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About Ashland weekly tidings. (Ashland, Or.) 1919-1924 | View Entire Issue (June 1, 1921)
ASHLAND WEEKLY TIDING Wednesday, June i, lO&ii I LOCAL AND PERSONAL TUESDAY'S SEWS Bins Attorney Moore Home W. F. Psrby of Corrocan. Cal.. has the home ot Attorney Moore across from the Juulor high ichool aud iuteuds to make hi home In this city. The sale was made by C. B. Laiukiu, realty dealer. Leave for Vt.-ili Mr. Cambers and daughter, Mrs. Charles Tull!- left the latter part 01 ; Tor Mill last week Iford. I'tab. MICKIE, WE PRINTER'S DEVIL IT BON, OLO UOOSE. N. LOTttUE REM- ESTATE?., AUT ROU fvU M FEB. A. CIOOKfS A.G OASH 0)tR R HW EW?.?UV. OF NOUR BEST OOkl By Charles Sughro - Wimr Nnrtpwn Uwa Some Sense in His Chatter X-V ... teJlftW AMJ6M WIU1UW Sftss-SrtxSA1" vinOl v. pviuviiw ma kRuiHula too poor xm VWVR- ."V . . . - Pfej -.L -, "E MOHN. c.EZ.11 7 L. -'EfestsK ' I y tT n v- I v i i 1 - 1 i f m m(- leaves for California J. Carson, 276 fl street, left today for San Dieso, Calif., where he will make his home. The weather for the week, as re-!at different points in tho elty dur-jjohn Gibbs who died ut Talent, Hien for the past several weeks. Those ..nneH hv the 1'. S. depart meiil ofln .e evangelistic lectures of Dr.! Fort Wagner, as the result or lavor oi me improveroeut u.u.ineu agriculture, will generally he fatrjBuign who has been, speaking nt'liifHcted by Indians and the temperature near normal. Ke,f0rd. XebriMka VMtor Mra. Mary MaCumbi-r of Mead street is receiving an extended visit from a niece, Mrs. Pointer of Lin coln, Neb. Emigrant Cicck Fisher Mr. and Mrs. N. H. Harrison, and Mr. and Mrs. Shortridge spent yes terday, fishing in Smlgrant .Creek. Fair luck was reported. . leaves for Portland Mrs. .Mildred A. Bowers and son, Raymonr, left this moriiing for Portland In a newly purchased Ford sedan sold by Harrison Brothers, local Ford agents. Dinner Party Entertainment Mr. and Mrs. J, H. Provost enter tained Saturday evening with a dinner purty given at their home In the Provost Apartments. Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Orlines and Mr. and Mrs. J. p. Wolf were guests. The even ing was passed by playing cards after which refreshments were served. lns)MS t Ijoiik'n Cabin Dr. Fred B. Strieker, .of the state board of health, Dr. G. W. Gregg, of the local board ot health'and C. H. Pierce, representing the elty coun cil, visited Long's Cabin yesterday for the purpose of protecting the city's Interest in the mutter of dis posal of the garbage and refuse : I that nlace. Dr. Strieker has returne, a- 1 --.1 ...111 .m,Hlt thn ultv'Oi Hie lO lOIUUHll MIIU Will tuv wi,. council the results. of bis investiga tion. ' ' Ki'tui-ns from Portland Mrs. Marcia MitchelJ, 128 Laurel street, who hag been visitig friends at Portland, returned yesterday. Amiy Visitors ' Col. and Mrs. J. C. Kay and Col. and Mrs. P. E. Marquart stopped at tbe Hotel Austin yesterday and lefl this morning by automobile. They are traveling from Seattle to Sail Francisco. Col. Kay was former chief of the 'quartermusters slaK of the 91st division of which Ashland boys were member's. Fifthing Trip Mr. and Mrs. J. K, McWillluniH. Perry L. Ashcraft, Miss Susanno L Homes, and Mrs. P. L. Johnson drove to Klamath Falls yesterday over the Green Springs road for a fishing trip. Their luck or otherwise has nol heei. mentioned. ' Farm Bureau Given Nliou , Tbe county farm bureau gave a moving-picture show at the Valley View school yesterday evening by A. C. Talent who recently exhibited the after his be- tiiunl of a supposed Indian friend. 4. 