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About Ashland weekly tidings. (Ashland, Or.) 1919-1924 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 17, 1921)
Wednesday, August 17, 1021 page rota ASHLAND WSSSLT TtDlKOI Local and Personal TUESDAY'S SEWS Rvturn to Portland Mrs. J.- P. Lochner- and daughter of Portland are la Ashland for b lew days visiting friends. They are ua their way home after spending a few weeks with Mrs. Lochner's mother In Klamath Falls. Camers LcaB lu Morning Mr. and Mrs. Will LoomiS, Robert Hale and family. B. F. Montgomery and family and Bert Dennis and family leave In the morHing by uutos on a cumplng trip to Diamond Lake and Odell Lake In the central part of tho state. The party expects to he gone two or three weeks, re turning by way of Crater Lake. were features of the afternoon's program. Also some splendid music rendered by Miss May Hedrick and Mrs. Alta Weinburger. Dainty re freshments were served at the close of the meeting. Those present were Mesdames Mary Hale, Delhia Hale, Dave McKlnny, Edwin Dunn, 0. Bloomfleld, John Coch-an. Frank Crowson, J. V. Wright, Frank Nel son, Andy Payne, Alta Weinburger, L. Bonnln and Misses May Benedict and May Hedrick. evening, and Sunday continued on to Klamath Falls, spending the day there and returning home this moraine. Leaven for HaiTisburg Mrs. Mary Swlgart and daughter, Mrs. A. L. Strickland, left yes terday for Hurrisburg where Mrs Swigar will be under the care of her daughter, Dr. Leslie Kent, un til fully recovered from injuries sustained In a recent automobile accident. Leave Inr Portland Mrs. Gardenhire and son Charles, who have been guests of Mra. Alec Hall and Mrs. J. M. F.asterltiig, left yesterday for their home in Portland. Leave for Dunsmuir Mrs. Nellie Conner and daughter. Mrs. Frank Hanna, left this morn ing on train 13 for Dunsmuir and Shasta Springs. They expect to be gone about 10 days. Leaves for llerkeley, Calif. Karl Fraley let yesterday for Berkeley, Calif., where ho has a po sition In the high school. Vacation at Lake o' Woods-2- Mr. and Mrs. II. H. Elhart went to Lake of the Woods Sunday for a week's vacation. Nebraska Visit F. K. Cropsey and Mr. Southwell of Lincoln. Neb., slopped yesterday for a short visit with Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Kirkpatrlck on their auto way to Los Angeles. Mr. Cropsey is o cousiu of Mrs. Kirkpatrlck. F.HHtcru Crops Short (1. W. Ken nurd, who left Ash land several yearn ago, is now at ColunibuR, Ohio, where be will re main during the summer months be fore going south for the winter. Mr. Keunard states that all crops lu the oust bave befii cut short with oats and potatoes, the crops being almost a total failure. Outing at Crater Lake ,r Mrs. Coiart and daughter, Aletha, Miss Weybrlght and neice, Violet Wilton, left this morning for an out ing at Crater Lake. Returns From Vacation Miss Dorothy Jones has returned from a two weeks vacation In Sacra mento where she has been visiting ber aunt. Miss