Ashland weekly tidings. (Ashland, Or.) 1919-1924, August 02, 1922, Page PAGE TWO, Image 2

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    FAUft TWO
Ashland Weekly Tidings
Established J 87 6
Published Every Wednesday by
official citv and county
One Year J2.00
Six Months l-2
Three Months 7 5
Display Advertisements, each
inch 30c
Local Readers, the line 10c
Classified Column, the word, each
time lc
Legal Notices, each time, the
line 3l-3c
Card of Thanks $100
Obituaries, the line 24c
Fraternal orders and societies charg
ing regular initiation fees and dues,
regular rates.
Religious and benevolent societies
will be charged at the regular ad
vertising rate for all advert'sing
when an admission or collection is
Legal Rule
First time, per 8 pt. line Kr
Each subsequent time, per 8
Br 305 VOTES
Returns from All Precincts Will Not
Bn Officially Declared Until Wed
nesday, Bnt Majority for Terrlll
Is Admittedly Decisive.
The Jackson County Public
Health association will hold a picnic
in Lith'a park Thursday evening as
a compliment to Mrs. H. T. Elmore,
vice-president of the organization,
who will leave for Maine next Satur
day, where she will make, her future
Mrs. Elmore has been very active
in the organization since It came to
life, and the members are very sorry
to see her leave, and are giving this
picnic to show their appreciation of
her earnest efforts.
pt. line
Entered at the Ashland, Oregon,
Postoffice as second class mail
matter. '
8 Sheriff C. E. Terrlll 2943 S
D. M. Lowe 2038
i Majority for Terrlll 305 S
Seenlo Drive to Mt, A.shlund
Dear Editor Tidings:
Our community should not allow
the proposed scenic drive to Mount
Ashland to degenerate into a discus
sion as to beneficial or harmful ef
fects on our city water Bupply.
A condition where sudh a discus
sion would have any foundation
should not be allowed to exist,
Ashland has a great advertising
resource in a pure water supply, If
there are no other considerations;
any discussion as to whether this or
that improvement effects the purity
of our water supply, can be and
should be eliminated.
The' present intakes are not far
enough back for even an ordinarily
good water supply; the closer to
Mount Ashland we locate them, and
the longer the supply pipe line, the
purer and better the water will be.
The longer pipe line from the in
takes will do away with a large per
cent of tluj creek wash, that neces
sarily results from using the creek
as a conduit for our water supply;
do away with the mudhole-llke con
ditions of our pieseut Intakes in
warm weather when the creek is at
a low stage, and will lower the tem
perature of the city water supply
during the summer months.
Such Improvement is needed un
der any circumstances, is wise and
practical from any standpoint, and
should be put into execution with
out any delay.
Locate the intakes where they
should be located to give the com
munity a 100 per cent water supply.
Allow nothing above or in the
vicinity of the intakes. This elimi
nates all discussion now and lor the
The scenic drive will not Interfere
with such a program and should be
started and pushed to completion.
If the tourist hotel and larger de
velopment Is begun this fall, the out
line above will become an immedi
ate necessity.
Very truly yours,
The recall of Sheriff C. E. Terrlll
has been decidedly defeated, the re
turns showing a majority in hfs
favor of 305 votes. The result evi
denced peculiar conditions, with
Medford lined up solidly against
Ashland the latter giving a major
ity of 421 for the recall and the for
mer registering a majority of 405
against It.
It was the most bitterly fought
election known In this county for
many years. In this city 974 votes
were cast, and In Medford 1181,
nearly double the vote cast at the
recent primaries. To a large extent
the same conditions obtained
throughout the rest of the county,
although the causes contributing to
the general result wore different ac
cording to localities. In this city
the1 battle was fought out on a
straight "wet" and "dry" Issue,
while In Medford the fight raged
around the Ku Klux Klan.
A number of former Ashland rest
dents now in San Francisco and the
bay district, were delightfully enter
tained on Friday night, July 28, at
the home of Mrs. Pearl Myer in Ber-
keiey, lu honor of Mr. and Mrs, Ken
neth Day (formerly Miss Francis
llunilin), and Mr. and Mrs. Edward
Stannard (formerly Miss Nellie Ben
ver). Anectodes and recollections of
Ashland proved to be the most In
I cresting topic of conversation
Dainty refreshments were served be
fore the party broke up.
