Oregon Historical Soclstr Aiii!:'r;-liim ASHLAN OL.XLIV ASHLAND, OREGON, WEDNESDAY, JULY 6, 1921 NO. 45 D WEEKLY TIDINGS Ashland Is Popular Playground For My Fourth Celebration With u crowd estimated at about 15,000 people In Ashland to cele. brats Independence Day yesterday, n II Jackson county viewed the "pus. iuj mIiow." From ft o'clock in the morning until late in the evening. Ash land, Umi county playground, was crowded. The sidewalks of North mid KaHt Mulii NtHVts were Jammed wit h sightseeing visitors fully two houni beforo the start of the ull-Jnckson county parade at 10 o'clock In the luorniiiK- At 10 o'clock standing; room wa at a premium, and at Mv end polntH the crouds cxicirtled far into the HtreeUt, unable to find fool. Iiik on the walk. The parade, more Hum a mile Ionic and comONCd of floata decorated In a manlier show In r a great amount of planning; and artistic ability, would have btt'ii a u asset to metropolitan centers end t Imeit the size of Ashland mid w Ith populations larger than the com bined illles of Jaikson county. Kccne In Lithiit Pink whiTn Thousand of Jackson County Citizens Pic nicked Yesterday while Alleiull ng the County tVMimlion in Aslilmid ine paraue was me leauire oi utr ; mornng's celebration. Forming on i ... n ., ,.. ,,,,, ,1 ' inn uuiiict ai it t,jiuoinj tut ,,,, I library, and led by Marshal Fred; their nHme" are llsted' are Homes, It moved down East Main bT Mri- Lunlkln to no,lfJ' her al 8tret. out North Main street. an,i soon as possible, that the checks may j back again, disbanding at the li-1 1,8 n""le 0,lt at once- ' brary. After Marshal Homes fol-j Beginning Immediately after thej lowed the G. A. R. and the D. A. R.iXrnde Llthia Park waB crowded organiiatlons. Jacksonville, capital! with picnickers who spread their j and the oldest city In the county,! ''e1i the lawn at the entrance to was given the leadng place of hojvorj t"8 Park. Patriotic services were! with a float depicting the early inin-ihe'd In the park at 1 o'clock in the; Ing Industry of the county. j afternoon. The speakers were Mayor After Jacksonville, the following Gilmore, of Rogne River; Mayor order of floats In the parade was "ate, of Medford, and Rev. Conaty.i i.. ti, n n v v i.,.n,i f Dastor of the Catholic church In this fliat i1anatni I jieuiorii; .tieuioni noai, uecoraieu l.vm, uww,u with pine trees; Talent, depicting farm scene, "The Cream of Rogue River Valley"; Central Point with a high school float; Mayor Lamkln and members of the city council; Shrlners; the Ship of State, entered by the Civic Improvement club; fea ture representing Dempsey, world's champion pugilist: truck carrying a Binall hydroplane; the Oregon Nor- llliu scuooi, eiueieu uy ine Biiniiiiei school branch here; a private float entered by Enders and Son; the Elks' float, representing an elk In the for- est; playground float, displaying thei activities carred out n the children's playground at the park; private float featuring the friendship of Oregon! and California; tho American Legion, life rlnrlnir tho world war with two small French box cars used for tpinsportng army troops; the Women's Auxiliary of . the American Legion; Jesse Winburn and party of horseback riders; float of "Future Mothers of America"; and a baby float. Several marching bod ies, private floats and machines took part In the parade. The First Com pany Coast Artillery, led by Captain William Briggs, was a military fea ture of the parade. The Ashland band and the D. 0. K. K. band of Medford supplied music for the parade. Award $:173 in Cash Prizes Jesse Winburn, chairman of the parade committee, awarded $37!) In cash prizes for flouts and other win ning features, the judges were R. W. Rubl, of Medford; Judge C, B. Watson, of Gold Hill; Tom W. Ful ton. Prizes were awarded to the following: First prize