Wednesday. July 18, ttoi AsHtAiri) wcMLt ttbtftos PACK TOO Ashland Weekly Tidings Established 1876 Published Every Wednesday by THB ASHLAND PRINTING CO. OKFIC1AL riTY AND COlMV PAPER. TELEPHONE 89. SVBaduPTION BATES, "l One Year ." SIX Months l-Jf ! Three Months 75 , ADVKRTISIXU RATES. Display Advertisements, each inch 30c t BA I IV lil, IUC 11. nfl liassmeu Luiuiuu, uc " - time lc Legal .Notices. e.icn urne. line .$100 Card of Thanks I fraternal orders and societies charg-; world where rice is raised It fornu ing regular initiation fees and dues. , (he lirilic,pil, j, of a(1 eiassea ricn RehtouY lt benevolent societies "d poor al.ko. and the rice-eatiu? will be charged at ibe regular ad-! nations comprise at least ,e half vertlsing rate for all advertising 1 tne population of the world. when an admisflon or collection is ... neu ou on reason nee is not more pop- taken. Legal Rate lr in the average houjei'" is be First time, per S pt. line MX" cause the bousew'Xe does not under Each subsequent lime, per 8 I stand how u cook this cereal so that pt. .line 5c Entered at the Ashland, Oregon. Postoffice as second class mail matter TO THE LOCAL MERCHANT , We have prepared 52 very Inter-'. n,tmg advertisements to 'advertise, advertising." which will appear from time to time in this paper as display advertisements. , It will prove worth while, not; for cooking rice and. prepared in this1 additional hair-cup scalded msit. su alone to the buyer, but to the mer- manner, all the nutriment is retained, K" and avorins: combine Kh rice chant as well, to read carefully every nn nf them. They are written spe- c.fically with the aim of .howiug the subscribers the great benefit to so it Is better 10 add it after the he derived (rom reading YOl'B ad- rice is almost cooked. Rice cooked ertisements. And U is hoped, is In this manner will be dry, each grain well, that they will be the medium distinct, and no tendency to sticki o( showing the merchants that care- ness. If desired, the rice mva b ful thought coupling his luerchan- cooked in milk; however, It Is it ally dtsins; with his advertising- will more satisfactory to first cook Hie bring direct results, when the sryiei rice in cold water, thou add mllk ;itid text of lh.- advert seni" M are for pudd ligs. etc. Old fashioned rice prepared with is great thouehi uud '. pudding calls for ii"cooked rice ami care as you eeu-lse In your luyiiigi inllk, cooked in the oven. This is a !,iiil vniir .Jnle'iuin8hin when the ,..h.,er u h-i,,r vm. ' ; ln the sioro. ' After all, adveiiisemeiiis are omv slnt siilesmen. The same price and quality talk that you give the cus tomer in your store. Put down frank- ly in your advertisement, will bring the customer to buy your goods. When you buy advertising in l be: Tidings, use thought in what you put ' in it. Tiding advertising Kpace run' b made imire profitll to you than any oomnxidliy you buy to put on yur shelf to wll t a profit. It can, be made to increase your volume,! und that will enable you to give customers better bargains, and at the samo time make you more money, through quick turnover. The Tidings is in no seuse a char-l nnco rJ r'f. induce hrut, cover Ity patient. It has a very profitable, close,v 1,1,1 lft ''""m 'h.-ni ;r. uiin merchandising commodity to sell -! ,ltes- " 1111 I r'ce l (, !,'(! ami iliv a commodity which, If judiciously,' 1)0 ,l0t ""r no: fid nn:re v'irr and thoughtfully and persistently used. P clely covered', will prove more profitable to the Weo Muffins 'merchant than any goods be may buy to put on his shelf for sale at a profit. We are out of sympathy with the merchant wm buys space jcun cooked California rice, 1 table-! i., Ti... Ti.iin,. b.,,i lut- ...i,8POOn beaten Hhnrtenlnp Qirt rt, 1 ride from year to year. He i throw-; ing his money away on space, which, if filled with his "store news" from t me to time, carefully coupled with 'his store selling and buying, will prove of ten times the value it costs j uo' 0Ten about 20 minutes, him. 1 Rice Griddle Cukes Mr. Merchant, The Tilings wants One cup flour. teaspoon salt, to help you. Advertising in this pa- 1 tablespoon sugar. 