Ashland weekly tidings. (Ashland, Or.) 1919-1924, May 24, 1922, Image 1

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t i
in LnuuL
Anita Baldwin, the daughter of
"Lucky" Baldwin, of southern Cali
fornia fame, passed through Ashalnd
in her private car "Washington," at
tached to train 64 Monday evening.
Miss Baldwin is knowu from coast
to coast for some of the wonderful
pets which she keeps and the man
ner In which they are trained.
Her father died a few years ago! . The Ku Klux Klan were shown
and left the whole of his large es-jlast nigbt to a crowded house at the
tate amounting to several millions; Vining theater, and every one pres
of dollars to her and her sister, ao4 ent seemed to be interested In learn
while tbey are good spenders and
entertainers, they have added to,
The Rogue River Baptist associa-!
tlon is meeting today and tomorrow
at the Baptist church lu Ashland to
celebrate the forty-sixth anniver
sary of the association In this val
Quite a number of distinguished
Baptist church workers are in the
city to attend the meeting, among
whom are the Rev. J, c. Austin,' The merchants ot EaBt Muln street
Rev. 0. C. Wright, executive seere- who have been having a SDecial sale
For State Senator Sixth Dlst.
George W. Dunn 505
For State Representative, Eighth
John H. Cnrkln ......324
Ralph P. Cowgill 280
Delbert Fehl 21
For County CnmmlMoner
George Alford 25
Thomas H. Simpson .343
31 0 VOTES
nucD ecu urn
'Ull.ll iH.ll. HULL
Celebration Thfc Year Promixm to!rather than taken from the amount. wrtt en
be the Biggest Event Ever Put j which they received In the legacy.
On In Ashland and Likely to
last week, are announcing the win-
Draw Largest Crowd.
Plans are rapidly formulating for
one of the biggest and most- interest
ing celebrations this year ever un
dertaken In Ashland. An enthusias
ts meeting of merchants waa heldjierg of prizes that the various mer
at the chamber of commerce rooms j chant offered to Induce the people
this morning and It was definitely of fthe community to try their mer-
determined that Monday,, July 3, jcbandlse.
should be Included as a part of the The Candy Cupboard prize of a
annual event and be called "Ford five-pound box of candy was won by
Day." The big feature of this dayMrs. M. M. Tucker, of 351 Avery
will be the Ford (parade, giving j street.
away a Ford car and other events) The prize offered by Icenhower's
which, It is believed, will bring hun-l furniture store, 50 feet of garden
dreds of Ford owners, as well as hose, was won by Russell Miller, 661
The merchants on East Main street extensive talk about the obligations
who conducted a bargain week sale I and purpose of the organization.
tary of the Baptist work in the state.j during the past week, are beginning For Judge of Circuit Court
both of Portland. Among those to award the prizes in the various; Gus Newburv ... ko
ing more about this organization, present from other points are R. K. contests which they conducted. C. M. Thomas . .425
which has been so much talked and Hackett and Rev. C. M. Cllne, of A. W. Holt won the first nrlze, For Governor
of during the last few ; grants rass, ana pror. Aubrey Smith at Kruggel Brothers, which was a, Louis E. Benn
and Rev. F. R. Leach of Medford, spot light, and J. A. Taylor, of Oak1 Charles Hall .
all or whom are scheduled for talks street, won the second prize, a set
j of socket wrenches.
Mrs. Anna Kent of the Columbia
hotel won the U. S. auto tire orfered
by Dlx and Son.
The Eastern Supply company re-
; Dr. R. H. Sawyer, who was a min
ister in a Protestant church for 30! during the two days' session
BY EAST SIDE MERCHANTS years and Is now lecturing for the
Klan, opened the meeting with an
others, to spend a three day period
In Llthla park. .
J. H. McGee Was elected chairman
of the committee for Ford day, and
is working out plans for a great pa
rade participated In by Ford cars
only on July 3.
