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About Ashland weekly tidings. (Ashland, Or.) 1919-1924 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 17, 1921)
not THRM Wednesday, August 1?, 1021. ABHLAKD WEEKLY TZDIXGS LOCAL AND PERSONAL MONDAY'!) NEWS W. C..T. I'. Holds Busloea Meeting On last Tuesday the W. C. T. V. held Us regular meeting at tbe li brary. A business and social meet ing is planned to be held at the Presbyterian church on Aug. 23. At this time the election of officers will take place fur the ensuing year. Modfoid Diners ut Ashland There were about a dozen Med ford couples who took advantage ot the fine chicken dinner at the Hotel Ashland last night. Dunsiuulr Visitors Engineer James and wife of Duat uiulr, Calif., are spending a few weeks la Ashland. They have apart ments with the Rose family on East Main street. IIoiiio .Near Completion W. C. Mitchell's home on Oranite street is nenrlng completion, and will make u fine place. You Tell 'Km, Hob Boh Warner and Andy McCalliji were swapping good Jokes at the Elks club yesterday. Bob was giv ing Andy details of an automobile accident in which one was killed. "How dreadful," said Andy. "It could have been worse." said Bob. "I don't sec how," said Andy, "the man was killed, wasn't he?" "Yes," said Bob, "hu It might have been me." Conduct Service at llcllvlcw The Christian Workers' band held a gospel service at Bellvlew school yesterday. They will conduct the morning service at tbe Presbyterian church next Sunday. Will 0H'ii Church Kids Bids fur construction of the new addition to the Presbyterian church will be opened cm Tuesday evenlfig. Aug. Hi. Returns From Vacation Join Sugg, proprietor of the Ash land Milk company, has returned from nortlii'rn cities where he has been spending sey-ral weeks' vaca tion. Returns From Lake o' Woods Mr. and Mrs. Wllmer Poley are at home after a vacation at their Lake of the Woods cottage. Mr. poley will take Mr. Elhart's place In the drug store while the latter has a vacation. (icingo She! ton ou Vacation denrgn Shelton, the right-hand man at I In Elks club, Is spending his annual vacation at home getting acquainted with his family. To tilve Missionary Pagi-ant The missionary pageant, "Find ing Christ In America," will be given under the auspices of the Women's Missionary society Sunday evening, Aug. 2K, at the Presbyter Ian church. It promises to be an Interesting prngrajn. Buys Bankrupt Stock C. .1. Pcrrlne has purchased the bankrupt stock of Hudson and tilricklaiid at Montague. Calif., aud is placing the new purchase in stock. Resigns Hank Position ' .Miss Marjory Cillette has resigned her position with the State bank and is now on tho reportorial stuff of u Medford newspaper. Visiting ut Crescent City Ralph Billings and family are vis iting friends nt Crescent City, Calif. Returns From Dead Indian Ranch- Miss Gertrude Mlksch has re turned from a week's visit with MisB Mary Spencer at their ranch on the Dead Indian road. Returns From Red Bluff- Miss Vennata Burns returned Saturday to her home at 332 rlson street after a brief visit at . rnlif Iave for Crescent City Dr. and Mrs. B. E. Smith and Mrs. Anna Cash left, this morning for Crescent City, Eureka and polnta on the coast. They expect to be gone a week. Retnrn to 'Frisco Mr. and Mrs. C. G. Collins of San Francisco, who have been visiting Mrs. Nellie Conner and Mrs. French Hanna at the Rosemont apartments for the past several days, returned Sunday morning by auto to their home at San Francisco. The party motored to this city by way of Yreka and Crescent City, Calif., where, it Is stated, they encountered bad roads. HrownM'Ule Visitor Mrs. Reynolds and son Harold of Brownsville, who have been visit ing relatives and friends In Medford and Phoenix, came up : ostorday for a short visit with Ile. and Mrs Koehler. 