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About Ashland weekly tidings. (Ashland, Or.) 1919-1924 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 5, 1921)
AsJoXA.VD WEEKLY TiMXM PARC TlfHIII Wednesday, CK'tober S, 1021 LOCAL AND PERSONAL MONDAY' SKWH Highway Signs Permaueut signs are belug tirocted along tbe Pacific highway from the California state line as fur north as Hoseburg, enabling the routs to be closely followed. All turnouts and tide trips are being closely labeled. .Visits Sun Hero Mrs. Ilessle McCollum, of Port land, was a recent visitor In Ashland, stopping here to visit her son, Thomas E. McCollum, car Inspector for tbe Southern Pacific company. She was accompanied by Mrs. Hallle HlnBliaw, also of Portland. Tbe two ladles were returning to Portland from Long Reach, Calif., where they liad been stopping fqr several weeks V out her Prediction Weather predictions for the week beginning Monday are: Jtocky moun tain and plateau regions Cool and generally fair. Pacific states No- mal temperature and geuerally fair except for rain on north coast. ( rater Ijike KeuMin Ends .Notwithstanding that the Crate lake sen no n has officially closed. If the fine weather continues in that region the world wonder will be vis ited by many Ashland residents with in the next week or two The fact that there are no longer any hotel accommodations at the lake will not bother these folk In the least, for they will take along their own eata bles and bedding and camp out. or muy spend the night nt Prospect or the Rogue Klk resort. Asliliuiil .Miss Celebrate Kkrveutli Jllrth Anniversary at lYaley Home Miss Lena Burton was given a birthday party Saturday afternoon at the home of Mrs. C. W. Fraley, Mountain avenue. A few school frienifc gathered In the afternoon and nil enjoyed a pleasant time together on the lawn. Refreshments were served by the hostess and a handker chief shower was given Miss Lena in honor of her eleventh birth anniver sary. Those present were: Mildred liarber, Paul Joues. Elizabeth Car ter, Laura Wood and Bert and Vera Wright. l.iuve fur Alameda (lien D. Rhodes, mail clerk, who had ben In Ashland for the past five months, left for his home in Ala meda, Calif., yesterday. Diamond Lake Duck Hunters Mr. and Mrs. A. Shell and Dr. and Mrs. H. R. Nerbas left Sunday morning for Diamond lake, where they will spend a week camping and duck bunting. Truck Oiuscl Mixup A motor truck In the possession of "Tobe" Morris, of this city, ana said to be the property of the Bales & Shewln Sawmill company, of Med ford, was seized here Saturday by local police. The truck was held for the Medford concern. Police state that Morris tested the truck at Med ford by "driving It around the block," n trip that eventually ended in Ash land, where Morris started In the" wood-haudlng business. The police 'state that Morris failed to make an Initial payment and meet daily obli gations of $7 a day on the truck. City Hall Meeting- All those interested in the Dead Indian road improvement to the Lake o' Woods and eventually to Crater lake should attend the mass meeting at the city hall Thursday evening. The meeting will be a very Important one. Postpone Hand Practice The band practice scheduled for this evening haB ben postponed until Monday evening of next week, ac cording to Director Loveland. Neces sity of band members' appearance at the rehearsal of "Purple Flashes," the Elks' show, this evening was tbe cause of the postponement. Ohio Visitor Mr. and Mrs. Tbomas McKinnis, of Springfield, Ohio, expect to visit relatives and friends In Ashland this -week. The McKinnis family is en route to California for the winter, perhaps longer. Mrs. McKinnis Is a niece of Mrs. Vat Inlow, Mountain avenue. Visit in Missouri TO t. IIpa,ev Holer street, is .....u H.v. in Missouri. I - , . vboro lie is visuing menus auu tives. Jacksonville Visitor J. V. Wright was a Jacksonville visitor Friday of last week Deer Hunters Ret Shy Peirson and Benny Bowers went bunting for deer last week. Senny says Shy led the pack mules and he did the hunting. However that may be, they brought home