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About Ashland weekly tidings. (Ashland, Or.) 1919-1924 | View Entire Issue (April 5, 1922)
) ASHLAND WEEKLY TIDINGS OLXLV ASHLAND, OREGON, WRDN K I v Y, APRIL 5, 1922 NO. 31 ENDERS STORES DURING NIGHT GAINED ENTRANCE JIY SMASH ING WINDOW IN BEAU OF THK BUILDING LOCAL ELDERLY COUPLE ! CELEBRATE BIRTHDAY Got Away With Enough Loot to Hurt A Clothing Store on u Small Scale Left No Clue to Trace Their Flight. The H. Q'. Endera and Company store was burglarized last night by unknown parties and a great amount or stock taken. Entrance was gained by breaking the glass lu the upper sash of a win dow In the rear of the building, un locking the window and then raising the bottom sash and entering. While It Is not known definitely Just what wur taken from the large stock of merchandise, It Is thought that some 12 or 15 suits of men's clothing were taken, together with a quantity of silk hose for both men and women, and osine men's silk shirts. They also took at least two suit cases, Jn which It is presumed they carried away their loot. Upon entering the store this morn ing it was noticed the window had been broken, and- upon .Investigation, it was found that a number of suits Mr. and Mrs. W. S. Bait celebrated their birthdays Sunday by Inviting In a few neighbors and frit-nds from 2 to 5 o'clock. The celebration was in honor of Mr. Ball's 78th birthday and Mrs Ball's 71st, her birthday being on the previous day. Mr. flind Mrs. Bull quietly celebrated their 50th wedding anniversary, a few weeks ago. Those present Sunday after noon were, Mr. and Mrs. Homer El Elhart, Mr. nnd Mrs. Gerald Wen ner, Mr. and Mrs. William Wenner, Mr. and Mrs. McKibben. Mrs. Delia Acklln and Everett Aeklln. FIRS COMPANY I PLAN NOVEL ENTERTAINMENT fixe proof given i ' ' . iY LADY MACCABEES1 PLANS EL TO OPEN The I. ly laoabees gave an ex cellent i-.'oara.n Wednesday evening at their hall. Twy had as guests during the evening, ...s state basket ball champions. The following program wag ren dered during the evening: Vocal solo Mr. Hale. Piano duet Mildred nnd Mae The most entertaining social event iKaegl. of 1922 will be given In the Armory Tableau, "Hock of Ages" raul the evening of April 22. The enter-! Hark I us. lainment promises to' be somethlngj Drill by Mncabeee drill team, different from anything ever put! Reading Dr. M.ittio Shaw. out In Ashland. The affair is to bej Vocal solo .Mis. John Shorrldge. called the "April flasket Cabaret." j Tableau, "Soldiers of Toinniorow" The name is suggestive of the char-, Dennis Espy and Hazel Iienrdorff. acter of I ln occasion. Each guest Is, Xylophone s'olo Mr. Orton. expected to bring his own refresh-1 Piano solo Helen Kanford. ments, although First company will. Each of the numbers was ren- COMPLETE REE T! OF JOFFR E Arrangements have now been com pleted by the chamber of commerce for the reception of General Joffre, who will arrive in Ashland shortly after 4 o'clock on Thursday after noon, Instead of Wednesday, as pre viously announced. Mayor Lnmkln has Issued Instruc tions that during the period of the general's visit, the Plaza wilt be roped off, so that automobiles will serve free of charge liquid refresh-! dered in an exceedingly pleasing! not Interfere with the school chll nient such as punch and hot coffee. ! maimer, and all of those on the pro-jdren who will assemble there to In this way the girls will be given a 'gram were given an encore to which greet the hero of the Marne. It Is chance to furnish the refreshments each responded. limped that the high school will turn 'and make sj.eilal decorations on the i After the program had been com-! out with the band, so that The fam- ; tables, whirl Hie. hoys will pay forpleted, n feed or great magnitude! oils soldier" may be greeted with the The Oregon hotel Is the name of; the seats. was set before those present and j national music of France and the the. new hostelry that will open ror j The entertainment will start at 9 'given a hearty reception. Follow-! United States, and an effort will be business within the next few days in: o'clock ;.n I will end promptly at 2 ; Ing this was a dance which lasted: made to have the business places the building over the E. K. Isaac and a. m. r.itrons and patronesses wIlMintll the wee