto have been released from the Ore-, est scores, though the fowls were of
lag the last few months In Eureka,, Ron state training school at Salem 'fine auall'tv.
and other northern California towns,
returned to his home here ibis week.
No T. B. at Valley View-
Tuberculosis tests of dairy cows
In September, 1916. Buys Medforl Eleetric Shop-
Give card Paily I). R. Conner, of Ashland, has pur-
Mrs. Henry Carter gave a delight-; chased the Walker Electrical com
ful "600" party at her home on'nanv. from Max GeBauer. who re-
returned from the Valley View dls-j Sixth street last evening, which was centa purchased the establishment
trict show that there was not a reac-, followed by a delicious lunch. Mrs. I from Mr. Walker. Mr Conner has
tor present or even a susplciuus ani
mal in the entire section.
Clunges RedidVnce
Xri. Claire Minard, of the Plaza
Basketball to Start
After having enjoyed a short rest
over the Thanksgiving recess, Coach
Walter Hughes, of the high school,
has summoned all basket shooters to
report for practice, work starting In
earnest this week.
Hero from Portland '
Russell Williams, salesman for
Healy Bros, a Portland furniture
house, was a visitor In the city Sat
urday. Visitor (mm Weed
T. R. Bundy, of Weed, Calif., is
here visiting for a Bhort time. Mr.
Bundy was formerly here with the
laundry company, but has been em
ployed! by the Weed Lumber com
pany for some time past.
Leaves for Portland-
Jesse Winburn left for Portland
Saturday by auto and was ac
companied by Mis. B. F. Irving and
Miss Helen Dotrick, who have been
his guests since Thanksgiving Mr.
Winburn expects to return to Ash
land this week.
Hero for Visit
Mr. and Mrs. Roy Ashcraft, of
Susanvlllet Calif., are here for a few
weeks' visit with relatives and
John Anderson Honored-
John Andorson, a senior at the
University of Oregon and an Ash
land boy, has been named one of
the 18 members of the Greater Ore
gon committee, organized to promote
and advance the welfare of the Uni
verslty. Others from southern Ore
gon who were named are JCarle Voor
hies, Grants Pass, Wilbur Godlove,
Medford, and Carl Newburv, of
Klamath Falls and Medford.
Medford May Get Game
The state board has granted per
mission for a post season game with
a Toledo, Ohio, football team. Med'
ford is seeking an opportunity to
play the easterners, and if a suffic
iently large financial guarantee Is
put up, they may get it, providing
it is not cancelled at the last mo
ment. Burned by Steam
Mrs. J. M. Wagner was quite bad
ly burned Saturday morning when
the top of a steam cooker which she
was using blew off and allowed the
steam to rush out in her face. She
is resting easy today and it is
thought she wl'.l net suffer any ser
ious Injury from the accident.
Will Move to Ashu nd
Mr. and Mrs. John Hair, of Port
land, who are visiting for a few days
in Grants Pass, have purchased
property here and will make this city
their future home. They are ex
pected to arrive in Ashland some
time this week.
Hog Breeders to Organize
. For the purpose of perfecting an
association for southern Oregon,
breeders of Hampshire swine in Jack
son and-Josephine counties will meet
tomorrow evening at the Oxford ho
tel, Grants Pass. The meeting will
be attended by all of the prominent
breeders of the two counties, num
bering about 35, many of whom have
already obtained recognition as
growers of extra fancy stock. C. C.
Cate, Jackson county agent, and D.
W. Cooney, county agent of Douglas
county, will be present.
Paving Nearly Completed
Pavement all the way from the
California line to Corvallis will be
but a matter of, days now, according
to a reoent report. Six more days
will be required to complete the work
at . Canyonville. After this Is fin
ished, it will be allowed to set for
21 days after which It will be op
ened to traffic.
I,ocal Woman Granted Pension
Among the 15 Oregonlans recent
ly granted pensions, ranging from
$12 to $30, is Hattle Boyd, of Ash
land, who has been allowed $30.
Only two others received this
amount, Maggie Ro38, Imbler, and
William T. Mlnnlck, of Oakridgo.
Here from Hilt
Mr. and Mrs. Fay F. Potter ar
rived here from Hilt, Calif., and are
spending a week visiting with rela
tives and friends In the city. They
expect to leave the latter part of this
week for the northern part of the
state for a visit with other relatives.
Spends Week-Eml Here ,
B. R. Jones, of Hilt, Calif., 4pent
the week end visiting in Ashland.
Cafe Owner A!out Again
R. A. Avery, owner of the Nelda
., ,. (
(Continued from Paga 1)
C. S. Roberts, third senior buck; Hal
E. Osboine, .first senior doe;.J. F.
Smith, baby Junior buck, first and
second, first on baby junior doe.
