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About Ashland weekly tidings. (Ashland, Or.) 1919-1924 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 4, 1922)
ASHLAHD WEEKLY ttStSoi Local and Personal (From Wednesday's Dally) Eye Injured at School Winston Johnson, son of R. W. Johnson, of 407 Scenic Drive, suf- ' fered a badly injured eye at school yesterday, when he was thrown against a "radiator by another boy. The eye began to swell and before med'cal aid could be obtained, it was swollen almost out of the sock- . et. The attending physician believes that the sight of the eye will noti be injured. lluro from Englo Point Though more than 90 years of Kscnped Prisoner Hold - John Hanson, 20, who escaped age, Itev. A. C. Howlett, ,'veferan from Jail at Klamath Falls last Frl newspaper correspondent for the day, where he was held on a larceny past 50 years, is as spry as many a I charge, is in jail at Jacksonville, man much hW Junior. Rev. Howlottj he is held for larceny of an is in the city today from Eagle Point; automobile, according to advices re and Is enjoying the many lessons! celved by the sheriff of Klamath gleanea trom attending the Price county. It is believed the car was revival meetings. stolen in Medford, as no tli'eft has been reported either here or at Klamath Falls. VlH'.t from Murphy Mr. and Mrs. Ivan York, of Mur phy, near Grants Pass, wore visitors; Winbiiru Buys Lincoln Car in the city over night and this fore man. Dies at Grunts Puns Word bus been received in this city of the death of Miss Pearl Lang twaet of Provolt. Miss Langtwaet was a student at the Ashland sum mer normal school during the past summer. Culled Hero by Illness The first shipment of Lincoln cars to arrive In Jackson county was re ceived Tuesday by the C. E. Gates Auto company of Medford. Jesse Wnburn, of this city, Is the owner of Remodeling House R. N. Chaney, of the Valleyview district, is remodeling bis house, thejone ot the new cargi ,t belng of he wum ueing none Dy rroman anu . road3ter type. mgn. Leaves for Stan ford Barclay Leeds, who has been spending some time with his grand- (Froni Thursday's Daily) Vitiutioniuj; from Salem Air. und Mrs. Anuusen and two mother, Mrs. E. H. Wagner, at her Postmaster Homer S. Wood, of children, of Sulem, were in the city hl,mc' 25 Granite street, left yester Indopendence, Or., and his parents,1 for a short time this morning, mak-.dly for Stanford university. Mr. and Mrs. J. II. Wood, of Port- ing a tour of southern Oregon while' land, are in Ashland this week, be-i0n a vacation. Mr. Anunsen is a ,loro trom Arlington ing brought here by the critical ill- graduate of the University of Ore-! Mr- sleri-y. of Arlington, Or., ar ness of a relative, I. W. Sperry. igon, and a. four year man in base-:rlved ln ,he clty tllis morning for a Rl 15V HOLLAR. KILLED 15V EARL BARNARD FRIDAY AV-TERXOOX Investigation BcLng Made Into Af- fnir by County AuJioi-itkn; lie iwrt Will Exonerate or Implicate. Itoy That Watt Responsible, Siskiyou and Klamath Counties Combine in Effort To Obtain National Highway Ruby Dollar, an 18-year-old high school girl, was shot and almost in stautly killed about 4 o'clock Friday afternoon . by a revolver in the hands of Earl Barnard, the shooting taking place on the sidewalk in front of the Barnard residence, 1114 Iowa street. According to the police, who were called to the scene a few minutes following the accident, young Bar nard and the girl were playing In front of the. bouse. He had In his possession a .32 calibre revolver, while she bad an old model .38 cali bre. In some manner Barnard point ed the gun ln the direction of the girl and pulled the trigger. The bullet struck Miss Dollar In the cen ter of her chest, causing death in a Of interest locally Is the report of a recent meeting of the Yreka chamber of commerce, which Is put ting forth every effort to boost northern California In, general, and