V ASHLAND WEEKLY TIDINGS OLXLV 'ASHLAND, OREGON, Wfc'DNE.-l) 1 V, MAY 3, 1922 NO. 34 WHITE Mi IS KILLED IN NEGRI) FAMILY BRAWL GEORGE NICHOLS SHOT DEAD IN KLAMATH FALLS BV HIS Negro Fires Tliree Ineffective Shot,. At HI Fleming Wife and Then i 'funis Giitt on Landlord and Kills Him Still at Large, j , KLAMATH FALLS, May npnrrn Mtrhnla Is rtpnrl hpnuiiflo hfl . , w, hiJ , , . 1 " " colored tenants. Nichols entered a house which he owneo ana wnicn is occupied Dy wti- Ham Lewis, a negro, and his wli i IIOM just as a quarrel between the col ored, couple bad reached a climax last night. Mrs. Lewis attempted to flee from her husband, when the latter fired j three shots at her, none of them .taking effect. He then turned the J revolver on Nichols, shooting him through the neck and causing In stant death. Lewis made his escape and has not yet been captured. CONGREGATIONS SURPRISED IN YESTERDAY'S SERVICE Congregations of the various locaran(, Secret Valpy ai30 )g open. churches had a surprise sprung on; Th. firHt ear from tne Sacramento them Sunday morning, when the; ministers appeared in the pulpit8,;.n for without previous announcement, the pastors had exchanged pulpits for the day. Rev. C. A. Edwards preached at the Christian church, Rev. Oldfield at the Presbyterian, Rev. Champie at the Methodist, Rev. Finch at the Brethren, aud Rev. Smith at the Baptist. The theme of "Sabbath Observance" was the sub ject by each of the ministers. ORGANIZE NEW BRANCH OF W. C. T. I'. AT TALrNT The county organizer of the Wom en's Chritslan Temperance Union, Mrs. Stella Leavltt, assisted by the county president, Mrs. Alice Jlllson, and Mrs. Nellie L. Oldfield, perfect ed a new organization In Talent yes terday afternoon. The officers of the new organization are Mrs. Les ter Vogeli, president; Mrs. L. Brown, secretary; and Mrs. Jennie Orthnys. E OPENS POSTAL IT "Postal Improvement Week," May 1 to 6 Inclusive, opened In the Ash land post office this morning, with a nice assortment of obstacles to Tho nffi wn nn elerk overcome, -hnrt handed, nnd the eeneral sub-i CRIPPLED ORG Ml WEEK stitute clerk-carrier, who has beeu France last summer for Interment substituting for a carrier on sick .here. The plaque has the following leave, himself developed a "flat i inscription: wheel," and could not take thel "In memory of Clyde A. McKea, route. 'company D, Second Bat., 117 Engl- It was a double mall, after the ner Reg., 42nd Division, A. E. F. Sunday holiday, and flrst-of-the- France. Born October .in, 18D3; month statements of firms thrown into the heap. It was handled by the postmaster and assistant post master getting on the Job in the ear ly hours this morning. The substitute ' clerk-carrier with the "flat wheel," after handling the midnight mail, cased and routed up I and marked up the mail for his! route, which was picked up early In tha mnrntni- hv tho nnutmflntpr and a raw recruit and delivered to the patrons on time.- After train 13 arrived at 10 o'clock, the regular carriers cased and routed fhe absent carrier's mall nrhlnh vna HalfvAfnH nfftmnflv In thn m. wav Other, in the office sten-'wn ped on the accelerator, and the pub 11a AtA rtnt knAV thflt flnvthltlff flAd happened. f HAS BEEN POSTPONED This 1. what Postmaster General, Hubert Work expects, and the postal j The meeting of the Civic Improve- .itmini.tr.Hnn hMd. throuih the ' ment club scheduled for tomorrow Daily Postal. Bulletin, constantly shows Its appreciation ot all em ployes who demonstrate resourceful ness that, although It may Incon . .