Ashland weekly tidings. (Ashland, Or.) 1919-1924, August 02, 1922, Page PAGE THREE, Image 3

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(From Wednesday's Daily)
Former Resident Visits
George Morse and family, of Sac
ramento, are visiting at the home of
Henry Carter on Mountain avenue.
Mr. Morae was a former Rogue Riv
er valley resident, having lived for
Several year near Talent.
On Vacation Trip
Charles Rose and family are off
for a ten days vacation trip to Sea
side and other points in the north
ern part of the state.
(From Thursday'! Daily)
Motored to Eugene
Mr. and Mrs. Huschke and daugh
ter Joan and grandson Robert mot-
ored to Eugene Frlduy to visit with
D. J. Bryant aud wife over the week
end, returning Monday accompanied
by Mrs. Hedrick as far as Drain.
leaven for Convention
Cilonn Simpson and J. A. South
ard left yesterday evening on train
K4 for The Dalles, as delegates from
the Ashlnnd post of the American
Legion to the state convention of
that organization this week.
Outing on Rogue River
W. C. l'hlllips and family, of San
Francisco, arrived In Ashland yes
terday by motor and drove on to
Rogue River, where they expect to
spend a month camping. Mr. Phil
ips is connected with the Pacific
Coast express.
In City on Business
Ray Mcintosh of Golden, Or., was
in town this week, looking after his
property interests. Mr. Mcintosh
and family expect soon to move from
Golden and may locate here. Mrs.
Mcintosh was formerly La Verne
Ruble of this city and has many
friends here.
Confined to Bed
Mrs. C. H. Vaupel is confined to
her bed by illness.
Die in Xebruxka
Word lias been received hero of
the death of Mrs. II. A. Barney of
Kearney, Neb., a former resident of
GreHbam street in this city, and the
grandmother of Oscar Barney, of the
Llthlii bakery.
Here on IliiHlness .
Dr. Green, of Medford, was a busi
ness visitor in Ashland yesterday.
IioavcH on Vunit ion
Nate Bates and family left this
morning on their vacation, exist
ing to go first to Lake of the Woods
and later to Crater Lake and Pelt-
can Bay. They expect to be goneideci(led thnt there is no climate like
for about ten days or two weeks. !tllat of Oregon.
Will Locnto in Oregon
Mr. and Mrs. O. C. Mcintosh and
small daughter Edna, recently of
Pittsburg, Pa., were visiting rela
tives in Ashland this week. Mrs.
Mcintosh was en route to California
lo visit her grandparents, after
which the Mcintosh family expect to
return to Oregon to locate, having
Moves to Own Property
Mrs. Myrtle Boslough, who has
been living for some time with the
Taverners on the Boulevard, has
moved Into her property at the cor
ner of Glonview Drive and Hillcrest
Leave for La lift
Louis Dodge and family left this
morning for Lake of the Woods for
a stay of a few weeks. Mrs. Dodge's
sister accompanied them on the trip.
Fire Chief on Vacation
Fire Chief George Robison is en
Joying a few days' vacation and his
place at the fire station Is being
filled by E. F. Smith.
Here from Canada
Lars Bliason, of near Lethbrldge,
Alberta, Is In the city for a few
days, having been called here on
account of the death of his father.
Diniuy Guests
Mr. and Mrs. J. N. Dennis and
grandson, Dennis Oskar, and their
guest, Munro Chllders, of Corvallis,
were dinner guests Sunday of the De
Carlos family on the Green firings
Mr. and Mrs. William Freeburg.
who left Ashland in the early part
of May, are now visiting with rela
tives at Beloit, Wis., according to a
clipping" which was received from
that place today.
Mr. and Mrs. Freeburg are both
72 years old, but take the!r trusty
Ford, and with canvas and bedding,
(From Friday's Dally)
At lake of the Woods-
Chester, May, Bertha and Mrs.
Make Crater Luke Trip
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Deardorf,
F. Smith left Tuesday morning for j companied by Mr. Deardorrs par
Lake of the Woods, where they will i ents, Mr. and Mrs. I. N. Deardorf
spend ten days on a vacation trip.! 01 Lut-yene, Kans., Mr. ana Mrs
Hobbs and son, and Mr. and Mrs.