0. E. 8. Matron to Visit Mm. Minnie C. Letoou, Worthy Grand Matron ol 0. E. S. ot Oregon will make her official visit to Alpha chapter No. 1 on the evening of; son Francis left Sunday morning tor September 6. Portland, Tacoma, .and Seattle, , where tbey will visit with friends. Easterner. Will VU I The; contemplate going as far north Mrs. Ed White of Mountain ave-!as v'-'torla, B- c- nue expects a visit soon from her friends, Mr. and Mrs. Charlea Chris tian, and family and Mrs. Kate Chris tian of St. Louis, Mo. These eastern people are planning- to locate In Asbluud. ! I county) Pendleton Visitors W. W." Green, I'matllla Bchool superintendent, arrived yes' terday by auto from Pendleton. Ileiil 'loin- Country is accompanied by his family and. Mr. mu Mrs. Blaine Klum will A. C. Funk, also of Pendleton. The ,,,nke an extensive motoring tour of party is visiting it the home of 0 H. Yeo and will leave in the morn-j Intr fmi Prniur 1.nta u.' liaHu Ihavi 7, 7 V T 7, , in speuu u ic uayn uuuiiri uip. Will Kccover From Operation Mrs. Frank Foltz, who was opei ated on at a local hospital Saturday morning, was reported as Improving' this morning. Hopes are entertained for her recovery. l,(KMI Hunch Dna! Ralph Jennings, former county sheriff, has sold his 160-acre alfalfu and stock ranch in the Applegute to Frank Preston and Robert Dunham of San Francisco for $20,000, and leaves today for Klamath Fall" where he will look over the country and make arrangements for a place to keep his cattle, which were not included In the deal. Iavr for Vacation Mr. and Mrs. E. W. Flaekus and children left Saturday on a vaca tion trip which will include Port land. Astoria and other northern points. They expect to be gone two or three weeks. Hells Oak Street Home Mrs. J. L. Locke has sold her home on Oak street, next to the Armory, to Mr. and Mrs. Harry rson I Large Orchard Deal Made Jonas Wold, Medford merchant, has purchased thn Murry-Mac or chard at the end of Kings highway from Carol McMillan of Los Ange les for $12,000. taking possession immediately. Trigonia Make 2fS Feet a Day During the past week the Trigonla well was direct rearuod 150 foet, making a total of 330 feet re-drilled from 8 to 10-Inch diameter. Some delay was caused by having some repairs to make on the band-wheel shaft, Everything la now In good working order and the crews are making about 25 feet per day, which will get to the bottom -soon. Con siderable gas Is In evidence when water Is stirred by balling. Med-foi-d Mall Tribune. Return From Vacations Among the Ashland people who (have returned irom tneir several camping and outing trips are O. F. I Carson and family from Newport; C. A. Cotter and family and J. H. Philpot and family from Walport and the Sherrard family from Salem vicinity. Enjoys Tidings Mra. Dora J. Elliott, who left here a short time ago on a camping trip ia now headed toward Pullman Wash., from Beaverton, Ore., where she has been stopping for some time. Mrs. Elliott, who has ordered the Tidings sent to Pullman, says: We have had a fine time camping out ever since leaving Ashland. We 'are starting on an auto trip up the Columbia highway to eastern Wash i ington. We will go by team and Har-icamp wherever night overtakes us. The Tiding, is welcome company as l we travel from place to place. Klks Play Rail at K. Fall Ashland and Klamath Falls Elks clashed on the baseball diamond at the latter city with the resultant score of 21 to 7 in favor o.f Klam ath Falls. A large crowd from this! city attended the game. It is ex pected that the two teams will meet again lu the near future. ' ' Hopes are maintained by the local team for the prospect of a "favor of Ash land" score for the next game. Furnish