the doer meat in the form ot two big, fine bucks, and the writer, through their kindness, has been eating vsnl-ton. I Returns From Frtico i Murk W Smith h returned home from Sao Francisco and is much tm proved in health, although not en-! nroiv wail a, vt ' Kugrue Visitor Ross Gulley, of Eugene, Is In Ash land vlatlng his brothers, Paul and lenn Gulley, of this city. Mr. Oulley Is also visiting the Gene Bartlett family In the Johnson Prairie dis trict. To Winter in California F. D. Swingle and family are lay ing plana to spend the winter In southern California. They expect to leavs soon. Portland Minim Here- j ltev. Boudtnot Sellers, of Portland, synodlcal secretary of home mis- .ions, will take the IUiyi V4 I Presbyterian church next Sunday at the morulng service. At Lake o' Woixls Dr. and Mrs F. H Johnson left! last Friday for a short trip to Klam-' ath Falls and Lake o' Woods, ping at the latter place to set their cottage In order for the winter. They expect to return today. Ministers Meet at MedfonJ Huvari,! Aflhlanil ministers lefL this morning for Medford. where they,0"1" Pau1' Bud S.torm nd Selm will attend the meeting of the Rogue River Valley Ministerial association! being held at that city. To Make Home Here. ' Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Chilton of Portland, are guests of Mr. and Mrs., It. A. Avery, of the NeldU cafe. Mr and Mrs Chilton are In love with . .LI 1 I. i.n..lfl,t Mul,r.n.l rtsmauu u.m ucau.wu. , ConrIer. i a photograph of a win- ment and are planning on perma-1 dow Qf musical compOBltlonil nently locating here. )y 0reg(jn C0lnpogerg tne work. of ! .Mrs. Woods was given prominence. lvi for Florid j a Boy Scout song, the words ot Tbe C. W. Kennard family, who . which were supplied by "Dick have oeen visiting iu Columbus i0.sey" is the most recent contrlbu Ohlo, are leaving this week for Jack- t0n uf Mrg Woods to the musical sonvllle, Fla., where they will spend oild tbe winter. They ordered their! . Dally Tidings to follow them, vtsiis Ptui-nts j Mrs. C. P. Good, who has been vis- Apple Boies Stolen Petty thieves are reported to have stolen fifty empty apple boxes from Powell's cider mill, near tourm. street between A and B streets, I yesterday. The boxes were taken from the platform after having been emptied of apples taken to tbe mill. Leaves for Kannae Oily Mrs. H. E. McGee, 208 North Main street, will leave In tbe morning for Kansas City, Mo. and eastern points that will Include Nebraska, where MrB McGee wll lvlsit friends and rel-, atives. Mrs. McGee will return to, Ashland. Fight-pound Boy An elgbt-pound baby boy was bo. n this morning at a Medford hospital to Mr. and Mrs. O. E. Dews, of this city. (unrdHitten Return Andy McCallan and J. Q. Adams, Firet company, coast artillerymen, who had been at Camp Perry. Ohio with the Oregon rifle team for the national shooting meet.'retumed to; Ashland Saturday evening. Concert Bureau Man Here- Guy 0. Emery, representing the, Elwln Concert bureau, is in the city on a visit with his old friend, M. ('. Reed. He and Mr. Reed have been working together on the Chautauqua, circuit for the past four years. Mr. Emery Is simply charmed with the beauty of Ashland. I Main Street Property Sol Property west of the White Star j ranging to move to a mining prop garage in tbe Shook building, hav- erty on Jackson creek, nine miles Ing a ninety-toot frontage on East, from Jacksonville, where he will be Mnln street, ba. been sold to Rev. j employed during the winter. Mr. W. R. Morens-Oeser. oY Medford, by 'Pst has a farm on Kerby bar, at I. R. Helms, also of Medford. The the mouth of Deer creek, but for the deal was made through the agency of ' winter will have cbarn of tbe work the Lamkln realty office. Rev. Mor- on the mining claimed owned by Miss enz-Oeser Is planning to build a gas- Minnie Ireland, in Jackson county, ollne service station on the property Grants Pass Courier. In the near future. - 'I'rlsrii Visitor M C Reed Returns ' 'rl- A McDermond. ot San Fran- M C. Reed, Chautauqua director , elsco. is spending a two weeks' visit and lecturer, has returned from a, trln