Ashland weekly tidings. (Ashland, Or.) 1919-1924, July 05, 1922, Image 1

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NO. 45
25,000 PEOPLE
OKI-am of I ha "Fourth" Wai Vn
quulified Success and Not a. Hin
ge Accident Marred Enjoyment
f Vast Gathering;.
RED BLUFF, Cal if., July 5 The
intense heat of the last few days
caused an odd break in the West
Side State Highway, just north of
Proberta, yesterday, when the pav
ing fairly "Jumped Into the air,"
leaving a stretch of several yards In
'ength dangerous for travel.
The heat, according to reports
brought here, forced the paving to
rise a foot or more, and there It
remained In a peculiar looking for
mation. The thermometer register
ed 109.
Marconi Hopes to Get Message FromxMars
Twenty-five thousand people is
a conservative estimate of the num
ber who were In Ashland yesterday
to attend the Fourth of July cele
bration. Many believe that this la
1 lie largest number ever in attend
ance at a single event In this city; al
though In the past the famous rodoes
attracted big crowds. lie that as
It may, the attendance was a rec
ord breaker for any event ever be d
in southern Oregon.
In order to get an Intelligent es
timate of the number of people
here, it can be said that after the
fireworks hud cono'uded the pro
gram for the day, a steady stream of
automobiles started from the park
on tin return journey. They fol
lowed each other about ten feet
apart, three cars pass'in a
poll t In onV mjnujtal , Fifty-five
tiilmi :i elapsed from the homeward
1'a.rt i.!' the first car to the last, on
Granite street. That would total
16D0 cars. On the roadway through
the park, imrallellng Granite street,
the cars moved at about the same
rate for the same length of time.
Estimate that at 1650 cars. There
were probably more, as they moved
somewhat faster. Then on the low
er, or ditch drive, they moved Ina
steady stream for thirty- foalnutes,
and even a larger number for the
same period, took the homeward
route via the scenic drive. Taken
all in all, a very conservative esti
mate wou'd place the number of
cars leaving the park at five thou
sand. Add to this the cars parked
on Main street. Both sides of the
street were lined with cars a'most
from the city limits on the north
to the Boulevard on the south
Every side street too, had its quota
of cars. How many it would be Im
possible to even conjecture, but It
can scarcely be taken as an exag
geration to say that there were six
thousand automobiles In the city
and that tbey carried an average of
tour persons. In many Instances the
cars contained all the way from four
to a half-dozen even more, but on
an average of four to a car, It would
easl'y account for an attendance
of twenty-four thousand people.
Add to this the number who came
In on special trains of the southern
Pacific from Grants Pass, Duns
mulr and Weed and you have an at
tendance of twenty-five thousand.
In point of attendance the cele
bration marks a record, but not the
only one.
There was not an accident during
the day.
There was not an arrest made dur
ing the day.
There was not a fire reported
during the day, except for a five
Inch hole burnt In an awning and
the burlap wall of one of the con
cessions in the park.
Too much credit cannot be given
the police department for the man
ner In which the vast crowd was
handled. Chief Hatcher had fif
teen extra policemen sworn in, and
had he picked his men frofh the traf
fic squads of Portland, they could
not have (rendered better ervlce.
At no time, either during tie pa
rade or afterwards was there a con
gestion of traffic anywhere. How
nix thousand automobiles could be
parked in a city the size of Ashland,
without obstructing traffic, or how
twenty-five thousand people could
be handled without an accident and
without a irow during the entire day,
is one of the things that passeth
the point of explanation. The fact
that It was an actual accomplish
ment will have to stand for Itself.
The parade' was a great success.
For one thing it started on time
and during the passing of the pro
cession there was not a dull moment.
