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About Ashland weekly tidings. (Ashland, Or.) 1919-1924 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 17, 1921)
Oregon Historical Society Auditorium ASHLAND WEEKLY TIDINGS AOL. XLIV ASHLAND, OREGON, WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 17, 1921 NO. 51 v IKE GIRLS ENJOY IE August to Be Musical Program Rose Family Hold Thirty Boy Scouts ! Oregon Budget Large Attendance Record Month ! Follows Dinner Picnic Reunion, is ; Leave For Camp ' Law Explained, At Y. M. C A. i ffighwayWork At Elhart Home To Be Annual tvent At Lake 0' Woods State Engineer AquaticMeet TO C. LAKE MISSES MAID VOKK, KITH KHKK AM) IXCIK DAVIS "HIT TRAIL" SCOFFING FAILS TO DETER FAIR HIKERS WALK A 1,1. THE WAV KXCKFT I (IK OCCASIONAL LIFTS FROM MOTORISTS 4 i j 'V SALEM, Or., Aug. 16. The month of August will probably break nil record with relation to the amount of money ex- pended liv road improvements in Oregon duriug any similar period Klnce the Inception of the state highway department, according to Herbert Nunn, state highway engineer. Mr. Nunn Halil Tuesday that contractor are busy In all sec- Hons of the state, and that the aggregate expenditures for this month probably would exceed $2,225,000. Thirty l!oy Scouts left Ashland f SALEM Hy LUCIE DAVIS "(ioing to hike to Crutor Lake?' "Sure, we're starting Monday.' "Who's the crowd?" "Why, Maud York, Kut ri Eske and Lucie Davis.' "It's quite Impossible." "Why girls, you!ll never make it; it's fool lull on the face of It." But despite these and many other hindrances, we, the above mentioned girls, left Ashland Monday, August 1, bound tor Crater Lake with no conveyance except our feet, and our one object in view to have a good time and aee some of the many wonders, of our own state. It was decided among us, after much consultation, taking into consideration the high cost of shoe leather and the wearl nesK ot many miles of hiking, we might with great cautiousness ac cept a ride from anyone who saw fit to offer us the same. So with no fire-arms a nil u dull Jack knife as our only weapons, we started, but luck was ours from the first and we rode across the burning deserts near Eagle Point to Rogue river, then with another lift from a kind gentleman we were 'able to make Prospect tho flint night.. After rest ing anil eating a slight lunch, we took the kodak and walked down to Mill creek falls, a very beautiful sight, falling over H00 feet Into llogue river. A jolly tiniH was spent at Pros pect hotel that evening and on ac count of the frigid temperature (if the atmosphere and a scarcity of blankets we arose early next morn ing and were on the road by' tb time the sun wag up. It was then we received the first taste of real hiking; all cars passing us were tourists, heavily . loaded, and we were obliged to eat their dust and till plod on. We stopped only long enough to view the Natural Bridge and marvel at the wonder of it, when finally a few miles beyond I'nion creek our long looked for ride came and though it was a truck we clamored In thanking our lucky stars (or a chance to rest our dust covered feet. This ride took us into about five miles of Crater Lake, where we took a side, road to the Garden of the Gods, a very wonder ful sight. It was growing late when we reached the government camp and there we met some hospitable Ashland folks who gave us a hot meal and hay to spread our blankets on. All the camners gathered around their huge camp fire that evening and the men told stories of bear hunts "once ,upon a time.'' So ended our second night of "roughin" It" weuuesuay morning wis mepi iuiei work will continue until in October lu order that all Im- provemenlH now under way may be completed this year. $ f . . -s, North Half cf Mills McCall Bldg. Is Sold : Friday evening Mr. and Mrs. J.! For the first time Mrs. Mary E. , .vi. Klrkpatnck and the latter's i Rose presided at a family reunion 7 o'clock this, uiornlng from the1 daughter and her husband, Mr. andf all her children and grandchll-j Methodist church by auto for Lake Mrs. J. O. Barnhill, were entertain-1 dree at asplenia, dinner ieS