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About Ashland weekly tidings. (Ashland, Or.) 1919-1924 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 8, 1922)
ifHiUihi titmM ttmsm SSS&Sl Local and Personal (From Tuesday's Daily) Baby Boy- Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Silver are the Barents of an eight pound boy born Friday at a local hospital. Both mother and boy are doing nicely. Left for Indiana . Mr. and Mrs. Roy Downing, who have been living In Ashland the past lew months, left Sunday evening for their former home in Indiana, where they have purchased a farm. visitors are gladly welcomed kt this meeting. .Notice to Members of the Farm Bureau This is to notify you that we are agents for the Kelly-Spring field tires for southern Jackson county, Wt are fully prepared to take care of all members of the as sociation. Diz & Son, 399 East Main St. Phone 116. It Returns Home- Mrs. D. . Bush has returned to her home near Siskiyou after spend ing a month in Ashland. Hotel Ashland Guests Among "the late arrivals at the Hotel Ashland are the following: S. Russell, H. J. Thrall, C. Stevens, Roseburg; Mr. and Mrs. Harry Cash, Montague, Calif.; J. M. Al nutt, E. K. Hanson and family, C. W. Fullerton, Peter Oberle, E. I. Conklln, Bessie Roberts, George H. Young, W. H. Ballinger, George M. Read, Portland; E. T. Peer, Los An geles; C. L. Hanson, Oak Grove, Or., S. W. Armstrong, Corvallls; Mr. and Mrs. F. Smols; Jack Koster, Cleve land, Ohio; G. B. West, New York City; Clay A. Strong, San Francisco; J. P. Oswald, Medford; Mr. and Mrs. E. Nert, Ashland; T. A. Buford, Dunsmulr; Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Geary, Klamath Falls; Mrs. C. H. Gallogly, Gladstone, Or.; E. Cchrader and family, Teliaclloaho, Calif.; Mr. and Mrs. E. C. Williams, Salem, Or.; W.j J. Yarnt, New York City; John C. Holster, H. A. Walker and J. C. Oaks, San Francisco. Increasing Dairy Herd J. V. Wright recently purchased another milk cow to add to his dairy herd. Visits In BliaMa Valley Miss Elsie1 Crowsdn, of Eighth street, In company with her grand' mother, were visiting In Shasta val ley the first of the week. turned to their home In Dunsmulr Mondsy, Entertained at Dinner- Mr. and Mrs. E. A, Kinney, of Granite street, entertained at a fam ily dinner last Friday, a number of relatives and friends. The dinner was In honor of Mrs. Kinney's birth day. Contest Will End The contest which L. J. Orres has been conducting for the past few weeks, will be closed Wednesday of this week, and the prizes awarded. In Washington, D. C, Thursday f. ternobn. , Mrs. Menaugh had lust re ceived word that her 'daughter had fallen and suffered a broken leg. Badly Burned- James Pinion, son of M. B. Pinion, sexton of the cemetery, was badly burned Saturday afternoon at Moun tain View cemtery, when he threw gasoline on Borne live coals. The fire flashed out and caught part of his clothing on fire, Beverly burning his legs before htel-p could reach him. He was placed in an aufbmo bile and taken to the Granite City hospital, where he Is now. His con dltlon Is reported to be much im proved and he will be able to go home within the next few days. Condition Improved- Frank Homes, who was recently operated on at a local hospital and has been In a very serious condition, Is reported as slightly Improved to day. Home from Portland I. N. L. Shriner, who resides at 467 Scenic Drive, arrived home Sun day on train 13 from Pleasant Home 20 miles east of Portland, where he formerly lived, after a -three weeks visit with home folks and relatives. Mr. Shriner owns a ranch there and rented It for the year while on the trip. Improving in Health Mrs. J. W. Dietrich, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. I. N. L. Shriner, of Scenic Drive, who came here for the benefit of her health about a month ago and has been under the care of a local physician since that time, Is reported as greatly Improved. Columbia Hotel Guests The following parties are regis tered at the Columbia hotel: W. F, Phelan, Talent; Charles E. Thomp son, W. R. Ulen, J. R. Nash, 0. F. Rlebel, Mr. and Mrs. J. Mely, W. F. Emmett, Portland; Ed L. Schmidt, Grants Pass; M. D. Bryant, Rose burg; Mr. and Mrs. H. S. Frollng, Tacoma, Wash.; Miss Warren, Los Angeles; E. L. Davis, Seattle; Mr. and Mrs. Phil Halperrln and Mrs. Osgrlms and daughter of Tacoma, Wash. i Goes to Portland Mrs. Leach of the Hotel Ashland, left for Portland Monday evening on train 64 to spend several days on business and visit with her daugh ter who Is attending a private school there. Glnss Replaced at P. O. The plate glnss In the door at the post office, which was broken a few weeks tigo, has liven replaced with a new glass whic'i just arrived. On the Sick List D. McKlnney, who lives on Avery street, Is 111 with what is feared to be Influenza. Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Nininger and son Logan are all un der the doctor's care, suffering from Influenza. The little girl Is the only one In the family who is still enjoy ing good health. Traveling South Mr. and Mrs. M. Blanchard, of Ta coma, Wash., stopped over night In our city last night. They are en route to Los Angeles. Here from Trail Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Mechera, of Trail, are in shland for a tew weeks, stopping on Granite street. Mr. Mechem Is recuperating from a surgical operation performed In a local hospital last week. Meeting of Social Circle The social circle of the Christian church will meet with Mrs. O. W. Long next Wednesday afternoon. Reported HI Mrs. Reames of Fifth street Is reported to be quite 111 with a se vere cold. Slowly Improving William Sams, who was badly scalded a few days ago, Is slowly improving. Suffering from Abcessea James Beagle, who had his leg so badly bruised a short time ago that it was feared amputation would be necessary, Is very much Improved, although still suffering from ac cesses. VUiu Near Talent Mrs. J. V. Wright and daughter, Mrs. Hazel Webber, visited the Es tes family near Talent one day last week. Another Record Broken The public library Is breaking one record after another these days In the number of books put into clrcu lation, Saturday being the largest day In Its history, 378 books having been given out on that date. In ad dltlon to this, 132 books were sent out to the schools that day, making a total of 610 books In one day. Leaving for Portland- Mrs, waiter nernaon ana son Bobby left Friday evening, for Port land. Mrs. Herndon will stop over at Riddle a day en route. Spent Day Here H. E. Griffith of Medford spent Monday In our city on business. Ill With Grippe G. W. Benedict, of Mountain ave nue, la quite ill at the present with arlppe. Missionary Society Meets The Missionary society ladles of the Christian church meet on Friday afternoon at 2:30 o'clock at the Leaves for Home- Glenn Addis, of Eugene, who has been visiting here for a few days, left for his home Monday evening. Working Overtime- It is reported that the Southern Pacific Is doing a big business theso days, a number of the employes working from 12 to 16 hours out of the 24 to keep things moving, al though no new help Is being taken on. Ashland Visitor U. S. Raglan, of Siskiyou, was an Ashland visitor Saturday evening. Moved Recently Mr. and Mrs. Sullivan have moved Into the Baker house on Pennsyl vania avenue, recently occupied by the McKenzie family. Returns Home- Miss TUlle Anderson, who has been spending the past week with friends In Ashland, returned to ber home in Rogue River today. Reflnlshlng Houses F. C. Stevens Is reflnlshlng the house he owns on Fifth street. E. N. Butler, who recently purchased the house at tbe corner of Eighth and A streets, Is Improving the place by doing some inside remodeling, Touring from (he South Mr. and Mrs. E. A. James, tour ists, stopped at tbe Dew Drop Inn for breakfast today. They are on their way from 8an Francisco to Tacoma and report the roads to tbe south as being In fine condition. Dunsmulr Visitors Return Mrs. T. T. Ahlstrom and son Nor man, who have been visiting with Mrs. Ahlstrom's sister, Mrs. Mark S. Visit Medford Messrs. H. K. Tomlinson and Thomas H. Simpson were In Medford last evening helping with the final arrangements for the Lincoln day banquet which will be held at the Hotel Medford next Monday even ing. Cardlnell Tract Sold A. 0. Weber has purchased the half acre tract belonging to C. B Cardlnell, on Garfield street. Mr. Cardlnell bought the place a num ber of years ago, but only resided there a short time and then returned to Missouri, where he has resided since.. Game Association to Meet The Jackson County Game Protec tive association will meet March 1 at the Hotel Medford In Medford. There will be number of very In terestlng features at the meelng, among which will be a motion pie ture of the wild life of game in our forests. This film Is furnished by the state for instructive purposes, Some of the state officials will be present. Reported Improving Tom Roberts, night policeman, who has been In very poor health for the past several weeks, la reported as slightly Improved. enlng and engaged In a social even ing by playing various games. Re freshments were served and all ex pressed themselves as having had delightful evening. - Those present were, Mr. and Mrs. Southard, Mr, and