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About Ashland weekly tidings. (Ashland, Or.) 1919-1924 | View Entire Issue (April 5, 1922)
0 Wednesday, April S, 1022 ASHLAND WEEKLY TIDINGS PAGE THREE . 12 FEET A DAY AI 111 Work on the Trigonla oil well Is progressing as rapidly as it can be pushed and it Is now going down at the rate of twelve feet a day. Gyp sum Band and lime cemented, is the formation through which the drill has been boring in the last thirty five feet, showing decided evidence of petroleum gas. Every balling is now showing this gas, and as It flows over the bailer, can be readily light ed. Experts declare this Is positive evi dence that the volatile elements in this region have not been exhausted and experience has proved that oil in commercial quantities can reason ably be expected within the next few hundred feet. LOCAL AND PERSONAL Montana Oil Mows It la of interest to quite a few people of this section of the country to learn that the Gordon Campbell Kevin syndicate oil well has struck oil, according to reports received in the city during the past week or so. The report states that the well would be a 2000 barrel per day. Will Entertain Champions The Lady Macabees extended an Invitation last evening to the mem bers of the basketball team of the Jocal high school to be their guests tonight at their hall in the Odd Fel lows building. The invitation was accepted and the boys will attend in a body. (From Wednesday's Daily) Visiting at Klamath Falls A. M. Beaver Jr. and family, of Portland, who have been here a few days visiting with relatives and friends, has gone to Klamath Falls for a tew days' visit, after which they will return here for a short time be fore returning to their home. On Sick List Vernon Pankey, employed at the Eastern Supply company, was com pelled to quit work Tuesday morn ing and go home. He was reported as belug quite ill in the late after noon. New Linoleum In Offh-e J. P. Dodge and Sons have put down new linoleum on the floor of their office. The new covering is glued to the floor, which Is some thing of an innovation, nnd gives it no chance to creep or wrinkle. Return from Portland Trip L. L. Leedom, who has been In Portland attending a meeting of the dealers handling Mason auto tires returned home on train 15 last night He reports it was worth a week's business to see the various demon stratlons put forth nnd hear the talks given by the officials of the com pany who were present to tell the dealers what was being done by the company in the way of plans for the future business. On Business Visit E. Summers, of Medford, was'i business visitor In Ashland Tuesday Returns from Klamath Falls Mrs. L. Jacobs has returned from Klamath Falls, where she was called bv the Illness of Mr. Jacobs. She re ports that Mr. Jacobs has recovered from his illness and is attending to business again. Fined for Wrong Parking; Two car owners have appeared In Justice Gowdy's court during the last few days and paid fines of $5 each for having parked their cars too near fire hydrants. The law provides that a car must not be parked nearer than 20 feet to any fire hydrant, and the local officials have found a great deal of disregard of this feature of the law lately. Violations will be checked up strictly hereafter in or der to give all property proper fire protection. Visiting College Friends- William Bolton, of Antelope, Or., who attends the University of Ore goo, came home with Dwight Gregg lor the spring vacation and is visit ing U. of O. students in Ashland. Beautifying Grounds The Wednesday club is planting shrubbery and beautifying the grounds around the . Presbyterian church this week. Visit Here Tuesday Mesdamea O. H. Good and Ernest N. Blden, of Medford, were caller Tuesday on Mrs. Claire Mlnard at the Plaza confectionery. ARE DRILLING AWE Visits Relatives Friday Mr. and Mrs. Perry Wait, of Gold HID, were In the city Friday and were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Homer Elhart. Mrs. Walt