to Los Angeles. San Diego and l - .u in -nuthern California. ! -,iira ... ' Medforri Visitor E 0. Roberts, of Medford, was In the city Sunday visiting friends. Ashland Teaches Married- . . .i,i0,i MISS nazei Liars, lurmoi u..,.v. fc-i ,..,k .t ih. Junior high school, wss married September 21 at Des Moines, Iowa, to Charles Odell Capper according to letter. waived here by friend. Miss Clark taught in the Ashland school, three years I ago and while here made tnanj friend among the city', younger , BulM Home- "Grandma" Herudou, mother of Walter Hcrndon. is having a nlce.vailey ,.. privileged to membership bunBa,0W uullt 011 Beach 8tre,t j ' I ! C of C. Meetinit Postuoued 1 The semi-monthly meeting of ther;, p. Koehler, president. chamber of commerce, which was 1 scheduled for Tuesday evening, Octo ber 4, will be postponed until Thurs day, October 6. At this meeting a discussion of the Dead Indian, or Lake of the Woods, road will occur, and E. P. Moore will tell what has been done on this road. All those Interested are cordially Invited to, the meeting at 8 o'clock In the eve-( nlng In city hall. SATURDAY'S 3KWS Ladle,' Aid Meets Thirty members of the Ladies' Aid society were entertained at the Meth- odtst church Wednesday afternoon ..!(. r.t .ha'tii. M,.c,li,niB U'l.ap ap. M s. Van " J . - -- Fossen and Brnuer. I Wins Fat Man's Raco J- 1'ennls is still noiuing uis laurels as the fastest tat man since the Medford Elks' picnic at Prospect. top-lhen Mr. Dennis carried orr first honors as a sprinter. The Ashland delegation carried off honors at the picnic, winning the tug-o'-war and claiming tbe highest pointa tor ball throwing, a contest won by Mr. and Mrs. Sam Jordan. Mesdamea Gray proved themselves eipert nail Local Composer Recognized Mrs. E. A. Woods, who, with her two sons and Dr. Woods, have fur- Btrin.nent. u listed ainniii? Orftunii' roinoosers in ft re- . . v1Io, , ,ha ..,.. .vut Hiiii-iE iiuiinuiu aaa vu tnunivai itn(. uer parents. Mr. and Mrs. J. P Arnold, at their ranch home near j thi(l cty because of the recent 111 ng9g 0j Mrs. Arnold, has returned to ner borne. Mrg. Arnold Is Improv- lng heaitn. ' . Return From 'Friseo Mrs Warren Williams and dangh- , (er Norma, who have been In San j Francisco for the past two years, have ,.,.tnrntd to Ashland and are j Htnying at their old home on Iowa! llVet. Mr. Williams arrived here a fKW wpeks af?0- . "Live Wires" Entertain j The Silver Sword 8unday school j class. Mrs. Walter Evans, teacher,. of , the Bautist church, were entertained ut the church parlors last week by the "Live Wire" class of boys, Glenn Ionian, teacher. Catliers Apple Crop F. L. Nutter Is being assisted in gathering his apple crop by his brother, J. 8. Nutter, ot Loyaltown. wn0 g yisiting here . Returns to Portland- Albert Leggat, of the Canadian isnk of Commerce at Portland, who i;J, hecn gpending a five days' yjslt! wii:i n aunt, jirs. Clyde, of this ctyi ,ag returned to Portland. Mrs. jumPBoni an old-time friend of Mrs Clyde, now making ber home In Portland, is visiting Mrs. Clyde. . Mine ou Jackson Creek Lew WoBt Is in the city from hU ! Deer Creek borne today and ts ar- with her mother. Mrs. M S. Mnllt. Kugene Vistkw . Mr. and Mrs Bi Baldwin. 6J Callfor- ,1,ia ,treet' "nJTe '" tTom Mr 1 Baldwin's mother and sister, s route from California to Eugene. ! R" Portland- Mrs. Walter and daughter Rath 'returned to Portland last evening after" a few days spent with Mrs. A H. Ruel and other relatives Mia Ruth will teach Bible cIihm in one of the high school, of Portland this i yes r. . 