4 teaspoons hak per, because it goes every evniug Ing powder, 1 egg beaten, l cup into nearly every Ashland home, will 1 milk, 1 cup cooked California rice, bring bus ness and profit more than J Sift first four ingredients; beat egg, commensurate with its cost If you : .u- tl. 1 Kie mo ii you .ui in me m queutly. Advertisng should be to tbe reader YOUR "Btort- news." If' you make It so it will pay you hiK : profits and save the customer mouey. I . . Mrs. Carrie Chapman Catt, who, was the legatee receiving the $1,354,-; 289 estate of .Mrs. Frank LeiS, has' announced that of the ex-, tele had been spent tor woman suf - - irage work in the United States and1 that the remainder Would soon be consumed wi the Philippines. Porto Hico and Hawaii. Funds were also' upplied. she said, to suffrage cam- palgns in Hungary, Switzerland. It- aly. France and Belgium. Plaza Haw jut iwfivctj a few chehts of (iuniv.ler. .Iaiiiii ami Knl'isli tfrcakfuKt Tea, a ii-irti!ar "' value, will lie nold wliile it lasts at 48c per lb. A few of Half (iroiiiiii Sail, flood for Imy. cattle or ii-e eieain $15 per ton 75c per 100 lbs. 40c per 50 lbs. Plaza Market 6i North MsinSt, Every Uousewift who w murested r. the development and weif.ire of the Pac tic cost will have purcuatcd,' California rce during, the past week s' l ie csniiia'gn. j Rice de.jervrs to be niori' cum-j UIUU1J o.iU r.,.r, nil Ihrt Pacific .,11 n rt Icilhtrlv lhe,CUP , California rice. The average house-1 w dops nol Uow or re.(lile 10 what extent rice is grown in Cali-i it is appetizing au.f palatable I n- "r" " Q,rec,ea ,or fortunately it is usually served in a plain "uddlnf; formless, sticky mass, neither apneal- CnlifornU Custard Rice PuddinR ing to the eve nor appetite. But.J One-third cup California rice. 1 properly prepared, rice takes on h;cuP cold mllk' 1 CUP co!(1 wa,er- ' different appearance; it will be rirv.l teaspoon salt. 1 tablespoon butter.j eich grain dlst net. no appearance of Btickiness whatsoever, and will be phasing to the eve as well as ta t eat. : Imiioriant Method of CooklnK Rice ' This Is really a very easy method. starting California rue to cook In bolline water makes it slickv. Salt has a tendency to impair the flavor! verv dplicionn nuddinfir. When .-nvlf- - ' rle In miiw , ,t,. .iii, i. j fresh. Curdled rice pudding If. caused from milk not fresh 'enough, or because salt or frul'. Ihm been added too soon, or t4?aus4 'lie "ve-i in too hot A delicnt i pudding in which rice has cooked to a creun . r?iuirns a mow even, milk O'Uy nay eld. no salt, flavoring or fruit mided until' 'he vuddlng is aimer, cooki 'l Rolled Cnltf'rn'.i Hire i Wash ie thoroughly In several waters "!,! water Is cler. Put In! saucepan, ns'i g 1 par; ilco to ! ; Par,s c,!1 water, eov.-r closnly and riiia tn t he boiling p;i lit Let boil; rapidly ; bjiii ; miiiii'in. -li . .( tea ..i. t ""e CUP flour, t, teaspoon salt, 1-3 CUP sugar. 4 teaspoons baking Pwder, 1 egg beateu, 1 cup mllk, I 'our Ingredient; add milk to the'"," " " ' , , , , beaten egg. then cooked rice, dryi" "tcu u"u' 1 tu" "lu- ' 1 tu" lngreJnts and melted shortening BtralDed t0raa,' 2 table9noo'la CB0P ne,t;,,n.ll smooth lind bake in well Pl ripe olives, 1-3 cup grated cheese, greased heated muffin pans In add milk, then cooked r'ce, and add trn,l,ri'n1l.. A t ..dlAn,u l.A..ln' u, ,..B,.C.... ucwug hot griddle. Rice Waffle One cup flour, teaspoon salt, 3 teaspoons baking powder, 2 eggs beaten separately, 1 cups milk, 1' cup cooked California rice, 2 table-; spoons melted shortening. Sift first j three ingredients. Beat whites of I eggs unt 1 stiff, the youlks until creamy; add mllk and cooked rice Calltornia ""e as of July l0, beg to yolks and add gradually to dry!'0 telMTt fullows: ingredients; mix well, and fold in' Roseburg-Myrtle Creek, paving i the stlfflv beaten whltfs