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About Ashland weekly tidings. (Ashland, Or.) 1919-1924 | View Entire Issue (March 1, 1922)
Wednesday, jWck 1, itti Astti-Avt) vrEtkii i&Ma LOCAL AND PERSONAL (From Wednesdays Dally) Suffering from Influenza ; G. C. Poebrer It confined to home on Liberty street, with Influenza. his the Visiting Here- Mrs. H.- P. Kervln U spending a week in town with her parents, Mr, and Mrs. A. Dickey of Mechanic street. She will go from here to Sil ver City, Nevada, where her borne Is. Improving Miss Anna Hargrove, who has been ill with the influenza tor a few days, Is reported as Improving. Returned from Northern Oregon- Edward W. Jones has returned from the northern part of the state, where he has been on business. Taken to Hospital C. A. Cotter, of 167 Harrison street was taken to the Southern Pacific hospital at San Francisco to day on train 13. He has been 111 for the past week and It was deemed Jiest to remove him to the hospital so be could receive the best of treat ment. Public Health Meeting The annual meeting of the Jack son County Public Health associa tion will be held Friday, February 24, at 2 o'clock In the afternoon, at the Medford public library, at Med ford. All parents are urged to at tend. Recovering from Influenza Mrs. Robert Middleton, who has been ailing with Influenza for ten days, Is Improving and Is able to re ceive friends at her borne. More to Boulevard Lea McMIchael has moved from 549 East Main street to the Cole property, 737 Boulevard. Play Roseburg Friday The Ashland high school basket ball quintet will again match their skill with the Roseburg high school team, but on an entirely different floor. Friday evening Is the time, and the local high school gymnaBlum the place of the coming contest. Taking Treatments Mrs. Cara Shribler Is suffering from rheumatism and is here from Talent taking treatments from a lo cal physician. Mrs. Shribler is the grandmother of Mrs. John Mayfield. Cable Splicer Here Mr. IJams, cable splloer for the Pa cific Telephone and Telegraph com pany, from Eugene, Is here for sev eral days. He will repair the cable at the corner of First and East Main streets, which was put out of order some time ago when water got on the Inside of the cable and froze. The mishap placed all the telephones In a certain district out of eommls slon. Conference at Medford A conference of the chief operators of the Pacific Telephone and Tele graph company of this district Is be' lng held at Medford all this week The district takes In all of the state south of Eugene, including Klamath Falls. Return .from 'Frisco Miss Evelyn Danford arrived home last evening from San Francisco and vicinity whore she has been since the first part of November, being em ployed there as a designer of dresses and evening wraps. Proprietors In Charge- Mrs. Mtnard, who took charge of the Plaza confectionery Tuesday, was agreeably surprised to have her partner, Fred A. Taylor, show up ready for business this morning. She had not expected him before Sat urday or the first of the week. Influenza Victim Dr. F. H. Johnson Is confined to his home by an attack of Influenza. Has Wonderful Trip- Mrs. Myrtle C. Boslough writes that she is now in Dwlght, No. Dak., visiting her sister and expects to be there for several months. She also states that In her trip last summer, she visited nine different countries, and had a wonderful trip from start to finish. ftocotering from Pneumonia Mrs. Will Moore, wife of the oblig ing mall carrier. Is recovering from an attack of pneumonia with which she has been suffering for several days. Catch Rig Hteclhrad . Robert Middleton and Mr. Costel lo made a trip to Rogue .river Sun day and brought back an eight and a half pound steelhesd which mea sured 32 Inches In length. Mr. Mid dleton reports that there Is a big run of steelheads at present. Have Monthly Moi ling j ILr-c Revived Charter The electrical dealers of southern I Ylie Ashland Teachers association Oregon held their monthly iiibb I:js; have rcseived a charter from the Na Monday evening at tho Hotel ivltd- tlunal Kducutional association, there ford in Medford, where a bh inptuoiia ; by making the local organization an dinner was served to fifteen. Three of the California-Oregon