Sun- o' Woods, where they will spend n' ed nt a dinner given, by Mr. andjday on thebanks of Wagner creek. two weeks camping trip. The camp! Mrs. Homer Elhart, Mr. and Mrs. I The ..picnic was given lu honor of will be in charge of nev. C. V.' Eric Weren and Joh Rlgg. Mr j Philip Rose, who will leave tomor-' Koehler for the first week and un-i and Mrs. (1. H. Yeo, Bernlce and row for Monterey, Calif., where header the Jurisdiction of John Rlgg! Everett, came later and the rest ofl the principal of a California1 Tor the second week. the evening was spent in renewing! school. He will 'be accompanied by The boys were taken to the Apple-! acquaintances and enjoying a musl-' his wife and Bon, Philip, Jr. gate ranch this morning by several'" cal program. Miss Yeo played Ci Five machines were used to carrvj business men who volunteered to! number or piano solos with the per the family to the picnic site. With give the boys a "lift" by unto on I faction of technique for which thiul'tory telling, games and the recall- the first part of their trip. The; young musician is becoming noted;! ing of family memory gems the re-1 boys expected to reach the Spencer) Mrs. Hanihill sang a number of union proved Buch a 'success that ranch liv Hi in evptilmr mill will nltM, plans were made to make the event their tents at that place tonight.' an annual affair at Ashland. The; They Intend to make an early start Rose family are numbered among1 In the morning, hoping to reach; the early pioneer families and have Lake o' Woods by tomorrow night.l been associated with the history of J The boys are going prepared for aj Ashland for several years. The ma- "regular time" as they express lt, joruy oi ine merooars or the fam- " hatchets, ramp fires and ily live in Ashland. 'thing." Those present at the reunion! . . . 15. ffc .ji 'i Or., Aug. lb. Cop ies of the law euacted at the last session of the legislature providing for the compilation and publication of budgets by irrigation districts have been sent by the state engineer to the officials of these projects located in different pints of the state. Tim budget law provides that three land owners in the dis trict bo appointed to sit with jinurkable ability sones alone anil nthem will, Mr In case of fair weather (he 'Iv ,i ,,. n... ' . w.. Hllu .,,,. ni-irii, urn meik sang together and then the impromtu program closed with a song by Mr. Klrkpatrlek, accompanied on the piano by Mrs. Klrkpatrlek. Mrs. t). H. Barnhlll expects to leave tonight for Eugene where she will visit her cousin, Mrs. Wayne Stead, for two weeks. Mr. Barn hill is goin to California to look after some property and gather ma terial for agricultural 'articles and ha ruder sketches. cvery- COINVIL GRANTS LEASE TO CIVIC OLl'B KOH SITE The north half of the Mills-Mc-Call building has been purchased by, C. J. Perrlne, present tenant of the: entire building, according to a state-' ment made yesterday by V. V. AIllls. , Mr. Perrlne could not be reached. ! Nl'DDEN DEATH OF ASHLAND PIONEER IS SEVERE SHOCK were: Mrs. Mary E. Rose; Mr. and Mrs. Philip Rose and son, Pullln. Jr.: I George Eubanks, father of Mrs. 1 I'hllln Rose: Mr anil Mr. n.n... I'liv ,-r,..ri .. .... I j ' . .a. vavwiftC .,. ,..uiv,,; IMII1 u !WCI11JM j W. Rose, son Sanford and daughter live-foot troutage ou Mill street unit' j Virginia; Mr. and Mrs. Charles! ulrectly north of the Pioneer Me-! ;Rose, spns, Ellis and Merrill, and 'mortal Hall site, will be leased to (daughter Mildred; Mr. and Mn.1 the Civic Improvement club for tiu. Harold Aiklu, daughters, Rose purpose of erecting a rest room anil. me iioiiro ni supervisors as a budget committee, and also re quires that the budget, when prepared, shall bo published. In case there is no newspaper available then the budget may be posted and 11 hearing held thereon. v The publication of the bud get must be 2(1 days prior tu the hearing. , Approximately 300 people a(- 1 tended the Y. M. C. A. aquatic meet held yesterday evening at the Nata- ; toriuiu under the direction of Cash 'Woods, county orgaualer for the or ganization. It Is estimated that 59 j men, women, boys and girls entered the various contests