Ashland weekly tidings. (Ashland, Or.) 1919-1924, June 15, 1921, Image 1

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    0f"a oeii .
NO. 42
"The preservation ot Lltbia Park
clear to the head ot the canyon In Its
natural state Is the greatest asset
Ashland can have for the attraction
of tourists. The value ot the park
und the advantages of municipal
ownership of every foot of ground
that is rightly a part of that park U
Accused Auto
Thief Is Taken
. To Jacksonville
" Anthony Reardon, 20, discharged,
from the navy June 8, was bound
over to the grand Jury yesterday to j
answer to a charge of an attempted
automobile theft. He was arrested.
Chief ot Police Hatcher states, while
attempting to steal a car owned by
P. F. Whittle. He will be held in
the county Jail until the grand Jury
meets In September.
Reardon was arrested Sunday
after an alleged attempt to steal Mr.
Whittle's car from in front of the
Whittle Transfer coal bins. He was
Ashland Post, UoAH
Glesa E. Simpson, Pott Commander.
H.O. Wolcott, Vice-Commander.
. Ralph. Hadfielil, Historian.
Wm. Holme,' Treasurer.
Donald Spencer, Adjutant and Legion. Editor.
Plan Markers
For Calif.-0re.
State Boundary
Thank you folks. When the re
turns came In from the special elec
tion, It was a joyous bunch of ex
r.t the park entrance at 7:30 p. a.. I First Annual Conrentlou at the
on the 14th and will "trade to thejuanie time, und place,
t'lks hall where a beautiful service
service 'men that we had -In thoi will be performed by the Elks Lodge.; We noticed a number of small
State of " Oregon. The good big i Members of the Post should be flags on the lapels of many citl
marglu that was piled up In favor of j:i time and bring all ex-service men Jxens of Ashland recently. The
the State Aid measure for the ex-1 whom they know with them. June persons who stuck the flag pins on
service men as an Indication as to 14th at 7:30 p. in. you told you that It was for the bene-
how you folt about It, and It makeii . 'fit of the disabled soldiers. They
Joint II. Fuller, secretary of the
Chamber of fouuncrre, who hat
recently returned from Portland
where lie attended a convention of
I commercial club secretaries and
newspaper editor tot- the purpose
of planning a reception program
for the first tralnload of settler to
arrive in Oregon from the middle
west July 21, presented sketches
and plans to the Oregon State
The following communication bai
been received at the local Red Cross
headquarters, from the Northwest
ern Division Office:
"President Harding has issued 3
proclamation urging that all con
tributions from citizens for the Cold-
of Commerce at that irado disaster be turned over to Ihii
. . I... .. .1.. ll u Citfh
park, are far and few between. They taken by Chief Hatcher at Union anu all the more Joyou, and appreciaj . elved r
. u..i' Auburn Btreeta. Mr. Whitte! identi-
tor this generation, to appreciate - - man who a.temp ed
such grandeur of nature, a grandeur
that should be preserved to pass on
to an appreciative posterity twenty
five years from now."
Such are the views ot Dr. Eiwood
Mead, head ot the Rural Institute
it California and first time visitor to
Ashland In company with E. 0. Mc
Cormlck, vice president ot the South
ern Pacific Company, who stopped
here yesterday. Dr. Mead was the
guest of Mr. McCormlck and arrived
here in the latter's private car. Dr.
Mead left by train this afternoon for
ueraeiey, i-ai. n ,u. . Dalle, Ry(m arresled 0I1 cbaro
especially to see Ashland. I, drlv,Dg a car whll6 under ,ne ,n.
Mr. McCormlck, who left to(':iy for ! tiUence of liquor, who figured as the
a tour of the northern part ot the driyer n an a(Uo wreek Mgr hera
state, in 6 short interview with jgun(jay mornlng ln which two per
Tldlngs representative, expressed seriously lttiunii was
himself as being unable to say tooifned $100 or 100 days ,n ju, by a
much for Ashland. He praised thOiJu8tIce of t0(, Ryallf u
greut advantages ol tins city, u
the theft about one o'clock Sunday
Reardon was taken to Jacksonville
this morning by Sheriff Terrlll.