The great parade on the Fourth,
'it Is expected will be undertaken by
the newly organized Llthlans, which
will be the big booster club for Ash
A rouBtng big committee meeting
will be held at the Hotel Ashland
one evening soon and further an
nouncements will be made In to
morrow's Tidings.
A live-wire bunch of merchants
got together last night in the cham
ber of commerce and It did not take
long to get under way with the pre
liminary work In the preparations
and plans for the Fourth of July
There were about 20 present, and
the celebration was discussed pro
and con in an informal way, the con
census of opinion appearing to be
that If properly handled, a two-day
event could be held that would sur
pass anything ever attempted in
Ashland before.
It was decided that July 3d be set
aside 1y the merchants as "Ford
day," the plan being to have a cele
bration on that day In which Ford
machines will be the dominating fac
tor In a big parade, drawn from the
whole countryside, and the mer
chants participating, to award as a
prize on that day, a Ford automo
bile. It Is proposed to finance the
affair by selling tickets to the mer
chants at a fixed sum, which they In
turn, will Issue to their customers,
each ticket representing a chance In
the drawing for the auto. It was
figured' that this would draw a large
crowd to the city on Monday, July
3d, who would remain over for the
celebration on the Fourth.
Committees were appointed to
lake up the various phases of the
-work of preparation and also to
make suitable arrangements for the
celebration on the Fourth. A mon
C street.
The Square Deal grocery's six
prizes of baskets of groceries which
were put up as prizes were won by
A. Hudneyy, Vendome hotel; Mrs. O.
Winter, 430 Boulevard; S. C. Ham
aker, 66 Roca street; J. H. Sanders
Oak street; Mary Spencer, East
Main street, and Mrs. Avery of the
Nelda cafe.
The numbers that won at the
Peerless shoe shop are: first, 86,
594; second, 86,697, and third
86,599. The winners have not called
to claim their prizes to date, and
the names are not known as yet.
The lecture was such as no good citi
zen could take exception to. Time
after time, the large crowd applaud
J. D. Lee 7
Ben w. Ulcott I4g
I. L. Patterson 5
George A. White 37
For State Treasurer
o. p. Horr 330
Mrs. Ethel M. Smith, wlfef of J. J.irunaea every 8lxtn Purchase up to: Thomas r . Ryan 268
Cmlth. of Dunamuir. died Friday. 5 duiln8 the week, and had a total For Justice Supreme Court
May 19. at 12:30 p. m., at the Gran- of -35'to be refunded to the win
the speaker as he touched on'ue City hospital, following an oper-
points of the greatest Interest.
The picture had an exceptionally
good background and showed a few
sidelights of the klan In action. It
pictured a meeting, the Issuing of
Instructions and the members going
to carry out the Instructions, and
these parts of the picture were of a
great deal of interest to those at
The lecture and showing of pic
tures will be repeated tonight.
etlon earlier In the week.
The White House groceteria's first;
The Modern Woodmen of America
met In regular session last evening
In the Moose hall and initiated a
large class of candidates, together
with a large class that were present
for adoption.
F. B. Currey, state deputy, and J.
G. Ttate, head auditor, both of Port
land, were present to witness the In
itiation, together with several visit
ors from the Talent, Medford and
Central Point camps. The team from
the Medford camp exemplified the
work to the candidates.
J. E. Welch, district deputy of
the order, Is responsible for the suc
cessful meeting and the large num
ber of candidates that were taken In.
Following the Initiation the mem
bers, were assembled in the dining
room where they were served with a
real banquet.
Louie Davis, I. W. W. organizer, was
arrested in McDonald's pool hall late
Saturday night and lodged In the
city Jail.
At the time of arrest, Davis was
distributing I. W. W. literature.
