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About Ashland weekly tidings. (Ashland, Or.) 1919-1924 | View Entire Issue (April 26, 1922)
l;cdna4.y, April id, itei AstttAW) Mkkii mmm ASHLAND REVELS IN BIG CAW AND HAL M CITY'S FASHIONABLE 'THREE HUNDRED" HAVE GAY TIME AT ARMORY Special Music and Artistic Dancing Mark Cabaret Festivities and New Gowns Displayed on Beauti ful living Models. Ths biggest social event of the year was held last Ingot at the Ar rorjr, where the First company, Oregon national guard, staged their basket cabaret for about 300 of Ash land's pleasure-loving citizens, to gether with a sprinkling of people from Med ford and other adjoining towns. The large drill floor had been beautifully deearated with red and white streamers from one side of the room to the other, with strings of extra lights over the large tables which lined the walls. Many of the tables were exquisitely decorated, re' quiring hours of work to arrange and added much to the beauty and general appearance of the scene The crowd began to gather at about 8 o'clock and continued to come until as late as 9:30 when the first strains of music were wafted In the air. There were fourteen dance numbers and six extras, besides the special features. The first feature was a saxophone quartet by Messrs. Barron, Loveland, McGlenn and Jordan. Next a scarf dance given by Velma Clapp. Third, a fashion show with garments from Enders and McGee's and millinery from Wineland and Shephard, exhib ited on living models. Draperies for the setting were from E. R. Isaac & Company, and furniture from Dodge and Sons. A society dance by Mr. and Mra. DeLosh of Medford follow ed, and then "Poses Plastlque". Carl Loveland as porter, and Dorothy Paddock, Dorothy Reld, Marie Hatcher, Myra De Haas, Lois Rus sell and Velma Clapp occupying the berths, presented "The Pullman Por ter Blues," a playlet which was much appreciated. The last number was "Six Cherry Sisters," who were rep resented by six ABhland "buds." All of the special features were very good, and the last two brought the house down. Many of the gowns worn last night were of bright and varied colors, showing to good advantage in the gay swirl of the dancers. Prizes were awarded the three best decorated tables. First prize went to the table decorated by Mrs. Barron and Mrs. Butler. The color scheme was In yellow with a huge paper bell suspended over the center of the table, and yellow daffodils, can dle sticks and greenery. The second . prize was awarded the table occu pied by Mesdames Paddock, Beck man and Clapp and the girls who appeared In the sixth special feature. This table was In yellow and red, with yellow streamers over the ta ble running to the ends and corners, and two large bowls of yellow and red tulips and a bashful cupid with an umbrella occuplng a prominent position. Third prize was awarded the table occupied by a portion of the Tidings staff and a party from the Isaacs store, and MIhh Crosslin. Mr. Crosslin and Mr. Boyer. The table was decorated with tlnsll and a large red paper ball caught above tho center, the tinsll running to the corners. On the table were four va rieties of flowers with a dainty cupid timidly ocupylng the center, and a four branched candlestick holder at one end. The crowd continued to dance un til the last strains of "Home, Sweet Home" had been played at 2:30 this morning, after which the wear Jour ney home was begun, and the first thoughts of the morrow dawned on many who must be at work In a few short hours. But all were happy for the evening, so why worry about the morrow? W. L. McCLAl'GHRY DIES IX CABIN ON HCMBl'G YREKA, April 21. Douglas Young, a resident of the Humbug section, brought word of the discov ery of the dead body of William L. McClaughry In his cabin across the gulch from the Ellsa mine on Hum bug creek. Mr. Young reported that he went to the cabin of the deceased with some food, as he had been doing for some time, and on Sunday afternoon found the man dead In his bed. Dep uty Alois Turner visited the scene Monday and with a jury determined that death was from natural causes heart trouble and Indigestion be ing