Those who enjoyed the hospitality
of Mrs. Myer and her mother, Mrs,
Holgate, were: Mr. and Mrs. Ken
neth Day, Mr. and Mrs. Edward
Stannard, Mr. and Mrs. Martin
Swehson ' (Miss Blanche Salsbury)
Mr. and . Mrs. McDermald (Miss
Francis Mulit),-Mrs. Pearl Dodge
Mrs. Anita Parker, Miss Francis
Briggs, Miss Esther Whlted, Mrs,
Henry Heldenrelch (Miss Mary
Rumored That Nearly a Score of
Indictments Will Be Handed Down
And Win Involve Severn! Resi
dents of Ashland.
Quite a delegation cf Ashland
people visited the Oregon caves on
Grayback mountain in the Slskiyous,
Sunday. Manager R. McElveen, )ghp
operates the concessions there, re-
Ashland Summer
formal School
claim to the land above described,
before F. Roy Davis, U. S. Commis
sioner, at his office, at Medford,
Oregon, on the 6th day of Septem
her 1fli!
m m
IS 3 CC uiaimam names as witnesses:
' rWilliuin Holman, of Climax, Oregon:
James L. Kershaw, of Gold Hill, Ore
gon; Walter Charley, of Climax,
Oregon; Vera Korshnw, of Wellen,
The Ashland Summer Normal
ports Sunday as being the largest Bchool closed ,tg 8lx weekg courso' Oregon.
attendance of any day since thejFl.ldav Beyund any doubt the ses-
sluns were a complete success, both
i in point of attendance and in the
Marble Hulls of Oregon were opened
to the public. Most of the Sunday
Htudents, and there
California and one from Idaho,
Following i8 the complete Ashland
vote by precincts for Lowe and Ter
rlll in the recall election Saturday:
Lowo Ten-ill
Southeast Ashland. . .108 28
Boulevard ABhland., .1.12 18
East Ashland 63 16
Oak Ashland 60 45
East Central Aslilnnd 55 44
West Central Ashland 83 40
North Ashland 70 27
Northwest Ashland ..100 40
Jackson county has been very for
tunate this year in that no forest
fire of any consequence hare devel
oped. H. M. Bowser, district warden of
the state fire patrol, in this Bection,
was taken over the district by Lieu
tenant C. W. Goldsborough, army
aviator. Saturday. The nnlv fire
reDorted wen, two .,.,,,11 nM mv.ri Sam Va,Icy 39
Total 677
Lowe's majority 421
The total registration In Ashland
is about 1975, but there were only
974 votes cast at the election. Ap
parently there were only 10 or 12
ballots that were thrown out as the
result of being mutilated or marked
Lowe received 677 votes in the
city, and there were 689 votes cast
In favor of the recall, while Terrlll
received 256 votes, and 272 ballots
were cast against the recall.
Medford gave Terrlll a majority
of 309 over Lowe, the vote being:
Lowe 87!
Terrlll t
Central Point gave Lowe a ma
Jortfv of 102, Lowe receiving 188 to
Terrll's 86 votes.
Talent, the old home town of
Lowe, gave Terrlll a majority of 9.
the vote Rtandlng 99 for Lowe and
108 for Terrlll.
Following Is the complete vote in
the other precincts of the county:
Lowo Terrlll
I Barron 7
Union 22
Watklns J7
Butte Falls 9
Derby 4
Mound S4
Willow Springs 19
Rocky Point 19
Antloch 35
Meadows 9
THE DALLES, Or., July 31.
George R. Wilbur, of Hood River,
wns elected state commander of the
American Legion, defeating George
Codding of Medford, by a vote of 89
to 50, in a spirited contest which
featured the close of the fourth an
nual legionnaires' convention In this
city Saturday.
Portland delegates aided materi
ally In the election of Wilbur, the
23 votes from that city being thrown
In favor of the Hood River candi
date. Both men are popular and
able workers in the affairs of the
Immediately after the contest was
decided, Comrade Coddfng requested
that the adjutant be instructed to
make Wilbur's election unanimous.