hours of morning. The! around the PIii?h and elsewhere dec Company store. ,o invited .lie week. The dec-iaffalr was a complete success, and oiuted with the flags of the two na- The building was purchased list orations planned are going to ecllpseiall went home hoping they might re-jtlons. September by Max GeBaeur and after anything that has ever been attempt-! celve another Invitation at some fu- General Foch is expected to arrive having reflnlshed the front part of ed, anil it imtst be admitted that the ! ture (lute for a like entertainment, 'on train 53, which will be met at the building for bis own use, he p;rst company has gone further In moved In and since that time has this line than any other organlza been refinlshlng the other rooms In tion in Ashland, the building. All the rooms have The proceeds from the entertaln been finished In light colors, giving n,ent will go to liquidating some out a nice, clean, fresh color to the en- standing Indebtedness of the coin tire Interior of the building. The pBnyj Rm.n aa a note nt the nank aml front part of the building, which Mr. gome current outstanding bills for GeBaeur occupies, has been redeeo- furnishings of the Armory. Also a had beeu taken from the racks and rated and papered, and has the ap- deficit on the last lyceum course put the hangers left in place. . jpearance of a cozy home rather than 0n by the company and which still No clues have as yet been found part of a hotel. The furnishings In hangs over their heads. CHURCHES that might lead to the arrest of the burglars. Wright Family Have Visitors Mr. and Mrs. L. A. Murphy and wife of Medford visited the J. V. Wright family of Mountain avenue Tuesday. Returns from Nevada William Lindsay returned from a trip to Nevada yesterday morning. W. C. T. U. WILL E DBS IS the rooms that will be let are of an ivory color and will make as nice rooms as one will find In mn the best hotels. Two of the have private baths. It is the intention of Mr. GeBaeur to cater to permanent tenants rather than to the transient trade, nnd he already has some of the rooms let to people of this kind. -HON I C. DENNIS AT THROUGH ON T Grun's Pass by a delegation from the j Medford chamber of commerce, and driven here lu autos for a spin through Llthla Park and back to the j Plaza by way of the high drive. An effort will be made to have the 1 American Legion turn out in full ; force. A wag says that Mexico reminds him of a dirty towel iu a print shop just one revolution after another mid each revolution makes It worse. PRES BYTERLl X CHVRCH IU9 SUCCESSFUL YEAR The annual church supper was held Friday evening at the Presby terian church nnd reports of the various committees of the church! were turned In. There has been a; good substantial gain In the mem- bershlp of the church during the pasti year, nnd all branches of the church have made good showings. j There were about 200 people pres-j ent at the supper and practically all stayed for the business meeting and! were gratified with the showing IRON FOUNDRY innaio nn iifiTU uruw ur mm i mm The Iron foundry started doing business yesterday, after having An endeavor will be made to make Deen Bh,lt down ever sinoe the deatl the coming year even be ter than tholof r,erKe Dodson, about six months past one has been. MOONSHINER IS m SENTENCE ago, and a determined effort will be made to rehabilitate the business to the point of success which it had achieved In the past. It is the largest and best equipped iron foundry plant be: ween Portland and Sacramento, and when It was ! closed down, had a large cllentelle to the north, as far us Eugene, and to the south, as far as Chico. At that time fifteen men were employed. The foundry opened up yesterday with three men, and this force will be add ed to, from time to time, as Increase lu the business warrants. It will hereafter he known as the O'Brien Iron Works, all the stock of the former Ashland Iron Works having beeu acquired by Mr. and Mrs. O'Brien. Mr. O'Brien will be ! In lliAn !,....... .k M.I.. pleaded' maiRO Ul ills rnj.llis u-. pumneni, Diyng an expert pu.iuter. a rarity in this sectn.a of the coun try. Charlie Blake It the machinist, and Walter Blegel, who piucikii";' grew up with the plant, is the gen eral superintendent. At this particular season of the year, when