chiefly active. PROMINENT MEDFORT) MERCHANT IS MR1F.D Benjamin J. Trowbridge, a promlv nent business man of Medford, who1 was taken to Portland a short time ago for treatment, by specialists In that city, and died there the latter part of the week, was burled at the Jacksonville cemetery this afternoon. The funeral was held from Perl's funeral parlors at 2 o'clock, under the auspices of Talisman lodge No. 31, Knights of Pythias, of which Mr. Trowbridge had served as secretary for some time past. He wus also secretary of the D. 0. O. K. The Retail Merchants' bureau of Medford asked that all the retail stores of the city close between 2 and 3 o'clock, during the hour of the funeral. 0. A. R. SOCIETY Mount ABhland chapter, Daugh ters of the American Revolution, met yesterday at the home of Mrs. R. W. Conover on Laurel street, In regular session. The meeting was presided over by Mrs. Gordon MacCracken, regent. A lengthy discussion regarding changes in the bylaws was had. A few minor changes were made and the other matters discussed deferred until the next meeting. Two excellent papers were read, one by Mrs. LouIb Dodge on "Oregon Pioneer Women Who Have Made History," and another by Mrs. H. O. Anderson-on "Old Will Books of Jackson County and the Early His tory of Jacksonville." After this, the meeting was turned over to the social committee, consist ing of Mrs. C. L. Loomls, Mrs. O. A. Stearns, Mrs. Henry Pace and Mrs. Conover. Refreshments of sand wiches, salad, hot jchocolate and mints were served. A total of 22 members were present, and three guests of honor, Mrs. Elizabeth Van Sant, Miss Applegate and Dr. Mattie B. Shaw. The next meeting of the society will be held Mny 19 at the home of Mrs. MacCracken at which time offi cers for the ensuing year will be elected. FARMER AND DAI'GHTEU HAVE NARROW ESCAPE RED BLCFF, April 20. J. G. Klrkhoff and his 14-year-old daugh ter bad a narrow escape about 2 o'clock this morning when their farm home In Antelope Valley, two miles northeast of Red Bluff, was discov ered In flames. They just got out of the burning building when the roof fell in. At a meeting of the board of di rectors of the Chamber of Commerce a committee was appointed to organ ize for the preliminary work of the forthcoming July Fourth celebration. Many other committees will be ne cessary for the final completion of the project, but it is the desire of the chamber that this committee shall bo organized at the earliest moment and that the widest publicity he given to the event. Secretary Fuller discussed Ill's matter with John H. Scott and other officials of the railroad at a recent conference in Ashland, and was as rured that the Southern Pacific rail road would feature this event In ev ery way possible. The coninil'tee appointed by the board ;t as follows: H. K. Tomllnson, W. M. Brigs. N. II. Harrison, Don Dickerson, A. II ' Pracht, 0. H. Rose, Elmer Morrison John D. Beeson, Frank Jbrdim, Dr George Klnz, A. C. Nininger, V. V Mills and Jesse Wlnhurn. JOHN II ELM AN DRIVES NEW CAR INTO LIGHT POLE John Helman, accompanied by Lawrence Coder, was taking a drive In his new Chevrolet car Wednesday afternoon on the Pacific highway. When near the county farm the ma chine became unmanageable antl ran Into one. of the electric light poles of the California-Oregon Power com pany line. The Impact loosened the cross arm and allowed the wires to become crossed. One carried a 2200 volt current for the lights In Phoenix and Talent, and the other two car ried a voltage of 34,000. All were burned in two and dropped to the ground about the car. Fortunately no one was seriously hurt, althouh Coder had his arm burned by one of the wires when It fell. A move one way or another might have meant death to the occu pants of the car. The car was no; badly injured, ex cept the radiator. After the current had been cut off the car was taken from the side of the road and driven home under its own power." Move Reported J. D. Perrine has moved Into the ( house at 159 Fifth street, ID MEEIK PA BY CLINIC HELD AT METHODIC! CIU'RCH A baby clinic was held yesterday morning between the hours of 9 and 12 In the parlors of