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About Ashland weekly tidings. (Ashland, Or.) 1919-1924 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 5, 1921)
nr"n Historic, s; ASLLAND WEEKLY TIDINGS NOL.XLV ASHLAND, OREGON, WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 5, 1921 NO. 5 l.'l'l'. ii-I.J,LJU-UX' lj 4(Ri ACRES VALLEY' IL LANDS LEASED BV COLORADO COMPA.YX OF ASHLAND CHVRCHEfi ! GIVH BECEPTIO.V TO SCHOOL TEACHER am m mm MEDFORD IE i PRICE RECORD FOR I ' VEAM ACH1KVE1I BY VALLEY GROWERS' Hear Creek orchards, owned bv! E Bill IN A WALK SI ORE STATE FA R A deal wag closed yesterday by the 1 Continental Oil company of Colo-1 rado, with offices In Denver and Sun Francisco, whereby the company Be-, cures a lease on 400 acres of land In the district one mile southeast of the Sacred Heart hospital at Medford. The lease embraces the 9.' P. "Barne- burg, the Frank Schuette and the G m u IIS OPEN AI MEDFORD Ashland school teachers were royally entertained yesterday eve-1 nine at the Baptist church by the, local ministerial association. The' total attendance of teachers and wel-1 coming Ashlanders was approximate ly 200. DurlUK I lit' past several, years It has been the custom of the DELEGATES C. OF C. ASHLAND IEI MR. AXI) MRS. HOWARD HOKE RE TURN' FROM SALEM AFTER "DO ING THE FAIR"; FORMER LOCAL MAX HAS PRIZE HOO. , M. Johnson of San Francisco, who ' i left this morning, for California. He After "doing the fair" aud visitli.' toW tnem De had been investigating friends In i'ortlund and other north-1 0i possibilities in this section foff em pelnts In the mate, Mr. und Mrs.. several years. . , Howard Rose have returned from an I , The ieilBed land Is In line und In extended auto touring trip. I tne 8ame general section ns the Mun- Whilo attending the state fair at I day ad Trlgonla wellB. Salem, Mr. und Mrs. Rose met Lloyd n 8 rumored that the Continental Harris, a former Ashland resident oil company is a subsidiary of the and brother of Carl and Ralph Har-1 standard Oil company'. An oil com- TIhj vrtM I hni'ii "li-iiutn I artu nf t tin I local churches to give a welcome re- F. Schermerhora ranches.. The lease i t;,lUed stale cou,t convened in the! cept,on ,n bml0r o the Mhoo, provide that oil operations be under ! federal building at 10 o'clock this: tn ror the purpose of promotlug way within six months. ! morning with Federal Judge C. E. ''friendship between the new arrivals The negotiations were made by S j wolverton on the bench. Fifteencases and local residents. The adovess or welcome, given by itusenburg Brothers, this week re ceived the highest price ever paid in America for a car of pears. This re markable tar of Anjous was sold In New York, bringing a gross of 'M,24!l. This car contained 1.000 liulf boxes of Anjou pears, which 1 ra E IN are on the docket for trial, Includ- Rev. Charles A. Edwards, president nig u uumiier irom me .viuiiiuiu , A.hlnl, MniBt,ia .Mnl.iatln reservation, which means that tbei n,I.H tn hv Ml t .i. im,. I l ' te lltr'lci1' "'blch 1,111 MEDFORD, Or., Oct. 4 -Medford; (m. Qf WASHINGTON", D. C, Oct. 4.- desires to have a membership In the, popullllon of tue state of 0l.e. consolulnled chamber of commerce; ... , ... , , , ., . , ., , i wholesale averaging 10 cents apiece gon, announced by the bureau of the of southern Oregon and will send , .. ,, , , i HenJ. C. Sheldon, II. I.. Wulther. VJ fr he entire carload census, 1., Sii.l per cent native white ' I n III lllf hilt the f nesl pnni 111 nn .... ... H. Vavvter, O. O. Alentiericr mill , , ,,, ,, l Per cent foreign-born wmte. Johu C. Mann to Ihe meeting at Ash land at the time when this organiza- and skill exemplified on this orchard' could place Rogue River valley fruit ahead of that from every fruit-grow-, In 1910 the percentage of foreign bum white was 15.3. usual number of Indians have added I era, head of the English department their plcturesqueness to the fair at the high school. scenery of Medford during the court term. Rev. W. Judson Oldtleld, chairman of the committee arranging the en- 1 tertainment, who was to have given i during this month. It Is now up to Klamath. Ashland and Grunts Puss to take similar ac tion, and as soon us three of the four chambers of southern Oregon sig- Iho federal court attaches arrived reading, was unable to attend the! yestercfey afternoon and this morn-j