Mrs. Travis, Mrs. Inman, the Misses Oslln, Moore, Barber, Angell, Inman, Kennedy, Ruth and Marjorle Flfleld, Miss Claudia Klum of Med' ford, Messrs. Gear. Holmes, Crow- son, Griffith, Gasaway, and Smith. Jacksonville Woman Burled Mrs. Martha W. Thompson, of Jacksonville, who died Saturday ev enlng at her home In the county seat was buried Tuesday In the Jackson villa cemetery. Mrs. Thompson was quite well known by many residents of Ashland. Improvements on Lights The lighting system in the Elmore residence on North Main street has been changed from a two wire to a three wire system. Returned from California- Mr. and Mrs. B. R. Stevens re turned Monday morning from a month's trip In southern California They were there during the freeze and say the fruit crop was very badly damaged. Visiting on Church Street- Mrs. Etta Sewell was a visitor at Louis Schweln's on Church street last Saturday. Moves Reported Today Frank Rose has moved from 170 Mountain avenue 'to 1161 Boule vard. Mrs. Agnes Herndon moved Into her new bungalow at 375 Beach street Monday. (From Friday's Daily) Social Evening at Talent The Odd Fellow lodge of Talent gave a dance Wednesday evening, and the ladies of the Rebekahs re taliated by furnishing many good things to eat. Tbe members were en titled to bring a guest each, and the result was that both old and young In great numbers were present, and spent the most enjoyable evening In months, leaving In the small hours of the morning with hopes that many more such events could be arranged In the near future. Lcedom's or chestra furnished the music Start for Portland- Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Welch, of Lau vol street, left this morning by auto oxpettlug to make the trip through to Portland. Grants Pass Visitors- Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Hobart, of Grants Pass, were dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Hal McNalr, of Oak street, Thursday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Hobart returned to Grants Pass this morning. Rufus Trusty Buys Ilome Rufus Trusty has purchased tbe five acre tract Just outside the city limits belonging to Allen Denton. Mr. TruBty will take possession of his new holdings March 1. Purclinsee Bulck Car William Glenn, who lives just out of town, has purchased a Bulck four automobile. Will Move Soon Walter Evans, who will be mana ger of the Golden Rule store which opens here In the near future, has rented the L. J. Orres property at $70 Hnrgadlne street, and plans to move next Wednesday. Record Library Circulation The month of January was the record month for the city library, 4842 books having been taken out during the month. This is a gain of 624 books over February of last year, which was the banner months pre vious to this year. Medford Service Station Robbed The Wlllard battery service ita tlon at Medford was entered Satur day night and office flxutttres and automobile accessories were stolen to the amount of $1000. Among the things taken were an adding ma chine, check protector, Bpot lights, electric horns, magnetos, spark plugs and an assortment of switches and four new Wlllard batteries. No clue has been found leading to the guilty parties. Hero on Business Dr. Janes, of Seattle, was In town Thursday on business In connection with the war risk Insurance bureau. Bund Practice The Ashland band held their reg ular band practice on Monday night, which was attended by about 26 members, the largest attendance that has turned out for several weeks. The boys are getting along In flue shape, and are now able to take hold of pieces that kio amalteur would look at. Wells CMldren 111 The two daughters of Spratt Wells of Laurel street have bevn confined to their home for the past few days, suffering from tonsllltls. Eight Pond Giil Mr. and Mrs. William Tavener have received word from their son Jeff to the effect that an eight pound girl arrived at his home January 30. Jeff is In the coast defense service at Fort Stephens, Or., and has a host of friends In Ashland. Given Shower Last Week Mrs. Harklns and Mrs. John Shortrldge gave a shower for Mrs. N. Harrison at the Harklns home Thursday of last week. A social af ternoon was spent and refreshments were served, which consisted of cake Jello and coffee. Those present were the Mesdames Perry Ashcraft, A. H, Pracht, G. C. Stephens. Jane Carter. C. H. Pierce, Harry Harrison, Hu bert Bentley, Albert Farlow, Ralph Harris, Stephen Erickson, oJhn Ru ger, T. J. Kauffman, Dobbin Irwin, William Brlggs, Clinton Harklns, Miss Maye Kaegt, and Miss Ruth Os man. Will Retain Overland Agency The Schmidt Auto company, wht have been operating the