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About Ashland weekly tidings. (Ashland, Or.) 1919-1924 | View Entire Issue (July 27, 1921)
PAUltHlilK Wednesday, July 27, 1021 ASHLAND WEEKLY TIDINGS LOCAL AND PERSONAL J MONDAY'S XEWS Motive's Mummer Cabin Completed Returning vacationer) from Lake ot the Woods state that J. H. McGee's summer cabin at the lata was com pleted Saturday. Trlgonia Grows lletter .The Trlgouia oil well in the Feru Valley district is making good prog ress In fretting out the ten-inch cas ing, and hopes to have the hole ready to cement and atop the (low of wa ter by next week. They were de layed by the non-arrival of a nip ple. Over 1600 feet of heavy 16-Inch casing was handled during the lust week. There was no work Sunday. ' The well Is now down 1350 feet, ii lid excellent oil signs and sund hove beeli brought up, so good that those in charge do not feel I ke Im periling it UJy the heavy flow of water. The present task is a slow process, and when the way Is clourea for drilling, they expect to work every day in the week. Mall Trib une. OpmiliiK Old Mine Tho tunnel of the Old Gem mine near the Boswell property has buen cleaned out and development work on the property will begin soon. Thej tunnel is driven In for a distance cf j 300 feet and was used in the days I when an arrastra was used for thai grinding of the ore. A. C. Stewart, who has a large Interest In the ir.lne. returned from the property Inst night. Grants Pass Courier. llridge About Completed The new concrete bridge at Wolf creek, near Grants Pass, is practical ly completed, but will not he in use until the middle of next month as a number of weeks must elapse lor the concrete to set sufficiently. The bridge is a 33-foot spa.i of reinforced concrete and was built by J Elmer Nelson, of Glendule. The bridge over Deer creek on the Crescent City highway is progressing, the founda tions being In place It is 160-feet long and Is also to be or reinforced toncrete. Jrliiiii VMtorx Prof, and .Mrs. Helurlch Heideu relch have been recent visitors at the Welsenberger home. The professor is connected with the public schools lit Phoenix. Arizona, and will remain there another yeur. At lako ' Woods ' Mrs. W. H. Leeds, her son, Bar clay, and nephews Paul and Law rence Wagner, left on Friday, for a 'few days visit at Lake o' Woods, following in the train of a lot of local campers already settled for the vaca tion season at that growig resort. Frisco Visitor ' Miss Dorothy Dunn, member of the popular San Francisco Ladies' quar tet, one of the musical attractions of Chautauqua, has been a welcome Visitor in Ashland's musical and social circles during the vacation season. She Is a daughter of Pro fessor Dunn of the state University of Eugene, and while here received a' visit from her father and brqther, who motored over from the univer sity town on a trip to Southern Ore gon. Leave for Long; Heuoh Mr. atul Mrs. J. L. Younger, for mer residents of Ashland, who have been spending the past several weeks "here, left this morning by car for Long Beach, Calif., where they are making their permanent residence. At I-nke. of tile Woods! Mr. and Mrs. Otto Klum have joined the colony of summer vaea-J tloners at Lake of the Woods for a few days. Undergoes 0"ration Mrs. R. W. Hach underwent an operation at a local hospital early this morning. Last reports were to the effect that Mrs. Hach was get ting along nicely. . Missouri Visitor The Ball and Wenner families had a very pleasant surprise on Satur day evening when their grandson, Wllard L. Ball, of Kansas City, and hit friends, Mr. and Mrs. Haysler and tbelr son, Kenneth, who have been touring from Kansas City, hav ing spent several days in Colorado