Ashland weekly tidings. (Ashland, Or.) 1919-1924, December 13, 1922, Page PAGE THREE, Image 3

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Local and Personal
(From Wednesday's Dally)
Medford Physician Bites
Hr Honrv Hurt nnA nf the Ipurilnff
physicians and surgeons of Medford.
AinA Mnn,iv ni,rht fniinwinB n i
emergency operation rierformed last
week for appendicitis. He was 59
voars of nee and was born at West
rolnt. Ills., February 13. 1863. For a"d 80Utn ot Ashland was sponsible
a great many years he practised In 1' " arr,val f Southern Pa
Qulncy, Ills., coming to Medford ln!'f'e trains toAr, most of which ar
1909. Prior to his death he was rived " the city within an hour or
vice-president and a member of the f the scheduled time,
board of directors ot the First Na- Will Tulk on Dairying
tlonal bank. He was a member of P'f- Jamison, dairy expert from
the Medford Elks, Bodley lodge, A. the Oregon Agricultural college, will
F. & A. M., of Qulncy, Ills. Funeral
services will bo held Thursday after
noon, with Interment In the I. 0. 0
F. cemetery. Rev. William B. Ham
ilton will officiate.
Hero from Oopco
William Harper, of Copco, has
been spending a few days in Ash- j
8. P. Buys Many Cars
The Southern Pacific has author
ized construction of freight and pas
senger train cars representing an In-
vestment of $12,000,000. to be do-jthe State District Attorneys Assocla
livered In 1923, according to lnfor-jtion of Oregon will hold its annual
mation received today by O. N. Kra-j meeting oiitsldo of Portland, when
mer, S. P. agent for ABhland. The .the mombers gather at Eugene De
new equipment Includes 4525 freight, comber 15 and 16 at the invitation
cars, 141 passenger cars, in addition J of the school of law of the Unlver
to the 5000 refrigerator cars and slty of Oregon. There are 36 at
300 refrigerators equipped foi pas-jtorneys with membership in the as
senger train service recently ordered sociatlon at present, and an atten-
by the Pacific Fruit Express com-j
Attending Dental Meeting
Dr. F. II. Johnson left for Port
land Wednesday evening to attend
the annual meeting of the Oregon
State Dental society. .
Hero on Hiislnoss
Harry D. Arnold, representative of
the Merganthaler Linotype com
pany, who makes his home In Tort
land, was a business visitor in the
city today.
Poll In nd People Here
Mr. and Mrs. J. Holtman, of Port
land, stopped over last night In the
city. '
Homo front Hilt
A. F. Abbott, of Alida street, ar-
rived.home from Hilt, Calif., tins,
week, after spending the past
eral months working in a sawmill at
that place. Mr. Abbott states that
the mill expects to close down on
ajunt of the storm and may not
open again until spring.
- Medford Man Sentenced
George Grlgsby, of Medford. was
sentenced to the county Jail for 30
days and fined $25 by Justice Gowdy
this morning on a charge of driving
an automooiie witnout a cnauueur s
Uncos, preferred by J. J. McMahon,jmunUv, club at A8niand gayg the
deputy state traffic officer for this
district. Grigsby endeavored to raise
the amount of the fine to $50 and
, avoid a Jail sentence, which, after
ing taken under advisement by.
JusUVp.Gowdy, was refused after mc-
Mahon aim torn or ungsnyg pastiMrs Ua R Callahan, Miss Helen
record. J,;W. Hatcher, chief of po-'on an(, MlM Gertrude Strickland
lice, iook ie prisoner 10 jachso,,-,f
vino mi auernoon.
Spend Week-End Here
Mr. and Mrs. R. R. Stewart, of
Davenport, Wash., spent the week
end with their cousin, Mrs. Jose
phine Crocker. Mr. and Mrs,. Stew
art are en route to California, where
they will spend the winter.
On the Kick List
Mrs. R. W. Conover has been un
able to be at the Needlecraft Shop
this week, having been confined to
her home by a very serious cold.
Miss Claudine Cox Is taking care of
the shop in her place.
Hero for Winter
Mr. and Mrs. Schont, of Vancou
ver, Wash., arrived ihere a few days
ago and have taken an apartment at
147 Granite street with the inten
tion of spending the winter here.
Mr. Schont has been in poor health
for some time and came here to see
If the climate would benefit him.