Daniel Ryan
Fined MOO
Still Jailed
truck driver, working for the Osker
Huber company. Is still in Jail while
trying to raise money for the $100
fine. Joseph Harrel, accident victim
and member of the party, was un
able, by reason of injuries, to ap
pear before Judge Cowdy yesterday
to answer a charge of drunkenoss.
beauty und its potential future as a
tourist center. "Always," he said,
"there is a soft spot in my heart
for Ashland, aud always I am glad
to return no matter how brief the
visit may be."
Dr. Mead, who Is also chairman of
the California State Land Settlement
Board, is a national authority on
land settlement and agricultural
problems and the various phases of
rural life conditions throughout the
country. He was for . eight years
chairman of the State Rivers Com
mission ot Australia.
Dr. Mead and party were shown
about the city and entertained yes
terday by E. T. Staples and A. B.I George was host to the fashionable
.lordou of this city. They were first j and sporting world today, when the
shown the city In a general way byjaristocrat Ascot Race Meeting open
niitn and afterwards taken to LithU ed on the royal Heath. Ascot Is
Park as far as the auto camp
tlve. The boys can see opportunity ,
ahead for them und they arc pluur
nlng to take advantage of it as soon
as it is possible,
wait until the
operative. Lots
Some can hardly
measure becomes
of fellows have
iyou feel rather cheap if you did not!
give them some. Those men bilked
you to the limit. The money they
gathered went Into their own pock-l
ets. No ex-service mens organization
picked out their piece of ground, uii'i
are Just laying low until the word
Is given to "Go over the top," tor
the loan.
It will be at least three months
before any definite action can be
had and loans be made. The com
mission must be orgauized and the
county boards of appraisers must be
appointed,' and the money become
avallablo before it will work but,
Comrades, you are on your- way
Again, friends in Ashland, the
American Legion thank you for all
the ex-service men of the city and
the state.
a most terrible blow In the death of
our National Commander, We who
were most Intimately connected with
his great personality and his splen
did works realize this most. Colonel
Gulbralth's work in behalf of our
disabled comrades hat been a work
At... .I-.. I In 1.A IIQH.I TV,n
, a"-.. "" third case of its kind worked In the
fight he has put up for them has not .. . . ., , ,
" F K . past two months. Fust the fake
been excelled by any other man lu : . . . .
American" bunch and lastly the
fake "Memorial und disabled sol-
time for tln erection of two forty. Red Cross. All such contributions
foot pillar nt the Orenon-Callfor. j to the division office 111 Seattle tHal
nia line to murk the Joining of the 'we may wire same through id tlif!
two state highways In July or Sep. ! proper Red Cross official at Pneblii.
ti'niber. Tlio plan uiude by W. T. j "It seems that many citizens
8. Iloyt, n local architect, call for throughout the United States have
I the uso of fir, redwood, und pine, 'expressed u desire to contribute per-
known to the American Legiou everl
authorized such u proposition or np-
the t'nlted States. His 'spirit will
push the work to the fulfillment
which he desired and all our dis
abled comrades shall be property
cared for.
Ashland Post feels more Intimate
ly connected with him, because of
his personal acquaintance with the
Adjutant, Don F. Spencer. Just be
fore returning to the United States,
common In both states, and Ore
gon granite, in the construction of
II. j. ii.niui.Afl'a Th. I - V. ...
proved of their methods. This is the I , ' , ",
thi,.i .... . i.. .,..i,..i ... ...J I""'' Uonimoive is trying to effect
arrangements to I wive a formal
celebration nt the state line, at
which it 1m planned to have Gov.
ernor Olcott and Governor Steph
ens, California, prevent, when the
two Ktutn highways Join,
Kncli marker will have an Ore.
gun granite base, fniui Blair's
quarry neur here, a second base
of redwood, a pillar of fir, and
pine cap.
dlers" bunch. Help us to stop such
things by requiring them Jo show
proper credentials before honoring
their requests. It will save yourl
money and our feelings. i
John Hi Kg made a flying trip to
Eugeue last week in his Ford, to seel
whether he could recommend the
tain sums to the relief of those suf
fering from this disaster and each
chapter should hold Itself open til
receive uny such contributions a-i
above Indicated.
"It is to be thoroughly uuderslool
that these are not Chapter coutri
bullous und that no Chapter contri
butions should be made without au
thority from the Division .Manager."