Siskiyou -county in particular. In cidentally the work of the commer cial organization will prove of great Nevada. mot TTnurar MARBLE HALLS OP ORF.GOX TO BE CLOSED OCTOBER 13 GRANTS PASS, Sept. 29. The official closing date of the Oregon Caves h rh hopn oof of rintnimm 1 r . it was unanimously voted at the and all chambers of commerce of the meeting to co-operate with the western part of the state are being Klamath River Highway club. Ac- notified. The date has been set cording to a pamphlet issued by the through the forest service and at club, the purpose 0f the organiza- that time the cave camp' will be tlon U to stimulate and promote the closed by R. McIIveen, who has building of a hiuhwnv frn.., (ik.....l.j.j.j ... . v ii in i. . " T"u -niana nighway, to the uieuwny u an io inciuae j sisxiyou county line. Yreka, while Klamath and Siskiyou counties are united ln a movement for an all-year traffic road. Perhaps the most noteworthy mat ter before the chamber was a com munication from the Klamath River Highway club urging the co-operation of the chamber ln the campaign to promote and build a highway that may ultimately mean the completion of the only all-year traverslble route from the east to northern California.! This, the pamphlet states, the club members believe will make possible a water grade road down the Klam ath river and give an outlet for The Dulles California highway, and open visited the resort during the sum mer. The road to the Caves was opened the last of June, and since that time there has been a steady stream of visitors at the caverns. Previous to the opening of the Caves highway. " 6,cal empire to tlieithe greatest number which visited Pacific highway, to the Klamath the caves wa nnt nv, 1 an UIVO- ' l""'l"C iiiiiivy, mo uoast Highway and. the Pacific ocean The alms of the club are to work in harmony with all Individuals, or ganizations and officials of Klamath rxniAX found dead ix KLAMATH ROOMING HOUSE David Solomon, a Klamath reser tlon Indian, aged about 30, was Walking on Cnitehct ball, and a former football star. IIe!visit wt" M brother, I. W. Sperry,, duent, though no particulars could ue iieuumg me report oi inn coroner's Jury, that body being ln expressed himself as to the wonder- faur mltnitAa nftpr aha ivna fnrrli.fl Into the house. The gun contained lne,wclUD W8S "san.zeu . tne ana a.sniyou counties and the re ..... ......... Klamath canyon, Just north of the.siiectlve states. The members nlric uui out) uuiioi. I ,,,,,.... ... . o '..,. ... ":!fnnn,l AaA v0..o. .- . .... oinaiyuu uuumy uiie, on Depitjinuer . .cn wuik 10 ue constructive andj - jumy ccuiug in uin 17, says the Siskiyou News. not to conflict with any proposed1'00111 ln ,ne roonlng house above The working motto of the club Is highways in either Siskiyou or; ne "ouatn Phelps grocery store Presumably the affair was an ac- , "Const to Coast down the Klam- Klamath counties. TT..HX.. f t i Atl.. . 1 t..i... VJ1I .., i...Bau. Ul east ol ful scenlc attractions of this part of "" - ... Rth Jn movement members Three Siskiyou county men are In- w. s in Ashland a few days ago, get- th, state, and commented upon the! Lee Peachey arrived home yester- .on the entl.e afternoon today., ev- eluded In the list of fficers of the ting about w:th the aid of crutches f;ne k. That Ashland and Med.'day, bringing with him the game1 What the two young people were en an tunt to swlng!cluD. Th aro w L 01 as the result of a horso falling ou;foi.d were tne two be3t towna aoulh brought down by his trutsy rifle, doing with the revolvers or where transcontinental hlgh-lwlck, second vlcenresldent' I A ...i.ii.i. j..