Pays Kino in Court
William Reinhart, proprietor of
Plaza pool hall, was given a $10 fine
In Justice Gowdy's court today for
nllowlnga minor in his place of bust- a series of four sermons in Eugene
nees. The minor son of Rev. and'ukt week. The meetings will be
Mrs. Koehler went into the pool hall: held in the First Methodist church,
to talk to Reinhart's Bon, who was
slightly injured In an accident a few
days previous and had started to
play a game of pool when Mrs. Koch-J found they could not obtain the Ar
ler passed by the place and saw him.jniory, because of previous arrange
She preferred the charge against the ments.
Visitors Likfl Ashland .
Mr. and Mrs. Ketel and son of,
Portland, have been visiting In Ash-,
land during the past few days. They
are quite Impressed with the city
nnd think the park and the water :
they best they ever saw, paying high East Main and First Btreets Wednes
rompllments to both. They will re-j day evening about 4 o'clock during
turn to their home In few days, ; the" snow storm, when the truck,
hut expect to drive through- next 'coming from the east, started to torn
numnier and stated they expected to, around at the Intersection of the
make a longer stay time. streets nnd failed to note' an ap
Wlll Meet Thursday ' I proaching car going east, until it
The regular meeting of Trinity
Guild will be held Thursday af!er -
noon at 2:30 o'clock in the Par'sh
house. -
Visits Grandmother
. Emery ParshaU.' of Montague, is
in the city" visiting with bit grand-,
parents, Mr. and Mrs. William H.
Smith, of East Main street, for i
few days. Mr. Parshall reports con
ditions In northern California as be-
lnS ve,'y b1ow wIth the "P of
th6 sneeP market, which he says, In
the best it has been for soma time.
All Trains Delayed
Too much "weather" to the north
discuss dairy feeding Friday after
noon durln? the Winter Fair, and
will also speak In Medford Saturday
afternoon at the public library, on
the same subject.
Hc;v from Portland
J. It. Lee, supervising construction
foreman for the Pacific Telephone
and Telegraph company for the slate
of Oregon, was a business visitor in
the city Tuesday.
Dlsti l Attorneys to Meet
For the first time in recent years,
dance of 30 is expected.
Prohibition Comes High
According to vouchers on file at
the county'clerk's office, prohibition
enforcement during November cost
$1008, the highest since August,
1922, when many raids were staged.'
Of this amount $809 was issued to
3. B. Sandifer, for services rendered,
gasoline and other expenses. The
remaining $199 wag issued to J. H.
Leggett and Bert Moses.
Southern Oregon Featured
Scenic attractions of southern Ore
gon are being featured in a booklet
entitled "Beauty Spots of Oregon,"
containing excellent colored photo
graphic plates of scenic spots of the
state recently issued by the Multno-
mah llotel portiand. Crater and
sev-,Klamath lake9 are featured, a col
ored plate of Crater lake appearing
on the first page. The Oregon Cares
also come In for their share of pub
Wliibum Entettivns
Jesse Winburn, of Sap and Salt
entertained a distinguished body of
j iorllan,i and Corvallis women at the
j Me(ifon, hotel l48t Saturday night at
L ban(,uot n the special dining room
. , .... dcdiCation of the Com.
Medford Mail Tribune, The women
included Mrs. B. F. Irvine, wife of
the editor of the Portland Journal;
Mrs. Ward Irvine, Miss Helen Diet
,ck flnd M,M Ha'M, Handy proml.
u Portlan(1 neWspaper women;
Q A c prominent in women's
club and extension work. The fol
lowing local people were also guests:
Mr. and Mrs. F. P. Ferrell, of Med
ford, County Judge and Mrs. George
Gardner, Mrs. L. L. Robinson and
Mrs. Miriam Shepherd, of Ashland.
and Miss Louise Manning, of Med.
Visited with Peters Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Ray Young, of Port
land, spent Thanksgiving week with
Mr. and Mrs. S. A. Peters Jr. Mr.
Young is connected with the Mar
shall Fields company, of Chicago,
and ho and Mrs. Young are on their
way to southern California. Mr. and
Mrs. S. A. Peters Jr. entertained at
Thanksgiving dinner the following
guests: Mr. and Mrs. Ray Young. Mr.
and Mrs. S. A. Peters Sr., Mr. and
I Mrs. II. O. Butterfleld, Arthur Pet
ers and Clark Butterfleld.