Springs, on to Yellowstone Park for ten days, through the state of Wash ington by way of Seattle, and from Portland arrivedh ere. They were all delighted with Ashland and the Bogue River valley. They left this morning for San Francisco, and on I to Los Angeles. They expect to re turn to their home by September I. Forest Clrove Visitor ' Mr. and Mrs. John Norris.of For est Grove, arrived In Ashland today for a visit at the home of Dr. and Mrs. John S. Parsons. Mrs. Norrls and Mrs. Parsons ara sisters. Mr. Norrls Is a former Ashland businoss man. He is now connected with a Corvallls creamery. Band ftebtttrsal Band rehearsal tonight. It Is very Important that every member of the band be present tor practice at the city hall tonight. There are Rome big things coming (or the band and every piece must be represented nt practice. Trip to Tillamook Mr. and Mrs. Ray Hosier, Mrs. Myrtle Patton and Miss Nona Hall: loft last week for a two weeks out- ing trip to Tillamook county. J Cjuiiper nt Applexute j Mrs. J. H. Provost, Mrs. M. C.i Lawrence, Mrs. C. II. Pierce, Harry Coy and William Paul are spend-1 ing a weeks trip on the Applegato. They have pitched tbelr tents on thej Swayne ranch. Ed Staples made a; quick trip yesterday by auto to visit! the party. j Jesse Wiiibtun Ri urns- Jesse Winburn returned yesterday! from Lake 'O Woods after u two' weeks outing trip that took him to! Crater Lake, Klamath Luke, Rogue, Elk Resort and other points of ln- terest. Good Fishing nt Pelican Hay J Mr. and Mrs. Sam Jordan, Mrs.' G. N. Gray and Robert Warner have returned from Lake of the Woods! after a week's motoring trip to Cra-j ter Lake and Pelican Hay. They re port good fishing at the latter place. I List Wool Shipment The last car load of wool this sea-i Leave for Row-burg E. D. Briggs, ot the attorney firm of Briggs and Briggs, left this morn-1 Ing for Roseburg to defend Laddie! Farmer, of Ashland, against a dl-i vorce action brought by Mrs. Far- nier, now living In Roseburg. I I WoathtT for tike Wek Fair weather and normal temper-1 ature is predicted by the weather hu-j reau at Washington. I). C, for thfij present week. , son is to be shipped out from th". Farm Bureau Exchange warehouse! on Wednesday, July 27. Any mcm- ber of the association who has not already shipped should put his woolj In this car. and any grower who has not joined the stale association muy bring bis wool to the warehouse, and sign up there if he so desires, j Get your wool In this car. Fred ! Herrin. Leave for Portland Mrs. V. V. Cantrall, 160 North j Main street, left this morning for! Portland where she will spend a two' months visit with friends and rela-j tlves. ' i Motorist Return Messrs. G. O., T. M. and II. T. ; Brookmlller and famlles returned; a few days ago from n day's motor j trip via the Crescent City highway to Brookings. They report the roads as in very good condition over the mountains, and the fishing in the Wlnehuck river as fine. SATURDAY'S JfKWS Dan-ell MinklT Returns Darrell Minkler, who has beei. shipping on coastwise vessels as ra dio operator, has returned to Ash land for the summer months after .. trip to San Diego, Los Angeles and other Southern California points. Mr. Minkler reports that he had i. close call while at Portland during the recent shipworkers' strike when one of the belligerents hit him Ik the back with a club. Success ii. reaching a street car saved him from being mobbed, although h "was un der the weather" for three days a a result of the encounter. F.pworth League Re-oloets Rev. Kd fflUllS Rev. Charles A. Edwards was re elected manager of the Ashland Ep worth League instltuto for the con ference next year, at a business meeting of the league yesterday. The vote was