-. j m . . ; ,nnv n.iTi.i.iHn 11 uin will nnr no ' - -- of bis home city was his opinion. Dies in Med.ord Mrs. Elizette Ann Putney died at country. her homo In Medford Tuesday, from winuu consisiea ot a large Dear, a. -. wav. lendlne throneh nnrthflrn Nn- Airnr. nf A- thi-M i....i.. deer and a covote Mr Peachev known until the inquest Is comp et-: , . , , , "ium, ana " cyoie. mr. leacney i vn((l by way of winnemucca, from and H. H. Hess g, of Iloswlck fourth killed them all hi the Dead Indian'e(l- An Investigation of the shooting ' ... I , ,, . "., wunn nin.u mom ail ni llie WU iuuiau, " " u nvnnnao.l T.nsaan hlphurav nn,a in V pa.nraa i unl ri... ...!.. rv rt Ii. 1 I A..-iJ 1... T.......- ...o"j (iiiitilll KI. AIIDIB- Uun v nrZcutL a t.orn.v Td the n0rthern wh!ch atfori8 lne.gate' of Kl"111,,th Fil"8' 1" President ! w,lleh evld(Ilty moor. i ntiTv nnRathla nlUvpnr hlphnrnu rnf- tf tha nuh n,A n 4 a o i m has taken an apartment In the Shook; paralysis. She Is survived by her J e.-pi-ne Line- jonn A. ran. county coroner Botn. CafornIa from the state of the same citv. Is sorretarv j. Murphy and a crew ot men oi Aieaiora. ah principles m tne1 his foot last week. Takes Apai lim ia Hero Mr. Kelly, who has been livin.; at the Hotel Ashland for some time. Eighth and Main, says the Klamath Falls Herald. A post-mortem exami nation was being held this after noon to determine the cause of his death. The fact that the pockets of Solo mon's clothing were turned Inside out, and the presence of a boitlo. building. ! husband, three sons and four daugh- Here from Eugene ters. Chester II. Putney, of this' are out on tne Green Springs road case, and others who might possibly . 1. I .. 1 . 1 '. . ... I'll! I I m a A la L. ll fl city Is a son ween, wnei e iney are engageu , siiou an iikiii upun uie aiiuug, were , llldl II i dllH 15 I in Duiiding a leiepnone line ior tne De:ng questionea cioseiy Dy me au- Talent Irrigation district. The tele-ithorltles. J. E. Angwln, of rhone is very essental to the dis- Immediately arter the shooting, A. H. Tucker, of Eugene, plant j superintendent of the telephone. Return from California company, was a business visitor in! Mr, and Mra the cily Tuesday. I Bush street, returned home last ev-jtrlct and 'Is being put up ln such a word was sent to Miss Dollar's moth ening from southern I They report Attend Kiskiyou Fair - W V. and A. E. Jordan drove over to Yr !ra yesterday, whore they ex l.i'cted : i attend the Siskiyou county fair. ViHitorH fiont Bremei ton Mr. and Mrs. Frank Pease, California.' manner that the line will not need er, who was at Tolo at the time. Miss and a lfne time. a very delightful trip iiemion ior several years 10 come. , ir uunruiug ui ine uarnaru Will Mi-et at Medford Mrs. Francis Damon, one of the local members of the Royal Neiph The flow of water during the Irrlga-; residence while attending the Ahs' tlon season will be regulated through the use of this telephone line. I Visits Medford bora, women's auxiliary of the Mod-1 Attorney W. J. Moore was a busl- land high school. She has an aunt Mrs. A, A. Rowley, in the city. Enthusiastic Over Coming Round-Up t'llAl'TAiyiA PLATFORM CHARM I LY DECORATED nine, pointed to suspicious circum stances, and it was determine.! to hold the post-mortem examination. Through the direction of Mrs. E. T. Merrill and tho assistance of Mrs. Ella Oxford, Mrs. Joseph L. Smith, Mrs. Fred Brookmiller and Mrs. Lu lu Wilson, the Chautauqua platform has taken onto its structure of wood Happy Combination Of Displays Gives Award To Jackson Are riders coming from every western state for the Southern Ore- iriltl llfiflnn hum navt uroolf aulrn Miai, ... ... , .. , immortal. Klamath Falls Herald. Conversa- timri,, i n .. i i!J( That Barnard accidentally shot tioll witn the uoy8 worklng out at !lng star, typifying (he star of nithle SALEM, Or., Sept. 28. Yesterday and mortar, the emhldma of life was Salem's day at the annual state fair, and the capital city made the moat of It in spite of the rain, with of ern Woodmen of America, has re- Bremerton, Wash., arrived In Ash land a fa.w days ago by motor, and are visiting with friends. ' Him Tonsils Removed Geneva Crosslin, and Myra De Haas underwent