LAND WEEKLY TIDINGS VOL.XLVI ASHLAND, OREGON, WEDNESDAY, SEPT. 27, 1922 NO. 4 HOTEL PR01ECT FOR JtSHUND IS WELL UNDER WAY JUSTICE GOWDY JAILS THREE GUILTY CULPRITS Americans Celebrate Lafayette's Birthday Justice of the Peace Gowdy has been handling quite a number of "Knights of the Highway" cases the Inst few days, but finds that It Is not very remunerative, as practically all of those brought before him are "broke," and as the county court does not desire to have them sent to the Jacksonville Jail, they have been released, whether money has been forthcoming or not. Things took a change yesterday. when 19 men, who were arrested by! the ruilroad police, were brought riUAvrivr (before the court. Five of the num--j PLANS FOR FINANCING Iber paid fines, three were sent to' NOW BEING DISCUSSED XI fr ten days, and 11 were d's-j 'charged and told to hit the highway' Tcsho Winlnim Shown Much Interest again. In Proposition and Expresses Hiiii-I nelf As Ready to Get Ik-hind It To the Limit. i & X T' ' - CONTRACT MADE WITH HOCKEN. BURY SYSTEM, IXC, FOR I'RElilMINARY WORK I Ashland Is now on the high road JAP CONFERENCE !S raj DDfl IUIL I ID 1 Ul m . wltr k to a big hotel. Several weeks ago Jesse Winburn,! tlirough Mr. Fred Homes, presented to a mass meeting of citizens at the city hall a volume of correspondence ha had had with the Hockenbury! TOKIO, Sept. 26 The System, Incorporated, looking to- Japanese conference at Chang Chung! ward the financing of a big hotel fori at which an effort was made to reach j Ashland. an asreement between the soviet; A commlttoe was appointed at the government and Japan over the' meeting to enter Into negotiations withdrawal of Japanese forces from! and investigation of the Hockenbury : Siberia, and a resumption of trade! System, to see If a practical arrange-1 relations, permanently broke up ln! nient could be negotiated whereby ; a disagreement, according to advices the long-hoped for hotel for Ashland ' reaoh'ng Toklo today. could be secured. Last Saturday; ! evening this committee, composed! FAMOUS DA VINCI WORK of If. G. Enders Sr.. Dr. V. C. Swed-I IS POUND IX FRANCE enbir.T, Thos. H. Simpson, F. C. ii,., o Tf Plprc John H. Fuller PARIS, Sept. 26. Experts believe 1 i IF p Ml f I if? )'M WS W'mi '.JjlSSULP MS IMMrpHHBBBnMn m v ? 4 HI j XLll ,iUin , i- ,v-,i ton,- --" - ' y U LATEST INVENTION NOW INSTALLED IV THE VIXIXG MONDAY NIGHT ! I ATTENDANCE AT The eighth anniversary of the liattle of the Mame and the birthday of Lafayette were celebrated coincidental!)' In this country. In the graveyard of St. Paul's Episcopal chapel. New York, water from the Marne and earth from Lnfa- yette's native town of Ay were mixed, blessed tind ponied on the Brnve of Etlenne lieohet, Sleur de Itochefonlulne, ! who served in the Continental urniy. In Waslilngton wreath was pluced nn the Lafayette statue by the Sons of the Russo-I American Revolution. TOO MOCH RELIGION THROWS PORTLAND PITER OFF BASE t ADDITIONAL LOCALS. ? $3$$&&S$S$$$ Comes front Poitlnnd Mr. Fry, who left here a few days ago to attend a meeting of insurance agents In Portland, returned to Ash laud Monday Leave for California Mr. and Mrs. Anderson, who have been in Ashland for the past tew months, will leavo for Cottonwood, Calif., this evening, where Mr. An derson will be stationed for some time. He has been relief operator PORTLAND, Sept. 26. Arthur and IV t R Greer, met the repre.they ''ave ""nd the famous cartoon ; Kurrasch, aged 29 and a printer, sentative of 'the Hockenbury System ' "The Battle of the Anghlarl," by. became suddenly insane, and was and negoliated a tentative contract, ! Ieonard Vinci. It was made in -hot through the ahouldor before he subject to the approval of the board 1505 and