and the1 outn of Reburg. open at all hours, shortening. Cook at once on a well de,our r9 ued when available. I heated waffle .rou. . , Mynle Creek-Canyonvllle, grading, ; SwW California Rl" Cuke. i ,alr dtour vl Riddle. j Two cups cooked Californ a rice. : Caiiyoiiville-Calesville. good mac Market H. A. Stearns V Ashland, Ore. Domestic Jcience Department Conducted Ay Mrs.fieUPe Graf fiomesttr Science Jui-ector , Sprry Fhur C. 1 egg. V. cup sugar. Beat egg, add, "6ar and rice. Shape into flat akea and roll in flour and fry on a hot gr'ddle. Serve with maple syrup or lellv- Plain California Rice Pudding Two cups fresh milk, 2 tablespoon j California rice. i teaspoon salt, Uj sugar, 1 teaspoon of vanilla. Wash rice thoroughly and (I ran. place in a buttered pudding dish and pour in milk. Bake n a slow oven for about one and a half hours, stir- ring occasionally; add remaining In-i gredients and bake from a halt to one hour longer. Do not stir a!terl adding ingredients, but allow to be come a golden- brown on. top. Cnlifornin Hifi Fruit Pudding Add a cup of chopped figs or a cup of seeded raisins to the plain rice pudding when adding the sal'. 2 e8, ' CUP 'ded milk, 1 tea-j rin vanilla or grated rind and: juice of lemou. Wash rice well: put: rice' mllk and waler ln a ucepan! and cook until 80ft; add butter andj 8et 89 08 10 C001- Beal e aaa ue ' and pour Into a buttered baking dish and bake slowly until firm. Pour r. litlle nlelted butter over lhe lop 8nd 'sprinkle thickly with powdered su gar and return to oven to glaze. For chocolate rice pudding, melt . two ; squares of unsweetened chocolute and add to the mixture, omitting the lavoring. California Rice Croquette Two cups cooked California rice, ' I egg beaten, 1 teaspoon onion juice, I teaspoon lemon juice, 'a teaspoon i salt, pepper to taste, 1 tablespoon melted butter. Mix nil Ingredients. hale into balls, roll In breadcrumbs and then in slightly beaten egg, to wb'ch a tablespoou ot water has been added; then in crumbs again, an.l fry in deep fat until a golden brown. Serve as a garnish tor meat or fish. Ciilifot-nlu Rice with Fruit Sweeten and mash to a pulp any fresh or canned fruit. Mold cooked rice in custard cups. Turn, out and pour the fru't mixture over each one. Any of the berries, cooked prunes or canned apricots or peaches are suit able for this dish. California Rice and Meat IOaf Two rups cold cooked meat, cut In dice, 1 cup stock or gravy, 3 table- annnna ahnrtanlnff Q I'lMoaiinnn. rf djiuuuo Dim, ivioiiAi w luuicnj'vuua w. up ,f"our' 2 cups cooked California rice, I 4 teaspoon salt, 1 teaspoon onion Juice, pepper to taste. Melt shorten ing, add flour, mix until smooth. I Add stock, cook until thick. Add ' remaining ingredients, except rice. , Butler a breadpan, line with rice, pressing firmly. Add meat, cover i with rice. Hake until firm and serve i with a tomato sauce. Risotto One cup California rice, 4 table- per. Heat shortening and try onion slowly until a golden brown; add j the uncooked rice, which has been . well washed and drained. Fry ric until yellow, stirring constantly, then add stock, strained tomato and green , pepper. Simmer until rire is tender. I Season with salt and add olives just I before serving. Cooked cold rice may h..i, l. i i, .,. -n stock. This makes a very nice stuf- i flng for green peppers or tomatoes. WEEKLY REPORT ON CONDITION OF PACIFIC HIGHWAY As to the condition ot the Pacific highway between Roseburg and tbe adam. I Ualesville-Wolt Creek, paving in progress at both ends of job; where detours are not available traffic will be allowed to pass at least every two hours. Wolf Creek-Grave Creek, paved. Grave Creek-Grants Pass, belli macadamized; take old road at sum mit of Smith bill; good condition when dry. From the foot of Smith b II to Grants Pass it is no longer necessary to detour vis Merlin. The main highway can be used except when they are working, when a short detour is used. Grams Puns-Rock Point Arch,, paved. hik