farmers are overhauling California bootleggers seem to re gard Ashland as a good place to dis pose of their moonshine whiskey from the way that It Is being brought to town during the past few days. As stated in Saturday's paper, Dave Miller was apprehended with two suit cases filled with Illicit booze earlier In the week. At the time of his preliminary hearing he not guilty and was taken to Jackson ville. After conferring with counsel, he was returned Saturday afternoon and changed his plea to guilty. The only statement made by Miller was to the effect that the booze found in the suit case belonged to one Jesse MIIIaM- nnn Hint nil he hnt! was In ., . . , , , .. I their implements, the foundry will his pockets. The court promised him ' By H. K. CARROLL, LL. D. The survey of the churches for 1921, shows the tide still In flood. The disastrous ebb of 1919, over come so handsomely in 1920, is well past and a moderate prosperity ap- 'pears also In the returns of 1921. The gains In 1920 were even better Dennis was the; than was represented then. Baptist FORM GRANITE QUARRY BEING inspected FI LLER DISCUSSES Al'TO TOURISTS AT V. that If he could at any time while serving his sentence, show that the suit cases belonged to another party, a purt of the sentence would be re mitted. After the close of the Miller trial, Jose Salinas, Mexican, who was enp tured on a freight train Saturday: morning at Siskiyou, with a dozen bottles of moonshine wrapped up In j tits bed, was tried. ! f This trial proved difficult, ns the give particular attention to repairs of farm machinery as well as the casting of new parts. Besides work ing in grey Iron, there will he main tained a brass working department, and they are prepared to do pretty much everything In replacing or re pairing broken parts of automobiles. ! The Hon. W. B speaker at :he forum luncheon to- stltistlcs In particular show a much! h Parks director of the state .Mexican pretended to be unable to OF O, UNIVERSITY OF OREGON, Eu gene, March 31. (Special) Among the secretaries of commercial bodies BURGLARS in if HOI AND STEAL VALUABLE FURS day and gave the facts as they existlarcer increase than was antleinated. : i, .,.,,, f ,i,. ,.i i understand English. After some time , ) n - - --unit H Ul IIIHIUO Ullll (jCUlUftJ , in I li ill regard to the automobile and the i The total increase for 1921 is 761,-; the city looking over the Blair gran- bppn wa!,,pn 1,1 ,,,p (M,3fl wl,n taxes thereon. '727 as against 067,007 reported in!ie quarry. Salinas claiming not to understand Mr. Dennis was a member of the 1920, which corrected Baptist returns: Mr Parks wus induced to come wlml was M whpn af,k(1 wnptl,pr 319 legislature, and was on thejlncrease to 814,000. Remembering; i,eie by H. C. Oaley who has been''10 wp,'fl Rl!I,y.or not' though an-1 roads and highways committee, and that the Increase In 1919 sunk to less i,it,.rested In the irninltn mmrrloM fnr swerlng questions readily enough at: .nntt'thtiln.l mllcl. f.ffn.'l InwofAtf trnt. !.,. AA AAA ll.n Un..A l ......... 1.. t., i .... nllinr tlmnu nn tlltet'ni'eter WaS SC-: iwho are here at the short course lor 1 - ' ".' iun is .-;. iumiv , some time past, anil is endeavoring. "' ' Uho second year in succession is J. H.-"n a " n" J-wx " me ma- remarkable. Most of the denomlna-; t0 get the nmm.y proposition In such c,irfi"- ,,,"L"" """"j .,,,! Mr .H iir. rw m. Fuller, secretary of the Ashland ":p" "pi throughout the state. : Hons share In the Increase. The Meth-; that It will be taken hold of bpp" """" ,hfl Mwt,PHn SR" 1h! I. ' ",vn , ' ' , " . . .. ,, ' Tim ninn vnrimii nut wn in n i. ,....,.. . !,., .,. . ...... . nnlltv nf hnvlnE the moonshine or " oi.cnic unve, were attending ninn lint" ir nnniiiioi'na Ait uniinr " ........... ..t. " uiiini kiui i; tin Mcnia iu arc linmii n u iinm nann a ami rnn niintnni p i has taken a prominent part in the llle wetgni oasis, in mis way,,to the remarkable extent or nearly; veloped Into something that will be discussions since his Arrival here v-r- 1p,"llB explains, the tax was ,300,000. Nearly a third of this, an a8Het to the community, The ladies of'the Women's Chris- Tuesday. He has made a particular properly adjusted for the weight of however, Is credited to the Colored! Ml.. Varks mtt(e n favorable report VE