So fascinating was the 'spectacle
that the crowds Dining the sidewalks,
seated and standing, at every avail
able point on the line of march,
held Its ground until the parade
(Continued on Page 4)
is cfflffOED of :r tmc': "m lwm
SACRAMENTO, Calif., July 5
For the second time In forty-three
years rain has been recorded on the
Fourth of July. The official records
of the I'nited States Weather Bu
reau, It was announced by Meteorol
ogist N. R. Taylor, recorded a trace
of rain. .
Big drops began raining about 7
(o'clock in the morning and for aev-
al minute it looked like Sacra-!
imento would have a Fourth of July! SHOPMEN XOT "Ot'TTAWEU"
shower. On the records It will go MAV RKSFME CONFERENCE
SALT LAKE. July 6 Omer R.
Woods, a former probate In Idaho,
today stands convicted of the mur
der of his wife, Marietta Woods,
who was burned to death as she
lay In bed In the Woods' apartment
home here last January 9th. It was
the contentton. of the prosecution
at the trial that Woods killed his
wife to collect $16,000 life insur:
Testimony at Ihe trial of Woods
was of a most startling nuture. EvI-,
dence brought out tliaj, the dead
woman's hands and feet had been
tied and her body thrown upon the
oil soaked bed.
William Marconi, the Italian radio wizard, photographed in the radio mow of his yacht Elettia, on which he
has Just crossed the Atlantic, It is with the elaborate outfit lieie shown tlmt Marconi hopes to receive mexsages
which be suspects the Inhabitants of Mars are trying to send to the earth.
WHEN WEED MAN ffij" BttlW)
Jesse Wiiibuin, who promised the J
WOODLAND, Calif., July 5
P oyd L. Tuttje, former , asslstaut
cashier of the Bank of Yolo, who
less than a week ago confessed to
defalcations since 1913 amounting
to f 1 1,000, was sentenced yester
day In the Superior Court to a term
of from one to ten years In San
Queutln penitentiary.
Tuttle pleaded guilty to the
charge of felony embezt'ement. With
Tuttle .Jin court was ls diverted
wife and their small daughter. Both
Tuttle and his former wife sat un
moved through the proceedings and
it was announced there was do re
Hoiim Is Huddled With Rivets and
Aiurintl, Mado to Smoke Him
Out But Vntl; Wounded He Was
Sot Mado it Prisoner.
.WEED, Culif., July 5 Follow-j
iing , an alleged attempt to murder
his wife by cutting her throat at
Ian early hour yesterday, Joe Shar
PORTLAND, July ' 5 Slightoro ne(j fficer8 at hay at his home
earth tremor, was fe t here at ten j jn shastlna, wounding nine of them,
kiddles who took part in the parade
an outing at Sap and Salt In the
Woods has exuyuhVt tliel Hat to j
those children who look part in thei
vur.ous athletic events oi the day 0(M,jj Wl0 CwTwj off Prize In
in the park.
All children who took p.irt In the,
parade or in the athletic events of
the day who have jiot already re-
ceived a ticket tor the uutaig, may,
Hie Ford Prah Delay in
AhiikIs Owing to Oar Xunilxni
li.steiul of Nimieis lh) Vwil by
ten this morning, lasting about five
A few persons reported the rat
tling of dishes,' and doors, but so
far as known no damage has resulted.
Ket same by calling at tiny time at m1hs Einina Keltlug was the hold-
the office of the secretary of the of tll8 u,.(y t cket, .1-0096, which j
chaiuher of commerce. Ml Win- woll ti1B ord car oft'e:ed by the!
burn Is g.viug this, .outing io the lnH.ChantM for. Ford! day
N A COW 0111
HELD AXXVAL PICNIC ! as he is able to be taken to Yreka
v OltOVILLK. CalV.. July5 Mar-
kiddies as a reward for having help-1 turned it In yesterday morning aud ! till Johnson, rancher of the Watt
ed to make the Fourth of July, a (()(lay t),'e cur was delivered by Hur-jColollv neltr rlrlley, oharged with
success and In as much as some ..., .1B v0T, auents in tlilaiah.nii'n, rt vm nt, ii:n.a indnmnn.
ladies will be on hand at a 11 times c(ty Tler(, wera f()lll. otne!.a who als0 fUrnier of that district, yes-
to take charge or mem in me piuce h(d Biliral. numbers, 0095, but ofltt,rt1.,v afternoon made a confesslonl
he parents, they will not neeoi., ,irferent series. I to a coroner's iurv. and last night
care of the parents for the after-. lteow js gven iist 0f those tllH jmy held him on a charge of
noon. awarded prizes In the Ford parade, j n,uraer.
