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About Ashland weekly tidings. (Ashland, Or.) 1919-1924 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 8, 1922)
ASHiAJrti wtfiSiK TtsHrdil Local and Personal (From Monday's Dally) Birthday Party at Talent Peter Murray, who resides on a rural route near Talent, celebrated Ms 76 th birthday on the second day of February at his home. The guests of the day were Mr. and Mrs. H. F. Wilson, of Medford, and Mr. and Mrs. Oeorge Wilson, from the state of Maine. Quite a few nice presents were received by Mr. Murray. Pendleton Roundup Date September 21, 22 and 23 have been set for Round-up days this year at Pendleton. Mn. WUson Ill Mrs, Fred T. Wilson those on the sick list Is among live Wires Have Party The Live Wire Sunday school class of the Baptist church met at the home of their teacher, Glenn Inman, Friday evening and spent the time Jn games, light refreshments being 'served at a later hour, after which the boys reluctantly left for their homes. Popular Even in Winter Our camp ground Is used In win ter as well as In the summer time by some of our neighbors. Twelve Grants Pass high school students drove up from that city Saturday af ternoon, and were enjoying them selves around a camp tire shortly before dark. TourtsM at Camp Ground Two large trucks, all arranged for winter touring, camped over night Saturday at the camp grounds. The trucks were so arranged that they could be converted Into bedroom, kitchen or living room as the occu pants might desire, and comfort as sured In any case. Both trucks came from Spokane, Wash., originally, and are now headed In that direction af ter having spent about nine months In touring the country and visiting at different points, their last visit being made In Oakland, Calif. Mr. and Mrs. Goodwin and two children occupy one truck and Mr. and Mrs. Jack Donahue are the owners of the other. Columbia Hotel Guests The following parties are regis tered at the Columbia hotel: dura Marx, Arietta Marx, Mary Burcell, Leona Lewis, Mabel Hickey, Mar guret C. Hickey, Violet F. Rhelm, Francis Quigley, Margaret Smith, Dorlce Young, Harry N. Young, all of Etna Mills, Calif; W. E. Griffin, C. L. McCarlln, A. B. Brown, Port land; Mr. and Mrs. Rooney, Salem, Or.; Mrs. R. L. Shields, Eugene, Or., H. D. Bryant, Roseburg, and S. J. Evans, Stockton, Calif. Will Move Boon Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Groves and family, of Morton street, expect to move soon to their property on Wa ter street which they recently pur chased from G. W. Starr. (ione to Rogue River Ben Howe, who makes It bis bus iness to cut meat at the Plaza groc ery, has gone to Rogue River for a tew days. Mr. Howe, besides being an expert meat cutter, is somewhat of . a carpenter, and has gone 'to Rogue River to start construction of a residence and other buildings on his ranch near there, where he expects to retire after he has made his fortune. Rents Gunter Place O. T. Bloohmtleld has rented the house and acreage belonging to S. C. Gunter at 264 Grant street, and will occupy the same at once. Another Pleads Guilty ' Lee Street, a young man who makes bis home with his parents on North Pioneer avenue, appeared In court at 2 o'clock this afternoon and plead guilty of having liquor on his person and of selling It. . He was fined $20 and given a lecture by the court. Iieaves for HarrUburg Mrs. M. F. Swigart left today for Harrlsburg, Or., to make her home with her daughter there, Mrs. Dr. Leslie Kent Mrs. Swlgart's chil dren all reside In the northern part or the state, and she Is making this move to be near them. . Birthday Celebrated A double birthday celebration was enjoyed at the Davis home, 872 Boulevard, In honor of Lucie and Daniel Davis, on Sunday, February I. Those present enjoyed many de lightful games, and dainty refresh ments were served In the later after noon, after which the participants proceeded In a body to Christian En deavor services at the Christian church. The .guests were, Misses Geneva Crosslin, Katlee Buchanan, ' ren McLean, Racbaet Hurst, Ruby