4, 'he Identity of the other .17 poor- Greiuidii Visitor ; ly marked uraves Is not known. Tho S. S. Pennison is in the city from j me" all died an the result of Indian Grenada on a visit with bis sons, ambuscade during those stirring He is landscape giudner for thejdays when history was in tbe mak Crenada townslte" company and baBjlng In Oregon. ,!,,, o rnnslilerahle liindscaiiing In; Kev. Koehler gave an historical that the tank would not only improve the city wuter supply but would les sen the wear on'water meters owned by the city. It was also stated that the city must eventually Install a fil tering system and that the settling tank would be necessary In connec tion with such an Improvement. Northern California for school grounds and oilier public buildings. He reports Grenada as going forward nicely. MMford Visitor Mr. and Mra. T. W. Mllos ot Med ford were visiting friends In Ashland yesterday. Visits Father Fred Ven Nata, ot Oakland, Calif., and a former Ashland resident, Is visiting his father, G. 0. Ven Nata ot this city. " WiwhliiKUm Visitors Mr. und Mrs. Cambel, of Park land, Wash., were visjtors in city today. They were much pressed with the sceulc beauty of Ash land and expressed a ' great differ ence between lie re and Callfornlaf1' Improve Tennis Court All parties interested in playing tennis at the court in Llthla Park sketch of the cemetery. His data was obtained from Mra. F. II. Rus sell, Mrs, Mary Dunne, descendants ot the Isaac Hill family who In early days, settled at the spot where the emetery now is. History Recoiled. Isaac Hill, father of Mrs. Dunne, Mrs. Russell and Mrs. M. L. Gillette, who recently died, settled on what was known as a "donation claim comprising what is now the cemetery and several adjoining aires. The Hill family were far from the near est posts of civilization and as a consequence, following the custom of the hardy pioneers in those days became the benefactors of passing "'"'travelers or volunteer soldiers flght ing the Indians. Men that were killed in these early frontier frays COURT NEWS the defunct Bank of Jacksonville, I earlier," he replied, with dignity. "I back from state prison, whera he Is saw years ahead what would come. 1 A SHORT I'OEM. serving a ten-year sentence, was th 3 principal . witness Monday ttf irnoon In tho civil suit of tho strife banking board against 3.. J Jonusion, Thompson Creek sawmill operator, for the collection of n alleged over draft of $3,750.87. , Johnston admitted fictitious en tries in the books of tbe bank, to keep the account of Johnston "out of the red," and Identified checks, de- knew whut the consequences would Intended to appeal to Knights of be even In 1914, 1915 and a longer time In the east when I was con demned to Inactivity. I then fol lowed all events carefully and al ways studied the war. I knew In advance tbe outcome of Verdun und saw the time when they would call me. All happened as I expected. They came and fetched me and later I bare more than once wanted to say as I worked over my maps. Sch- Paul- MiutUiko Licenses. Lewis H. Jacks and Lydla E sen. Circuit Court. . State vs. C. H. Owen; demurrer. State Vs. Myrtle Blakeley, de murrer. State vs. Roland D. HI lies; order receiving indictment; order on ar raignment. State vs. Chester C. Kubll! order receiving iudlctment; order on ar raignment; demurrer. State vs. Peter Stroft and Frank Vn.ln. HAnn..nn !n,lntman invuui, uiuci icwciiiiik muniment , nnslt Hllim and etc. Case Against -Johiwlon. , :lus. Schluess (the end, the end.) The suit against Johnston wash "ui mere was pressure irum . based upon the following specific many sides. And. in the last anal-j allegations of debt: !' '"." '". " A promlsory note to the Bank ofready mi old man." Jacksonville for $100. dated Octo-I ' The old men were moved. One