has Just recently turned; was subdued. Hi-.,,.,-, nr tn nbnmher of com-J "n ' the village of Janvry. In the, D. Townsend, a neighbor, who merce, for a preliminary survey of'W "f the Chevreuse. The car- "d been called upon for help by vacatIon8( tnnn Ualrtnn t A A KKa ...nd fraillin relfitlVPo flf TC II ITfl HP h ffl th the town to determine the kind or "" - . -, w, M)Ve Xo(lll. hotel required, the sum of money no. I ,v,' UU"S'"- " ' "L cessary to be raised to accomplish'"0 for the 8ma" BUm of 200; commission. He fired from the I iwumi unci ueing MiucKtu uown ENTHUSIASM GROWS TOWARD FINANCING GRANITE PROJECT That the lack of ready money is the only objection met with by team captains in the drive for subscrip tions to finance the new granite at the S. P. depot here while the Proposition was the keynote of the regular operators were off on their I I IDE IN and beaten by Kurrasch. Previously, A. E. Renlck another i neighbor, attempted to pacify Kur rasch. "Be good and come alone 'or I'll run vou in." he told the! !' Set for H(wiii(t Rev. S. J. Chaney, who was re cently appointed to take charge of the Methodist church herei moved from Klnmntli Pnlls tndnu. tn thfl i ,i . a siRiipd hour was stretched nearly 80 -par8onagle vocently purclrased . at; ' 117 Laurel street. noon-day meeting of those Interested in the project at the Hotel Ashland today. Reports from various teams showed varying amounts received, ranging from a few hundreds to sev eral thousundsi Enthusiasm ran so high at the meeting that the as- V; printer. In reply Kurrasch chased Tuesday, October 3, has been set It, and the method o fraislng it. This tentative contract was sub mitted to the board of directors of the chamber of commerce, composed of W. H. McNalr, president, V. O. N. Smith, J. W. McCoy, F. C. Homes, J. H. McGee, L. F. Ferguson, A. C. Brlggs, F. S. Englo, H. G. Fndersj jr. ana j. ri. rimer, who amnuir.n I at i,n,.i,i,,.,i i,ii(.i i... ,i. thn nln and the contract for the, Kurrasch was taken to a hospital f ""- " ""(the wives of those actuully In the survev M " B V Cnr'er and f E PORTLAND, Sept. 2G.-For the by the police, but was not seriously cial ' "t July in con- affa, nd , other d t are survey, nir. j. v. i.nuer uhu i. , ,.,.. . , i nection w th tha n uht ridlni inves- . . . momhfira nf thnlmard of dl i i"B 1,1 me nisiory 01 inarKui wuuhubu. xm ouuciniy uecaum , " " interested. Tne committees com- memDerS OI ine noaru 01 ui. .... , .J ,. . t . Heat on. w he henrd. ni-cnr.Unir tn . . .. . . reports nere, an uairy products s;uib over religion, us ne continually - "".mcnted upon the fact that a inn- I u.Hinct Atiorney ivioore, FIN SMALL For some time carpenters and spe cialists have been at work Installing a new velvet gold-fiber superllght picture screen In the Vinlng theatre. This is a recent invention and only a few are now n use in the west, excepting in the new city houses. These screens are very expensive, but their value is Instantly apparent! to those viewing pictures. They bring out the minutest details of the pctures and do away .with all: eye strain. They eliminate all dls- tortion of the projected Images andl make the plcturo equally enjoyable' .. lM from all parts of the building. The HEALING SERVICES TO shadowbox and draperies are being specially prepared In the east, and will be installed later. iSE J TON DIES FROM ASTHMA WASHINGTON, Sept. 20. Sena tor Thomas E. Watson, of Georgia, died early today at his home in Chevy Chase, Md., following several weeks' Illness from asthma. Coming to the senate In March, 1921, as nn nntl-Wllson and anti league of nations democrat, Watson became one of the capital's most picturesque figures. ENTHUSIASM A XI) APPRECIA TION' MAKE UP FOR THOSE NOT PRESENT ' BE HELD THIS EVENING Series of Revival rimixiign Growing TowiiKl Ulowe; Much (ioori Ac oompliHlicd During Past Three Weeks; Thursday in Mi-dford Day,' TWO FIRES STILL HURXIXO IX DOUOLAS Co, WOODS ROSEBl'ItG, Sept. 20. All forest fires In Douglas county are under control with the exception of two, according to reports issued. None of the fires this year has caused any great damage, althouph many have been reported. At present the fires are burning slowly, and all have been surrounded and are burning themselves out. Renlck and the latter only escaped) 88 tl,e date on whlcl1 the n?''"ent8 , when he jumped In a street cat. on the demurrers in the cases of tho minutes. Nearly 30 nieu were pres ent, double the number that attend ed the first day's meeting, and It Is thought this number would be ex ceeded tomorrow, a special Invita tion having been extended to include Vlning, roitnra nf HiA rlinmhpr nf Commerce.' were .not present, being absent at'JumPea 1,1 Prlce simultaneously to-j babbled on religious subjects. TURKS GIVEN 2 DAYS TO AT E It la not , .ln L1 .1 .1 O n..4 -1 Lake of the Woods. 0c1..uUm The business of the Hockenbury 1,,e a temporary scarcity of fresh , r,ROArAsmo STATIOx System Is to promote the financing,8'0: 'hewe went up 2 cents a, OPKXKD SATURDAY XIGHT of hotel projects, and they present Pound. shortage because of the dry . the record of many successes, both spa(,on beinS Kve" s the cause, j Th(J rad(0 broadca8tlng statlon ' in the east and on the Pacific coast. Canned milk, which shows a strong whch hag be(m umer constructon The expert survey party of the export demand, now co.sts 15 cento; Bt tl)e county faf grounda fc W11. Hockenbury System will likely ne . ,ium virgjn all(, the Jordan Electric1 tlon sent butter up 2 cents a pound. company, of Ashland, sent out the Visitor from Sulem Rev. Smith, of Salem, was a visit or In Ashland today, having regis tered at the Hotel Ashland. Grants Viwn People Here Mrs. P. 0. Colby and Mrs. E. F. Conklin, of Grants Pass, were In the city last night and today for a short visit Considering it wa3 Monday even ing, Dr. Price was greeted last night by a fair sized and appreciative au dience. The meeting was opened by singing "When the Roll is Called up Yonder I'll he There," followed by a regular old-fashioned popcorn tes timony meeting, interspersed with verses of the song, "The Ark Is Com ing up the Road." One verse was composed by Rev. Miller, pastor of the local Baptist church, to read: "Brother Price has come to town, The Ark Is coming up the road, The showers of God aro fallin? . down, The ark Is coming down the road." Dr. Price responded by saying, "It Is my private opinion publicly ex pressed," or words to that effect, "that the ark has already come up the road in Ashland." Among tho testimonies were some of the little ones, who wore happy in havliyi. found Christ during these meetings. And of especial mention was one well-known lady, rejoicing In the fact that her daughter had received the baptism of the Holy Spirit, at the tnrrylng meeting on Sunday night. The subject for the evening was taken from the 13th chapter of first Cor!iiriilnnb,"the"'"love 'chapter"' of the Bible. Dr. Price likened It to tho famous plum pudding, the real ono his "mother used to make." And he dwelt on each Ingredient con tained therein, without any of which this great love pudding wai not complete. The first was pa tience, the next, kindness, and so. on. And speaking of the ten comand ments. none of them In keepin? are a here for the preliminary work with in two or three weeks, and the ma chinery will be set in motion to ac . complish the finanicng of the big hotel project. in innlrinff nvpr the names of those o ----- - wooirwiw. i. I.. nrilL. l. 