WHITE MULE tlan Temperance Union will have charge of the last rites of John Bar leycorn Tuesday afternoon at 2 o'clock when the moonshine which has been taken during the past week li emptied Into the sewer In front of the city hall. An order was Issued by Justice but claimed that he was taken up Htjme meaier last nignt, lasiimous mir Hornbrook. In California, nnd could jR1" Klned entrance to their beau not be tried here. The arresting of-' t'l home aiul after ransacking the fleer was called who tes'lfled he had premises froni cellar to garret, de taken the man In charge nt White! parted with nearly a thousand dol Pnlnt a station n short distance; Inrs worth of booty in the shape of study of the auto camp ground sit roans, not tne aiue or tne car j Methodist Episcopal church, which, ol, lhe quttrry X yenrs ,, bl hllg uatlon, and his address on that sub-' u is ,ntl'"'pl M'at the roads be-jhas never heretofore reported sn not ))een nt the workings since it has : .i. ...., i. l., IlIlT bllilt at the present time Will tnvuo n flinlre However lha le. i. ...n.. ... jeci wus lecriveu wuu mi.i... ....... . " i.e. n uciuauy llieuiieil. run Clliei . , , .. tlvn ve. l.un.lsnme fur cnilta st not to exceeil la years, at wn.c.,iturng hlive bee confirmed by the of-jBlm at Ul9 me w, be to aseprtaln ! sontn or h.sKiyou .na ........ m. ....... - me all roads would have to be re-lftni.i ..ti.ii..n nt h. hnj ni.unn .... i this side of the state line. The court1 "'8 to mis. atones. !"" .. "".' i me u mount oi k ramie inui is acces-' .. m.- i , j . ... . . a a . ' . . 1 ....... 1. l.n.l la. ......I n. 111. I U K Ur II EDM EU I'll r oHai rr ..nnircr l rOPilt'l. 111! .". in... w....r..-. u o.. ......a, , r. a. VI1I1U. H. 1 UH D.eLUIH. l alli.n n n .1 1. a u,I Kn n . I. n - mi id. "i ..una,. . ... ..n. n nt.j.n ni.u .in . lit. hi est. quarry the tourists as a c vested. "We got that idea I....I.IU,U,1 tn fL- nf (Mi . -u x. u .-. . 1 :H,o irnu li Mil nasesseil a file Of IftllWI '"ve l.lliilinil niiiHrii i.uui un.l inn" li. n. I ir- . ... .. u t .....i... ...... ... vm. .." , .Kruuu. i lun u huh hii eaK ui f..m am ii...An i..nL.i.. ...,.,i"" j . .... I .1 ul ii.icci ui.jn luuniiig uvel ' Dowdy to Chief of Police Hatcher to from southern California dispose of the liquor at 2 o'clock, and the chief kindly turned the job over to the ladles, who are always anxious to help In disposing of anything of this kind. It Is expected that there will be a large delegation of the W. C. T. I I think. mure iuiuiihiiiik, mere win ue ...i 1 1 1 8,037, and t tie Methodist Kptsco- the property and making out bis re-Califor- money with which to rare for them, i pa church South, of 8...000. This is ,.,,,.. land six months In the county Jail. At the close nf the trial, Judge; departed through the front door, be ing careful to spring the latch after I Mr. Dennis advises a light tax on j o,000 larger for the latter and. Ilia seems 10 nave gnu.i nit- .n.. - ,Mle. .... ...... ....... slot) to tourists that it's their money ! gasoline to make this sinking fund, about 40,000 smaller for the former i that is wanted. Isn't there a chance." j but not to exceed 6 per cent. !than 1920. j he asked, "to show that we are not i J The Presbyterian group ad.ances. VALI'Altl.K TAIW IIIXTS THK a. A. (', exclusively the dollar?" Incidentally, he pointed out Ashland, which, he sulci, has I I'KKSIIVTKKIA.V ( Hl'IM'lf that the by 62,649, of which nearly r.0,000 Is dowdy announced he would Issue an, making their exit. There was every order to Chief Hatcher to dispose of i evidence of the house having been the confiscated liquor nt 2 o'clock ; pretty thoroughly searched, but ap Tuesday, nnd that nny one Interested j parently nothing but the two coats could be on hnnd at that time to were taken. , see the order cnrrled out. It Is be- me or mese was a very Deautitui ii...j n,.i nf n.o lncnl W. ' gray squlrrel-skin coat, purchased in to 45 pounds an acre in May or. ., , ,.. i vn0...i.Ar nmi cnatino JRnn Tim members present to see that the johimost beautiful park grounds in tl.e; A large audience was should be noted that the Welslrc..ilv June makes excellent bee pas-1' 11 B " " j(),ner wa9 tt Hudson 8ea, coat alld Is done properly. 