Ashland weekly tidings. (Ashland, Or.) 1919-1924, November 02, 1921, Page PAGE THREE, Image 3

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    wuitttiuW. itovimiw i, lMi
To Aid Portland Poor
Mr . H. J. Van Fowon, secretary
of the Women'! Horn Missionary so
ciety of the Methodist church, urges
all who will help to fill a barrel with
canned fruit for the Portland Indus
trial Center to leave their contribu
tions at the church sometime this
week. The Portland home is a place
where poor children come to be
clothed, fed, instructed and amused,
as well as helped In numerous other
Builds Home Addition
James RudJ Is building an addi
tion to his borne on Liberty street.
Mr. Rudii's brother Is making his
Inline with the Hudd's.
Dinner Nets $70
The Congregational dinner and
sale, held In Pioneer hall last week,
netted the church 170. The ladles
are especially appreciative of the
Methodist "brethren and slstern"
who contributed materially to the
success of the project.
Teacup Club lo Meet
The Teucup club will meet Tues
day afternoon at the home of Mrs.
II. J. Carter, 321 Alta avenue.
Messrs. Tallman, Edwards, Van Fos-
son, Pratt and Gllmore will assist
the hostess. All members and!
friends cordially Invited. A special
invitation Is extended to strangers.
Large Apple Shipments
Oregon shipped more cars of ap
ples last Thursday than any other
state In the country, with the excep
tion of Washington, which sent forth
354 cars. Oregon shipped 161 cars,
while Idaho sent forth 69 cars. ThiB
Is a record run from Oregon. Mar
ket for apples at eastern and mid
west points continues slow to weak
generally, although In Isolated In
stances steady tone Is Indicated.
Portland Journal.
Weather Predictions
Weather predictions for the week
beginning Monday are:
Rock Mountain and Plateau re
gions Generally fair and normal
Pacific States Generally fair In
California and considerable cloudi
ness and occasional rains In Wash
ington and Oregon; normal tempera
ture. Ball Is Forfeited
The two men of the Ashland joy
riding party Who were arrested ear
ly last week under 'the names of
James and John Doe, In Medford
and who put up $20 ball each for
their appearance in Justice Taylor's
court the next day on the charge of
intoxication, failed to appear, as was
expected, and forfeitod this money.
Heavenly Phenomenon
The four planets of Venus, Jupi
ter, Saturn and Mars will be in per
fect alignment the last of this month
and the night of October 31, Mon
day, this heavenly phenomenon will
be visible on the Pacific coast ac
cording to astronomers. As this Is
an extremely rare configuration,
which will not occur again for 60.
000 years, Ashland folks are warned
to be on the lookout on Monday.
Irrigation District Sells Bonds
The Fort Vannoy irrigation dis
trict, organized among the land own
ers of the lower valley below the
Grants Pass Irrigation district, has
sold bonds of the district in the
amouut of 125,000, the block being
bid In by Chris Elsmann, represent
ing a syndicate ot the farmers. The
bondj were sold at 90 cents, the
same figure as that received by the
Grants Pass district for its bond Is
sue. The Fort Vannoy district pro
poses to Install so electrical pump
ing equipment to" tater the 1000
acres within 'the district. The dis
trict plant will supplant a number
ot privately-owned plants. Grants
Pass Courier.
llaby (Jirl Arrives
An eight and a half pound baby
girl haB arrived at the home of Mr.
and Mrs. Newell Wright, of Buell,
Idaho, according to letters received,
by Ashland friends. Mr. Wfrlght
was a former ticket agent at the p
cal Southern Pacific company office
and is well known here.
Moves to Pacific Grove
Mrs. J. H.. Parquhar, wife of a
former Ashland minister, has sold
her Portland home and moved to
Pacific Grove, Cajllf., making the
trip by ocean steamer,
Returns to 'Frisco
Miss Louise Homes, employed as
a trained nurse in a San Francisco
Are You An Ailing Woman?