1 q w..t.v. ,.,o uunt,u nna uiuau- interested In the new project, It will i rnnv. nf ,nifBato,i i(uif i ti.o'casted over the country bv the new.Bne"t tne day wlt rod LONDON, Sept. 26. Admiral Brock, commander of tho British fleet In the Turk' ih straits, was in- tnrltv nf urnman In tha itnmmii nllv ' Si runted to RPnrl nn ultimatum to tnougnt mat any of the cases will u,ro v .. , J i-,ni wnmin i,i, n. r.wih Inspired by love, but Christ said topic of granite, and also evinced would take stops against the Turk-!now commandment I give unto you. ' much Irilpreaf l,i tho rnrnnrnllnn Kh nat onn lsts nn psn thpv withdrew ,nnt J01' ,ove ne nnoiner. Ana V. V. Mills spoke briefly on tho from the neutral zone on the Darda- geological history of the stone, and nelles within the next 48 hours. stressed Its permanence and dura- . - hlllty. He B'tated that granite was LONDON, Sept. 20. The war of- composed of quartz, feldspar and' flee officials have declared thoy had , llP 8,1111 ,n 0,18 ' h'8 othpi' sermons, mien. J. H Harrtv' also snnko. no official confirmation of Constan-; "JosuB lo"e save y. t Je- the thought Dr. Price brought out was, not to be saying how much we have odne for the Lord, but how much the Lord has done for us. As I, for Ashland granite was far In ex- first waves Saturday night, being! Risox MAfiiiYR tits dance music by the orchestra at thei5'"'lwi floM' '"h oi: i.ivn vniiniVfalr erounds navllion. J- M. Hughes, P. S. Provost, W. C. i cess of any Immediate possibility of j Music furnished by the Launspach ! Brown 8,1,1 Bud s,orm motored todelivery under present methods of nssiviK-n v v cw 9ft Th orchestra for the dunce wan hrnad- v,unuio creeit Dunoay, wnere mey ,!" maw - i.i.m.u.i and line. retribution tht ennm to T. i station, and was nicked un In Sa t!1"" "V"" ""B "uu gu Lake City, Seattle and Los Angeles, t,rlnS!nK llome a 801y number of, also empnasizea. utner points Drought up at tn meeting were that samples and liter. slressing the point that the demand i tlnople reports that the Turks, after would serve to put Ashland on the map as granite did Barre, Vt., was Mr and Mrs. O. B. Skeen stopped at,,re were obtainable at the office over in Ashland for a few hours of 13(1 Staples; that the stock be noted that all of the Ashland fac. Hons are getting togemer on M10, Elliott. hotel project, all of which augersj WnlIe workIng on a machine In; according to Information receivedi flsh. for ecah family, well for the advancement of theiS; s, wi,era hH In servine a' from those cities. In the former! Stops in Ashland town. It will undoubtedly be suc-.term for f0I.geryi the right arm, the two the music was picked up and! cessfully put over. I skillful hand of which trot him In dances conducted to the music furn- Mr. Parr, of the Hockenbury Sys- trnuble originally, became entangled Isbed at the Jackson county fair J yesterday as they were en route to"8 enterprise was ifon-assessable; tern was much Impressed with Ash-;, t, macnlnfi an,. wa, .... off ,,, ground. their home In California, after a thnt Ashland had more than an even land's possibilities along resort lines : ,,.. . , t,,.n.nnx M Vnrk nitv I . It is the hone of the owner of ; few davs snent at Crater Lake. Mr.ibrfinI ' freight rates with competi and was especially fulsome in his, i tho station that the people of the! Skeen spent some time in Ashland as i Rogue River valley will assist in barber a few years ago. WAERMEIOX FRFD EXJOYKD ' m., uL. . '""'6 'ciiiuid a nuttosn, vy J UKCg Oil 1"W ARH'NTJIIII BY GUARDSMEN LAST XIGHT; giving any information that would Mr. Coorln a late arrival In withdrawing from the neutral zone west of Chanak, had made a second Invasion praises of Its scenic beauty, mineral waters and