(From Thursday's Dally) i
Pileo Going to Eugene
Dr. Charles S. Price will conduct
strictly as a business proposition,
this building having been found ne
cessary by his agents, when they
Prattle Mini Visits
A. Hansen "of Seattle, Is spending
a few days visiting friends in the
Car S' ripped of Fender
A truck and a Chevrolet touring
car came together at the corner of
hit the other car. The result of the
collislon wns the stripping of the left
hand fender from the touring car and
other minor damages to both cars.
Poultry Awards
Many Ashland Exhibitors Take Awards at Fair
A wards made In the poultry de
partment at the Southern Oregon
Poultry Association exhibition, in
connection with 'the Wlntor Fair,
are aa follows:
Barred Plymouth Rocks (78 birds)
Dark mating M. M. Lower, Gas
ton, Or., first cock, first and second
hens, second pullet and first young
pen: Mrs. Victor Bursell, Central
Point, Or., second cock, third hen;
Horace Beardsley, Oakland, Calif.,
first cockerel, first and third pul
lets; Mrs. Rosa B. Willett, Medford,
Or., second cockerel and third young
pen. J. V. Miller, Goshen, Or., third
cockerel; E. C. Burt, Ashland, sec
ond young pen. Light mating M.
M. Lower, first cock, first and third
cockerel, first and third pullet, first
young pen; C. Bruce Wheeler, Gosh
en Or., first hen, second cockerel,
second pullet.
White Plymouth Rocks (22 birds)
Jack, Bertram, Lents, Or., first
cock, Becond hen, first cockerel,
third pullet; Bert Senter, Hood River
Or., second cock, first ben, second
cockerel first pullet; E. O. Smith,
Ashland, third hen; J. Lark In Grubb
Ashland, third cockerel, second pul
let, first young pen.
Partridge Plymouth Rocks (6
birds) All awards to Gus R. Beck,
Talent, Or. j
Columbian Plymouth Rocks 23
birds) All awards to H. R. Dam
mon, Portland, Or.
White Wyandottes (IE birds)
D. B. Gold, Ashland, first, second and
third hen, first and second young
pen; Eugene Sonter, Hood River, Or.,
first cockerel and first pullet.
Partridge Wyandottes Mrs. W. S.
Eastman, Ashland, all awards.
Silver Wyandottes C. B. Wheel
er, Goshen, Or., all awards.
Buff Wyandottes Ira R. Aldrich,
La Grande, Or., all awards.
Rhode Island Reds (38 birds)
Ernest Webb, Central Point, first
cock, second hen, third cockerel,
third pullet, second young pen; D. B.
Gold, Ashland, second cock; Mrs. W.
C. Bololu, Medford, first hen, first
and second pullet, first young pen,
first old pen; Tom Johansen, Rainer,
Or., first and second cockerel.
Black Jersey Giants (11 birds)
All awards to Theo. P. Cramer Jr.,
Grants Pass.
Blue Jersey Giants All awards to
Dexter P. Upham, Bellmar, N. J.
Light Brahmas (9 birds)
ard Gear, Ashland, Or., first hen.
first cockerel.
A. L. Auxiliary to Meet
Members of the Ladles' Auxiliary
of the American Legion will hold an
Important meeting at the Parish
house, Friday afternoon at
o'clock. As there are only two more
meetings to be held this year, it Is
urged that all those affiliated with
the organization be present.
Lea vex for Los Angeles
Mrs. M,. C. Reed left last night on
train 15 for Los Angeles, where she
will Join her husband.
Vlsita in Ashland
D. M. Lowe, of Medford, was a
visitor at the Ashland Winter Fair
On Businesa in Jacksonville
Ralph Billings was a business vis
itor to the county seat today.
Take Position at Bakeiy
Mary leach hag taken a position
at the EUctric bakery and will serve
the public over the counter with the
electrically baked pastry.
Kicks on Advertising
H. C. Hamaker came lo the Tid
ings office this morning and regis
tered a kick about the results ob
tained from an ad placed, In the pa
per a few days ago, stating that he
had chickens for sale. Mr. Hamaker
said the trouble was people contln
ued to come for a day or two after
the chickens had been disposed of.'