unanimous for holding a conference In Ashland next year. This year's Institute was the first to be held in this city. Lake of the Woods Vacationers W. M. Foley and family left this morning for Lake of the Woods where they will spend several weeks vacation. They expect to be Joined later' by Mr. Poley's sisters, the Misses Minnie and Evangeline Poley. John M. Scott Sees London Local Southern Pacific officials have received word of the arrival In Scotland of John M. Scott, general passenger agent who, with .Mrs. Scott is making a tour this summer of his native land. Orchestra Fall to Appear The dance that was to barn been held at the Natatorium yesterday ev- en Ing failed to be realized owing to the non-appearance ot the Montana Harmony Five, a traveling orchestra, scheduled to play here last night. Mr. Ralne, manager of the Natator ium, states that he was not respons ible for the occurrence as he had oa ly rented the hall to the orchestra. Return to Oakland, Cullf. j Mr. und Mrs. George Parsons, uf- ter a week's visit at the home of Mr. Parsons' mother, Mrs. Robert! Shaw, left this morning for their ' home at Oakland, Calif. llotel Arrivals New arrivals at the Hotel Austin are: C. X. Fullertun, S. J. Grunes, Portland; Mr. and Mrs. Gerard Cle ment, Mrs. Jno. Ballard, San Fran cisco; Mrs. G. Waters, Grants Pass; J. C. Mulvehill, Seattle; W. F. Rood, Ashland; Mr. and Mrs. Leon Clav- hurgh, Miss Clayburgh, Mrs. S. Spin nings, J. M. Taylor, S. Brown. Claude Brown. Portland; Randolph' Garnet, M'edford; E. L. Cohen, Portland; Mr. and Mrs. ('. II. P.d wards. Duns- II1UII, IHIII.. .HIIIUII .fl . .r-r-l--, .,1 I 3 f Island. Calif. Rei-uver from Hlnevt County Clerk Chauncey Klnrey has recovered from an attack of the mumps, and is back at his official duties. Return to Eugene .Mr. and Mrs. Chester Stevenson and daughter Mary Margaret, who have been visiting friends In the city left this mornng for Eugene. The Stevensons were former residents of Ashland. ' Austin Hotel Shine I'p The interior o( the Austin hotel parlor is being refinished and reno vated under the supervision of R. (;. Porter. KWi'umsJ from Jail Howard Roouey, who was arrest ed here on a charge of stealing $10 from his room mate, Hert Smith, was released from the city bastllo this morning because of the non-appear ance of SmHh who was to have ap peared against Rnoney. Take Now Offices The Pacific Coast Mint company of Klamath Falls, have taken offices In i lie Elks' building, twu doors east of Irwin's pool hull. Returns from Camping Trii W. O. Dickerson and family. M and .Mrs. William So-verby, and Ray mond Stennett will return tomorrow from a camping trip on tho Apple- gate river. Police. Station lmprov Chief of Police Hatcher uow gazes at a peaceful world, from the insde of his office looking out. With hip own handB the chief completed the job of banging a screen door at his office door entrance this morning. At Lake of the WooOh Louis Dodge left this morning for Lake of the Woods to attend to mat ters pertaining to the erect on of :t summer cottage at the lake. 0 Kug-ene Visitors Mr. and Mrs. George Love stopped In Ashland yesterday to visif Henry Spulake, manager of the local Army Goods store, on their way to Los Vngeles, Calif., from Eugene, where Mr. Love is manager of the Army Goods store of that city. ('moping Trip William Paul left yesterday with a party of tourists on a camping trip. (imping at Wanner Creek A. M. Beaver and family, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Herndon and Edward Stann rd left th'te morning for a few days camping trip at Wagner creek. Handier Visits L. W. Campbell was a busines3 visitor in the city this morning from his ranch, one mile west of Ashland FRIDAY'S