gathering. ! rlB, employes of the Southern ra- pany of that naino operated in Ohio "1!? Irum 1 ortianu From the pree- Tne teachers, at the suggestion of clflc company. Mr. Harris was ine, several years ago and was a largeie"1 ouiiook tne term win lasi two, q n. Smith, Introduced them Grazing Edict For proud owner of two hogs on exblbl- concern, being absorbed tion that were carrying everything ' Rockefeller Interests, before them In the way of mtduls . und ribbons. Mr. Harris Is now farming near Salem. One of the hogs weighed 825 pounds and, Mr. Rose says, was "chewing up nine teen ribbons that decorated the side of his pen." Mr, Rose states that Ashland ex hibits were the big betH that helped Jackson county win first place among the exhibits In a walkaway. by the I'nlted States District Attorney! The following program was given Thomas Maguire will conduct the li nlfy their Intention to participate, the call for the Ashland meeting will be sent out. ' The object of the C. C. O. is to co- weeks. United States District Attor- 9(,ivell by standing aud announcing ",e elI01 01 "le cmmu; ney Lester W. Humpheys and Deputy u,eir names. uUlci ,oward adVBnc,nB the welfare ' oi soutnerui uregon as a wnole. The : tentative program Includes road Im provement, tourist development and the settlement of the Irrigated agri cultural landB. Within tho next five years, at the present rate of Increase of tourist ; travel, that crop will be worth 12, ' OOO.OOO to southern Oregon and therefore every attention to Its de velopment is considered most Im- ; portant. Ing district in the country for qual-; '''he foreigii-boru white population Ity and price. To create a price such which was 10:;,U01 iu 1S10, d. as this in competition with America's rpamll, , ,02,151 jn 11)20 g d, finest demands that every detail that , .... , j , crease of .8 per cent. The native KOe into the makeup of such pack ages is properly done. ' wh,t0 P'u'loa lu the same period Coming on the heels of the win-.Increased from 552,08s to 6ti6,95. nlng first prize at the stale fuir at or -0.8 per cent. prosecutions In the cases in which the government is nlaintlff. B. M. MOQOC lGS6rVG IS Mot(m aepaty Unlted states """'jby Miss Kaegi; reading by Dr. Mat clerk, will act as clerk at the session. ; tie Shaw, and a vocal solo by Mrs CADPClPflA- rallS Southern Oregon will have thejouy Jacobs. Singing by a male quartet, Dr Til ton, Rev. Walter A. Evans, Percy titration and O. H. Yeo; piano solo Salem, the above adds new luster to the glory of Jucksou comity and its products. Iu the past the bear I Creek orchards have set records for sale and quality of fruit, but none to compare with the last una. : pleasure of seeing the new United . States marshal for the Oregon ills that eventually reaches tho consum- discission of the erazinc auestlon .erett T. Stretcher, one of Marshal it's table In canned form At High School Elects Officers KLAMATH FALLS, Or., Oct. 4. !t,lct. MaJf Clurence R. Hotchkiss, , filMC' jfPP LlHD ine' Decision as to whether sheepmen will veieruu, wnu was swum mm upple, pear und peach exhibits of Al-;0e admitted to grazing privileges onjoWice last Saturday, succeeding hert Johnson, orchardlst, 601 Wal- the Modoc reserve is expected to re-' GeorR8 p- Alexander, for the first nut street, won the highest prizes of-1 HUit from investigation made last ; time- And along with him comes fered at the fair. week by J. W. Nelson, national chief 0,,r ol(l abl" aml courteous friend, Howard has a long tale to tell 0f grazing for the forest service. Mr. ; Jnn D. Mann, who has been chief concerning his travels. He spent j Nelson's decision is expected by theid'Dut)r United States marshal during considerable time on the Columbia' middle 0f October. Alexander's term and who will be river watching the fishermen, note, 1 Conference between the. federal of-! r,'talned In office a month yet to Mr. Rose said, for the "hard tuck" ficer and members of the Klamath! I):e:'k in tnH 110 w marHhal and his appetites and their ability to land' wool Growers' association will b deputies with the red tape of that the "big una" of the salmon runi held here early In October for full 'office. Assisting Mann will be Ev- I IIOTEI, ASHLAND LEASE SOLI) TO I'ORTLANH MAX Wth a membership of twenty-four girls, the Girls' Glee club was organ ized yesterday afternoon at the high school