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About Ashland weekly tidings. (Ashland, Or.) 1919-1924 | View Entire Issue (April 5, 1922)
pies rots Wednesday, April 5, LOCAL AND PERSONAL Home from Hospital Ramona Harrell, who was operat ed on several days ago at the local hospital, was removed to her home Monday and Is getting along nicely. C. 12, Meeting Postponed 'Returns from Convention Thd Presbyterian Christian En- J. S. Jordan returned Sunday deavor society has postponed the morning from the electrical dealers' convention at Eugene, which was In session the latter part of last week business meeting until Tuesday, Ap ril 11, on account of other entertain ment this week. Deputy Assessor Write William Hedrlck, of B street, who went to Douglas county a few days ceo, as deputy assessor there, writes to home folks that he Is getting along nicely with his work. He reports a generous supply of rain In that see tion this month. Gardens Bring Plowed Quite a few 'people are thinking ot spring time, by the number of gardens that are being ployed these days. University Students Visit Among the students who are home on vacation from the University for a few days are Lillian Poley, Kee and Edgar Buchanan, Dwlght Gregg, Harold Simpson and Velma Chattln. Returns from Business Trip W. J. Moore returned from Port' laid Sunday morning, after a week's visit there on business.' S. S. Class Entertains . Mrs. Page and her Sunday school class of girls were hostesses Satur day evening at the church to Mrs. Koehler's'class. Mies Hays assisted Mrs. Page. An enjoyable evening Is reported. Department Commander to Visit The Women's Relief Corps of Ash land will entertain the department commander of Oregon at noon ThurS' day at Odd Fellows hall. Visiting Friends Harcourt W. Peck, evangelist, who held meetings here for three weeks, and Is now holding meetings in Medford, was in the city Saturday. Move to Klamnth Fulls Ed Wakefield, who has been res'.d lng at 137 Fifth street, moved to Klamath Falls Saturday. Visitor from Rogue River- Mr. and Mrs. J. K. McLaren, of Rogue River, visited friends In Ash land last week. Visiting lit Ashland Miss Elsie Durran, head nurse in the hospital at "Weed, Calif., is the guest for a few days of Mrs. Claire Mlnard. DOMESTIC SCIENCE A Kgular feature department edited by Mrs. Belle DeGraf Domestic Science Director California Prune & Apricot Growers Inc. Vurationing nt Home Edwin Mowat, of Corvallis, was spending a tew days this week with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Mow at, of Beach avenue. Home for Vacation Laura Wenner Is one of the Uni versity of Oregon students who Is borne for the spring vacation. She is spending the time with her par ents, Mr. and Mrs. William Wenner of Factory street. Former Ashland Girl Marries Miss Veda Dorothy Roper, daugh ter of Mr. and Mrs. F. P. Roper, was married at the home of her parents a few days ago, to Thurlow Alns worth Haskell. The Ropers were former Ashland people, but have lived at Lodl, Calif., for some time. They have a wide circle of acquaint ances In Ashland. The young people will be at home after a wedding trip, at 109 South Cherokee Lane, Lodl, Calif. Buys Fine Team Fred Putnam Is the owner of a fine team of dapple gray horses which he purchased during the last few days. Spends Week-end Here Miss Gertrude Mlksch, ot Rogue River, spent the week-end with her parents In Ashland. Eugene Visitors- Mr. and Mrs. George Anderson, of Eugene, with their HUle daughter, were week-end guests of Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Baldwin. In Ashland on Business Mr. and Mrs. W. M. Blair, owners of the Blair granite quarries, were In the city on business Friday. Mrs. Greenwood Improving Mrs. J. L. Greenwood, who has been seriously 111 with the influenza, Is able to be up and around once more. Moves to Medford Miss Obera Morris, stenographer and cashier for the Metropolitan Life Insurance company, at Medford, has moved to that city and taken rooms In the Barnum apartment. Motor to Agate Itedn Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Shell, Wilson Torrance and Mrs. L. Jacobs and son Rudolph, motored to the agate beds Sunday. The boys report having gathered some fine specimens. Tea Room Rn-opens The tea room on North Main street operated last season by Mrs. Ben Garnett, was opened for business Saturday. Visits Son Mr. and Mrs. Putney, of Medford were the gueBts of their son, Chester Putney, and family, of Nob Hill street yesterday. Visiting in Ashland Mrs. James Walter of Dunsmulr came over Sunday evening for a short visit and Is stopping at the Vendome