staged in the t big tank between 7 and 10 o'clock : in the eveuicg. The contests served the purpose , ot bringing Into the limelight sev eral swimmers and divers of iv Tha entire pro gram as carried out without an accident. High dives, 25, 50 and 100-yard daiihes, relay races atul handicap swimming contests were aquatic features of the meet. Cash Woods stated that the suc cess of the meet was such that plans have been made to make the affair uu annual event. Names of the contest winners at the meet could not be obtained In time for today's paper. They wjll ' ! be printed In tomorrow's Tidings. Rancher Loses Two Fingers; In, Marie, June and Frances, and son club building to cost not less than II. ,. ... .... u. .,. .unp.,raui; Mr. and Mrs. Fred Combs, $.0(io. according to action taken, uininitatlon Fridav of last week fol who passed away Wednesday: daughters, Bernlce and Helen. nrt by the citv council last Hie lit Pnl.! liiu-imr an w"lrlntit t ti,.t, nn AAAmlln if. i,n ., AVAtlinp ut B-Qfl n'.l.,.L .. I : .... . . "1 ,.u,.,.B i .. ..,... ine ouin - ' v.Uv Ul uoi rcai-jsous, riowara and Kverett. and Cnrl lowing an open discussion between the Dead Indian road nair or tne property, which Is ot UMnl1- ul l" street, was held Rose. two stories, with offices on the sec-! from ttle Dodge t'ndertaklng Par- ond floor, has not yet been pur- lorK at 19 o'clock Friday morning, chased from Miss Lydla McCall, the MrB Chapla's death came very GOLD HILL MINKS TO REOPEN l.NDKH NEW ORGANIZATION O..II... ruiiey iiusnap uold '". or., AUg. The I ' National Manganese Ore company, 1 ait Indianapolis, Ind., Incorporation Moore lost twu fiugers bv' w,lh headquarters at Gold Hill, Or., has been organized to reopen and operate the Centennial placer mines, three miles south of Gold Hill. Whi un- owper. Although to all appearances euddenly after only a few days 111- tue structure is one building the, neBS- Mr- Chaplu wus the last ot property has been owned jointly bv tne Pioneer family of Hannah Ander- .Mr. Mills and Miss McCyll. "on' crossed the plains by ox The MUs-.McCall building is one team bringing her family from Iowa of the city's pioneer structures and 1,1 the early '50'- has formerly been occupied b-, t h Jfjfncy AnderBon was horu in Clay mercantile firms of Ueebii'and Kin- c,t5' SeP'- 5tl. 1840, and in ney, Vauple, Norrls and Drake and ,S87 wa" married on the old Ander- other co-partnerships dating buck to' !,on homestead near what Is now members or the council ami Alius loailine linv nt the ranch hum Mr Th new owners have received a Grace Chamberlain, president of the, Moore caught the ends of his fingers - lurK ""'P"11" o equipment and Civic Improvement Club, City At , in a cable pulley used In unloading: ,'ectlD larR capacity drag torney William Brlggs wus Instruct- tin. hay. Ills two middle fingers! l,n ,yp drllK drlvnn DV electric ed to prepare papers pursuant to were badlv crushed, neceuritailnir' P"1' o 'heae diggings, which will the granting of the lease. ' the umptitatlon by local physicians. The lease K ranted by the council The fingers lost hy Mr. Moore are is similar to the one given li. S. the same ones that were badly cut Butler tor the Pioneer Memoriul In the saw mill planes 11 month ago. Hall except In point of time. Me. It will lie some time before l-.e will WASHINGTON, I). C. Aug. 16. Butler was given a sixty-five year be able to use his Injured hand Mr' Senators McNary and Staufleld ! lease. Stipulation will be made In! Mhoi-h is he! hope to reach an agreement and the lease that lu case the Civic lm-,of Mrs. Lynch, Liberty street. maxe aensiie JDnounceineni as provement ( Hiu should cease U 1 , Senators Will Mete Qui Federal lobs This Week operate throughout tho entire year. This mine lias been idle sitce lllOli and was last operated by the recent owners, the Electric Dredge company, an Indianapolis, lnd., concern, but during the early days of the war the extensive electric equipment was dismantled an,d shipjied from Gold Hill to the war the early days when 'he property Iuullt. 10 . thapin, a pioneer' to federnl patronage In Oregon 1 function within the term of the f was occupied by Call interests. the Mills and Mc ASHLAND LEADS STATE POINTS IN teacher of Northern California. 