Hale. left yesterday for a trip to
Crater Lake. They expect to return
Friday, coming home by the Lake
of the Woods.
Leave for Minneapolis
Mrs. Emma Oeder and daughter,
of 108 Granite street, left last ev
ening for 'Minneapolis. Minn., to
look after business Interests there
Her stay In that section of the coun
try is to be an Indefinite one.
The dental profession has added
ten yours to man's simn of life.
This was the pleasing assurance
glvca out to the world by the Amerl
can Dental association at its con
mention in Los Angeles last week.
Dr. F. H. Johnson, who has just
returned from the meeting says this
is accomplished by preventive dental
travel around over the country, el'fott and advice, milking possible
wherever their f:mcy may tukg thorn a clean, healthful mouth aud sound
regardless of hotel accommoda-j teotly which will do their duty in
Hons. , preparing food for digestion, to-
They have traveled over 3000 ! aether with a correct personal hy
inllej since leaving Ashland on tholrj leno and diet for the growing
present trip, bavinr passed through child. Fruits, green vegetables,
Nevada, Utah, Colorado, Nebraska,! w hole wheat bread, and above all,
Iowa, Mlnnestota and Wisconsin, en! l0od milk a quart a day for ev
route, stopping to Mt at variously boy and girl, will build a phys-
years ago and engaged In farmlug.
WORKED BY MEDI'ORD MEX He retired several years ago, and
GOLD HILL, July 31. The oldj
five-stamp quarts mills used for cus-
tnm umrb- unntn t a a'
..... ,.. , (ran ugu JUKI east
of Gold Hill, has been sold to C. C.
Ciartc and associates of Medford, and
the new owners are moving It to the
Applegate district to be rebuilt on
the Lonk Pine quarts gold mine, re
cently purchased from 0. L. Haf'f of
Gold Hill.
came to Ashland eight years ago.
Mr. Hardy was 81 years bid at
the time of his death. He leaves a
wife and several children to mourn
his loss.
Funeral arrangements have not
been completed, and will be an
nounced later.
places for a short time.
: hi no as near ideal as possible.
It Is their Intention to spend the somo three thousand dentists
making the; from all over the United States and
trip from Beloit by leisurely stages, : Canada
next winter In Florida,
and expect to arrive in the tropical
climate before cold weather sets In.
Mrs. C. M. Romar seems to be
rather unfortunate this week, hav
ing met with two accidents, either. 'octod those subjects which mostly
and some from forelgu
coun:rles wore registered. The
meeting was held at the magnifi
cent Ambassador hotel, in which all
Ashland could be housed and not be
greatly crowded. So numerous were
the exhibits, demonstrations and
clinics, that each dentist, after a
genonil Inspection, necessarily se-
of which might have proved serious.
Early In the week she wns walk
ing along the sidewalk when she
concerned III in and devoted his time
to them.
Most Interesting was the public
In City Yesterday
). M. Lowe, of Medford, spent
Tue Jiy afternoon in Ashland, mix
ing a..:ong friends.
Hoy Keouts to Mnko Hike
Troop two, Boy Scouts, will leave
on their annual hike to Mount Ash
On Vacation Trl
Miss Bertha Smith, one of the lo
cal telephone operators, is enjoying
land next Monday morning. Alii"8'" vacation this week, having ten
will assemble at the Presbyterian1 'or Lake of tlle Woods to spend a
church at 8 o'clock. .The annual! few llavs
hike to Lake of the Woods Is sched
uled for August 14. All scouts
planning to go should inform the
scoutmaster at once.
Working at Hornbrook
Vincent Ritginger, a plumber in
the employ of the Southern Pacific,
has been transferred to Hornbrook
for the present.
Ix-avig for Grenada
Mr. and Mrs. James Hersey, who
have been spending a few days In
Ashland, left this morning for Gra
nada, Calif., where Mr. Hersey will
be for the next few months attend
ing to his apiary.
Returns from Weed
Ed High returned home yesterday
afternoon from a trip to Weed.
Calif., where he had been on busi
ness. for a few days. He reports the
roads as being very rough.
Visit inn In City
Mrs. Clark and daughter, of Cali
fornia, are in the city visiting with
the W. S. Eastman family on North
Pioneer street.
