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About Ashland weekly tidings. (Ashland, Or.) 1919-1924 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 17, 1921)
J PAGE TWO ASHLAND WEEKLY TIDINGS Weduenrlay, August If, lOAt Ashland Weekly Tidings Established 1876 Published Every Wednesday by THB. ASHLAND PRINTING CO. OFFICIAL CITY AND COUNTY . PAPER. TELEPHONE 89. subscription rates. One Year Six Months Three Months 1.25 .75 ADVERTISING RATES. Display Advertisements, each Ineh 1"c Local Readers, Hie Hue 10e Classified Column, the word, each time 10 Legal Notices, each time, the lino . .3 1-Sc Card of Thanks M-M Obituaries, the line -Vac Fraternal orders and pocietles charg ing regular initiation fees and dues, regular rates. Religious and benevolent societies will be charged at the regular ad vertising rate for all advertising when an admission or collection Is taken. Leiral Rate First time, per S pt. line ....... 10c Kach subsequent time, per s pt. line Sc Entered at the Ashland, Oregon, Postoffica as second class mall matter. FINALLY ACCOMPLISHED Tlio much cussed and discussed new electric linotype melting pot Is now properly Installed and Beems to be working fine. The heat and Ir ritation of the campaign seems to be over and the season for good feel ing and happy thoughts has arrived; therefore we take back (for the sake of our religion) nearly every thing we have thought during the past week. And on account of old friendships and good will for the future nearly everything we have said the past week. A squaring of accounts is always appropriate after the battle. We have an abiding faith now that we will be uble to print the uews Instead of apologies for not printing It. We thank our' subscribers fur their good will and forebearauco during the ordeal. PUBLIC FORUM Editor Tidings It is but natural that we who have adopted Ashland as our borne should .eucouniKe others to Join us in our enjoyment. In my opinion the way 10 accompusn this Is to ninkc things bo pleasant for our ever Increasing number of pedltion was found upon examlna touriBts and health Beekers, who areitlon to contain, a Norwegian news- here spying uud trying out our of-paper in its stomach. There Is no feriugs, that each will be a standing I doubt but tbat the newspaper pub traveling ad. as they depart fori Ushers keeuly regret the passing of home, or other fields yet to be In- j an old and prominent subscrlbor. esllgated, not only of our splendid. If the uews was garbled, Bruin did climate, scenic beauties, health giv ing mineral wuters and pure, soft, domestic snow water, bracing moun tain air, which all contribute 1 our being a city of real homo en- unearthed a petrified giant six feet Joyments and a health resort par ox-j four inches north to Bouth, wear lellent. That no reasonable persou'g tt chain about the neck and two shall carry a grouch away' with him four-Inch horns on its head. It is on account of action, or luck of ac- tlon, or overcharges on our part. . before national prohibition and Having receutly speut much liinejyet, the modern "hooch" Is remark In our enjoyable park and auto: able. camp conversing with tourists and several semi-iuvallds hera seeking A dispatch from New York cbron health, I bear much complaint about ides the "reign of terror" caused our lack of battling facilities at the by a few small boys and a dancing auto camp. And these health seek- skeleton parading the streets, en- American Legion Kfilum Tin. Japanese coloniaztion proj ect is still a subject for considera tion by the American Legion. Our Amerlcanizatlnu committee finds in one school district near Hood River. Oregon, there are three Americans and 13 Japanese children In the school. Our national conven tion will consider a legislative bill prohibiting cliiWrnu of alien par entage from automatically becoming citizen. Lest w forget j Recently our National Com mander John G. Emery reviewed a parade in Cleveland, O., in which the national emblem was carried. One hundred per cent Americans Mere much annoyed by the large number of "2 per cent Americans" who failed to remove tbeir bain to our flag as It passed. General Huron Jaiques of !!' glum will address the third national convention of the American Legion in Kana City Nov. 2. General Jacques was commander-in-chief of tbe Belgium force during the war and was directly In command of M-verul of our divisions ut d.tlerent time Clatsop Post of