'iilltnrlnm ASHLAND WEEKLY TIDINGS n7C Mkl ;';t i..u'.'; !. m,a AOL. XLIV ASHLAND, OREQONj WEDNK8LAY JULY 13, 1921 Crowned Kings Are Still Numerous On European Thrones By CLYDE A. DEALS (United Tress Stuff Correspondent) LONDON, July 11. The sport of lopping crowns lu Europe thut be came so exhiliratlng during the war, seems not only to have subsided, but also to have been followed by its equal and opposite reaction. Hungary, though kinglets, is by legislation of its own parliament still a kingdom. Austria bag n small but Important royalist party. And Ger many manifests a strong leaning to wards a king, and a Hohenzollern at that. Constantino has come back, though the regal supports are wobbly. Old! King Peter of Serbia, who pulled, through the war, more or less, tins - found hb new kingdom of the Serbs, Croats and Slovenes so pregnant with i spontaneous combustion, that hel leaves his son, Alexander, to do most! of the work. Ferdinand of Rumania still has his picture on the postage! stamps, but Is refraining from all I other publicity. And Boris of Uul-jpart of the country Is Calvlnlst'c. garia, answering a public welcomej Since Karl's last departure, sev-j on a church festival day In Soflu, eral rivals have sprung up. Admiral; was greeted by a bomb which killed Ilortliy. des'gnated governor by the and wounded several persons close; parliament until a king was select-j by blm. i ed, was, according to stories in VI-1 The thrones more familiar toenna, himself to have been set up) Americans arc at present having I It-1 by the Small Landowners party asl lie difficulty in weathering present king. That, however, fell through. j fair winds. In England. King Archduke Joseph and Archduke AI-, fieorge has lost by his quietness the brecht both have Btrong following. little vestige of power bis father by : his strong personality was able to exercise. His popularity was under-! ... ... . J going 11 slump until the Prince of 1 Wales came to but. ! Tk. D.Im.a I. ..n.l....t.....ll.. " -most popular person 111 the rniteiii Kingdom, and If he comes to the throne, which some people though ad- nilrlng him. donbt, he will probably! welld a positive Influence. The most stable throne of all, np-. .. 1 . . I ...... j 1 r 1 1 . . 1 if a 1 trill i) , in umi ui nu luuu. uuhuii Wllhelmlnaenioys and cherishes the I aa....I.a sfnlUn a 1 muH- prince consort. Henry of Mecklen-! 'burgi Is not popular, hut the Queen: .1,-ft'an .!..,. Thn U..n..n In 1... n...lfl ..fmnnv Tl,l tw.llni. 11,..., oh " " v tviui no guani. ine men in ine Atreets fp their hats and she bnws plensantly. There was an attempt ! not long ago to hold a demonstra tion against her, hut she drove witli- out any guard to the place where it! was to be held, and the Hollanders took the horses from her carriage ..a a u.. 1 1 and drew her through the streets; In triumph. King Albert of the Belgians alsoj CHRISTIAN KXDKAVOKKRS DKSCIUKK KARXI.Vti OK CHl llCH KIM) MO.NKV By MRS. C. P. KOKHLER Christian Kndeavorers met lust ev ,enig on the lawn of the Presbyter ian church for the monthly business . nmjl social meeting. (lertrude Brown was made treas urer, Gertrude Wlkseli, chairman of Lookout committee; and Grace Leslie, chairman of missionary work in places of Archer, John ;and Mrs. Hoyt, who tiavo resigned. $10 was voted for union work and ,othor business was transacted. The soclii coinmiitee distributed sheets of tissue paper, and the niein iberB adjourned to the church parlor where tbey manufactured some per fectly wonderful summer huts. ' Bach wearing his own creatlou, a parade started. Each member then marched past the treasurer, left his eniitributlnn to tho new church fund !nnd