Dollar, Margulrlte McDonough, and Messrs. Vernon Hooper, Ralph Dar mody, John Crosslin, Fred Pennls ton and Ell Davis. Missionary Society to Meet The Baptist Missionary' society will meet at the home of Mrs. Ox ford at her home, 505 Allison street, at 2:30 o'clock Wednesday after noon. Mrs. Oxford will be the lead er of the meeting. Improved In Health The many friends of Mrs. M. S. Mullt will be pleased to learn that she Is recovering from her recent attack of neuritis, being very much Improved today. Have Leased Property- Mrs. Lenora Gilklson and mother, of Portland, have leaseed the prop erty at 333 B streeet and will move Into the property at once. The Ash land Realty company handled the deal. . Pload Guilty to Gambling- Three local men appeared In the city court this morning and plead guilty to the charge of gambling at the Irwin pool room on East Main street, and each was fined $50, the minimum under the law. Charges will be filed against other parties In the near future as the result of the game, It Is said. (From saturaay-s Dally) Paper C'luinges Hands F. R. Soule has purchased the Ev ening Herald at Klamath Falls from J. Murray, who has owned the paper for several months. Mr. Soule was at one time editor of the Herald, but has been connected with the Sacra mento Bee lately. At Sanitarium Mrs. AugUBta Bagley Is now a pa tient at a sanitarium near Lodl, Calif. Reported Remarried It is reported that Mrs. Gertrude McCallen Multt has remarried and is now a resident of southern Califor nia. -Vow In California Jeff Heard, formerly of this vi cinity, but more recently of New Orleans Is now located at San Ysl dro, Calif. Goes to Dunsmulr Mrs. H. C. Johnson and little sons, of 648 C street, and Mrs. H. E. Wiltse, left for Dunsmulr on train 13 this morning, to attend the un nual ball of the Brotherhood of Rail way Trainmen at that place. New Mattonlc Directory The local Masonic bodies are hav ing a ne wdirectory published, which will be out In a short time. The new directory contains all the names of members of the various orders with the exception of the Shrine, which publishes a directory of its own. Under the Went her Fred Engle, emlpoye of the Citi zens bank, Is on the sick list for a few days. Rev. Charles A. Edwards of the Methodist Episcopal church Is reported ill. Leaves for California Andrew McCallan left Friday af ternoon for Berkeley, Calif., for an indefinite visit with his mother who lives In the Bay city. Visiting Relatives Mr. and Mrs. Clemer, of McCloud, Calif., are visiting at the George Ketchum home on Helman street. They were called here on account of the critical illness of Mrs. Ketchum. Mr. Clemer Is a brother of Mrs. Ketchum. Stopped In Ashland Mrs. Pool and daughter, of Rose burg, who have been spending some time in the south .stopped o't here today on their way home, to visit friends. Returns to Work Mrs. Van Wegan Is able to be at her work again at the Square Deal grocery after a few days at home. Hotel Columbia Guests The following are laet arrivals at the Hotel Columbia. W. L. Doud lah, Portland; John Mills, Ingol, Calif.; G. T. Bradshaw, C. C. Dole and C. F. Rlebel. Buys Ford Car Mr. Jordan, proprietor of the Ar my Goods store. Is the possessor of a Ford car now. Visiting Friends - Glenn Addison, of Eugene, a for mer resident of Ashland, is in town visiting friends for a few days. Birthday Dinner Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Saunders gave a delightful dinner party at their home on the Boulevard Thursday ev ening In honor of the birthdays of Mr. Saunders, and his granddaughter Miss Irwanda Bateman. Covers were laid for 12, and two well-decorated birthday cakes were cut and formed part of the excellent dinner. Returns from Visit . Mrs. Laura V. Edwards, who has been visiting with her sister, Mrs. N. F. Wight, of Seattle, for the past two months, returned to her home hereFrlday morning on train 13. Undergoes Nasal Operation Mrs. B. D. Blgler, a resident of a neighboring California town, under went an operation on her nose Fri day. The passage of the nose was al most entirely closed, and the divid ing part of the nose was removed and a new part substitute. .