Roy Scout Transportation Messra. C. B. Lamkln, V. O. N Smith, W. W. Roblson, Cash Wood. Irvln Flnley, John Rlgg and Dr. Til ton are furnishing uutos to .help transport the Scouts part of the way on their hike tomorrow. Attend Elks' Oonrlavi' Bob Warner and Hubert HentleylHas Infection tn Foot left this morning for an auto trip toj Mrs. Gregg is staying at the J. Marshflflld. The boys say they have gone to view the moonshine on tbe moonshine and Incidentally to at tend the Elks state conclave. They will be gone for about three weeks. WW Visit Xorthern Friends Mr. and Mrs. A. N. Humphrey and t in 1st Ion Endenvorers Meet-r The Presbyterian Christian En- deavorers will bold their business meeting and social at Helman'aj Thursduy evening. Every member j should be there at 5:30 o'clock. De-i partment chairmen have written re - ports and suggestions for a better , . Thorn will he fmi milentv ithe country thin fall following tbeU,,,,, v recent 9(1e , .r. Klum's string of! v i . . i. - "'K"0"""1 ",e nigiiwa, irmr9(,eMt iMton ftom their ranch on Hoseburg to Klamath Falls to the Foster and Kleiser company of San Francisco. Mr. Khun hah sold his borne In Ashland and has accepted Khuath Falls Visitor a position with the Foster audi Mr and Mrs Tnog Lylu.,, u( Klelser company. In his new po-j Klalllath Kails wei-e welcome guests sition he will have charge of a ter-,of Mrs Lynch-8 parents. Mr. mid rltory extending from the Mexican ! Mrs j u Greenwood, over border to British Columbia. MiBfl ant jon,ay. Lael Klum will enter Mills college j this coming fall. Sam's Valley Visitor j Elam Gall of Sam's Vallev was Medford Shoppers Ithe guest of his brother, K. K. Call, Mr. and Mrs. George Morrill of jot Bellevlew a few days last week. Medford made a shopping tourlle Is Just recovering from a serl among local merchants last week, jous Illness and has been confined !to a hospital In Medford for some Seattle Visitors time. A party of Mr. and Mrs. F. H. j Walker's relatives from Seattle, Hikers Return Wash., arrived at their home Thura-i Misses Ruth Eske, Maud York day. Saturday, the whole party, in-j and Lucile Davis have returned eluding the Walker family and an-1 from a biking trip to Crater Lake. other party of tourists' from Wl tonsin, who' were camped in the auto park and are also relatives,! started for Crater Lake for a three I H.' .in ii.n u.-. . cousin of Mrs. Walker's, was one ofjFa"8' the party from Seattle. Mrs. Hanson and children were residents of Ash- Har-!lun,, for seV('ral months about two hku, aim niuiin many inenos whllH here. lluptlwd With River Jordan Water lhey " motored out to see a The newly arrived son of Mr. nnd'0'"" 'Bter. Mra- E. E. Gall. Mrs. E. J. Fraley had the dlstinc- 1 Hon ot being bantlzed with water i t'o"gTeKlnJ, Church Improved- from the River Jordan by Rev. Charles A. Edwards, pastor of the Methodist church, at a dinner party given yesterday at the C. W. Fraley borne on Mountain avenue. The baby was named David Wilson Fra ley. Those present at the dinner party and baptismal were: Mr. and Mra v. r Pminv m.n E- 1.... , ....... . . ioili t.iiikui, riairj, .Ml. and Mrs. Charles A. Edwards andjx.u.omft viator son John and the W. M. Barber fam- Vr aD(, Mrs. utterback of t Ta lly. The River Jordan water used comili Wa!(h.i arrived yesterday eve in baptizing was given to Rev. Ed- nlll, by aut0 for a yMt wi,n Mr. wards ceveral years ago by a friend ; aud Mrg. 0. A. Panlserud. Mrs. who hud visited the Holy Land. i-aulserud is, a daughter of Mrs. i, . . a "7. ' I I'tterback. Lake o' Hoods Campers Dr. and Mrs. F. H Johnson, Ma,-i F,dlV1B garet nnd George Johnson and Car-t ;ld oline Tilton left Saturday for V. , , ., n. o,. .. , , , ' two children of Klamath Falls an three wee s onting at Lake o';v Mr. Mc(Wl) .,, Mi. Woods redorck Johnson and-, a McCalli and M. Wag- Ralph Hobison hiked out last eve-L f r of , nlng and will stay until the Boyl , Scouts return. i. .