Davis refused to talk, and It was
only after a hard grilling that In
formation was obtained that he had
been in
George H. Burnett 479
John McCourt 461
John L. Rand 347
.Mrs. Smith had only been In the!prUe was won MS- Val Inlow- wnoi 0ente S. Shepherd 134
hospital a few days, and the opera. ! suessed the exact number of beans For Supt. Public Instruction
tlon apparently was a success, butln tne Jar- and slx contestants tied J. A. Churchill 403
during the early part of the day Frl-I for secolld Prlze- and three for the For Commissioner f Labor
day her condition became serious , tl,lrd Prlze- , William A. Dalzlel 322
Her relatives at DunBmuIr were tn- The Siuare Deal grocery contest C. H. Gram i85
formed, but were not able to reael wlnners wl" be nno,"",,,(' 'his Fr Public Service Commissioner
evening, and others later in the Thomas H. Campbell 193
week. F. B. Layman 72
J. R. Thlehoff 242
TAKES CHARGE OF DEW For National Committeeman
besides her husband, are her parents; "m" r"" "M,ml "'"'i u- runlan 301
Mr. and Mrs. Edwin F. Carter, ofi """ ' I Ra,nl R- Williams 221
Dunsmulr. i Mr8- Ij0ttle Shaffer, of Bremer- For Congressman
The body was prepared for burial ton- Wa8D" arrived in Ashland aj Earl E. Fisher m
hv H. C. Stock and' taken on train few "K0 t0 as8lst her slster-ln-j W. C. Hawley 344
her bedside before she passed away.
She was born May 8, 1889 In Cali
fornia, and was 33 years old at the
time of her death. Surviving her.i
With Only A Few Small Precinct in
Harmy, Wheeler und Cuny to
Hear From, Hall's Defeat Is Now
Practically Assured,
PORTLAND, May 23. With re
turns from only a few small pre
cincts in Harney. Wheeler and Curry
counties missing, it Is indicated that
Olcott will have a plurality ot 400
over Hall when the complete unof
ficial vote Is tabulated. It Is now
reasonably certain that Governor Ol
cott has been renominated. The
latest figures give him a lead of
Buchtel's recall Is now nn estab
lished fact, and Campbell appears to
have won out over Thlehoff.
13 this morning to Dunsmulr, wherel Mrs- Alvena Bullen- wlth the.
the funeral will be held Monday.
A. W. Norhlad 103
For National Committeeman
William R. King 74
J. W. Morrow 48
work at the Dew Drop Inn. Jack
Hlldreth, a brother-in-law of Mrs.
Bullen's, who has been visiting with
LLOYD ELWOOD'S CASE i her for the past few weeks, was tak-
FIRST ON DOCKET en quite ill several days ago, and For Governor
the attending physician advised tak -1 Webster Hofmes 6
Circuit court will convene next j ,ng hlm t0 s ,owep Hltltudfl and Walter M. Peirce 68
Monday morning. June 22. The first' Mrg Bullen ,eft wlth hm .... morn W Plmlv ,
the United States for 11 the docket u that of the j tn bound , . Bremmerton. leavine! Harvev O. Starkweather kr
Ij ears, coming here from Austria, T- WW J"wooo, inaictea ror the restaurant n charge of Mrs. j For Judge Circuit Court
and that be had not yet taken out
any citizenship papers, or made any
attempt to do so.
With only a few outlying precincts
in the county to be heard from, Hall
la reported to have carried Jackson
county by 78 votes. It Is thought
manslaughter as the result of an
auto accident near Medford one
night last December.4
4-. .. .a- .-
LODI, Calif., May 23. The two
skeletons unearthed by a road scrap
er four miles husowtets BRR u
er four miles southwest of Lodl last
that as the missing precincts come'w has brought to mind to old
in this lead will be Increased rather! settlers the lynching of two cow
than diminished.
rustlers at that point about 40 years
The Rogue River Valley High
School Tress association, the newest
branch of the Oregon State Press
association, was organized last week
at Medford, Dean Eric Allen of the
University ot Oregon school of Jour
nalism, attending the organization
This Is the third branch of the state
association of high school publica
tions which held Its convention In
I Eugene the week-end of April 14.
