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About Ashland weekly tidings. (Ashland, Or.) 1919-1924 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 16, 1922)
AsiftAM imm mtm LOCAL AND PERSONAL i Visiting with FWJnd Mrs. Vivian O'Neill arrived this morning on (rain 12 to spend a few days' as the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Sylvester Patterson. " and other friends in the city. (From aaturaajr Daily) Pond Being Cleaned The pond near the entrance of LI thla park 13 being cleaned of the i years collection of mud, and will i Moves to California present a much more sanitary ap-j James Foxall, who has been oceu- pearance when the Job has been ! vy-ng tne rerozzi property on uran completed. Return from California Mr. and Mrs. O. T., Bergner -who have been sojourning in southern California for the past several weeks have returned to their home in Ashland. ite street, has moved to California. IjpVfg on Vacation Miss Myrta Olterdale, chief oper ator at the local telephone exchange, leaves on her annual vacation tomor row. She expects to spend the first week in Portland, and may take a ramping trip upon her return home Her place Is being filled during her absence by Mrs. Emma Murphy. Leave Palmer I'liux"- Mr. and Mrs. M. E. Mather, of Los Angeles, have leased the H. II. Pal mer res'dence at 4112 Allison street. The Palmers left here recently for Louisville, Ky., to make their home. Rwovering from Illness E. K. Hall, of Liberty street, Is convalescing after a serious illness of several days. VlMts with Mollir-i-Mra. Fred Hart, ot Kirby, Or., ar rived in the city Saturday for a few1 days visit with her mother, Mrs. T. M. Anderson, on Helm an stmt. Vfrlting In Ashland N. T. Smith and his daughters, Mrs. C. S. Eastor and Miss Lulu B. Smith, of Colorado Springs, Colo., are visiting with Mr. Smith's ne phew, V. O. N. Smith, and family, for a few days. The visitors are en route north to Seattle, where they will visit other relatives. Picnicking In Park The Women's Relief CYrps of Medford is having a picnic In Llthia park this afternoon. Now H Xow Thpr H. S. Alkins and family returned Thursday evening from a trip to Crater Lake, and left this morning for a week's trip to Roseburg and Riddle, In Douglas county. Enjoying Vocation Miss Blanche Hicks, city librarian, is enjoying her annual vacation of one month, having started on it yes terday morning. Her place is being filled during her absence by Miss Grace Leslie. Here on Business George Smith, a representative of the Kelly-Sprlnfileld Tire company, was In the city on business for his company yesterday. and ltd urn from Newport- Mr. and Mrs. W. S. Ball, who have been spending the past few weekx at Newport beach, have returned to their home at 104 Bush street. Off for an Outing B. B. Kellogg and family George Rose and family left for ( Stopping In Ashland Lake of the Woods and Pelican Bay Friday, and expect to be gone for several days. More Msh at Luke of Woods- Mr. and Mrs. O'Hara and Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Stearns, of Lebanon, Or. stopped over in Ashland for a few hours the latter part of the week, Mr. O'Hara is connected with tie Another large shipment of fish, Lebanon paper mills. Mr. Steams is passed through Ashland today, en route for Lake of the Woods. The shipment consisted entirely of black bass and were sent from Portland. Visitor from Klamath Charles Horton, of Klamath Falls, was a visitor in Ashland yesterday, Putting on New Roof William Paul is engaged In put ting a new roof on the Vendome hotel. Has "Summer Flu" Henry Kirby, of the East Side meat market, Is quite seriously ill with "summer flu." Will Picnic at Iijike All the employes of the Enders department store and their families will picnic at Lake of the Woods to morrow. It is the custom of the employes to spend one day at the lake each year, and as some of them were go!ng out to a meeting of the lot owners there Sunday, it was de cided to hold the picnic on that day. They expect to leave