Astoria has start. el the creditable precedent of rl- era complain bitterly of our hotels and restaurants' lack of fruit and vegetables In their menus. That, I know, too, goes further in keeping our system In good working order than all the drugs in Christendom, and when our system functions properly sickness disappears. Some told me they "get better variety at less cost, too, iu .Medtord. and often motor there to take advantage of one or two meals per day and return to enjoy our peerless restful park and excellent waters and cooler air, tine who has traveled much re marked "thut there wvis not a suit able hotel or eating place In Ash html, coinnieusuruti) with our other splendid environments and wu would never have a full measure of pros perity that we aro entitled to until we had such, that would set out a variety menu al reasonable prices. Emphasizing the fact that a whole some meal with plenty of fruit and vegetables at a dollar would be cheaper to him than the present service at 60 to 75 cents. 1 argued that It would do injus tice to our present privately owned bathing and swimming places, min eral and otherwise, to Install free baths nt the auto camp. But the genera) opinion of tourists was that not one tourist out of a thousand passing through here and only re maining from A to BO hours, had time or Inclination to patronize our present bathing places, and thought a well arranged shower balh place at the auto camp the proper cap slieaf to our other extremely desir able recreation and health resort fa cilities. I hope our city authorities and eating places will act to better these conditions. It. D. SANFORD. EDITOR'S NOTE The foregoing criticism referring to the hotel ac commodations Is evidently made with consideration of past existant condition prior to the new manage ment of the Hotel Ashland. It is obvious that since Mr. Coffmun h:is only recently taken over the old Ho tel Austin, making several Improve ments and changes, including the name to Hotel ABhland, that the auove criticism of Mr. Sanford I,! not applicable at the present time 5 Owlish titbits By KENNETH SULLIVAN a polar bear killed by members ,0f a recent Amundsen exploring ex- it. Some place In the moonshine dls- trlcts of Tennessee workmen have conceded tbat the giant was buiiedi 1 ii K to each newly made citizen of Clatsop county a small Aniflrlcan flag together with a bit of useful information concerning the signifi cance of our national emblem. The State Federation of Labor of Oklahoma and the American Legion have Joined forces, on the grounds tbat "the two organizations are working to advance tbe same funda mental principles and the cementing of the friendship will add strength to both." so says Edgar Flntou. head of the labor organization. The last news from the state aid commission is to the effect that tbe commission hopes to bave the bond issue sold during October. In the meantime they are compiling rules j and regulations under which tbey 'Will operate. It is stated tbat it , will still be some time before the implication forms are prepared. Tlie member of tbe old First company will be rJeaeed to lesrr. that one of their old comrades in the person of I. lent. Claude ('. Cruson, topped in Ashland for a visit with the old gdiig last Wednesday eve ning. C'ruMiu was in command of the old First while we were at Ft. htererw He and Mrs. Cruson left greetings for all whom tbey did not personraly see. taring cafes, frightening bull dogs, strong men and children alike. It may be presumed that every one of the terrorized citizens thought that the family skeleton had picked the closet lock. Lll' ol' -Noo Yawk Is having a strenuous time these summer dog days. Ashland has a shady auto camp ground, as tourists testify, but It is ull open and above board. Klamath Falls business men at the Churaber of Commerce luncheon Thursday noon sounded the keynote of co-operation among Southern Oregon cities. The spirit is coui menduble. Southern Oregon has not reached the apex, the final end of development. No matter how much has been accomplished it is only starting, guaglng its progress by the future. Southern Oregon has a great deal to live for. Southern Oregon boosters is not an idle term. Jazz togs have passed. Chicago haberdashers have decreed that rainbow silk shirts, socks with an optical kick and long-priced, eye- blinding cravats have gone into the obsolete past with nothing but slashed prices on old mocks to mark their passing. The shirts may be made into handkerchief.! and the sox given to the Buffering let us say foreigners but think of the dance hall orchestra. The man power of those musical organiza tions will have to bo Increased ttyit the loss of noise will not be noticed Weekly Report on Condition of the Pacific Highway To the Editor As to the condi tion of the Pacific highway between Roseburg and the California Hue as of August 14, beg to report as fol lows: Roseburg-Myrtle Creek, 20 miles Paving in progress immediately south of Roseburg; detours used wheji available. Traffic is allowed to ,)as9 Bt aU nour8. Mvl.ti Creek.nanvnnvm. 