-., o- -- ven lence themselves, delivers tha foods ds to th patrons. PAREX1VTEACHERS HOSTS AT SPLENDID LUNCHEON Tbe local circle of the Parent- Teachers association entertained the1 national president, Mrs. Hlggins, of Boston, Mass., and the state prejl- dent, Mrs. Hill, of Portland, at a! luncheon at 12:30 today. Mrs. H. T. Elmore, district vlce presldent of the organization in the state, presided at the luncheon, and introduced the noted guests, each of wl0ra responded In a few well-chos- ien' remarks- thanking the Ashland I and Medford circles for the loyal' support which they have accorded the nreanlzatlnn. and eniuhasi.lng ... ,.,lM,,ri)11.H wpif,ir., Is something which should not be neglected. They asked t tie hearty co-operation of ull parents to the end that the children be given the I best possible advantages. A quartet from the higll srliool composed of two boys and two girls, gave a gong whlch wa9 wpU rPcelved. .. . .. ...... .... . rOIIOWing Hie lUUCneOn, a Ullb'.- Iness meeting was 'held at which re- , ,u .,,.., ,k,.. .pons iruni me variuus uiiuiro ui liii . anu netgnDonng towns were reau. I Announcement was made by the iMcdford circle that they had elected j Mrs. George Kunsman to go to the' national convention at Tacoma, to lie In session next week. FIRST CAR CROSSES SIERRAS VIA ISl'RXKY MOUNTAIN SUSANVILLE, Calif., May 2.- W. H. Paulk, of Bieber, states that the roads between Redding and Fall River Mills are open, also the Bieber and Alturas road by way of Canby. jTne road Detween Alturas and Sus- anville. bv way of Madeline Plains ...n.v throtiEh last week, malt-: th tr.n bv u,.nev Mountain and : j Alturas. The road, however. Is In i i bad condition. I The Susanville-Bieber stage last ; Methodists 2 2 1.000 week made its first trip on wheels; christians ....2 1 .500 since the 20th of December. j Presbyterians 2 1 .500 C. L. Joslyn, who is in San Fran-i UnptiKts 2 0 ,.000 clsco, states he is to make the tripj from San Franclsro to SiiBanville in The Methodists continued to hold a car the first of the week, com'ng' tiier ead after the game with the by way of Bishop and through south-! Presbyterians Saturday morning, em Nevada. ! The latter led most of the way, but : ; the Wes'leyans came from behind DRY' DETECTIVES ARE and tied tbe score In the last few "ROUGH-HOUSED" RY MOR moments of play. In the extra Inn- .lug, they managed to get the win- EUREKA. Calif.. M : f: 2 Clar-1 uing run across after one man was ence L. Stiti and Charles Hendricks, ! wrfvate detectives of San Francisco. narrowly escaped bfting beaten to i death Saturday evening by an Intui-' latd crowd of 100 when they sought . tn Miinln pvlrienee neainst ulleeed violators of the Prohibition law atjPhipps, Tiott, Gus. Wldood, an Italian settlement thlr-j Seeoinl Gama tl miles south of here., in an an- nouncement made here today. Tbe two Investigators were badly Injured. They were saved by County Dry Operatives William Mc-j shifts of the battery In the latter Kay, A. P. Cheelhain anJ Stephen team. Nelson liuttorfleld and Cul Naih, who dispersed the mob with ! bertson were lined in the box and drawn revolvers after firing several Ring and Culberson behind tbe bat. shots as a warning. PLAQUE PLACED ON GRAVE OF RAINBOW DIVISION HERO RED BLUFF, Mny 2. lames F. Clausen of Sacramento Northern Railroad Company has arranged tor tbe placing of a memorial plaque on the grave of Clyde A. Mckea, front whose body was returned killed In Battle of Maine. July 1j, 1918." famous He was a member of the "Rainbow" Division. I)R. SUTCLIFFE