general tourist aspects. ASHLAND PAXTATORIUM IS SOLD TO TURPIX & CONGER I be of Interest to the world In gen-'cltv. has been emnlnved hv L. J art:'-' oral, so that It mav be hrnmlcnnted nr. l,a tMlni. ti. nnn, i,.ni i. ! ",nt, tlve points In California when it comes to marketing the product, and that no let up on the drive to raise the "ie n8ce89nry funds would be made eitner tomorrow or Taursaay, ana If necessary, the time would CONSTANTINOPLE, Sept. 2. An unconfirmed report was received here that shots hnd been exchanged between Turkish and British artillery. Fire, which broke out here In the! want to be healed right away, be- sus can not save you alone " Tonight Is another of the great healing meetings, and there has been a bit of undue criticism In regnrd to the other part of the meetings, by some who have come to be healed and received the loaves and flBhes. Dr. Price relates In his own experi ence of a man coming In from n neighboring town nnd sayng, "I Pera, or European quarters, Is still burning. The allied authorities have or dered the civilian population to cause I have to hurry back, for Sun day is the best day In my cigar store." And when Dr. Price made It plain to him that the Lord did not evacuate a village near Darldja, In heal people so that they could sell the neutral zone. cigars on Sunday, the man came The "Greek military mission has down to the altar and was so glor- departed. The 48-ith company, coart jlery, had a fine watermelon feed last j Dance music will be broadcasted an experienced tailor and is 1ielplngibe extonded lf Powlble, each Wednesday and Saturday even- out in the fall work at the shop. evening following regular drill The Ashland Pantatorium, which, practice, and a general good time ngS while weather and market re- has been In operation for the last, was enjoyed by the members of the ports, other Information in general, few months by tho Medford concern. local unit. jand music will be given out every of the same name, has been sold by i A contest was staged between night. The hour that these reports them to G. Scott Turpln and Ray-j Privates Carlin and Leach to Bee, will be sent has not been, decided niond P. Conger, both of whom are who could eat the fastest, but Carlin jx'ipon, but will probably be announced PROBE W LI BEGIN late arrivals in Ashland. found himself no match for the later in the week. The call given Mr .Turpin halls from Eugene, i wiley .each and after several trials, the new station is K. F. A. Y. where he owns a cleaning and press-j gave up in disgust. Young Bates ' AT ARGONAUT MINE A general discussion of experlen ces while soliciting formed the nvc- TREATMENT IS HELPING WIFE OF PRESIDENT louslj converted that he said he d'd not caro if he ever went back to his cigar slore. Mr. James Colson returned to his home in Lodl, CnlT, yesterday ing establishment, nnd Is familiarly ( decided that he could just about PROHIBITION AGENTS CAX'T known on the university campus, as take the measure of Leach, and hryoND 3-MILE LIMIT "Jo-Jo the tailor." He lias had ; threw his hat In the ring, lieforej several years of experience In the, one round was ended, Bates was out WASHINGTON, Sept. 26. An of- business In which he ig engaging! in the lead so far that Leach did not , ficlal announcement was made at I pate the recent Argonaut mine dls-i here, and knows all the Ins and outs, have a look In, thereby winning the' the White House today, following ajaster. at Jackson, in wlikh 47 miners of the game. j championship as the fastest water-! cabinet meeting, that activities of lost their lives, was made by Cover-' mi. uuufioi i a mo. am.ui n uiu : nieiuii euiei in iuk vuiiipniiy. (American proniouion agents nere in. nor Stephens. Those named were the state capital, and Is a young man Jirak was present dur-'searchlng vessels believed to be car-! A. B. C. Dohrman of San Francisco, of pleasing personality with the de-Jlng the evening and endeavored to ryng Lquor will not be extended chairman; W J. Loring of San Fran- termtnatlon to make tne best or a make It plain that the numbers of beyond the three mile limit Cisco, and John 8. Williams of Grass: Return to AHhlunil WASHINGTON, Sept. 26.