Overland garage for the past few weeks, and who sold the stock of accessories there the first of tbe week, will con tinue as agents of the Overland car in Ashland, and will occupy tbe building which the White Star gar age is vacating. hatch a goodly number of chicks this year and will be able to care for about 1200 every ten days. Weed Visitors- Mrs, rhjllip Mugler and daughter Luclle, of Weed, Calif., were in town the first of the week. Leaves for Kansas- David Kaegl, who has been visit ing his brother, J. C. Kaegl, propri etor of the White House groceteria, left for his home in Kansas last night. Seriously Ill- Mrs. Freeman A. Brown, who makes her home with her daughter, Mrs. George Icenhower, at her home at 602 Allison street, has been 111 for the past few days and Is now reported as slightly worse. Will Attend Conference A number of the B. Y. P. U. of Baptist church will attend the con ference of the Rogue River associa tion of Baptist young people which will meet In Medford Sunday, Feb ruary 12. DR, GERDINB HOLDS r INTERESTING CLINIC The Southern Oregon Osteopathic society held its first circuit clinic bf this year in Medford yesterday. In the forenoon a clinic was held for nervous and mental cases. The clinic was very Interesting in that the crises examined were so varied, including both functional and or ganic nervous and mental diseases. Dr. L. Von H. Gerdine handled these cases as only an eminent specialist could. The doctors of the society were enthusiastic oyer the clinic, while- the audience were enthusiastic over the lecture given by Dr. Gerdine at the public library, which was very well attended by Medford and Ash lund people. The members of the association' took lunch together at the Hotel' Medford. Visiting Daughter Mrs. Thomas Hoover Is here from San Francisco, visiting ber (laugh ter, Mrs. N. Harrison. Moves of tlin Day- Victor Mason has moved Into the property at 615 Liberty street. Mr. C. Freeman has moved out of the property at 162 Alida street. Mr. C. Roberts, who has been residing at 637 East Main street, has moved to the property he recently purchased at 438 A street. GETTING EVIDENCE IN ASHLAND W. M. Hudson, of Portland, con nected with the department of Jus tice of the federal government, was la town Wednesday, gathering Infor mation In regard to the : heft of F. H. Short's Studebaker car last Aug ust. Donald Robert McDonald, one of the lads who stole the car, Is now under arrest at Tacoma, Wash., and Is being held until the authorities gather sufficient evidence to assure his conviction. It will be remembered the ladsi were arrested at Red Bluffs, Calif., August 20, but escaped the same day and have been trailed from place to place Blnce that time. Diamond Spectacles nml Eyeglasses TO SUIT ALL SIGHTS We have an eye tester by which 'you can fit yourself with glasses, at prices with in the reach of all, $1.75 to $4.50. Come in uny time during the daw Former Resident W rites- Mrs. Anna Miller, 691 Falrvlew street, has received a letter from Mr. and Mrs. M. J.- Boslough, who were formerly well-known residents of Ashland, but are now living In Denver, Colo., stating that the wea ther there was 10 below zero, and that all were enjoying good health. Shooting Match Another shooting match is to be held near Phoenix Sunday, and a number of Applegate and Grants Pass sportsmen have promised to put in their appearance In order to make it Interesting for the local marks men. Drug Store Being Painted Tbe East Side pharmacy is being brightened up this week, all of the Interior wood work getting a coat of white enamel. The balance of the Interior will receive a new coat of kalsomlne. Haa New Posh ton Ray Clary, who was with the Un ion Oil company at their service sta tion on East Main street last year, but who was laid off since tbe first of tbe month, Is driving a truck for tbe Carson-Fowler Lumber company these days. Called Home Mrs. D. M. Nenaugh, who has been visiting with Mrs. H. H. Palmer for On His Feet Again Joseph Miller, of Iowa street, Is able to be about again after a week's Illness. Visitors Return Home Mrs. Ruth Stevens and little daughter, of Seattle, Wash., who have been visiting Mrs. Stevens' sis ter, Mrs. E. M. Wallen, of Church street, left for their home In Seat tle this morning. Attorney's Health Improved Attorney W. J. Moore, who has been confined to his home with a sprained back for the past week, Is considerably Improved today, being able to answer the phone at his home. (From Wednesdays Dally) Will Play V. of O. Freshmen Tbe local high school basketball team have scheduled a game, with the freshmen team of the University of Oregon, to be played here