NOW LOCATED IN PORTLAND I Local people who attended the Moody Bible school extension course here two years ago, will be interest- In It-nrn lhn( Ilr Rntrliffe hag' been called to the pastorate of Cal-( jvary Presbyterian church, of Port-, land. Dr. Sutcliffe is a masterly, teacher of the Bible and won many vnrm frlpnda wrYle In AshUnd. Mrs. . cr..ii i n flniialn Af Mavnr T.nrn- , Mft'TIVfi fV flt'ir .... .. (.,H fur two weeks and will be held Tuesday hci iiuuii aiun ur. 1 1 inmuiuuiu - afternoon, May 16. The cause of the no.tnonement Is the reception to! - . .. be given tomorrow afternoon by tne Parent-Teachers association. L AND WALLOPS MS PITCHER AD WINS EASILY The baseball name Saturday af- ternoon between Ashland and Yreka hlfih schools, started off in a uian- ner creditable to professionals. , Shultz, Yreka's pitcher, kept the, 'locals' hits fairly well scattered up to the Hlshth innliiK. when he blew up. The locals found him for seven h Is and made 11 runs In that imi - lug. Yreka came back weakly In; their half of the ninth and made! another run, but only secured slx( unotber run. hut nulv secured six! bits off Welsenhurger during the entire game, The final score was 1 to 3. ....... ..... .. ,..i.....t.... J II'. l"-il u';.ui ruvi: nciniuui - -er fine support, playing practically m,i.. i,,n .hi.1i,.vi,.i!.m.',jm, .,i ir 11 t rv,Jn c'i.i ...i... nt..in ... .... . ...... II.. 1.. v, .... -n- f-ih-iuu) m muus place to step Die ball at critical moments. The locals made a total of 16 bis and an equal number of, runs, wune uie Msuors mane a w- ( -i I (if only three runs. The lino up was: Ashland Welsenburcer c, Young lh. Guthrie 2b, 3h, Chapman ss. Wild If, Bell cf,. RtiKb rf. v, J,o ci,H, n V. ilTnostlu i. ' ' lloa(la ,h Lndil ss. Jones If, Cunningham cf,: ss, Mart'n rf. Umpires McMillan for Ashland and Sharp for Yreka. j ASHLAND JUNIOR BASIv Ii.AI.li LEAGUK NEWS League Standings Teams Played Won Pet out. The final .score was 10 to 'I lie lineup was. n Methodists Frulen, Ramsey, Sle'. e, Heer, Edwards, Clary Brown Marske, Jack Leslie, Wentner, Wilcox, Watson, In tbe second game of (he morn ing the Christians defeated the Bap lists with a score of 12 to 7. One of tbe feature Was tbe several Tho lineup: Christians Moore, Parr, Kanasto, Hox'e, Henry, Jones, Rltzinger. Baptists Nelson, Butterfleld, Presbyterians Pittinger, Leedom Jordan, Ring, (lilmore, Cnlbertson, Carson, Cotter. Umpires Brlggs and Wood. Tlie Ashland Junior league Is tbe third In tbe county being conducted .'B' 1,10 Jaclts011 County Y. M. C. A. With the opening or tlie swim ming pools, an early aquatic meet w'll bo planned. nrY ENFORCEMENT PAYING BUSINESS IN SHASTA REDDING, Calif., May 2. Sum ming up the results of tbe "little Volstead" ordinance adopted by the supervisors In October, District At- lOiTieT Jesse w. carter reports inn collection of nearly $10,000 In fines. He Mitlmntes the cost of enforce- mert at between one-half and one- 11,1.4 that sum. . , RIRTHDAY SI R,'J'SJ'J vork',2'86I4 ln . ('" ' ( ' ' ifrom St. Li F. W. York, of the Bellcview dis- lrlct .....d oi.'an a nlonnHtit mirnrise Saturday ftornnon when & ntlin- ber ot neighbors and friends gath-. u,. u . ,.ij .. than I ereu ai. in iiumo m i-tiihi-m ...... It was the anniversary of his birth. The appearance of hi. children was a real surprise to Mr. York and ye a very pleasant one. Tbe chief event of the day was the ftne feed which had been orenared and was served, Those present from a distance were Mrs. James i.ognn anu cni.ureu. u. Grants Pass, Miss