Jones returned to work at McGee's yesterday. Returns From t'lnnlluir Springs F.. T. Staples, local real estate dealer, who has been absent for the past several days, has returned from Clunlbar Springs where he has been spending a week's vacation Nnzuienv. Church Worker Visits Rev. Charles A. Kinder, special representative of the Nazarene Pub lishing house. Kansas City, Mo., was a visitor in Ashland over Wednes day. While here he was in consul tation with Rev. J. E. McShune, pas tor of the local church of tho Nazn rene. relative to the distribution of the products of the church publish lug bouse. Reverend Kinder is mak ing a lour of the Northwest and expresses himself enthusiastically regarding the opportunities found in Oregon commercial and other wise. He left for San Francisco, from which city he will make a tour of the Northern California district of his church. Leave for Klamath Falls C. J. Murphy and F. R. Murphy l(!ft yesterday for Klamath Falls In tho interests of Kmil Peil. J. J. O'Cunnell, also connected with the sales staff of Emll Fell, left this morning for Grants Pass. Improves at Hospital M. L. Smith, now confined to a San Francisco hospital, is improv ing, according to a . telegram re ceived here yesterday by friends. Hopes are entertained for his recovery. Fixing Lake o' Woods I toad 0. V. Gillette, who made a trip In from Luke o' Woods this mora Ing for ramp supplies, states that the county Is fixing the road be tween Ashland and Lake o' Woods. Early Crawford Peaches- Just to prove that the peach sea son had started, R. W. Dunlup, orchardlst at 169 Nob Hill, brought two dozen early Crawford peaches Into the Tidings office this morning The Tidings staff had many compli ments to mnke, especially pertlneu' to the peaches. Knteitnln Civic Club Officers The officers of the Civic Improve ment club were entertained this aft ernoon by Mrs. W. A. Shell at her home, 171 Granite street. The pur pose of the meeting was for( a gen eral discussion of plans for the rest ' room club building to be erected on i city property on Mill street. Re- ' freshments were served. Edison Marshall to Alaska ' Edison Marshall, the literary 1 Sal,,a Monica Visitors 1 Mi anA Hftso rt tl TT... 11-.. and daughter Mary Virginia of Central Point Visitors Mrs. Minnie Sargent and son Mel vln of Central Point visited Mr. Sargent's sister, Mrs. Magglo Cul bertson, on Mountain uveniue Sat urday. Visiting at 'Frisco Mrs. L. Hilty of Graham street is visiting friends In San Francisco. iUtuni From Ijike o' Wuodv Louii Dodge and Mrs. J. P. Dodge have returned from Luke o' Woods. Mrs. Louis Dodge and children re main at the lake. Visit. Sod Here T. J. Jones of Sacramento, Calif, is visiting at the home of his' sou, '. R. D. Jones. Mr. Jones is ac companied by L. 0. Crosby, also of Sacramento. in 'Frisco Hospital C. 0. Porter, Eighth street, has been confined to the Southern Paci fic company hospital at San Fran cisco for the paBt several days. Returns From California Miss Grace Kelts