10 miles Take detour via Riddle, which Is rough and slow. Canyonvllle-Galesrille, 1 1 miles Good macadam. Galesvllle-Wolf Creek, 14 miles Paving under way at both ends; traffic passed at all hours. Wolf Creek-Grave Creek, 6' inileB Paved. Pleasant Valley-Grants Pass, 10 miles Grading completed, being macadamized, open at all hours. Grants Pass', through Medford, Ashland to California line, 66 miles! Paved. Medford-Ciater Highway Two routes are being used, one via Central Point, Bybee Bridge, Trail uud McLeod to Prospect, the other via Eagle Point, Reese Creek school house, Derby road to Mc Leod and Prospect. The accommo dations at the lake this year are ample. In addition to the lodge, 74 tent houses are being erected, one half nf them being ready for use at this time. K. E. HODGMAN, Dlv. Engineer. .NOTICE FOB PUBLICATION 013169 Department of the Interior V. a. Land Office at Roseburg, Oregon, July 21, 1921. NOTICE is hereby given that Wil liam Edgar Van Doren. whose post office address is Cedarville, Califor nia, did, on the 18th day of Sentem. ber, 1920. ftlo in this nrfl Swnrn Statement and Application No.. 013 169, to purchase the Lots 1, 2 and 3 and 8E14 of NE4 of Section 4. Township .18 S.. Ranae 2 E.. Wlllnm. ette Meridian, and the timber there on, under the provisions of the' act of June 3. .1878, und acts amenda tory, known as the "Timber nnrt Stone Law," at such value as might be fixed by appraisement, and that, pursuant to sucn application, the land and timber thereon have been appraised, $470.00, the timber esti mated atv.uuo board feet at (1.00 pet M., and tbe land $160.00; that said applicant will offer final proof In support of his application and sworn statement on the 4th day of October, 1921, before tbe Register anu iiecelver of the United States Land Office at Roseburg, Oregon. Any person is at liberty to protest this uurchase hefnrA Antrv nr Inltt. ate a contest at any time before pat ent Issues, by filing a corroborated affidavit In this office, alleging facts which would defeat the entry. W. H. CANNON. . 49-9-w Register toTICK TO CREDITORS Notice is hereby given that the undersigned has been appointed ad ministrator of the estate of Olive Amanda Welters, deceased, by the County Court of Jackson County. Oregon, and has qualified. All per sons baving claims a en Inst said es tate are notified to present the same to me at Talent, Oregon, with pro per vouchers and duly verified, with n six months from the first ub llration hereof, which Is July !7. ,i:i. CHARLES C. WOLTERS. Administrator. L. A. ROBERTS. Attorney for Administrator. 4S-1 ASHLAND Fin I0 SAN" FRANCISCO, Calif., Aug. 16. (Special.) F. F. Dickey, a fire man, for the Southern Pacific com pany running out of Ashland, will be glveu a free trip to Chicago this year,as a company representative at thu International Railway Fuel as sociation's annual convention. The trip is a reward ror efficient oper ation of his locomotive with a min imum consumption of oil and fuel during the month of May. Figures on the efficiency of en gineers and firemen of the Southorn Pacific company during last month bave just been compiled and th names of those engine men having the best t record for the year will he rewarded with a trip to Chicago as a representative of the company at the International Railway Fuel association's annual convention, with all expenses paid including time lost. The honor roll for the Shasta division is as follows: Engineers C. E. McCotuble, J. M. Campbell, J. G. Fuller and C. 8. Harris of Dunsmulr, and A. Miller of Klamath Falls; Firemen F. F. Dickey of Ashland, F. M. Creason, E. J. Martin and W. H. Ahl of Dunsmulr and F. E. Lamphier HornhrooK. ofl DunsmuirFire Loss Estimated Near $125,000 DUNSMUIR, Calif., Aug., 16. j Property damage to the extent of; 1126,000 is the estimated loss! caused by fire which swept the. principal streets of this city Mon- CHICAGO day afternoon last. The fire is said . t,U! an(l Electric company Saturday Seattle. ,who has numerous inter to have originated in tbe Auditor-1 Property wus bought by the' eats in mining properties In South iura, afterwards spreading to ad ' Anglo-California Trust company of'ern Oregon. It is understood that Joining buildings, destroying several' Sa" Francisco, Calif., for $55,565.