'p(,t" ani' was tne rlrst ',la('e 10 "i,v wlll tlle fmin oi snoes ot uregon;t.aivinistic cnurcn disappears rrom ture, and the grain is good for poul-j" wag va,ue(, gt im Thig wag very . . Ipnr.lcular attention to the comfort j scenery at the Presbyterian church ' the list ot separate bodies this year, try feed. i !conBplcuous coat it being trimmed ! of automobllo tourists, has prof;te.l hist night. The scenes were all having been merged In 1 92 1 with the Kudsii X.H (AmhI hi Oi-egou K. WKI.CII IS XAMKI j with a brownl'nsh fur known as j'tuui i ah sun-' considerably from their visits. photographed by Miss ftiaoei uussei, i nonnern cnurcn, making an atipar-: Kudsu Is the unhleci nf m. in. M. w. A DISTItH T KKI'l TV KN'.IOYS (iOOl) IMKHiltAM, credited to the northern and 20.541 to the southern Presbyterian church Buck wheat seeded at the rate of 40 FROM M. L. PATTOX rie 8tate association of coinmer-' with tlie exeepMon of one showing 'ent loss of 13.558. onirics sent to the Oregon experi-l J. E. Welch, 243 Laurel street, re- "fierman Fltz," and the collar was I made of the same material, with an ;cmi secieiunes m iiumiim ..r, . , ...... ... i.t .... niepi station. Tne station nas saved " 'animal's head and three tails at A Ford runabout, belonging to the tion UP1.e ag the gest 0f the I'ni-j Sparrow, superintendent of Craterjlarge Baptist bodies, whlcluare grow-! 111(ly fari,.g a 0. of tlei mney! turned from Portland yesterday. He niakng a gnrp Contrast Standard Oil company and used by j versity of Oregon. More than twenty I Lake park. The clearness of theng rapidly, are represented by the;nd trouble by advising them that!"" l''Bn appointed distrrt uel,uty t0 tne oarj gea fur M. L. Patton, the local agent, was ; (PPr9 0f chambers of coniinerce scenes demonstrated the expert work returns for 1920, for the reason thntltests show that Kudsu Is not adapted of the Modem Woodmen of America; ' stolen from In front of his house on:ovpr .),e 8tate are present, swappingiof Mr. Patterson," local scenic pho- their statistical year Is the cnlendnr'tn Oregon conditions as a forage'f"r the sou I hem Oregon district that! the Boulevard Monday evening. It ; ideas and receiving instruction from togiapher, who developed them. jyear and no figures for 1921 are m,n .comprises Douglas, Josephine, Juck-j IIEXHY FORD DKDICATKS Is not known at Just what hour the faculty members of the I'uiversity! Miss Bema Halght played fitting 'available. Formerly on the basis of. One Spray Hcab nnd Aphis i"011 un(1 Klamath counties. Mr., car was taken, but, according to Mr.'on community problems, public; piano accompaniment to Bome of the partial returns, estimates were furn-' T,e d,. laved dormant snrav on the Welch will devote his whole time Inj JOHN IU KHOI OIIS MKMOKIAL KINGSTON. N. Y.. April 4. Hen- Patton, it was some time previous to I speaking, office organization and scenes, especially the crashing mti-:lshed by their statisticians, but this . ntple Is one of the most important of tlie Interest of the fraternity, whoje ry Ford, Thomas A. Edison and Hen mldnlght. It Is thought the car wasot),er matters of vital Interest to the ( sic for the fire scenes and the sad la-1 Is not now possible. The American 'ne season, ns it Is the first blow to; membership is 1,035,000, placing, rjr S. Firestone, were among the dls taken by someone who did not know!gecrptnries of commercial bodies. nient of tlie burned-over district fol-i Baptist Rear Book, which used to be:scun ann mildew and If nicotine sul- 11 ln the Irad of all fraternal organl-: tlngu'shed visitors here today, at the who the car belonged to, and that as soon as it is found that it has such distinctive markings it will be aban doned. No trace of the car had been discovered at noon today. MRS. It. P. WATKIX.4 I I'LKASAXTLV SI RPIUSKI) "f n" ' 1,18 readings, owed. puDiisnen in tne spring, aid not ap- fllte H ad(cdi t wm conlro, ,ne de. Mr. Cainphell captured the hearts. pear Inst year until the autumn. Cor- utructi Ve aphis pests. The usual spray Miss Itamona reeled returns ror 1920 show that the rations in point of numbers. dedication of the John Rurrough i Memorial, on the occasion of the l Wise gave n piuno solo which showed . increase for thut year was 276,702, Three auto loads of old neighbors no little talent, and Mrs. Esther Ash-' instead of 130,000 as reported In surprised Mrs R P Watklns, of