(hoppers from Montague Mr. and Mrs. Cash, of Montague, were in Ashland on a shopping trip yesterday. Slightly Better Harlan McWIlliams, who has been 111 with Influenza, was reported bet ter Friday. Hotel Ashland Guest The following parties have regis tered at the Hotel Ashland: Mr. and Mrs. J. Ingle, Seattle; L. T. Larron, North Baker, Or.; F. J. Cox, F. T. Krueer, V. P. Reiiner, K. Mosudo, San Francisco; Ed Coney, Klamath Falls; Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Blackston, Denver, Colo.; Charles L. Hatfield, Z. C. Fldler, E. L. Guden, A. R. Fra: zier, Edwin Curtis, T. N. Rosslch, John J. Hoogatract, H. E. Griffith, M. McGulre, I. A. Elrod,, W. W. Woodruff, F. B. Emmons, J. L. Gray, Portland; Mr. and Mrs. Ora D. Ba ker, Klamath Falls; G. H. Addis, J. C. Curtis, Salem, Or.! Mr. and Mrs. Harry Cash, Montague, Calif.; Mr. and Mrs. F. R. Kemmer, McCloud, Calif., and A. McClanahan, Medford. Medford Dwtor in Los Angelef Dr. and Mrs. J. J. Emmens, of Medford, are spending a week In Los Angeles and other southern Cali fornia points. Visitors from Novuda Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Williamson and little son from Nevada are vis-; iting Mr. and Mrs. William Lindsay,! on Church street. Bible Drill The Chrlstlun Workers band will meet at the Congregational church at 2:30 Sunday afternoon for an hour of Bible drill and other work. All Christian young people are In vited. On Streets Again Attorney W. J. Moore was able to be on the streets ugaln today, but is going very slowly for the present. Christian Kndeavor Party A union Christian Endeavor party was held last night at the Congrega- ,unl nl,i,,Vi mumharfl frmn thA i-i rM,..!ott..n anA PntlirrA. ga ional rocieties all joining In the fun. Since the party was in cele bration of Christian Endeavor week, the organization being 41 years old at this time, hoop skirts and curls marked the hostesses and reception committee. Games, fortune telling, singing, and taffy pulling made the time fly and when at a late hour :he party broke up, every one went home feeling that they were glad they had come. Civic Improvement (lull The Civic Improvement club will meet on Tuesday afternoon, Febru ary 7, Id the parlor of the public library. Important business Is to come before the club at this meeting and a large attendance Is desired. At Work Again Mrs. A. Bullen, who operates the Dew Drop Inn, and has been unable to be her place of business for sev eral days. Is again on her feet and supervising the work at the popular lunch room. Class Party The Philathea class of the Baptist church entertained the Sperro class of the same Sunday school at the church last night. About 15 young people were present and enjoyed the evening, which was spent In games. Refreshments were served at the close of the party. ' B. Y. P. U. Meeting The young people of the Baptist church will hold their regular meet ing Sunday at 6:30 o'clock sharp. Their subject will be "A Better B. Y. P. U." Come and learn the sec ret, they say. (From Thursday's Dally) W. C. T. U. Meeting The W. C. T. U. ladles at their meeting Tuesday, voted for the coun ty institute of that organization to be held in Ashland the last of Feb ruary. Mrs. Alice Jillsnn, county presid 'lit. has the institute plans In charge. The Francis Wlllard memor ial program will be rendered at the usual time February J7. Th place 'of this meeting will be announced later. On Sick List Mrs. Lulu Van Wegen, clerk at the Square Deal grocery, Is unable to be at the store today on account of an attack of the grippe. Price Family Will Move The Leslie Price family, living on Mountain avenue, expect to move soon to a location near the Haw thorne school, having rented their dairy ranch on Mountain avenue to other parties who will soon move there. Out of School Florence Wilson, (laughter of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Wilson, of the Ideal grocery, Is among those who are on the sick list and Is unable to attend school. Visits Parents Prof. Ercell Hedrlck, of