Ashland at 10 o'clock tonight and arrive at the lake during the early morning hours. Six auto loads expect to make the trip, a brother of H. A. Stearns of this city. Hosting at Home- Chester MacCracken, who arrived home from . the university several days ago, has been staying closely at home, and very few of his friends have even seen him. He will be out among his friends when he gets thoroughly rested. Visit In A shin iid Eugene Bryant, of Medfofd, was an Ashland visitor yesterday. Shopping in Ashland Mrs. Raglin( of south of the city, was shopping with local merchants Friday. Will Attoml Initiation Quite a large number of Ashland Modern Woodmen expect to attend the initiation at Talent tonight, there being six candidates from Ash land. The local Woodmen will lonve the Plaza not later than 7:30 o'clock and plenty of cars are assured for all who care to go. Return from Trip North- Mrs. F. H. Walker and daughter Janle returned home Wednesday, after a month's visit in Seattle Portland and Astoria. Visits in Sums Valley Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Gall, and Mrs. Frank Snyder motored to Sams Val ley Friday to visit Mr. Gall's brother El nm, who is quite ill. Enjoying Vacation George Ross, of the Enders store, Is enjoying a vacation from his du ties for several days, and has taken his family to Lako of the Woods for an outing. ' Returns from 'Frisco E. H. Bush has returned from Oakland and San Francisco, where he has been for the past week visiting. Infant Child Dond The infant child of Mr. and Mrs. Jack Maneely was still-born yester day at the Granite City hospital. Mr and Mrs. Maneely live near Med ford. The child will be burled in a local cemetery today. I)i in Hollywood Captain Charles Arthur A. J. Dll han died August 8 at his home, 5404 Hollywood boulevard, Hollywood. Calif., at the age of 64 years. He was born at Samatan Gers, France, and spent several years In the French army before coming to this country. Funeral services were held Thursday at 10 o'clock from the Godean and Martonlnl chapel. Mrs Jesle Mabel Dilhan, the widow who survives him, was a former Ashland woman. Visitors in Medford Mrs. Walter Bevington has as net house guest Mrs. James Hanralty, ol Dunsinulr, and they both spent yes terday In Medford, combining busi ness and pleasure. Other Medford visitors from Ashland were Misses Hazel Bruner and Florence Shaver. Will Start Store R. H. Stanley, the chair doctor opposite the freight depot, expects to start a second hand store i the near future. His daughter, who is a teacher in England, expects to come to this country and help her father in the business. Pinto Glass Replaced The plate glaBS In the front of the Golden Rule store was replaced yes terday by DIckerson and Son. The glass was broken a few days ago when Judge Lodge of Yreka drove his car across the sidewalk and Into the glass. (From Monday's Dally) Return from Outing O. Gustafson, ot this city, and his son-in-law. Homer Elwood, of Med ford, returned yesterday from a five days outing trip. They spent a short time at Lake of the Woods, after which they went to Pelican Bay where Mr. Elwood has a launch, and spent some time fishing out in Klamath lake. Mr. Gustafson' says that the trip is worth the time of any person who wants a few days nice outing. 1onvo for 'Frisco- Mrs. J. W. McCoy and Miss Ger trude Engle went to San Francisco last week, driving through in tha hitter's car. Mrs. McCoy expects to remain for about two weeks. SMks at Vnlon Meeting Dr. Towner, pastor of the First Baptist church of San Jose, Calif., spoke at the union meeting at the Presbyterian church last night, to a crowded house. Dr. Towner is on his way to Marshfield for a revival campaign. Ilreaks Arm la Fall John Edward Dlckiy, the little nephew of Mrs. Frank Dickey, had the misfortune to fall and break bis left arm at the elbow Thursday. He was taken to Medford Friday morn ing and had the break x-rayed and splinted by Dr. Jarvis. The Utile; tinmen enjoyed a good visit. fellow Is doing nicely