an operation the latter part ot tho week for the re moval of their tonsils. Eyes Ojiernted On W. F. Watson had his eyes oper ated on yesterday by a local specialist. reived an Invitation to attend a com- blned social and business meeting of the organization at Medford noxt Wednesday evening. ness, visitor in Medford this fore noon. and killed Ruby Dollar during a I.eave for Oakland Vernon Carson left this morning, from that place Tuesday, returning for Oakland, Calif., where he has1 yesterday, accepted a position as rodman on a! surveying crew for tho Southern Ps-i Tokay Grnpeg Grow Lnrg cific railroad. G. W. Pellet brought a fine bunch I of Tokay grapes to the Tidings of- Vis'tw (irtnls Pass flee this morning, the bunch measur Hei-e from McDowell Mrs. Everett Trefren, Mrs. F. L. Illoe, and their father, James S. Barnard this afternoon, he was in a Bailey, of McDowell, motored over! car and wus busy cleaning the two tne tair grounds urines but one !!,,., n, n, ,.,., ...,i scuffle over the gun was the opinion 8Wer. Tlley ara comln ln drove8. . ' tho n.,rl,rlot ,, Furthermore, it is pointed out, this' evergreens the gift of enternnl lire. Is the last rodeo of the year, and; The ladles named above, through the riders and fancy, ropers see an' their artistic skill, are expressing opportunity to get a wlntor's stake their belief In n great Creator, who Speaking of money! The Bly as-! has given the world such bounteous jsociutlon will distribute $3000 In beauty, of A ben tit If ul settinc for a heautirul of the coroner, after talking with the principals In the case for nearly four hours. According to the story told by .which is enough to keep a rider In work is what all Hioho who attend Tiit.u Tlif;nn T,.t1.., 1. .l. i,m..o -Uo 1.1ID. vuiiai uuu nm iiiiHii-Cns, ,,rizus, even a small part er came oy. iney stopped, and in ... i . ... ... -. g e"tH tur BeVe,ul week8- Tlmt'8 "" the meeting tonight will see. accidentally killed. magnet which Is going to make following the dismissal of those tm nvely 0 tU03e tnree A most vitally interested, Coroner Perl October 4, 6 and 6. County Xurse Reunrditl As a reward for particularly mer itorious service, tho Jackson County , aim uiomui rtiiuiuey muure lett. ior T, ,.. .,. ,i ia , Miss Mattio McGce of this city was ing nine inches in length and weigh- the scene of the accident, and stated .,iceno vace for a luzy lnan or a visitor in Grants Pass Wednesday., ing an even pound and 12 ounces, that they desired to question several 1 ev'6I1 for ft ,..., wh k' , n - n. n. Hn,..a anmA t : , . .... . .i - - ,i.ii. i cue. uiiio una nun uiijmore wno mignt oe or assistance In Lewes for Slisiill.vllle hla ranch at thn oiimmlt nf tho hill i tho l,,ooH ti " " - " I inw iiwiiaii(,ailUII, OREt.OX RIFLE TEAM (SCORES HUHl IX EAST Mrs. Odell left yesterday evening; n the west part of the city, and Is association granted its nurse. Miss: for Suuanville, Calif., where she will j always among the Arize winners Fl'XERAL OF LATE Rl'RY Marie Falldine, R. N. , an extra visit her parents for some time. mouth of vacation this summer, saysj "Health First," monthly publication Return to California Home nf th Oregon Tuberculosis assocla-' Mr- and Mra- JseI'h Archibald watch other folks work. Carnen tera ar riialiln h ft, unit f hlwon 4,16 Oregon rifle SALEM, Or., Sept. 30. Signal honors In the national matches were team at when he makes a display. Visitors from Hombrook DOLLAR IS HELD TODAY grandstand, which will seat 1800.' Cll,n) PL'rrr' 0I,I- lllRt wuek- ac" ,'the bleachers and the stock building. jcor" 10 elrama received yes- Tho exhibit room beneath the grand- lun,I,y "y '""r,i0 vv ml.e' trom The funeral sevices for the late stand is about completed. A cater-1 tlon. This hustling association is beginning to think in terms of a sec ond nurse to assist Miss Falldine. Miss Wilma Johnson, R. N., of Chi cago, has accepted the position of school nurse for