r ran sang two ot .virs. k. a. wooos .mese tames, ine rree liaptist Douy iBeech street, at her son's home In compositions beautifully, Mrs. Woods no longer appears as a separate or riTV GATHERS VP TRASH t Medford one 'day Inst week. Mr. nnd ' playing them, while Mrs. Parsons, i cess of merging with the Northern GARXERED FOR CLEAXvVP DAY (Mrs. Watklns have been visilng with' church organist, gave a splendid Baptist convention for several years I their son there for the last few number on the organ. land now has practically disappeared. Notwithstanding the storm, ' the weeks. It was the good ladv's blrth-i 11 was the feeling of many that If Baptist Increases for 1921 were 'control of the aphis Is Improved If, when moonshine taken In recent ar- clty authorities sent out six auto day, but not be'ng at home, she did present that some high-priced enter-. Included the total of gains In 1921 t,g gpray )g not ap,,ied unti the rets, was turned over, to them by CITY TO HAVE NEW trucks this morning to gather up the not expect her Ashland friends to re- talnments have not shown the talent j would almost certainly reach 850,- blossom buds of the clusters have Chief of Police Hatcher at 2 o'clock, BHOB REPAIR SHOP T. V. LADIES Tl'RV MOONSHINE INTO HEWER is made up of commercial lline-sul- fur, 3 Vt gallons, nicotine sulfate! (Bluck Leaf "40") 4 pint, and 100 Eallnns of water. Tests laat vesr In-! Fifteen or more ladies of the Wom- dicate that addition of catenate en's Christian Temperance I'nlon born, was purchased by Henry Ford first anniversary ot the passing of the great naturalist and author. The old farm on the mountainside, near Roxbury, where John Burroughs was spreader to the spray at the rate of were present to take part In the first nionth ago for $15,000. and at the one pound to 100 gallons Inrerases ceremony of the kind ever carried""'"" c """" " the efficiency nearly 60 per cent., out by the organization In Ashland. ts preservation as memorial. trash that housewives have caused to member her, so was very much sur-'and charm that la: evenings pro-. 000. be Piled up on the sidewalks and In'nrlsed when they annealed with bas-lKram had. The Wednesday club an-1 begun to separate. The exact time this afternoon. There were 12 quart other convenient places. In order to kets laden with good things to eat predates the courtesy of thoie who COMPLETE fltMW) FOOT comply with the mayor's request for and worlds of good wishes. After a ;nk Prt In tho program and helped j TVXXEL IX HAPPY VALLEY Jor pest. general clean-up of the city. A a pleasant afternoon in social conver-; make it n success. J consequence the city has taken on a satlon and a bountiful lunch, they re-' OLINDA, Calif., April 4. The much better appearance and most of turned home in the late afternoon. , Some men are looking fnr ' pos' the yards are looking spick and span. ' Hons" who can only fill "Jobi of application will depend on wheth er the scub or the aphid la the ma- bottles and one jug of the spirits.; Messrs. Chappell and Inman. for which were taken to the corner at , merly of Sacramento, have leased the the city hall and emptied. ! east half of the building at 343 East Chicks Crowd IlnxxliT Mrs. Anne H. Russell, aged Ash- Main street from J. M. Grlmsley, and Overcrowding ruins many flocktili.nd pioneer, and who served as the' expect to Install a complete ahoe re- Hoover tunnel of the Happy Valley i of chicks. A brooder that will ac-' first president of the local union,; pair outfit of the latest type. The and Irrigation district -was completed yes- commodate 300 day-old chicks will was present and had the honor of building has been leased for one year. As soon ai the weather settles. It Is' Isn't it the truth the self-mad still others are hanging nn o the payiterday at an approximate cost of care for only half that number when ' breaking the first bottle. expected that a painting campaign man certainly relieves the Lord of roll but renin I a In the unemployed $146,000. The tunnel, S feet by 7 ; they are two weeks old. Better raise! Let a want ad sell it for you. and work will begin at once to place the room la shape for the aew busi ness. . trill be Inaugurated. an awful mess, in most cases. class. feet, Is 6600 feet long. a few good chicks than lot of culls. i . .. . A (