The local Red Cross Will b.i gl id
to comply with this request and tu
forward any contributions thus g: v.i
Persons desiring to contribute to
this worthy cause may leav,' their
contribution ot MeN'nir Bros. Drug
They won't stay down. Charlie
Petuilstnu, the Legion's florlHt, had
a little mixup a couple of weeks ag",
and wrecked his foot, in order to get
a vacation, but that didn't work jo
Lieutenant Spencer was assigned Jroad, tor a blg g.m( of -etn , DROWNS AFTER KALI. I ROM Store.
special overseas iouner 101- ueuei.iij(o ,19
convention. John took Erie
Headquarter, of the A. E. F. to, Werfilll aloilK HH (.et,y R00(, '
wasn.ngton. i,. uu servee ba.IH( l0(1 , Thev ,)oll aav ,, u
takes precedent over all oilier niove.,Kol.d run nake oi)Hy jn
meat of troops. When an Overseas, hourH iim) 1(! . .
regular car aught to iln It, don't you,
Courier is to be considered bis work
must be cared for first. It so hap
pened that Lieutenant Spencer was
he tried to stop a runaway Ford. , d , th8 aame tl.llllslmrt witi,
'"and caved in his ribs a bit. but that j Coionei y y. (ialbrailli and his
King George Is
Host M Ascot
Racing Meeting
ASCOT, Eng., June 14. King
didn't .work either, he Just kept
right on working. Charlie was
lucky once in his life anyway. He
went down to Giants Pass on a busi
ness trip about two weeks ago and
headquarters troops of the .1"th I)!-,
vision. Colonel Galbrnltli decided i
that he wanted the stateroom which
The liodv of I'hlllin Trelner. an I
was occupied by the Lieutenant, but ' Ashland boy. killed in i.clion n r !
uuou learning the Lieutenant's nils-.seas, arrived this morning for burin)
when he started home ho (.'iiesse I . jou )ie Immediately . hanged hisjhere at the Mountain View ceme-i
right when he Headed lo tsko 1 mind. Being assigned to the sameltery.
Iirst car noiiie insieaii ui .u, w til Co one Ca bralth. L eu- Phlllin Trefner I. the first soldier
the secoid. Till- second car wa:i teuant gpen'cer became on quite in-!from Ashland killed In action to bej
the out that busted ilnpg trd KiUc-a tmate terms with him and found hlm't
ANACOMM, Mont., June H.
Mrs, M. K. (irny, lepuled here lo
lie it wealth) widow of Ashland,
Oregon, viii ill-owned ti-Ntcrday
iiihiii in III" nnl fork of Rink
Creek, III mie from liere, uc
eoiding to uord reifiveil eailv lo
day. She "as a nieinlM-i- of a tour
ist parly molorliig Ihioiigli hen
troiii Oivgon.
Mrs. tiiav fell in Hie creek
while alti'lnliliK to walk Hcrono
the Hti-eam on a foot log during an
inspitiioii of a mining pmperty.
I The body has not been recovered.
I I'nileii Press Staff l'oiTesioiiilenl I
I.ON'DOX. .luue 14. -- King Oil
has suddenly come In for wide
spread popularity here nail King
Word was received here vester- Coal's dictatorship over the British
III Dl'OIICI I OarK III I MS C IV MM- UUI' al. . ... .. .. ' nrinulcv u til Ite i,r lh lui.l m.
..... . . .. i iv u 1 1 iM-iiium iii:iiii ill I nit iixnin ,.... ... -..n i----, -
the man. Charlies lias no K'c-'.to be one of the most likabl big men He met death In the Vosget. France. nf" Mri(i (iniy ,,y nil.,,.K ,, Pk,,,.e cording to expert opinion,
coming here, , lthat he has known. September 16, 1 !1 8, and was a mem-or JhlH' riIy 'tron shPl.tI Kn,rt ,-,( England's great coal stoppage wui(
ine rtmericau region win uavf i i;Uer ot tne ttioiii uilantry. He en-l n,b ,.t i.i,iin,,ui,i.i-,. v.,i ti. resnonsible for nonnlarizilig
The body of rjillip Trefren haslhunt afar for , maft wn0 can fli9t,,,i Hl ,M(!konvllle. .luue 14. giv-
arrived in Ashland from its long
ierce family were close friends ofi0"-
(rounds. Dr. Mead was enthusiastic
about the auto camp. This morn-
tiis place as nend or our womiernil na his home .is Ashland at the time. m.... j u. m.... m. . i All nnr tlie pminirr fuctoi-ie i.