Leaves for Portland
H. S. Emery leaves this evening
Return from Lake
Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Oskur returned
the first of the week from h two
weeks' vacation at Lake of the
Woods. While there, they made i
fishing I rip to Rocky Point and Pell-
on train 64. for Portland, where nek oomng lflck
will visit among
next few weeks.
relatives for the
by way of
Klamath Falls, where they jpent
several days visiting with friends.
Recovering from Accident-
Floyd Rush, who was Injured a
few days ago while returning from
Portland on his motorcycle, when he
was struck by an automobile, is 1m
proving nicely, being able to be up
and around the house.
Returns to Lake
O. A. Paulserud and Carl Love-
land returned to Lake of the Woods
last night, following the band con
cert, to take part in which they
came in from the lake. They were
accompanied on the return trip by
Charles Brady. They expect to
leave today for Crater Lake and
return to Ashland Saturday or Sun
day. In City Shopping
B. F. McCreary, who operates the
hotel at Siskiyou, was In the city
shopping yesterday.
Returns to Ashland
Andy McCallan, who has been in
San Francisco for the past few
months returned to Ashland the
first of the week and will be in
Ashland for some time.
Fine Fishing Trip
A. G. Moss, who left on a fishing
was tripped by a fishing pole hold . health exhibit, which Included dls
across the walk In the hands of lit-; I'lays from the Forytho Institute of
tie Elwood Hllty. who was tripping' Boston,- and the Eastman Dental
unwarv nassers-bv. She was rather! Welfare Foundation, Rochester, both
badly bruised by tho fall, striking devoted to tho care of "poor ehll
her face and knees on the sldowalk.i'lren's teeth. Dental nurses In charge
and spraining her left hand as well. I of oral hygiene public school work
She was Just recovering from hen In various California counties, dls-
fall and had taken the bus for Med-1 Played their methods to Interest and
ford yesterday when the conveyance Instruct the children. Most spectuc-
collided with another machine neari'l"r was the "exhibit of the Japan-
the city limits on the highway. The! ese housed in a special apartment
WASHINGTON, July 31. Tho re-
j publican "tariff bloc" won another
An accident occurred near ih; ulory louay ' enacting sharply In-
city limits on the highway north of!crpa8p'1 dlltl8 woo' blankets.
Ashland yesterday. In which the! 11 rfiJe(,,p'1 an aniend-
Medlord-Ashland bus was compelled mw,t Bhl8'"nK ,hfi rntfis' aad ,h"n
to turn Into the dltrh tn ke frnm "uul"e" lue commits higher
running head-on Into another car. jdutie8-
The bus win leaving the city wltbi "
a number of prssengers aboard, and l'?",'t-S'?-'
had reached tho place where the; FOOD VALVES A XI) j
highway starts down tho hill to nnss '''GOD 'OMWXAT!OXS .
under the railroad tracks. It was
about to meet a wagon loaded with
hay, wbpn another machine, which
had come up behind the hay wagon.
started to pass it, and the driver of!
the bus, In endeavoring ,to make
By Paul O. Sampson, Nationally
Known Food Expert
Do you know that your stomach
;is simply a chemical laboratory that
room for It to get by, drove his car
into the ditch.
No one was seriously Injured, but
some of the passengers suffered a
nervous shock. The car was dam-
ihIxps the solids and fluids you put
Into it according to exact chemical
Do you know that tho organ of
taste in your mouth acts as the con-
aged to the extent of abut $100, but1""1 01 ,UB "on,acu moratory, nou
was In such shape as to be driven ifylns !t what '"tlve juices to re-
nil In Meclfnnl inwle- Id nUm ,mw!lease f"r fOOdstUff on its Way
' F I
after a mechanic had been called to.
result wag Mrs. Bomar had n very
serious nervous sho-k, and while
able to be about, shows that she ha
been through the mill.
and having wonderfully made mod
els of human faces and mouths; a
series illustrating from the normal
healthy mouth through various
stages of abnormalities and diseases
MASTER HOWARD GIVES so perfectly done as to seem real;
ENJOYABLE BIRTHDAY PARTY' that anyone could well understand
- and appreciate these revolting con-
Master William Howard, of s ! (Utlonjl and tne hnrm dol)9 t0 fllcIai
East Main street, gave a very en.jdevelopment by irregularities of the
joyable theatre and watermelon j teeth.
party to ten of his little friends yes-, Thursday afternoon and Friday
were entirely devoted to clinics in
terday, between the hours of 12:30
and 9 p. m., the occasion being his
tenth birthday.