Mrs. K (.. hwedenmirg is innir- c'oiiHirlciuble difficulty has been! The body of Anderson wag found
man of the committee that will have' r-xpii) leiioed Vin Retting the nameMjwjtn a i but the feet submerged iu
fhiiriru nf Mir rhi (Iffin Hiirl Will be ..$ t. .u.t.iu- n thu fart i i t tm..
Sharboro, who barrlceded himself! , " , , ' , ' , . " I'ouu. .i.e u.u ..v
until a shot from the gun of a Dep
uty Sheriff, who had managed to
slip Into the house, wounded the
.. i . i .1 i..... .. . i
Kuumuu tiuu Closed iiiu unu r. nc. ,
was taKen to i tie nospuai oy Mier.ri;
Calkins and it will probably be nec-1
essary to amputate his arm. His
sanity will be examined into as soon
(iraud Uhko of Maintenance at Way
.. Enipioyees Will Henuiln at Work
I'Ddtr Prote.stl Wage Cut Kill
ing Pending l unlier Ntgotliit ios
CHICAGO, July 5 The Grand
way employees iu convention with
Ral.way labor board today agreed to
cancel strike p'ans and continue
work under the recent wage decision
of the board under protest andnll
grievences Including a revision of
the recent wage decision and cer
tain changes in working rules will
be tukeu up by the general chair
man of the organization with Indi
vidual managers and any failure to
agree will be again submitted to the
labor board.
Pave Way for Conference
With Striking Shopmen
CHICAGO, July 5 The first
move toward reeslabiishment'of re
asons betweeu the striking sboi
men and the United States Railway
Labar Board was taken by Ben W.
Hooper, chairman of the board, to
day when he addressed a letter to
B. M. Jewell, leader of the strikers,
In which Hooper (denied that the
hoard hud "outlawed" the striking
The letter Is interpreted by mem
bers of the board us a "peuce move"
that might afford an opportunity
for the shopmen und board': to get
together for a conference looking
toward the readjustment orstrlke
differences. '
The Past Matrons' Club of the , In his six-room home, used a shot
Order of Eastern Star, met in Lithla gun to keep the off .ters at
park Wednesday of last week for tance.
their annual picnic. After the exchange of volleys Into
The honor guest of the day was; the house by the Sheriff and his
Miss Gertrude Eng'e, who Is spend-l posse had failed to drive Sharboro
lng her summer vacation In Ashland, j from cover or to cause him to stir
She is a teacher In the Richmond, ; pender an ineffectual effort was
Calif., schools but enjoys a few j made to drive him out by sulphur
months in Ashland each year be- fumes. Burning sulphur was
tween the terms. , thrown Into the house, but to no
The ladies of the club were prlv-i avail.
Ileged to ask their husbands to at- j It was not until after 1 o'clock
tend the picnic and this made a: yesterday afternoon that a deputy
party of 25 who spent a very pleas-1 sheriff was able to slip Into the
ant evening over the supper table house an
assisted by the fo lowing ladies: ; (1,..t llie iudtes iu making the .Voril h a nharta of shot throueh
IVTeKfliimeu Penile .TnhiiRnn. Fred ' - a.. .... i... . ti, n.i.,J., ,
.ij-. U,iiu3, m m .in ij uniiih "ic """-) uie net'K una jow.