Central Point, was In town over Sunday vis iting his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wil liam Hedrlck on B street. Teacher Sick- Miss May Hedrlck, who teaches In the Hawthorne school, Is on the sick list this week. Change of Officer At the meeting of the W. C. T. U. Tuesday, Mrs. Luella Stearns offered her resignation as president of the local organization on account of pressing home duties, and Mrs. W. R. DavlB, of Allison street, was chosen to fill the vacancy for the ensuing year. Receives Promotion- Lynn D. Mowat, former city edi tor of the Tidings, was recently elect ed one of the seven directors In the newly organized board of the Ameri can City bureau, western division, with headquarters at San Francisco. Mr. Mowat is the con of Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Mowat of this city, who reside on Beach avenue. Returned from Weed Mrs. Clara Foster, of A street, re- turned from Weed, Calif., last week, where she has been visiting for some time. Homo from Santa Ann Amos Nininger and family have returned home from - Santa Ana, Calif., where they have been spend ing the past month or so with Mr, Nlnlnger's relations. Taken Home Mrs. C. B. Lamkln, who broke her arm In a fall several days ago and has been In a local hospital for the pust few days, was able to return to her home on North Main street Tues day. Birthday Party Billy Fraley, son of Mr. and Mrs. Milton Fraley, entertained a number of his young friends on his second birthday Wednesday afternoon at the home of his aunt, Mrs. Hal McNuir. Games were the amusement of the afternoon, after which dainty re freshments were served. Mrs. El bert Fallow was awarded the first prize in the games of the afternoon. Those present were, Mrs. R. L. flur dio and son Bobby; Mrs. S. A. Pet ers Jr. and daughter Milllcent; Mrs. Edwin Dunn and daughter Helen; Mrs. Gerald Wenner and daughters Gertie and Geraldlne; Mrs. Ralph Harris and daughter Marjorle; Mrs. Elbert Farlow and son Bobby; Mrs. Everett Smith and son Mark; Mrs. C. Norton and daughter Margaret; Mrs. Gene Hastings and daughter Jeanette; Mrs. D. L. Stevens and son Jack; Jtfrs. C. W. Fraley, Master Billy Fraley and Master Jamie Mc Nalr. Moves of the Day Daniel F. Kay and family are mov ing from Liberty street to 178 Skid more street. Reported as Improving James Belgle, who was quite ser iously Injured a tew days ago, while out In the mountains trapping, Is re ported as slowly Improving. Appointed Deputy William Hedrlck, of B street, has received an appointment as deputy assessor of his home county Doug las where he formerly served as deputy assessor for 14 years before moving to Ashland last year. Mr. Hedrlck will go to Douglas county March 1 to see to his work there. Magazine Agent Hera Miss Tlllie Anderson, of Rogue River, who is agent for several high class periodicals, spent a few hours In the city yesterday. Leave for South Mrs. William Denton, of Laurel street, In company with ber sister, Mrs. Clara Borah, of North Main street, will leave Friday morning tor Red Bluffs, Calif., by train, where they will get the Denton machine. left there soma tlm IgO, and travel on south. They expect to be gone about a month and will probably visit Long Beach and other southern California towns, the weather per mitting. " Paul Mars Returns to Home Paul Mars, who underwent an op eration at a local hospital a week ago yesterday, Is on his feet again and was seen on the streets Wednes day afternoon. The physician states that Paul has made as rapid Im provement as he has ever seen and It Is hoped by all of his friends that Paul will now regain his former health. Taken Home Miss Agnes Hedburg, who was op erated on last week for appendicitis was removed to her home Wednes day. She Is doing exceedingly well. Mrs. Mills Arrives Home Mrs. V. V. Mills, who has been spending a tew weeks visiting In and around San FranctBCo, returned homo Wednesday evening on train 54. Four Cars Sold The Class A garage sold four cars during the pust week. John Wag ner of Dunsmulr purchased a Reo touring; Miss Pearl McHenry of Hornhrook, a