Ruth York, of .. . ...... ... j (.,, niiiii.,. Kosenurg. ana ..... ..u - York, of Talent. AUTO camp r.aoiND ' I MAKiiS GOOD SHOWING I Sunday o. enins marked the end of the flrsc week of tho season at the local auto camp ,rojnds. after the official openlug there was a total of 53 machines camped on the grounds during the week, and as in tbe past, the campers were practic ally unanimous in the opinion that the Ashland camp Is tbe best they had ever seen. Many were surprised at the cleanliness of the grounds and the treatment t,hey received, acd with a few excepting, th-y seemed well pleased at v.liai tliey received I for the fee chained. It anneals thul a treat inanv of the tourists who are on the road; j now are people wbu have spent tueinis wncei nnu nis nose uiceraieu, winter Ini he soul li and are .row on their way home. The following travelers roelsti-red The following travelers registered yesterday: Mr. and .Mrs. Charles Kay, Phoenix, Ariz ; W. II. Ross and family. Kirby. Or.; .Mr. and Mrs. J. n....'.. ,.i, . . j nuunmi, inuiiiiiui'i'iia, 11111,, cj, m. 'Graved and family, dravett, Ark.; ..u ..i. .. ....... ... . . .,!.. mm ma. I ,,.n,,,,,., Aoin ivi, M.v DKAD AT F.VKHHOX, WAftlt. I - K- He,'bBi di",, at Emoa. crtulnly have resulted in a hlgj Snturdnyi whou th(! Julllo, chrlstian ; on the Taclflc coast and In acqu.r p. Heer i Wash., last night at 7:30 o'clock and ,eague o(f,,,.. Th0 Ford was com-1 En(IeaVorers hiked to the hills for ln 8reat naval air fleets which will Wentner!"1 he burle1 Wednesday afternoon fl.om m direction of the park.!a plcnte lln(.h am gathered wild be ready at ,n lnstttnt' notlc4 w that place. Mr. Herbst and wife left a ftwi " K" r,iKiBun. ueniK cauuii ; there by the serious Illness of the brother and sent bark the slid news I of the brother's death. E 10 JULY A meeting of the committee on:hm He wa(i nrivlng a new ten-pas- tne rourtn or jtuy ceieDiatiou i-as held last evening at the Chamber of Commerce rooms to organize UaJ j committee and ttt discuss plans ol I"oee""re- , Iger car and rides like a Pullman. The discission Inst night took In, nPKnnIlg May 10. the stage will a wine range, involving 1110 question m a one nay era urau.Mi, ur seier.i. 9,1'"" '"'' ui iiiwiir, iu micnt, and tlie manner in wnicn it is to ra raised, ror tne past iwo years roe financing the 'the celebration ti b been handled through the budget of tho Chamber of Commerce,' nearly hulf of the budget going for lWa purpose. By the budgrt plan, all suc h af-, fairs have been cured for out of I bo general funds, and no solicitation! made r 10 111 men liunls or citizens nt unytblug outside tbe budget. Some of tf lie questions that lmre beeu raised ami should be sell'ed are: "Shall the budget plun be con-1 tinned?" "What shall be tho speolulj teauiie.s 01 mis years t'oiirtti snail it ne a souiuern uregon nrrair;,,, ,mlllstrlnl, mlnernl, scenic and on a larger scale than ever betor.it", . . rPgouroei, has been or- If you are Interested in n Fouth (1(,rpiI ,,y ie U()Mr(1 of ulrPct1H of of July celebration this year, ror.etl) Ure).m Slale chamber of Coin- out to the muss meeting to bo uId tomorrow (Wednesday) evening at the city hall. The committee which has been appointed for the Foi'th want to get an expression fro'n a, representative garnering ot cttiziw.t ns they feel the citizens must tad oaca 01 mem, it a ceienration 01 any,. kind Is to be held. If there is a suf ficient number present at the mint ing to Justify going on with tbe plans, the committee will do ".o. Otherwise all plans may be