under the care of bis aunt and numerous friends. Will Toneh This Year Miss Mabel Trott, one of this year's graduates of Ashland high school, will teach at Drain this year. Miss Marjory Edson, also of the class of 1922, will teach at New Hope school near Grants Pass. Stopping at Camp Ground- Rev, and Mrs. Howe and family ot Sacramento, are enjoying a rest in Ashland's park for a few days. Mr. Howe was surprised to find the auto park superintendent, Mr. Dor an, an old fellow student ot semi nary days. Needless to say, the gen- Stops Over in Ashland Mr. Falrchlld, an attorney of Cour d' Alene, Idaho, stopped over last night in Ashland and is looking af ter some business here today. Mr. Falrchlld was formerly on the su preme bench of. the state of Idaho, but found that he could fare better as a practicing attorney than as a member of the state tribunal, so he resigned a few years ago to take up practice again. Elmore Family In Idaho The H. T. Elmore family reached Wallace, Idaho, last Friday on their eastern trip. All are enjoying the outing, are in good health, and have had no trouble so far. Visits in Ashland , F. B. Curry, state deputy consul of the. Modern Woodmen 'jf America, was a visitor in Ashland Saturday, and attended the Initiation at Talent that evening. Mr.-Curry was for merly a resident of Ashland, but has not visited here for a great many years. JOtX MttriC M tltHlA PARK ON LABOR DAY, Arrangements toy a point plcnio of the Modern Woodmen of America I and the Woodmen of the World, to; be held in LithJa park on Labor day, were completed at a meeting held! Wednesday night. The two organizations have agreed, to go 50-60 on the expenses of the picnic, and they will furnish coffee j and trimmings, while the picnickers' are expected to bring well-filled bas-i kets. The picnic is not limited to, the members and families ot the two fraternal orders, but a general invi tation is extended to the public to come out and enjoy the day as their guests. The Bungalow has been rented, and music will be furnished for dancing during the afternoon and evening. Races and contests ot various kinds are scheduled for the after noon, and some handsome prizes are to be hung up for the winners. The membership oT the two orders amounts to about 2000 in the valley, and it is expected that between 2500 and 3000 persons will take part in the festivities of the day. To Picnic In the. Park . The Presbyterian Sunday school, old and young, will hold a picnic In Lithia park Monday next, from 4 to o'clock. All members, relatives and friends are Invited. Bring vour lunch baskets and your own dishes. The Sunday school will furnish the drinkables and trimmings. W. W. Roblson has charge ot the sports. Mrs. J. M. Robs and her committee will care for the tables. WANTED, WANTED Good wardrobe trunk Phone 62 or write Box 68, Jack sonville. 293-3 CHIROPRACTORS. DR. K. B. ANGELL Chiropractic and Electro-Therapy. The combi nation does wonders. First Nat'l Bank Bldg. Phone 48-142. "Nature abhors a vacuum," tf Rotui-n from Outing Miss Eunice Gruhb, Miss Blanche MacLean and Mrs. F. J. Murphy re turned Sunday from a week's outing at Lake of the Woods and surround ing country. Leave for Homo Dr. and Mrs. M. S. Reynolds, who have been visiting with Mr. and Mrs. B. AT. Heath at their home on Ter race street for the past week, left Sunday for their home at Yates Cen ter, Kansas. The Reynolds have been spending the last few months In Los Angeles and southern Cali fornia, and are now on their way home by way of Portland and the Yellowstone trail. Looking for Location . Mr. and Mrs. George McGowan, late of Santa Cruz, Calif., are In the city looking for a location. The McGowans are former Oregonlans. having lived in Santa Crui only three years. They were residents of Portland for about 40 years previous to that time. They also pioneered in eastern Oregon, where Mr. Mc Gowan was a merchant for several years, having named the town of Burns himself. NEW AND USED GRAIN SACKS AND SACK TWINES JTJST IN "SHOO