hotel. Visiting in Ashland ' E. A. Estes of Glendale, Calif., is in Ashland for a few days attending to business matters. Hero on Business Mr. Cockerllne, of Albany, general agent for the Northwestern Mutual Life Insurance company. Is In the cl:y for a few days on business for his company. Buys Hudson Car M. C. LInlnger has purchased a Hudson Beven passenger touring car from the CIubb A garage. Kntertain Vast Matrons Club Mexdames A. E. Kinney and 0. S. Butler acted as hostesses to the members of the Past Matrons club, Thursday afternoon at the home of Mrs. Kinney on Granite street. An enjoyable afternoon was spent with names of various kinds, and refresh ments were served in the late after noon. Millinery Classes Finish Work The millinery classes which have been in progress for the past several weeks under the direction of Mrs. Gray, have finished their work, and those who had charge of the course, feel greatly gratified with the results accomplished. There were three classes of fifteen each. The tables used In the work were rented from Nlnlnger and Warner, and the sew ing machine from Miss Hicks. The owners refused to take any compen sation for the use of the articles, and the money was turned over to the playground committee of the Parents Teachers association to use as they see fit. Returns to Eugene Miss Mary Poley returned to Eu gene this morning to resume her studies at the university. Recovering from Influenza Mrs, E. E. tGall, of the Bellevlew d'lstrlct, who has had a two weeks' siege of Influenza, was able to come in and see her Bister, Mrs. Lulu Van Wegen, Friday. Mrs. Van Wegen, who has been confined to her home for the last five weeks with Influ enza and complications, Is convalesc ing slowly. Returns to Ranch- Miss Mabel Russell returned to her ranch at Montague, Saturday, much to the regret of her many Ashland friends. Receives Word of Death E. F. Smith received a telegram this morning to the effect that his mother, Mrs. Mary Jane Smith, of Waukon, Iowa, bad passed away. Mrs. Smith was quite well known In Ashland, having visited her son here a number of times and had made a host of friends who extend their sympathy to Mr. Smith. (From Monday' Daily) Knyder Takes Influenza frank Snyder, who has been In southern California all winter, has returned borne. He was coming down with Influenza when he arrived in Asniand, and it developed Into quite a serious attack which was ac companied by an abscessed ear. How ever, he Is much improved at this time. Visit ing Family Here Levi Stevens, who has been eid ployed in the ice plant at Klamath Falls for some time, was laid oft several days ago and has been visit ing with his family who live here. Ke Is now spending several days at his ranch near Rogue River. ' THEST COLDS Apply over throat and chest ir coru with hot flannel doth. 03S Vapo Rub Motored to Gold Hill- Mr. and Mrs. Sam Rhodes motored to Gold Hill Sunday, Where they rpent a pleasant day. I -eves for California Miss May Hatfield left on train 53 laBt evening for Santa Cruz, Califor nia, where she will spend the sum mer. Kat Dinner on Rogue River J. L. Barnthouse and . family drove to Rogue River Sunday and ate their dinner on the banks of the river. They report that everything is looking fine all along the river. .Ep 8J I JOJ JBA q ejeq 'jj ubj no gnui Xep -uns pn)ioj joj ijaj poOA a 'AV pirerMoj oj moo l'p After Operation- Mis Romena Harrell Is able to be around after having been operated on a few weeks ago for appendicitis. Leaves for Eugene Ivan Phlpps left this morning in bis bug for Eugene, where ha Is at tending the university. Many Hear Vlning's Talk- It Is reported that there wbb a 100 per cent attendance when Professor Vlnlng delivered his talk before the chamber of commerce secretaries at the short course at Eugene last week. In addition to the secretaries, a large number of Instructors at the unlver slty were present to hear the ad dress. Moving to Ashland H. B. Camm, a barber, who spent a few weeks In Ashland a short time ago, has shipped his household goods here and will arrive himself In the near future. He has ordered his household effects stored to await his arrival. The Tea Cup club of the Methodist church will meet with Mrs. Hodkin son on Church street Tuesday atfer noon. Instead of with Mrs. J. H. Ful ler as formerly announced. Suffering with Influenza- Ben L. Delsman, of the Ashland Lumber company is confined to his home with an attack of Influenza. Visitors from Medford Miss Fay Sllnger, chief operator at the telephone toll office at Medford In company with the two Miss Far lows, 'also of Medford, were In Ash' land