This was granted. Codding served
as vice-commander in the year just
The new commander wag cxecu
tlve committeeman from the second
district for the last three years.
MEDFORD, July 31. When the
special grand Jury reconvened this
morning, Tom Word, the department
of Justice chief, was on hand bright
and early and with him was the
badly scared negro bootblack, Ar
thur Burr, who last March was tak
en Into the Slskiyous by masked
men, a rope placed about his neck,
and three times swung into what he
thought was eternity, and then un
der a volley of pistol shots, sent
speeding over the mountains until
he found nnftau tn ,1 1 a ,.r .. ...
, .. u, o.uu Ul, ie Morse rmniiy, of Sacramento,
uie uaiuornia line.
visitors were from points In thejamollIlt of work d . v lhe stu
Rogue River valley, and the a8gre-jaentH
Katun there yesterday had oppor-, Im:ludI1K Jacksol. , elllt
runny 01 visiwig witn menus irom ; Oregon countios wore
various points. There were four
guides operating, and parties enter
ed the caves overy half hour, begin
ning early in the morning. Several
hud to wait for a few hours before
going iu on account of the large
number of visitors. All were accom
modated, however, In due time, as
the management in efficient and con
siderate. The following were among the
Suit in Equity fOP Divorce
In the Circuit Court of the ift
of Oregon In and r, iL?.L . 8 Sta 6
hi w u vn nun uiiiinrv
i represented by L, a,rion C- McDaulol. Plaintiff vg
were two f rom fis "''K Defendant
..... ....... . . .l0- tharles E. Mrnnii .'
A I defendant.
total of 43 students were enrolled In tlm Name r th t., .
i. .. ' Dime of On.
'. you are horehv .,.; "A ure7
from this county.
Following is a com
the students in attend
place of residence.
go II
'required ,,.. "'.. "'"""""a ad
roster oijth " -or . ne complaint of
anceand their suit 'f J 'he above entitled
court within" ZJi..ot
Eva Ackert. Douelaa cniintv: rVdite of tlm , , ., . ""ln
" miiiiienrti
fillir.ti.ri.... . wW
Ashland people present: Mr. and
Mrs. W. E. Sanford and Helen and
Wulbur, Mr. and Mrs. Edward Coov-
m of thin
vuu iiu-u, juaepmue; Winnie Ai-l. n u you default fliore
berts, Josephine; Hazel Marr, Joe-i co'urt . ,'lal,u,f' wl" apply to the
Dhlne; Aula Barry, Wheeler; Molliojsaid complaint Fft 'lo,n"nrtftd "
lleldlnir. Klamath: lierlln. Pnllinun I dissolving i. ' ' . : F" " a decree
lacks.,n; Merle S. Casebeer, Doug-j 'ween you and the plalntifr, and tlmt
as; Minnie Dillard, Klamath; Flor-j ',, "t,ff lla,ve ." resume her maid-
nub am. Aueune una jemma. uora enco Dlllard Klamath; Anne Dun- Hv "rVior C' (,'0S8ett'
Kupron, Ernestine Hicks, May Had- J(,sephine. MarJ Kiwn. Cal- Calkins jiule ofn0. F' M"
field, Alfred Beck, Mr. and Mrs. Lornil. CalnorM Klai,)ath lJu,y "'fe f
Frank Nelson and cuests. Mr and ... ! erio,i ,,.. .... . 118 lmmons la
0 , . h I vi no H'lnt'V iimniiiitna- I Mm n -. u uu villi nv m.i.i ...i. .
Mrs. H. B. Carter and children, and
He was to have been on hand Fri
day morning, but he was too badly
scared to come further than Weed,
as the train would bring him into
Medford after dark., Tom Word
was sent after him when he learned
he was at Weed, and brought him to
the city Saturday evening, and has'
had him In his charge Blnce then.
He is a voluntary witness, not under
arrest, but is closely guarded to as
sure his safety.