This is generally the only dissatis
faction found with ths Tidings want
Xmaa Rates Are Offered
Reduced holiday excursion fares
will be put Into effect by the South
ern Pacific for Christmas and New
Years, it was announced today by
John M. Scott, general passenger
agent. The reduced, rates which
which will be in effect between ail
points on the S. P. lines where the
one way fare Is $30 or less, will con-
gist of one fare and a half for the!
round trip, or a 25 per cent reduc-i
tion from the double one way fare.
Tickets will be on sale December 22
to Janusry 1. with final return limit
ot January 3.
Here on BuMjnesa
Harold W. Readon, representing
the Hicks-Chatten Engraving corn-
. .i j . m ., ,
pany of Portland, was in 'e city to -
day on business calling at the high!0' 811 ,n,s "'""
school in regard to cuts for the high
school annual. Mr. Readon former
ly attended the Oregon Agricultural
college, where he was prominent in
campus activities, particularly
Journalism. He left this afternoon
for Medford.
Scattered Over Entire State;
S. C. White Leghorns (76 birds)
A. P. Whoeler, Pleasant Hill, Or., I
first cock, first hen, first cockerel'
and first pullet; E. O. Smith, second
and third cocks, third hen, second'
and third cockerels, third pullet, sec
ond old pen and first young pen;
Mrs. W. D. Booth, Ashland, second
hen, second young pen; Mrs. W. C.
Bollou, second pullet; A. C. Crews,
Ashland, third young pen.
Brown Leghorns Dark Law
rence Wheeler, Pleasant Hill, Or.,
first cockerel; Ned S. Mars, Ash
land, second cockerel; Theo. r.
Cramer, Grants Pass, Or., first, sec-1
ond and third pullets and first young
Buff Leghorns (35 birds) Mr.
and Mrs. Albert D. Larson, Carlton,
Or., first, second and third cocks,
second hen, second and third cock-
orpin second nullet first old pen
and second young pen; E. R. Strom-
quist, Beaverton, Or., first and third
hens, first cockerel, first and third
pullets, first young pen.
S. C. Anconas (24 birds) A. C.
McMillan, Ashland, first cock, second
hen, first cockerel
first and second;
pullets, first young pen; J. R.
Wheeler, Goshen, Or., first hen; Gus
R. Beck, Talent, third hen; James R
Eads, Grants Pass, third pullet, sec
ond young pen.
R. C. Anconas All awards to J.
W. Wheeler. 1
White Faced Black Spanish All
awards to Harry Sitton Jr., Beaver
ton, Or.
Black Mlnorcas John F. Butler
Ashland, first cock, second nnd third
hens, first and second pullets; C. H.
Wheeler, Pleasant Hill, Or., first hen
and second cockerel; G. W. Speight,
Hubbard, Or., first and third cock
erels. White Mlnorcas drover East,
Central Point, first and second hens,
third pullet; John F. Butler first
and second pullets.
Buff Orpingtons E. O. Smith,
first and second hens, first cocker
els, first and second pullets, first
young pen.
liver Spangled Hamburgs
awards to C. Bruce Wheeler.
UIUB Alllllliunia...-.."
n , .!. All atirnrla in.
C. Bruce Wheeler.
Capons J. Larkln Grubb,
White Plymouth Rock capons,
Bronze Turkeys (11 birds) Mrs.
t vtm Aat,l.nw1 fti-ut rnpk ROV.-
. . Aut.j
ond hen, Beconu cocnerei, umu in -
let; Miss I. Mabel McFadden. Tal -
Footbull Team to be Feted
"The crowning event of the even
ing's e.l.ertaiiiment will be the pre
sentation of the Jackson County
Amusement company to the victor
ious Medford team," says the Med
ford Mail Tribune. Football fans of
Medford are showing keen interest
in the big celebration at the pavilion
tonight. The entire rootball squan
and high school faculty have been
invited as guests of
the pavilion
management, and every effort will
be made to entertain them royally.
Big Dunce Is Planned
Members of the Ashland football
team, together with the coach and
all of the faculty, have been invited
by the management of the JackJon
Hot Springs dance pavilion to" be
present for nn evening of fun and
entertainment at the Jackson Springs
Saturday Ight. A large number of
people attended the local dance last
week and were well ploased the
music furnished by the Floyd Dickey
orchestra. All are urged to come
out and help celebrate with the foot-
ball team.
Visiting with Brother , quln, Is planning o:i cutting all win-
Mrs. Mollie Coolldge, of Portland.! ter. A new dry kiln is being erected
Is spending a week as the gueBt of j and 40 men are employed at present.