Saturday visiting. Leave for Eugene G. H. Yeo left this morning by auto for Eugene, and had as passen gers, his daughter Bernlce and Kee and Edgar Buchanan. Makes Trip to Grants Pass- Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Wllhlte drove to Grants Pass Sunday afternoon. Returns from Eugene- John Fuller, who has been In Eu gene attending the short course for commercial club secretaries, has re turned home. Buys New Oar 0. A. Paulserud has purchased a new Standard Eight from A. M. Beaver, Jr., of Portland. Entertained at Dinner- Miss Beruice Yeo and William Bolton were entertained at dinner last Friday evening by Edgar and Kee Buchanan at their home on Iowa street. Returns from California Dr. Songer and Miss Molly Songer have returned from a trip to south ern California. (From Tuesday's Dally) Returns from California Visit Mrs. Milton H. Ellis has returned to her home In Ashland after spend ing a few weeks In San Francisco and adjoining cities, visiting with relatives and friends. Oysters and Bacon Drain and dry oysters. Roll each oyster in a slice of bacon and fasten with a toothpick. Cook In a hot frying pan until bacon la crisp. Serve on toast. Creamed Oysters or Clam Follow directions for creamed fish. Creamed oysters can be used to fill patty shells. Scalloped Oysters Follow directions for scalloped fish. Panned Oysters or Clams Heat two tablespoons of butter or substitute In a heavy frying pan. Add two cups of drained oysters. Season with salt, pepper and lemon Juice. Shake the pan constantly un til the edges of the oysters are curled. Serve on buttered toant. Nt earned Clams Clams should be bought alive In the shell. Wash well In several wa ters to remove all sand. Put Into a large kettle. Allow one-half cup of boiling water for two quarts of clums. Cover kettle closely and steam until the shells are partially open. If liked a clove of garlic or an onion may be added for flavor. Serve with melted butter. Lobster or Crab Newberg Worcestershire sauce, one teaspoon finely chopped parsley. Melt butter, add flour; mix until well blended, cook until frothyy; add milk, atlr constantly until thickened. Mix seasonings and add with diced lobster. Put into ramekins or shells, cover with buttered crumbs and bake about IS minutes, or until a golden brown. Creamed Codfish The fish should be . picked into small pieces; this is easier to do be fore the fish has been soaked. Drain and cover with lukewarm water, and simmer ten minutes. Prepare a white sauce as for creamed fish and gar nish with slices of hard-boiled eggs. Fish Ball One cup shredded cooked fish, one and a half cups mashed potatoes, one egg beaten slightly, salt If necessary. Mix, shape Into balls, roll In flour. Heat two tablespoons ot drippings or fat and fry the fish balls until a golden brown on each side. In broiling a fish, wash, wipe dry and brush It over with melted, but ter or oil. Place on a double wire toaster or broiler and cook over hot coals or in the gas broiler. Turn ev- jery minute until both sides are a I delicate brown. If gas broiler Is COUNTY HEALTH ASSN. HOLDS FIRST MEETING The local committee of the Coun ty Health Association held its first bi-monthly meeting at the library the afternoon of the 30th ult. Miss Faldlpe gave her report as county nurse. Other regular business was attended to and plans for a baby clinic1 were made. The clinic will be held some time in April. Later an nouncements will be made regarding this event. fore me this 30 til day of March, 1922. O. F. BILLINGS, Notary Public. (My commission expires May 1, 1924.) . iwo cups tticeu lODsier or crao,'ll8edi neat welI before cookng flgh two taoiespoons ot Dutter or sudsu-; reducing the heat as soon as fish is! ttr.e, one cup of thin cream or rich , ,,iaced la the broiler. Season with j milk, one egg or two egg yolks. one,guiti pe1)er alul a little lemon Juce I leuspuuu lemon, uau teuspoou To Bt(jam a fshi 8eason with salt, salt, nutmeg, paprika. j pepper and cover the top with thin Melt the butter, add lobster adlgtrp8 0f salt pork and place on a cook two minutes. Add Cream, beat- ,,lntH. Set In n nfenmer nvr hnlllnrr en egg and cook over hot water un til thickened, stirring constantly. Add seasonings and serve. Deviled Crab or Lobster Two cups diced lobster or crab one and a half cups milk, three ta blespoons butter or substitute, three tablespoons flour, half teaspoon mus tard, half teaspoon salt, two tea spoons lemon juice, one teaspoon water, cover closely and steam ten to twelve minutes for each pound of fish. For boiling fish have the water boiling. Add one tablespoon of vin egar to a quart