'Homes, Charles I.oomis, Henry, W
M. Barber, C. W. Fraley, E. A.
Woods, Louis DodKe. MoWlllinms, l Winners or Fowl Priw 0f Anderson to pay $5 to Johnson
Mrs. John Fuller, all of Ashland and j KVent n0, ineat decorated Ford!aftt;1. tne former had forcibly taken
M s. C. E. Gates and Mrs. Barnett Oollpe or sedan: 1st prize, 25.00, i posi)ession of the animal Is given by
j ber instead of names of the winner. Impounding of 8 cow belonging
: to Anderson by Johnson and refusal
of Med ford.
The above ladles are asked to be1 Crate," lake.)
at the chamber of commerce rooms j Kvent No. 2 Best decorated Ford
at 2:00 o'clock Saturday afternoon touring car or roadster, 1st prize
to take charge nf the children as;, Mrs. John Shortrldge, Mrs.
they nr-ive and one or more of the.j. II. Harrison, Mrs. Clinton Har
ladles will nccomptny each truck ,: k 1 ti h. Miss Kotheryn Harklns.
load of chl'dren on the trip going I Event No. 3 Coming the longest
d found Sharboro crouched j u" an(l re'"r,1'nK from the trip. distance. P. S. Hose. (Monterey.)
T. Ij. roweu iransier company Kvent No. 4 Not filled.
Frank Hudson, (1st man to reach ' Johnson as the event leading up to
the slaying.
Waiter Mf.'er of Los Angeles Is
still the holder of the middle-weight
Raili-oads Ask Misaourt ,
(Uovemmr Fur Troop
SLATER, Mo., July 5 A mob
more than six hundred men seized
elghteeu strike breakers who were
bouud for the Chicago aud Alton
railroad shops lierje, and escorted
them out of the city.
The railroad officials Immediate
ly made an appeal to Governor Hyde
for troops to protect shopmen who
are at work. According to railroad
officials, the sheriff hag failed to
give protection needed.
Km" Eipecto Mottt of
Shopmen to Rrturn to Work
General Manager J. H. Dyer, of
the Espee, this morning made the
following statement: -
"The number of Southern Pacific
shop craft employees steadily In
creasing. At Los Angeles, Sacra
mento and other points many of our
former shop craft employees who left
their work commencing July 1st are
wrestling championship, having ! ,0 tne 8B1.v,,,. , A.
taken the decision over Ralph Hand
I zona our shop crafts working force
of Cottage Grove at the match ln)g ( fly pw of force nor
the Armory on the night of Ford, emJ)oyeU new men are be
Dah ill ran a f nt
KahtnH a aowinp niftphliiiV A shot. .
' tirill hatTA i-hitiMra nf tea iiuiini,ilnr t.i. i .i ,. ,r ci..... , j t ....
a w h,.iu .e,inn wa held from the denutv's shoteun. which'" " ' " I r'VPIU "- -" s"""""" He
during the evening. It being the. wounded Sharboro but slightly, put , " " , , " ur" ' - uay. u wan .,.,raum , employed. These are being ad-
date for the regular meeting of the an end to the battle. j Winhurn unounces ha l(,liyK, D. K. vmenon, TaI,nt. , 0. ; for tH1 roundlt, lt ,he end of which',,,, t0 fftrce of eu,ployeeg ,.
club. Sharboro. according to the offl-111" ""V" ' " 8 , P No. 6-Most adn t people, j tlnle Hand was taken with cramps more than oue third of those
cers attemnted to take the 'life of "" ' 1 1 v ti. it. iiowman. taieni, iu. ann was compelled to mrow up tne
, Mrs' Sharboro at 6:30 a. m. yester.-i 0!,,, up ,1,R canvon w'". ,,fi (lof""1l Kveut No. 7-Ford bearing oldest 'H,)onge.