1 Ministers Meet The Rogue River Valley Ministeri al association will meet in the pub lic library of Medford at 10:30 a.m. next Monday. All ministers of the and urged to attend. Rev. E. P. Lawrence and Rev. W. J. Fenton, ot M,ifn,.,i will nresent the nrosran , Ret tins to 'Frtaco Mrs. Charles Bourne and little sou returned to San Francisco this week after a month's visit with Mrs Bourne's parents. Mr. and .Mrs. 0. Winter. At Kauch Home Miss Mabel Russel is again at her ranch at Montague, Calif., where she !cnn drink inspiration for more of i hor popular landscape pictures, as I u' f-i'""" - ' - , her ranch and studio are under the: shadows of Mount bhasta, . Mrs. H. G. Endbrs entertained I Mrs. McQuilken, of Portland, and Mr. and Mrs. Ike Frldcgar at dinner ' at tha Rllca' cluh Thursday uvenlne - " -i ' Visit at Kagto Point Euglnoer James and wife motored to Eagle Point yesterday for a week end visit with relatives. After re turning they will leave for Duns muir to reside permanently. From Dunmuulr Walter Davis, a traveling engineer from Dunsmuir, waa an Ashland vis itor yesterday and lunched at the Elks' club. HyaU Prairie Vlaitor K C. Bahtlett wa. In Anblund yesterday on business from hla sheep ! ranch on Hyatt prairie. Visits Wife and BaJSy Ralph Kearney, ot Portland, Is visiting his wlfo and baby at thej home ot Mrs, Kearney's parents. Mr. and Mrs. George Sbelton, on third street I Leaves for Klnwath Falla Mrs. 3. R. Lilly left this morning for Klamath Falls to visit her hus band, who la working for the South ern Pacific company and Is stationed there for a short time. She will be the house gnest of Mrs. Louis Brad ford. Al YakiiuA, Wa Mrs. A. O. Adams la Id Yakima. Wash., this Weak on a bustneas and I pleasure trip. j (imnts Pass to Hli SecreUu-y A meeting of the trustees of thej Grants Pass chamber of commerce, was called for this afternoon, at which it Is hoped some definite ar rangement can be reached regard - )ng tne emp0yment of a permanent 'managing secretary for the associa - tion. A new system of the paying of fyesterdhy on a short business trip. dues, preferably on the quarterly' . plan, also was to be considered. 'Measure Water in Main Grante Pass Courier. Following discussions of tbe water situation during the past few days Return From PMUand Erl Hosier, city water superintend- Mr. and Mrs. Hal McN'air have re-fojit, expects to receive price (iiotu- turned from a week's business trlptions wltbln the next fow days on a to Portland. , j'water measuring device to bo placed ' where the flow of Ashland creek en- Football Team Entertained L the cty pos()hIe pnrch., Members of the high school foot- Mg of suoh a devc benR . ball team , who left for Klamath s(der1( hy th c(y ,,,, Falls yesterday morning were enter-, -- m" j owning with a dinner party. Mrs , Mr. anrt Mrs. K. H. Crowson and iHer' wa assisted In serving by',. u.nt(ir ilna Mr allU Mrili c. c Mlases Isolen Campbell Margaret Campbell and Thelma Herr. Tbe gridiron warriors present were: Les lie Heer, Captain, Elton Ramsey, Al bert Guthrie, Charles Rush, Robert Herrin, Dale Young, Francis Winter. The boys were accompanied by Coach Hnghes and Professor 0. A. Briscoe. May Buy Auto- Mart Baker made tha trip to Grants Pass yesterday with Mr. Orres. Mart says the trip Is won derful. , He Is about In tbe notion of!, acquiring an automobile for himself. 'Ashland Hotel Arrival Parent-Tearhers Meet H A p,er.01) Log Angeegi Cauf; The meeting of the Parent-Teach- E norapauKlj Eugene; Mr. ,nd ere' association at the Hawthorne, p wimaml)i Fre,n0i Calif. school Tuesday afternoon has beetf i Mr 0 R ,)rown geatt. Maron changed to Wedneaday afternoon at j.Br0WB SRa(t. (;lady, clother, 4 o'clock. Mrs. louis uooge, presi-j dent ot tha association, states tbatj the change wa. made because of ai conflicting meeting of tbe Civic Im provement club. Returns From Ranch Visit Mrs. J. Edward Thornton has re turned from a few days' outing with ber sister. Mrs. Carl Murphy, on the Murphy ranch east of town. l ., . iw ' - Returua From ft)rtlad- Clauds Saunders has returned from a two weeks' vatatloa at Port- land and other point, north, "Doc" 8uund?rs and Fred Herrin are spend-! ing . few day. at Bear creek endear-; orlna to entice the "big uns" of th;,wlll leave Ashlaud every Tuesday titny trihe. Pinvkmvt Viitur C. W.' De Carlo, of Pinehurst. as in th city yesterday purchasing rjncu 5uppl,r" tilt RSDAY'H NEWS Drive. U Yreka r Miss Kmlly Kaiser, Mis" K. J, j I Raine, Mrs. B. L. Sullivan uud Mrs. ; Sylyan Provost motored to Yreka, j ! Calif., yesterday in the Kaiser car to attond the Siskiyou county fair, . W. V. T I'. Meets The ladies of the W. C. T. V. met