NKW8 Ljtrgc Oregon I n it nt Camp Knox Oregon has the second largest unit of any state In the union at Camp Knox. Ky., R. O. T. C. camp, accord ing to a wire received here by Di. and Mrs. Gordon Mac Cracken, from the'r son, Chester Mac Cracken. Kverton Family Han Visitors T. J. Everton and family. Grants Pass, And J. H. Potter and family, of Portersville. Calif., were recent visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Walter Everton of this city. Mr. Potter Is n brother of Mrs. Everton. Returns after Thirteen Venn William Reed and family have re turned to Ashland from Pennsyl vania, after an absence of thirteen years wh the Intention of mak ing their home here. Klitmnth Fall Vtaitorn Mr. and Mrs. John Enders, of Klamath Falls, were In the city this week visiting Mrs. Enders' parents, Mr. and Mrs. L. Jacobs, who are now making their home In ABhland. Mr. Jacobs Is Just recovering from an operation. Butler Roncu Sold The 140-acre E, N. Butler ranch, two and a half miles northeast oi' the city, was sold this week for $ 1 2,- 000 to James E. Rurasey. The deal was made through E. E. Phips, local realty dealer. e Wheat Crop Sold The 14,uuu bushel wheat crop on the Lumkln Bros, and Green ranch has been purchased by O. It. Reich- man of the Mt. Shasta Milling com pany. One hundred und twenty acres has been cut preparatory for delivery. The remainder will be cut within thirty days. At Lake of the Woods James D. Beesou, late manager of the Lithia Park tenuis tournament, is at Lake of the Woods where he S superintending the building of cottages for Louis Dodge and .1. H. lJ 0 Return from KLunaMi (uunty E. F. Smith and Charles Lind.-tay returned yesterday from a trip to Klamath county, going as far as Bon anza. They report wonderful crops on the big farms in that section, with help scarce and money tight. Dr. Mark Crstler, of Kansas, accom panied them as far as Klamath Fulls where he made a short visit with relative. Varation at Lake of the Woods Mr. and Mrs. Amos C. Nininger and children left Wednesday for Luke ot the Woods, where they will spend a vacation of several weeks. Itoturn from Httnttlo Dr. and Mrs. E. A. Woods have returned to their home In this city from Seattle, Wash., where they were visltmg friends and relatives. Sails for Europe Mrs. J. B. Brown, a former Ash land resident, whose home, is now In Englewood, Calif., has sailed for London to join her son, Walter Ly man Brown, who worked with Her bert Hoover during the war and who ha now taken Hoover's place. Mr. Browm Is a brother of Howard L. Brown who Is a son-in-law of Mr. and Mrs. Winter of this city. Visiting Parents Charles Prescott, second mate for the Munson Steamship company, Is visiting his parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. G. Prescott, here while on n short leave of absence. Seattle Visitors Mesdames (Jnmes H. and T. F. Doran. and tholr mother, Mrs. Wil liam Hardy, have been entertalningC .... tkl. ... a- , , ... . ' their guests. Mr. and Mrs. Carl. Signor and daughters. Miss Carolyn, and Mrs. Eva . Willard. of Seattle. Wash. Mrs, Mrs. Hardy. Signor Is a sister of i Retnin from ftnm Mrs. 8. F. FYIzzel attd son, Charles. have returned to this city after a, seven months vinlt In eastern cities, spending most of r.'helr time with relntlves In Iowa. Postpone. Mooting ' ' The scheduled me tin f rtf I lift A -ill-1 land Idea asHOcfatiau ul the Austin hotel yesterday- evlenlng, hatf been: postponed until the evening of this coming Monday. "r ' Man Wireless Telephone r According to Information rfece'.visl here from Medfonl, a wireless tele phone is planned! to effect better communication bo ween that city an I Crater Lake. It ssid by telephone company official that the r'acliUns of Crater Lake hy wire is a dVfficiHt .natter. It is planned to i f wireless. tolephon ciinneeleiF w.'th the resubr system. 