All Medford Is on edge today, as
It has been since the polls opened
here Saturday morning in the recall
election, and It is openly said that
every other citizen is toting a gun
as protection against a probable out
break when the expected indictments
are handed in by the grand Jury to
morrow. It is believed that the Jury
will conclude its labors today with
the examination of the witnesses in
the Burr case. They were practic
ally through with the Hale and John
son cases, when adjournment was
taken on Friday.
Burr, It will be recalled, had just
finished a sentence in the county
Jail at Jacksonville, and was taken
in an auto by four men, ostensibly
to go to Ashland, instead of which
he was turned over to a mob of
masked men, who took htm to the
Slskiyous, not far from the Oregon
Glacominl, Klamath; Kay Greame,! vVeklv T'ii " the AaIllaKi
. .u.w uiiav, oi Bucmiueirtu, j , Ruth Gorham, Josephine; frHt nubllrutlnn i f t 8
R. Tozer and Mr. and Mrs Bert Harriet Hiellliergeri Josephine; andSllne'fLer eJli922'
Dor- u(,r . 1922. " '"'
Tozer and son, Miss Esther Kleln-
Kathorlue Henrich, Jackson;
l, r, ,. .. .. . 1 ,1... 11 T 11 .... , , .1
,.uu.n.uu,uiull)thy Howard. Josephine; Beulah
A. S. Klelnhammer families, of Lit- HusSPy, Josephine; Ruth Hill, Klam-
tla Applegate, Mrs. Lulu Wilson and
daughter, George E. MucVlcar and
family, and her relatives of Vic
toria, B. C, M. B. Pillion, C. F. Pet-
Post off,(ABt,r",rf0r '
Fiances Houzik, Klamath; Block, Ashland, Oregon
Pearl Langwait, Josephine; Mattie'
Ltchtenbergor, Douglas; Florence Suit In Equity fr j;v
Llcntenberger, Douglas; Alice-1 MMMONs
'i voire
the B'shop family, of Talent.
erson. E. J. Kaiser and two sisters, LoURnrld .'osenhlne: Greta Mel.'" ,ne clrc'"t Court of th. ...
and Mr. and Mrs. C. D. Mathes andjRae wheeler; Winnifred McCor- Mf'i, for Jason County
v.. Fjt '4 n rmin PlInic ....
mick, Klamath; Gladys Metsker, Jesse T. Anderson, Defendant
Klamath; Jennie Mulchay, Sacra-' To-' Jesse T. Anderson nhn'v. ,i
ininutn Pi,1rnt lendailt.
In the Name of the State of Ore-
goil, you nre horoh,, - . "
Frances Russell, Douglas; Forest required to ,.., "th, reomnialntof
Schneider, Douglas; Lillian Keyte. the plaintiff the above entitled
Josephine; Florence Terwilliger, s"'t on rl1" with the clerk of said
Joseph'-ne; Bertha Trueblood, Jose- j'?.' ,W.l!hl" slx week 'rom the
,,ibi iiiioncaiion of thin
mento, Calif.; Augusta Puckett,
Klaanith; Jessie Reed, Wheeler;
l.t..... m 1.1 1 r .. 1. 1 .
iumiu, i.Etu nueuiuuu, juooimiiio, , summons, and If vmi ,if,.H
Allean Murray, Josephine; Mabel in, the phin'iff will apply to the
Waldilp, Josephine; Irene Weekly,! court tor the relief demanded in said
Coos; Jennie White, Granite, Ida.; ! 'om,f to-wit : For a decree dln
r ,.iu m wKr r.. ti,oi.. ! 8..IVIng thft marriage contract be-
iwcen you and the plaintiff and
Wilkinson, Josephine; Martha Wil-j that plaintiT have the care custody
GOLD HILL, Or., July 31. Dr. H.jkinson, Jackson; Mabel Wilcox. !a"i control of the two minor chll
E. Burmesler, his wife and daughter! Coos. . dren, Paul Anderson and Clyde An-
and Paul Schillerstrom, of North Tho following students enrolled, tiv Arder nf th. u ., ,
from Jackson county:- j Calkins, judge of said court dated
Pauline Clift, Orla Wilson, Ruth July 26, 1922, this summons la
Hill, Gertrude Wiley, Berna Halght.l sfrvert uPn you hy publication for
Harriet linger. Mildred Stewart. wlekivThHn.. II! "i6 Ashlan(1
eeKiy Tlillnps, and the date of the
Ada East, Ruth Kaye, Ruth Stew- first publication In July 26, 1922,
art, Pauline Welch, Alta Powell, and time for answer expires Septem
Marjorie McElvaney, M a r j o r i ej BPr 1922.