Poiut Arch-Gold Hill, paving, take detour at Rock Point Arch. Gold Hill-Ashland, paved. Ashland-Califoruia line, paved ex cept a 1 It mile stretch on the sum mit of tbe Siskiyous and a short stretch sevmt nije south of Ashland wb-r a short detour is necessary. Both good macadam. Crater Laka Highway Tbe Crater Lake road is now open j to wltb'D one milo of tbe lake, there I being from on to two feet of enow. ! ; Tbe Crater Lake hotel opened July j 1st; visitor! will have to walk the luit mile to reach the lake. A sprlnk- libf truck will be used eouth of Pros-j pect 10 that the road between Med-' ford and Prospect-will be e good) or better than laat year. From Prot- pept to the lake the new grade eom-l , . . to b Very truly. , j K. E. HODGMAN'. : Division Engineer. I KIROPE IS RAPIDLY BEING RESTORED TO OLD TREATY COXTROL By CLYDE A. BEALS (Written for the United Press) LONDON. July . The old trea- lllea turope in a more exueme form, though possibly under much mor8 favorable circumstances, la De lug rapidly restored. The outlet tor the adjustment of territorial disputes provided by the League of Nations, however, may render "local adjust ments" practical, and fa Hug any thing better, even desirable. . The sponsor of the amendment to article XXI of the league covenant, recognizing and encouraging local ap plication of the broad principles laid down by the league, Dr. Benes, tbe Czecho-Slovakian foreign. minister, is! also one of the moving spirits in the' little entente. In an interview he: discussed fur the United Press the! effect of the amendment and of the little entente on the peace of Central Europe. "The amendment ia an Important addition. I believe," he said, "to the League of Nations covenant. There are many local problems that, for the league to attempt to settle, would provide endless complications. This amendment will provide for their settlement on the principles of the covenant by the nations concerned. "The little entente, consisting at present ot Jugoslavia, Roumania and Czechoslovakia, comes within the meaning of this amendment. It is designed to promote economic ad justments. ' Our nations have gained inde pendence at a great cost end we mean to see that nothing upsets It. We have arranged treaties requiring military support In case a member of the little entente Is attacked or in cases where the peace of Central ; Europe U prejudiced. We want to; prevent war from l eaking out. i "Because Czecho-Slovakla has re fused to enter into a Danubian con-j federation, which Is supposed to bei able to bring about peace in Central j Europe, we have been accused of, seeking to keep Austria end Hungary j beggared. I have opposed the Pan-; ube confederation. It Is not wanted. If we formed the Danubian confed-j eratlon without the other powers, we should be outnumbered two to i one, which would not be bad but for the fact that both Austria and Hungary are so strongly influenced by Germany. It would amount prac NOTICE TO CREDITORS tlcally to a reestablishment of Mlttel , hereby givM (he Europa. This we simply cannot t0'- deralgned baa been appointed admin - erate, Just as we cannot tolerate an;i,trator 0f the estate of Maggte E. Austro-Gennan nnloc. 'Austria's, condition, even witnout , " d ,A -0M yin, 4laimrt corner Number One of Bed Poffrey any alliance, improving. She nasjj nft (id eUte are nott:&i to : Claim Number Six, excepting there plenty of coal. Her chief difficulty I preaent the same to me at the Clti-lfrom all that portion of tbe above Is to get capital Invested In her In-1 sens Bank ot Ashland, in Ashland, described Red Poffrey Mining Claim Oregon, with proper vouchers and lying and being situated within the ausines. - . verified, within six months from St te ot California. "Central Europe, and Austria espe- the' flrjt publcatlon nereof. which The amended location of laid de clally. has been the victim both of j July g 1921. ,scrlbed mining claim la recorded In internal economic depression and! F. 8. ENGLE. jvolume 21 at page 319 of the Min- worldwide depression. Within six! ROBERTS Ad,ninhtn,,0r- 'i' ot C01 months the worldwide depression will iL-A; Administrator. 