told how It was earned, which! was very entertaining. jvjelllo Hake gave hers In a very good song, words and music com posed by herself. RoBe Hake gave an original poem, one had borrowed his casn. one nan iu ! malortty was apple thlning and cl.er-j ry picking money. Next the hats were tagged and left to the mercleaj L. J I 1 f nn of the social commuiee. wane ui3 members flocked to the yard for a round of Jolly games. Called to the manse for refresh ments, each found his place at little tables, marked by the huts, which the members donned once more and enjoyed the cake and sherbet pro vided. ' AH felt this to have been one of the very Jollies parties of the year. HWISf fOMlN'O TO !'. H. ' C'AN'ADA IS AFTER. THE ; The shot was beard by the house- - GENEVA, Jnly '.'. Emigration.; CHEKSK CHAMPIONSHIP; niJd wno rlls,,p, to hg ,ide ,,, which had almost ceased in Switz-er- " SASKATOON. Sask.. July 1 2. ! called his son Neil. Mrs. Vilas ami land during the war, "u since been ; Holland has a new rival in the cheese; son (leorge were In Central Point resumed on an increasing scale. As-j making Industry. Canada has step-! at the time, being called by t-le-cording to a report publlsh.-d by tbeipe(j nto fourth position among the I phone. federal council. The high water inurkj producing nations and 's 3100 dairy! He Is survived by his son (leorge. of emigration was re.-.clwd last y;arj factories are rapidly Increasing thej connected with a trans-Pacific steam whei 798S Swiss u'ld 12ii (oreign-j output. Thirty-six million dollars islsljp line of Sun Frsnc'sco, now at . resident In Switzeiland. !t thej the sum returned to Canadian farm-1 home, aiwl his son Ned. and bis country. The favoiiie goa' of Swiss ers. for cheese exported during the; widow and other relatives who hare emigrants is tb-" Uiited Stats; Ai- last year. Most of these exports the sympathy of the community in cent Ine and Brail come xt. fol-;went to England, long one of Hoi- their bereavement. The funeral ar- reigns with comparative quiet. King Victor Emmanuel of Italy, however, Is in none too good a position, though It has shown signs lately of strength ening. The king of Spain, also man ages to hang on. The question of a king for Hun gary is the puzzling one. Karl is the legally crowned monarch. After his recent fiasco bis supporters in Hungary Insisted that be would be back in' six months, and the nnnunce- meut that he is about to go to Spain gives some credence to the opinion : that he may' try another coup, be - cause lu Swtlzerlaud he Is very close - I ly guarded. He has put himself in a rather ridiculous position however by having left Hungary twice now, each time after proclaiming that lit - would rather die than leave. Beside, the little entente, supported, though' somewhat casually by the big one, is determined not to have a HupB - burg on the throne. lie is, further,) a Catholic,, and, while the Catholics I are strong In West Hungary, u large! In Austria, In spite of the royalist. party and the members of the no-1 blllty, who kept their titles only by . .. ... courtesy and persistence, the chanced of a kingdom are small. Many ;eo- V., ....... .nnla.n.aH 4I.A " .c...c.,.c. times ueiore ine war, ana unnic ii.ni; they would come back automatically with a restored monarchy. The thinkers of Austria, however, say1 frankly that the financial burden of' keeping up a royalty would be In- i.l.MLI. ' luieiBine. There Is. on the other hand, a party : I. Caviaa Biso.Aftlnf it I.Iaa n( monarchy, especially n Austria for! the purpose of preventing union " ' - '"I uewain on me suriaee, ;s a vnai one. France's policy Is unu.uestlon.ihly one of building as many