1 within the week. Hie greater part of their married- It can be stated on absolute au life was spent in that state, they har-'thorlty now that Clyde G. Huntley Ing moved to AshlanS from Sacra- of Oregon. City will be nude conve nient 0 about 8 years ago. Her hus- tor of internal revenue. Major band preceded her to his last rest-' Clarence R. Hotcbklss,, 1'nlted States 1 Ing place a little more than, a yeur marshal, and Asa B. Thomson of ;ago. She was a sister of the late. Echo, brother-in-law of Senator E. K. Anderson and Mary E. McCall. . Stanfleld. will be given an import-! lease that the property will rever'! back to the city. 1 Plans for the proposed rest room: were shown at the council meeting hy A. L. Lamb, contractor, who will . have charge of the building's con-' t struction-. The building as planned According to a will be sixty, feet square and will from the council ImJhuIm I .1 ... I placer diggings, this property pro KI'XD. HOl SALE ,.dllcPd Blvat weami , vr)(itl g0() n NOT LAWYER'S KEK the" shallow grounds which were ex , ; hausted, anil the tireneut ground. wmcii is junt as rich, consists 01 banks from 20 to 40 feet In depth of heavy clay and sediments to bedrock. I statement the Item be surrounded by cement walks. All- of 11 TRAFFIC LAKE TKAVFL INCREASES lt VKH CENT THIS YEAR 1 anf place with the farm loan ban j modern equipment will be used In with headquarters at Spokane. CRATER LAKE, Ore., Aug, (Special.) The number of autos In the heaviest p tnl" year 18 "6 per ceRt greater than last year in July an 1 the number previous entering tho park this year is 3 per cent greater than last year. The lodge was filled with the count of 'vehicles "Ve'' S",!,aV ,0 c,lI,acltJ' 1,u,n came up ror Sunday dinner who didn't stay but a few hours. . The road around the r'm is to be opened by Wednesday, according SALEM. Ore., Aug. 116. The Pa cific highway carries traffic of all Oregon roads, accord ing to a report Issued by the state highway department today relative to a traffic census taken July 15, 16 and 1 being made continuously each of the three days from 6 o'clock a. in. to 10 p. m. The Columbia river AD M FALL ESPEE PRESIDENT E IN WEEK : ARRIV i the structure which will be of c.e-, i ment stucco, tiled roof and l';v-; I proof. In furnishing the Imilillir.' j several bathrooms are planned. Tin : original rest room Idea of the Chic,' ! Improvement Club will he carried,' out with tho object of a place, fori 1 .mothers to rest or leave their chll- ' , dren while shopping. Miss Cham- ' berluln stated thai she had received many letters from country women, ' n addition to those from Ashland women commending the rest room,' j idea. It was stated that the clubl' 17 SET R N .2,44! uicntiond by the Ashland city rouncll as. legal expenses pursuant In the coining bond issue to cover In debtedness if the city to the amount of $G.1,5i4.8ft. is not for lawyers fees, contrary to recent misunderstanding. The purpose of the council is to Is sue bonds not to exceed $51, 000. The difference betweeu in.t,.ri54.R9, the needed amount. ' and )56,0bi) will take care of . possible discount on the bonds SALEM, Or., Aug. 16. (Special.) relevant to their sale. It Is Goiernor Olcott hue issued the possible that the full amount following proclamation setting aside '25 EXPOSITION hlflrhtrnv atiinrln aarnnri ',. . ! to Mr. Sparrow. There is a sunset The count covers all kinds of vc-i' .. . hides, listed as horse-drawn, motor cycles, passenger cars of Orejjon, passenger cars of other states, light duty trucks, trucks of 1 tone and ovor. At the New Era bridge on the Pa cific highway the count showed a total of 1,932 vehicles during the three days and at a point M00 feet south of Aurora 1,3-17 vehicles passed. The census takers then jumped auto riae irom tne lodge every night at 7 o'clock round the rim beyond The Watchman and turning hack at the foot of Glaol-jr Petk to i.ei the beauties of the sun setting 1m. rind the distant hills and the chanrlng lights 011 Crater Laka. The nip Includes the bit of road through the