of water, also a ta blespoon each of chopped onion and carrot, a tiny bit of bay leaf and thyme. Lower the fish gently Into the water and cook at the simmering VOUXG PEOPLE OF BAPTIST CHURCH HAVE PIE SUPPER Property Changes Hnnds Tomas F. Senodenos, of 266 Sev enth street, has sold his property to ; D. E. Flory, who will paint and re-! The young people of the Baptist decorate it at once, after which he church gave a pie supper Friday ev wilt move into the property. The'eulng at the Baptist church, one ot deal was made through the Ashland Realty company. Rodent Extermination There will be a demonstration of methods ot disposing of pocket goph ers, put on by the county agent's of fice at the Beaver tract near Moun tain View cemetery, Thursday after noon at 1 o'clock. All farmers should turn out and see this. SIX CANDIDATES FILE FOR POSTMASTER the most enjoyable evenings Imagin able being spent by fifty members of the Sunday school. The Phllethea class acted as hosts to the balance ot the Sunday school and the girls or the class came dressed In costumes for all seasons of the year, while the decorations were for every day In the year out side the one which It was Intended to celebrate. Namely, as one entered the room, a Happy New Year sign greeted you. AIbo Merry Christmas and other signs of other festival days of the year. The program consisted of a read- The following persons so tar have filpH their rnntlrlnrv fnr tha rwiRltlnn i. .. rt. niAttu otto.. i i .nirt of postmaster at Jacksonville: John . ... . .. F. Miller, Fred Rick, Ray Coleman, Dan Bagshaw, G. R. Chapman and Miss Flo Thompson. service examination will be held at Medford April 8. STATEMENT OF THE OWNER SHIP, MANAGEMENT, CIR CULATION, ETC., REQUIRED BY THE ACT OF CONGRESS OF AUGUST 21, 1912. Of ASHLANp WEEKLY TID INGS, published weekly, at Ash land, Oregon, for April 1st, 1922. State of Oregon, County of Jack son ss: Before me, a Notary Public In and for the State and county aforesaid, personally appeared Georgle Coffee, who, having been duly sworn, according to law, de poses and says that she is the Business Manager of the Ashland Tidings, and that the following 1b, to the best of her knowledge and belief, a true statement of the ownership, management, etc., of :lie afore said publication for the late shown In the above caption, required by the Act of August 24. 1912, embodied in section 443, Postal Laws and Regulations, printed! on the reverse of this form, to-wlt: 1. That the names and ad dresses of the publisher, editor, managing editor, and business managers are: v Publisher The Ashland Print ing Company, Inc., Ashland, Ore gon. Editor E. J. Barrett, Ashland, Oregon. - Managing Editor E. J. Bar rett,, Ashland, Oregon. Business Manager Georgie Cof fee, Ashland, Oregon. 2.. That the owners nre: i The Ashland Printing Com pany, Ashland, Oregon. Georgle Coffee, Ashland, Ore gon. Lillian H, Greer, Ashland, Ore gon. E. J. Barrett, Ashland, Oregon. 3. That the known bondhold per cent or more of total amount era, mortgagees, and other secur ity holders owLing or holding 1 of bonds, mortgages, or other se curities are: None. ! 4. That the two paragraphs next above, giving Ihe names of the owners, stockholders, and se curity holders. If any, contain not only the list of stockholders and security holders as theyj appear I upon the books ot the company, but also, In cases where the stock- j bolder or security holder appears : upon the books of the company as trustee or In any other fidu ciary relation, the name ot the person or corporation, for whom such trustee Is acting, Is given; also that the said two paragraphs contain statements embracing af fiant's full knowledge and belief as to the circumstances and con ditions under which stockholders and security holders who do not appear upon the books of the com pany as trustees, hold stock and securities in a capacity other than that of a bona fide owner; and this affiant has no reason to be lieve that any other person, as sociation or corporation has any Interest, diTect or indirect in the said stock, bonds, or other secur ities than as bo stated by him. GEORGIE COFFEE, . Business Manager. Sworn to and subscribed be- NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the county court of the State ot Oregon for Jackson county. In the matter ot the estate of Eliza J. Mclntlre, deceased. Notice Is hereby given by the un derslgned to all persons having claims against the estate of Eliza J, Mclntlre, deceased, to present them with proper vouchers within six months from date ot first publica tion hereof to May R. Rice, 311 Bartlett