Each year the Underwood Type
writer company gives to the stu
dents of high schools over the Unit
ed States, awards for speed and ac
curacy In typing. To earn recognl-
FORUM LUNCHEON IN i'"i musi wrue on new mi-
INTEREST OF OVARRY' rurnistiea by the New York ed-
uunumiui uiiice iot la consecutive
The chamber of commerce held a
forum luncheon at the Hotel Ash
land today, which was attended by
about 60 people.
Prof. Briscoe made a short talk,
asking the aid of the chamber in an
endeavor to get an Increase In at
tendance at the summer school nor
mal this summer.
E. V. Carter, V. O. N. Smt!h and
G. W. Dunn were called on to make
minutes. All papers are marked In
accordance with International con
test rules. For every error ten
words are taken from the gross
The first award Is a solid bronze
medal for 40 net words per minute.
Memorial Day Committee
Have Plans Completed
Memorial day plans are rounding
Into shape nicely. The committee
reports developments are running
quite satisfactorily, tad they hope
to make this Ashland's most loyally
supported and conducted affair of its
kind yet attempted.
The plans begin with a Legion
service at the Memorial rock in the
A bronze bar Is added to this medal ipark, in the memory of the much-
for each additional ten words made' beloved and highly ,(honored com
until 60 words per minute have beenrades who gave tbeir best for their
written. country. They cannot be too highly
Forty-seven certificates have been or loyally remembered. This serv-
11. Boy Scouts of America.
12. Camp Fire Girls. Fnr R,iltP
13. Citizens. I Hy"" 62(1.
14. School Children. I For circuit
E. E. Kelly 55
For Senator, Sixth Dlst.
Newton W.' Borden 79
Recall Pta'tlon Remit
For Recall of Fred O. nuchtel
Yes sin
No 252
To Fill Unexpired Term
Fred fi. Muchtel 201
Newton McCoy 209
Edward Ostrnnder (15
For Recall of Fred A. Williams
Yes 369
No ; 256
To Fill Unexpired Term
T. M. Kerrigan 19S
Fred A. Williams 164
For national committeeman Wil
liams 643, Fithlnn 454.
For governor Benn 23, Hall 567,
Lee 9, Olcott 587, PatfcerKon 22,
White 22.
treasurer TInff 562,
W. E. Olenrtlning, ot Chlco, Calif.,
a former Ashland resident, has writ
ten (to friends In Ashland stating
that he has been assigned as assist
ant state forester of the state of
California, and will have charge of
all highway tree planting through
out the state.
Mr. Glendinlng, In this position,
gets a comfortable salary, all ex
penses paid and a car furnished to
take him about on his work. He
states that the family is in its usual
good health, with the exception ot
his wife, who is suffering from a
sprained ankle.
WALKER, Calif., May 23. The
driver of the unto stage between
Ilornhrook and Happy" Camp had a
narrow escape from drowning when
pinned beneath the heavy machine
after it had jumped from the road
and turned turtle in the Klamath
river, pinning him beneath.
Unable to swim, he grabbed fran
tically at a roll of blankets which
started to float away from the
wreckage. The mail sack was also
on the roll of blankets and was
The accident occurred last Friday
about a quarter of a mile from here.
The stage was bound for Hornbrook
talks on the eranlte onarrv and received by the Ashland high schoolUce will be completely Legion, and
each in turn gave some facts that! students. Five of these students, P'ce at 8; 45. In the fore-
are of vital Interest to the granite j Llara .Will, Orlando. Nelson, Edith noon
industry of Ashland. Statements to Dodee. Isabella Sliver and Lenore Aft" 'hl. the P'ana show that
the effect that there Is an unlimited I AnKe11. received certificates after"" Flrst company, O. N. C, the
amount of eranlte enual tn the best I working only 18 weeks. ,0. A. R., the Spanish War veterans.