-. n llrlliday Party To SM-nd Two Weeks Vacation Miss Alleen Walker and Miss Pearl Welshire left Saturday for a two weeks vacation trip. They wlli Brt ,l v I... .1 . . w ... n,n mo jiea lor a ween j md then to Portland, where theyj il spend the.halance of their time; si.rtseeng. j ,cavc for Crater Lake M l, cinijtH m ... . rs. h. Speidlnger of Tillamook anrt m f-..i u after .TT. "ZT tL Mr. and Mra. Oscar K. Tittle of Tillamook, who have rented a sum - ,Blenl, ,,, aaturoayi iur iruier IjUkb. rne two Parties will be joined later by Mr. and Mra. Oscar Tittle. WEDNESDAY'S NKWH At Cinnabar Springs Dr.' Jarvis left Sunday on a two weeks vacation trip to Cinnabar Springs, California. Coul Vein Found It is reported that the oil drillers on the Munday well northeast of Medford found an eight and one half foot vein of coal at the 7,10 foot level. Colonel Munday was showing samples of the find In Medford yesterday. Leaves for Rocburg Isaac Taylor left yesterday morn ing for his home at Roseburg after a several weeks' visit with his old friend and schoolmate, J. L. Green wood. ! N, Dennis hone taking care of j the Dennis' grandson, who has beeni suffering from Infection In his foot,' during the absence of tbe Dennis! family who are making an auto tour of Montana' at tbe proem time. , Confined by Illneos E. K. Hall of Liberty street hos 'been confined to his home for soma time with a bad case of gungrecol tn hlB foot, but at present Is con-: valesclng. (ovpw into statuiard Houh : Mr Jengen and fam,jy nav: m0,ei into .Mrs. Jessie Stauuard'sj housc ou Liberty street. The fsin-l nv . y,xlt ilp ii...,.,, . ,i,B; L0U9e an Wnt(fl. u.ive mnved l0. Cottage Grove. ' i O. K. Hurst III 0. E. Hurst has been quite I'1 at his home on Beach street. Mt oiifl iVu I V Mut nron wnfi Kogue river, visiting friends :md transacting business. ; Return From Crater Luke AmKU ruwc" "' """"I nave "t a thre a"'" , , j 1 1 - - n .. .1 . t i) ... ...... I trip to Crater Lake and Klamatn Visits Relatives Here E. G. Roberta was a recent vis itor at tbe borne of his mother, Mrs. j E. J. Roberts; and sister, Mrs. Lulu Van Wegen, and In '.he afternoon A new porch and steps have been built at the entrance of tbe Con grogattonal church, which greatly adds to Its appearance. Hilt Visitor , j Mrs. Fay Pankey of Hilt is visit- j lug at the home of her parents, Mr.! , and Mrs. A. C. Keller. ' Miss Mury Poley celebrated her birthday at a birthday party given by her parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. M. Poley. at Lake O'Woods Tuesday. Im . -i Mr Mr. . , o'Conuell. Mr. tt,ld j. M Mr ind .... ,,... . .., I - Ill H. T. II. .1lllli ."I. mm. ' J. L. Fognrty nnd Mr. Dawson are i . I A I,... receni urnnin nuin ."iirf,ei-:-., . . . . .,, 1 Calif. The men are connected with K",, hj ; ""P""1""" ,tor ! !Ile(um Portland j j K McvHllama and N. H. Hat rlson of the local Ford agency havej returned from Portland where they j were attending a Fordson tractor demonstration. ' Good Fishing at "Rig Rock" Johnnie Hughes and Ben Bowers had some good fishing at the "big rock" in the Rogne river yesterday. They found some dandy holes full nf the big one and brought home a dray load, so Johnnie aaya. Iteturn From Yreka W. Hicks on North Main street has returned from Yreka, Calif., where he haa been spending the paat aeveral days. Outing at Crater Lake Mr. and Mra. Jamea McDonough. John McDonough and Mra. McDon ourh'a father have returned from a five days camping trip at Crater f Lake. Retura From Bead Harry K- Tomllnaon of this city atid George T, Collin of Medford; Chicago n re visiting Mrs, W, Homes a, short time