street, Medford, Oregon. Date of first publication, April 5, 1922. MAY R. RICE, 26-6 Administratrix. Euthuslasm, says the sage, Is brit tle as crystal, but common sense is durable us brass. Pf ovost Btos. Headquarters for GARDEN TOOLS SPRAY PUMI'S PRUNING SIIKARS IJOSR-anil LAWN SUPPLIES While In Portland recently I bought BARGAIN COUNTER GOODS sucb as extra wagon wheels reaches, leadbars, singletrees, plow beams and handles, at prices prevailing before the war. Come In early while they last. Fencing, harness and Imple ments st reduced prices. New and tecoud hand tewing Dirthlnes. Pe7's Corner MAZDA IAMPS REDUCED Old Price New Price 10 Watt 40c 35c 15 Watt 40c 85c 25 Watt 40e 35c 10 Watt 40c 85c (10 Watt 45c 40c 50 Watt, (white) . (10c 53c 100 utt 91.00 05c LOCAL COUPLE QUIETLY MARRIED by Mrs. Travis, a readtng by Birdie Elder and songs by the class and A second civil'8 numDer DV tDe c,as8 orchestra, the latter being oi tne April rooi sort. Following the program games were played and later In the evening the pie supper was served. All went home before midnight with the hope of attending more of these delight ful meetings originated by these young people. i j Get them at On Job Again J. M. Grlmsley Is bark on the job again, after having been confined to his home with an attack of Influenza Make Trip to Gold Hill Arthur and Tnt WIIMt. f i. ..j Maudle Russell, and Raymond Drew motored to Gold Hill Sunday. Go On Finding Trip H. A. Stearns and the Kruggel boys went down to the Rogue river a few days ago and endeavored to Inveigle some of the fish to come around their way, but they were few and far between. Auto Sales Reported Isaac R. Fridegar, ot the Enders store, has purchased a Nash car, and Dr. E. A. Woods has purchased a new Packard, both deals being made through the Class A garage. Returns to School Miss Marie Porter has returned to Ralph Darmody and Minnie Ed wards were quietly married yester- duy at the Presbyterian manse by Rev. C. F. Koehler. Miss Louisa Ed-, CHIROPRACTOR PREFERS wards, sister of the bride, acted as jail TO PAYING FINE bridesmaid, and the best man was! Howard Oden. RED BLUFF, Calif., April 4. ' The bride's parents live on a, Mrs. Carrie L. Norvall, a local chiro-j ranch east of the city, while the; praetor convicted In .the superior groom's parents reside In St. Louis, court hero six months ago of vlolat-j Mo. lng the California medical practice The young people will remain In act, is determined, she declared to- this vicinity for a short time, after day, to serve a term In the Tehama which they expect to go back to St.! county jail rather than pay a fine lot, Louis, where the groom's father will $300 or take any further steps to help the newlyweds get a good "start j perfect an appeal of her case to the In life. Independence Avenue-Not Easy Street Count over the people of your acquaintance who are comfortably well off. Nine out of ten fol lowed the slow hut sure method of spending less than they earned. We help our patrons along the route that leads; not to Easy Street, hut to Independence Avenue.. The Citizens Bank Ashland, Oregon I appellate court In Sacramento. CORAM POST OFFICE GOES INTO III'RCH ATTORNEYS ACCUSED'' DISCARD OF TAMPERING WITH JURORS KENNETT, Calif., April 4. Post- LOS ANGELES, April 4. The master J. II. Tucker of this place has trial of Arthur C. Burch, Indicted on been advised by the department that j a charge of the murder of J. Helton the post of fire at Coram will be dis-i Kennedy here last August, went over continued on April 29. today pending the completion of an After that 'date the post office at; investigation of reports that agents Kennett will receive, account for and 0f the attorneys In the case had tam- dellver all. mail addressed to Coram. 'pared with jurors. CONTRACT LET FOR COTTAGE GROVE-LANE CO. HIGHWAY Return After Month's Trip Mr. and Mrs. Frank L. Nelson re turned Sunday evening from a mouth's trip through California.! EUGENE, April 4. Greenwood t While In the south they visited at'Dann, of Portland, were the success- Berkeley, Santa Rosa and Lot An- ful bidder on five miles of grading geles. They report delightful trip on the Cottage Grove-Lorane higb- and say that the roads are much Ira- way In Lane county, their bid being Eugene after having spent the spring proved over what they wr when .the lowest ot the 12 opened by the , vacation in A'&land. they went south. county court yesterday. low has gone up and is going higher. Friday and Saturday we will sell Hard Wheat Flour Crown or White Mountain at $2.25 per Sack Good Potatoes $2.35 per 100 lbs. PLAZA MARKET H. A. STEARNS 61 NORTH MAIN STREET