Steel Gray Flemish Wm. Crosby,
first senior buck; Movie Rabbltry,
second junior buck; W. W. Estes,
second senior doe; Movie Rabbltry,
first, Becond and third junior buck
and first junior doe; G. W. Pratt,
second Junior doe; Movie Rabbltry,
third Junior doe. ,
White New Zealand T. A., How
land, first senior buck, first senior
Silver Black Flemish Leslie L. Hel
ler, first senior buck, first and sec
ond and third senior doe, first Jun
ior buck, first junior doe, first, sec
ond and third baby Junior buck;' W.
P. Rathe, first baby junior doe; Lea-
He L. Heller, second doe and litter.
Nat Grey Flemish W. P. Rathe,
SALEM, Dec. 6. One of the 15
units necessary for graduation from
a standard high school may be earn
ed by student members of the Ore
gon National Guard when, through
out their four-year course, they at
tend all drills regularly and meet the
THE DALLES, Or., Dec. 6. High
way workers on The Dalles-Dufur
soction of The Dalles-California high
way recently dug out a mass of live
rattlesnakes and grass snakes as big
as a man's head, while engaged in
excavation work, according to the'
requirements of the 15 days annual ' report brought to this city by high-
training camp.
- This was announced in a letter
prepared by J. A. Chruchill, state
superintendent of public Instruction,
to be distributed among the super
intendents of schools of districts in
which there is a company of the
All attendance must be certified to
way engineers.
The snakes wero coiled about each
other In a sinuous mass and were in
a fissure of rock through which a
small stream of water was running,
it was said. They were in a semi
dormant state by reason of being In
the process of hibernation, and tho
rattlers were killed without tho us-
by tbe captain of the company, based ' ual excitement and danger attendant
upon the federal drill attendance re
turns, upon which the United States
treasury pays the men.
upon such a procedure.
Mrs. George W. Loosley and Mr.
first senior buck, first senln.. ,,ea " ceieoraiea me.r nirinuays
C. S. Roberts, second and third sen
ior doe; J. F. Smith, first junior
buck; G. W. Pratt, first Junior doe;
J. F. Smith, second Junior doe.
Special Premiums
Best New Zealand doe Dick
Hitchcock. Best New Zealand buck
Lucille Beswlck.
Best rabbit in show exhibited by
boy or girl Dick Hitchcock.
Best rabbit in show White Flem
ish senior buck shown by J. F
Smith. ,
Best Flemish Giant in show Sen
ior buck, by J. F. Smith.
Best Checkered Giant in show
Senior buck, by Hal E. Osborne.
Special silver cup for best exhibit
one breed Sungold Rabbltry, Tal
jointly Friday evening at the home
of Mrs. Loosley on Oak street, where
a fine dinner was served to those
who had gathered to help make the
day a pleasant one for those cele-emlnent commander; W. H. McGow-
The regular meeting of the Knight
Templars was held in Masonic hall
Wednosday night, and the annual
election of officers was held, result
ing in the following knights being
chosen to manage the affairs of the
lodge for the coming year.
Dr. F. H. Johnson, of Ashland,
brntlng the ' anniversary of their! an, or Medrord, generalissimo; H. C.
birth. . Sparr, of Ashland, captain general;
Those pnesont during the evening Glenn Fabrick, of Medford, senior
were Mr. and Mrs. E. K. Loosley and ' warden; D. H. Jackson, of Ashland,
son, of Montague, Calif., Mr. and!iunl"r warden; C. H. Vaupcl, of
Mrs. C. V. Loosley and two children, J Ashland, treasurer; William Day, of
Mr. nnd Mrs. Fred Neil, sons Joe ; Ashland, recorder.
and Kay and daughter, and Mr. and!
Mrs. G. W. Loosley.
Cut Thumb Bndly
George Sheldon is making the
rounds with one hand bandaged up
as the result of having chopped off
the end of his thumb Saturday even
ing while splitting soma kindling
wood. The thumb is quite sore, but
it is thought that It will cause him
very little Inconvenience, once the
soreness leaves and the member
heals. ' ''
County Court Fixes Taxe
Jackson county's tax levy for
1923 has been fixed by the county
court, and will be 26.7 mills for out
side of highj school districts and
26.6 mills for Inside, the high school
districts, a mill less than laRt year.