In the country and without compe- The following students received jand the ex-service men (Including
tltlon on the coast were things that ! bron mda1 ad bars: the American Legion) are to assera-
should be considered bv the neonle Etna Abbott, 66 words; Maude; lur nrcu l0
of Ashland at this time. Buck. 40; Katie Buchanan, 43;'
Mr. Gamble, a tourist advertising, Lloyd Crowson, 42; Dorothy Chris
agent, who was present at the lunch-'tlan, 5'- A1ma Doran, 64; Cleo
ter parade 1. planned as", feature'8"" and D ha traveld overhigh, 46; Dorothy Frulan 40;
llklihood norinwest, maae me siaismeni "imw iuuui, , u nuui, 1.;
of that day, which in all
will be under the management pf the
Llthlani. Detailed plans; (will be
forthcoming rfthln the- next few
days or as soon as the various com-!
mlttees have gotten down to a work-'
lng basis.
that Ashland has the best equipped Pearl Hodkinson, 42; Opal Hoxsle,
auto camp ground In the Pacific: 49; Alta Jarvis, 44; Marguerlta
northwest. Moore, 42; Marjorle McElvaney, 63;
After the luncheon, six cars con-Flora Putnam, 63; Fay Parker. 41;
taining about 25 people, left for the MaxIne Rose, 42; Mildred Stevens,
quarries to inspect the granite and; 45; Clara Will, 44.
the Plaza. The Women's Relief
Corp, the American Legion Auxiliary
and the Daughters of the American
jutlse Newbury 363,
The march will continue to the, Thomas 874.
Ashland cemetery, where the usual' For Km" representative Catkin
G. A. R. and W. R. C. service Willi073- Cnwu 7:l5. Fphl Mi-
be given together with such auxll- lnr ronnty commissioner Alford at the time.
lary service as the Legion Auxiliary ! 73r. RI"Ison 307.
Recall of nuchtel Yes 282, NniMltS. MKXICA HOLT DIES
For recall of Williams Yes 300,
No 413. Mrs. Menlva Holt, wife of Ava W.
JOSEPHINE COUNTY iHolt, (lied at Talent Sunday morning
and D. A. R. may add for the mem
ory of all veterans and comrades ot
the past wars.
Upon conclusion there will be a
ten minuta period In which to visit
the graves and view the decorations,
etc., then the bugler will sound as-j
sembly for the return march to the
band stand in
GRANTS PASS, 3 p. m. Thomas at 1:30 o'clock at the home of Mrs.
Is leading Newbury by 186 votes InjVogell. Her death was unexpected
19 precincts, with several out-lying and came as a great shock to her
Llthla nark where a1 preclnrts to be heard from, hut It Is relatives and friends. She was 111
splendid address has been arranged 'predicted by many residents of the; for only a few days.
for- : county that the present lead will bej Mrs. Holt was born in Quebec, 27
After the address it Is planned to Pils"v ni''(' ,,v Thomas. In the re-(years ago, and came to Ashland at
have a basket dinner In the park for publican race for governor. Hall has the age of ten years, having lived
every one.
During the afternoon there are to'
a total vote of 447 to Olcott's 214.
here since that time.
Besides her husband, she leaves
be committees appointed to visit the s n,T,t RLAKELY .her father, Isaac Bailey, a sister.
Hargadine, Mountain View, Talent WINS SCHOLARSHIP Mrs. Luella Vance, and one brother.
and Hill cemeteries, where proper! j ""V ""?. 01 Asniana.
Revolution will assemble at their re-attention will be given to the grave lss K,,,n "Keiy, or Kogite The funeral services win ne nem
nectlve halls and march to the' decoration in the nlots. i River, Is the fortunate winner of from the Baptist church at S p. m.
Plaza. All organizations to be ready
to form the parade column on the
Plaza at 9:30 sharp.