Mr. and Mrs. D. L." Mlnkler of CjThls will be finished about Christ
street, as sho Is en route home from. mas.
a visit In southern California. Mrs.
Coolldge Is a sister of Mr. Mlnkler
lludget Is Approved
The county court this morning
passed the Jackson county budget as
printed. This action was made wlth-
out the usual amount of squiblling
that generally is In order.
Visiting in Portland
nt A maudlin nf Ashland.
among tho recent arrivals In the city,
gayg the Oregon Journal.
... . ... A I
1 ' '
A freeze following the snow TBI
te ha -,in romjer decision
Wednesday resu. tea in a very
P"? surface on the paved lllK,,f y"j
"uu Blrcc,n ", -"
!ng "n(I 'aBt lrlve" ,n 8enera e,re
lOrCeil 10 ln lUmfil HIW.U
and In a majority of cases took the
precaution of chaining the wheels of
Bicyclists and horse!
; their niuchlnes.
drawn veil c es had t ne naraesi uum
ar"wn v""l,,;
above the Pluza. Tne Ico Decarue
slush a short time before noon
Visiting In Klamath Falls
Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Spencer, who
live at the old Chase station, are
I visiting friends in Klamath Falls for
la few days. I
ent, second cock, first hen, second
pullet; Mrs. F. A. Denier, Medford,
third cock; J. L. Freemau, Central
Point, first cockerel and first pullet,
Indian Runner Ducks Henry Van
Prooyen, Ashland, all awards.
Wild Mallard Ducks, M. Shackel
ford, Ashland, all awards.
Tolouse Ducks Vern Temple,
Ashland, all awards.
Gray Call Ducks Glenn Head,
Ashland, all awards.
SiK-clui Premiums
Best exhibit in show, one breed
,. M. M. Lower, Gaston Or.
Best bird In show Bert Sentor,
Hood River, Or.
Best exhibit White Plymouth
Rocks Bert.Sonter, Hood River.
Be3t exhibit White Wyandott
D. B. Gold, Ashlund.
Best exhibit Rhode Island Reds
Mrs. W. C. Bollou. Medford.
Best Plymouth Rock cockerel
"""ce uenrasiey. umu,
tsesi vvnne Liegnorn
A. P. Wheeler, Pleasant Hill, Or.
Best Brown Leghorn cockerel
Lawrence wneeier neaaaui rim, ur,
Best Black Minorca cockerel u.
W. Speight, Hubbard, Or.
Best laying pen White Leghorns
(o'.d) G. W. Allen, Ashland
Best laying pen White Leghorns
(young) E. C. Lockwood, Ashland
Best type laying hen R. I. Red
Ernest Webb. Central Point.
Best display White Leghorns E
O. Smith, Ashlnnd.
Champion Barred Plymouth Rock
henBruce Whoeler, Goshen. Or.
Best turkey In show Mi's. J. L.
Nell, Ashland.
Best Rhode Island Red hen Mrs.
W. C. Bollou, Medford.
Beat pen Barren Plymouth Rocks
M. M. Lower, Gaston, Or.
Pen laying most eggs during show
G. W. Allen, Ashland.
Best exhibit Anconas A. McMil
lan. Ashland.
Best exhibit Bluck Mlnorcas
John F. Butler, ABhland.
Special ribbons given by Rhode
Island Red club of America For
best shaped cock. Mrs. W. C. Bollou.
. - I . l.nDf ahannit hlin Rl'nest
.... , DUnlt
iuimiuiu. unoi
WeUD, uenirm i uun, u".
cockerel, Ernest Webb; best shaped
millet Ernest Webb: best colored
cock, Ernest Webb; best colored hen
Mrs. W. C. Bollou; best colored cock
Fred Johansen, Rainier. Or.;
I.not piilored millet. Mrs. W. l.
j. -
i Bollou.
Moves Rejiorted
Mr. and Mrs. E. G. Kllgore have
moved to the G. S- Butler property
at 376 B street.
Mrs. J. W. Wilson moved Wednes
day from 199 Emeriek street to 109
Granite street.
Mr. nnd Mrs. Fred Wilson have
j rented the Ogg property at 58 Bush
street ana win movu iu mm
In a few days from the house In the
I A t. T Jn1 nunnonu
I rear oi mo i b'."-".j-
Mr. and MI'S. I. Hi. Jones nave
moved Into the Callahun property at
682 C street.
Here on Bunness
Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Walter, of
Medford, were business visitors In
the city Wednesday.