Here is Something Worth Reading
Spokane, Wash. "I wish to stale fur
the benefit of those who may be Buffering
as I did, that 1 have used Dr. Pierce's
medictms for the past 4o yeirs at differ
ent times both for myself and for my
family. I am 72 years of age and have
raised a large family. I used Uie 'Favor
ite Prescription' during motherhood with
good results and cheerfully recommend it
to prospective mothers. At one time,
after doctoring all winter for feminine
trouble and liver dlieane, with no appar
ent relief, I was fully restored to health
by using Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescrip
tion, Golden Medical Discovery and
Pleasant Pellets." Mrs. Elixa P. War
ren, 407 E. Providence Ave.
All druggists sell Dr. Pierce's medi
xines tabk td or liquid.
hospital, left this i.iortilng on the
S o'clock train to resume her work
i id that city. Miss Homes baa been
at home with her parents, Mr.' and
Mrs.. Charles Homes, for
weeks, recuperating from a serious
Recovers from Illness
Paul Mars, who has been quite 111
for some time, was able to resume
work In his father's shop this morn
ing. Move to Apartments
F. E. Russell and daughters have
moved from North Pioneer street to
apartments over Butler's confection
ary store.
Visits Friends Here
Mrs. M. E. Davis, en route to Oak
land, Calif., from Seattle, Wash., was
a recent visitor at tne nome oi r, Ue So(la s,)rln(!g ,ci,00i house. .
and Mrs. J. L. Greenwood. j
j JiK'knoii Counly Man Offered
Jcmwi Wlnbnm Leaves Word comes from headquarters of
Jessie Wlnburn, accompanied by the Oregon State Teachers' associa
Mr. and Mrs. Bert Moses, left Sat-1 Hon, that already Malheur, Harney,
urday for San Francisco. The trip Lake, Klamath and Jackson counties
was madj In Winburn's car, Milt Ble-j have named O. W. Ager, former
gal officiating at the wheel. Mr. I county superintendent of schools In
Wlnbum's headquarters will be a: Jackson, for coming vice president
the Falrmount, where his stay will of the statu association.
... ... . .
be indefinite. He carries letters of
introduction to several former Ash
landers now living In 'Frisco and ex
pects to enjoy his stay In the Cali
fornia metropolis. Mr. and Mrs.
Mo8es are expected to return to Ash
land In ten days or two weeks.
HiUovra'en Social
The Junior society of the Baptist Successful (Juiifl Hunter
church enjoyed a Hallowe'en social! James Floyd Place, railway mall
in the church Friday evening. There! clerk, returned yesterday from a
were many spooks and ghosts pres-j hunting explditlon after bagging sev
ent, as all came masked. One of era I quail.
me principal eiiieriuinmeius oi UQ
evening was the Initiation into the
Wizard and Witch order. Some of
those present were fortunate enough ,
to reach the third degree. There i
was also a "real" gypsy present who
propounded fortunes to the delight j
of all. Last, but not least, were the
Hallowe'en "eats." About fifty Juii- M'il"r Homo Rented
lore and their friends were present The Lydla Smith property, for
to enjoy the fun. nierly occupied by J. Miller and fam-
i ily, !u the Belleview district has been
Bungalow Xears Completion j rented to Mr. Mentell and family.
The new bungalow being built by j The new renters have taken posses
Putnam Brothers for Mrs. Agnes slon.
Herndon, Is nearlng completion,
MisHlunuiy Rally
C. E. Bolebr, rettirned missionary;
from Damoh, India, where he has:
been In charge ot the boys' orphan-,
age for several years, will speak at;
an all-day missionary rally tit the
Christian church tomorrow. Mr.
Belehr will give a first hand account
of missionary work In India and
what It has accomplished for the
youth of that country. Roy K. Road-
ruck, C. F. Swander and Mrs. E. T.