-j the purchase price of the mine was business blocks und residences. j 5u- Tne bondholders were repre-j $25,000. A rich strike was made: -. i sented by Thos. D. Petch, receiver, last week when a chute carrying ore 2 BOOTLEGGERS ARE tne tru8t company by Its vice-: as high as $700 was struck In the HOUND. OVER TO j president and cashier, Louis Sutter, j lower levels of the mine. Grants i THE 'GRAND JURY There were no other bids. . Puss Courier. , I The sale Includes tbe land and' ' MEDFORD, Or., .Aug. 15. Jim j equipment of the gas company iuj O. H. Barnhlll, former Ashland Lewis and Jese Housley,. two young,j this city, Medford, Grants Pass und: resident, arrived) yesterday from: men charged with violation of the: Roseburg. Tbls Includes 42 acres: Corvallis with the intention of re prohibitlon law In having mash In! Just south of Medford, 114 acres i mulnlng hero a short time before' their possession, were given a pre-; each at Grants Puss und Roseburg. I going on to tbe Sacramento valley Ilmliiary hearing in Justice Glenn O The company's affairs, have been luj where he will attend to business ! Taylor's court Friday afternoon and litigation for a year and the sale Is! matters pertaining to rice lands1 -were bound over to await the action 1 expected to straighten them out. owned by himself und CorvalllB res of the grand jury, with bonds fixed! The future planB of the company! Idents. j ut $760. A plen to bave the ball1 will not be made public until after' Mr. Barnhill Is a well known Ore-1 Modernly Planned "Homey" Houses For Ashland Is Urged By Local Architect I I 1 1 rSifts .m fcr3c.W"l MB" IT www' a r I -rrr-JjV , , S III Jl I -17" I N'lMl I rEdfijr n""n I I I 1 "- ! wt9 ': H ; I P7I ! Should Plan Homes Well Before Building Starts By W. T. S. HOYT ' "East and west, hame Is best." The Scotch poet had an under-. nUiidlug heart when he gave expres-t sinn to that more than soulful senti ment, in tbe true home are envel oped the standards of culture, edu cation and ail that goes to make right living real, cheerful, tculful ex istence. Tbe house envelopes the home as reduced to $500 was denied, The defense offered no testimony. A I bottle of white liquid was lntrot ! duced as evidence, also some corn land barley and corn mash, that pos I seised a pungent odor. Drowning Victim, Roy Drake Buried $ '! i Rev Russell Drake, Ashland . boy who was drowned Monday of last week in the Willamette river, seven miles south of Portland, was buried Monday afternoon at Mountain View cemetery. The funeral was held at 2:30 o'clock from the home of his mother, Mrs. i. C. Moore, lt!0 California street, Rer. Churles A. Edwards officiating. The funeral was under the aus- pices of the American Legion. Roy Russell Drake was 21! 6 years ol uge and an ex-service man who had been overseas. He was well known In Ashland, having lived here since he was two years old. He was edu- cuted in the local schools. From accounts relevant to his ilea th it is understood that Young Drake went in swimming in the , Willamette river at a point near a ranch where he had been j employed since January of this yeur. His body was recovered Saturday of last week and ship ped here for burial. The body was taken charge of here by the Dodge undertaking parlors. 10 S. F. 