at the homo of Mrs. F. H. Walker, on Liberty street, Monday afternoon, Resides a large number of the mem - bers, several guests were present. A un(,.lilu mill if It n Ida ;t t'tu-tw,MTr 1 ' ment!i wer(J 8erTd , , hoBte3S L i Siskiyou Shopper Mrs. Jesse Durham, of the Durham mill, near Siskiyou, was trading '" Ashland merchants yesterday. Move to Eden Valley "Tuss" Hewes, ot Beach street, who bus been quite 111, has been moved to the home of bl. brother Lem, in Eden Valley, where be will be cored for. Recovers Froui Dine W. E. Snider Is on the street again after a several days' Illness. Siskiyou Visitor V. S. ltaglaud, of Siskiyou, wus in I he city Wednesday evening. .Child Brook Arm Tbe llttlo daughter of J. M. liighes, 12C South Pioneer avenue, sustained a broken arm lu a recent fall while roller skating. Injured in Kail Grand m a Wheelef4, mother of Mrs. John (Iroves, was severely bruised and Injured recently when she felli down a flight of cellar stairs. Mr.. Groves is taking care of her mother . . i ar present. Successful Hunter "Bud" Storm, of the East Side meat market. Is a meat killer bv day and a deer hunter in the latei afternoon According to friends. Storm left the city limits for a hun lug excursion on an afternoon of this week and brought home venison In time for dinner that evening. ( ailed by Brother's Death H. J. Carter. .121 Alta avenue, left this ninrnlnc for Portland where he Bg ralert by the dpfl(h of hs bl0. ther Rohcrt CartBr wh() .., b(f ,)u. id at Montesnno, Wash. , Motor to Rogue Itlvei ; v. O. N. Smith, J. W. .Mllner ami 'i: P:,iirnn mntniwl tn Tinmi itiver j MoUr to Vallw Crowson dnllRnlcr- Clarice, and Mrs. J. E. Callahan and son, Jerry, motored over to Little Shasta val- 'ley Suuduy, where they visited the Bert Halght family. They returned liome Monday. Kxhlblt Heavy Grape Hunch I A four and a half pound bunch of grapes, grown by A. H. Daveuhlll fon bis farm In the Valloy View dls-l trict, I. on exlbltlon at the chamber of commerce. The weight of the grapes, Rose of Peru variety. Is .thought to be exceptional. Seattle: Lew Sherman, Sun Fran cisco; Mr. and Mrs. Wllcoxson, Liv ingston, Mont; Burt Hunt, Portland; F. N. Smith, Cladstone; J. S. Mc Keown, Aloha. Confined to Home Mrs. Walter and daughter Ruth, of Portland, are guests of Mrs. Wal ter'.'' mother. Mrs. A. H. Russell. Uvehtork Hpndal Trail Tbe Southern Pacific 8ompany has added a "Livestock Special" train to th.-lr regular run out of Ash- land, affording to George N. Krs- mer. local station agent. The train j evening at 7 o clock and arrive tnjstrumeut that they wish to dispose Brooklyn. Ore. at 5: IS o'clockjof should bring them to his offices Wednesday afternoon. (Mr. Kramer over Modes' clothing store. He states that tbe train previously ran! states that the students will be. in nt uncertuii! intervals, depending ou the market for such instruments. the sizeof the shipments to he made, j - I'ortlaud Visitor Portland Visitor 1 Walter Frailer Brown, of Phoe- Mr. Julia McQullkeu I here from Portland on a business una pleasure; trip combined. She is visiting at her own home, which is occupied by tbe D. P. Blue family, on Ashland street. : j v i ,t, o' Woods , Mr- and Jlrs- Laurel Stock, who have been visiting in Ashland at the; home of Mr. Stack's father, H (V j'tock, left this morning tor a trip l". Lake 0' Woods. Mrs. Stock will tie remeinbered In Ashland as Mis Ilessle Dunham. , India Physician Here i - - li- Hunt, a native physician ofr'iiiiii Dunsmuir ?ndiu, now of London, was in Ash-, Engineer James i land yesterday Iuterriewlng the mln-l isters about a project for the Curia-1 tlan Industrial educatlou of children! Of India. Dr. Hunt may return shortly and lecture here. O'Neal lliilcu Wedding Friends of Jerry O'Neal and Mrs. Blanche llulen were surprised to hear of the couple's marrlago yuster iiy at Yreka, Calif. The couple were unexpectedly confronted by a fiumber of Ashland friends who had motored to Yreka to attend the Sis kiyou county fair. Mrs. Hallle Ab bott, mother of Mrs. O'Neal, is visit ing her son, Charles Logan, at Yreka. Air. uud Mrs. O'Neil