Moore are other speakers on the pro
gram of the meeting which will be
gin at 10:30 o'clock in the morning.
During the evening lantern slides
will be used to illustrate the lecture,
Th ehi,r,.h hn. extended a cordial
Invitation to everyone interested in'e "ie 8Cene "d brought Mr.
missionary work. No admittance Po"- ' bis home on Sherman street,
charge is made.
Hear Bishop nt Medford
Twelve carloads of Ashland members
of the Methodist Episcopal church
motored to Medford yesterday even
ing to hear Bishop William Shepard,
of the Portland area, deliver an ad
dress at the Methodist church of
that city. Services at the, local
church was suspended yesterday ev-.
enlng to allow the Ashland congre-
gation to bear the bishop. Bishop;
Shepard, accompanied by Dr. W. W.
Johnson, Dr. F. A. Danford, and
Rev. Charles A. Edwards, pastor of
-the Ashland church, will leave Port-
land Wednesday for Chicago, where
they will attend a world conference
of church leaders and missionaries.
Rev. Edwards will leave Ashland
Tuesday for Portland.
Hunters Are Lucky
Billy Murphy, Dick Coleman, Jack
Bush, John Drake and Fred Miller
returned Friday from Bly, where
they spent eight days hunting. They
had the beBt of luck, bringing home
with them one large deer and plenty
of ducks and geese. i
Leave for St. Paul I
Fred H. Miller, Jack Bush, Dick I
Coleman, Billy Murphy left Sunday
for their home at St. Paul, Ore.!
They will return to Ashland next
year with their families and intend
making their homes here. Mr. CoIe-
man and Mr. Bush spent a few days
In the Belleview district visiting,
friends before leaving for St. Pau.1. ,
Belleview Visitors
C. C. Crowson was a visitor in the
Belleview district Wednesday of last !
week. William Oden was visiting!
Mends In that neighborhood Friday. 1
Reletter Muil Boxes j
Mr. Bowman is relebtering and Ashland Is Healthy Place
numbering all the mall boxes on the. Ashland climate is healthier than
Talent mall route. This is a ruling that of southern California, accord
whlch has been received from the i InK to Mrs. Alvena Bullen, former
postal service lately. Each patron's Ashland resident, who has returned
name will be put on his box in big: from EnglewooJ. Cal'f., where she
letters, and the box numbered also.!
fVlehrat (iolrien Wedilinip
Apple cider, a dinner party and a ; United States navy officer stationed a case examination to the Ashland
gathering of old-time friends were! in southern California, says that tbeerber railway mall clerks, and dl
in order today at the home of Mr. sudden change of climate In the cussing with the local postmaster the
... ....... j.-i ...i . I ni.n fnr hindllns the motor vehicle
and Mrs W. J Aram. Ill ISUrsery
who are erbrating their
Moth and golden wedding gnnlrlf-
.. i
sary. Mr. and Mrs. Arant niovea iO;Wiiiu mere.
Ashland a year ago from Klamath
Pulls, where Mr.""Arant was in the
stock raising business, and since
1 .... . . - - t -1 - . '
that time nave maae many irwiws ,
here. They were marriea in ttoae-irons
burg, October 29, 1871. From 1902 ed by Mrs. N. Z, Stewart. . A pleasant
to 1913 Mr. Arant was the first afternoon was spent in needlework,
superintendent of Crater Lake Na- after which refreshments were serv
tional park and Mrs. Arant had ed, which consisted of EnchiUadas,
charge of the first postofflce at the! pumpkin pie with whipped cream,
park. Mr. Arant is seventy-one and coffee. Those present beside
! years old. Mrs. Arant Is a member ,
of an Oregon pioneer family and was'
formerly Miss Emma. L. Dunham.
Christian Worker)' Band
The evening services at the Bap
tist church tomorrow will be in
charge of the Christian Workers' J
n,.,,i Tim vnnnir nennln will hold.
services the following Sunday with i
t,w Taient Christian Workers' Band.