rotuijhed last week from California where she baa beeu visiting for the past several days. Cliuixli Circle Mortal ut the Gulsea IP Home F.very one enjoyed a splendid good time at the social circle meet ing of the Christian church at the CuisHiger home on Wednesday aft ernoon. A short business session followed by visiting and fancywork Babe Ruth of Rogue River valley, left yesterday for Alaska, where he will spend several weeks in the wilds hunting the Kodlnc and Chin chilla bear, the wild Gazoo inljik and the three-legged Mazumu. Mar hiill's guide refused to come to terms at the last moment so Edison will take his chances on a tip from MJke Hanley that an Indian guide can be secured for $1.50 per diem. Mr. Marshall is already one of the most popular writers of fiction In the country and will undoubtedly come out from the Yukon loaded lor the best seller column for an In definite period. Santa Monica, Calif., are revisiting Ashland, attending to property In terests remaining here and renew ing many acquaintances of former times. Leave for Crater Lake Mr. and Mrs. Charles H. Hanse accompanied by their daughters, Catherine and Louise, and son Sam left for Crater Lake early this week in the family auto. "THE ELHART WAT" -ool Stork, Good Service,' Oood Goods CAMPERS SUPPLIES Kl GGP.STIVK 1.HT Canned Heal Outfit Icy Hot Mottle Shaving Cream, Tooth Paste Tooth Brush Cold or Vanishing Cream Sunburn Lotion Mosquito Lotion Talcum Powder Gauze Bandages Adhesive Tape Tinsture Iodine Laxative Tablets I-rt I's Supply Your Needs Fires All Under Control All of the forest fires in the 81b kiyou forest are now under control, Is the word given out at the local forestry office. The four fires in the lower Illinois district were put under control Friday after burning over 30 or 40 acres. Two rires on Howard creek In the Galice district were reported out Saturday evening by. the rungers.' No new ones were reported today. Will Ix-nie Here Mr. and Mra. C. M. Clay are new arrivals In the city with tho inten lions of making their home here. They are visiting at the home "of Mrs. L. E. Inman, a niece of Mr. Clay. Weal In f for the Week "Generally fair scattered showers; moderate temperatures," Is tho weather forecast for this week, according to predictions of the weather bureau at Washington n. c. Trip to Klamath Falls Millard Orubb; mother, Mrs. J L. Grubb, and sister. Mrs. Beecher Danford, and children and Miss Alice Walker made a trip to the Oreea Springs road camp Saturday Sunday IMnner Party Mr. and Mrs. Boyd Tucker were dinner guests .Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Oskar, Morton street. Tlllthi: GIRLS ENJOY HIKE TO CRATER LAKE (Continued from rage One) Notice is hereby given that on, or after 60 days from the 1st day of July, 1921, the County Court of Jackson County, Oregon, will, in open Court, cancel all warrants in the hands of the Connty Clerk of said County which bave been Issued and not protested for a period of 7 years or more, prior to the 1st day of July. 1921; 'also all warrants will be ordered held for naught and payment thereof -stopped;, wherein, .it , appears that same have been protested fof a period of 7 years to the' 1st day of July, 1921. but not presented for. payment. The following list shows the names of the payee, date, number and amount as shown by warrants to he acted upou by the Court Court: N WARRANTS ON HAND NAME DATE - NO. Bush, W. H. Apr. 4th, 1913, 1733 Betterly, Vernon Sept. 4th, 1913 19855 Betterly. Vernon Sept. 4th, 1913 , 19908 Benson, John Mar. 7th, 1914 22362 Billings. E. H. Nov. 7th, 1813..... 20592 Butterfield, H.-G. Sept. 4th,. 1913 . . . 19848 Butterlleld. H. G. Sept. 4th, 1913 19849 Baker, J. T. Dec. 6th, 1913..... .21378 Beiseue, LouIb Nov. 7th, 1913 2061$ Bortou, R. Sept. 4th, 1913 . 19860 Burns, H. C Js'ov. .7th, 1913 20600 Bighami W. H. Dee. 6th, 1913 21364 Clncade, R. W. Oct. 3rd, 1913 20128 Curran, Dan Nov. 7th, 1913 20T15 Fogarty, J. W. Nov. 7th, 1913 20783 tlrisson, Sam Apr. 2d, 1914 22810 Crlgsby, Mra. Leila Aug. 7th, 1913 19678 Hunsacker, O. O. Oct. 3d, 1913 10239 Harris, Chas. Apr. 2d, 1914 22834 Hay, J. F. Aug. 7th, 19,13 19698 Hay, Eleanor Aug. 7th, 1913 19697 Lawrentz. August Dec. 5th, 1913 21561 Lewis, Henry Jan. 8th, 1914 21897 Long, Ezra Sept. 8th, 1913 19945 Long, Ezra Sept. 8th, 1913 19944 Long, W. C Mar. 7th. 114 22526 Mahau, E. J. Dec. 7th. 1913 21676 Mnyfleld, Jos. Aug. 7th, 1913 19730 McMillan, H. O. Apr. 2d, 1914 .; 22895 Plerson, Walter Oct. 3d, 191 20398 Patty, John Dec. 6th, 1913 ; 21608 Radur.i, Julius Nov. 7th, 1913 - 21125 Sherman, E. C Sept. 4th, 1913 20006 Sherman, E. C Sept. 4th, 1913 20006 Taylor, A. C Nor. 7th, 1913 21221 Woods, J. B. Oct, 3d, 1913 20626 Wltherlll, Febbla Feb. 5th, 1914 22314 Yokum. R. L. Oct. 3d, 1913 ,...20523 The following warrants have been protested by the County Treasurer and duly called, same having been protested for a period of over seven years, jprlor to the'lst day of July, 1921, but have not been presented for payment, to-wlt: NAME DATE NO. Roblson, F. M. Nov. 3d. 1910 8166 Smith, W. H. Feb. 1st, 1911 . ... 9307 Hall, Chas. Apr. 1st, 1911 9733 Frost, C. W. May 3d, 1911 10092 Sherman, Chas. May 3d, 1911 10045 Scott, Samson May . 3d, 1911 t 10043 Seeley, E. R. Jun. 7th, 1911 . iubss Miller. C. H. Jun. 7th, 1911. 10489 Brown, L. C Jun. 7th, 1911 . . .' 10487 Zanon, Martin Aug. 2d, 1911" 11257 Caldwell. Ed Ang. 2d. 1911 .V - 11268 Nunan Taylor Co. Aug. 2d. ' 1911 . 11065 Henry, Geo. Jun. 7th. 1911 10619 Smith, C. H. Sept. 6th, 1911 . 11817 Radev, M. Sept. 6th, 1911 in"" Van Dyke, Everett Oct. 4th, 1911 t. 12118 Cuslck, M. H. Oct.' 4th, 1911 ;. 12043 Straube, Fred Oct. 4th. 1911 i 12074 Klelnhammer. A. S.Oct. 4th, 1911 12033 Beeson. Welboan Oct. 4th. 1911 12392 t AMOUNT $ 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 2.60 1.00 21.45 1.00 4.00 1.00 ' r.oo ! l.oo 1.00 i 1.75 ,. 1.00 1.00 1.60 1.50 9.70 6.