Payne, Mabel Trott, Hazel Steven- BRIGGS & BRIGGS.
,, . ,,,..., , Attorneys for Plaintiff,
son, May Arnold, Lottie Monlgom- p0Ht offc a(1(lre98. p,onefir
Oregon. 4 8-6
Bend, Or., were badly cut and
bruised late Saturday when their
auto turned over and pinned them
beneath it In the soft mud of the
irrigation ditch on the Pacific high
way just south of Gold Hill.
, The accident occurred just oppo-
sito the Gold Hill auto camp. ' A
number of campers rushed to their
The federal office hero hJ rescue and saved several of the oar- ery, Thelma Kent, Ellen Mee, Eva Block. Ashland
Collins, Vestal Goetz, Katie Buch
anan, Maud Coy, M. E. Wight, Mrs.
given it out that they have a list of ly fro' drowning and smothering.
381 members of the Ku Klux KlanlTlle doctor was driving the auto
the foot of Mouut McLaughlin, and
Flounce Rock 32
Tl ..... 11 I -a
one on th tirmor Rnm.a rlvor .111"""" "3
well under control.
The tro over the district started -from
Medford and extended as far I
east as Mount McLaughlin and well'
toward the north and west boun
daries of the county. Only an hour
nd 15 minutes were required to
make the entire circuit.
Wimer 27
Perdue 8, 56
West Ashland 21
Bellevlew ; . , 30
Orchard Home 32
Eagle Point 35
N. Jacksonville 35
S. Jacksonville 15
Griffin Creek 31
Prospect 32
Phoenix 59
Rory Ann 55
Lake Creek 8
Climax 2
Trail 20
Gold Hill 61
Foots Creek 6
Applegate 22
PORTLAND, July 31. The Wil
lamette and Columbia rivers took a
toll of five lives Sunday.
Three children of Mr. and Mrs.
Joseph Alax were drowned when
their automobile backed off the St.
John's Ferry. James Spencer was
drowned at Falrview, while swim
ming. He was taken with cramps.
Klxaemon Noyanu, a Japanese, was
drowned while swimming at Ross (Sign In South Bethelhcm, Pa.,
Island Cemetery.)
Portland Contract awarded for FROM PICKING FLOWERS FROM . berg of the Ashland achool board,
erection of 160,000 factory. !any BUT THEIR OWN GRAVES. I will deliver the clasi address.
(Grants PasB Courier)
When It conies to saving money
hy doing his own work, Josephine
county has the prize In her list of
county officials. The other night,
while making the turn at the court
house corner, County 'iClerk Coon
saw a skunk run across the road.
He turned his spotlight on it and
in doing so broke his windshield.
The next day, while surveying the
ruin, the enterprising official decid
ed he could save about two bits or
maybe thirty cents by doing the
work himself In repairing It. Ac
cordingly he sent a boy to the shop
for a windshield. Three trips were
(made, the third resulting in about
five dollars damage to the bicycle.
Finally the windshield arrived, and
wlille putting It In, the lower half
was broken. Another dollar and a
half shot. He will have the lower
glass repaired at the garage.
No One Should Do This
The graduation exercises for the
eighth grade pupils who completed
the required work at the summer
normal practice Bchool, will be held
tonight at the Congregational
Seventeen pupils have made the
necessary credits to entitle them to
their diplomas, which will be deliv
ered to them by County Superinten
dent Carter. Sixteen of the gradu
ates were taking studies In which
they were behind, wile the other one,
Mlsg'Velma Clapp, took the entire
eighth A work In the six weeks
Mrs. H. C. Galey, one of the mem-
thls county, which has been
placed before the grand Jury, and
it is expected that this list will be
made public with the findings of the
ury. It is the general expectation
that there will be nearly a score of
Indictments, and that several Ash
land men will be named as among
those concerned In the night raids.