small etutes ns possible, for two reasous that ofj holding the leadership of Europe and! that of maintaining her security. If; she can strew kings about K Mr lift i she can lessen the danger of amal-, ., u n gamatlon, (hus walliii,' Russia off from any expansion westward and Germany out t M'Ue' Kuropa. TO CHAIMiE SMALL VKK FOR TF.X.MS TOURNKV IX 'AKK Arrangements for the tennis tour nament in Lithla Park July 11, L' and 16 are rapidly being shaped for the most successful meet that has been held in Ashland. Tho commit tee In charge have made the follow- I ing appointments: J. D. Beesnn, tour nament manager; William llrlgrs. : welfare; Mrs. P. D. Wagner and Mir I D. Perozzl, refreshments; Rev. ('. I F. Koehler and Mr. H. T. Elmore, re ception. Heretofore there has been no charge made for entries. This year it was decided to follow the general custom and charge 11 small fee. This money will be used for the purchase of the tennis halls and Incidentals of the meet. The fees will be as follows: Free for all. men $1.00 Free for all, lad es .50 Junior, boys 50 Junior, girls 25 Juvenile, boys 25 Juvenile, girls 25 Mall your entries to J. D. Beesnn. I eare of Chamber of Commerce, Ash-! MEDFORD, Or., July 6. J. S land, Or. Entry book will he opened, Vilas, one of the best known rnnch until Wednesday noon. Drawings ers in tho Itogue River valley was for Juvenile and juniors will be made1, instantly killed uhout 9 o'clock Tues- on ,he gTOunAn Th free f()r j dQy monlUK t nlU(:ll h()me ,.,,, drawng. wM, he pnb.nP(, Tburs-! of the city when a 30-35 Winchester dy Juvenle entr,e. aire , , ,, ;,,,, froln belu,h t , ,,,. ,, 14 years; juniors, 16 years; free for all. everybody. This tournament Is for the South ern Oregon championship. The Lithla Park title for 1921 will be awarded the winners in each event. Players his bunkhnirj", 'and was using a who have been' active In the game in! bench as a work stand. WhlhTclean past years are becoming Interested j Ing a .22 rifle, the Winchester fell and some snappy games are prom-off the bench, and it Is presumed ed. Invitation Is extended to all! that Mr. Vllus stooped to pick up thu tennis players. Spectators are we!-1 rifle and It exploded lu some unar comed. 1 countable manner. He toppled from 1 j h's chair. Death was 'nstuntaneom. JACKSOX rOl'XTV XAVAI, UNIT WILL 1!K ORGANIZED MEDFORD, Or., July . Author ity h:is beun given Ensign Frame by the commundunt of the Thirteenth Naval district to organize u naval re serve unit In Jackson county. The purpose of such a unit will; be to give the present naval reserve of Jackson county a chance to com ply with regulations regarding re tainer pay and to keep them its closer touch with navy activities. At the same time men not having had pre vious' naval experience will be per mitted to enlist in the reserve here. The uavy reserve offers a man 15 days' cruise or vacation each yeur, with pay and traveling expenses In addition to a retainer pay of from $12 to $252 u year, depending on rating. liy thu formation of puch u unit i reserve men will be allowed to take j their summer cruises in a body and! j at such u fine and place as the unit; might decide. I This will be explained In detail and1 I questions unswered at a meeting to 1 bo held ut the American 'Legion hall Thursday evening, July 7, ut 8 p. m. This meeting is of vital Importance to all reservist and ex-navy men and: j a large delegation lu expected to bo present from all over the county, L HE QUMY Ml ROT ; the United States, this does not lu A meeting will be held It- tlicj Jlcate HVecu) congestion. i Illt'I I i:U II .t'lIIIII llilll UL .UDIIUl J .. ,.,,, - ,, .. - , .! Thursday eeulng of