under the faculty supervision of Miss Leona Marsters, musical di rector of the Ashland schools. Work of the club will be of a popular and classical musical nature. Negotiations made during the past week for the purchase of the lease aud furniture of the Hotel Ashlauil culminated toddy in the sule of thin property by T. J. Coffman, the owner Bluco August 1, to II. F. Leach, of Portland. Mr. and Mrs. Leach will tuke possession of the hotel tomor .NEW VAl'LT IS STARTED TO HOUSE VOCXG PEOI'LK HAVE COI-NTY PAPERS "ELEPHANT TRADE according to J. H. Carnahun. sect e-1 Hotchkiss' new deputies, who, it Is tary of the wool growers. understood, will succeed Mannas The following officers were elect- ,ow morning. No change In the per : ' 'chief deputy. ej at the meeting: Harriet Ruger, sonnel of the hotel employes is con- The exact number of cases, com- president; Minnie Edwards, vice templated. ing up at tnts term ror trial and president, and Georganna Cltft, sec- jjr. i,Biii:h is an experiueced hotel AT PRESUYTERIAX StM'lAL what they are will not be known retary. Excavating for a new fireproof. I until the federal court party arrives vault at the county court house In' ' We're goin gto have an eelnhant ln tne clty' Jacksonville for the-storage of coun-j trade. ty records began Monday. The strue-! White or gray, or any shade ; man. t'ntil a few mouths ago he Following Is the panel of jurors: Halleck Ball, Waldo; George Bur- don, Grants Pass; H. J. Doyd. Ash- , ... ,m . . . . , ,, ; "'iu niuu tuinn ture will cost in the neighborhood of; you bring yours on Friday night. $2,000 anil be 22x26 feet in dimen- Wrapped In paper and tied up tight." i ia'- Walter Brooks, Williams; Mllo Conley, Brownsboro; T. P. Crlteser, , Lcland; T. N. Crow, Gallce; Ed Dailey, Klrby; 8. E Davidson, WW-, liams; Ja:ues N. Dean, Gallce; P. A.j organization or the Boys GleflWag the owner of the Ceiser Grand club is expected within the next few ! hotel ut Baker, Ore For the past nftv- ;two months Mr. and Mrs. Lench havo 1 been In Portland. ! The hotel will be partly refur slons, and will Be used largely ror; So ran the Invitations on white the keeping of the records of the ! elephants, received by the Presbyte county clerk, which has been hamp-;ran young people this week. Twen ered by lack of vault room for years. ' ty-five of them gathered at the Tho new vault will be completed and church last evening for the business ready for occupancy In about a meeting and social. month. There will be a basement; 'New officers were elected us fnl-i C. L. Ellis, ROBBERS TO START PRISON TERM SOON nished, Air. Leach states. Renova tion of the property will start n! once. Although definite plans have not been made, Mr. Leach contem- in which records will be stored. owg: President, Frederick Koebl The recording department of tbe;er; vice president, Margaret John court house, in the front of the build- BOn; secretary, " Edith Robinson; ing, will be occupied by the treas-; treasurer. Herbert Doran. urer's office. The vault there will; The society is an honor church on tie used for the storapo of the treas- points 1 6 and 7 of the new goals The mandate for the delivery to; plates leasing the receutly-complet- Genault. Grants Pass; George E.jthe state prison at Salem of Petered hotel annex over the Class A gar- uuncan, i.erc-y, j. a. aiaon, Paisley. ; F. (Dutch Pete) Strauff and Frank; age. Such a lease, If made, would Kodat, convicted of the attempted be effected after the winter months, Leland; E. V. Foster, Medford; W. L. Foreman, Central Point; H. S. Glelm, Talent; A. J. Green, Grants Pass; Robert Gim mett, Hllland; Phillip Helmer, Grants Pass; John Herman, Selma; David JohnB, Williams; W. A. Jones, the two men will make a dash for l trade. urer s hooks uno recoiui, and the. Eight new members presented j 1 rovoit; John Lawless, Grants Pass; (liberty. The pair recently withdrew! Mr. and Mrs. Coffman, who came Bate moved forward for the keeping their names at the meeting, I v- k Loomis, Ashland. Fred Luy.jtlieir appeals to tin, supreme court I here rrom Portland, will remain In of the county funds. Further room The elephant trade was mike Wellou; T. J. Mackin, Leland; H. H.ifor a new trial. Influential friends I Ashland for an Indefinite time. Mr Medford Apartment House Doomed By Less ihau two-thirds tB4.7 per cent of the white people In the stata are uative Auioriuui born of native parents, the total native white of uative parentage being 47,T2ti, while tha foreign element is repre sented by 102,151 forelgn-boru whites, S5,S27 native whites who had foreign-born parents, and 3,1, 442 who had one parent foreigu Cjto.M"jflt' I QUI uo1'"' tae otl'tr be'ug native. I IIC IVOICI I.WIf The total population includes also I 2,144 negroes, 4,5911 ludlans, 3.0S0 . . . .. ,, . fhinese, 4.151 Japanese, 142 Fill- Inadeiiuate pressure m the Med- ... . ., ., . .,, , , , , , IPluos, 5 llnwuilans. 