of $100, Jacksonville float, "Discovery of Gold." Second prize of $50, Talent, float of a farm scene, "Cream of Rogue River Valiey.T' Third prize of $25, Phoenix float, "Rising from Its Ashes." The following entries were award ed prizes for stunt features: First prize of $25, Ford car with "home brew" representation. fWnnrl nrlzn of SIR. dnnkev with i tM i.ia,i wii,r'J Wlnea." Third prize of $10. feature repre senting "Dempsey, world's heavy- weight champion." The float, "Future Mothers, wasi awarded a prize of $15, and the "Ruthlne C.irls" float a Drize of 110. The D. O. K. K. band of the Knights flf Pythias, of Medford, wai; given a $50 cash prize, and the fifej and drum corps of the O. A. R. a $25 prize. Mcttee's dry goods store was awarded the first prize of $25 for the best window trim among Ash land business houses. Holmes Groc ery, second prize of 15, and Vlnlng's theatre, third prize of $10. With the exception of the first three main prizes, awarded to Jack son county cities, the names of the parties or - organizations entering: prize winning floats or features art j not known, Mrs. C. B. Lamkln, treas- urer 01 me paruoe cuiiiiiiuiee, omtt-ti this morn'jig. All priza winners whose floats or features but not '., ....:,. Th intnrt..e;lBht. Mr. and Mrs. Norwood, Mr CltV. "v ...... by John H. Fuller, secretary of thia"" 'U""T' um Chamber of Commerce. Merrill were among the . Thy Wins WrwtllnR Match . - ' j Ted Thye. Portland wrestler and former middleweight champion of the world, won two falls out of three from Ralph Hand, of Gold Hill, iu n match staged at the Chautauqua au ditorium at 2 o'clock under the tins pices of the celebration committee. Tne mateh ttgte( an nour. Ti,e first fall was secured by Hund ln 19 minutes. Within H minutes ffi .1. IT..J.- ..1 1.1 I u Illio limut) nanus Biiuuiuein 1unt.11 the mat for the first time, and again! wtnn three m)nute,. j Horseshoe pitching was a popular! toPm o( eXercl8 eand amusement in t t mi. r,..,. . ... j. mu- ' The horse shoes were supplied by the celebra tion committee. Medford Elks Win Hall Game Medford Elks defeated the local Elks baseball team 12 to 13 yester day In a game played at the high school grounds. It was a hard fought game, nip and tuck until the last Inning. Aviaiton stunts performed during the game by Clyde C. Pang born made the ball grounds a crowd ed central point of Interest. At 9 o'clock in the evening u fire works demonstration was given In the park. The park was crowded with spectators of. all ages, witness ing the display which was in charge of a large Seattle company special izing in such work. Visit Oil Well A number of Medford business men visited Colonel Muudy's oil woll In the Coker Butte district yesterday and were much Impressed by the showing made. The well is now down 750 feet aud In spite of heavy water pressure the top of the bailer bubbled with gas, which burned with a brl llant flame, when a match was ap plied to tbe s urrace. Col. Mundy will now rim through the rock and ex tend the casing, thus shutting off Hie water. With this excellent indication of oil and the fine showing made at Trigonia oil excitement In the valley is on the increase again. Medford Mail-Tribune. Returns From I nlverslty I Harold Kimnsnn. fttjite univer.litv student, is working in his father's hardware store while his brother clen ls attending the American Le- glon reunion at Eugene. Harold will remain in Ashland the greater part of the summer. George Stan nard, Ashland student pursuing stu dies at Los Angeles, la another homecoming addition to the large educational colony summering here abouts. Nothing worth while In human achievement is attained without in defatigable labor. There Is no s-ib-stltute for hard work in worth-while accomplishment. There is no royal or easy road to tbe he!;M of ustful