He received many useful and
nlouulnir nrpftents Imlmleri In wlitrh MEDFORD
were a number of B iy Scout books,
which always appeal to the young
The youngsters had their pictures
taken as they were grouped about i
which specialists In various branch-
MEDFORD, July 2(1. According
to advices received by Captain How
ell Smith from Washington, no alr-
the large birthday cs-ke, which dls-ll'hmeg will be permanently stationed
nni.Biire,! In record time shortly af-!npre ror forest reserve service,
ter the picture was taken.
Those present were, Mllo Gates,
will there be a radio station estab
lished here during the present sea-
Clifford Glisan, George Judy, Wil- R0. n mm e(,n expecieci. ine ra-
iim iinivarii r.umott wiiia inno'dio stations will bo located at Eu-
trlp the first of the week, returned McNabbi CIpo Bberttrdi Edlth Henry, I '. Rosebnrg and Salem. The
make some necessary repairs.
YREKA, Calif., July 28. Harry,
the nine-year old son of Mrs. Harry
Doggett, who resides on MeKlnney
creek, 35 miles west of here, was
bitten bv a rattlesnake at 1 o'clock '. litigating
yesterday afternoon and died this''00'19 ,0 et 100 ')Br cent efficiency
nioi-nins nt 4:3rt o'einr k ! out of them for the human body, and
Do you know that when you put
several food materials in your mouth
lu a mixture, which are enemies to
each other, aud require different di
gestive action, the control office
frantically sends word that waste Is
coming, and to get r1! of It.
Paul O. Simpson, national food
expert, who has spent 31 years In-
the proper mixture of
The reptile's fangs tore the little
fellow's scalp In two place, about an
Inch apart Ju?t above the ear. A
call for medical assistance came late
yesterday evening. Dr. I. L. Ward
and Claude and Ashley Russell,
brothers of Mrs. Doggett, loft at 7
o'clock for the Doggett home.
Mrs. Doggett Is the daughter of
J. B. Russell, of Yreka, and the
willow nf the hitn flari-v nneeett
who was a son of City Marshal Dog-!your wi" et ,he most beneflt
who has lectured throughout the
country for 20 years, will tell you
all about what foods will mix and
what will not, in a series of special
articles he has written.
Sampson has lectured before col
leges and schools, as wel as to the
employes of the great Industrial
plants of the country. His articles
will show you how to avoid digestive
troubles, and how to eat so that
Mr. and Mrs. Otto Winters, Mrs.
A. II. Russell, Miss Ncllio Russell
and Mrs. G. F. McConnetl left Ash
land this morning to attend the funeral.
His articles will appear from time
to time in the Tidings. Watch for
them they will bring you health.
yesterday and reports having had
a very fine trip and good luck with
the rod
Have Picnic in Park
The Ladies' Art club
: l-:.. I.!...- ..!,. i. ......
and their "
families held a picnic in Lithla park! rW- J- - wlllls. of Manhattan.
larnej ,va,'s ls visiting ni tne nome oi ins
nilmhe, ,,ro,.i, n,l ,.11 ..,' 1'arontS, Sir. 011(1 Al IB. K. S. WIIIIS.
Monday evening. Thero was a
number present
enjoyable time.
Leave for Vacation
Carl Loveland and family left this
morning for Lake of the Wood, ac
companied' their guest, Mrs. Har
rison. Mr. Loveland will return to
Ashland Thursday to direct the band
concert Thursday night;' after which
he expects to return to the lake and
spend several days thero with his
family, before they return home.
CO Second street. He Is- expecting
to stay lu Ashland for about ten
days. ,
Called (4i Portland
Edwin F, Gattis left for Port
land Tuesday, where he was called
by the Illness of his brother, who
is In a very critical condition.
fi-s. Biillen Convalescent
Mrs. Alvena Bullen, of the Dew
i Drop Inn, who has been at the Sac-
Return from FlNhing Trip red Heart hospital in Medford for a
Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Jordan haveweek wa brought home yesterday
returned- from their fishing trip in ! evening. Dr. McCracken says she
the vicinity of Lake of the Woods, i will be confined to her apartment
and report having had very good for some days, although well on the
Visit in Ashland
Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Myers were
visiting this week with Mr. and Mrs.