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 8.20 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.40 1.00 Golson, A. Oct. 4th, 1911 f- .12035 NOTICE OP HEARING ON FINAL ACtXH'NT OP EXEOVTORH. IN THE COUNTY COl'RT IN AND i FOR THE COl'NTY OF JACK SON, STATE OP OREGON. In the Mutter of tho Estate of Hat tie A. Alnutt, Deceased. NOTICE IS HKREBY GIVEN. That the undersigned, the Executors of the Estate of Hattle A. Alnutt, deceased, have filed with the Clerk of Court at Jacksonville, Jackson County, Oregon, their final account in the mutter of tho administration of the said estate and the Honor able G. A. Gardner. Judge of the I said court, has designated Septem ber 17th, 1921, at 10 o'clock a. ra., at the court house In Jacksonville, aid county, as tlie time and place to hear any objections that may be made to said account and any and all persons dfolring to object there to shall mak sui-h objections at or hi fore the time of said hearing. WILLIAM C. MITCHELL, the road being cut through huge tuow banks; one 25 feet in depth. Friday morning wo packed our knupsacks, in our excitement forget ting our frying pan, and started on cur . homeward journey, riding 14 miles in a government truck as a good starter. With a tew "lifts" now and then we made Ft. Klamath at 1 p. in.', and being ravanotiBly hungry we extravagantly ordered dinner at the best hotel in town and enjoyed ourselves hugely for about an hour. Thanks to some farmer hoys and a kind forest ranger we arrived at Pelican Bay Lodge at 6 o'clock lliut evening and there we enjoyed hospitullty from the keeper and his nieces, who even in vlted us to sleep In a bed that night, which chance, believe me, we did not pass up. I'pon leaving, the keeper presented us with a beauti ful hunting knife to slice our bacon with and for use as a weapon. Saturday night we spent at Lake o' Woods and waded In the warm water n't the lake. There we met some more "home folks who di vided food with us, our supplies having dwindled Immensely. Sunday morning we struck the trail bright and early and walked steadily for 12 miles, when we ate the last of our food supplies. Find ing no one ut home at several ranch houses we surely thought we would starve In the woods, but we chanced upon some cattlemen who gladly di vided tbelr lunch with us and for diversion played horseshoes with them for about an hour, at which time we resumed our hike with lighter, hearts expecting to spend at least one more day on- the road, but soon a friendly Ford stopped and asked us. "Want a lift?" W scrambled in and reached old Ashland st 7 o'clock p. in., and take It from me, three weary girls were glad to see mother's face and to have a chance to sleep on a bed Inut'PM U II XHTTT ;i tw Executor, ,hul "dB't niive rofl" tuT feathers. Culy, G. C Oct. 4th, 1911 1246 Co. B. 4th Inf. O. N. G. Oct. 4th. 1911 U'n Murcom, J. Oct. 20th, 1911 4 iztnj Barrett, J. Nor. lBt, 1911 . . 4 1 izsua Madden, F. H. Novf 1st, 191Ii 1Z917 Flsenhart, Al. Nov. 1st, 1911 ;..'. 12894 Leonard & Goodhue Nor. 7th, 1911 13264 Dean, Ralph Nov. 7th, 1911 . . 