and Mrs. Bihar: are sisters. Buys New Chevrolet Emlle Forget has purchased a new Chevrolet car of the "490" type through the Bulck-Chevrolet sales agency. Clutnges K sldence Wllbert Jordan, proprietor of the Army Goods-Btore, has taken up his residence In the rear of the room oc cupied by the store. Hpent Sunday at Gold Hill Miss Harriet Hodges went to Gold Hill Saturday evening and spent Sun day visiting there. Leaves for the North Rev. C. A. Edwards left last even ing on train 16 for the north where he will attend a meeting 'In connec tion with church work. Mnkes Big Catch Bud SiorniB and J. S. Provost went ro me nogue river aunuay aim successful in making another i" catch. ' i Spring Housci'leaning Will Make Extensive Improvements ' The Billings Realty ofrice opened W. G. Sander, owner of the Ash- ta floors this morning, spick and land Greenhouses, expects to do spani the interior having been gone some extensive remodeling this 0ver with a vacuum cleaner yester spring on his greenery. He h js , ,iay. four small greenhouses which ha? . been in use for over 15 years ami aVoS for California which will have to be rebuilt and rjert It. Creer left this morning Mr. Sander expects to tear these j,y auto for Durbank, Calif., where down entirely and build one large iie will visit with his family for a house In their stead that will havn few ,iaVg and abend to necessary bus a much larger capacity than the four iness. H will return to Ashland small houses combined. Some of 1 with his family about April 10, when the latest Improvements to be found he will bo at home at his house on In greenhouses will be Installed by; Granite street. Mr. Sander and he will have suffl clent capacity to meet the neds of; falls on Friend the entire community in the way of; Gardner Goold, of Medford, called flowers. Jon Fred Tayler, at the Plaza confec- jtlonery this morning. F. G. Swedenburg Is installing an j underground watering system on his ! California Weather No Bet ton lawn on the Boulevard. The sys-j A letter received by local people tern Is so arranged that a power j from friends at Hillsboro, Calif., says machine may be used to do the mow-! the weather there Is practically the ing and thereby save a great deal of same as we are having here. The let physical strength for the size of the ter states that It has been very cool Doctor's luwn is such that It would j and .disagreeable there for the past be a continual job for one man when; few weeks when they should be hav the grass Is growing fast to keep It lug good weather. In condition. j Returns from Washington The Park Commissioners are hav-j Mrs. Lockhart, of 712 Boulevard, Ing the house on the road , purchas - ed last summer, remodeled and plac- ed In condition for a laundry to be used by the campers, which will he an added Improvement over prev- ious years. , Secretary Fuller to Eugene J. H. Fuller left last evening for Eugene, where he will attend tlio short course that Is being given there for secretaries of Chambers of Commerce this week. Visited Mexlford IiOdge Friday C. C. Welsenburger, F. J. Shlnn, Dr. R. L. Burdic nnd Dr. Geo. J. Kins went to Medford last Friday evening to the meeting of the Med - ford lodee of Masons which held an afternoon and evening session. $ Returns From Portland Mr. and Mrs. Emil Pell returned jOr.; (1. O. Ross, San Diego, Calif.; from' Portland Monday evening, mak-j Jess Mellett, Dave Miller, Weed, ing the return trip in' an Interna-Calif.; Charles Wind, Mr. and Mrs. tlonal truek. Mr. Pell reports the I. C. Landecke and W. H. Hammel, roads as In very good condition fori San Francisco. the greater part of the way. Returns From California- The Wilmer Poley family have re turned from California, where they; hnvo hon ennnrllnir tho ivln'nr Have Costume Party Mrs. J. H. entertained a number of Elk ladles Saturday 'eve- ning at her home on Vista street' while the husbands were at the Elks lodge. The party was a costume af-,be ready tor (tistrinimon BDout may fair, many