the Methodist church. There were 17 babies present and each received a thorough physical examination by physicians and dent ists, of whom there were eight giving their time. The mothers with their, babies were reecived by Mrs. P. S. Provost and Mrs. Oldfield had charge of the task of securing the history of each baby on a card to be taken by the mother Into the examination room. Here the babies were measured and weighed by Miss Van Scoyoc and Miss Faldlne, school and county nurses re spectively. The babies were next placed on a table, where four physic ians, ' Doctors Swedenburg, Gregg, MacCracken and Jarvis, examined them. Following this Doctors Wood and Shaw examined the youngsters for defects of the eye, ear, nose and throat. Examinations tor teeth de fects were made by Doctors Burdlc and Buchanan. Miss Poole, county home demonstration agent, was pres ent to give any suggestions that might be helpful In regard to infant diet These clinics are conducted under the supervision of the county nurse. It is hoped many more mothers will avail themselves of this valuable op portunity i t future clinics. An idea of the interest shown already Is given by the fact that one mother drove a distance of five miles to bring her baby to the clinic. Miss Faldlne Is at the Methodist church the third Saturday afternoon of each month to consult with parents In regard to the health of their children Photographer Darling took several flashlights dining the clinic, which will he sent to Portland to be used hi a hook be'ng published by the Oregon State Health association The local committee desires to ex press its thanks to the physicians, ! dentists and others who helped to Intake this clinic a success. Plans jare being, made by the county health lassoclat'on to establish a paid mem bership, thereby increasing the in terest and extent of the work. A meeting will be held In the near fu ture to formulate such a plan. MFDIOKD MVS GROl'ND I OR XKW Al'TO CAM. SITK After two years of pondering over a camp ground site, the Medford city council has voted to purchase the commodious grounds of Mrs. T. J. Williamson on the south side of East Main street at the end of the 13e;,r creek bridge and turn that, to gether with other adjoining ground which the city already owns, Into a permanent camp ground. The new grounds will be a considerable Im provement over the grounds that have been used for the last two years. They will have an abundance of shade. The work or Improving the prop erty will begin at once and rushed to completion at an early date. The shel'er house that Is on the 'old grounds, together with other prop erty belonging to the city, will be moved to the new grounds at once. "The grounds will be operated free to all tourists this year, as there Is not time to ninke the extensive 'mprovenients needed to standardize it this year and make a charge of 50 cents a day for each car, as had been planned," says the Medford Mail Tribune, "but these improvements will have been made by next spring, nnd next vcar the camp will have been standardized nnd a 50 cents a dav car fee will be charged." WILL SPEND SCMMEIl WITH PARENTS HERE F. M. Rush, son of Mr. and Mrs. Hush of the Manx apartments, has arrived In Ashland and expects to snend the summer here. Mr. Rush is a veteran of the world war and graduated from Fort Leavenworth as a rad'o operator In the government vocational school there. After this, he spent four years In the Univer sity of Washington at Seattle, and has Just completed his course there. After havlnu spent the summer In Ashland, he will go to Berkeley where he will attend college for four more years. Mr. Rush will pass a part of his time in Ashland In the construction of radio outfits for local parties. Epworth League Convention An Epworth League convent'on will be held Saturday and Sunday at Roseburg and will be attended by about 20 Ashland Leaguers. They will leave Ashland Friday evening and return Sunday evening. Six delegates from Klamath Falls will arrive here this evening and will ac company them on the trip. A tenta- t've program will be prepared at the convention for the Epworth League apprbximately 