nnd wilt occupy the returned last evening from a motor after completing an auto tour from j home. The property Is now occu trlp to Bend, representing the Med- Chicago to Ashland, after spendlngipled by A. A. Derby and tauitl). ford and Ashland lodges at the! meeting held there Sunday of dele gates from all the Elks lodges la Oregon to discuss matters relating to the coming convention of the state Elks association in Marsh field. Visits Relutlv Willis Faust arrived yesterday Angeles, Calif, by auto for irom i.os Angeies, taut, uy uuio iurj The mlll0r forest fjre whleh had a visit with his cousin. Mrs. K, H. I bePn )uring In the Big Applegate Bush, 113 Church street lie district for several days is under later make the trip to Crater Lake!eontro, ,, bll!, cllUR(,d 0 9er((U3 and to Klainntb Kails where he wi" j damage. visit a slstor lu tnat city. Helm ii v From Portland C. G. l'eebler of Swensou Mc Reus furniture store and Mrs. C. L. Swensou and children have re turned from Portland where they attended Buyers' Week. The trip was imidu by auto. Mr. feebler uus an ardent booster for southern Ore gon ut the meeting of the state merchants Tillamook Visitnev Mr. and Mrs. Oskar K. Tattle who, with Mrs. Ttittle's mother, Mrs. A n Ma Williams, of Tillamook, nnd who have been visiting at Tal ent for the past six weeks, were in Ashland yesterday, patients of Dr. KIliz. They ale leaving for a trip to Crater Lake. The Tuttles are trlenils of Chief Hnlilson and fam ily. Leaves for Astoria Clinton Harklns was called to As toria Monday hy the death of his cousin, who was drowned recently ut that city. Iteturn From ltunsniuli Mrs. Philip Wolcott and Mi s. Walter Donoughue have returned from a short visit Diinsmuir, Calif. with iriemls at Hilt Vlslioi Huymoml Huger of Hilt, Cullf., was a recent visitor at the home of, his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ruger, lfl Church street. J. A. Return From Diamond Lake Carle and Philip Hose have re turned from a four days' fishing trip at Diamond Lake. Tbey report good luck in luring the finny tribe. The Ueedsport mill Is cutting j 100,000 feet of pulp wood dally. Returns From Montague . Mrs. Ralph Harris and baby re turned Inst week from a month's vacation on a ranch :l Montague, Calif., where Bhe has been visiting her mother. They have taken apartments lu the Allen building. Nell Properly, Delinquent Taes The county court, has directed Sheriff Terrill to sell property fore closed on for delinquent taxes from the years 1907 to 1915 inclusive. Approximately 100 pieces of prop erty will be sold under this order. Cur Catches F A Ford sedan belonging to Mrs. Van Fossen caught fire this morn ing while parked iu front ol tno ii-; braiy. Mrs Van Fossen was In the; in., ,,.,. i ihe' time of the lilaze. which was considerable although j the damage was small. Leaves for Eugene Miss Pearl Hodgkinson left laat Sunday morning for an extended visit with her sister. Mrs. Mars, at Kugene. Returned lo Macdoel J. S. Bailey and daughter. Mrs. Vena Trefreii, returned by auto to Macdoel, Calif..' yesterday morning after visiting their old home here. They were accompanied by Mr. and Mrs. .1. Maust, who visited friends in Medlord. Mr. .Maust Is postmas ter nt Macdoel Buys 22-Acir Ranch Richard Schelderlter and have purchased the twenty-two-acre ranch formerly owned hy James H. Dorali. one miles east of -the city. The deal was made through the Beaver realty company. Retarn From Lake O'Woods J. O'Ncll has returned from a ten days vacation at Lake O'Woods. FRIDAY'S NKWH Returns From Kansas Mrs. V. O. N. Smith and son. George Francis, have returned home after several week visit In Ottawa and Topeka, Kan., where Mrs. Suilli, was visiting her parents and friends. Former Ashland Girl Wis Miss Esther