Medford and Ashland. left Tuesday for their home In Cali fornia, after a few weeks' visit with friends In Ashland. G. D. Kraft and daughter, of Horn- Ruby Dollar,- who was accidentally ook, Friday. pillar tractor is dragging disk Major Fred M. West, team captain. Second place In the Horrlck tro- DrooK, were snopping in Asniana on snot rriaay evening in this city, was- , , . . ranges was taken bv the Oreeon Scoutmaster Wanted C. F. Koehler, who has been the scoutmaster of troop two for some time past, will be unable to continue ln this office after November 1, on account of the demands of his work. Here is an opportunity for some live Will Return to Eugene Beit Griffith, who, with his wire and baby, has been visiting Ashland realtives, will leave for his home In Eugene tomorrow morning. Mrs. Griffith has been quite seriously ill since her arrival in Ashland, and chopping In City will not return with her husband at this time. Vlsitini; Parents Mlngus Aitken, who has been man wno wants to uo a goon wont. BpendIlg the summer in California. It would be a very unfortunate thing! arriVed Jiome Wednesday, and after Will Return to Portland Miss Stella Phelps of Portland, who has been visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. O. W. West, will return to her home next Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Leslie, of Hombrook. were ln the city shopping yesterday. around the half-mile track, and the11"" " tu,B"" ' "" uiatance stock corrals are being erected. Jim only an occasional glimpse of sun shine giving promise of more favor able weather for the remaiuder of the week. Business houses and professional offices generally throughout the city closed at noon in order that nono should be denied an opportunity of viewing the greatest collection of agricultural and livestock exhibits ever assembled at a statu fair. west, of tho Mississippi river. Many of the state employes also took a naif holiday off to do the fair. Jackson county carried off first I honors ln the statewide competition In the agricultural pavilion nt the state fair this year, with a total of 1014 points out of a posslblo 1100 points, according to announcement of the judges Tuesday night. Jackson county's high score was made on a combination of the excel lence of her products with the gen eral representative character of the exhibits. Polk county was awarded second l.l.l ll . . . Bll".ft tu'iain HID UCIIIB citjcieu, dim . . 1 Ul K CC heJd this afternoon at Central Po nt. - . itoam n mmtuiii nn u,iih i. 1...11 where burial took nlac 01 U,y' 19 on the Jb from'i1u ... , ". " " ! ee- wl,h- of 984. Tllla mook county third, with a score of -1 " ! ...7 ..'ciuun uuiuiv iiiini'ii ia charge of J. P. Dodge and Sons (From Monduy's Daily) (Joe to Eugeiu -George Ross, Jr., left this morn the work j try. Thr Merrick trophy muirli Is And that's about all today, except1 fire' 800' 900 an' 1000 J""""' this: If the Klamath county fair nd tho 0r"Rm mvn wont eaHt wlth and Si.tliH. nrffnn mrtn la nnfi,lttle Preliminary training at those 967, and Benton fourth, with 943. should the troop be compelled to dis-1 a 8hort vi!jit wltIl hlg parent8( wi1I nome herei Reurns from Klamath Harold Bostwick, who has been working during the summer In Klamath Falls, has returned to bis band -for nick of leadership. will volunteer? Who, ieave for Eugene, where he will at-j j tend the University of Oregon this I year. V!!tti In Pnrtlini.1 1 1 r T-III.. ' Anl.Inn1 tc. t,u",ra u- "'Ct' "l """"" '".leaves for tlio Soulh a guest of the hotel in Portland. the biggest affair of Its kind ever milled fn Ihpap nnrta than tha fnlr ..... lUr uBeliB, w,i.B B wm enter board and tne By rodeo hnys and the University of Oregon. Frlenda tne Ioca, booflterg w 6ta tn6lr are commenting on his general ap- , stetsons, ribbons and all. They've peurunce in a nine green cap, mat au gad g0; being the ordained headgear fur all first year students. ranges. Captain James Q. Adams, of this FORMER ASHLAXI) MAX IS XOW WRITER VOK MOVIES M. C. Reed, former resident of the city, Is a member of the rifle team,' city, and who was engaged as circuit Move Reported Mr. and Mrs. Bowen, who have been living at the Union rooming house, have rented one ot the cot lenvo tor Salem Mr. and Mrs.