150 of the flowers, all Institute which la to be held in Ash-; being In fine shape when they ar land July 17 to 23. rived. ' Local and Personal (From Wednesdays Daily) Move Reported H. B. Hurst nr.? moved into tha property at 325 ?:orth Main street. R. P. W&tklns has moved to 440 Beach street. Painting House ' W. C. Jackson, of lower Laurel street Is Improving his house by glv Ing It a hew coat of paint. Return from California Mr. and Mrs. D. L. Glenn, who have been sojourning In southern California for the past tew months, arrived home this morning. Married at Talent L. L. Holmes and Miss Valeta Bur nett were quietly married at Talent last Friday even'ng In the presence of a few friends and relatives. Mrs. Holmes Is a popular young woman of the Talent district and Mr. Holmes Is the son of Mrs. Mattie Holmes of this city and Is employed at the local Ice plant. The young folks will be at home at 563 Rock street. Ieaves for Home Glenn Young, who has been visit ing with relatives for the past few days, left on train 63 last evening for Susanvllle, Calif., where he Is employed by the Fruit Cruwers Sup ply company. Mr. Young stopped here on his way from Portland, where he had boen buying steel for the company. Study Club Meeting The Monday Night Study club met at the parish house Monday evening, in the closing meeting of the year. The evening was devoted to atniise ment,' Insead of the us,.-l work. Each member was glve'H fTie privilege of bringing one guest and there was a total of 35 women present to en I joy the frolic. Games were Indulged in during the evening, Mrs. Fren En gle winning the prize. The meeting was closed with the serving nf de licious refreshments. Sjx'iids the Day He Mrs. Hubbard, of Medford, spent Tuesday In Ashland. Hiking In Park The past few days of nice weather have brought a large number of lo cal people out in the open, especially In the park, where one can see many children, and grown-ups as well, clambering over the hillsides. Redecorating Interior The interior of the Pacific Tele graph and Telephone company Is be ing redecorated, and being placed iu tip-top Bhape for the summei. Buys New Car A. L. Lamb has purchased a new Overland sedan. He disposed of his coupe and bought the sedan in order to be able to take his sister with him on any trips he makes. Confined to Homo Walter Jones, of Mountain avenue, Is confined to his home with an at tack of Influenza. Moves of tho Day 0. C. Goodlot, of the Fourth street meat market, has moved his resi dence from 260 Seventh street to 928 B street. Pool Room 0on Again Dobbin Irwin, who operated the pool room In the Elks building un til a few weeks ago, has opened his new place of business In the Aiken building. (From Thursday's Dally) leaves on Train 1 Mrs. Paris, who has been visiting at 842 Blaine street for some lime, left today on train 13, III Willi Influenza Mtb. Ernest Hogue of Laurel street is quite 111 with Influenza. Recovering from Influenza Mrs. O. E. Hurst, of Beach street. who has had several weeks siege with Influenza, Is around again, but Is not very strong as yet. Makes Visit In Ashland Mr. and Mrs. Charles Conger ar rived In Ashland Sunday evening and stopped over for a short visit with Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Greenwood. The Congers are taking an auto trip from their home In Alameda, Calif., and expect to go on to Portland and from there to different parts of Eastern Oregon before returning home. Lllll" from Mrs. Eddy- Mrs. Eddy, formerly of Ashnlnd, but who lives in Berkeley at present, . was the donor of the calla lillies with : which the Baptist church was deco rated Easter Sunday. There were Makes Trip up Canyoiv T. L, Powell, the transfer man, took a small load of things to Sap-and-Salt-ln-the-Woods yesterday, for Bert Moses, who accompanied him. Mr. Powell found the trip a difficult one, but arrived at the cabin without a great deal of trouble. The ground around the cabin was very muddy and he had a hard time turning; around. On the return trip the rondj Siskiyou Chapter No. 21 met last was blocked by a slide wh'ch occured; evening In regular session and fol after the