Power com pany men were present, and after tho dinner was over, took the party to the building of the company, that has just been completed and showed them some of the wonders of electrically equipped buildings. Mes srs. F. J. Murphy and J. S. Jordan were In attendance from Ashland. Suffering from Influenza L. J. Orres Is confined to his home, suffering with an attack of In fluenza. Takes New Position Charles Christian, who has been In charge of the shoe shining parlor on First street, for some time, Is now driving one of the yellow wagons for the Square Deal grocery. Influenza Jack Peebler has been confined to his home all of this week with In fluenza. Club Moon- Mrs. Fred Wilson was hostess Monday evening to the Come When You Can club at their home on N'or.h Main street. 111 with Influenza Mrs. G. M. Frost Is among the su'- ferers who have Influenza at the. present time. v Moved to North Main A. Street, who Is employed by D. H. Jackson on kla ranch north of the city, has moved to 722 North Main street. Reported Doing Fine Reports from the bedside of Mrs. Cleo Mast Is to the effect that she Is doing fine. Indies' Elk Club Mesdames Hughes and Provost are the hostesses for the Ladies' Elk club which will meet Thursday af ternoon. Leave for Portland Mrs. Gordon MacCracken and Mrs. Ernest Hogue will leave this even ing for Portland to attend the tenth annual meeting of the D. A. R., which is being held the last three days of the week there. They will be Joined In Por:land by Mrs. Swi- gart, who Is a member of the local chanter, but Is now a resident of Harrlsburg, Or. Held Joint Meeting The G. A. R. and W. R. C. held n joint meeting' last Saturday after noon. A fine patriotic program of songs and addresses was followed by a social hour and refreshments. The deathless loyalty and patriotic spirit of these splendid survivors of the war for union and freedom seems only Intensified by their fast dwind ling ranks. In Glendale Rev. C. F. Koehler Is In Glendale this week conducting a special serv ice in the church at that place. Visiting Mother Miss Alice Reed, of Gerber, Calif., is here visiting her mother, Mrs. II Reld, at her home, 2G4 Oak street. Embroidery Club to Meet The Friday Afternoon Embroidery club will meet this week with Mrs. Frank Foltz, on B street. Basketball at Tulcnt - The basketball quintet of the local high school went to Talent last ev ening where they engaged In an hour of practice with the Talent high school team. It was really sched uled as a game, but was in fact only good practice for the locals, the final score being 53 to 19 In favor of Ash land. The local- girls team also won by a good margin. Will Inspect Meat Market James Barrett, who left a few days ago for Cottage Grove, Is ex pecting to look over a large meat market there with the Intention of purchasing It, if suitable. Visiting Friends Mrs. Fred Marts, of Sheridan, Or., Is visiting friends In the city for a few days. Suffering from Rheumatism N. Dlx, of Dix and Sons, Is suffer ing from an attack of rheumatism, and Is unable to be at his place of business. (From Thursday's Dally) Has Been Quite 111 H. H. Palmer has been quite III at his home on Allison street, but Is considerably improved at this time. Embroidery Club The Friday Afternoon Embroidery club will meet at the home of Mrs. F. S. Foltz, at 286 B street. of the national assocla- Visits Schools Dr. W. E. Buchanan, and V. 0. N. Smith, members of the school board, spent the day yesterday visiting the schools. They report the work be ing done Is very gratifying. Notice to Masons All Masons are requested to meet at the lodge rooms at 1:30 o'clock Friday afternoon to attend and con duct the funeral of Herman GeBauer. Operated on for Abcess The son of R. E. Irwin, living at Talent, was operated on for an ab cess over the eye tho early part of the week. Gooil Being Placed The manager of the new Golden Rule store Is placing goods on the sholves In the room which they have rented In the Elks building. Returns to Grants Pass Mrs. R. L. Burdic Sr., who has been visiting with her son, R. L. Burdic Jr., and family for the past three weeks, returned to her home in Grants Pass the first of the week. Elected Presideut A. M. Heaver was elected president of the Buckeye association, which