- I H. E. Wood, coacn of the Klamath
Asthma Sufferer K-ek Health j Fails high school football team, who
William Harvey Hammond, grand-' refereed the Ashland-Medford foot
boii of Rev. and Mrs. P. K. Ham-1 ball game on the local field this af
mond, has decided to stay with bis ternoon, arrived early this morning
grandparents, hoping that the Ash-
land climntn will cure him of As
thma. -
,i .. 1 1 i . u.i i t . . .
", inny
Pupih at tuo Meiieview .school,
ceased their studious activities early
yesterday afternon to ojnliven life
with a Hallowe'en party at the
Hallowe'en Party
Members of tho Junior Christian
Endeavor society, of the Congrega
tional church, engaged In a "candy
pull' yesterday evening at the H. B.
Carter home on Mountain avenue.
Mrs. farter and Mrs. W. Judson
Uldfiel.J were the hostesses at the
l""ly n-u an umn;u uumc
..... .. 1 : 1. . .. ... . I
' Hallowe'en, an event which wlll
he properly observed by Young Am -
erlCl1 ,n! Monday.
Enginriv l-i fi:;sed
J. C. Poor, an engineer for the
S. P. company, nearly lost his life
in tunnel thirteen at Siskiyou, Wed
nesday afternoon, when he was over-
come wl,h aas. A local doctor rush-'
where he is slowly improving.
EsM" Piirty Visits
J. N. Clark and R. Doyle, of Sag
Krancisco, Walter Davis, Traveling
Engineer and W. O. Glmmel, stenog
rapher, of Dunsmulr, were a party
of S. P. company officials on, a busi
ness trip to Ashland Thursday and
lunched at the Elks' club.
Markets Fine Grapes
M. L. Hartley, ot North Talent,
hv i been marketing his crop of fine
gra;"s, which he raised on his high
groui.d. He has had some of the
finest l'oae of Peru grapes that have
been raised In the valley this year.
Experiment Station Improved
There has been some Improve
ments being made at the state ex
periment station in Talent the past
week In the way of "a new roof, and,
some painting which greatly Im
proves the appearance of the station.
Visit. i Parents
Glen Croy, whoso parents were
formerly owners of the H. O. Shears
placo in North Talent, camo through
Talent on his way to Salem, to visit
his parents who are residing tbere
Bcrcan Class Entertained
Another jolly good time was had
by the members of the Baptist Ber
ean class Thursday afternoon, when
they were entertained by Mrs. D
Glllmore and Mrs. C. N. Glllmore at
the home of the latter on Liberty
street. An Informal program was
given. Pumpkin pie and cider was
served by the hostess- Those present
were Mesdames O. F. Ca'son, F.
ank Ward. J. E. Spates,
w- Evans- "r"f"'. Hamilton,
I, mil Wilson, l liildretn. .McDonougn
Albert Williams, D. Gilmore, C. N
has been residing for several years,
land Is now a" the Vista Aparmoits.
Mrs. Bullen. who Is ths trfit Of a
Bouuiern bihic wa uruimviua, iw r - i
f.f-lber heaith and that she had wj.erc. over ,h.,
lutiiitt wt ttttm
ilck with influent seven
Km broidery Club Meets .
The Friday Embroider? club Ipet
. J hl.l. U ftw...u
yewruy. ww
oa o sirrei. suv was assise
the hostesses were: Mesdames O. W.
Long, Frank Nelson, Frank Oulslng-
er, Roy Hale, Mark 8mith, C. A. Cot
ter, Guy Jacobs, and S. Dyrud. Mrs.
Brownjohn from Hilt was a guest
fo: tbs day.
"Brownie" Party
The kindergarten children and
their little guests naa a jouy party
Friday afternoon. The .Hallowe'en
"Brownies" present were: Virginia
Crandall, Clarice Qrowson, Mildred
Doran, Jack Endbrs, Carl Hamaker.