upward trip, and Powell: lowing the routine business, they re- had to shovel his way through It. He reports very little snow on the road. Linemen on Mountain Telephone linemen from the Ash land office, were up on the Sluklyous Wednesday looking over the toll lines of the company that connect with northern California points. l,eav for Short VUlt Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Hicks left last evening for Seattle. They will. be Joined at Albany by Mrs. Hicks' mother, who will accompany mem on the trip. They will visit with Mrs.! Hicks' sister and grandson while In! Seattle. Screen for Water System Here The large screen, which the c'ty purchased to remove debris from t.uF.,,.i It mitara Mip rltVl arrived and was unloaded! ''". -"" - yesterday rrom i ne cur oiuo u uis ' , wagon. S X horses were attached. " , , . i . ,i . ,,, ana me hip muneu mi mo where It Is to be Installed From Medford on RiiHlneos Rev. Morenz Oser, of Medford, the owner of the new service station be ing Installed on East Main street, was In the city yes'erday on busi ness connected with the new enter prise. Hoi urns to Glendale Mr. Burnett, of Glendale, Or., who; has been In Ashland for t lie -past, several days, having his eye treated, . i . , ..f ttnlant lu 11 ha IlhtA imiueu i ".'.. ,,. Unmvn i.lnnwr. rlron - to return home. 54 last night. He left on train Tonslle Are Removed Mr. Terrill. of the Talent vicinity, was in the city yesterdny und had his tonsils removed uy a loeni pays Iclan. Hornbrook Visitors Mr. and Mrs. Fisher and son Har old of Hornbrook, Calif., were In the city visiting Tuesday. Slowly Recovering Mr. Meeker, of Hornbrook. who has been in the local hospital for 3ome time, is slowly recovering now. Condition Improved Mrs. Nickerson of Iowa street, who has been seriously ill for several months, Is very much Improved at present. Celebrates Fifth Hirt Inlay Zc I in n Rrower, little daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Manley Brower, of 231 Mechan'c street, celebrated her fifth birthday Tuesday and observed the ...... t... t.....J n ka. Dtnnll uuy uy liuvms a low u. iici Dit.Mi, friends in to enjoy her birthday cake. The little miss thoroughly enjoyed the day, as did those who were pres ent at the party. Tourists Stop In Ashland Mr. and Mrs. Oliver L.. Watson, tourists from Chicago, were In the city Tuesday and Wednesday. Makes Trip to California Wllbert Jordan drove over to the ('open dam yesterday morning, re turning In the evening. KtiM'kman In Ashland Mr. liybee, a prominent stockman from near Tablerock, was In the city yesterday on business, and also look ing up friends and acquaintances Moves HeMrted L. B. Stevens has moved from 2C6 Sixth street to a residence on Sev enth street. M. J. McMillan, of the Belleview district, moved Wednesday to the Talent neighborhood. Mr. Twomey, a former resident of Ashland, but who has recently lived at Gold Hill, Is moving Into "his prop erty on Seventh street. Haby Boy Arrives Mr. and Mrs. Claude Milleit, 321 North Main street, are the proud parents of a fine baby boy which ar rived at 7:35 o'clock yesterday morning. Mother and son are both! doing nicely. , Medical Society Meet j The Jackson County Medical so society met last night at the home of Dr. Emmens In Medford. Dr. Lincoln Kalian read a paper In regard to certain X-ray work, which was both Interesting and Instructive. Doctors Jarvis. Gregg and MacCracken at-( tended from Ashland . The next, meeting Is to be held with Dr. Shaw, In this city. (From Friday's Daily) Makes Catch of Trout J. Floyd Place with hook and line betook himself along the banks of Ashland creek Thursday and turned In the afternoon with a strlngj of fine trout. ; - Siskiyou Chapter Have Feed tired to the Plaza . confectionery, where they had a fine feed. In I'nlson With Spring W. M. Barber is one of Ashland's citizens who believes In twing in season, nnd as the whole country . pulling on a new vuui, ue in itisiiumr Ing by giving his house a new coat! of paint. j Makes t Wit Here Mrs. M. F. Thompson, of Yreka, Calif., made a three days visit here tnis ween at me nome oi ner nepnew, I v.. street, ami