droppd, and no celebration held. Make your self felt by being present. CUT IX FREIGHT RATES 'ANNOUNCED BY S. i. co.; transcontinental Reduction in freight rates on agricultural Imple ments from eastern points to the Pacific coast terminals ranges from fmn. New Vnrlt tn tllt-t. ouis and will be reduced to 12 per 100 pounds provided the interstate commerce commission; vpanla fhc "QPrlnra rallnf trnm lam """ - long ana snon naui clause or we, commerce an. MISSOURI CO-EDS ARE LEARNING TO USE GUNS; rni.rMnr v m m i Prettv Miu.nri fniv.rvitv pn,i. r t. coming exiieif. markswomen Regular classes are conducted r,f,e shooting, under tT.e tutelage Of , r....,.i. it. d ii. pii,i ...m - .u ........ . , tice also is neio si iniervais. R E E Observance ot traffic regulations I AND ARLY MORN COLLISION averted what might have beeu A; with spring flowers. I very serious accident on the Plaita.j MHg Hedrlck was the recipient of; when a Ford cur driven by G. C.jmany dainty mid useful gifts, and! Heed and a bicycle ridden by W. N. (Cole, collided at the corner of East Main stive: Just In front of the city ball. Mr. Cole was thrown from while tbe front, tire or tbe Dike was J hostesses also carried out tbe yel sinasbed. The Ford, ns usual, camel ow fln,i whlte coor scheme. ! inrougu scaiueiess, except 101 a busted cap on tbe radiator, while tbe occupants, u. l Heed and inns. 1'rayter. were uninjured. The accident was caused by the efforts made to avoid running down n. V. I. each, the bonlface of tbe Ash , land hotel, who was crossing from' i the post office. The agility dis- j played by the latter In getting out I of hurm's way when the two mu- chines came together, if It bad been! I witnessed by a baseball scout, would and the bicycle was swinging around from the corner of Main street. Mr. i.He i was cross lie between tlie two. ,, must have beeu watching both led him In safety on the sidewalk, I Just as the machines came together! 0ra of tlie Congregational and jln a crash, l:fth. however, with j christian churches, with a party. 'brakes hard set, thus mitigating tlie ' Each society will give somo of Its damage. !gOI,Bg or memory work, and there i iu.ni l. irnmoR and liaht refreshments j KLAMATH FALLS. STAGE i .MAKES FIRST TRIP .. . . v. .1. iiowaru, wno nas "Fu the stage line between Ashland and Klamath Falls for the last five years. I during the summer months, left thlsi""11 i morning on nis nrsi n ip "er uir 8p1Rer stU(,ebllkpr car, whlch be or dore(1 (or ti,is particular work. The hu8 a 40-inch additional wheel base over the ordinary seven passon- carry mall on tlio trips uotn ways;, nVer the road, leaving tlie local post office for Klamatn fans ai i:hl ml)it ()f kuiB cblrkens for , ... nmi the mall will be closed',, ,,, .,,, i, ......i,, f,i .,,,1, iuif l0ur prior to that time, u j will arrive In Klamath Falls at 3 p, m.. The Ashland mall will close at the Klamath FallH post office at 7:3n a. m., leaving thure at 1:50 land scheduled to arrive here at 2, though In tbe past It has often ar - rived as eurly at 1 p. m. Only firstly fur hD )h iwaya faV0r of , class mail and dally papers are ail- tborlzed In the dlHpittcb 1 ! STATE C. ()F C. TO HUT 'out ui'-to-datk booklet PORTLAND, May 1. A (lute n..,,,.,,'. ..riMiimr. wide sill' uierce. The data gathered In this 1 survey will be used in the complla - t'on of a bookie; descriptive of Oie- gou's resources. Decision to undertake the survey W.K r(,af ,,,, 1f(fir rol)orU ,,y Drect 01H , C,)U1.R0 of the VBr,0U, del)art. ,,, , .,.