of which were veryjL Any changes that are made pre pretty and others very unique. A vlous to April 1 will be Included in nart of thn evening was snent with the new directory, but any phone cards and were served. delicious refreshments Moving to Com-o Mr, and Mrs. George Spannnus and family are moving this week to Copco. Calif., where Mr. S-iannus wlll be employed by the power pany. Has Resumed Work C. A. Cotter has recovered suffi ciently to resume his work on the railroad and went to Dunstnuir yes terday to begin work. Gun Store In New Iiocat ion- Robert Mlddleton, proprietor of the Elkhorn gun store. Is moving from his old location on O.ik street, to 381 East Main street today. Here from Ifornbrook Engineer Creason and wife of; Hornbrook are here for a short time, i Mr. Creason will take treatments fori Inflammatory rheumatism, which he' has been suffering from recently. Visiting Willi Sister Mrs. A. V. Gray arrived on train 16 Mondny evening from Morley, -Calif., and will spend a week with her sister, Mrs. rlson avenue. C. A. Vo'.ter, on Har- ( From .Thursday's Dally) l.egluu Auxiliary Meeting There will be a called meeting of the Legion Auxiliary ut the home of Mrs. Hammond Saturday afternoon. Presbj terlun Church Dinner All Presbyterians, and their friends and relatives are invited to attend tlimiitinual church dinner and meet ing Friday evening at 6 o'clock. Tiring something to add to the feast and your family. There will bo room and special tables for the children. Call Mrs. Khlnu or Mrs. Lnmkln for any further farticulars. Make Trip to Jacksonville Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Lune made a trip to Jacksonville this morning. Leaves for Oakland Miss Doily Campbell, formerly of the Ron Ton cafe, will make her fu- ture ll0me , Ookland, Calif., Where expects to open beauty parlor. ; who has been spending the winter In St. John's, Wash., has returned to her home here, ' Hotel Ashland Guests I The following are registered at the j Hotel Ashland: V. M. Grant, E. L. jGnndon, Edwin G. Curtis, A. U. Fra- zier. R. C. 8m! h. G. A. Lindsay. Mr. ; and Mrs. E. B. Brown, Portland; B. M. Scliuman, New York City; L. C. , Faulkenburg, Grants Pass; Bert E. 'MacDonna. Rochdale, England; J. T. 'west, Siilsim, Colo.; Karl V. Brunke, j Charles H. Adler, J. Jordahl, Mrs. M. J. Kolo and family, Portland; Mr. and Mrs.. Loueks, Vreka, Calif.; F. 'R. Weed, Eugene, Or., Mr. and Mrs. iC. R. Bentley, Los Angeles; Earl O.I Rabin, Oakland, Calif.; Mrs. Shutf, j Jacksonville; A. E. Bell, Seattle; W. C. Hatch, San Jose, Calif.; Mr. and I Mrs. William Stewart, Hood River, 'Class A Garage Refills Hales The Class A garage reports the sale of a Chevrolet touring c to Roy Taylor nnd a Studebaker chum 111 V roadster tO Jesse Millett, Of !Weed, Calif. j ; Telephone Directory- The local telephone company is preparing to print new directories, which will go to press April 1 and changed at a later date will not be placed in the directory until the next one Is printed, probably about Oc tober 1. leaves for Corvallls J. S. Jordan left for Corvallls Wed- com-inesday evening on train 16 to attend the convention of electrical dealers nnd Jobbers which will he held there the latter part of the week. Drives Here from Portland Mr. Pitts, of the Standard Eight Automobile company, of Porthnd. arrived In Ashland Wednesday after noon In a new Standard eight which he drove through from Portland. The oar was delivered to A. M. Beaver Ji., w,0 Is agent for the car In Portland, and drove here last' week In one of the cars, which he sold after his arrival. Visits In Ashlaml Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Turner, or Hornbrook, were visitors in Ashland Wednesdayy. WILLIAM TP William H. Denham who had a paralytic strrl.e last Sund..y In his rora In th removed (J Pi II bu Id it,-, and was the Granite City hos pital In tho evening, died at the hos pital Thursday nigh: . 