held Its regular annual meeting at Medford yesterday. A good time was reported by those who attended. Here from .N'oitli Dakota J. P. Chisholm, of Dtsmark, No. Dak., came here yesterday to try the cllmute for asthma. Mr. Chisholm! was assistant sjate veterinarian In North Dakota and will enter the practice hero, lie Is located at 217 Fourth street, as will be noted from his professional card In tho Tidings. Hotel Ashland Guest List The following guests are register- ed at the Hotel Ashland: D. L. Ijains, J. I). Dick, Eugene, Or.; Mr. and Mrs. D. C. Dooey, Columbus, Ohio; William H. Case, Grants Pass; O. S. Brown, Glendale, Or.; J. D. Bnniston, H. E. Graham, Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Jones, Seattle; Charles R. Welch, F. L. Wisdom, Robert McKee, George M. Robison, J. Brown, A. L. George, Portland; Ed Coney, Klam ath Falls; A. B. Smythe, H. B. Hels by, F. Thidyard, C. M, Ragan, San Francisco; J. W. E. Ross, Coqullle, Or ; L. .1. Merrill, Mosier, Or.; Char les Rayhard, New York City; F. H. Spooner, Chicago; and Ray L. An trim. Columbia Hotel Guests The following are registered at the Columbia hotel: E. R. Francis, G. F. Bradshaw, C. L. McCaslIn, Charles E. Thompson, A. R. Brown, J. H. Garvin, A. L. George, Portland; Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Loughlln, Seattle; 0. F. Riebel, M. D. Bryant, R. J. Schrader, Roseburg, Or.; Mr. and Mrs. Charles Ferguson, Missoula, Mont.; E. S. Bryant, Dunsmuir, Calif, and V. Q. Hales, Talent. Caller from Medford Mrs. M. S. Biden, of Medford, was a caller on Mrs. Minard, one of the new proprietors of the Plaza confec tlonery, Wednesday afternoon. Ieft for Oakland J. T. Roberts, night patrolman, left for Oakland, Calif., Tuesday night, where be will visit with bis sister for some time and see If the change of climate will benefit his health. Returns from California S. Penniston, who has been on a business trip to Grenada and Yreka, Calif., for the past ten days, returned to Ashland Tuesday evening. Visit Gold Ray Wilbert Jordan, Ed Coovllng and P. C. Jordan made a trip to Gold Hay yesterday, presumptively with the intention of catching a few steel heads. Celebrates Birthday John B. Learh, of 108 Allda street, celebrated a birthday anniversary February 22, and as the post office and banks were all closed that day, It Is said by some people that It was In celebration of his birth, but there may be a mistake In that par ticular. However, Mr. Leach has lived many long years and says that he remembers many things distinct ly that happened 70 years ago. His many friends hope that he has many more pleasant birthdays. Visits Medford Howard Rose was a business visit or In Medford Wednesday afternoon. Gas Tank Arrit- The large gas tank to be used by the new service s'utlon on Kant Main street. ne;ir the Overland gar- ase, has arrived on the ground ready for Installation. ' affiliation tlon. Talent Visitor- Mrs. John Barrett of Talent was a business visitor In Ashland Wednes day. Has Rented Home Mrs. Phillip Wolcott Jr. has rented the Mitchell property at 75 Bush. Takes Furniture to Rogue River Ben Howe, meat cutter at the Plaza grocery, left this morning with a load of furniture and other belong ings for Rogue River, where he Is building a home. Undergoes Operation Mrs. D. M. Qllmore underwent a nasal operation Wednesday morning by a local surgeon. Business Visitor Thomas Fuson, of Medford, was a business visitor In Ashland today. On Way to Soattlo Clay Myer, who lives at Seattle, Wash., passed through here on his way home from southern California, and stopped over night In Ashland ,ast nIght He states that the orange groves were fozen badly and that practically all the trees were a yel lowish green for a foot and half on the top, and that all the small trees were almost entirely destroyed. The weather when he left San Diego was the same as when be arrived at Med ford the first of the week. Tonsils Removed The little daughter of Mrs. Jennie I Hervey was operated on a few days ago and had her tonsils removed. Arrived from Dunsmuin Miss Farlln Been, of Duiismulr, arrived last evening on train 16 for a week's visit as the guest of Mrs. Charles Drue and Odessa Fol:z. (From Friday's Dally) Move of tho Day Mrs. Gomez has moved from