and successful attainment. CEI.EBR.tTE WEDDl.VG ANNIVERSARY AT PARK AITO CAMP , Mr. anil Mrs. I. A. Dean, euroutct from Riddle, Ore., to Los Angeles, Cullf., by auto, who celebra'.ed their wedding anniversary yesterday at the auto ca-mp, express the senti ment Hint "men muy come and if.en may go but Lithlu Park lives ou forever." Mrs. Dean was so much impressed with the park and the conveniences of the :iulo camp that she has written the following uote of appreciation, addressed to Hie Tidings with the remark that "my husband and I huve so enjoyed our little s:-.y In Lithlu, Purk tliut I felt the "Muse" working. Mrs. Dean was especially plunged with the gus pjutoa. The coiiile left this morning for California. Dear Editor: I'm writiu' this to let you know j the way tliut I and Pa's been c.le ! bratin' causo our weddln' day i come on the 2Jth of June, oh ' several years ago and now altiio ..were pettln old. Ill say we r.lr. t ,so slow, cause here we are a-rldin' round and u-tukin' :n the sights.: li'iid cani.iVn'Jin your lovely park : that's all lit up of nights, and llaton-j ,iii lo l un creek u-aingiu' tnl we tall5i acres. .This development will In ; asleep and cookln' mi your gus dude the construction of thre-i mile; ; plates, am i no iimoko to ras us'of cauul line. I ' weep. I j We've sure enjoyed our stay with ! you, and wnen we hit the track with I we're goiu' to boost for Ashland ; you, ami when wo hit the track, j FLORA HASKELL DEAN Riddle, Oregon Mrs. Bert R. Greer Meets Ashlanders In Southern Calif. Mrs. Bert Greer, who him Just re turned Irom Long Botch, Cal . where she spent the lust three months of her sojourn in California, reports meeting many Ashland people theie. Frler.d of Mrs. Georg. Milluer will be glad to know slit has imuroved in health and has gained 2G pounds in .,.,.1 T. nnA Viw and Mrs. 'Ashland- , , " , . ' , pleasod with thuir new-home, but , tfl , man fri3nu Jlr Pntl era. .Mr. ana .Mrs. ( lurK uusn pleasod with thuir new -.home, 'e haf be6n promoted aud has a splcn. U1u ,udiuui. ,., t..c ...u .u. '" Lon Beach. Si.!, Groer did no' mret the Whit - 1.1 I.. etll.nna Tln..b ..I'l , l I t.i'iM,, "ace (I IK'1 but hen rd; ,, ,,,., They ara woll and h.iu-! py and huve a flue business in VIs :ilia. The Whlted lamily have many; .friends In Ashland who will be ln-i Ashland who will be in-, ,,,! , ,, ii,c.. rr.a,.,li.. ' 'j fiKOIMJKlx""I',XI. ik.a"' LONDON. July 2 A statue of George Washington the leuder of ! the Continental arm that wrested the I thirteen colonies from George III, I was unveiled today in Trafalgar Square, opposite the National Gal lery of art and just across the square from a statue of George iV. All members of the American offi cial and residential colony attended the ceremony, one of a series arrang ed for this summer In connection with the dedication of Sulgrnve Man or, home of Washington's ancestors. Tlie statue, is a reproduction of the Houdon statue, and was a gift to the British people from the people of Virginia. John A. fitewnrt, chalr- man of the Sulgravc Institution of j America, was in charge of arrange I ments for the unveilins. JACKSON COUNTY WATER PERMITS In Jackson county tho following! water permits hav been Issued: To Floyd and Ernest McKee, of' Jacksonville, covering the appropri ation of water from Carberry Fork and Big Applegate river for Irriga tion of 244 acre of! land. . To W. Head, of Applegate, cover ing tbe appropriation! of water from Big Applegate river (or Irrigation of a 10 acre tract. '; To R. R. Schultz. of Medford, cov erlng the appropriation of watei from Star Gulch for placer mining pur poses, at i. cost of $300. ' To M, L. Morris, of Applegate, cov ering the appropriation of water from Brush creek for Irrigation of 10 acres, in a cost of $.160. . I To E. E. Fraley, of Central Point,! covering