'I At a receiver's sale of the Oregon v , .1'J FV-iv'i M-Mt there ran be no home materialized . without first building a house of one! kind or another, a tepee, hut or shack maybe in a crude sense 01 1 beginning, and then developing from ' primitive to cultural . conditions. "House" is synonymous of "home,"J but "home" is not a synonym for1 "bouse." Today many persons are; filled with an earnest desire for a I home and, in endeavoring to mater-' GAS COMPANY $55,550 a conference to be held at San Fran cisco this week. Veterans of Foreign Wars Organize. Local Charters i Preliminary papers have been! drawn up by Ed Thornton of the! Elks lodge for the organization ol ' a unit of the Veterans of Foreign . Wars. It is expected that a charter membership will he obtained this; week. Foreign, service is a requl-i site for membership In the unit. Captain W. H. (lay of Portland is department commander and Colonel ' John L. May, former well known Ashland man, now employed by the ! Southern Pacific company wllir headquarters ut Portland, is a mem ber (it the organization committee Former Ashland Boy Lost In i Alaska Wreck! Former ItcalflentM Aboard Alaska John Jackaway, a former Ash laud boy, was among the casualties listed after the sinking of the Pa cific coast liner Alaska near Eureka,' fl.tlf Vni,.. 1..nlrn....... ....... .... "6 """"' "" board tbe ill-fated steamer with his mother, Mrs. B. C. Jackaway, and his sister, Isabel. The Jackaway family resided here when .Mr. Her-, nard Jackaway was connected with! the old Ashland Record. ' Seattle Man Buys i Grants Pass Mine, $25,000 Purchase ! Papers were signed Monday I transferring tbe Harry Slskron mine on Sucker creek to Fred Fritz of rr J ttrtM Irwr V , ialize this great desire, they, by one means or another, get possession ot a bouse. Too often a house Is im posed upon them by some real es tate agent, or by some crude builder of shacks, who has no other aim in view than to make a sale and a good profit out of tbe purchaser's unde veloped standard in household taster and Ignorance of flist class rnnstrnr tlon. To become possessed of a "house' and to bave a "home" are two en- tlrely dlffrnt conditions. A real, honest-to-goodness home must have Its first inception In tbe Intense dn ire to own an abode the ln-of-which gon newspaper and magazine writer, Ills work has been accepted by lead- lug publications throughout the country. Mr. Barnhlll was a fre jquent contributor to the Tidings during his residence in this city. For a time Mr. Barnhlll was editor of the Corvallis Gazette-Times and has written several articles for the Portland Oregonlan. Mrs. Barnhlll Is a teacher in tbe Corvallis schools but Js spending her summer vacation In Ashland. ....... mm Oregon's Higher Inttilution of TECHNOLOGY Eight Schools; Seventy Department! FALL TERM OPENS SEPT. 19, 1921 For infoinMion writ 10 the Rtgiitrir Oregon Agricultural College COKVAI.I.IS SUOO FLY I Spray your animals with Fly and keep the flies away. Khoo 1CELESS COOLERS Use Iceless Cooler and make it pay for Itself In a year In ice bills. New White Sewing Machines, al for ways on hand I rent. I'sed machines PeiPs Corner Jars with Lids Sizes One Gallon to Twenty Eggs Are Cheap Now. Waterglass Your Winter Supply. Ptovost Bros Real Estate Homes and acreage. Farms and Stock Ranches. All Kinds of Good Iuauranrfa Ashland Agents of Abstract Co. Billings Agency and the out-of-wliich are an exjires- slon of Individual and cultured taste. Over this greut country today her culean efforts are being made to remedy a shortage of houses result ing from war conditions. Mark you: The word "houses" is used. ' No re port or writing refers to a shoring" I of "homes." How few of those clap- trip, shoddily built structures can ever be made Into a real soulful, tasteful home of personality. Ton many people buy or Diilld, first and then plun afterwards. Consequently there is .greut dissatisfaction soon after moving Into a planless, deslMii after moving into a planless, design less house. Many items of comfort and convenience in layout and con struction are found omitted rntlre ly while other Items are not lntelll- j gently arranged to suit the desires ! and tastes of the individual owner. ' When one comes to the peak of am I bltlon to build and own a home and : spend thousands of hard-earned clol- lars In this endeavor, why not havd I the house properly and intelligently planned and architecturally designed ' before hand? A person preparing j for a vacation or a Journey abroad spends time on preliminaries. Why not do the same in planning fur -t "homey" house? Ashland has, in Its scenic und top ographical attributes, comparable to none, a most beautiful setting for the expression of individual culti vated tastes In architecturally de signed homes. Alas! How manv carpenter-planned, designed and Jer- ry-bullt houses Insult the eye anil ( desecrate the landscape' I "Of all the words of tongue or pen, me saddest are these. 'It might have been.' " There are many bouse owners wh' think that Whlttier, the poet, was altogether right I