H'H Wllljiday. He managed to cut her throat. fl" vp,4'cle', eomln riow" t,lft enRlne number, Karl Anderson, f 10., The I
n ' '!. . icnnvnn between the hours of 2:flfli v ,,,... v.. rn- huin hv. , i. i
but a ser.ous wound was not inriict-
5. Richard, ed
whom the strike called out Bought
to Involve that remained on thn inli
boxing matches were well at- , ...
Event No. 8 Car bearing beav-. tennej yesterday afternoon, the re- K,. ia.iv .i,i.,
,...J l.ll ....I, ... ll J..ll. . . . . " '""".
-1.IU ... .i-i nun u..jw u . u n i n, mi ii u in. . inur mnn ,om' hainir fwrt nApiainnii ana two:.. .
KRW YORK. Julv S. Richard l. oeven cuiiuien men woie .... .. . , r. . .. . .. i " ' Wit WIW
r.,il ho. nnnlleH tn Rnrrnate Jns-Ie 'r("" He HOIllP.
Joseph Foi'tunato, a
! going up the canyon between f:00 . Ryent No.
neighbor, i 8,111 6:30 oVI("'l 1,1 or,'nr tl,,lf t,1re. Stevens.
9 Ta'lest men,
the exceptions of a small
tice l.onaan to appoint a buiwuio I mav bn no tiosKiblllty of any accident; ,..,. . ,,l,lnt mn. W a .h- n.h , t. tn.r.m of
nerson or trust comnanv as admin- wno ""npwn v,ny BI1B,,. - - ..
Istrntor of the estate of his father. wa ht the back.
Mrs. .haws. In the main event Wildcat! , ....i.i ... i. .u.
: iiiiuuriiv lav riiuinvviii vuu i.ii
weiiy ii.n. ui. , ... lc,,i.....u tb9 gmice in ta(e advantage of
our offer of yesterday, whereby
Fo-lowln;'" "'""""';" " """"K '"T "' Km""' iMedford, from the tap or tne wn.; who repovt for duty prommy
Richard, the former Tammany chief- the shooting it was believed For-; ; ! e . ' .! .T'lftlv . j, . I ! bout W" .M.wlH have their seniority, pensions
. 1 A jl M-l'IIUIl III nuiiiT I..JIUI' ivu.-fcr mo nr .1 Iflfell IIHH Ml- W I lliaillH. llU. rj.unHu hilt If lllfln't WAltr niirtllir . .... . i . i. . . .
lain whn died seveinl weeks aeo in 8 "KMl nrl" "''" l"i . , . . . t- " an(i pa8s ,r vt ege r!ilOIa Wltn
ta.n. who died several weeks ago in road Is narrow. Mr. Winburn also, Kvont No, i2Worst looking. ,,, man nowll for the count In tti ,,. ,HI
ireiunu. i - ......,.,.,.. n,..i Hi., w.,,.1 h., .oj.n . . , . ... ri.i, ... . .. -'
TUa ....11........ : n ...... n l-rtl,.
tuo ""I'lica b.uu in a nicy jji .......
er'g fight to .prevent his father's
Croker, the father's second wife.
I.. il... 1 ....-I I,..- ... . . .. .. .
Shortly after this Weed officers u,""",""s l,,nL l"" ,u"" "un urr" Ford In parade, (car No. zsi hick- Pariy part 0f the fourth round.
Iter condition than it
at the time that thej
..!.! 1.1 ...... ..l,r.n n thn n., 1,1.. n n I . ... . ..n
I.ockvear waR shot """"r" "rl" """" """ heaviest load, t;. j. Arum,
arrived led bv Constable Joseph " erson. i The first preliminary wus rurnisn
. . . . uriiu luut vonr nt tlm timn thill thei r, . it r. I t..,nb- nrlth ' ... . v
eatatn from tn m. Rnla e. i ijo' nyear, who . ie, . ., .u. , ' ... - """" regular stated time on tne snitia on
After 7 a. m. July 6, 1922. those
who fall to report for duty at the
ilnto Ihe house
In the leg
i that every precaution will he used EvPnt N t4 Car bringing in 5 draw. What was . to have been
tley, who went four rounds to a wh,Cn ,h(?y ast worked hall ,or.