-Clifford Yarbrough, who have, been visiting with Mr, Yarbrough's parents at 532 Scenic M Notiro to Cur Owners We have a full line of aluminum mats and llcenae fram nn ot Chautauqua building. Jordan Electric Co.. also Eaela "Let 'er buck!' FORMER ASHLAXD GIRL MARRIES IX LOS AXGEI.ES today. which Is expected to leave for home director on the Elllson-Whlte Chau tanqua system, receives tho follow ing comment from the Lyceum Mag- ICMUVn itniu ....-.. ui iuii'hku: l lK SCOIT RECORDS M. C. Reed, of the Ellison-Whlto j system, who Is the only man In iap- A Walln Walla, Wash., paper has'!lvity' 10 far !,B -know, who has TIT,... .1 . 1 1 1 1 ' 1 nn n .the marrlaee of Miaa Evelvn Pad-I . . . .l e coiiRecuuve years, and never tages Jn the park, just beyond the',wi, n yynvmnnA n TrtM J ' . w 1,11:11 J"' nu r contractl here Tor ihe ron , nvyi receive nign Angeies, last Tuesday, Miss Paddock Is the daughter ofjcouncH for llfo and fltlir ScouU- u Pl"o. always does things on a hi Miss Lenart has moved from 105 mention, both be-' vention. "The Colonel," as he Is Ing recommended' to the national "wctlonatoly culled by Ellison-White rs. 0. R. Kluth, of 78 Sixth : Brass Foundry. Installed free. 216!Bll8h street t0 No' 126 on tlie 8am8Mrs. Mae Paddock and formerly re-!the Hlmllur ennip PBr Walla Walla , i'i'' "t"6 C"",e ",t0 th6 "W alllail In AahlonH Qha I,.. . . . ... I -"" ' c.....i.,.i Biiuauri l- The R. E. Detrlck fanillv moved i... ... j . .t , uu" Hll1 Arc,1Br w"e assistant, i:ons to tne Lyceum Maganlne for - iitii i.i ii.h.iiih ill riiM r rv street, was a passenger on train 53 Wednesday evening. Moving to Tneoiim Mr. and Mrs. Fred Gasaway, who recently left here for Tacoma, Wash. Drive, fur the past several days, left h gent f thB notl9ehold goods, L",ock l.l. ...,. I.,,. Colo,,, .!,,. than I iOClOCK .... wmuk .,:M mnd connfct;ons n (he nrtll calnn t,w n fn tt Ania n f Uta otnta ..... .. .northern city which will result in Spends the I)ny Hr ..., ..... , "- their making their home there io tnoir nome in Astoria. Baby Roy Arrives Mr. and Mrs. John Norby are the proud parents of a fine baby boy. who arrived at their home north 0f:C0lPany- the city yesterday morning at 10: mn Tyflon move" toany rrom ,18r" today from Church street to their apartments over the Eastern Supply Stopping in Ashland Mr. and Mrs. E. M. McCulley and two children, of Eaglevllle, Calif., are stopping in the city for a few weeks and visiting friends here. spent Mr. Swink, of Butte Falls Thursday in Ashland Another ( ar or Carbonic tin: Another car load of carbonic gas, Wl Mukg Tr,, East Mrs. H. G. Enders Sr., Is leaving h""""' Monday evening for a two months' visit with her mother at Amsterdam, Mo., a brother at Fort Madison, la., cylinders will be shipped to Port land tomorrow. gadine street to Fifth street. flutngu of H. 8. Hour pany of Los Anieles. Thev will ..Humbiy being "Promotion day" at kfl tner , gouthern tho Method! EphwioMiI church, the California city Kiinihiy Heboid will M-n at 0:30 1 .... scoutmasters, and Arelmr hud tha my friends. Tllis magazine nnirhr Mr. Jones Is a resident of Los An- highest score in the camp for tests be roa,d !y vfryhody ln anyway geles, but lived In Ashland for a 8n other camn work. TheIr A8. 