This is, of course, all rumor. The
proceedings of the grand jury room
are supposed to be secret, but as a
matter of course, there Is consider
able leakage from witnesses who
have been under examination.
Lnst Sunday morning at 9 o'clock
all the neighbors on Palm avenue
and Elizabeth street, between Wis
consin and Ashland streets, were
conveyed In seven cars over the
Green Springs mountain road.
Through the courtesy of a gentleman
who is homesteadlng about 20 miles
out, the party had the use of his
grounds which have tables, stoves
and other conveniences for picnics.
The party of 39 consisted of Mr.
and Mrs. Ericksen, Mr. and Mrs.
R. A. Parr and three sons, Mr. and
Mrs. Herman Jacoby and their
guest, Mrs. E. W. Montgomery, and
little daughter from Wolf Point,
Mr. and Mrs. L. J. West and two
children, Mr. and Mrs. R. L. Mc-
Donough and three children, Miss
Winnifred and Mrs. Spencer and
their guests from Copco, Calif., Mrs.
Prank Burgess and two daughters,
Mr. and Mrs. Russell Parks and two
sons, Eugene Kanasto and the
Blackwell family of four who hare
lately come from phoenix, Ariz.,
and located here. The party all en
Joyed the scenery along the way. and
are now talking about what they
will do and where they will go for
the next picnic. Every one enjoyed
themselves very much.
Tho steering gear went wrong, and
the car turned over throe times.
Tho graduation exercises of the
students who completed the eighth
grade work lu the summer school,
were held last night in the Congre
gational church, whero a largo num
ber of relatives and friends gath
ered to see them receive their di
plomas. The class wa9 almost evenly di
vided between boys and girls, the
girls slightly outnumbering the
boys. The platform was banked
with flowers und the churcli. was
decorated with beautiful boquots.
An excellent class address was de
livered hy Mrs. II. C. Galey, in
nt t ii o
Peck, Florence Allen, Ha Meyers, Department of the Interior, U. S.
Bessio Murphy, Mildred Million, I Land Office at Roseburg, Oregon,
Ruth York, Elizabeth Burr, Irene' 'uly 13. 1922.
MacLenn, Alta Norcross, Glenn I ,,:!f,l1,tlce J'Preby given that Fritz
iiiiimm ruin, o ijbkb i reeK, ure-
Smith, Cecil Roberts, Theone Cr-
i-'on, who, pn May 28, 1918, made
kin, Ethel Freeman, Lourdes llaiiie, j Homestead Entry, Serial No. 011412
Ethel Swisher. j for the N of NE4, SE4 of NE4
. ind NE'4 of NW4 of Section II,
..-,n., ... i .c am ltc Meridian, has filed notice of
GRANTS PASS Sl. IT.SS intention to make final three year
proof, to establish claim to the land
The big "Newcomers" picnic at 'above described, before F. Roy
Riverside park, Grants Pass, was aDllvi,i. V- S. Commissioner, at hl'u
splendid success from every stand-; fi. on th.
point, and the members of the Ash- claimant nemos 'as witnesses:
land chamber of commerce, whoj August C. Edler, of Lake Creek,
journeyed down to partake of the 'Oregon; J. A. Miller, of Eagle Point
lmsnltalitv of the Grants l'nss clmm- PreKn:. William Martin, of Lak
. , t itrpe". Oregon; Gustnf A. Peck, of
ber, enjoyed themselves extremely. rg crep Oregon
Among those In attendance from w. H. CANNON,
Ashland were Mayor and M.s. C. r), ' -17--wrd Register.
I.anikin, Rev. C. A. Edwards, E. D.
Ttrlp-ps. ft F. fiirsnn. Mr. a n rl Mrs. !
Notice of Heai'inrr
which the graduates were given food V. V. Mills. Mr. and Mrs. N. H. Har-!Cou;t7f ,d "
for thought and much good advice rison. Dr. and Mrs. Hurdle, E. J. I Stato of Oregon,
(o guide them in the years'to come. Kaiser, Mr. and Mrs. H. T. Elmore, 1,1 t,IB matter of the estate of
The coveted diplomas were delivered
by County Superintendent Susanna
Homes 'Carter.