the Virginia apartments to 117 Luurel street. alrs- Joe vvnicou nas reuieo ana 18 moving into the Mitchell property at 75 Bush street from Allison street. Jack Madden has moved to the property at 110 Laurel street. C. V. Whelock is now located at 195 Skidmore street. W. H. Casebeer, who operates the fish and poultry market on North Main street, has moved - into the property at C3 Pine street. H. C. Llghty has moved to the I. N. L. Shriner property at 311 WImer street. Alden Powell Is moving from the McN'air property at the corner of Bush street and Scenic Drive. Again at Work John Cohagen of the II. G. Enders store is back at work after a week at home suffering with Influenza. To Leave for Douglas County William Hedrlck, of 11 street, left for Douglas county today, where he will be employed for several weeks ns deputy assessor. Mr. Hadrtck will visit his son, Ray Hedrlak, of Drain, Or., before beginning his work March 1. future. Visiting at Myrtle Creek William Tedlock, of Kansas, Is en Joying a visit with his nephew, E, W. Rodlfer, of Myrtle Creek, at present. Mr. Tedlock has never been accustomed to the mountains, and finds some difficulty In getting suf flclently elevated at Mrytle Creek to view the whole of Douglas county at one time. Social Circle Meets The Social Circle of the Christian church met at the home of Mrs. Hat- tie Smith on B street. Wednesday afternoon. Some business was trans acted, and the following officers elected for the year: President, Mrs O. W. Long; vice president, Mrs. Mary Hule; secretary, Mrs. Ruth Gulslnger; treasurer, Mrs. J. V. Wright. Returns from Salem Miss Mary Sponcer, who was In at tendance at the Christian Endeavor convention at Salem, returned to her home this week. Miss Spencer re ports considerable Blckness down the valley, and said the Christian En deavor dolegutes were not allowed to visit the penitentiary on account of the severe Influenza epidemic among the prisoners. 9 At Junior High Mori Hess has left week and moved with school this his folks to California. The pupils who bare been confined to their homes with colds for some time, are gradually returning to school. The committee of entertainment has plans tor a program to be pre isented in the Armory about April 1 The county nurse has been at the Junior High and Hawthorne schools this week. Returned to Weed Mrs. Philip Mugler and daughter Lucile, who have been here for some time, returned to their home at Weed, Calif., Thursday. Recent Real Estate Deal One of the recent real estate deals Is the sale of the James Tucker prop erty consisting of a house and three lots on Avery street to his brother, M. M. Tucker, who Is now In Cali fornia. Mr. Tucker has retained two lots adjoining this property on which he expects to start the construction of a modern bungalow In the near Visits Home Folks C. p. Benedict came over from Klamath Falls last week, and after visiting home folks for a few days, want to California, where he expects .o secure employment. C. G. Bene dict Is the only Bon of C. W. Bene dict, living on Mountain avenue. New Help Orpha Oslln began work at the Home bakery on North Main street today. , Goes to Rogue River- Mrs. Ben Howe expected to leave today for Rogue River to make her future home. Mr. Howe accompan ied a load of goods that were taken there Thursday and, while he will spend a great deal of his time there, he will be In Ashland almost every week for some time. Hiked I'p Ashland Canyon H. C. Emory and Dr. C. F. Tllton took a hiko up Ashland creek can yon Wednesday and reported that It was rather rough going after hit ting the Btiow three miles from town. They went by Granger's cabin and to Keeney's cabin, the Bnow being three feet deep at the latter place. On they way they Jumped up a herd of deer, and one doe Jumped Into the path only 30 feet in front of them. Scraping the Streets The city's Fordson and scraper were busy Thursday afternoon oni some of our streets, filling up thSthr0UBh , a CBPi leftVlnR th,g morn. ruts and taking out the bumps. On Sick List Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Jordan, who live on the Boulevard, are both re ported as being on the sick list. House Nears Completion Mrs. Delia Acklln, who has been having built a new up-to-date bung alow on