45-5 And notice is further given that. show a great improvement wnicn win automatically aid Central Europe MINNEAPOLIS ELKS' MINSTREL SHOW PLAYS TO 1700 HERE The Minneapolis Elks' Minstrel show, given at the Chautauqua building yesterday evening under , the auspices of the local Elks , lodge, played to an appreciative ! audience of 1700 pleasure seekers of Ashland, Medford, and the Rogue River valley, according to ticket sale figures obtained at the. Elks' temple this morning.. The show,, given by 85 Minnea polis Elks en route to the Elks' convention at Los Angeles, Calif., was acclaimed by theatre goers as one of the best of its kind that has ever played m this city. "Something different" In every act and applause and laughter ruled supreme. The eight black face comedluns, with gaudy raiment and humorous tongue twisting, were the hit of the evening. The Minneapolis Elks' Glee club, directed by Dr. W. Rhys-Herbert, was a feature of the evening's en tertainment. Mystery was the order of the evening when ''the 'Great Wlllard, the Man who Grows," with elastic Indifference, ' befuddled the audience by grow ' ing or shrinking his stature at ' will to the extent of six Inches. With an assortment of alleged "nuts," so oriental fantasy termed ' the "Island of Gazook," made a laughter raising wlndup to the performance. George L. Stevens, as the king's favorite dancer, brought rounds of applause. Tbe company left this morning ' at 1 o'clock. Immediately after ' the show, on their way south di- rectly for Lbs Angeles, Calif. ' Members of the minstrel party stated that tlie attendance at last ' night's performance was the larg ' est they had played to since leav ing Minneapolis. They said that they had been accorded the best reception here of any city since leaving their "home town." The company is composed of i Minneapolis business men who are . giving the profits of the show to ' the national council of the Boy ' Scouts, an organization that the Elks play "big brother" to. f A box of cherries was given to v each member of the party before .leaving this morning. A Fund of Information That You Should Have D ISRAELI, who for six years was prime minister of Eng land, said: "It has been my observation that the most successful man in any undertaking, is the man who has the most information." It doesn't require any particular information just to go out and buy something. But to buy the best of that something ut a price that is 'satisfactory to you that is a successful purchase. And to make successful purchases you must have information. Advertising give syou. just that kind of information. It tells you where to go in order to get the best of anything you want at a fair price. That is why it is a paying proposition for the man or woman who handles a pocketbook to study the advertisements in The Tidings regularly very day. To those who use it projierly, newspaper advertising is a source of economy and satisfaction that never runs dry. It is a watch-dog of. dollars a gun run tee of satisfaction. If you would learn the facts about the things you need to make you comfortable and happy. read the advertisements ot Jackson County. Oregon, and has NOTICE OF APPOINTMENT OF EX - ECl'TOR AND TO PRESENT lode premises hereinbefore descrlb CLAIMS ed snd referred to. or surveyed, plat- 'ted or herein applied for, are here in the County Court In and for the by notified that unless their ad County of Jackson, State of Ore-! verse claims are duly filed accord ion. 'Ing to law within the time prescribed Ir. the Matter of the Estate of Btn- by law, with the register of the - ten Bowers, Deceased. 