Sew Lumber Concern Started
A new box factory and planing mill
Is to be constructed by the Chiloquln
Lumber company to be operated In
connection with the sawmill. Con
struction work will begin after the
first of the year, and capitalization
of the company will be Increased
from $50,000 to $100,000. The Mo
doc Lumber company, nenr Chllo-
Hunters Aro Warned
A warning has been sent to all
hunters by Pat Daily, deputy state
game warden, cautioning any one
from hunting after dark contrary to
state regulations. Any such person
found will be prosecuted, he says,
I Darkness sets In a little past 4:15
j now. according to official Informa
Dig Cnso for Thomas
When c. M. Thomas. Judge-elect
for the clrctlt court of Josephine
Jominlv tolfo. Mia hpnuh at th Jnn-
i "
0rpgon and Dewey Joneg
hold-up ca. the most Important one
ou the docket. The Jones' are
charged with the Pacific highway
robberies north of Grants Pass In
'September, and are believed to have
Participated In the Blackwell
of bead or throat ts ntaafiy
benefited by tha vapors of
On Milk Vmi Yk
(From Friday's Dally)
Mm. Vance'g Hi-other Dies
Word has been received In the city
of the death last week of L. D. J "'here they will appear before the
("Buck") King, for many years a state athletic association Saturday, In
resident of Siskiyou county, at j the eligibility protest filed by Ash
Yreka. The funeral was held theland against Baughman and Neff of "
first of this week. His only living; ,ne Iocal football team, says the Med
relntlve was Mrs. Gertrude Vance, of ,or(l M"'1 Tribune. A speedy decl
thls city. As Mrs. Vance Is a mein-islon Is expected In the case,
ber of the Pythian Sisters, Yreka New Agcnoy Established
members of the organization assist-! With the establishment of the
ed in making arrangements for the Buescher band instrument line by
funeral. King, who was 44 years of ', Carl H. Loveland in the finders de
age, was recently removed from a'partment store, Ashland now has
hospital at Klamath Falls. He had the agency for this line for southern
been a resident of California for the Oregon. There Is now a completo
past 30 years. i Ftock of this make of blind Instru-
Wlll Have saxophone Band ments In the city. Several sales
A band composed exclusively of have been made in Medford.
saxophones, played by high school ' Vernon Donin Here
students, is the problem being work- Vernon Doran, of Oakland, Calif.,
ed out by Carl H .Loveland, director called hero by the death of his
of the high school band. There are! grandmother, Mrs. William Hardy,
at present 12 of the boys playing! will remain lu Ashland until after
this Instrument, nnd with the recent1 the Christmas holidays. He will
purchase of a baritone saxophone by j visit with his parents, Mr. and Mrs.
Albert Cotter, a complete lnstrumen- James II. Doran.
tatlon Is possible. Ilcio for n Few Days-
Returns from "Sap and Salt" Delbert King, who was formerly a
Miss Roberta Ward, who has been resident of Ashland, but who has
a gue3t at Rap nnd Salt, returned to been working for the California Ore
Ashland Thursday evening. She gon Power company at Cottage Grove
states those who think the canyon for some time past, is visiting for a
wonderful in the summer time' few days with friends In Ashland,
should see it now that a heavy fall He expects to go to Yreka at the
of snow has visited the region,
Sleigh riding was also enjoyed be
fore returning to the city.
Much Snow Reported
Heavy snow Is reported on the
Grants Pnss-Cresoent City highway
near Oasquet nnd Monumental, the office Is to Interest ox-army offl
where It was nearly a foot In depth. jeers and qualified civilians in the of
It was found noressary to drive a fleers' reserve corps, and secme en
flivver conpo In low all the way, listed men for the enlisted reserve
down Oregon mountain. From Mon-j corps.
umental to t lie top of the hill,' a Move Hero from F.lim Mills
speed of one mile an hour for three j Mr. and Mrs. Charles Martin, of
hours was recorded, part of the time; the French Creek sectl&n, near Etna
one of the passengers having to help; Mills, Calif., who nre how visiting in
push the machine.
Amieium Ijicu Siilu
Mrs. Sam McNalr and
Mrs. A.