have taken apartments In the t'smp buiid Ini!. We( minster (iuild Meets The regular meetings of the West minster guild will he resumed for the coming fall with an initial meet ing Sunisi) evening at li 3u o'clock at ilia Presbyterian church. The guild plans to make small work bags(lllP. f()rty.fTB cars for movement that will be sent to Ellis island. N Y as Christmas gifts to uewly-or-, j-t tt- this week. (irnuts Pas? Coin rived immigrants from Europe. The!vr bags will be made of odds and ends I .. . , ... , .... , ,. i ni.iiei iui ,um u, na turns euougn i,, iiiiiu uu .,nn uii:c i 1,1 mi, ills A. csories to he supplied by the guild Infill shipment. t'onliiieil l,i Home II. 1,. Moore Is still confined In his home nilh a bud case of blood poisoning, caused by an accident to his hand I wo months ago. Christian Kmleavnr Meets Thn I'resbyterian Christian En ilcnvnr society will have an "ele phant'' parly tomorrow night at its business meeting. There will be sonm real lively doln's. l akes I p Park Addition To discuss tile advisability of in cluding Diamond lake In Crater Lake National park, members of the recre ation. I'omuittteo of the Portland chamber of commerce met yesterday oi'ternooii. The Portland organiza tion lias never taken a stand to Indi alc whether II believes the inclusion to he desirable or not. Decision will be made following the meeting and a recommendation will he passed to the hosrd of directors of thn cham ber. Boys' Bond Carl Loveland. director of the Ashland band, has enrolled twenty musically Inclined high school boys for the formation of a boys' bond. The Interested high school boys joined the hoys' band following a talk made al a high school assembly by Mr. Loveland. The first prac tice meeting was held yesterday eve ning at the high school. Mr. Love in nd explains that tbe band ts open 'Seek Ye Good Counsel' Financial advice Is seldom appreci ated until the wisdom ot seeking it has been Instilled by tbe bard school of experience. This bank is large enough to help you, but not too large to welcome yon The Citizens Bank Ashland, Orcgoa to th. bny in tb grade school and any interested young nits who are not attending school. Ht that any one owning secondhand In- julx, were Ashland visitors yester- usy. Dunsmuir VUiiors H, K. Hickm-son and wifu ami little sou, of Dunsmuir. Calif., mo- tored over for a short visit with C. A. Cotter and family. They are re- turning today. California Husiuevi Trip H. G. Enders Is on a business trip in Dunsmuir and other northern Cal- ifornia towns, and he Incidentally took in the (air at Yreka yesterday. aud wife, of Dunsmuir. are Ashland visitors for a few days, i Attend Yreka Fair I Robert Warner, Mrs. Selma Gray, 1 Mr. and Mrs. Daniel A. Applegate and Mrs. D. Perozzl motored to !Yreka, Calif., yesterday to attend the Siskiyou county fair. Mr. and Mm. Applegate and Mrs. Perozal started In tbe express company agent's machine, but owing to car trouble were forced to abandon tbe auto and Join Mr. Warner, who took the entire party to Yreka. Apple Vop Uoot Apple shipping will begin in earn est next week, according to ('. X. Davis, lucun manager of tho Oregon Growers' Packing corporation. Tim association started two carloads of lirlmes. Delicious and Jonathan ap ples tor the Chicago market last week, and will ship a carload of Newtowna Wednesdny. It Is esti mated that the local crop will re- Ahut fai. w bn ,oa(l( Alpha chapter. No 1. 0. E. S.. visited Kesnies chn ; :,'-. No. lit), au Medford last night, fifty members ntroug, and tbe officers of Alpha chapter demonstrated the work by the Initiation . of two candidates there. As usual, the Ashland ladles acquitted themselves in the Ashland way litter perfect. The Mrdforil chapter tendered them a fine ban quet after tbe ceremony. Investigate Our Ideal Areola Hot WatT Healing System fur Small or 1 Jirge Houses Our New Line of Heating Stoves Are Xow In Ptovost Bros. The Heider Tractor and P.&0. Disc Plow wtll do your plowing rbjht now in ynur hard, sticky aoiL Bargain In axed sewing taadiiiie; also new carload of White sew ing machines Just la, at PeWs Corner