the appropriation of water! f,, unm ,-ie,. tnr irrln,,n 101) acres at a cost of $1000. dstlon. To O. A. Glvan, of Medford, cov-! rliiK Iho appropriation of water j n U l J from Rogue river for Irrigation ofiC. tlOyt 3Hu To J. E. Cribble, of Recreation,! covering the appropriation of waterj from a spring for irrigation of 15 acres. i To R. Holzgang. of Ruch, covering j the ennronriatlon of water from' Forest creek for irrigation of a acre tract. five - Medford, Medforil Mau Honored. (icorge A. Codding, of was eiecieu siaie vice commnnilpr ofj the American Legion si the eouven- tlon held in Eugene Inst week. COURT NEWS Marriage Llcl'iism Walter O'Dotioughuo and Jiliuila Livingston. ' Probate ('(mi l Clifford, estal-; M. .1. uiidurtiik ire. Benton HowelK. nte; upp tion; order. .1. W. Merritt, estnte; order Ilea- ap-i lug, pointing appraisers. ! John H. Bogue. e.tate; order. , f.i,, w i,r ... a.,n,..ii..n ship; petition; order. t'iirult Court Florence Hurtitell vs. II ('. Ibn- ...... ........... ncu, iiunnci. W. B. Welch vs. Kha M. Welch: affidavit; default. Win. L. Miller, et al vp. O. t 0. R. R. Co.; affidavit; dnclnitner: re cree. I.idu Meadows vs. Metthew Lee Meadows; motion; order. J. E. Cameron vs. If. C. Ilmsen: affidavit. Evelyn Ktagg vs. Suit for Biipport. Credit Service Co Levi A. SUtgg; vs C. O. Peeles. To recover money. Leona Mills Lbr. Co. vu. C. Curinen; transcript of Jitdt'ment. B. Real Kstalc Transfer n Bertha 1. Evkelson et vir to J. II. Roe, lot In Jacksonville, $1500. B. Klum et al to Anna C. Hurt, 25 feet of lot 7. block 2, Summit addi tion to Medford. tl. Ethel W". Boggs to L. Davis et tlx. S4 of NW4, N'-j of 8WH ( sec. 2. tp. 35 S. R. 4 W. Also land In sec 27, tp. 35 S, II 4 West, $10. Equinoctial Storm Period J j SETTLERS FROM MIDDLE WEST HERE AfGlST PORTLAND, Ore.. June 30th. ((Special) The route to be travel ed through the state by the first 1 1 tralnload of settlers who are ached- uled to arrive from the Middle West on July 21st, tor an Inspection of lb.e stutefh agilciltfural resources was announced by the Oregon State Chamber of Commerce today. The task of arranging an itiner ary which would Include the repre sentative districts of the state In the limited time allowed under the 1 uomeseoker's tcket, 21 days, was un exceedingly difficult one. according - i U Secretary , Quayle.' The matter n:is been under advisement since tho Land Settlement, Conference, held ju 1'ortliind June 7th. and ev- fry effort has been made to route i the party over the stato in the most effective way, according to Quayle. The party will arrive in Ashland August 2, niter a motoring trip from i Rosehurg. They will remain in Ash land for dinner and all night uccomo Family Move To Walla Walla, Wn. Rev. .1. W. Iloyt and family leave this week for their Walla Walla. Wash new lioiuu iu Tlielr ninny 1 1 friends fuel a distinct loss lu tueir going, especially the Chr'slau forces j will miss their st uiiicli !vu. and U'l- i lowship. r- "oyt, Jo'in, Arclie,' uiid i;iei- ,,ul 1 1,1 """ day school and ChrisMa i i,n leavor In their own chii,'.'h mIK. also lliei. Southeri Oregon I'nii.':. Rev. Iloyl's1 work as " Sabbath school niissionir; j under tin Presuy'.eriau bind ha been faithful and ('.instinctive iind , far-rcucbing in so'tthe.-u Oregon Presbytery gud :lso Iu the whole! w,l() ima tlt,;liniHi considerable synod. He has i"n counted ninoDg! m)((1 U8 a mllslda and bos received the experts In Sabbath school work. I ,avm. ,.omi11H1 f ,usic critics and as one fellov minister said of;,,, 0.tunrl newspapers! tint. "His work b:v b iiuil-; T,1() enlel.tuimi.t was given un- lenge to every oiher niinisier auilj,,er tne amkeH ,,f the Chautauqua. Sunday school workei thm.igliii.it the Tll(1 (l,llwI1R urogram was Riven: state. The locul Chiiitiiin Endeavor so ciety of.Jhe Auhlonr Vi-vbyli'ilaii church presentod them wllli a i. lut ing of Crater Lake by Miss rii:bel H'HS'i):. the gift lieini; appropiiite as on i of Soutiirrn Oregon's choic t'n li.'dscapes, : because the Hoyts1 the first "!nisti:iii sirvlce un r -ii" of the li.'