LucTa Belle Holmes, Dorothy Nln
Inger, Logan Ninlnger, Fern Mad
den, Florence Schwann, Margery
Stratton, George Francis Smith, Eu-
nice Wing, Constance Wlllard, David
Referee Football Game
and Is stopping at the Hotel Ashland.
Gas Company to Retain Offl
Contrary to previous reports tho
Oregon Gas and Electric company
will maintain an Ashland office for
the convenience ot local gas users,
the agency having been taken over
by the Provost Brothers hardware
according to a statement made this
tmiumB u
! . . . . ... nni r nu.L .. t
i morniug oy inoiuui u. mm, iti
president and general manager on
the company. Mr. Pitch was In the
city today tor the purpose of becom
ing acquainted with Ashland and the
local merchants. He states that O.
C. Jenkins, former manager of the
Ashland office, will be transferred to
the Roseburg office as manager, and
the local gas supply will be Improved
by the installation of a $3000 com
pression tank. More than $30,000 is
being spent to improve the com
pany's service, Mr. Pitch stated.
District Laundry Owners Meet
Oregon' laundry owners were be-
ing entertained in Ashland thU.
morning, and were shown about the
city before leaving for Medford,
where they attended a; meeting of
the District Laundry Owners. Th
taundrymen expressed themselves as
,1 , I ,.U A. .VI. ,L. 1
nsu piruseu wiui Agumiiu, u vims-
ure. they admitted, being aided and
' abetted by a 1 o'clock dinner at the
Hotel Asbland. Members ot the
party were: E. S. Welder, Albany;
V. A. Speer, Portland; Glenn Fab
rlck, Med.'ord; L. Ringer, Medford;
and Mr. and Mrs. F. E. French, of
Ilalovre'en Supper
All members of tho Civic club' are
Invited to attend the sixty cett sup
per at the Hotel Ashland Monday
night. It will be "ladles' night,"
with women for the principal speak
ers. All members of the Chamber
of Commerce are expected to be
present, the men to act as chorus,
while the ladles do the solo work.
Plans have been made to accommo
date one hundred guests. Tickets
may be engaged at the Chamber of
Commerce or from Mrs. C. H. Pierce.
Offer Special Prizes
H. H, Lowe, of Butte Falls, ralse
er of fine blood registered rabbits,
has offered two special prtxes for
rabbit exhibits at the coming Winter
Fair, November 7, 8, 9 and 10. Mr.
Lowe, who Is a worker for the pro
motion of junior farm work affairs,
has offered a registered New Zea
land rabbit for the best pair of rab-
bits exhibited by the boy or girl;
under sixteen years of age. For the!
ubbl rauuii einiuiieu hi me lair Mr.
Lowe has offered a registered New
Zealand buck.
Study Class Finishes) Work
The study class of the Presbyter
ian Missionary society coucluded its
six weeks study course under the
leadership of Mrs. James Rudd, at a
missionary tea given yesterday at
the home of Mrs. William Mathes
who acted as hostess. A vote of
thanks was given Mrs. Rudd by mem
bers of the society. The ladles filled
a missionary box with gifts to be
sblpped to sn Indian mission at Wolf
Point, Mont.
Anto Service Project
First aid to stranded motorists
within a radius of fifteen miles of
Ashland Is the purpose of newly or
ganized business enterprise known
as the Motor Aid Service company,
under the management ot A. B. Mc-
Kenzie. The service, supplied at a
nominal yearly charge, will Include
towing of disabled oars, tire chang
ing, delivery of gasoline and oil to
"powerless" ears, and other Inci
dentals. "
Mail Clerks Examined
N. J. Nelpped, assistant chief clerk
of the railway mall service, was np
from San Francisco tbla week giving
division III the event ot it railroad,
strike. The postmaster has received:
several tentative bids on the pro-j
posed star route service, and reports ,
that the prospect for handling the
mail in this manner looks very en-;.