1 I" f1 haqu a. and I yrr?1,,haIf;beCOmlngaC,,"alnt- Iand fHon"a wl" ' 10 ' moZ"ltoX uVl ed with Miss Paddock while here.iot the)r gCCess. J humorous way. "The people of Chi- He Is an ex-service man and Is now cago will get all I've got anyway connected with the Trade Press com- ,,,,,. .u v..... before I get out of here." He sayi lie never attended an I. h. c. A. con- WORLD vent'nn ebfore and would not bo here this time only for the fact that lYOl'XO COWIiOY IH NOW Ht'CKEROO OF o'clmk. Instead of 0:45, tlio usuid JtOY.S IX COl'RT Installs Healing Plnnt One of the new Ileatrola heating plants bos been Installed ln the Jack- I Drive to Euroim1 j tt..u o:...nnn i .ft ' t- o....,,,, .... n.uBiB g()n poo, r0Qm on m r,.Za this morning, where he is a student ln the University of Oregon. Ho i Serloiw Condition drove through in the family car,! Mrs. J. P. Sayles, of 185 Grosham wnicn he will use at the university , street, is In serious condition, as M Van D kfl for a few weeks, after which he will the result of a fall that she suffered ' ' J flrlve It home. Simpson picked up several days aso. Mrs. Sayles la get. Ken Smith and Jerry Young at Med. ting well along on years, and her ford Hero from Medford, Judge E. E. Kelly and Gus New- and another brother at Butler, Mo. jbury, of Medford, were visitors In ; Ashland today. Redecorating Home - Prvni vrn nr fw vn . he rend a statement In the paper th t IULtltW, Dr., hept. 27. A vention hpfor(, fln(, W01Il, ot ,,9 smiling 23-year-old cowboy from here, go he thought It wise to be on ,,.,,., niwit Q.iniriim lne ".voming range came out to nana. mr. ueeu is tne nntnor o' HA1U.KI) ITH HMOKIXQ pem1((()n worI(,.g "The Mystery of Happiness." which . . . . Ii,i,i k i...,i.i n I. ii ' to be filmed for the movie srreon rour Doys. ranging in age rrcm -""i-"..!- - .- ,h), fl Rnd ho npw pna7Pll 11 to 16, appeared In Justice Gow-"r legiano. oi insper, Wyoming, writing his second production dv's court Thursday afternoon to wno rode U-Tell-'Em In one of the keen sense of humor and ready w't anil D'enes ot n im in ,. .i,.,.. o..,i.i.. Closest liiKklnz conlesla in t in l.vnin k nny inii , ., , i .,.. . t,,. i it u. ,,,. heart, have won for him a nnlnee cigarettes and having the same In years annual Round-Up has held. , mon th , 0f the Ta- Mrs. T. H. Smith is having hor, their possession. J ay Hell, of Cheyenne, was second. Cfc COast. The boys clulmed that an unknown ""I Yakima Canu't, of LaCrosse. VInUm with Daughter Mrs. C. Mathes, of 117 North Main street. Is spending the week house on Grant street rodecorated at the ranch of ber daughter, Mrs.. and refinlshed. ;iad had given them the clgare'tes, Wash., third, on No Name and Bill I.mitik for Portland jand that they had found the pack-. McAdoo, respectively. j Mrs. B. K. Leach, of the I age which they had with them when' U was the biggest day In the his- Ashland, left yesterday on tra'n 54 Wicks, taken In charge by the officer. jtory of the Round-Up. It was estl- for Portland, where she will enjoy Here from Grant Paas Mrs. Wendel A. Colby and Miss mil Ha n tr!n tn Tulnnt thfa a flornnnn friends ere fearful that the shock ( Alice Thompson arrived In the city) may prove too much for her. this morning from Grants Pass to1 Visitor from Copeo i 'sitend the Price revival meetlnes. Xtr XT Hf'ni- ,i m t r r .i . rt . ; ... ... .,.. ,. ,,. n iiirxim nmiMr in my They will remain n Ashland nnH rf....i.i ... . n ui. Visit Grants Pn Make Trip to Ta'ent Jack Peebler and 3. II, j The lads were released without mated that 35.000 people were In few weeks' vacation. - j any fine being assessed, but the the grandstand and bleachers before I court may not be so lenient, If they the show began. It was announce Lrave for Arizona- Mrs. George Sparman and little are found disobeying the law In thla by the Round-Up association that The J. C. Pratt family were business visitors at Grants Mrs. Robert Raglan, of Siskiyou ass toaay. was in the city today shopping. j night i i auer tne campaign closes Sunday, week to visit Mrs. Dan Walker and attend the revival meetings. Read your boms-town paper. of 771 several more sections of bleachers North Main street, left laat evening would be constructed for the show for Arliona to make their future next year. ihome. i