Ashland's levy will be 26.4, as the
city is exempt from the county li
brary levy of two mills, Wie local
building being maintained it muni
cipal expense. The levy will raise
a total of $723,831, including the
state tax. The general levy is ld.5
mills, and will raise $461,943. It
Includes $39,063 for road work and
$130,000 for county administration
Medford Man Shoots Self
While making ready to clean a
loaded Luger pistol at his home,
George Barnum, Medford garage
owner, was shot through the knee
joint. Ho is now reported to be rest
ing more easily, through the first
night, spent at the Sacred Heart hos
pital, was quite painful. '
Streets Are Icy
On account of the Icy surface of
Main street just above the Plaza,
men employed by the city laid a
coating of crushed granite oh 'the
pavement this morning in order to
eliminate the possibility of accidents.
Good Routs Are Arranged
Battling Ortega, of Pacific coast
fame, has been signed to meet Gor
don McKay in a 10 round bout at
the Natatorlum, December 22. Jack
Edmundson will meet Tom Sharkey
in the semi-final. The other alx
rounil go will feature Battling Frick
and Danny Cummins. There will
alio bo a four-round curtain raiser.
An excellent card has been arranged
for the event by the promoters.
Appoints Agent Here .
A representative of the San Fran
cisco Call was In the city Monday In
the Interest of bis publication. He
appointed Lester Beck as agent for
the paper in Ashland.
Hero from AnV.ty
Lloyd Cole, of Amity, Or., who ia
, Garage Changes Ixteaon
Avery Trask, who has been oper
ating the Park garage for some time
past, has moved his equipment Into
the room at the corner of Main and
Pioneer street, which was formerly
occupied by the Class A garage. The
By adding several thousands of
dollars to his establishment, O. II.
Johnson, local jeweler, now has tho
finest store of its kind in southern
Oregon. New wall cases, of quar
tered oak, liavo been Installed, and
n hnlcnnv built, while the entire
machine shop In the rear of the new buil(ling nas ,)Ben refinl8hed Inside.
location will be opened up with con
siderable new equipment and will be
able to take care of all kinds of re
pair work.
Return from Idaho Visit
Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Wenner re
turned this morning from a few
weeks' visit with their daughter at
Emmettr Idaho. Mr. Wenner re
ports that they encountered some
very bad weather in the northern
part of the state on their way home,
but' cays hey had a very enjoyable
Baby Girl Arrives
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Erlckson are
the proud parents of a fine baby girl
who' arrived at their home Monday
morning. Steve is stepping high and
says that It is the finest ever. Mother
and daughter are both doing nicely.
Visits Colo Fumlly
Lee M. Caswell, a civil engineer
from Eden Valley, Minn., stopped
overnight In Ashland for a brief visit
with W. N. and T. A. Cole, while en
route to San Francisco. Mr. Caswell
Is an old-time schoolmate of T. N.
Cole's, and had not seen him for
several years. He Is also an overseas
LeRoy Ashcraft Home
. LeRoy Ashcraft, who has been
working In the neighborhood of Su
sanvllle, Calif., close to the Nevada
state line, has returned to Ashland.
He expects to remain in the city for
about a month.
Granta Pass Wants Club House
Mayor C. H. Demaray has been
appointed by O. S. Blanchard, presi
dent of the chamber of commerce, to
take charge of the work looking to
the acquiring of a community build
ing, says the Grants Pass Courier.
Mayor Demaray has taken an active
part In this work In the past nnd Is
greatly interested in the psoject. He
stated that he would do everything
In his power to bring about the es
tablishment of such a building in
Grants Pass. In commenting edi
torially upon the subject, the Cour
ier says: "Of course, Grants Pass
wants a community building. Other
places are doing it and Grants Pass!
will ultimately join the ranks of the
progressive cities which have pro
vided such places."
In addition to the improvements,
Mr. Johnson has this year placed on
display in his store, the most com
plete stock of Jewelry carried in this
section of the state.
Mr. Johnson, by his puMiase of
new equipment and stock, shows hi
faith in Ashland and believes tho
future will completely justify tho
expense he has Incurred.
Real Estate, Chunges Hands
Mr. and Mrs. H. A. Stearns have
sold their Nutley street property to
William E.. Counter, the deal hav
ing been completed Monday.
Department of the Interior, U. S.
Land Office nt Uoscburg, Oregon,
December 11,, 1922.
NOTICE Is hereby given that Riley
Kennedy, of R. 1, Box 100, Ashland,
Oregon, who on jTily 10, 1918, made
Homestead Entry, Serial No. 0U330V
for the SW of NW',4 of Section ,
Township 40 S., Range 2 E., Willam
ette Meridian, has filed notice of in
:ention to make final three year
Proof, to establish claim'XP the land
above described, before F. rk Davi ,
U. S. Commissioner, at his office, at
Medford, Oregon, on the 22nd day
of January, 1923.