C. L. Smith, who recently arrived
In Oregon, from Pittsburg, Pa., en
route to Los Angeles, was ln Ash
land the first of the week visiting
relatives. Mr. Smith and party were
five weeks motoring from Pittsburg
here. He is on his way to visit his
parents who recently celebrated
their 71st wedding anniversary.
Mrs. Walter Haines, of Douglas
county, a daughter of Mr. Smith, ac
companied her father on hl3 Califor
nia trip, as did Miss Isma Mcintosh
of Pittsburg.
Miss May Elmore, Mr. and Mrs. J. II.
McGee, and Mr. and Mrs. J. H.
A bountiful repast was prepared
for the Ashland guests, which was-
served at the conclusion of the water
carnival at 7 o'clock. This gave oc
casion for brief remarks of welcome
by President O. E. Blanchard of the
Grants Pass chamber of commerce,
and Wllford Allen, of the Grants
Pbbs Courier. Responses were made
by Mayor Lamkin and Rev. C. A.
Edwards of the Ashland delegation.
Hundreds of picnickers were scatter
ed all over the big park, and one
feature of the affair was to see how
many newcomers could be welcomed.
A prize was offered for the local
party entertaining the ,most new
comers. The Grants Pass band gave a
splendid concert at 8 o'clock, and
most of the Ashland party returned
after this, some lingering to enjoy
The Boot Shop, which has been ' the dance for a while.
owned and operated for the past few
years by Mr. and Mrs. H. T. El-
AFTER 11 AT NIGHT was Bol(' ,0('ar t0 Charles G,
Millet and his son, Claud Millet.
Annie Gash, deceased
Notice Is hereby given that the
undersigned administrator of the
estate of Annie Gash, deceased, has
filed in the above court his final ac
count as such administrator and the
Honorable G. A. Gardner, Judge of
said court, has designated August
19th, 1922, at 10 o'clock a. m., at
the courthouse n Jacksonville, Ore
gon, as the time and place for a
hearing on said final account.
Any person having any objection
thereto, should present such objec
tion at or before the time of said
Ashland. Orpgon. jull9-4-w
Department of the Interior. V. n.
Land Office at Roseburg, Orecon.
WASHINGTON, July 27. Special) The new owners will lake charge' u'y 25, 1922.
delivery letters will not be sent out at once and will endeavor to lay in' ?OTIC; ls hereby elven that Ed
. ... .1 r . . i . . m , I wrd E. Rpeves. of Cfmax. Oregon,
from any post office In the country a complete stork of shoes and boots w(l0 Ju, . .91g m.1U8 if,,.....
after 11 o'clock at night, under new and operate a first class shoe-storo. , utead Entry Serial No. 01 1582, for No. 1, Ashland, Oregon; Herbert
postal regulations. Such letters not' The Millets have lived in Ashland j the SWV4 of NE'4 and NW4 of Banta, of Ashland, Oregon; W. B.
delivered prior to that hour will be!for some time, having operated the SEVl of Section 11, Township 38 S.. Davis, of R. F. D. No. 1, Ashland.
. ,, , ,., t, , , .. Range 1 E.. Willamette Meridian. Oregon.
delivered as soon as possible' the. Plaza confectionery .at one time. ha, f,p() no,ice ot Inient,on tomakei W. II. CANNON,
next morning. ' They ire well and favorably known j Final Three-year Proof, to establish I 46-6-wed Register, J
Department of the Interior, U. S.
Land Office at Roseburg, Oregon,
July 8, 1922.
Notice is hereby given that Char
les W. Cromwell, of Ashland, Ore
gon, who, on June 26, 1918, made
Homestead Entry, Serial No. 011662,
for the SW of Section 3, Town
ship 40 S., Range 3 E., Wlllamett'j
Meridian, has filed notice of inten
tion to make final three year proof,
to establish claim to the land above
described, before F. Roy Davis, U. S.
Commissioner, at his office at Med
ford, Oregon, on the 15th day of
August, 1922.
Claimant names as witnesses: El
bert Davis, of R. F. D. No. 1, Ash
land, Oregon; EH Davis, ot R. F. D