1 12987 Hoagland, M. H. Nov. 7th. 1911 J. Fredenburg, Jos. I. Nov. 7th, 1911 13016 Pearson, Van R. Not. 1st, 191.1 . Twohy Bros. Dec. 6th. 1911 ' 133tn Netherlund, S, T. Dee. 6th, 1911 t 13740 Kahler, T. P. Dec. 6th, 1911. 1375 Hell, Louis Dec. 6th, 1911 13751 Berry. Jim Dec. 6th." 1911 . l"?' Sadrach, Mike Jan. 3d, 1912 .1 13835 Reach, G. C Jan. 3d, 1912 ... , 1 BilHngs. O. F. Jan. d, 1912. '.. ".... 13999 Sherman, E. C Jan. 3d, 1912.- Farmer, C. H. Jan. 3d, 1912..-. 1 Clevenger, 8. M. Mac 6th. 1912 H&z Myers, O. H. Mar. th, '" Pcllott, Harry Mar. 6th, 1912 .v Allen, F. Y. Feb. 7th, 1912.... 132 Jensen, J. May 1st, 1912 . . . Jackson, D. IL May 1st, 191Z. Rau. W. F. Apr. 3d, 1912 022 Swanson, Elmer May 1st. 1912 '15;; Sleod, R. C. Mny 1st, 1912.. Pacific Tel. & Tel. Co. May 1st. 1912 : 16165 Alden, G. B. May 1st, 1912... Inn Plnvrl Anr lit 1912 . . . . . . 16019 Grieve, John June 5th, 1912 . 1JJ23 Goodwin, A. P. Apr. 3d. 1913 Whipple. J. H June 5th, 191. 1M1J Sllva. Joe July 3d, 1912 ...1610S Brown, J. F. July 3d. 1912.. "I Collins, Mrs.' Sam July 3d, 191.J i. ..16168 Roran. J. F. July 3d, 191 2..-- 18J75 Taylor. G. O Aug. 7th. 1912.- ...16412 Barneburg. John Aug. 7th, 191:2 ...16345 Sacred Heort Hospital Sept. 4th, 1912 ...16469 Anderson. Thos. May 6th, 1910 .i ... 667 Hlttson, J. F. Aug. 7th, 191 196W Houston Bros. Oct. 2d, 1912 i. ..18794 Taylor, R. J. Oct. 2d, 1912. ... . .i 18964 Kellogg. A..E Oct. 2d, 1912.. 17020 Kellogg. A. E. Oct. 2d, 1912.-. ...16970 Kellogg, A. E. Oct. 2d, 1912... ...16969 Kellogg. A. E. Oct. 2d. 1912... 18967 Kellogg, A. E. Oct. 2d, 1918..... 18961 Watt, W. H. Oct. 2d. 1912...... 18963 Chedoster. H. B. Nov. 7th, 1912 17628 ("oilman. Roy Nov. 7th, 1912 .-. 17640 Ellington, W. W. Nov. -7th, 1H2. 17650 Johnson. M. Aug. 2d. 1911 116 Fisher, A. H. Nov. 6th, 112- I"' Medford Rook Store Nor. tb. 1912 17166 Keenc. J. M. Nov. 6th. 11S 11!79 Weldncr. Andreas Nor. 7th, 1912 17735 Stanley, Thos. Nov, 6th, 1912 '. "369 Youug, C. C Nor. 6th. Itll....; O'Gara, P. J No, 6th.' 191S.. 17428 O'Gara. P. J. Nov. 6th, 1912.. t. 17418 Frekes. TIibb. Oct 2d. 1912 j. 17070 Fleming, 8llas Nov. tb, 191 . . 17338 (luthrhv E.' F. Jiept. itb, 1911. . 1179 Hickman, T. P. Jun. 2d, 1911 18283 Lydiard, W. L. June 7th, ltll . .-. 10310 Wood. J. C Jan. 2d. 1913 18338 Mutidy. Mrs. Samuel Sept. Sth, 1911 11758 Learning, Ed Fob. 7th, 1911 . T4329 Crocker. L. W. Nor. th, 1912 ,...17276 Rrlggs. C. P. Apr. 3d, 112 : 14898 Holman, W. H. Sept. 4lh; 1912.. .i.... .16568 Richardson, J. W. Mar. 7th. 1918.: 18671 Howe, J. L. Mar. 7th. 1913.. . 18069 Kasshafer. Frank Mar. 22d. 1913 .....18708 Dow, Amu C Apr. 4lh, 1912..;.., ; . 18789 llush.' W. U. Mar. 23d. ,1915.... . .' ......18733 Hart, Dr. J. F. Apr 4th. 191 J ... . ........ . i . . 1 8829 MrGsrgtll, W. M. Apr. 4th, 1913. .j 18908 Lehonard, K. K. Apr. 4tn, 1911... 18889 Lehrman. E. E. Apr. 4th, 1911... 18886 Mathls. SamuelApr. 4th. 19U 18898 Conroy. R. J. Apr. 4tb, 1913 18769 Conroy. R. J. Apr. 4tb, 191S.... 18768 State of Oregon May Itb, 1919.