1 Mi Altlmtt Itoperty Sold The property belonging to the William A. Abbott estate. In Mln- er'e addition, has been wild hr the helm to William A. HlggenboUian. Rtumtt from FXam Nicholas Dix, of the Whlt Star garage, returned yesterday froii f Sun Francisco, where he ha been on a i short businesa triip during the past Tew days after delivering a tr;jck at Montague, Calif. Will Make Tax Collection h The county assessor's of8 ce will start immediate collection if taxes on all personal property mrsuaut to a recent order iasned by tl ie grand Jury at Jacksonville and tt j county court, it was learned fro ,n E. D. Brlgga, of the law firm i of Briggs t Briggs, this morning. The pur pose la to prevent tax lost es hy the constant change of addraf by tax payers. Crauxtall FaneraJ The (uneral of Wlfllaa n A Craa- dall, who died reeterdsut from heart trouble, tl be held at 2:30 o'clock Sunday afternoon from the Stock undertaking parlors. Tho Tidings regrets a mistake made In yester day's account of Mr. Crandall's death. Mr. Crandall was formerly tsslstant postmaster at Aberdeen. Wash., not Tacoma, Wash., as stated. . Contribute!) to C. of C. Budget M. L. Patton, local agent of the Standard Oil company, has received a check for $75 from the Portland office of his company as a subscrip tion to the Ashland Chambet' of Commerce budget. The check came iu response to a letter written to the Portland headquarters by Mi. Patton. An enclosed letter staled that the check was a contribution "toward improvements In the park at Ashland." THURSDAY'S NEWS Second Shipment of Curlmiilc Uu The Pompadour Mineral Springs company shipped its second car of carbonic ac'd gas yesterday to Port land. The Ashland product is high class and there is an uuliieil 'd de mand for It. The Poir.padMir id:iut can now supply more than cue car a week, and can be d-'vplnied to ,i mitcli greater output. Monmouth Visitor Mr. and Mrs. Richard Aldersou. of Monmouth, arrived today for i; short visit at the homo of Mr. und Mrs. .1. E. Fifield. 23t Wery st eei. llootoii. Mass., Visitor , 0. S. Heath, Boston ;oung I n. has been a visitor hereabouts of late, incident to a tour of Pacific coast sections. Visiting Mother Mr. anil Mrs. George Parsons ar rived front the north und are visit ing at tho home of Mrs. Parson's mother, Mtb. R. J. Shaw, on 487 Rock streeit. Mr. and Mrs. Parsons are returning from their honeymoon trip to thefj home In Oakland, Calif. Portland VWtor ,Mr. amt Mrs. R. M. McClary, of Portland, lire visiting at the home of Mr. and Xr. W. H. Jlartges, Winter street. They arrived from Crater Lake this week, which place they reached by the Eastern Oregon route. Mis. Clary is a sister of Mr. Bart- ges. She will be remembered here as Miss Lorec Bartges. VUiling at Oakland .Mrs. E. D. Itrlggs Is spending three weeks visit with her son. Clyde Briggs. at Oakland, Cullf. Ten Found Hoy A ten pound baby son was boru to Mr. and Mrs. Carl H. Harris. titiO II street yesterday morning. I Audit School Clerk Hooks B. F. Lindas, of Mefdord, lias been S minninlnd tn .unlit the hnnks of 111! the school clerks of the county, in f compliance with an act of the lei;is- ( lature. The appointment was imule j by the district boundary board, con- slating of the county court and Alius f Suzanne Holmes, the county school superintendent. Kpivonll League PuiyiY Meetings - The Wednesday evening Mrayv I ineet'ng Iu Methodist, church iched-j j tiles will this week be merged with Kpwortli League conference devo'lons j1" ""' K,rk Esee Kmploye Hore from Oakland A. Kiilshury, expert boner mechin ', Is here Trom