Homer Elhart, as they were en route
to Corvallis" to visit with relatives
and friends. Mrs. Myers will be
remembered In Ashland as Miss
Elizabeth Barker, a domestic science
teacher In the locul schools.
Will Direct Elks Bund-
Mrs. Alice Smith Jay, the music
composer, who has been In this vl
clnity for some time, will direct the
Medford Elks band tonight In the
park at Medford, and they will play
some of her compositions, the latest
of which is a two-step called
way to complete recovery.
Car Catches Fire I Visit in Ashland
The automobile belonging to C. Mr. and Mrs. T. H. Lynch, of
W. Fraley caught fire this morning, i Piedmont, Calif., visited over the
while standing near the Ashland , week-end with the L. Schwein fam
Mllls, and the fire department was ily ou Church street, leaving Mon-
called to put out the blaze. It ap- day for a trip to Crater Lake and
parently started from a shorted elec-1 will go from there to Portland for a
trie connection. The flames were; few days. They are expected to re-
extlnguiBhed without any damage! turn to Ashland the latter part of
other than to the wiring of the car.
Vhitora Delighted with Ashland
Mr. and Mrs. S. E. Conrad and
two children of Gerber, Calif., who
this week and stay over Sunday be
fore resuming their trip home.
Will Picnic in Lllhia Park
The Talent Community club will
have been visiting at the borne of ! picnic In Lithla park Friday evening
Mr. Conrad's sister, Mrs. O. WJof this week. The club is attaining
Long, 668 East Main street, left tblsja name for Itself and must spend
morning for their home. They were j some time in keeping the social side
very much delighted with Ashland of life moving,
and expected to make another visit j
here soon. The Conrads were ac- On 1'Wiinc Trip
companied by their nelce, Mrs. Vlo- A. G. Moss left Tuesday on a fish
let Wilson, of Dunsmuir, who spent Ing expedition, expecting to return
the-week-end visiting at the Longihome yesterday, but reports from
home. jbis place of business today indicate
that the fish must have got the best
Bend Large new theatre build- of him, for he has not shown up yet
ing under construction. at iioon.
Hauling Dirt for Dam-
Five large dump trucks started
yesterday hauling dirt to build the
Talent Irrigation district dam at Hy
att Prairie. The trucks are loaded
by the large steam shovel, which
keeps them on the go continually.
Kills Large Hauler ,
J. W. Grantham, of the Valley
view neighborhood, reports that he
killed a large rattlesnake near his
place yesterday. The rattler mea
sured four feet, three inches long,
and had 12 rattles and one button.
This Is the second larger snake of
this species, that Mr. Grantham has
killed this year.
Called by Death of Son
Mrs. Mary E. Casad, of Covlna.
Calif., and her grand-daughter. Miss
Ethel M. Moss, of Santa Barbara
Calif., arrived in Ashland Wednes
day, having been called here on ac
count of the serious Illness of her
son, Ralph E. Casad, who died yes
terday morning at a local hospital.
Mrs. Casad and her grand-daughter
were leaving for Honolulu and re
ceived the message relating to the
illness of her son after their trunks
had been taken aboard the steamer.
Hazel Henry, Gladys
Mary Howard.
Lyman and
A good-sized crowd attended the
showing of the hand-painted slides
at the Presbyterian church last ev
ening, all being highly pleased with
the entertainment. The collection
amounted to about $15, the total
sum of which was to go toward pro
curing additional slides for the slur
optlcan at the auto camp.
Medford landing field will he used
only for state foresters stationed at
this pluce, when they desire to go
over t heir territory.
The apricot season is now at hand,
anil the supply promises to bo more
plentiful than lust year, although re
poris'lnilirate that many are fulling
from the trees, which means they
Some of : must ho picked early. The Fern
the pictures shown last night -will : valley section Is the heaviest pro
be selected and nurchased from tho (lucer or tins rrmt, and in mat neign-
funds collected.