snow bank that Is more than twenty feet high on either side of the car and is quite a nov elty in August. As Soon Ul thff Ptltlro rim mttA and lifter eating breakfast, started uu'" " "u" ""ul" 1s open there w ill ha a., lit, Irl... to the rim, about two miles from " '""'"j from the lodge around the lake for our camp, but luck was certainly-pa8,,ed- Trafflc wa c",,8l,lerabl" tourists. ours again, for a man overtook ua'under ,na 1'0nn malk u,l4il "'; ' . leading three wild cayuscs, which liei mllM north of Ashland was .reached, I ATTORNEY NEWMAN wnere tne count was l.GSS. . , seemed very anxious for us to ride. This was an opportunity not to be lightly passed up, so we galloped up to tho hotel feeling like the hero ines of Zane Grey's exciting novels must have felt. We walked down MOIt I.I NO MINK GOLD ORE MAKES IS NAMED DEPl'TV SHERIFF' BY COVRTl The national parks party, consisting of A. B. retary 'of the interior; Inspection j U0M"B wo,l,(' DB t0 tne wn,nen what the various lodges throughout the Fall, Bee- ..... , city are to the men members Stephen ,.. nn, hBB11 rinri 11I t 4I v- de- Mather, director of national parks, ( cded when the building will be and, E. O, McCormlck, vlconpresl-i started, although It will be stlpu- dent of the Southern Pacific who uilated In the lease that construction was thought might reach Ashland last Saturday, has been' gotten track of nt last, though It Is not known where they are at present. According to a telephone message from Alex Sparrow, superintendent shall start within two ye:irs. MRDEORD lOLICE KIND STILL; TWO MEN ARK ARRESTED I lJ .YIEDPOKD, Or., Aug. 11 Fol- down from Crater Lake last nieht! ,mU- Pre"Ment f the district Tuesday night on th, street. -""iuubi ui L-uiiiuivrve, tne party will arrive In Klamath Falls on J. M. llousler of the Crl.'Mu i.'ieek At a meeting of the county eoiut August 19, will spend tho night of that date at Pelican Bay and will arrive at Crater I.ak on the morn ing of August 20. They will re-. main at the lake until tit list nr I 22d, when they will depart for Med- of $2,445 will not be needed, . August 17 tor state-wide recogni- although the council has listed itloo of the resolution recently the item that there may not be ! signed by President Harding giving any hitch In the sale nt the j Oregon national recognition for tho bond issue. j holding of a world's exposition alv According to a recent report Portland In 1925: "MESSAGE TO TUB PEOPLE OF j OREGON "The signing of the joint resolu tion by President Harding that wu recently passed by congress giving j the state of Oregon national rerog 'inltlon to bold n world's exposition 'in 1925 should be the signal for a ' state-wide demonstration in recog nition of the opportunity afforded to present the 'resources, scenic ad vantages and the clvilltatlon west of the Rockies to all the world. "Oregon has occasion to rejoice 1 -' ' to Its fullest for the opportunity to Steps will be taken by the city I stage the first great peace-lovlug of William Brlggs, city uttor- ney, the service fee for Port- land bond attorneys will be $75. The city attorney does not receive any amount ot the legal expense sum as his serv- Ires are part of his official work. OI M IL TO STOP AITO PARKIN'O AT STREET CORNERS here on- a charge of Intoxication, police found upon investigation that the shark lived in by the two men had been burned with tiie apparent object of hiding the evidence of an Illicit still. Five baritlj of sour ouncll to eliminate the traffic dan-' and Industrial exposition since the at Granite and North Main close of the war, I mash was (ouud close to the rablnlger wherein the na- ford. The ."Secretary of the Interior A. B. ntnil iiilAutl' " """ '", Attorney F. .1. Newman of this city Two single showings of ore from wbb appointed a special deputy to the water, but as all motor boats! tne 01(1 Norllng mine group, situ-, sheriff for the .collection and handl were In use, we returned to camp. at61 about follr mlle Wl?st oi"ing of delinquent taxes on the tax In the evening we went to see the1 Jacksonville, brought an assay of rollsf Jackson county. He will bears that came within a