Attend Missionary Conference
The Presbyterian missionary con
ference Wednesday eveniug at Med
ford was attended by. the following
Ashland delegation: Mr. and Mrs.
C. B. Lamkln, Mrs. J. W. McCoy,
Mrs. H. E. Bsdger, Mrs. Van Sant,
Mrs. Ella Garrett, Rev. C. W. Hulet,
end Rev. and Mrs. C. F. Koehler.
Record Insurance Adjustment
Mrs. S. L. Allen, realty dealer am?
Insurance writer, on North Main
street, believes she holds the record
for fast adjustment of Insurance1
claims. Within two days after the
fire which destroyed the one story!0" "",lnK I
frame building at 616 Oak street' Cuestfir TllUle left 'fl.fl,e,day
Monday of this week, D. S. Powell, en,n f,,r KtamHl Fu"8 " a we,k"'
the owner, had a $1000 check to nulltlK rP-
cover his loss. Mrs. Allen, the In- '
surlne arent. mnnaaed the oulck ac-
tlon by wiring to Portland and ob
Ruining the services of an adjuster.
I Mrs. Allen states that it is the first!
Instance of a complete loss experl-
enced In nineteen years of insurance
wnrk In AHhmnr! Twn nther Innrien
of S5 and 125 each sunnlement the
11000 loss during the nineteen years,
Mrs. Allen claims.
. jins to tne nrivers or tne Mamatnirs. anlitu Moore Riley, state
Upturns from Portland j Falls auto stages. The drivers state commander of the association.
Mrs. Ida Veghte arrived In Ash-!"1111 ra,n nn(' 8,low were encoun- The tables were decorated with
land last evening from Portland, j tcre1 Ht the' summit yesterday. ' r,., carnations and smilnx. Plnc
where she has been visiting friends , j cards and favors were used Dui-
for the past two mouths. Mrs. Business Visitor a Jacksonville i lllg ,lt, iul,(.le()u i,mlr (, indies
Veghte is on her way home to Santa J,rs- B- Loretta Sullivan was wero entertained by musical solo3
Monica. Calif., and stopped off here transacting business in Jacksonville i,y m1h. Mabel Jacobs, accompanied
for a short visit with Mr. and Mrs. j yesterday. ; by Miss l-'inneran.
C. F. Shepherd and other friends. ! i Mrs. Wilkinson, who arrived from
! Vlslt.i in Medford j Port Huron. Mich., and Mrs. Riley
Returns from Ionn , H. G. Enders, Sr., was In Medird spoke nt an aft.-inoon and evening
E. F. Smith returned home this, yesterday attending to business mat-1 meeting at the lodge rooms.
morning from an extended visit with ,ers-
his mother, brother and other rela-; ' tt n U'll
tives In Postville and Waukon, la. Rain Impede Road Work J, Hi oSmDlll
This was Mr. Smith's first trip home The road crew that has been work
for a number ot years, and he Btates lug for a number of weeks on the
he had a flue time renewing "old Siskiyou roads laid off on Wednes
times" with his boyhood chums. day on account of the rain.
Couk-Burni Marring ! VMu at. Grunts Pass
Miss Venetta Burns, daughter of : E. A. Wallln, manager of th Ash
Mrs. Cora E. Burns, 332 Harrison ' land branch office of Swift & Coin
street, was married to Robert Hall pany, was a Grants Pass and Med
Cook at high noon Wednesday at ford visitor yesterday,
the Burns home. The marriage was
performed by Rev. W. Judson Old-
field, with the ring ceremony. Miss
Elder acting a bridesmaid and Earl met yesterday afternoon at the
Cook acting as best man. Mr. and home of Mrs. Caroliuo Sclaierinan.