FLY" the great fly killer, should "be used on your horses and cows more freely. Fencing of every description. New and used Sewing Machines always on hand. AT PeWs Corner CANS FOR CANNING JARS FOR JARRING Provost B os. Real Estate Homes and acreage. Farms and Stock Ranches. AU Kinds of Good Insurance Ashland Agents of Abstract Co. Billings Agency (From Tuesday's Dally) Will Cliango Location L. Leedoin, who has been operat ing a vulcanizing shop In the Allen building on North Main street, for several years, has leased the room at the corner ot First and East Main streets, in the Beaver building, and will occupy the same about Septem ber 1. The reason given for the change is that the new location will be more centrally located. Seriously HI Mr. Peppers, who lives on Death treat aorlmiutv 111 with heart trouble, and there is small hope for: Coffee, Ire cream and lemonade will Jiis recovery. he furnished by the Sunday school. Will Plenir Tonight All Presbyterians, their friends and relations, are Invited to the pic nic supper tonight in Llthia park. Bring your own dishes and eatables. Leave on Trip North Mr. and Mrs. Howard Rose left yesterday by motor for a trip to Portland, Seattle and other northern points. While it Is not known Just how far north they will go, it Is sate to say that they will cns the bor der Into the land where the bar still exists. Visit Old Friends Mrs. Oscar Paulson, whose home Is In western Nebraska, is visiting with the Jackson Gyger family on Nell creek. Mrs. Paulson Is over 70 years old, and made the trip west In a car, coming by way of Seattle with some Nebraska friends. Vacation Supplies STERNO STOVES and CAMP OUTFITS STERNO HEAT-15-30C Campers Supplies ICY-HOT BOTTLES Get Your Vacation Reading Matter BOOKS & MAGAZINES 3 H 12 Vtt"!TTm" T ; " .... Vt'f ; ; J- ' , '1 .Thiiwt Bifi:ii'ifcii iAl 00 a ml Millions of Barrels of it- Costs 40c Sells for $3.00- What are we Going to do With It? LET IT REST IN THE MOUNTAINS, AS IT HAS FOR CENTURIES, OR TURN IT INTO DOLLARS? Every day at 3 o'clock, in the building adjoining Mac's Game on Pioneer Street, engineers are giving public demonstrations of a practical method for extracting oil from the mountains of shale at our doorstep. Whether or not this is to be made an Ashland industry is up to you. Every retort erected means a 500 Bbl. Gusher Per Day There is enough shale in the Dead Indian and Antelope Valley holdings of the Hartman Syndicate to operate ten retorts each day with a capacity of 500 barrels of oil every 24 hours, which would equal Ten Gushers Spouting 5QOO Bbls. of O Every Day at $3. Do you realize what that means to Ashland? ONE RETORT will turn out 500 Barrels of oil a day. That oil will market for not less than $3 a barrel in the field. The cost of operation is 40 cents a barrel. Tha Profit $2-60 ' barrcl- That 1 ill: ri UIIl means $1300 a day, 365 days in the year. Does that mean anything to you? Are you going to get in on these profits? - Are you going to get in on the biggest enterprise ever launched in Oregon, and which means the making of Ashland the central point in the revolution of the oil industry of the world? H O W? Shares are being offered today at par $10 a share. The sale is limited to the amount necessary to install one retort with a capacity of 500 barrels of oil a day. NOT ANOTHER DOLLAR IS NEEDED " Can you estimate what that Ten Dollar share will be worth the day the first Hartman Retort starts spouting oil? It will soar like a war baby and it will be yours if you will exercise simple common sense. See the demonstration today. Talk with the men at the head of the enterprise. ' See what you are asked to invest in, and then apply good business judgment to the proposition. SEE HARTMAN At the Demonstration Building on on l?5rct st Pioneer Ave. or at the Company Office J rilal v3l. TODAY mftrrrfrrtirmrTnwmiTtm ;'tt S3 (t"rt'llrtt','irtnrllHliliHHnllHltlHlttiil '-"'"'''""'tw'-tt't(rillWH'"t(1lil''.ll"'l'"'i'1'"li,il1 i1jnii.iuii.,i.i,iinm..,i)i,if.,l)ltnt,,ij4ijyll