- . 19141 Caldwell, A. C May 8th, 1912.,. 19111 AMOUNT $ 1.25 1.00 1.50 1.50 1.00 1.00 5.00 1.00 1.00 l.'OO 1.00 93.69 1.00 1.00 1.00 31.87 4.60 4.60 4.60 2.40 4.60 27.80 5.00 9.00 4.50 4.00 4.00 100.00 35.00 "36.00 ' 77.60 7.00 600.00 1.00 1.00 2.40 11.25 60.60 48.70 62.50 1.60 1.00 22.30 1.00 1.00 4.00 1.00 1.00 2.00 1.00 2.00 . 9.80 2.00 2.60 100.00 2.00 6.00 1.00 7.40 1.00 1.00 2.95 1.00 7.26 1.00 4.00 4.00 1.00 3.60 9.00 8.70 32.20 67.00 1.00 10.50 . 13.50 9.00 .50 2.40 2.00 1.00 ' 33.72 39.75 9.06 14.00 4.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 6.40 1.63 2.00 1.00 16.60 1.00 7.20 '" 21.37 2.62 3.00 18.00 78.00 1.00 36.00 I. OA 4.60 4.00 4.30 1.00 6.00 146 42 3.20 Walker, J. O. May 8th, 1913. Moe, Mrs. Richard May 8th, 1 Jermau, Tom June 6th, 1913 Bateson, Geo. A. & Co. June 6 Culbertson, Everett Oct. 2d, 1 Hurst, J. P. July Altken, J. C July Pauley, Wm. Nov. Wilson, E. S. July Irwin, A. L. : Butterfield, H. Butterfield, H. O. Sept. 4th, 1913. Betterly, Joe Sept. 4th, 1913 Betterly, Joe Sept. 4th, 1913 Long, Ezra Sept. 4th, 1913 Medford Printing Co. Sept. 4th, 1913 Sherman, E. C Sept. 4th. 1913 Sherman, E. C Sept. -4th, 1913 .. Smith, J. C Sept. 6th. 1913 Smith, T. F. Sept. 4th, 1913 Applegate, L. C Oct, 3, 1913. Gregory, W. W. Oct. 3d, 1913 Houck, Jesse Oct. 3d, 1913 ... Nell, Frank R. Oct. 3d, 1913 Patrick, W. A.-Oct. 3d, 1913 Turpln, O. A. Oct. 3d, 1913 Woodcock, Ed Oct. 4, 1913 Hunsacker, O. O. Cel. 3d, 1913.. Arnold, S. E. Nov. 7th, Beswick, R. Nov. 7th, 1 Caster, Otto Nov. 7th, 1 Conger, A. P. Nov. 7th, Conger, Eliza Nov. 7th, Jacobs, J. W. Nor. 7th, Electric Con. Co. Nov. 7 Taylor, F. J. Nov. 7th, 1913... Turpln, O. A. Nov. 7th, 1913... Truax, W. W.-Nov. 7th. 1913., Taylor. A. C Nov. 7th, 1913... Lance & Co. Oct. 4th, 1913 Jacksonville Post Oct. 4th, 1913 Woodcock, Ed. Nov. 7th, 1913 .. Weeks. Fred Nov. 7th, 1913 . . . Whetstone, H. F. Nov. 7th. 1913. Thomas, Joe. A. Nov. 7th, 1913. Coleman. F. L. Dec. 5th, 1913.. Blrdsoye, Wesley Dec. 5th, 1913 Hurt, J. F. Dec. Gth, 191.1 Taylor. G. O. Dec. 5th, 1913 Gregory, Henry L. Dec. Sth, 191 Pellett, Harry Dec. Sth, 1913 .. Florey, Cjiaunncy Jan. 8th, 1914 Grieve, W. T. Jan. 8th, 1914 . I Holmes Bros. Jun. 8th, 1914 ... Flcher. A. H. Jan. 8th, 1914 Rankin, Estes Ian. 8th, 1914 ... Dorn. David .Inn. Sth, 1914 Deneff. Win Jan. Sth, 1914 Billings, G. H. Jan. 8th, 1914... Philips, D. E. Jan. 8th. 1914 Wells, J. Percy Jun. Sth. 1914.. iFlorev, Chaiincey Feb. Sth. 1914 . jColvlg, Fred L. Feb. 5th, 1914 IWellK, J. l'ercey Feb. Sth, 19t4... I Wells, Jluye B. Feb. 5th, 1914 Coleman, F. L. Feb. 5th, 1914 IWIkstrom. C. E. Feb. 5th, 1914 il.ovo, Mrs. Dolly Feb. 6th, 1914... j Hilton, Geo. Feb. Sth, 1914 I Hilton, Geo., Jr. Feb. Sth. 1914... Cronem tiler, Lizzie Mar. 7th, 1914 Ashland Tidings, Mar. 7th, 1914.., Burko, Fred Mar. 7th, 1914 Benson, John Mar. 7th, 1914 Cvesler, M. P. Mar. 7th, 1914... Il'owlhy, II. L. Mur. 7th, 1914 Olsson & Son Mar. 7th, 1914 Tayler, Wm. Mar. 7th, 1914 Long, W. C. Mar. 7th, 1914 Weeks, F. W. Mar. 7th, 1914 Crlssom, Sam. Apr. 2d, 1914 Harris, Chas. Apr. 2d, 1914 Stewart, J. E. Apr. 2d, 1914 Stearns, Dr. Apr. 2d, 1914 McMillan, H. O. Apr. 2d, 1914... Shaver, C. N. Sept. 6th, 1911.. Carpenter, Stephen May 8th, 1 Gaddls & Dixon May 8th, 1914 Hall, Edna E. Feb. Sth, 1914. Davis, F. Roy June 2d, 1914. Coleman, F. L. June 4th, 1914 Gregory, W. W.