Marske will be In charge of the Ar- of the California community for sev-
menlnn lace sale Saturday afternoon 'eral years.
at Rose Bros. Victrola room. llesolut'oiis Are Pussed
Xinn Moviiiui Ma'rled The Jackson County Medical soci-
Mlss Nina Movuns, daughter of ely, at n special meeting, ijssed a
Mrs. Axel Hull, 247 Laurel street,; set of resolutions on the death of
has been married In Santa Barbara, j Dr. Henry H. Hart, of Med.'ord, star
Calif., to Mr. Gerald Weeding, nc-;lng the deep feeling of regret hi
cording to word Just received In the death has created amo.iK other niem
clty. Miss Movuns Is a graduate of bers of the profession. The commlt
the Ashland high school, j tee on resolutions was Robert J. Con-
Ihiby (Jirl Arrives j roy, F. G. Swudeuburg and William
Mr. and Mrs. Edmund Barrett, W. P. Holt. The association attend
fornier Ashland people, now rosl-jed Dr. Hart's funeral Thursday nf
dents of Albany, Or., are the proud , ternoou In a body,
parents of a baby girl, which arrived ; CoiigregatioiiN Are Ktlned
December 3, word of which has Just Following the appearance of Dr..
been received. Tho young daughter ' Charles S. Price In Albany, he hns
has just been named Elizabeth Lois. , become the storm center of a contro
Both mother and daughter ure do-jversy of wldernnge. The newspa
Ing nicely. pers of Cvallls and Iloschurg dls-
llere for Funeral cuss the matter, In the former town
Mr. and Mrs. George Corey, of editorially, and cites the Rev. Buozer,
Medford, were in the city Thursday 'a former minister of Medford, as
to attend the funeral of Mrs. Wil- being "not In accord with the the
liam Hardy, mother of Mrs. James'ory." The Issue has stirred pulpit
H. Doran and T. F. Doran. Tin
Corey's were old Minnesota friends
of tho Doran's before coming to the
Rogue River valley.
Arrive Here from Kansas
With Ashlund as their destination,
Mr. and Mrs. Will Mapeg and son.
Warren Mapes, of Marsliulltown,
Kansas, arrived In the city last night
after being on tho road for six weeks.
The party made the trip In a Bulck
i"6" and took the southern route.
Snow was encountered nt Gallup
PaBs, New Mexico, and a further de
tour to tho south was made. Several
California points were visited en
route. The Mapes' will spend the
winter here with the John Wild fam
ily, whom they used to know In the
middle west.
Visited in Mwjtcn
Mrs. F. N. Roberts and daughter,
Miss Olympla Roberts, Mr. and Mrs.
Walter Wanaka nnd children, Mrs.
VVulter Eastman, of Ashland, and W.
Laimhlln. of Sunnysido, Wash., were
recent guests at the home of Mr. and
Mrs. Cloyd Lnughlln, ot Mnytcn.
Will Attend Hearing
Superintendent of Schools Aubrey
Smith, Principal Campbell and Coach
Eddie Durno, of the high schobl, will"
leave Friday evening for Salem,
end of his visit here.
Army Opens Office
Headquarters for the 3S2d Infan
try U. S. army, organized reserve,
have been opened
building, Medford.
In the federal
The purpose of
Central Point, will return to Ash-
land lu n short time and make their
home here. They had been residents
and congregation to their founda
tions. liliililiith Club Progressive
The Klumath River Highway club,
organized less than three months
ago, now has a volunteer member
ship of 120, according to a pamphlet
Issued from the club's headquarters
at Klamath Falls. The inception and
growth of the club can be credited
to Oregonluns who are ambitious to
have an outlet to the coast through
Siskiyou county, says the Siskiyou
Medford to Audit Books
The city council ot Medford has
granted a demand for an au lit of the
city books annually. The citizens'
nnd taxpayers' lengue will pay for
this work, which will be begun In
1923. The books will not be taken
from the city hall during the audit.
Bents House Here
C. A. Fisher, a salesman for the
Mason-Ehrmnn Grocery company, of
Medford, has rented the M. C. Reed
property on Scenic Drive, and hns
j moved Into the same.
The Surety
of Purity
There arenomiracles in cook
ing. What goes into the food
mutt inevitably come out.
Even the baking perfection
that results from the use of
Royal Baking Powder it no
It is simply the result of ab
olute purity entering the
food and emerging again.
Royal is made from Cream of
Tartar derived from grapes.
It Contain No' Alum
Leave No Bitter Taste