this w--ek nt S, o'clock for the purpose of orc.nr.iz- Ing a division of the United ,S!s'es aTai reserve force In Jnckon conn- ty. All ex-uuvy men are special yj requested to atteud. ; A preliminary nieeUcif win held, ,.,ler oll pv.en tl. ,tli., m- (,(M, there Thursday evening and much lu-i ot mpnn ,h:lt t;. , ,(,s..inn terest and enthusiasm was shoii.i,s ,( niollevmik!l, nr.;V, u When sutficlcnt interest is uioused,lia ,iiinn.iv no, B. ,, who . li.l ... - . ine navy, wu cn is DacK ol in ni'jvc-i . .. , , ...... " ' , ',,,' ,., Il.;,i,, ,l men for different ratings there will be mtmHrrwrllarget pract slg- nai;g auu otner wow 01 miere.-u , ,allv BOlemnient :..Mi-'..r. are avail Ensign Frame asserts th:.t If prop r; , mm trajp,, hl , ,;lw r,. spirit Is shown, the organlr.tlon wlU,,,., ,.', ,,e ,.,ov ,,.r . be supplied with anything from ma-jj, of nrtftniT , ,:,, (i .,. ,JUS1. chine guns to airplanes. Each yesr, ,., M.,nv ,,,, there will be a cruise of about fif-i... , .. ..... ,.. , r . iAnn ,1,.,,. ,. ,. i .it.. ...... aiiI fHres and exI)flnSes for f ansnor'tationl rares ana e3""368 for fansportution to the point of embarkation will lie pi.id also. At present a party of Portland re servists are on a trip to Alaskan!, ports. On August 1 there will be a trip open to those who desire "'I visit i-ugei nnunu cities, linn Aug ust 15 another crulBe to Alaska. (Lluetenant Commander John A. BeckwHh, who is In charge of the Oregon reservists, was formerly In command of the Oregon naval mil itia, which organization proved its worth by itB services at the outbreak of the recent war. Prior to this these men had been upon a number of occasions highly praised and com plimented for their nssstunce ren dered during serious conflagrations that threatened the city of Portland. Thlu Wfia nn uTnnnf tf t tin it runt ! In fire drill which made the n,e,,'w" P'1"-"1"9 Proiemmr.. un.l Is ,!! equal to any well trained hose con,-!"" Vm'am M ""y 0B ,lH' pany I fit the young men and young woni-l Any further particulars and lnfoi-!e," "f ,,,e l'M!f,c Nor,"wei; for 1 matlon relative to the organ'alion ' of local men, can, be obtained from I Ensigns Perry Ashrraft. of Ashland, j Howurd Frame, of Talent, or Prank P Farrell. of Medford. MKDFORI) MAX KILI.HI) IV fil'X AH IIUIVT exploded, the ball passing through the left lung and the heart. .Mr. Vllus was engaged In clean ing his guns when the tragic nee'dent occurred. He was seated In front of 1Y00IIN STUDY LAW: QUERY STATE U. OF 0. Hy ALFRED POWERS (Special to Tidings) UNIVERSITY OK OREGON. EU GENE. Or., July 12. Why do wom en study law! What are the opportunities for lawyers in Oregon? How much money do lawyers make? ' ' ' ' ' What cun a trained lawyer do be sides pructlce law? What should a prospective law yer study besides luw? What Is- the law school of tin University of Oregon doing for thecal legal profess'on in Oregon? These questions were put straight to Proressor W. 0. Hale, dean of the university law school this morn ing. "As to why women study luw." In said, "there are many government positions, federal, state and munici pal, that call for law tininlng. So cial service workers of all kinds can utilize a knowledge of law. There i s a demand for law-tmined women In these fields. In juvenile courts, i women with law tra iling arc- play I Ing an Increasingly large and Im 1 unrtant nart." "As to the opportunities of prac tice In Oregon, there are approxi mately 1000 lawyers In the state Not all of these are In actual prac tice. Th's means about one lawyer to everv 750 people. As compared' with conditions In other sec'oni of T7..., miiaI mamas- fl.. 1 .. .i-i.i.i.o " , ' , '.; ,' The law dean sinlh-d at this question, cva(je it. but d'(l not attempt to 'While incuniury rewards' I in the legal prof .'ss on unui'ly ,,, or tne yearn, yet one wh . three nr four -llCO'eils will r,.f ion(i., wii nr... ,.,i ,ut,u EHffc,entl we" Pf-'I':""1 o nua -.F.ir 1111 in inn awv-' i tinorl anil es will earn enough aud to spare." "A trained lawyer Ciin, find jruii) ni es for h's law rv n if lip neve:-p).