Mrs. Cook will make their home at In addition to arranging for the Ar
Gold Hill where Mr. Cook Is engaged mlstlie day dinner, the club madu
In the dairy business. ' plans for a tea towel shower for the
1 j benefit of the newly equipped klteh-
(iosv Herd Hold en of the Presbyterian church.
W. A. Holt, Seattle, Wash., bust-
ness man, has sold a herd of 900 An-
gora goats and leased Ills ranch near
tne soda springs to I. A. uechdnli.
who will take Immediate possession. 1 Rogue River, arrived In Ashland yes
The deal was made through thi toulay. Mrs. Gash expects to re
Phipps realty agency. Mr. Holt will ' main for the winter,
leave this evening for his home in
Seattle. Mr. liechdolt is a former ' Leaves for Portland
Ashland resident, having left t!e ; Mrs. M. Lewis left today for Port
city in 1876 and returned about land where she will visit her son,
three months ago. He is a stor lr-, and Inter she will go to California,
man aud owner of a fine Clydesdale where she expects to spend the wln
stalllon. , ter, relurnliiE lo Ashland In the
Makes Realty INnrhase .
W. W. Robison has purchased two j Confined By Illness
unimproved lots on Beech street, Mrs. S. Boots Is 111 at her home
south-of Ashland" street In the Mat- on I) street at present,
thews niAllliou, from Mr. and Mrs. .... ,
W. R. Yockey and Mr. and Mrs. A j Leave for Ranch Home
M. Beaver. The deal was made by! Mrs. P. S. Mason left this morn
the Beaver Realty company. lng for the ranch home of her son,
! Clyde, eleven miles from Grants
Returns from Gold Hill j Pass. Mrs. Mason will keep house
Mrs. Nancy Slsemore has returned, for her son.
from a visit with Mrs. Kelsey at Gold
Hill. jciRcrri COl'R'f
In 'Frisco Hospital
Mrs. J. H. Philpott has gone to San
Francisco to be with her husband,
who Is In the Southern Pacific hos-
pital, having recently undergone an
Engages Housekeeper
Mrs. Jones, of North Main street,
has been engaged by Mi'B. Phoebe
Wright as companion and house
keeper. Again Opened After Remodeling
After twenty days suspension of
business for extensive remodeling,
the O. H. Johnson jewelry store is
again open for business. There has
been a great transformation wrought
In the room. A large plate glass
window, with double case has been
Installed, new linoleum laid, the en-
I tlre '"'er'""- beautifully decorated,
and the show room much enlarged,
so that now it is one of the most
beautiful jewelry rooms iii the val
ley. The show window space has
been enlarged so that It will be the
most commodious and attractive in
Southern Oregon. The store opens
tomorrow for business.
Return from Kokane
Mrs. F. R. Buyers has returned
from a several days visit with rela
tives and friends at Spokane, Wash.
Leaves fur Taruu
Miss Rose Patterson, daughter ot
Mr. and Mrs. Sylvester Patterson,
left yesterday evening for Tacoma,
Wash., where (she will visit Mrs.
O'Nuil ot that city, formerly Miss
Vivian Fuller of Ashland.
om Neil Creek
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Guyger, ot Nell
. . M. ,A. .,.
creek, were Ashland vl.ltor. yester
day. Mm. (luyaar alstd kt thaj Impression that his falhtr had taken
dinner selvfed yesterday noon at the! out Ms final papers,
Chautaiiqlla Pioneer hall by the La- it. H. Noel, a native of Canada,
dies' Aid society ot the Coagrega- applied for citizenship and his case
tlouul church. ' jwas deferred by the, court tempo-
4 j
Usui rricnas i BtlVe and referendum befuddle
Mi-a Hazel Smith, clerk at Mo-l;0ei, whn answered 'most of the
Gee's, Is spending a six weeks' visit ; questions freely.
at the home of her parents at Brok-j The court slated that citizens for-
en Bow, Neb. Miss Smith will re-1 meily were naturalized with a few
turn to Ashland and her position at1 casual romarks about the weather
McOec's. land the fishing, but that the was
j i had taught "the country many bit-
Buys Gnrage Interest- , . . . . . ... .