Oakland. Calif., em ployed nt the Sooth'Tii I'll1 tic roundhouse. His 'ami., ivill arrive within the week, and wid occupy the Ferguson "oi'nse tenement on First street. Ihuioe at I'urMi llnumw. . A dance was gleu last Tnesduv evening at the parish house by .1 number of young women who were hostesses to Invited gentlemen quests. The house wa. mi l;.l'lv dee o ruled In yellow au.l black mm' wl;b Ja panese lanterns. I'nnc'i.' was 8er ted. Those present, weir. H lisses Dew, of Mndfxrd. ' Smll'h. -Marguerite llnminnud. Li :o thy .Jones. Mildred Carlton, l.ulh Salisbury. Edith Moody, lleinie'ti Spuhl r of Colfax, Calif., ".ernic-i Myer, Harriet Hodges. Agns ll'd bert' Fern Murphy, Edith, Pauline' CUft. Alice Poor. Prlen Watt, rirglnin Jones, Edna 'rris. Mrs D L. Stevens. Messrs- Clyde Young, Elwood Hedberg, Domino Provost, Harold Simpson. Fred Schuerman. Xertditl: Beaver, D vinht Gregg, Leste;' Harold Ba kV Eddie Hughes. ArMur Troutfethe Job" Flnnernn. Ar'niir Ellis, Mr. T ttoa, Mr. Peterson, Clark Rollings, 1 tell Sherwood, .'eal Kerrigan an 8lade Soneer. Auto XllWo a Two cars dtriven ey iwcar i.umiui son. 44 Eu llid Avenue, and t 3 Butler, park ; cammlssloner, iichiiv ilnm need at !:30 were o'clock yesterday aft. irnoort In a collision at k ,r- O"11'5011 wl fins north on Main street and Mr. Butler that the construction price will b was negotiating a corner headeoi closer to $4000. The building will south after leaving the city hall. No be ready for dedication at the next action was taken by either party meeting of the societyin September, toward placing the responsibility . The work is bulng done by contractor ! A. L. Lamb. Assists hi Kodeut Drive feature of the structure will b Charles W. Long, of Taleut, was L granite dedication tablet placed at iu Medford yesterday assisting in the! the entrance to the porch, next to county drive of rodent extermination the center post. The tablet will be'ug put on by the farmers. i iiaVe a thirty-six Inch cement base. j h will be of Oregon granite and stand Tnwuui Visitor-- ! tuirty-two inches high, coming to a Al Roach, of Tacoma, Wash.. l!tHperl,ig point eighten inches in vlsitlug his brother, Karl Roach. ot: , at he ,., Tnp inscription East Second street. The visit Is the first made by Mr. Roach to this city in eighteen years. Talent Vlnltoln. Mr. and Mrs. William High of Tal ent, were iu the city today on busi ness. Iouvr tor Mniiiiuioulli Mrs. .1. K. MarWilliams unci son, Donald, left yesterday evening lor Monmouth where they will visit Mrs. MacWilliams' ariiiidpii rents, Mr. and Mrs. David Hampton, who are about " to celebrate their golden wedding anniversary. Will IM-iite here .1. (J. Adams, of Minneapolis, Minn., a former Ashland boy, has returned to this city and Inteuds to make his home here. Kee Agent Visits lleis- .1. A. Ornuindy, assistant general passenger agent of the Southern Pa rifle, was In the city yesterday oi business for his company. Mr. or-' mandv left today for an outing a! Crater Lake. Portland Kdltur Visits. Dr. Edward .Mills, editor of th; Pacific Advocate, a church magazine It all wiuter road. It has hej. published at Portland, was an Ash- j Impassable during winter heretofore, land visitor yesterday. ! Christ Natwick has this contract. ! Crater Ijike Visitors Simplicity, purity and precision of Mrs. Selma Grey, Mr. and Mia.Hpeech are admirable. It jars one'a Frank Jordan and Robert Warner j sense of the fitness of things to riud are. spending a three days v,iratioii limousine thoughts carried around at Crater Lake. , In flivver language. Jesse Winliurn at Klanmtli Fulls Jesse Winhurn and party, who have been spending the week ati Crater Lake, are stopping nt Khun-' ath Lake resorts while en-route !o this city. j Alaskan Trip Misses Eangelin and V li.i'ia Poley will accompany thei.' milher. Mm. Josephine 1'olev. on summer trip to Alaska uid the ".and ol the "midnight sen." Returns to KlamnMi Falls Miss Conslune-' Mi -William.! has re turned to Klii'ualh Falls alter a with : idpar.