-.ltlois and i practices. Jui'.iclc """" lnw-t',,,n", p"""'-v ; ml m0rtnntly. tin! study of law Is a preparation for citi.i.us!iip. "A prospective l.iwyr should i study many tlilnr i l.ei les law. He should study EuglVi, a: giinien'a'.lon nlirl ftehnte In ni-nn.t-e i -- i,,h,i .." Illcl(,, f()R,;fu slHle,,;m. ,;,, study sociology, economics niwl pol itical science in oi ler to gr.isn the human which it i. .lie liinction of the law to serve. A lini.wieilgo of accountancy and of the general prin ciples of business are Inv.ilui Mo to the lawyer. "As to your lust iuesiloii. "What is the law school of the r'versily doing for the legal profession? Through its higli standards of ad mission it is helping to raise the standard of the profession in the state.' It uow has fne fail-time and tice. The law library now ii'iiiuii:jir",eiivn 18,000 volumes). Special .'inpliHsIs j is laid on the Oregon luw and pro- cedure but without neglecting lliej broad principles which lie at the hot- torn of Anglo-American Jurispru dence. Four limes a year it pub lishes tho Oregon Law Review, which is devoted to problems of special in terest to Oregon lawyers." i LIFE IXS. COMPANY I'RKSIDKXT ISSI KS i MANDATE OX Ill.O.N'UKS! HARTFORD, Conn., July 7. President Daniels, of the Aetna Life Insurance company, today de clared that "extemporaneous blondes and bobbed haired girls" have no place iu American busi ness." The company recently issued a mandate that no peroxide blondes be employed, charging that they are light headed, and in effect urging the girls to drop artific iality and return to normalcy. "Natural Swedish blondes are all right," be stated, "they are Indus trious, faithful and studious." The peroxide using blondes are under a ban, accordsig to Daniels. Daniels claims that 90 per cent of all blondes and bobbed haired girls are useless In business. "The Ideal bus'ness woman," he says, "has two years college education, doeen't powder her nose, watch the clock, use rogue, or smoke cigarettes. Girls should dress neatly and attractively. Long haired brunettes, he says, ire best. ... V ... j NfeW MACHINE EQUIPMENT AND OPEMX; OF RKI'Ajil SlIOl FEATURES OI'EXIMi ; Following t no pnrcnase of the Asit- land Sound The Service auto ucces-, sory house In the Motel Austin build-1 lug July 1, C. A. Burns and Son have! taken possession and are conducting I n machine simp lu connection with j tlie auto accessories sales room. The j new owners have opened the garage I for car storage room. The purchase I was made from D. U. Conner, well! known here, and former manager of Mile Hotel Austin. j C. A. Burns formerly lived In I Weed, Cut., although he has been back and forth between that city and Ashland for the past several yeirs. Mr. Burns and family .have moved Into the Barnard home Just outside the city limits and near the old Slate Normal grounds. feci Burns, associated with his father In the business, is from Hilt. He will take charge of the mechanlrul and repair department. I Roy Taylor, former owner of the I Lithla Garage, Ins been employed by the new firm as a muchlnlsl. New eiiiilpinent has been lus -illc.l ' to care or difficult machine work.j A wash rack Is a feature of the scrv ico offered hy the new firm. , PORTLAND, Dr.. July l2.