The parade line-up at tbey have
It planned will be at follows:
1. Marshal ot the Day.
2. Ashland Band
The electricians of southern Ore- TAX DELINQUENCIES
gon banqueted last evening at the
Hotel Ashland and followed up with
a discussion of the best ways and
means In which to promote tbeir' delinquent taxes in Shasta
campaign of placing more electric
ranges In the homes of the people
of the Rogue river Talley.
The banquet was par excellence,
nd all present were enthusiastic ov
r the plans as outlined.
the surrounding country In order to ;
be better veraed in what the quar- BLANCHE GLAZIER WINS
rles really mean as an Industrial: FINE NAVAJO RUG
proposition to the community.
Miss Blanche Glazier, of 777 East
Main street, won the fine Navajo rug
FEWER IN SHASTA: that was offered by Icenhower's fur-
I nlture store for Wednesday. The
REDDING, Calif., May 23. The 'rug was given away by Mr. Icen-
county; bower in campaign of advertising!
for the current year amount to $24,-i which Is being conducted by the
081.61. The delinquencies last year. merchants of that part of the clty.lyrs
totaled $29,280.82. Many other merchants of that tec-! t. Daughters of the American Rev.
The smaller delinquencies this! tlon are offering exceptional prises. olutlon.
It is earnestly hoped by the com- tn' "cnoiarsnip awaited eacn inesnay ann iniermem wm ds in
..... - . . . I... l.a rj,...n nit.nt. V'.illu. Pnl- I T ,1 r ,wl I ft A Mnialai-V 111 phlll-PA' tit
mittee that the people 01 Ashiantr """"''- j ........
will heartily respond and co-operato 1"W Women's club. This scholar- H. C. Stock.
In these memorable exercises, by a "hip which has caused much interest'
goodly attendance, and plenty of I" educational circles Is granted on 'ARRIVES IX ASHLAND
thoughts concerning the reasons whyMl' following terms: The girl must' FOR A SHORT VISIT
we hav Memorial or Decoration be a high school graduate of the
3. First Company, Oregon Natlonaliday. When we stop to realize that'eurrent year who Intends to take a Mrs. Myrtle Boslough arrived
i May 30th Is no longer a national Me- four years college course in some! Ashland Monday morning from
morial day, but is now an Interna- Oregon college; the money whim is Dwlght, N. v., wnere sne na, neeni
tlonal Memorial day, In which many : given outright, must be used for ac-jstopplng with relatives for the past
treat nrlnn take nart with exactly tual college expenses, and not dress; ' several months. Mrs. Boslough Is a
Veterans of the World War (In-jthe same thoughts In mind, we are she must be of good reputation, and former resident of Ashland, but has
eluding the American Leglon) lead to believe that there must be show evidence of becoming a fine been spending the past few years in
Women's Relief Corpt of the (something to It more than a day for character and one to whom the the east and abroad, having spent
recreation and fishing trips. money win ne a real neip. mis tne greater pan 01 sunnurr 411
Give due regard for this occasion scholarship is granted to a graduate various European countries, while
and remember our Individual part of one of the eleven accredited high there visiting relatives In the 8can-
toward those who have given us this schools of Jackson county. The col-' dinavlnn countries,
privilege to cultivate the exalted lee Women's club has also a fund Mrs. Boslough will be In the city
rear I. taken to inrtic. h. ih.ithi. week .nH .naei.i n!ifl. M.vor. Citr Officials. Our Coub. thoii.hts that are ours during these which It loans without Interest to only short time after which she
hi... . 1 i 1. a. I ,11 ..4 s,hi n...j !u rt.i ,... Igirli above the freshmaa year. will return to North Dakota,
1 1 111 s a m a uiui o bis uduci uui. s ma in rim 1. u ij a r . wwv wn is. 1 mm biu hj .
Grand Army of the Republic
Veterans of the Spanish-Ameri
ca n War.
O. A. R.
American Legion Auxiliary.