Claimant names ns witnesses:
John Groves, of Ashland, Oregon.
Al. Hopkins, of Ashland, Oregon.
Frank Richardson, of Ashland,
Claude Long, of Ashland, Oregon.
85-6-wed Register.
Investigata cur Ideal
For Small or Largo Houses
Our New line f Heating Stoves
Aro Now In,
Pf ovost Bros.
rpendlng a few days in the city, vis-
Cafe, made his first appearance netted with Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Kuyken
Avery'a condition was quite serious (an( 0f Laurel street, Sunday. Mr.
his place of business Saturday. fol-!colo Is In the valley with the expect-
lowlng several woeks' illness. Mr. at'.on of renting a ranch.
glad to see him about again.
(From Ti'esday'a Dally)
Alex Livingston won first prize and had considerable experience in the
Mrs. C. R. D. Jones was able to hold electrical line and has an experienced
forth for the next prize. Those pres- battery man. The name of the shop v'alta In Mcrtford
ent for the evening were: Mesdames' has been changed to the Radio Bat- ti,j nninm f iha Vnrietv
II t ..I n . - .V.M...., v. - '
'""'"UTO'' u" K. U. Jones, It. E- Hail. Tonv . terv and Electric hon
He la nlan-' t,tiA w.. ,inaua vtaitm In fpd-
t.m ln:on .,.,., r ranco. Key Gearhart, William Hah- nlng on moving to Medford as aoon'ford Monday afternoon.
"""" """ ""r'D ti, u. u. Turner. Roy Hosier. 'ai he can secure a residence
Ite atraet Millie Kackett, Mrs. Livingston. Wil-'the Mail Tribune.
To Meet k New Club Houe Ham Wallace, Lena Bredlns and Medford lu.slnea VL,lio
Tha Ladle' Art club will hold, W;i!lam tnn.i. I ... . .. . I
their regular meeting Monday even-j !-eve tar Ihuwrnulr
lag and art taking advantage of the C. K
Missionary Society to Meet
The Baptist Mlslsonary society will
meet at the church Wednesday after
noon at 2:30 o'clock. Mrs. Beswlck
is the leader. Mrs. Britton, of Grants
Pass, who has charge of missions in
this district, will be present. All la
dles of the church and congregation
are cordially Invited.
V'.rn Destroy Ram .
The bam on the George Sullivan
place in the Valley View district
says celebrate Birthday
Miss Carol Mitchell celebrated her
birthday Saturday at her home on
Attorney E. D. Brlggs was In Med- Laurel street by giving a o'clock burned to the ground Saturday af
I ford Saturday, visiting friends and dinner to aome of her friends. A ternoon, with it contents. Some
Home left this week for attending to some leeal affair. L... jaii.t,iri i,iiii iiwnl ln li In the horn was tha nrinclnal
new Coamnltr club house which. Dunsmuir. Calif., where he has been' VHtlng with Aunt conversation and music. Those pres-! loss In the way of contents. The
they will DM for their meeting for. transferred by the Southern Pacific Mrs. Leta Hill, of Lanaell'a Tailev.! m Mi,i.m wv Mlaa In., .mnnntert n ahout 1700 and
time. The hoi'.twi for comLanv. The Hnmp. hi i,.on i T.-ign..ih i. ... . . .'., ,. ., a v. i. o.
- " .1. u viruiii, i. ucic iui a icw Marnei uayion mra. niaruia uiiitu- nua yaruy luincu uj moumuir v.-
Ma.lamM Khnrt. ! ,1 , T . . . 1 I 1
. ,,u,s u iu.i aireei, ana tue weeK- t b t with her aunt. Mn. oil rh.rlo. Mltrholl will). Jnhnnn rlert w Ih the B 11 ines aeencv. The
evening are
ridge, Patton and Harkln.
family are leaving thortly.
i Huff, of Garfield Btreet
and Mis Carol Mitchell.
Icause of the fire Is unknown.
Christmas Specials
Fresh Golden Dates, per lb. 25c 5 lbs. for $1-00
Ere 'hi Citron Lemon and Orangi Peel
. EnH'li Currants, per lb. 2'c
Cluster Raisins per lb. 23c
Sun Maid Seedless Raisins, 7 lb 4. for 91.00
Iut stuffed with Peeiins, per pkj; IOe
No. 1 California Walnuts, per lb. S'.r 3 lbs. for $1.00
Homo grown Walnuts, per lb '. 25c
Home grown Almonds, per lb 25c
. Brazil Nuts, 5 lbs. for $1.00
.Chestnuts, per lb 25c
Hickory Nuts, per lb. , . 33c
Wo Have a Full Line of Christmas Candles at Hi? Best Trices