--ily nu ngreeiueiit Just signed hy District Forester (leorge II. Cecil mid Fred erick D. Strieker, state health 1 lfl cer of Oregon, the fore; supervisors in the stale of Oregr-1 i.'ive been ap- jollied as deputy :tite officers. This . greenie'it apu'i 's o.ilv Ut Hi.' fiiest supervisors w.n. are lb: mi-; iers in charge of the nation. il for (sls, of which there ui.i lain teen In j Oregon. The above imivem 'jit oo. j lie applv to fie foro' iMiipi'is or i (ther field officers. Tin foivst sup-! orvisors will co-iiperiiio with the Ol"- 1'i.n state lii all h hoard In enforcing j the sanitation 'aws ol !o state with-, 'n the national t'otesti in.l will serve, without pay. Tint di"fe of the ftu-j est siipevvHni's nude "h agreement I i re to i'')rt Inn. irv 'iuf it imiK j and ft-t of ih .'n.-. h hcdih I l::ws nccurniM within ll:e m m i . ui.i I forests; to inlv"" iolatnr.i of whalj tb" state aeallli laws ere, and if Ml hi violat'o'i', .il-;'- eonrniiiii, ti.. ie(.rtj such cmlM 'is in :hc t;iii. In.. I i i officer. I The ii.i'.'si (iirieialy iiinln' oisliiiif fede.-.il I'll' i aie r. i u : '!: . .-l ect ani' keep pure so fer as they are ahl - the ilomestlc water supplies, of town:', c'fes and camping places,' and to prevent the accumulation oi ' filth and Insanitary practices lu tli.it forests that mnv he injurious to the public using the national forest areas. j With the greatly Increasing use being m a da of national forests hy the! public for recreation, forest officios! state that the necessity of enforce-j ment of the federal and state snnl- tntlon rules becomes Imperative, for thero are still careless campers who; do not comply-'.: :dareshnl shrd s ; not only do not put out their camp fires hut who leave nt their camp Ing places tin cans, rubbish and filth.! ,,r wllicll , , ,,.,.. 1...H, to the public and to the forests. Fore,. offVers urgu compllatice wllli the we-kMwn slogan of the M:m.,nus, clean camp and a dead I'RKSIDKXT Ol STATU SCHOOL AT .NORM A I MONMOUTH DKA1 J. K. Aiki'iiiuin, president of the Monmouth Nmiiial school mill former kIiiIi- school sllS'iiiili'll ilcnt, died jenU'rihiy nt hl lioine In Moiinioiiili as the riNull of h Ntrokn of pin ill) sis, according to n telegram received hen this limm. Ing by (1. A. Briscoe, c'ly school NiiporiiiU'iiik-iit mill head of the summer normal M-liool, branch of tho Monnioiilli Normal, being con ducted here. Mr. Ackenniili was hi Ashland about n week ago on all Inspii tinn lour, Wiling II i t w'IhmiI while Iter. At Unit time In- ap- Miiml to Im In the Imm of health ami look n ureal liilenM In the six n-H'ks eteiilni course of the normal niiitiw. HU death warn a shock mid nimih'w to his many friends throughout I Ik state. Mr. Arkerniiin i'ii for eight years slate siiMi-ilitend-lit of school In (hgin ii ml Iiiik Ix-en pieinlncnl In MtMlfl edncalioiijil actlvitb's for cviTl yrnn. He I" survlvedi hy his wife and as daughter, Mit. ('. F. Carlton. The most likely candidal- for the position left mniiil hy the Hill of Mr. AckTmnn could nol he lejirm-d lodny. Mr. Ilr'wvne itiitpd that ibti prenldrnt's chair would Ihs flllcil by th hoard of notnml wliool regents who would call a spprlul meeting. FORESTERS ARE APPONTED HEALTH OFFICERS n r i i I: j if J ' i ,'-:' . ' """ Lien linn nnr i a iArf Water Rates Of Anv City in During a discussion of Ashland wniei nil in v nun waipp rniea in n " recent meeting of the city council the statement was made that Ash- laud had the cheapest water supply of any other city In the United States. The unusually low level of the rates' is thought to be a great advertising; asset for the city. At u request from the Tidings the following statement i of comparison