short dis-1 339.8G gold and sliver, accord- begin work at once. Accordlnr to . Insr t ex sari i ftziA .ii,n if t.Amvta r n win O T.. J .... ! It'll 1 1 Inrlnw rA l 1 tance or our camp, we were only .n v.oii,, juoge uaraner mis step was '"""u me mnicuit Ci,ie( W(n ti, two j., ned lucky enoUKh to see "Maggie," the " koiu " WKen to straighten out the tax rollsj'""1 ul "oooung a raitiesnake from (operation of the still. mother bear, who 4s tame enough to anotner- ond collect as much as possible 0n ! hor"eback ,n one HDOt' Accompanied I ' eat from one's band. The "Ports were received from the delinquent list. Some of thel by Director M"t'n t the park, Bee-j fiput Resident VUit Thursday morning we again the "S9a', oftice yesterday by P.. X. property has been foreclosed on a reUr 'a11 inspecting trails and B. P. Roper, a former well known caught a ride to the. rim and this Jo,ingon' manager of the company,, time or two. footpaths and was riding equipped! Ashland resident, arrived yesterday .im took . motor ride .rn.m1 00 immediately begau speedlug Phantom Ship anil tn ken lit' the officers as el- street caused by the parking Of ma-l tlons of the world will ha nor .ncu party Will he at Lnke'j. i.. .1,. .. chines Inn close to the eurh. folJ ifk.l . ...... TahnA nil 5 I ha I" , "-r uftaiunb luc mcu. , u. , . iv i , mn ,vriuui Ul I 1 r on heptemoer j,. ; Although authorities here a.e lowing the request of Mn. W. A.! state of Oregon, I ask the people tt , Telegraphic dispatches from Yo-j w1Mll(. t0 ive Ull). paniculTX re- Shell to take uctlon on the matter j uiy their cares aside for the hour semite lodge, (alif., dated August fardn(( the mid. It i known tbal Mrs. Shell appeared before the conn and join in their acknowl- ij, said; .... - . -it rr...,ua... ,.iui, ,.nA Aiaj . . ..... me ponce are scarcuing ir several ragrmenis 10 inis womier- othar men said to have beeiilmpll- men In exprlence s of being run into ful opportunity by participating with "pockets" caused by the traffic rim the' great metropolis of the state la ning in both directions on North their various communities In hold .Vialn street, while entering the ing a celebration In keeping with thoroughfare. Machines parking the significance of the' occasion, too close to the curb and blocking "Wednesday evening, August 17. a tlew from Gran te street la the 1151 at tha hnnr nt t in vi.nL- motor ride aroun! """"" rne conn also anyiounced that; "m wesiern siyie wuen be beard by auto from Lodl, Calif., where he c:iue of the trouble. Mrs. Shell Is the time set bv the eiDositJon hi- and W xard Island. "v"'" "f " "-; inn ureen onnngs Mountain road wuiia an alarm Irom the: is ed tor and nub sher of the Lodl staled Tim ilmhort to the ton of the latter nrt ,eu" ana tne erection of buildings, was open from the first summit to roadside. The bullet request for action rectorate for the state to proclaim went clean 'Sentinel, for a visit with friends in brought up a discussion among the In unison that the spirit of progress 1 A . .Jl ' I.. . . . .... - sii:-ui ii li k in kin nil bit .iiinnitnii . nAim Tn.. i.. i. i .m iroiieh h. ..,,ia'a kj -.. . . . . ... slid on tne snow to tne Dotloui of- " " "-"" creen. ana inait "- u..- nu. ine rat- Asnianu ami earoni. .r. uoper counciimen of like conditions exist- may continue to follow 'Westward the crater. That evening we se-r comPny wl beKn making a new bridge across Kane creek is i llr bad nine rattles, which with! is "accompanied by his daughters. ng ,t ,ariou street Intentectioiis where the course of empire take its cured ponies and rode around tho! gE shipments of ore within a now open for travel. Other minor. !he "k'n. ! be presented to PresI-; Carolyn and Theda. his mother-In- throughout the city. It was de-way.' rim to see the sun set on the lake. (Continued oa Page Fcurj short period. The finds were made mad matters were taken no. and! dent Harding. Secretary witnin tares feet of grass roots. bills for the month audited. I . nounced.' Fall ao- i law, Mrs. H. E. Robinson, and Or-, elded to paint the curbs ut the va vllle Dewey. rious corners with no parking signs : "Signed. BEN W. OLCOTT, "Governor." I