her property at the corner of Nursery and Rock streets, reports the house will be completely finished within the next ten days. Elks Have Big Dance The Elks' dance committee gave another of their enjoyable affairs Wednesday evening, which was largely attended and thoroughly en- Joyed by all present. A tamale sup per was served and all went home In the small hours of the night Still on Sick List L. J. Orres Is still on the sick list and information Is to the effect that he will not attempt to be at the store be.'ore Saturday. In Charge of Shoe Shlue Stand W. V. Ramsey has been employed to take charge of the shoe shining parlors on First street. Fred Deardorf, an employe of the Southern Pacific in the local yards, Is confined to his home on North Main street, with Influenza. Returns from Visit Georglanna Clift has returned to her home In Ashland after a week spent with her sister at Talent. Walks Down Town Mrs. J. N. Dennis was able to walk down town Thursday for the first time after several days at home with the Influenza. In Town Again James Bowers was In town Thurs day afternoon after a severe attack of Influenza that bug kept him at home for the past two weeks. . Passe Through Town A machine from Hood River, Or., bearing a California license, which had apparently-spent the winter In California, came iuto town from the south last evening. Returns Home Mrs. R. Hargrove, neice of Mrs. H. D. Briggs, who has been visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. E. D. Briggs at the corner of Rush and Almond streets, for the last month, left this morning for her home In New Orleans, La. Visits Relativ. Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Myer, of Seat tle, Wash., who have been In south ern California for the past three months, stopped here on their wayitton visiting with his mother, Mrs. home for a few day's visit with Mrs. I L. Judy, on East Main street, re Myer's sister, Mrs Orsinger, and her turned home on train 63 Friday ev mother, Mrs. Mary VIniog. iot. Demonstration Mrs. Mansfield, of Seattle, Wash.,' Is at one of the local stores demon stratlng the Parisian embroidery nee die. She will be here until Saturday. Reported Improved H. B. Carter, of Mountain avenue, has been on the sick list for some time, but Is able to be about again, (From Saturday's Daily) Visits Portland 8. A. Poterg Jr., of the Citizens batik, has gone to Portland to attend a meeting of the agents of the New York Life Insurance company, which Is holding a conference there this veek. '.tecovci lug Iro n Influenza Mrs. Geoiye McVicar, who resides on the Boulevard Is recovering from in attack of the Influenza. Will Speak Tuesday District Attorney Rawles Moore ill deliver an address before the W. C. T. U. if- the Presbyterian Jliurch Tuesday afternoon and will be worth hearing. Load of Fish Ben Howe was In town from Rogue River today and tells of hav ing seen on his last tripe to his place near there, two men who had been fishing, and one was carrying a long string of fish and seemed to have about all he could get along with Quito a few other fishermen wore al- oo seen busily engaged. Recovering from Influenza J. B. Saunders, who bns been con fined to his home ut 670 Boulevard for several days with Influenza, Is uble to be about again. Mrs. William Holmes, of Rkid- tnore street, who has been suffering with the Influenza for the pnst week, is Improving. Here from Roseburg Among those who came to tho bas ketball game last evening from Rose iurg were Elsie Bergh, Elva West- u , pll r)erKh. They drove fng for Medford, whore they will stay 'or tonight's game between Medford Hid Roseburg. Visits Ri-other Mr. and Mrs. Charles H. Miller, who have been visiting In southern California for the paBt two months tave been spending the pnBt two flays In this city visiting with Mr. Miller's brother and family, Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Miller, at their home on Church street. They will leave this evening for their home at Tacnma Wash. Tluslness Visitor C. A. Wyman, district traffic man ager of the telephone company, who lives at Eugene, spent Friday in Ash land looking over the traffic affairs tore. On Streets Again Dr. W. E. Blake, who has been confined to his home with Influenza for several dnys, Is