Any Ashland citizen having an ex
tra good scenic view would he doing
a great deal of good for the city, If
he would havo such a view convert
ed Into a slide and presented to the
auto ramp.
borhood, the Sunny Cliff orchard
George Alford, Ward, Hughes and
Bushon will have the heavlust crops
this year.
WASHINGTON, July 27. Assist
ant Secretary of Agriculture C. W.
Pugsley left Thursday evening for a
three weeks' trip In the northwest,
where he will visit agricultural col
leges and experiment stations, and
make a first hand study of agricul
tural conditions from North Dakota
to the coast. On August 2 and 3,
Mr" Pugsley wllf ' speak before tho
national home economics conference
to be hel(l',at"Corvalll8, Oregon.
C. A. Newton, who was arrested
Monday on -the charge of making 11
El'OENE. Or., July 31. Luther
Hudson, aged 38, was severely In
jured, and his wife suffered a
bruised leg, when tho auto 1n which
they were riding was struck by the
Shastn Limited train at Fourth and
Lawrence streets nt 4:30 p. m. Sat
urday. Hudson was taken to the
hospital. His skull is fractured, but
it is believed that he will recover.
Ralph Emerson Casad died Thurs
day morning at 6 o'clock nt the
Granite City hospital, following a
major operation two days before.
Mr. Casad ls well known In the vi
cinity of Talent, where he spent a
number of years In ranching and
dairying, having come to this part j
of the county some 20 years ago.
Ho married and lived here for sev
eral years, after which he nod his,
family moved back to Kansas City,
but not being satisfied thero, return
ed lo Oregon three years ago.
He was born In Siiulresvllle, Kan..
In 1800, on what wns the Santo Fo;
trail, where he lived until he wasi
30 years of age. He was the fourth!
of te nchlldren, eight of whom snr-j
vivo lilin. He ulso leaves to mourn j
his loss, his wife, one son and one f
iliiiMrhtnr Itiwl Ilia mnlllflr
Funeral services will be held Sun
day afternoon at 2:30 o'clock from
tho Methodist church, and Interment
will take place in Mountain View
cemetery, In cluirge of J. P. Dodge
and Sons.
Pouble Strength SHOOFLY just
In from Philadelphia. , It's the
best Fly llenellant on the market
totlay for the spraying of your
Fencing, Mowers, Rakes and
Binders an.l their repairs. All
kinds of 9v wins Machines
Pell's Corner
Pt ovost Bros.
Headquarters for
William Hardy died this morning
about 8 o'clock at his home, o
Fifth street, after a fingering Ill
Mr. Hardy was born In England,
but came to the United Stntes 45'
Real Estate
Homes aud acreage. Farms aud
v Stock Ranches.
All Rinds of Good Insurance
Ashland Agents or Abstract Co.
Billings Agency
An Ine cream festival was given
Friday eveulng at Talent by the lu
dles of the community club of that
place for the purpose of raising
funds with which to buy a piano, to
quor, and who asked for an extcn- be used In all public gatherings.
slon of time when taken Into court, It could be seen early In the ev-
decided today to plead guilty, and,oning that a large crowd would he
wag taken before Justice Gowdy to on hand for the occasion, but as
make his plea. He -iven a fine the evening went along the people
of $25 and a jail sentence of DO continued to arrive until the crowd
days, the jail sentence being sus- was equul to any that has gathered
pended upon the payment of the, In the community for many months
fine. The Ice cream and enke literally
The still In which the booze was, melted away, and the dimes that
being made, consisted of an ordinary j rolled In amounted to a good round
five gallon lard tin In wblrh a one i sum before the evening was over,
gallon tin bucket with the bottomland the piano Is now assured.
cut out had been placed. Music in the form of vocal solos
The contents of the still were con-; by Mrs. Chester Fitch, with Mrs. F.
Astoria $5400 to bs spent foriflscated this afternoon by Chief of'C. Roimer presiding at the piano
general work and $1602 for heating Police Hatcher and poured Into the(w;is enjoyed ut Intervals durlug the
and plumbing at high school. sewer. evening.
Nobody Ever Regretted Starting
A Savings Recount
The Citizens Bank of Ashland
Ashland, Oregon
leuF". fr-f-pniw if? 5 f". T t icy sr. 7 -fa.?? 5? y? .? TP " T.N7 .-T TV