11:40 from the effects of the stroke. Mr. Denham was born In Missouri, July 5, 1S49 and was 72 years, 8 months and 25 days old at the time of his deuht. Mr. Denham has been living In Ashland for the 'pnst five years and has been a resident of the valley for several years previous to that time J. F. Denham of Talent, Is a broth; er of the deceased niun. The funeral will be held at the Baptist church In Talent, Sunday afternoon, at 2:30 o'clock. Burial will he In Stenrns cemetery at Tal ent in charge of H. C. Stock. Hotel Columbia The following persons are regls tered at the Columbia hotel: Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Carter, Mr. and Mrs. George McKenzie, Berrin Lake, B. C; James Leonard, L. J. Hess hauer, Portland; Mr. and Mrs. F. L. Doss, Hiram H. Frazer, Dunstnuir; William L. Harvey, Sacramento, Calif.; Jack Fowler, C. L. Rogers, San Francisco, and Mr. and Mrs. George E. Clements, Red Bluff, Calif. Places Agency for Bearings Mr. Harvey, of the James Remer Ick company of Sacramento, Calif., was In the city yesterday and placed the agency for Moroloy silver-nickel motor bearings with Dlx and Son. Visiting Friends Mrs. Ella RJce, of Portland, Is in the city visiting friends for a few days. Home on Vacation Melvln Kaegl is home from the University of Oregon on vacation this week. Mr. Depeu, of the Firs! street lunch room is making a large Ice box to be used In his place of business Is Remove! to Home- Fred Wilson, of the Ideal grocery, who was operated on a" few days ago at the Sacred Heart hospital at Med ford, was removed to his home on North Main street Wednesday. Drive to CorvalHs F. J. Murphy and Lloyd Crowson left Wednesday afternoon by nuto for Corvallls, where they will attend the convention of electrical dealers and jobbers, which Is being held the latter part of this week there. Returns from California J. Floyd Place returned to Ash lund Wednesday evening from Ouk- land and other California points, where be has been visiting friends and relatives for the past three weeks. He made the trip home In a fine new lute model Nash six car, which he purchased while In Cali fornia. (From Friday's Daily) Completes A. B. Degree Troy A. Phlpps, son of Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Phlpps, has completed his A. B. degree at the University of Oregon in mining engneering, and! has returned to Ashland, where he I will be for the Jires&it 'with bis ! parents. In Town from Llllila Springs Miss Helen Taylor, who resides near the lithla springs east of Ash land, was in town yesterday, shop ping. Expected Home Mr. and Mrs. Frank L. Nelson, who have been spend ng a few weeks in southern California, are expected to return home Sunday. Will Move to Medford George E. MacVicar, resident en gineer of the state highway commis sion, will move to Medford the first of next week. In order to be nearer his work, which is on the Crater Lake road through the northern part of the county. Condition Improving ' Mrs. Carlton, of 99 Union street, who has been confined to her bed for the past few days, is reported to be Improving. Visits Near Talent J. V. Wright and family visited the Estes family near Talent last Sun day. Returns from California Mrs. W. M. Barber returned this: morning from California, where she! went ft short time ago to purchase, equipment for the convalescent home which she expects to open in the near future. Returns from South Mr. und Mrs. J. P. Dodge, who hivo been spending the winter In outhern California, are expected to irrive home on No. 64 this evening. Returns to Portland .Mid. Ella Rice, of , Portland, who lias been here visiting with her sis ter, Mid. E. J. Van Sunt, for some time, returned to her home Thursday. Making Trip South in Fords Members of the Ellison-White company of Chautauqua speakers and players who live In the vicinity of Portland, will arrive In Ashland this evening, en route to Los Angeles nd vicinity, where they will begin their season. They are making the trip in Ford cars, using six machines to take them south. Mr. and Mrs. M. E. Pndget, who have a