90 Hindus and ford water mains is handicapping; j Coreaus ihe efforts of the fire depaitment. of; , ' , , ... ., ... eVl,l' county of the state ex- liat city n extinguish ing a fire that., , , , . , -,,,.,, . i ept four the perceutage of forelgn- liroke out In the linniiini apartments , . . , , , " . . . . horn white haa decreased, and In 17 at Aleillonl. according to word re- .u. , , ... ., ... ... ..of 'he 3 counties there was also n cniei4 here this afternoon. It is said . . .. , , . .... ! decrease in the number of forelgn- tlmt the apartment house, the fint ; borji whites of its kind in Medford, Is doomed to i ,rl ... rlM percentage of forelgn-lioru coinpleti! destrurtion. Firemen, un-,.,,. , ... . . . 1 white in Jackson county iiii. dc- able to plav un adequiite stream of ,.,. , , .., ' , , creased from 12.7 per cent lu 1910 waier on the blazing structure, werel(0 5 ., jQ jjjj waging an uneven battle at a late '" ono.fourth ,-.,. 15 hour this afternoon. ()f tb u I cent, or more than one-fourth, are STVDKXTS AT 1 either Infants or children under 1ft ' o. A. O. ARK FROM (years of age; 8 per cent are young JACKSOX (WXTYi People 15 to IS years old; 40.2 per , ' ;''". about two-fifths are men aud women iu the prime of life beini: OREGON AGRICULTURAL COL- ,..,, , " ' ,, ti oin iu to 44 years o d: wh e 24 4 LEfiE, Corvallls, Sept. 29. Jackson ... hal'.r " , ', ... .... . Per ecn ot'lng 45 yeurs of age hnd county . a represented by flf y-nlne ow ar9 we B,ong n of the .1.178 students now registered tney hjre reached od a. .he college it was learned today. TUb lirban popuItttiolli IW. . . . ' pared with the rural, shows some rather striking differences hi aRe. , tho percentage 20 to 44 years of line I'his Is thii largest number of stu-i being 43.9 for the urban population ilenls ever sent from Jackson coun-j as compared with 36.5 for the rural, ty. according to the roconsj. The while the percentage under 15 ye. trar's office. robbery of the Gold Hill bank last Mr. Leach said, "It the business jus- registration represents all Ore-! of Bge Is 23.7 in the urban popula April, has been received, and thej tlfied It." The new owner Is optim- nn counties. thirty-eight ' other tion, as against 30.7 In the rural two men will be taken to Salem atjlstlc over the business prospects andUiates and fourteen foreign cotin-i Two-third of Votinir Ami' once, exact day and time kept secret believes that the hotel will average! tiles. Multnomah county leads all Almost two-thirds of tho papula by the sheriff's office, which fears; half and half tourist and commercluljither counties In Oregon in point of tion 82.2 uer cent r niH ,.,,,,1, , .lumbers, with 571 students enrolled.; te, being 21 or more, and In this Washington ranks first among the! class the men outnumber the women will he obtained by the assessor's of-, hilarious and the, opening of the McClung, Wonder; C. T. McCormick, fice moving across the street to thel packages revealed some wonderful ! Hu: c- R- Moore, Lake Creek; J. building purchased from Luke Ryanlthlngn, all the way from cheap pnr-,J- Murphy, Ashland; T. O. Naucke, last spring for that purpose. : fume to hair nets and old shoes. The tax rolls and other documents other games followed and then and books stored in the official . the elephants were ferd on animal woodshed and loft thereof, or a large' crackers and salted peanuts, part of them, will be sheltered In the a good sing and the 'Mlzpeu" basement of the new vault. It there sent all home In happy mood. is room after tho surplus books of the clerk's office have been quar- "Many grand juries , the past Stildy Club have recommended that a vault be ; OfC Hold FirSt 11 u in iu jirenerre me county records, and the storage of records In tne woodshed was a "talking argument" In the campaign last winter to move the court house to Medford. Kerby; Joseph X. Nelson, Grants Pass; Horace Nicholson, Medford; George Owens, Wellon; E. E. Phipps, Ashland; C. Frank Rhodes, Medford; Boyd Robison, Ashland; John R. Robinson, Talent; William H. Sim . 