royal properly, and the King ap-Journey from rrance. Aslilalia I osi0r)(ailIatinn Trefner was L'fl at the time of hisi (ol. infol.lnalion to the where-'"HwayH. power plants, hospitals.
points his own stewards, nut otner-no. ii win navB i-huib. .
wise he allows the Jockey Club to funeral, which will he semi-militai.
ing when he told of his trip he .run the meeting which
. . . , ... ....t.l ... t) U..n.l
includes anil win oe neui iii ine i ienuic.,1..-. : ..
- j ,.,. xtnv P i nprncer last ween iiru hit nutn-
amlled. "Why that camp won't be, some or me tinest racing oi me year. ::.... c. 0u..,... . . . ....,..,, as uu ,,,,. A seml-iuililury parade
en ine mnerui
jdeatli. His body was taken charge , ulollt,M (1f rrlu'llves of the former1 turned to roelgii - produced fuel oil
Snmehmlv not hoop ioke caTjini . t here by the Dodge CnderlakiiU' Ashland w-onnni who is well known'the milium Iheir coal bins were
in this eiiv and virlnilv. The onlv emptied, when I.-'MU.ihio Hrilisli
lii the 'relative known to Mr. Pierce, ho1 minei-s refused to accept drastic waga
neer in charge of construction work, Ashland I'nst of the American !.-( tiit this morning, are distant reductions and stopped work.
hi pnmiirh to hold all the canine. The beautiful track is thrown ope:; I F. Keohler will prcn
!tn the nub c free, and the only I services, .nemoers m ine nnicin.nn
They came in there like birds to a
roost at night. To crowd it more
would hardly leave standing room."
I, myself, intend to stop at the
ramp as soon as I can make arrange
ments for an auto trip from Cali
fornia, headed towards Ashland. I
wouldn't have missed any part of my
trip for the world. Tbe beauty of
the Slsklyous, which I observed from
the train, I want to see again. The
next time I hope it will be by auto
mobile, this summer If possible. The
charges made are for the spacious : Legion will assemble at tne rresn-
grandstand seats and the big betting , terian church at 2 p. m. Sunday
enclosures, but thousands includ
ing the most fashionable and exclu
sive circles, prefer to picnic amid
the heather, and to use their own
automobiles, carriages or other con-
of the Oscar Huber company. Jim
says that it is alright If a pick and
shovel and wheelbarrow Is called en
gineering. Hf says that is what
Philip Trefren enlisted June 13th,
101 II ut lanlrBiinvillo Ol'Pfflin. One
i it they called engineering in France
I month ahead of his draft number. He ' " ,
Willi me Ulilli;!! Ul eiiftiiiroi B iw llli:il
he belonged. He says that he can
get the glsement ot wheelbarrow or
left Medford for Camp Lewis June
18, where he was assigned to Co. D,
veyances, as grandstand,. King; l0th Infantry. A card a.njiouncingj azimuth of a pickhandle any old
..nL.i k n,.a... -Mnu ! hid ii rri vii I nvArspHfi was received bv
ueoigc, nuvuinimurcu uj nrn ...... j, H111A now
the Prince of Wales, Duke of York, his parents August 27, 1918. He was
Prince Henry and Princess Mary, to- killed in action Sept. 16 or 17, 1918
Miner with the whole court, drove1 In the Vosges. Four short months of
vulue of Ashland's wonderful sceniclin state rrom Windsor i asne. wnere sei nee aim u .... .....
' . . .. . . , i L . 1 kill
location in "a aide pocket of the the royal tamiiy is siaying ior me, among
At the next regular meetln of
A hero Ashland Post No. 14, next Tuesday
night June 14th, we will select the
delegates to be sent to the American
Let us all remember, friends, what convent,on) whch w, be 1 10 BuUe PhIIh wher, y B0W
Slskivou mountains" cannot be est I- week.
mated by dollars ana cents. .miu....-,,.. ,Me Ke,, u a.n..i ... (n Eugene 0roRon Juy ti 2 ,ml 3.