.'' a custom since 'tept ' p each s'.i'inicr ' .M ny good 'Ur.t.' ;:tlci. t lie lit t0; t T t-. n"w l:o::if .uid work. AMKKICAX I.KGION I'OHT VAU KS DEMPSEY KMX K OPT AT Qi AHTF.lt MILLION Tl'LARE, Cal., July 5. Tn local post or the American, Legion values a Dempsey knockout us worth $250, 000. The executive committee of the post has announced a proposed na tion wide poll of the American Le gion on the question of raising a Jinn as a purse for any ex-service mail wnu WOUKI KUOCK IIIB CliailipiOll I cold within u year. The proposal: will be definitely submitted to the' stato commander. I The Pacific const I, ron.iuc alouul famously In economic recovery. 1 he! truth is, there has not been much need of recovery In this Heition-- there hus not been leeo jnd wide spread depression from which to re cover. Elks Minstrel Show Advance Man Arrives in Ashland Carries Cane But Denies He Is "Trouper" Billy B. Hoke, advance man for the Minneapolis F.Iks' All Star Minstrel show, which shows In this city Thursday evening, ar rived iu Ashland ' this morning from Portland. HOke. who shyly admits he Is Dot u professional showman, nevertheless Is carrylug a cane, the sure sign of a "troup er," but this he explains by say ing that be wearing said "crutch" on a bet. It seems that a certain sportlnt; haberdasher of his homo citv, Miniieaoplis, Minn., offered to wa ger the advance mull th:it he was nut game to carry the stick clear across the country, over the Rod -les and home again, and this sort I I I I'll.S OK MADAME I KOSKV-VOI XU UIVK I ' RARE MISICAI. THE Ashland music lovers were gicu a rare thivat last evening at conceit recital, given by pupils ufi Miidaiuii Ti'.icey Youus ut the Cbau-. tuuiiia auditorium. The building was filled by an audience oi asu laud and Rogue River people in ad dilion to the paivms. frienus uiid relutives or the youthful entertain ers. The singe was beautifully decor- luted with flowers that enhanced the claim of the concert. Friends stive each pupil a lurgvi bouquet, of low ers al the conclusion of their reci tals. due of the, notable features o( the evening's entertainment was the re- ,, ls . M ,te.thu H.ll(.ut blinU FIRST Concerto (first movemnit) Grieg Hern Hatgiil Orchestra ucrnmpHUlmont supplied ou second piano by Margaret Johnson. Sonata II Scarlatti Sjlring Song Mendelssohn Mazurka Godurd George Francis Barron .Ujlltar March Schubert Mldu Mcintosh Magic Fire, from "Die Walkure" l Transcription by Brassln) Wagner Margaret Johnson La Czarine, .Mazurka Giinne Alia Jaivis .UifCiou Perpetual Weber , Hungarian Dance, No. 5 Bruhms Laura Prescott j svmphony No. Ill Beethoven I Third movement, Schema. Four ha lids) Flora Putnam. Jessie Guutln SKCOND Allegretto, In A minor. . Beethoven (From 7th Symphony) .(,((, (' sharp minor Ruchmuuinnft Lolila Piersuu Fileuse, Op. ,157 Ruff lessie Gautbre CaiiriccioKo. Op. II MendelsNohn Mazurka Borowskl French Valse Wachs Ma)n Kaegl Trvlka iu Traineaux, Op. i!7, No. 11 Tschaikowskl Gertrudo .Mlksch (ilallil Valse lie Concert. .. .Mattel Mrs. V. A. Stewart Hungarian Rhapsody No. II Liszt Ballad, G. minor Chopin Merrill Miksi'h Sonata. Op. 27. No. 2 Beethoven March. Op :ls Holluender Flnin Putnam Valse. K Hal. major. , Rubinstein 'and a short detour Is necessary. On The Link Clinka-Balskirew the summit of the Slsklyous. a one Ileitis I In I gilt Si her .o. II minor Chopin Caroline Tllton Hungarian Rhapsody, No. 12 Liszt Bernii'H Yeo Suite. Op. St Rff ) i Last movement March) Liiriln Koontz Concert Valse Gottsihalk (Eight hands) Mayo Kaegl, Bern Ice Yeo Lollta