110ns. Grants Pass; H. C. Stock, Ashland; James Taylor, Blv; E. 8. Te. villlger, Merrill; J. M. Tipton, Oleii- William Clrich, Medford; Jacob Whltlatch, Merrill; J. F. Goel ler. Klamath Falls mm -' m I MeetinO Of Yearl (!Ie" Laidley' an ex-eervlce man, J will be bailiff for the federal court have promised assistance in placing Coffman states that he is disposing their cases before the board of par- of the hotel property because of Mrs. dons. , ! Coffman's health The men were con.vlcted, and the entire cuse haugs on the question of identification, and the testimony of Mr. Coffman, who formerly was ealesmanuger for a large bottling concern at Salem. Is pleased with an ex-convict that he bad been Ashland and this afternoon an "tlpped off" that the robbery wa? nounced his Intention of iocallug In to occur on a certain night. The business here. Definite plans as to chief witness for the state said hj the nature of Ills enterprises have "couldn't tell them from a China- not yet been announced. Mr. Coff man" at the preliminary hearing, ; man still controls property In the The Ashland Study dun, the oldest LOCAL Ul'ARDSMEX club of Its kind in southern Oregon. ATTAIN HONORS IN SHOOTING TOlTtNAMKNT VALLEY APPLE SHOW ! according to Mrs. Fred D. Wagner. PREPARATIONS ARE president of the club, met yesterday MADK NEAT MONTH afternoon at the home or Mrs. wag- A telegram has been received ,ner for the first meeting following from A. J. McCallen stating that Arrangements for the Rogue River j the summer months. Sixteen mem- Oregon had won the twenty- galley apple exposition, which Is to j bers of the club were present. third place medal in the national but was very positive at the trial, though admitting the robbers had their faces blackened, wore masks, and it was midnight In the back loom of the Gold Hill bank. Both men have prison records, which weighed heavily against them. Strauff was pardoned Christmas day 1918. Both protest their inno cence vigorously. rear of (lie Hotel Ashland. "For the time being." Mr. Coffman says ! "Mrs. Cnffman and I will take a Va-! cation." 'slali's outside of Oregon, with 307, .inn California Is second -with 281. Idaho is represented by 94, Montana ..12 and the Phlllpplno Islands 13. Canada has taken the lead of for eign countries with 15, and far-away 'India comes next with 5 Other countries represented are Bolivia, 1; China, 2; Denmark, 3; England, 2; Italy, 1; Palestine, 1; Peru, 3; Scotland, I ; Serbia Switzerland 2. Men numbering 2,178 have regis tered, and women total 1,000. New students listed are 1,304, and old 'ones total 1.874. he held In Medford some time dur- Investigation of study subjects re- rifle matches recently held in Camp Ing the month of October, are pro-1 quiring the preparation of papers to Perry, Ohio. This ts a signal honor, pressing and business men of that j be read at the regular Monday ses- as twenty-third plaie Is a high rank ' city and other valley towns who didjsions of each week Is the method of; and places Oregon again In the fore no t contribute premleums for the research used by the club. Each: most ranks. Last year the state pear show are being asked to pre-; member makes reports on the sub- team made a very poor showing, and vide tha prizes. I jects of study outliued by the club, it is due In no small measure to the A considerable number have al-!The members now are studying klll of the local First company men.j ready responded and as soon as suf- astronomy and the countries of Swe- A. J. McCallen and J. Q. Adams, flcient time has elapsed to permit re- den and Norway. that this medal was won this year, turns of the merchants from the val- Members of the club are: Mes-, In addition to competition with ley towns, the list of premiums of- dailies Fred D. Wagner, president: teams from every state in the union, fered and the names of the mer- Ad.ims, secretary and treasurer; J. , the local men went up against scores chants offering the same will be pub-( M. Wagner, Emll Pell, Fred Engle, (of men from rifle teams all over the Pshed. Henry Galey, Louis Dodge, E. V. Car- I'nlted States. This apple exposition will be for ter, George