A. B. Mackenzie has purchased1
Harold Prose's Interest In the Class1
A garage, forming a partnership
with Edward High In the manage-j
ment of the business. The new gar-!;
aB .NC. U... URCI.ljr ,Ur
; the Essex and Packard cars.
turnsnt vs .
'""" '""
E. R. Hughes, Medford realty1
dealer, was In Ashland yesterday !
tri"",1;,lllK business at the Hillings,
Green Springs Road Had
1 "
"Mml" 19 tlle term P1""1 t0 e
fomll,io" ot the road nt the '';
of the Gre" SDrlngs roau accord-.
Wednesday Club Ojinis-
The Wednesday Afternoon club
To Sieml Winter Here j
Mrs. Anna Gash, who has been!
spending tho past two months at
; spring.
MEDFORD, Or., Oct. 26. A mini-1
ber of applicants for naturalization
papers appeared before Jiu;e F. M.
Calkins in the circuit court Monday
afternoon, one of them being Henry j
chiiltz, who, In response to what
the constitution guaranteed, said,
"The right to Christianity, private
property and union labor." The
granting of Schiiltx's plea was de
ferred until witnesses could be se
cured. Ho was horn In Germany
and came to this country when 3
years old. He thought he was a citi
zen and voted for years under the,
Keep Your Money
at Work
Current funds not needed for a few
months can be kept actively earning
by converting them Into this Insti
tution's certificates of Deposit.
These certificates pay 4'r, are abso
lutely safe and are always worth
100 rents on the dollar.
The Citizens Bank
Ashland, Oregon
rarlly. The Intricacies of the lulti-
now was to adhere to the rule that
all applicants be well versed In the
-,u,,i ,.,.ii,.i. ,
Mia Julia Hartmann, a native of
Op,.,,,,.,.. a,,Ulip(l foP pi , Wpnahlt.
'papers and her application was also
deferred. Miss Hartmann was sonie
i what frightened, and her employer
stated she was well Informed, hut a
poor witness.
Coupled with laudatory remarks
regarding Ashland's scenic beauty,
the dining room service of the Hotel
asiihuhi was Highly praised at a
luncheon given there Monday al'ter-
, noon by the Women's Benefit associ-
tlon of the Maccabee lodge in honor
of Mrs. Emma B, '
preme sentinel of th
llltinson, sti-
he order, and
Joins Tidings
News Force
In line with past continued efforts
to supply Ashland newspaper read
ers with all the local news every
week day, the Tidings has augu
menled its news gathering force by
the addition of a reporter, O. H.
It.i in ) ill. who assumed his duties
this morning.
Mr. ISa in )i 111 is an experienced
newspaper man, having in the past
been employed on the Coivallls Gaz
ette and as a correspondent of Port
land newspapers. He has at various
times been n special correspondent
I for the TuAugs, and is well acqiinlut
!ed In tills city where ho lived for
several years prior to his recent resi
dence In Corvullis. Mr. Burnhill re
turned from Coivallls a few weeks
ago with the intention of making his
home here.
W. C. T. I'. Circulates Petition
The local members of the W. C.
T. T. are circulating a petition rein
vent lo the coming disarmament
conference to he held in Washington
D. C, November 11. The petition
already has a number of signers and
Is now at the salvage tent ot the
Civic Improvement club.
Investigate Our Ideal
Hot Water Heating System for
Small or Large Houses
Our New Line of Heating Stoves
Are Now In
Provost Bros
The Heider Tractor
and P.&0. Disc Plow
will do your plorln; rllit now
In your hard, sticky soil.
Ilaigalii in used sewing machine;
also u new roi load of White sew
ing iiinililiii's just In, at
PeU's Corner