Financially though, the preserva-1 peted for during the four days iac-! him the honors so justly due hint. ThPre wl be a ot of fe0wi who
Hon of the natural beauty here, of ing and the best equine performer M , - want to electlon of tw()
which your park is the great drawlngiin England will be amongst the run . pogt No; u Amerlcan delegates ought to be rather slin-
card, will bring big returns to tinners. The principal races today were, Tbgy M one bg
city. It will become a great Ascot Gold Vase (presented by; Tli,;Ume there , nd ,f w, know
Using asset. People that I talked tojth. King, a handsome trophy value " eimBendaWe occasion amUthe Eugene crowd like we did .he
nt the auto camp were an praise ior ,. nU..u.,, . n . (he yU I o());e maVlbunch tliat were with us In the 66th
the park and the city. Ashland with ano-.ex race over two and a quarter, Amerlcan'and 89th Artillery, we believe that
worm i.zuii;-- - - .. ,
Legion Joins most gladly in tnis ii
service. It Is understood that the1 to miss. The Ladies Auxiliary of
various organizations will assemble! the American Legion will hold their
gion will feature the funeral services cousins In New Jersey. They have! Fuel oil one of America's favor
which will be held from the Presby-, been notified by telegram. Mr. j Ite fuels hut hitherto virtually uu
terian church, Sunday afternoon al Pierre and Montana officials arej known in England has come to stay,
2 o'clock. Rev. Knehler w ill of f i-1 a wnitiiiK Instructions from these rel-1 according to authoritative predio
elate at the services. ulives. jtion.
Phillip Trefner was horn in Ne-j Mrs Gray Is said by friends here' British public services and indiis
braska, and came here with his par- to have been woalthy at one tiliisi try will never ugaiu be wholly de
pendent on, coal.
ents, Mr. and Mrs. Luther Trefner and has lived in this vicinity for a
of Butte Falls, when a young boy. number of years.
Unacquainted with the simplicity
of Installing oil burners, the British
people were rather astounded to
He lived on a farm al Nell Creek., Mrs. Gray had lived in Rogue
prior to his enlistment, spent his1 river Valley for nearly 25 yeurs
boyhood days there and obtained his years. Her first homo wus on a learn that Immense power plants
education at the Neil Creek school ! large ranch ne:ir Prospect, then In could, in un emergency, be convert
After his enlistment, Mr. and Mrs.! Medford for several years, and ofied in a very few days from coal in
Luther Trefner, Ills parents, weni
on or two other cities on the Pacific i miles; the Ascot Stakes, w
coast stood out above all the others In I pounds, a handicap over two miles;
memories of those campers. Preserve! and the Coventry Stakes, value 1,000
nark Tmnrove it. Hold Itsllpounds, for classic two-year-olds.
Colonel Harris Weinstock, noted
figure In co-operative movements
and ex-state market director of Cali
fornia, will deliver a series of lectures
on co-operative .marketing at O. A.
C. Farmers week, June 13-18. He
has been actively engaged in agri
culture ever since 1888. He was a
member of California's first state
board of horticulture, and has been
on many boards and commissions
for Investigation of labor and agri
cultural problems. He was also one
of President Wilson'i commissioners
appointed in 1912 to investigate the
European system of rural credits. He
was later appointed to Investigate I.
W. W. activities in California. He is
widely known us an organizer and
president of the first big mail order
house in America, Weinstock, Lubin
over five furlongs.
Apart from the racing, however,
Ascot Is one ot the .principal social
events of the season, and from the
feminine point of view Is a carnival
Of dress, ninny wonderful example
of the modiste's art being on show.
make their home. The parents ol
the soldier hero will arrive here to
morrow.. Phillip Trefner is sur-iPuas. She had many friends In this
lale years in Ashland. j oil.
She was divorced from her for-1 That's Just what happened. When
mer husband, Itirhard W. Gray, who) the coal pinch caused widespread
now lives on a ranch near Grants embarrassment, fuel oil firms were
Vived, besides his parents, by five
brothers, George, Frank, Ray. Will
iam, und Joseph Trefner, and three
sisters, Elizabeth, Nellie and Olive.