In city water rates throughout the country was pre-; pared by t'lty Engineer P. H. Walker. ; By P. It. WALKER (.City Engineer) A recent pamphlet Issued by th. National Meter company of New York, on the "water supply statistics ol over 1000 cities using meters," turn- Ishes much food for thought to any- one Interested lu the subject of wa ter supply charges. Our city has been especially favored In its water! supply, not only as to its quality.! which cannot he excelled anywhere, hut to its economy in first cost, unci, to Its maintenance and upkeep of! 'plant. These fuels have led us to;. Ashland sells water tor J-.li" per j expect too much In the way of cheap! 100.000 gallons. rales, and wu have furnished our selves with water ho cheap that tin plant Is still burdened with IioikU for its construction, and only re 1 cently our city council derided initi to spend from the water fund en ough money to It 11 Id a settlini.- I1.1. ! n with which to at least partially remove the roily condition of the wat r after heavy rains in tin spring. Chamber of Commerce Will Aid Farm Bureau Picnic Propose Outing For Summer School Students Jackson county farmers will be eiilertainoii mid given aasilauc at the Farm Huron u picnic, to bo held in l.lthia I'ark July 2:, ac cordini; to a resolution passed hy the Chamber of Commerce at u noon forum luncheon today. Co operation with thu Farm Korean was urged by John II. Fuller, sec retary of the Chamber of Com merce, who oi'Klnnted the Idea and placed it h-fore the directors. A coniiuitteii of three was appoint ed to take charge of the matter and net in conjunction with Farm Hurra u officials. It was stated at the luncheon that this 'year would be the first time that the Farm Bureau has held its picnic lu Ashland. In view of that fact, efforts will he made by local merchants to make the event u success such us w!l encourage future picnics of county wide scope us regular summer act ivities. It Is thought that more than a thousand Jackson county fanners will attend the' picnic. It was suggested that merchants be urged to have special sales during that day. President Henry find ers stated that he believed busi ness houses would i "iidlly fall In line In put over the sales propo s lion. A report was made hy Amos O. Niiilngcr. chairman of Hie Inde pendence Day celebration commit tee, giving the tola! expense of PRIZI'! WINXF.HS IN I.ITIIH PARK SPORTS TOI'HN'AMKXT Jt l.V I ARE ANN'OI'XCKD ' The following communication from i J. I). Beesnn. superintendent of the Lithla Park playground, giving the i)lst of winners hi the sports toiirna- inent'Jiily 4. was received this niorn I Ing: The names of the winners of the 'ill?! Lithla Park sports titles liuv-j jlng been misplaced, their publlcii- ! linn has been delayed. I In the homo shoe contest Mr. Bolw ( of Katie Point won t lie singles title,; nean-st point in tne list of Cali- liiiid Mr. Hartley of North Talent andl(nrllj.( ,,., 0ifu.e vacancies l tliaC In Mr. Fuy won the doubles title. 1 f Hilts. Seveiity-fiv yard dashes: (llrls. j under Hi. Marlon Nedman. .M-dforrl; girls over lh. Olivia llently. Ashlanil . i boys, It! and over. I.. Ilotey, Ash laud; boys under IB, Ralph De Joln-i annoonceinenj. but a competitor for ft: girls. HI and under, Erola Cass.jsny office may be examined at ati IWoillord. one of the places named." "Ashlui.d, j WliMharrow race for hoys, Lewis ! Oregon." Is among !h names of rides llohsnn and K. llobson. . where examinations will be held. Ladles' nice, Mrs. Hollowpeter. A, the Ashland office has been first. I necond class office for about 15 yearl Heavyweight race, ladles or nien.jn Is thought by E. J. Kafcer. local Mrs. Oscar. Ashland. I postmaster, that the Information hut Tug of war. boys vs. g'rls. girls; no relxvant meaning to an appoint? won. ' ment for the Ashland post office, it , j is probable. Mr. Kaiser states, that No human society is sti-unaer or1 the examination will be held here more virile than Its morals. Moral to fill in existing vacancy at some decadence brings on other. forms of nearby small town, probably Hilts. decadence. 