-An x-,1 n,ornlnK' after hav:n been 8 P'"" nf Rtranp-th tn fir Vripn In hla kanL lens of a round table talk, with Ed'ray examination of Mrs. Harding has ,,, ', ' ,, revealed that the treatment she nasi'" " ... . , . . mt i a n nspiratlon to us all, for the last received has been successful In re-i ' ' lievlng the congested condition of if"r ,dnys' 8nd ,ho r"l""' Jv her kidneys, Brigadier General C. E. , 1'eanih.g from his countenance will Sawyer, tho White House physician,! be "M on ,1,e httoTm 83 he nas announced. Mrs. Harding is steadily j Ron bck ,0 Lo,, to take P th" Imnrovln ...d the treatment wilh Wnrk there " 1,"""P I" t"8'r . ., , I rreat band of Christian workers. lie cuiuiuiiru. Staples presiding as chairman. It was requested by H. O. Or.ley that all members of teams who were not quite clear as to what territory they were to cover, should meet a 9 o'clock Wednesday morning at the city hall. SACRAMENTO, Sept. 26. A'n-( .j nouncement of the personnel of a RASERALb RESULTS TODAY special committee of three, to In vest I- '?' National Iengue At New York 6; St. Louis 3 At Ronton B; Brooklyn 12. EMPRESS CHARLOTTE IS BELGIAN CITIZEN' AGAIN'! good business. the company must turn out at drilll The only exception to this rule, It The new owners expect to put inj practice or come face to face wlth;was stated, pending negotiation be an entire new set of up-to-date, the fact that Ashland would surely Jween the United States and Great cleaning, pressing and dyeing ma- lose the company, as other cities Britain to extend the Jurisdiction Valley. Dohrman is a merchant and Lor- But the prayers of the Lodl church are with Dr. Price In his great min istry here. There will be the preparatory nor. vlco Wednesday morn In at 10 BRUSSELS, Sept, 26. The Em- o'clock, and another heaUng meeting press Charlotte has re-adopted her. in the afternoon at 2:30 for the oi l Belgian nationality, which the lost people who cannot be out at nich:, . At Philadelphia 8; Cincinnati 15. through marriage with Maxlmalian and the regular services on Wednes- I of Austria, emperor of Mexico, In day evening at 7:30. No services. I 1 S 6 7. She has lived In Brussels during the day Thursday, as thft Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Sparr arrived, 67 years, but permission to recover, day Is Medford day. in Ashland by motor a few days ago! her nationality was granted only ; The tarrying meeting at Ing Is a mine owner and president , from Clinton, Iowa, and are camp- recently. of the American mining congress. Ing In the auto park. They left Ash- chlnery as soon as It can be ohtalned;ln the state are standing ready and from three to 12 miles, would be In Williams formerly was vice president; land about IS months ago-for Iowa, and all of the work will then be willing to take the company over, rise of vessels In touch with .done in Ashland, with Ashland labor. 'and back It vp. 1 shore bv means of smaH boats. i the of the miners' union at Grass Val- but the call of the west was too ley. I strong, and thsy bavi returned thn Baptist chnrch after tne services Inst night was attended by scores of people seeking the baptism of the Albmy Man In City F. C. Williams, nf Albany, was an: Holy Spirit, and th Lord verily wa Ashland visitor this morning. i In their midst,