Ford; Albert Cantlnl of Hilt, a baby grand Chevrolet; and Robert Plnson of Ashland, a Lexing ton. Mrs. Gillette Convalescent Mrs. H. H. Gillette, who has been quite 111 at her home on Gresham street, is able to be up and around again. Unnblo to Work- Hazel Smith, who works at the J. H. McGee dry goods store, was un able to fill her position today on ac count of Illness. Visitor Returns Home Miss Ardath Losher, who has been visiting with the Emerys for the past several days, returned home Tues day evening. Mrs. Hhernrd Ill Mrs. Albert Sherard la quite 111 at her home on East Main street. College Friend Visits John Frederick Mason, a reader, impersonator and humorist, has beon the guest of Dr. and Mrs. W. J. Crnndall for the past few days. Mr. Mason and Dr. Crundall are old col lege friends. Aside from being an entertainer, Mr. Mason Is also a writer of verse, one of his latest ly rics being "The Mountains of Ore gon," which has been set to muBic and is now being published. The beauties of Ashland have made a deep Impression on Mr. Mason, and he was especially Impressed with a trip to the summit of the Staklyous. which he and Dr. Crandall took. He returned north yesterday to give a series of entertainments, where he will bear witness to the beautiful features of Aslhand. Arrested in Portland Word was received here this mom lng from Portland to the effect that i man giving the name of Alfred Burke had been arrested there and had on his person, a check for three thounsand dollars on the Citizens Bank of Ashland and signed by a party unknown here and therefore Is presumed to be a forgery. It Is thought that this man may be Baker, with whom the Class A Garage had some trouble some time since. Roads Reported Good Ed High has just returned from a trip over the mountains and re ports the roads good as they have been for several -months past. Quite Ill Ernest Hogue Is quite 111 at his home on Laurel street with an at tack of grippe. On Sick List John Rlggs has been confined to his home on Glenn avenue for sev eral days with a sprained back, the result of trying to crank his machine one cold morning. He Is slightly Improved at this time. Sprained Ankle J. E. Hicks, clerk at the T. H. Simpson hardware store, sprained his ankle the first of the week while breaking kindling and Is unable to be at work. Legion Auxiliary Meeting The local unit of the American Legion Auxiliary will meet at the home of Mrs. Wolcott Friday after noon at 2:30 o'clock. All new mem bers are requested to be present and get acquainted with the work as well as the members. Important business Is to come before the unit at this meeting. Hotel Aahland Guests The following parties are register ed at tbe Hotel Ashland: W. H. Ed wards, Ben Mitchell, Alonso Morrl- son, J. C, Myers, Portland; E. E. Rorapaugh, Eugene; H. G. Nlssen, C. A. Rodman, Mrs. K. G. Byron Brink man, San Francisco; D. M. Lowe, H. E. Wood, Medford; P. M. Prosses, Boston, Mass; F. W., Smith,' Glad stone, Or.; J. S. MeKeown;-Aloha, Or. ; F. G. 03tland, Minneapolis, Minn., and F. M. Rowley, Eugene. L I Two extraordinarily good gaiues of basketball were played at the high school gymnasium Saturday night. The preliminary game was played be tween the famous Etna Mills, Calif., girls team, which has stood unde feated for the past two years, until Friday night when the local hlnh school girls beat them by a score of 37 to 29. The result of the game Saturday night was much doner and the game much harder fought than the previous evening, the fiuul score standing 22 to 18 in favor of the locals. At the end of the first half the score was 9 to S in favor of Ash land quintet, and many times during the last halt the game was very much In doubt. The visitors gained the lead at one time, and things looked dark for the locals, but by good team work they pulled out and were In the lead before the final whistle. The second game of the evening was between the Talent high school and the second team of the local high school. The Talent quintet came to Ashland with the notion of tak ing away the large end of the score, having