7 'rtutj ol. ziS the Country Ul Our water system should ut eas(" "' , . . uum id care tor ati necewuiry ex-., WM ,,, ., imm.0V0I,,n... tl.rm ,tu '.own earnings, and whnbttl! 1 e;tHiiti': 1 .lil flat 9.-!: 'iM ' 'on the neon Id ior 1 emit lir. ifirecl . tiu I(W ptlrJOS..B: w'iM,' ' Illllke llWr ,,,.,.,, W)tbr( auloi, ,.,,. lUjlU .,,.,, a i,,,,,,,,,,,-.,.-! eiU!h yBMr .,,. hotps.'Wy m.ltl,Hllv jn ,.,.. dIy tMXeVi;; otllt.r expenditures. J.et us make a few comparisons of our meter rates with those of other cities, in order to show how favored we are, and possibly how over-leu-lent with our consumers, especially ""IS" 1,1,1 otherwise taxpayers: '''or the first 100,000 gallons of water used: Ashland charges i Roseburg charges . . La Grande charges . Medford charges . . . li'i.U.11 1 6.2:. 1U.IMI Ellensbiirg, Wash, charges 10. 64 Oregon City rhurgvs . . . 20.00 Corvallls churges D.OO After thu first lno.000 gallons. linker City charges ....$ 5.00 Eugene charges ti.'o Klamath Kails charges.. 7.00 Medford charges 10. Ill) In other cities the comparison is still more unfavorable. Out Of a thousand cities listed, there are but four (hat have auv rates as cheap as Ashland, this beiim a I'oiumercial rate, the domestic rate belli; In all cases very much higher. thu celebration to the Chamber of Commerce us $1'J1C. The Chamber had originally set aside $10011 for the celebration, afterwards add ing ?:lh0 to tile fund. A motion was made and passeu providing for resolutions of thanks to be extended to meiiiliprs of the celebration coiiiinttee and Jesse Wltibiirn, chairman of the parade committee. .Mr. Wliihuru was lu a large degree responsible for the county-wide scope of the celebra tion here July I. .Secretary Fuller made a report on the summer extension course of tho Monmouth Normal school being held at the local high school. It wusx suggested by Mr. Fuller that the students, eighty in uiimber, and the teachers, be en tertained before the end of the course July 29. A suggestion was made favoring un automobile dr'vo to (.rants Puss lu cars decorated with Ashland banners, which would bu a good advertising fea ture for the school and Ashland. Mr. Fuller slated that during the v'slt of the late President Acker lu a n. of the MoiininiMi Normal school, here about two weeks ago. It was decided to extend the time of the extension courses to twelve weeks Instead nt six, beglnnlm with next year's term. A com mittee was appointed to take charge of the entertainment pro-, gram for the summer school stu dents. POST OFFICII EXAMINATION TO l!F, HELD HERE JULY '.H The Tid'ngs this morning received a notice from the United Statu Civil Service commission requesting publicity for "un open competitive rxamliMUion to be held on July .:!, 1921, to fill the position of postmas ter ut each of the off'ces hereinafter ,lmn,i at w(lt.h Vacancy exists.'' Tho Uh ()f vucau. n;(llll,j lire lhw ,,f (hir( e )()st ntiitn ,:uii. fornlu. Colorudo, Florida, (leorgia. Nona are named In Oregon. The On the back of the sf.eel is print-I KXHmintn will be !ild only ul n,. following named places on tin ,ate indicated at the head of IhU ,C.I. J lowed by Africa snd As. land's best customers. rangementi will be announced later.l 1 .... . 1