Plerson, Carolina Tllton JACKSON COI'NTY V A R A It K , COMMITTER EXTENDS APPRWIATIOX The members of the Jackson coun ty parade committee ara ov.Joyed with the splendid co-operative spirit of Jackson county citizens In making the parade such a pogeant of county pride, as it were, in Joyful parade. To each and every on who con tributed to the success of th pa rade tha committee extends Its sin cere apnpreciation. Signed: j JACKSON PARADE COMMITTEE, Jess WlDboro, Chairman , , of starting the red blood to circu lating iu Billy B's veins. K"stl'., everywhere Willie has gone thus far, he has toted the said stick. According to Hoke Dm show is playing to packed bouses ull along the line aud Is composed of 100 men, Including the Elks' Glee club uiid symphony orchestra of 20 pieces. Every one of the per formers are Elks and every single one of I lie m have had professional stage appearance and are simply 1 taking their vacation and showing j their way along to the big nntloi- hI convention at I.os Angeles, j They will arrive In tbe'r special j tiaiu Thursday morning (rim I'ortlaud and will parade through ! the down town streets about ninn JU5. HAS SAFE, SANE FOURTH DROWNING TAKES BIGGEST TOLL PORTLAND. Or.. July 5. Amer ica passed the safest, sanest Fourtli of July iu many years, yesterday. Nation wide reports indicate but few deaths due lo fireworks, drowning claiming the largest tolls. Portland accidents resulted from automobile collisions, killing three and injuring seven. ('lira so mid Boston led the list with 12 deaths each. Five were drowned at Chi cago, and Hie red were killed in uiitomobilH accidents. Six out of II ut Milwaukee. Wis., are dead due to drowniug. Nine were drowned ut New York, four killed in Detroit, three at Brownsville, Pa., three at New Orleans, two mi Pittsburgh. Scores of 'eitles reported smaller casuauy iisu aue " aruwiuiiM vim. automobile accidents. Weekly Report On Condition Of Pacific Highway Roseburg-Myrtle Creek, 20 inil.ts Paving south of Roseburg; opeu ut all hours; detours are used wlu-u available. Myrtle Creek-Gulesville, 1 1 miles Grading; fair detours via Kiddle. Canyonvllle-Gulesville, 11 miles Good macadam. Oalesvllle-Wolf Creek, 14 miles Paving iu progress at both ends of job. Where detours are not avull Hble traffic will be allowed to pass at least every two hours. Wolf Creek-Grave Creek, 5 miles Paved. ' Grave Creek-Grants Pass, IK mile Being macadaminzed; take old road at summit of Smith Hill; good condition when dry. Chains may he needed during raius. From the foot of Smith Hill to Grants Pass It is no longer necessary to dvtour vlu Merlin. The main highway can b used except when they ara working, when a short detour is used. Grants Pass-Rock Point Arch, Id miles Paved. Rock Point Arch-Gold Hill, 2 miles Grading; take detour ut Hock Poiibt Arch. Gold HIII-Asbland. 27 miles Paved. Ashland-California Line, 22 miles ' Paving; seven miles south of Asli- and a half mile stretch is still lo be. paved; good condition at the pres ent time. K. E. I10DGMA.V. . Division Engineer. T'i'liw RcitnniM Miss Agnes Duutord arrived here Saturday night after an absence of threa years iu Alaska. Miss Dalir ford has been teaching in the Aleu tian Islands, where sha liked her work, but a hankering for fresh fruit and vegetables brought her home to Ashland. Miss Dantord had a smooth trip on tha water, lasting a week. Sha cam down on the I'. S. N. Saturn, accompanied by her two assistant teachers. Miss Reta Uard, formerly of Ashland, and Miss Johanna Miller of Seattle. Owing to tha seamen't strike all commercial boati were tied up in Seattle, and It was only through good fortune and tha kindness of government officials that the leach en obtained pasg n ,n Saturn. If General Dawes finds he oan not waur by tha new budget sys,iu. b will iwaar at It. I i . . 1