beaten the Medford all-star team Friday night by a scoro of 25 to 16. But they were sadly mis taken In their ability to cope with the local team. It must be said for the Talent team that they were not altogether slow, for the game was hard-fought from sturt to finish, and they gave the local boys something worth working for. They were not beaten until the sound of the time keeper's whistle, when the score of 25 to 16 in favor of the locals had been- posted. Quite u few fouls were committed, hut the game was un ex ample of good, scientific basketball, and both teams only need a slight bit of polishing to be able to cope with the best teams In the state and make a creditable showing. Jacksonville R. R. Changes Hands A deal whereby the Rogue River Valley ruilroad, operating between Medford and Jacksonville, will be transferred to J. W. Opp, owner of the Opp mine near the county seat, and a group of Portland capitalists, Is being consummated In Portland today, according to fthe Mall Tribune. Joe Gagnoii, present operator of the railroad, und Mr. Opp, left Fri day night to complete the negotia tions which have been hanging fire for six months. The new deal Is expected to result In new lite In the mining district west of Jacksonville, and to this end the Opp mine will enlarge Its stamp mill to handle the output of smaller mines, by building feeders to them. A cement, brick and tile plant is also planned for establishment at the Opp mine for the utilization of ore tailings for the making of ce ment for pnvlng, tiling, etc. Mr. Gagnon bolleves that he has laid the foundation for the ultimate extension of the line to thee ocean, a survey for such being made sev eral years ago by subscriptions from local merchants. OND SCHOO m BEATS The Man Who Pays By Check knows that his method of paying bills is business-like. He realizes that his cancelled checks will he receipts about which there can be no argument. It is not necessary for him to carry large sums of money and his check stubs provide an ac curate record of expenditures. The Citizens Bank Ashland, Clears the Head New Way toTreat Citarrli j Head colds are checked or j wardedoffiftreatedprompt- I ly with Vicks VapoRub. , Nasal catarrh often becomes less distressing. Melt Vicks j and inhale the vapors. Then : apply in nostrils. Repeat use . at bedtime. Antiseptic vapors, inhaled all night make sleep easier. VapoRub Ov r 17 Million Jan Uted Yearly FOR THE WHOLE FAMILY You may have seen the family group that The Youth's Companion has chosen for Its symbol. It ap pears on all Companion stationery, and on all Companion advertising matter. It typifies the idea that The Companion stands for the sol idarity of the family. In its stories, In its articles, In its contents gen erally, The Companion speaks to the family, animated by the spirit that draws parents and children together round a common hearthstone, shar ers In the same duties, the same Joys, the same aspirations. New subscribers for the year will receive: The Youth's Companion 52 splendid weekly issues; and if re quested, the Companion Home Cal endar for 122. For only $2.60. Or Include McCall'a Magazine, the monthly authority! on fashions. Both publications, only $3.00. THE YOUTH'S COMPANION Commonwealth Ave. and St. Paul St. Boston, Mass. New Subscriptions Received at this Office. INCUBATORS Send for your free copy of Cata logue describing the Standard Elec tric Incubators and Brooders. En tirely different. Combined Incuba tor nnd Brooder nothing like It. After hatching chicks, convert Into a brooder no additional expense. All sizes. In use at Agricultural Colleges and largest commercial hatcheries. Write today for Cata logue. STANDARD INCUBATOR MFG. CO. Medford, Oregon CARLOAD SHIPMENT OF Fencing from Eastern mills Just In. Con siderable drop In prices on same. GOOD CEDAR POSTS New prices on Implements and re pairs. . New a id used sewing machines for sals or to rent Pe7's Corner lv itUite Our Ideal Areola Hot Water Heating System tor Small or Large Honses Our New Line of Heating Stoves Are Now In Pt ovost Bt os. Oregon v.! i