number of friends in Ashland will be In the company, us will Miss Violet MvClaln, a former English teacher In the local schools. Purchases New Car J. K. Helman has bought a new "490" model Chevrolet automobile. Hotel Ashland Guests Late arrivals at the Hotel Ashland are: u. t. uiphey, L. S. Sturgeon, P. J. Wagner, San Francisco; Myron C. Gaston, Grants Pass; G. W. Kitbs, W. E. Hight, Anacortcs, Wash.; A. L. Dillon, Dmismuir, Calif.; Mr. and Mrs. M. Ghlest, J. O. Koyt, K. W. Blllingsley, George M. Roblson, Hub ert McKee, and Mr. and Mrs. Bertram Wood, Portland. Entertain at Supper I 'arty Mr. and Mrs. H. K. Tomllnson en tertained a party of friends at a sup per party at their home '.on Oak street Wednesday evening. Those present were Mr. and Mrs. Jerome, Mr. and Mrs. A. B. Cunningham, Mr. and Mrs. O. O. Alenderfer, of Med ford, and Mr. and Mrs. H. T. Elmore. All expressed themselves as having had n very enjoyable evening. Here for Week Knd Jesse Smith is up from California for the week-end. He Is employed on a bridge gang for the Southern Pacific company. Returns Home Mrs. A. W. Gray returned to her home at Morley, Calif., on train 13 this morning, after a few days' visit With her sister, Mrs. C. A. Cotter. Sprucing 1'p C. J. Perrlne has made an added Improvement to his store by taking down the weather-beaten sign that has held forth across the front of his store for ninny months past. Lets brush up all of the rough spots and have the town fhlnlng when the tourist crop gets ripe. Arrives Hero for Visit Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Rockfellow ar rived In Ashland Inst evening on train 53, und will visit with relatives and friends for a time. Mr. Rockfellow is a local man but has spent the greater part of the past few years on the road as a traveling salesman and only visits Ashland occasionally This Is his first trip to Ashland since his marriage and he Is Introducing his bride to his various acquain tances. (From Saturdays Dully) Superintendent Passes Through J. W. Fitzgerald, superintendent i of the Shasta division of the South-1 em Puclflc, passed through the city Wednesday even'ng In his private car attached to train 16. Still on Sick Llsl Miss Helen Dunn, little daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Dunn, who has has been on the sick list for the past two or three weeks Is not able to be out yet. Visits Friends M'ss Doretha Abraham was vlslt- llnrv fnlnlula In Sia At, ut H.l ft t t t 1 1 ft M!5 11 K.I1I1B 111 bllO 1'Ulk W . b. city last Sunday. Will Attend Confcren Miss Edith Roblson will attend the Older Girls' conference at Corvallls, April 7 to 9, as a representative of the local Presbyterian Sunday school. Attends Court C. VV. Fraley, of Mountain avenue, was among the Jurors who attended court in Jacksonville last week. Business Visitors Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Denton, former residents of Ashlnnd, who now live at Eagle Point, were business visit ors In Ashland this week. Make Application to Enter Home Levi Stewart, former resident here and member of the local Masonic lodge. Is an applicant for admission to the Masonic home at forest orove. He Is a Civil war prisoner, nearly 90 years of age, and has been living with his son John at Multnomah, a suburban station on the Southern Pacific near Portland. Dinner Guests ut Wright Home Mrs. Josephino Champlo and Rev. and Mrs. Hiram Smith were, dinner guests at the Wright home on Moun tain avenue Thursday. Chas. W'inne Taken to Hospital ' Charles W. Whine, was taken to the Southern Pacific;, hospital at Sa,n Francisco on train 53 Thursday ev ening, . ... ... . , Hotel Ashland (iiicsls ' ' The following parties are regis tered at the Hotel Ashland: Mr. and Mrs. W.'M. Bennett. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Holland, B. D. Westfleld, S. J. Grimes, C. W. Fnllerton, Port land; J. A. Smith, Ashland; E. A. Bates, Glendnle, Calif.; H. R. Kelley, Providence, R. I.; L. G. Roberts. Laramie, Wyo., and Mr. and Mrs. Brainier, Tracy, Minn. Passes Through City Q. W. Boschke, chief engineer of the Southern Pacific, passed through the city Wednesday evening 'n his private car attached to train 1(1. Calls on Mrs. Feebler and Baby The Mesdames Crouch, Stevenson, Eastman and Swenson called on Mrs. Jack Peehler and baby girl. Margery Lucille Peehler Thursday aflernnon of this week. In Grants Pass Last Evening Carl Loveland mid his orchestra went to Grants Pass last evening to play at a dance. To Make, Trip to Glendnle William C. Brown and Bud Storm, of the East Side Meat Market, will leave this evening for Glendnle, Ore gon, where they will transact some business. They will not return until Sunday evening and expect to bring back a good catch of fish with them. Will Return With Daughter- Mrs. C. R. Haney, who went to eastern Oregon recently to visit her daughter who was 111, writes that she found the daughter improving in health und states that she expects to bring the daughter with her when she returns to Ashland. Visits Old School Friend O. F. McConnell, clerk at the Ideal Grocery on North Main street, was agreeably surprised one day this week, when a man drove up In front of the store and seeing Mr. McConnell near tho door, called him by name. Mr. McConnell did not know the man. and was surprised to learn that he was an old school friend of his back In Hudson, N.Y., who he hnd not seen for 44 years. The friend's name was James Wheel er, who has been wintering In Cali fornia and was on his way to Port land by auto. Novel Add On Display The Swenson and McRan .Furni ture company have a novel add In their window In the form of n b.ldly scratched and marred car of the Ford species which they expect to refin Ish with 'hl-Name! nuto paint while the car stands In the window. The finishing touches will be put on eith er Monday or Tuesday. ' Another Car FEEDS Poultry - Stock - Dairy Bought Right and Priced Right Egg Maker Scratch Feed Chick Feed Chick Mash Chick Developer Oyster Shell Charcoal and Grit We deliver Wednesdays and Saturdays Ashland Fruit and Produce Association BUNGALOWS TO BE BUILT BY BUTLER The1 build With the birds cam paign which the Tidings inaugurat ed a few weeks ago is meeting with a ready response by many of the cit izens as is Indicated by the various building activities In and about the city. ' E. N. Butler has just closed a contract with Putnam Brothers to ; build two houses on Mechanic street between Helman and Laurel streets. The houses will be of the bunga low type with 5 rooms and bath and I nil of the most modern conveniences I In all purls of the house. I It Is the Intention of Mr. Butler to build a number of houses of til's kind and put them on the market when completed and if they meet a ready sale, he will continue to give Ashland some thrifty, up-to-date bungalows that will be a credit to the city for all time to come. Migratory Birds Passing A great number of Cedar Wax wing, -a bird that migrates to the country further north during the summer, have been observed In the city during tho past week. Visits in City Mrs. A. E. Clark, of Roseburg, a former Ashland resident, was in the I city for a few days during the past ' week. While here she was a dinner 'guest of Mr. nnd Mrs. H. O. Butter field one evening. 'in City From Hunch . ! Ed Dunn spent a time In the'eit; ! Friday. Here From Anderson Creek I Charles Stolts of Anderson creeK, was In the city on business Friday. I Visits Relatives Here I Frank Elliott of Belllngham, Wn., was In the city visiting relatives last week. Mrs. Avery Much Improved Mrs. R. A. Avery, who has been confined to her home with an at tack of the flu for the past two weeks, Is convalescing nicely. She was so much Improved yesterday she was able to take a short ride with Mr. Avery. Real Estate Hvuies and acreage. Farms and Stock Ranches. All Kinds of Good Insurance Ashland Agents of Abstract Co. Billings Agency Dairy Feeds Molas-O-Screenlnfls Molas-O-Meal Milk Flo Soya Bean Meal Cocoanut Meal Call Meal