-"'s and relatives! ol this ci'v. Palo Alto Visitor j Miss Ora Patrick arrived Toes i day from Palo Alto. Calif., for a1 month's vacation and visit with her! parents. Mr. and .Mrs. W. A. Pat rick. Miss Patrick Is a teacher In tho Cnstilleja school for girls PIOXEIilt M lt M I1.PING ; I'NDKIl CONSTHU TIOX HV ;. S. IHTI.KR, JIKMOHI.IL Following a sixty yeur lease given: him hy the city of Ashland at a re-1 cent council meeting, for municipal! properly having a seventy foot front- j uge on Park avenue directly north! of Him Ashland creamery, G. S. But-( lor, well known pioneer and member of Hie park hoard, has started con- structlng a club building to be erected ( as u memorial to Ins mother. Mrs. A. Hutler Thompson, mid to be given to the Oregon Pioneer society, i The property Is 120 feet deep to the : The building .tself will he a log cabin twenty-six hy forty-two feet, and supplemented by a porch eight feel wide along the entire front of the building which. It Is stipulated, by the city council, shall not cost! less limn $2,500, Mr. Butler states PLAZA MARKET BACK TO OLD TIME PRICES Lenox Soap, 6 burs JMc 2Shars for P. & G. Napthu, 3 bars . ,av Palm Olive, 3 cakes for . .V Swiss Rose Toilet Soap, 3 cakes for M" Large Toilet Tablets, 3 for 4V Stearns Glycerine Tar soap, per cake S Lux. per page 12c G oi. Crepe, per roll ....Hit 15 rolls for .LOO Blue Bell Tissue, 101)0 count eacl Hloux. 4 oi. roll 0 Small cans, graieu. Fresh and Cured Meat of Hes Quality and Lowest Pric WK SELL FOIt LKSS UKCAI SE WTC SELL FOR CASH Plaza Market is the Place 61 North Main St., Ashland of ,(,Ii(,atnn t0 jh. Thompson will be carved on the tablet in raised letters. Mr. Butler takes great pride in the history of the state and the achievements of the eaiiy pioneer?. He is u member of the Southern Ore ton Pioneer society and the Native1 Sons and Dauchters, organization closely allied. .Mr. Hutler some time ago erected a inonumeut of Abraham Lincoln In l.ithia Park in memory of his stepf.ither. Jacob Thompson. lioueer of IS 17. Mrs. Thompso'l was a pioneer of 1 S",2. ROAD WORK IlKIVti Kt SHKW Judge George Gardner and Com miss'oiier James Owens and Victor Dtlrsell spent Thursday Inspeetini; road work. tl'ho Peyton road, from the Mc f'loud bridge to Peyton postofflce, about five miles, is being built by it. B. Vincent ut t cost of $1U,000. i " m -ree .... . .... . ..... .i ..mtli ii f lliu iM'ni'lr iru "" "-- .......... "P " few lulus, at a cost of : 12,500. The Derby road, from Derby to I Reese Creek school house is being eovered with crushed rock to muke Oir(Wi' lligltr r inximliun l TECHNOLOGY Fight SilioJi. yvrnij Ufiirtiiivli FALL il.KM )M.SS SKIT. It, 14 'iit iiiltMmiliuti nlf lo llf Hrrrttrw Oregon Ak'rifulturaJ CollVge I UK HISIOKV OF i' UK MU.VKV KLMiH shows that the (ouuda tious of their wealth wen laid by persistent saving. They created a surplus and put It out at interest. We can t all be money kings, but we can't hope to overcome fortune un less we save. Having a savings aecouut with THIS bank will op cu YOL'ft .opportunity. A OT AN SAVINU5 ft0 UW DEPOSIT Post Toasties, per pkg. Macaroni, 4 lbs. for crackers, now 20c nkge of cookies .ISHi and Fresh bbl of Glngersmips 15c per lb Rolled Oats. 4 lbs. for . 3.V- Good Canned Tomatoes Per can 13He Per case $3.90 Hill's Red Can Coffee, 2 lb. cans at per lb 87 Wr Del Monte Sliced Pineapple large cans 83c 3 cans for 'OO ycmzENsgl & BANK C O F ASHLAN DA 1 I