able to be out Y. P. I'. Meeting Yon v 11 liko t; -ling at the Econ omy B. Y. P. U. store, the store that undersells because you do the de livering. Your money back If you ire not satisfied. No telopbone or-1 fers taken. Open from 6:30 to 7:30 f'clock Sunday evening, February 86. Basement, corner First and Hargadlne streets. ftnby Boy Mr. and Mrs. L. A. Nesler, of Grants Pass, are the parents of a fix and a half pound boy which ar rived Monday, February 20. Mrs. Fltzwater Is In Grants Pass taking rare of the moiner ana DUDy aua roth are reported as doing well- IMbrary Receives Present- William Day has presented the lty librsry with his annual donation of the World Almanac. He has also -lven the library a year's subscrip tion to the magazine, "Dumb Anl- mls." Visiting Relatives Mr. and Mrs. F. T. Cobrad, of Qacrumento, are visiting at the home rt Mrs. O. W. Long, having arrived here Thursday. Mr. Conrad Is s irother of Mrs. Long. Dies of Heart Fall Esrl Rogers, one of the best known criminal lawyers of the west, filed suddenly of heart failure at Ms borne In Los Angeles Wednesday. Hr. Rogers spent bis youth In Ash nd. being the son of Trof. L. L. Rogers, president of the old Ashland cademy, the first school of higher (ducution provided by the pioneers (or their first crop of sons and daughters. VlsiU Mother Fred Judy, of Dunsmuir, who has In Town Shopping-" Mr. and Mrs. Petef MUfia?", of Talent, were shopping in Ashland today. Passenger on Train 03 Mrs. Pearl Dodson was a passen ger on train 63 last evening. Visit Here and Grants Pass Lieutenant Enos Dahuff, of the United States navy, was an Ashland visitor Thursday, stopping here to visit his sister, Mrs. E. 0. Smith, and family. From here he went to Grants Pass to spend a few days his parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. Da huff. Lieutenant Dahuff will start soon for Guam, on a transport to be ofi from threo to five months His u . ,.i wl auy .n Sua ........ a. . u... j etari. Confined to Home T. A. Cole Is confined to his home by Illness for a few days. Property Changes Hands Mrs. W. S. Stennett has sold her property on Factory street to R. C. Morris, who will take possession In the near future. The transaction was closed through the realty agency of Mrs. S. L. Allen. Medford on Business Mr. Rhinebart was a business vis I. or tooy in Medford. Will Hold Institute There will be a county Institute of tho V. C. T. U. all day Tuesday at the I'resbyterlnn church In Ash land, beginning at 10 o'clock In the morning. A large delegation Is ex pected from Medford. Sxvial Train Tralii 16 ran in two sections Thurs day night, tho second section being the lumbermen's special, en route to San Francisco. I. T. Sparks, dis trict freight and passenger agent, was on boad the special. Entertains at Medford C. A. Wymaii, district traffic su perintendent of the Pacific Tele phone and Telegraph company, en tertained the chief operators at a dinner In Medford Thursday even ing. Guests were present from Klamath Falls, Roseburg, Grants Pass, Medford and Ashland. CKLF.HKATKS TWELFTH UlltTHIU? WITH i'AKTY Muster Bill Wilson celebrated his twelfth birthday yesterday evening In various ways. To start the even ing off in good shape, a number of boy friends were invited in to have dinner, which was served in the early evening and was rather mixed with various combats among the youngs ters. Having bad a bountiful meal the boys retired to the park and en joyed themselves in what way you will have to find out from them di rect. When It was time for the firs, show at the theater, they were all found present' and spent an hour of perfect enjoyment. Thoso presont at the party were, Horace Dunn, Joseph Conley, Jack Vims, Francis Rankey, Barney Miller, Dugal Young, Marlon Frot snfl Billy Young. Investigate Our Ideal Areola Hot Water Heating System for Small or Large Houses Our New Line of Heating Stoves Are New la Pf ovost Bros. Children's Colds better treated without dosing Apply Vicks to throat and chest. A warm glow follows. Medicated Vapors are in haled for hours after Camphor, Menthol, Euca lyptus and Turpentinet It breaks the congestion. This outside treatment is just as good for all the cold troubles of all the family. XJ VapoRuq Owr J 7 U&wm Jmn U4 Ytmfy