Seven others who attempted to' nrVOnt "n-v w,!C',,wlt of k,nd-:Hhortet adults, not flr'ed
felt th privilege nf being returned
FOLLOWS ATTACK OX filRL'1""8'1 Mn ,h ho"Be ,0 vrpowr.
M-. Winburn has a number of sur-
; lx-round go between Kenneth Mc- to th ierTce fcnd tha,r ,,,.
Event No. 15-Car driven by o'd- Kenzie of Spokane and K'd Wrlght .od opM ,0 nnw,y employ.d men
. i iirluno. tnr ta children and dops not . i v. -j p i r... . . n ... . i i.
CHICO. Calif.. Julv 6 As a re- n" "' "' u.n,u- - ..... ,.- - - - - - - - Tne trIke ls naving no errect upon
suit of the brutal attack on a 17d- Amo"S he were George Cal- - ' " 1 Event No. 16-Best float nn torn thlrd roMnd, with the decision in fc movement of our freight
suit oi tne nrutai auaca on a ii , ,..,.. the afternoon, only announcing that ,,, . irnrt, iv 23). 1st .,. tifni. whn nuMsaamt. . . .
year-old high school girl last week. """ " " "... haua ,, ,mltl.h lm hM i ,; ' ' n. '"" . and passenger business.
Marshal J. A. Pack Ins declared .White, a barber.
war on mashers. '
b imni. nun prize, 125: (No. zna prizn, n. opponent. Dave
which the boys v I'l i i matched pro.illf.t. Co.. O. V. Johnson, ; abi,ih and Battllnf
Instructions have been Issued, PRESBYTERIAX CHVRCH
members of. the police department
to tae into dnsurdy immediately
any man attempting to force bis at-
aga'lnst the girls. Chestnr Woods ... llf! jr nf)
! being captain of the hoys team and EvPnt Nn 1 7 Slow Fo'd race. , d
Genevive .swedennurg papiain 01 lRf )ir,,p H N Taylor; 2nd prize,
Sa.-gs.nt Of
Barnett of
Klamath Fa '.Is went six rounds to
the girls.
The members of the Presbytprlan, T ci.,iren-wlll all be set down
tentlon on yonng women o,r annoy-, church at a congregational meeting; (h r(,t,irn tlp Ht the chamber of
lng them.
J. Hlrkley, $5.00.
nnrn o tv lriDVlVn
Sl.N FRANCTSCO. Ju y 5 The
11Tola r.i.f t.. following notice has been ordered
I "7.1 V I V a Posted on all lines of the Southern
I Karons of Jackass brandy found ,
l-.u.ji ..-, Plf!c railroad:
TBi iifa in a Rraiu tiriu rasi. ui ei- (
I. I., sw !. 1ianlllif.ll.M
iHunuay votea an increase o. ' I commerce rooms between six and w,nhBrt afft of tura, Saturday evening was disco-, . " " " ...,
per year on the pastor's salary. oVIPlt nl, any ,)arent who "n" TrT In As ad , ertl by offir M took ch.rg, j J "m" Sh0p J?!!
of an date from April 1. of the current , ., ., thpre mfty do T Z of it. The had been lntend-h0 M ur T?
Bo- year. As this was unanimous, un- . time. i" .A tor d. durln. th. Rodeo i 10 m' Juljr 1,1 ...
hot, solicited action of th urch, It j ' '" .hln, .r, ta ... To. ar. hereby canea upon ,o
A want ad will sell it. i Read th. want ads. .oration ot th. Tonrtk Of July.
i "1 1
Hammers have been made
unbreakable glas Invented In
hernia which can be heated red
and then plnnged In Ice water with-, cheered the hearts of the pastor and
out being affected. family more than words can express.
(CUaa4 oa rag roar)