'United States Land Office. at Rose- , Notico is hereby ilveu that Ihelburg. Douglas County. Oregon, they Will of Benton Bowers has been r.d-lwlll be barred from any right of ' mitted to probate and that tbe under-1 claim In said premises and every ! signed has been appointed by Ihe'part thereof by virtue of the statutes Honorable G. A. Car.l .er. Jud?e oflof the United States In such case I the said Court, as the exjjutor of his made and provided.. , estate. ! The description above given Is in , Any person having a claim against 'accordance with survey made by tbe the said estate Is required to pretent 'the samo duly verified to the Under signed at tbe office of Briggs it , Briggs, Attorneys, in the Pioneer I Block In the City of Ashland, Ore of t'he fMt publication of this notice gon, witnin six monns irom lue oaio which Is June 29. 1921. MARTIN D. BOWERS, ; 44-4t Executor. MINING APPLICATION NO. O13706'm.9.Wed. United States Land Office, Roseburg, Oregon, MAY 10, 1921. t Notice is hereby given that William i and In pursuance ot an order ot mo jMilnes, whose post office address Is County Court of the State of Oregon. (Medford, Jackson County, Oregon, i for the County of Jackson, duly made has made application for patent to land entered on the 11th day of June, the following described placer min- 1921, lathe Matter of the Estate nf !lng ground situated In the COTTON-1 Nancy J. Cunningham, deceased, Ida VOOD mining district of Jackson M. Barnthouse. the Executrix of said 'Coun'y, Oregon, said placer ground i Estate, will, from and after the 23id Ibelng known as the RED POFFREY day of July, 1921, proceed to sell at I hers. Four, Five and Six, and con-'private sale, to the highest bidder latins of the following: for cash, that certain real estate be- i Commencing at a. point 8outh 36 '.longing to said Estate, situated In Idegrees 61 minutes West 10.12 Jackson County. Oregon, and descrlh (chains from the Northeast corner of ed as follows, to-wit: the Northeast Quarter of the North-! Lot 22 of Block L In tbe 'west Quarter, Section 17, Township Railroad Addition to the City of 41, South Range One, East of the Ashland. In Jackson County, willaiirette Meridian, being corner Oregon. : number One of Red Poffrey Claim! Bids may be made to the under Number Six; thence North 69 de- signed, or to L. A. Roberts. Attnr- 'rrees 33 minutes East 22.27 chainslr .y for said Estate, at his office in to corner Number Four of Red Pof-jThe Citizens Bank Building, at Ash frey Claim Number Six; thence land, Oregon. South 87 degrees 9 minutes East! First publication made June 2.. '13.03 chains to corner Number 1921. ,.-,un01, iThree of Red Poffrey Claim Number' IDA M. BARNTHOl St. Six: thence South 69 degrees 33 min-' Executrix of tbe Estate of Nanoy J. !utes West 22.27 chains to corner! Cunningham, deceased. Number Two of Red Poffrey Claim ys l" Number Six and corner Number (Two of Red Poffrey Claim 'Number Five: thence South 68 degrees 38 minutes Wect 22.33 chains to cor jner Number Three of Red Poffrey 'Claim Number Five; thence North '67 degrees 9 minutes West 3.90 chains to corner Number Four of iRed Poffrey Claim -Number Four; . 'thence South 30 degrees 19 minutes iWest 21 45 chains to corner Num-i ber Three of Red Poffrey Claim Number Four; thence North 6i de grees 9 minutes West 4.35 chaius to corner Number Two of Red Poffrey Claim Number Four; thence South 88 degrees 26 minutes West 4.40 chains to corner Number One of Red Poffrey Claim Number Four: thence : North H Corner Numb" KlVe if Red poffrcjr Clam Number Four; 'thence North 68 degrees 38 minutes East 12. S3 chains to point of begin- Bed Poffrey Claim Number Fire and .all persons claiming adversely the 'mining ground, placer, veins and United mates survey wenerai ot ure ton. The adjoining and conflicting claimants or claims are none, and there are no adjoining claims to the said described placer mining rlalmi, consisting of the said Red Poffrey Mining Claims, numbered Four, Five and Six. W. II. CANON, Register. NOTICE OF SALE Notice is hereby tfiven, that under. Real Estate Homes and acreage. Farms and Stock Ranches. All Kinds M Good Insurance Asblasd Agents of Abstract Co Billings Agency