but eni u .,um, where she win visu wuu Mrs. . u Butterfleld for a short time. Itebekah Embroidery Club I Mrs. Nellie Conner and daughter,! Mrs. Frank Hanna, entertained the Hebekah Embroidery club Tuesday' Jnhoi.iltnn nt thplr mmrttnmit ml Rust . . . .. I Muln street. There were 23 ladles I present and a very pleasant " ' 1 noon was spent with needle after- work. Later, a dainty luncheon was served which Included a large birthday cake, the occasion being Mrs. Conner's natal day. On Pi-oHpectlng Tour C. W. McGrew, of the Tolmnn Springs vicinity, was In the city to day setting an outfit ready with which ho expects to start on a pros- pectlng expedition In the hills around Hornbrook within a rew nays. Oregon Plonwr Die Charles Nlckells, one of Southern 1 Iped dead in Ouklund, Calif., Thurs day. Mr. Nickclls was formerly edl- tor of the Medford Tribune nnd lived i In Medford until about eight years "g0. Vlixilor from Klmiiath Falls I ' Hubert Fariar, a former resident of Ashland, but who lias been living1 In Klamath Falls for the laHt few years, Is In the city for a few days ' visiting with friends. . I Returns from Sacramento I It. L. Wardle has returned from; Sacramento, where he was called by j the death of his mother I ago. Hero from Talent Charles Morse, of Talent, was the city Thursday on business. 1 (From Saturdays Dally) Improved In Health Mrs. Dave Snyder, who has been quite 111 at n local hospital, is re ported much Improved. A'LBEKS Dairy Feed Does Not Cost as Much as Mill Run Has Superior Feeding Values Notice the analysis in comparison. An actual chemical anaylsis shows: ALBERS DAIRY FEED Wheat Mill Hun PROTEIN is the essential factor in determining values of feeding-stuffs. Protein makes milk. Heokon fat as energy values. Fibre is waste. Therefore, buy protein and fat. The above table shows thatALBERS DAIRY FEED gives greater feeding values. A moderate amount of fibre is necessary to give bulk or to act in keeping the meals apart. Ashland Fruit and Produce Association Leave After Visit Here Mrs. A. M. Broughton, graduate nurse, whose home Is at Edgewood, Calif., and who has been visiting In j Ashland for the last two weeks left re-jTkursday afternoon for Weed. Visitor from Talent Dudley Estes, 6f Talent, was In the city the first of the week, and paid a visit at the J. V. Wright home on Mountain avenue. MoTM , Aslllim(V Mr and Mr Roy gnyder h(tV9 moved from Talent to Ashland and , mlr,ha9e,i . Dlace on North Main street near the Billings home. is;.,..., ... . i w 111 isit Daughter Mrs. Anna Orubb, of Mountain avenue, left Thursday for Sacra mento, Calif., where she expects to visit her daughter, Mrs. G. A. Morse, for a lengthy period. Mw,f(1(, Mnn VN , O. V. Myers, of the Prultt-Myers i Motor company, of Medford, was In the city transacting business Friday afternoon. Moves to North Muln Mr. and Mrs. Glenn McWIIIIanis have moved from the apartment at 281 Gust Main street to 343 North Main street. Leaving for Portland i Mrs. Minnie Marcy left today for ! Portland, where she will spend a few days on business. Return froiu South Mr. and Mrs. 0. W. Long, who went to San Francisco several days ago on account of the Illness of Mrs. Long's brother, have returned to their home here. L ,.1Ui!tlJ1(c The tourIst traff,c g lncren9,ns I dally, and yesterday more cars with foreign licenses attached were seen than any other day this season. U. ... ,.u a i i.ivuib .ui m - I Mrs. Ada W. Jones, who has been actnR as companion for Mrs. Vlr- KMa pHie8, B now living with her : s011 Edward Jones, on Granite street. Mrs. Densmore has taKen her place with Mrs. Fales. - 1 1 Still Seriously 111 Mrs. Clara Foster, who resides east of the elty, Is still seriously 111. It Is expected that she will have to be taken to a local hospital for an op- eratlon In the near future. 1'iidei'goes Operation Mrs. Reames, living on Fifth few days street, underwent a serious opera ndi at the Granito City hospital this j week, and her friends are fearful of her condition. n - H EAD COLDS Melt in spoon; Inhale vapors! apply freely up nostrils. V VAPORUB Over 7 Million Jan Vti YuHu Protein Fat 4.5 2 ra Fibre 10 15 VXO'o 12