( ri.iimi.oi- of Com IlieillN III lilt' muie LiiBinuri ui ,vu mcice showed that Oregon as a State has not sufficient data available set-; tin;: forth in exact terms what the v. irons districts have to offer prospective settlers and Investors Secretary George Quay e was n- structed to get In touch Immedla e- ... ...I.k nil n.n.A tin ... ... I (i tl I M a Qtlrf .1 ly Wl II Nil BllllO ..Will III MDIUMO pnrtments, the Oregon Agricultural College and Experimental Stntlon, tbe Oregon Rurean of Mines and all :other 80Urees of tl'e"lle Illtorn'a- tion. These organ'zatlons and ne- partments will be nsked to state to what extPllt m? can a9!,lst n" uudertaKing or mis K1I1U. CHILI) BURNED TO DEATH IX GOLD HILL SAWMILL Elsie Mabel COLD HILL. May 1. . dauhter of chas. V. Herman, sawmill operator In tne r-i,i mil mill war fiilallv burned when her clothing caught fire Thurs- day afternoon and she died a few hours later. sh w nlavlna alone at the saw m'li f..m..c. when sb was discover- ied afire by her mother, who extin- gu.shed the flame, by plunging her, Into a trough of water. The ch. m rat.iiv hnrnail from besa to -- loot MAY DAY SHOWER GIVEN FOB BRIDE OK NEAR FUTURE Honoring Miss May Hedrlck, who will be a bride In the near future, Misses Jane Atkinson and Sarah Williamson were hostesses at a May I day Bhower given at thetr home on; the Boulevard Monday evening. A miniature May pole was erected in the middle of the room with yellow and white ribbon streamers, and the I room Tpry uttrartlvety decorated ; the whole affair eaine as a roinp'.e'e! , sururHe t0 her. Ti,0 eVenlnir was i devoted to musle. c.nls ,.,) .t, llu peasant conversation. Tho de- Hclous refreshments served by the Tho guests of the evening wero tbe Misses May ljedrirk, Fay CurverJ ,ceraldlne Ruch, I.eonu Marsters, Ila, : Mver9, Mildred Million, Reuan Te.n- pl6i Vera Manuel, Rugenla Carson, Emml, Keltlng and Tennle Frakes committee, in discussions 01 in amendment of the house navl p ItRGAV onSERVAXCK OF Iproprlatloa bUL CH1LDUEXS WEEK EARLY Secretary of th Navy Denby U 1 urging that the appropriation be In- Tie Presbyterian congregation he ; Rlln observance of "children's week' nowe,.. ,. May baskets. Sunday af- ; tel.noo. after their regular meeting, : ., .i, .), ,.hv Mnv insketa tn .,.., h,.;..a ,i pi,i..rlv rt .i.-ki ilrli i, Pntifnlii tbe inn- i to add tn the festivities. On Sat- Tmv!urday afternoon, the prlmarv depart ment of the Sunday school with; ,-j'Mrs. Van Sunt and Mlss Estella H,lnpl.iIltell(,ents will be host - Hays, supe 1. en.len.s w esses to an tne i ranm iu un'irw their mothers at the church. CHICKEN IS FOUND WITH GOLD NUGtJET IX CRAWwoorti H, Li Moole, S. A. Peters Sr., i A. N. Kramer, Southern Tnclflc, . nemit. was missing around :, ,.ty S:ltiir(Iny evening, dlsplay-!tle Moore girls and Bernard Culey, ,,, .., whrh he found! . ., . , ,.iickeu he killed ; tllll.ftlK tlt ,luy. Mr. Kramer Is not 11111 ft"" .....fc n--- was very much surprised to see the well polished piece In the chicken's, Interior. Mr. Kramer Is planning to guard lils chicken coop In order to keep; o keep anv prospector troui iiuuei iiiiiiiiik l. ' , ,.ri).t , mi u, chickens to gVI1(! the dilel-eiM an even shake, MKDIORO-MAX BUYS HOTEL AT SANTA CRUZ SANTA CRUZ, Calif., May 1. II. Jansen, proprietor of the Medford Cement Rrlck and Block Works, of Medford, Or,, has recently Invested In real estate here. I The sale or mo notei iiowHiueii- nan property, which bus been sub- Jecf .0 court litigation for a l.u.n-'d l ()f V(mrg paHti bM nlme , I Its entirety, the result of the fore-j closure