Friday February 17. The U. of O. team will play Medford the next, night, accord ing to their present schedule. Mr. Durno, who refereed the Eugene- Ashland game last Saturday Is the coach of the fresmen team at the university, and It is said he has a strong and well organized team. Sewing and Millinery dub All members of the Smith-Hughes Bewlng and millinery club are re quested to attend the program to be given by the Parent-Teachers' club! at the high school Thursday afternoon. Business Meeting Tbe ladies of the Trinity Guild will hold their regular business meeting at the parish house Thurs day afternoon at 2:30 o'clock. Will Buy Spring Goods Miss Anna Hargrove, who oper ates the millinery Bhop on East Main street, left for San Francisco Satur day, to attend the spring opeulnga of tbe various wholesale houses In that city, and to lay In her spring line of millinery. Parents of Baby Boy- Mr. and Mrs. Roy Hartzell, 667 Beach street, are the parents of a bouncing boy who arrived at 4 o'clock Tuesday afternoon, January 31. Mother and baby are dolnc well Called to California Mrs. Charles L, Hanson, 63 Pine street, was called to Lodl, Calif., this morning on account of the se vere illness of her cousin, Mrs. R. Hackle. Mrs. Hackle was formerly Miss Lou Velle of Medford. Called to Idaho Mrs. E. W. Erickson, who Is em ployed at the Tidings office, received a telegram yesterday from Caldwell, Ida., announcing the death of her sister at that place. Mrs. Edlckson left on train 64'yast evening for the Idaho city. church. All ladies of the church andlHanuker, en North Mm tmt. ra-'a few months, started for her home Sot'lal Meeting The Sperro class of young people meet at the Baptist church last ev-this year, On Way to Tillamook Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Baker stopped last night at the Hotel Ashland. Mr. Baker has been in charge of the rock crusher for the Osker Huber Con struction company at Klamath Falls for the past year, and be and his wife are on the way to Tillamook to spend a few weeks. Mr. Baker Is authority for the statement that the Malln road has been completed, and the Merrill road lacks only a mile and a half of completion, It being Impossible to do anything further this winter. The ground Is frozen so hard that no further grading cau be done at this ilme. Second Anniversary Sale FEBRUARY SKI) TO 10TII Milk, per can He. Per dozen $ Per rase $5.25 Sweet Com, 2 cans 25c. 9 cans for oo Northern States Com, 2 cans or Ittc. (I cans for .'$1.00 lomaioes, per can 15c. Dowm cans $1 75 Pea, sweet Hi f ted, 2 cans 35c. Dozen cans $1 110 sii can sac. Dozen cans 8) cau 25c. Dozen cans 1, 2H can 28c. 4 cans for 1 If '1 I, flan a f y im IB I I A 1 1 nuriinp, per can 17c. A tnm luic. . Tuna Fish, can 15c. 7 cans for $HM Oysters, per can 20c. 2 for 85c. 0 for $100 Salmon, pink, tall, 2 cans for 25c. O cans for ' " Sl'oo Salmon, red, Hut, 2 cans for 25c. O for . . . ' $1 00 These are only a few of our Sle prices. Come,' see' "vie have In cereals and flour, Coffee, Chocolate and Cocoa. PLAZA MARKET JR. A. STEARNS 61 NORTH MAIN STREET AittHiikiB I., u , ...... hi Bj-rup, ,10, a4 can sac. Dozen cans $2.05 l eaches In gyr,,,,, 0. a)4 call25c. Dozen cans $2.85 I inenpple, broken slices, 2H can 28c. 4 cans for $1.05 l Ineapple, Mononole. ullroi u i. a t,.. m .,i --3 rj-.a VImUs Over Sunday Miss Vera Roblson and Miss Flor ence Williamson, or Grants Pass, were week-end guests of Mrs. Robl son, on the Boulevard. Returned Home Mrs. C. A. Renard returnod home on train 13 Sunday after a month's visit with friends at Portland. AL1BEMS DAIRY FEED CHEAPER THAN MILL RUN BETTER THAN MILL RUN A GOOD MILK PRODUCER It contains Oats, Mill Run, Cocoanut and Molasses. Dairy cows and natisfies. iiioal, like it because it is palatable So February Meet lug There will be no regular monthly meeting of the Daughters of the American Revolution jln February, but they will observe Washington's birthday, February 22. A commit tee meeting will be held Friday af ternoon of this week at the library, at 2:30 o'clock, to make Inal ar- rangements or tbe second annual banquet, to be held on Washington's birthday. Many of our customers who have tried a few Backs invariably come back for more. You can use ALBERS DAIRY PEED In place of mill run nnd save money and make money. Ve have a bio; Rtock on hand. Ashland Fruit and Produce Association New Incubator House W. D. Booth recently completed a new Incubator house on his property! on Welghtman street, which he wllljp use for hatching his White Leghorns, f 1 i rl; iri ' r inn iiimTii m i rii itiiti iiniiinriii nun...!..,.., -. - air. Booth expects to ' K"!,,,;!;,,:;,,;;";,