- Thompson, Mrs. Nettie June 8th, 19 Thompson, Mrs. Nettie June 4th, 191 Thompson, Mrs. Nettle June 4th, 19 Lee, Mrs. Lena June 4th, 1914 City of Jacksonville June 4th, 1914. .19281 1.C0 .19200 1.85 .19376 2.00 .19325 2.60 .17034 8.80 .19574 46.00 .19622 3.00 .19699 , ' 69.00 . 8196i 2.85- .19632 18.00 .19679 . 1.58 .19990 93.2S .19917 86.63 ,19924 6.70 .19848 1.00 .19849 1.00 .19865 1.00 .19903 1.00 ,19853 1.00 .19854 1.00 .19944 1.00 .19956 16.60 .20006 1.00 .20006 1.00 .20067 22.00 .20003 64.00 .20009 63.00 ,20064 6.00 .20209 6.00 .20245 6.00 ,20329 6.00 .20368 16.86 .20393 6.00 ,20492 6.00 20540 6.00 .20239 1.00 20122 1.00 ,20267 45.26 ,20564 3.20 20588 1.00 .20666 2.00 .20692 1.00 .20898 1.60 .20903 6.00 .20770 67.60 21069 6.10 ,21236 6.00 21235 6.00 ,21234 2.00 21221 1.00 .20303 10.00 ,20271 15.20 ,21216 5.30 21303 '6.00 21264 3.00 ,21293 2.00 ,2144:i 6.00 21.188 75.50 ,21356 43.00 ,21503 36.00 21694 4.80 ,21475 8.2H 21606 1.01 ,21828 100.01 ,21841 7. St .21867 1.85 .21834 .20 2S22 6.80 21817 3.00 ,21816 12.00 ,21776 2.40 ,21949 3.00 22027 150.0(1 ,21491 45.0(1 ,22121 100.00 ,22076 50.00 22.102 160.00 ,22304 33.76 ,22079 70.00 22315 1.20 22180 32.50 22148 33.00 22155 3.1.00 .22383 1.60 22443 1.00 22332 29.90 22340 1.00 22362 1.00 22394 32.00 22357 2.0(1 22578 13.40 22668 1.00 22525 1.00 22714 1.00 22810 1.00 22834 1.00 22952 10.00 22944 1.01) 22895 l.OA 6011 75.00 11812 1.00 23063 10.00 23107 20.30 22153 25.00 23275 25.00 23317 70.00 23322 18.67 23297 15.00 23381 11.20 23524 25.00 2,1605 4.50 23542 15.00 23543 10.00 23435 8.00 23335 97.53 4296 2.fl0 6757 1.80 760 4.00 823 1.50 881 5.00 912 ' 1.50 929 1.60 862 2.00 936 11.50 1025 4.00 Huher, Gebbard Feb. 3d. 1904 Hummersly. J. L. Mar. 18th, 1913. Panltey, Ren Jul. 10th, 1913 Cnntrall, J. M. Dec. 22d, 1913.... Hartman. J. Jun. 26th. 1914 Hartman. J. Feb. 7th. 1914 ...... Smith, Geo. N. Nov. 19th, 1913... Olson, Henry Feb. 10th, 1914 Pierce, D. A. Apr. 4th. 1914 STATE OF OREGON, ) COUNTY OF JACKSONISS: I Chauncey Florey, County Clerk of the above named County und State hereby certify that the within and foregoing is a true and correct llst'of County Warrants subject to cancellation as the same appear of record In my office and In my care and custody. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed , the seal of the County court mis mm aay oi June, iei. (Seal) CHAUNCEY FLOREY. County Clerk. Watermelons! At the Plaza Market Fresh, Ripe, Sweet Melons and Cantaloups Cantaloupes from 5c tip Watermelons ff om 25c tip You are missing a good treat if you don't try them PLAZA MARKET 61 North Main St., Ashland II. A. Sterns