Phillip Trefner Is one of the me i
killed In action, in whose honor Ash
land has erected a fountain In l.ithu
Park. His name is omi of those In
scribed on the memory tablet.
She left Ashland about u week
ago on a motoring trip with Mr. and
Mrs. Olaf l.iilslrom. Miss Mary At
Irldge, of this city. The parly was
motoring through to Madison, Wis.
Mrs. Gray was an employe of the
The Motor Cop
The dairy bulls to be sold at auc
tion during Farmers week are being; wore hold In jail here nnlll enough
J. W. Nauldlng iuiiI Harvey
Pot, aged wanderers In quest of
"tlie coin of the realm" fv
benefit of an alleged rliildrens
home maintained hi Portland by
"(lirlslum Volunteers discover
ed that Jail anil their vocation wore
closely allied. TlU'y were nppre
liended on thn city strinUi by Chief
of Police Hatcher while solid! Ing
for their repreaantetl charitable
The two men, elderly and with
a police court record at Portland,
according to advice from tliat city,
fitted up by the college diary depart
ment. Tbe sale will offer 16 high
bred bulls, and any farmer wanting
to build up bis dairy herd may set
his own price and stand a chance to
get one of these animals at Farmers
Postal Telegraph Co. to rebuild
line between Ooble and Astoria at
cost of (50,000.
data was obtained to Justify the
local police In considering the men
fakes and ordering them out of
the city, Tlie Portland iollcO
state that thn men hare had
trouble In police court there and
that there la no organization
known an the "Christian Volun
teers." The crcdVotlals preaent
here by Hpauling and Post bore a
St. Louis, Mo., seal.
fr 7 limn
consulted und assured all Inquirers
big stock of fuel oil were being
held in the country and quick de
liveries could be made from abroad
to replenish the great tanks.
Large stocks of oil burning equip
ment were also at hand.
England's generul public was
Elk club prior to her departure from' highly gratified. Presence of fuel
this cily. anil has been employed at oil meant continuation of great light
both t In. Columbia and Southern, Ing plants and power plants provld-
Pnclflc Depot hotels.
Herbert W. f'olliugwood. editor
Rural New Yorker and Interested lu
Southern Livestock Farmer and the
ing Juice for street car systems.
ST. JOHNS, Newfoundland. The
steamer Ranger arrived here from
the sealing grounds with 7.300 pelts
completed the return of this sea
sun's seal hunting fleet. A notice-
Fruit Furnier. has been wired an ln-uble feature of this years limit ,s
vitation to speak before Farmers! that of the 1.500 men engaged In the
week. Ha has long been identified i Industry not one met with a mishap.
with agriculture and agricultural '
Journalism, and Is an author ofjsTUIKIMJ ENGINEERS ON
note. Some nf his best known works) ATLANTIC RETURN TO WORK
are Andersonville Violets. The Child. I
The Story of Hope Farm. Fertilizer
Farming, and The Business Men. He
was reared on a farm and graduated
in agriculture ut thn Michigan ogrl
rultural college. He took his doc
torate degree nt the Wisconsin University.
Striking engineers are returning to
their ships today, manning 13,000,
000 tons of shipping operated by the
United Slates shipping board, ac
cording to messages received from the
labor department.
The Atlantic coast alone is appar
ently elfectd, as the Pacific coast
engineers remain out. Secretary of
Labor Davis in expected to confer
with officials of the striking sea
men's union who are expected to sign
up within the next few days and ter
minate the gigantic tieup of Ameri
rau shipping.
William S. Brown, president of
the Marine Engineers, signed for
them and chairman Lasker is x
nected lo sign today. The agree-
Some people say that saultationjment provides that fifteen per cent
doesn't pay. doesn't paf
doctors and grave-diggers, says thejthe elimination of over time.
IT. S. Public Health Service. Bei
sanitary: seek health before you Marshfleld lets $11,000 street Im-
v nee(j (t .provement coniracis.
The United States dairy division
has asked the O. A. C. dairy de
partment to furnish two dairy stu
dents to act as Inspectors of navy
butter In California creameries. H.
R. Wakefield, senior in dairy man-
I ufacture, has been selected as one
I of these Inspectors and will leave
; shortly to take up his duties.