Slemenwin, a former Ashland girl, I vlsitiug at Ihe home or Mrs. Dean Scott. Kick With Pneumonia Dale Leslie la ill with pneumonia at the home or his parents, Mr. nnd Mr. Ira D. Leslie, 691 Fulrvlew. Chicago Vlsltoi Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Williams of considerable time In California. Mr. Williams is a nephew of Mrs. considerable time, Interested In oil Homes, Befere returning to their) properties. Friends who received Illinois homo Mr. nud Mrs. Williams j letters' from Mr. Encke etate that he will visit Vancouver, B. C, and thej would like to return to Ashland hut Yellowstone National park. They ;ls unable to dispose of his southern i have been entertained at a number j Interests. ' 'of Informal parties given by theliieturn. From Astoria Homes and Tucker families. lControl Applegnta Flic The mlll0r forest fjri Former Resident nt Medford : Walter Messenger, u former Ash laud resident ou (jinnite sti"ct ) whore he owned a large chicken ranch, has returned to Southern Oregon with the intention of locat ing at Medford. Dinner Party Given A dinner party was given yester- day evening In honor of Mrs. Ada i Holt of Alameda, ('alii' v hy Mrs. i Emily Bingham and Miss Helen P'e- Kastern Oregon to visit their da ut;lij j gall at tho Binglium home. Tho:,er, Hessle Buchanan. I guests were Mesalames F. (!. Mi- vlsl' McMlnnvIlle Williams. W. A. Patrick. Stevens and i. II. Way. and Misses Harriet Dayton and Nellie Kwan. Xew Arrivals H. K. Thomas and family are late arrivals in Ashland, having liken a' house at IBS First street. Ienvcx for Oiikliuul Miss Finnia F.arle. who has been Uunsmuir Arrivals visiting her grandparents. Mr. and- Mr- "d Mm. It. .1. Cotttngk..iil Mrs. S. W. ('lute, left Wednesday ! are new arrivals from Dunsinuir. for Oakland. Calif., where she will. Calif., with the intention of lorat take up her second year s work ln''ng here. Mr. CnttiiiRham is con the I'niveisity of Culifonilii. neeted with an eastern advertising Weed Visitor i Harry Wells and family motoied 0V(.f fn)nl Weed, Calif., yestordns ( , i)oan(, fBmnv m, Ams0., I ,..,,,,. ThPV ,. so renewlns pc- q,;intunces with Will Davis aim 'family on the same street, whom ithev used to know In C.aelle. Calif.. ; but did not know lived liere. Ret urn From Redding Val lnlow and family have re turned from Keddiug, Calif., after spending several days on a camping trip at that place. Hear From Son in Japan Mr. and Mrs. Shinn have jUHt re ceived a letter from their son Nell from Japan. He ts taking bis sum mer vacation as Stewart on a now sailing in the far east. I steamer He complains of the excessive hot weather iu Japun. To Hunt Hem William Swink aud family will leave within the next few days for Butte Falls for a fi.hin irw, nnri It is said, an occasional bear. Minor in Rogue Klk Itesort Mr. and Mrs. Irving Flu ley, Mra. Sarah Alosler and Mr. and Mrs. W II. Day made a brief visit ut Hogue Elli resort the early part of this nerk. The motoring trip was made bv wnv of llvbee bridge, ittterwurdi, returning to Aslilund hy way of the) here rrom iiiinsmuir lor a rew u.o -Applegate gateway. Dr. Ma'tdei preparatory to having his tonsils Itavley of this city Is stopping jt removed. I,i. ... i ..,,. , n.. 1 To (iet Fye Treatment Here j A seven-pound baby hoy was W. E. Roberts, an engineer fii 1 uorl t0 Mr- aai Jlre- l-,',,t,"' Wuf the Southern Pacific company, camel 'n yesterday at Berkeley, Cullf. over yesterday rrom Dunsinuir toj ace-oitlliiR to u telegram received t,,i(u i,,.i,i iiiu om.iby Mrs. Lucy Wiley, sister puny' specialist for an affection of his eyes. He has lost control of the nerve of the eyelids and Is unable to keep his eves open. He has been to the hospital In San Francisco and thev have done nil llmv rnuh! for hlni. and as a