Andrews, II. A. Stearns, McCallen'and Adams are now oa the entire Rogue River valley. It j E. A. Woods, Victor Mills, R. L. their way back to AshlaSd by way will be held at the exhibit room of Burdlc, Malmgren, H. L. Badger, of the Canadian Pacific route Their the Medford chamber of commerce ! Robertson, Saylea and P. K. Ham- Ashland friends and the First eom; in unless the floor space there Is en- mond; Misses Blanche CO! XTV 8PORT8MEK ' TO HOLD MEDFORD MEET OCTOHKR M LOCAL RED CROSS APPOINTS COMMITTEE FOB COMIXti DRIVE Mesdames Emll Pell, C. 11. Pierce j and A. II. Pracht were appointed! members of a committee to havej charge of the Ashland lied Cross drive to start November II, at a Klamath County Fair Opens Oct. 5; Many Entries A mass meeting of the Jackson j County Fish and Came Protective as sociation will be held at the public : library in Medford on Monday, Octo- for funds will be supplementary to 111 ine ratio or 120 to 100. The mules of military age, 18 to 44, con stitute 43 per cent of the male popu lation and 22.8 per cent of the total population. There are 99.562 children 7 to I I years of age In the state, and of this number 94,312, or 94.7 per cent, were reported as attending school. In 1910 the percentage attending I; Spuln, 1, and school wus 90.3, thus indicating an Improvement as regards school at tendance between 1910 und 1920. Of the children 14 and 15 years of age In 1920. 90 S per cent were attend ing school and of those 16 and 17 years of age, 69.7 per cent. School Attendance I High The percentage of children at tending schools was higher In the cities than In the country districts, the percentage for children In the urban population 7 to 13 years of age being t. 1 , while In the rural population It was 93.7. "Urban," according to the census definition, includes all towns or cities and other incorporated places of 2,504 popu lation or mors. There are 9,317 Illiterate persons 10 years of age and .over In the state, "Illiterate" meaning unable to tlrely too small. ' Wlnfred Watson KLAMATH FALLS, tr, Oct. 4. Livestock entries for the Klamath meeting of the executive board ofo rol"uy l"ir' ,0 be n,,d October 6, C the local chapter of the Red Cross,1"1"1 7- coml"8 ln rapidly. The U .... .. J .. -I .. 1 ji.i . at the Elks' parlor .Monday after-1'"" u"'" '-" aauuiouai noon. Plnns for tho drive have not snea' IM to accommodate vnt hepn announced. The local drive' ""nines. mere win ne anout seventy en-j write 10 any iui;usa. ui mu Hum- ber 24. to discuss proper revision of it. campaign of national scope. "" ""' Preprea. in the( .r. ... . u.- varlous fish and game lawi, and to' Among the indigent cases report- ""'ry omsiou w. tt. Hawkins- herd:"'" """ 'reorganize the association Into an ef- ed by the Red Cross at Its executive " ' King Kornayae . ,m""1" ' " 'fective working body to have cbargel meeting was that of a mother who Jr.. of King of thejelgn birth 147 are Indians. 782 are 'of all future proposed fish and game j had been seriously ill and taken ,, I'ontiacs. one of the greatest Hoi-. Chinese. 409 are Japanese and 89 regulations. More detail, a. to the a local hospital at an expense of "fin America. re negroes In the tofal population .cope of the meeting will be published !'f 10J.B to the local Red Cross chap- Sheep growers hsve taken slight; 10 year, a.d over the percentage of Uter Uer The mother s two children, who '"tcrest ln previous fairs, but this! illiteracy is 1.1. which shows a slight A Urge attendance is desired at! had never been to school, are being y there are thirty pen. of regls'i diminution sine. 1910, when It was this mas. meeting, and every one is! taken care of by a ranch family, "red rams and ewes, including sev-l - I of the native white welcome to make suggestions. It is near the city. The children havo! eral. Imported New. Zealand Cerrle-j or uative parentage It is .4, the same pointed out that all men Interested, teen placed In school and are being !1"' The list of hogs and horse.;" " was game cannot afford taken care of until their mother re- aiso indicates increased Interest of . "7 pmu Pi Hicks and pany boy. will welcome their re-! to mis. the meeting, and should be' toverj her health. The Red Cross is; oreeners in rsising tne stana.m 01, . " , "T... jbupplylng clothe, for the children. . their stock. - .turn. ; there to expres. their Idea..'