of u deed of trust. The pur w.s .jnllHP11 wl)0 h(mght the projierty on $12,200. the low bid of CHRISTIAN ENDEAVORERS HAVE FIXE CELEBRATION Tlie local Christian Endeavor- u-nvkerM rplnbruterl 1:iHt evening, the'A uA..A t.A r-a.,u nn.i inoaiiotion be te of two nu.lH(un Uoyi (.arrlpk Ace , the , Miss Mary Spencer, union presl- dent, entertained nt a 8 o'clock din- ner in their honor, other guests be- lag Union officers from Medford, Phoenix and Ashland. An informal foowed ut ,tl9 Presbyterian church, where an old time merry i making was held. Mr. Carrlck graduated from San Anselmo seminary last week, and Is enroute to Portland, where he ha accepted the call as pastor of Forbes rresuyierian cuurcn. GEORGE B, ICENIIOWEH BUYS FATHER'S INTEREST IX STORE r.Pnr n Icenhower. who has his father, been In partnership with J. B. Icetihower, for .onie time past, has purchased his father's Interest , the new and .econd I hand I .tore located will operate u irum .in huieg. ' Individual business. GREAT NAVAL AIR Fl FFT IS PI 1 AF W I Wm II f W I SECT DENBY WANTS ADDITIONAL Nrsn STH JJoXS FOR PACiriC AR. I'LANH 11A.SK ..."'' Dwulop Greal Atalo Oorva Which Would Plat United SUtes On a Par wltlS Qi'ttaln's Sea ForrN. WASHINGTON, . May t. Orct Br 'ee 9 D"ty Be aeteiopwi ' l'Br wllB ,ne s N"68 or ureat Brita,n- 11 waB today befon itlla S8nat naT'' PIPrlott ; creased by ninn million dollars to be used to create a new aviation basa iv battlA to Invading air fle. iiuai l .mu in UIVK.N FOR MRS. WRIGHT A number of friends of Mrs. Phoebe Wright gathered at her I home on Liberty street Wednesday, April 26, to help celebrate her 8Cth ; birthday. Grandma Wright was not surprised, as It has been the custom of her neighbors and friends, for a Rood many years to thus honor her. lne afternoon was spent in visu- a'teP which substantial and de ' "clous refreshments were served, - - - , ternoon of Mrs. Wright, with her guests grouped about her. Those present were, Mesdumes James Rudd. F. H. Walker, J. L. Green- W. 8. Ball, R. P, Watkins, Olsen pottpr jamea. Praetor, Ada Jones ; aA r ,,i Vnn Wegen th three lit .ik'Uii i;in nv sttk TO MEET IV EUGENE EUGENE, May 1. The program of the rur the. annual convention oreK,,n Slate JewolerV association to be held here May 8-9, has been , completed by W: L: Coppernoll, j president ureBldent. Between 150 and 200 ".delegates are expecttm PORTLAND. Muy 1. The Asso ciated Industries of Oregon submlt- r propo8a, tQ Ahtand the nt th funinna lltlilfl water of the pudfc nortwest ,,, coag, country( ' that If the citizens there would fill and load the tanks of llthla water .and ship at Intervals, arrangements would be completed for having the water on draught tree of charge at the Oregon building, Portland, for vMtarn anu particularly tourists. TKn onannt-it-tl tnHnatrlaa nrnnAaai taken b lithla water would be on tap, as a pern,aiient advertisement of Ashland anA t) wonderful product, Tie novelty of the arrangement, sh0w )t be possible to carry it oat. w.,,i impress visitors and constl- tute the best kind of Inducement for ppope t0 8top Bd enjoy's Ashland's ' attractions and water. ov scoit WILL RE-ENROLL All Boy Scouts of troop two are hskcci to come proiioimi n- for the year 1922-23. this evening. The annual enrollment ree is cents, which must be sent to head- quarter, at New Yorn. ine payment of this fee entitles the scout to pur- chase the official scout material and m akes him a part of the national or- rnnlratlon. The money Is used lor . . -. i ' . c p KoelU. Scoutm.star. PLAN ASHLAND III