last resort he Is nlc In Lithia park yesterday after persuaded tn try both of the com-!"00"- puny' specialists here nnd nt Med-j ' " f()r,l ! It remains for enforcement laws, John II. Fuller Itclurn .rigorously enforced, to put the pro Mr. and Mrs. John H. Fuller re Ihlhltion into the eighteenth amend turned Tuesday from Palo Altoj meut, where Mr. Fuller has been attend ing a summer school for chumber nf cemmcrce secretaries ut Stanford university for the past week. ' Iti'tiiriis Prom Ijike o' Woods Mrs. Dlunrhi) Hulen has returned wfojfrom a vacation trip at Lake o' Woods. Porlliinil Visitors Mr. and Mrs. Don McClung were visitors from Portland at the home f Mr. and Mra. J. E. Welch nf 24:i Laurel street last evening, leaving; this morning for a trip to Cratr.rj Lake. j At Cinniihnr Springs i E. T. Staples Is spending a few : days vacation at Clnnibar Springs, j Visiting Father i Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Vuu Nsttu of i Columbia county are visiting Mr. Van Natta'a father, O. O. Van Natla, 439 Chestnut street. The family motored to Ashland. Joins Husband at Myrtle Creek Mrs. Charles Gillette has joined her husband, who Is camping near Myrtle Creek in connection with his work as Inspector of highway de velopment work. Knrkn ProHtrtjr Sold The Jessp Rnrku nrr,iirfv at 16?! Altda street was sold yesterday to E. M, Heese of Weed. Calif. Si,: Reese will move to this city within Mr. Encke has been In Texas for a Mrs. Howard Rose has returned from Astoria where she had beeD visiting her sister, Mrs. F. L. Fry. Leave fur Outer 1-ake Mr. ii nil . Mrs. Lewis Snow nt Portland, who have been visiting at the home of Mrs. Snow's parent;!, Mr. and Mrs. C. Ganiere, left yee- "'"day morning for Crsler Lake. nine in rant Dr. Green aud Dr. K. W. Stearnit and tamilies luul u picnic dlnuer in Lithia park Monday evening. VMloix I'ioiii Medfold C. B. Haney and wile were Med ford visitors ou Wednesday. The Haneys expect to soon go by car to Mrs. Ceorge Dunn is at Slr.Minn- illlo on a two weeks visit with friends. ... Iti lin iK t nini Poll land, S-iiUle Mrs. .1. II. Sugg and little daugh- ' ler have returned from mouth's ' trip I if Seattle, Portland and other I northern points. company. """ ' ta .apartments , Mr. and Mrs. Kay Cleaver Stra- ban have Uiken a suite at Uie newly completed Vistn apartments. Mrs. Stratum is a short story writer, who ' draws inspiration from the scenic , "n "mnmeni oi Asuianfl. , '"'"'" " I-ake n' Wood Louis Dodge, who has been spend- , lug the past several days at hts new Lake o' Woods cabin, returned yes terday. Mrs. Dodge and children and Clara Wills will remain at the lake a while longer. ! Helm n Kroul Crater Uike Mr. and Mrs. B. R. Isaac aud Mr. jand Mrs. L. F. Ferguson have re- I turned from Crater Luke where thoy ha'1 hrn 8nenull,K d'- Vacation. Canyon Free of Stock Upper Ashland Canyon is free of all stock according to a re port made by the forest reserve patrol to the city council. Tho for- 'est rangers have been Instructed tn herd roaming cattle out of tho canyon and are working lu con Junction with a city employe, win is patrollng the canyon at dally in tervals. DiinNiuulr Visitors 1 Conductor llenry Hickerson ! Seven-Pound Hot- of Mrs. Warren. Mrs. Warren is a former Ashland girl, known here as Miss Donna Buchtell. Sunday School Picnic Mrs. Ross' Suuday school class of the Presbyterian church had a pic- THE CITIZENS I BANK OF ASH LAND: THE HISTORY OP THK MOVKT KINGS hows that the founds- tiona of their wealth wer laid by persistent saving. They created a surplus and put It out at Interest. We can t all be money kings, but we can't hop, to overcome fortune un less we save. Having a savings account with THIS bank will op en YOl'R opportunity. Ji or nn savings ftVO'PEPOSITfl