ventured to bbk: "And what about Ludendorff?" .. "Go," merely replied Hlndenburg. Pythias and reach their Innermost feelings, written by the author. Brave knights and gentle ladies all Your presence graces the Castle Hall A friend of worth, to wear tbe .spur, Or perchance, it might be her, , The children, too, Ice cream and cake Won't give them the Htomnch-nchu. Ah, well, you think enough this Is May ,10th, then we greet your phiz. F1TZ-JAME8. order rftrelvin? indictment: order on .vera taken to the Hill ranch and pre-ttrragnitient -pared for burial by Mrs. Hill . j Mount Ve,.non Natona, n,,nk vs Every one of the 17 soldiers burled. 0 . A orilpr affl(lavnti mo. at the cemetery were cared for In tlxla ; ton Letitin Jennings vs. Ralph G. Jen- way. Their names were data con' cerning their Iives were kept In n have been requested by J. D. Heel)pn. ailiry by Wrs HuIi but unfortuua,. ly the book has been lost. It was at connected with the Chamber -of Commerce, to meet tomorrow even ing at 7 o'clock ut the Pioneer ll.,:i. the time of Keith's death, a nephew! of Isuac Hill, that the need ot a kins; summons. J. F. Soper vs. J. W. Dressier; order. Southern ,Ore. Farm Lund Dev. Co. vs. C. E. Terrlll, sheriff, et nl; trip to Kluuiuth Falls, this week. Returns In Kliiiiinlli Fulls Mjrp, 'Jiarry Dean returned tills morning to her home in Klamath Falls, utter a few days spent visit ing with lir many friends in this cKy. . Portland Visitors Mr. und Mrs. H. L. Sayle of un: donated for that purpose by Isaac I Hill. Keith's grave was the first over which there was raised a monu ment and was the first to be buried In the Hill cemetery. Isaac his wife, Elizabeth Hill, State vs. Rowell D. Hlnes; demur rer. Frank Randlev vs. J. C. Cass et i , al, for money. Florence W Hartzell et nl i no uiruiiiiK is nil" iiih purpose mi ,, , ,i i.i onrrvllli' nut nhilw fir Ilia flvluir unl ....... . .motion Minis court in l.itlua Park I Visits al Kliunalli FulUt I G. II. Ge6, is making a business " - " Florence W Hartzell et nl, H. C. urn i.i. .i um ,... . .,,1 ...Um.. '".iHangen et ol. demurrer. were later Dunea sius by side near. Pran c Bramvve,, BUpt of the tomb of Keith. The monument. y8 fl L.'John9oni ver(llct. erected over their graves are-made A s Ash Vg Mi(ford Realty ,, i io in uregon murine taken irom a quarry and the inscriptions carved; by Mrs. F. H. Russell. The last ing qualities ot the stone is shown by the fact that the Inscription hits not weathered or corroded. r-ionera HiM-iik. I Judgment. ber 25, 1919. , A promlsory note for $50, dated Anrll a lain An overdraft for $4,900.87, allegedf -That as a Judgment, u. far a. to have been overdraft of checks and the old. men were -concerned. It . , spelled Hlndenburg'B feeling toward ml , , the man who mixed politics with Tho jury is composed of the fol- iuo . , .. .. lowing:' Burdett Dodge, orchardlst.ley. who unlike Hlndenburg, Med ford; Bob Deuel, merchant, Med-wa"n ' 8u""er- ford; H. W. Scott, farmer, Talent;! Charles J. Humphrey, farmers, Der by; F. C. Homes, farmer, Ashland; Fred Benedict, farmer, Applegate;i B. F. Fuller, farmer, Eagle Point; j E. S. Wiley, farmer, Ashlund; W.j M. Smith, farmer, Beagle; J. F. j Gregory, farmer, Central Point; O. D. Lowe, farmer, Ashland; D. H.i Jackson, farmer, Ashland. The bank board was represented;' by Attorney George Roberts, and the defen'se by Attorneys Porter J.I Neff nnd E. E. Keiley. j I'XIO.V DAV CELEBRATION. CAPE TOWN, May 31. The 11th anniversary of tho granting ot Belt government to South Africa, includ ing the former Boer republics of the Transvaal and Orange Free Slate, Is being celebrated thriUKhi,it South Africa today. Print Arthur of Connuugbt, Governor General and the Premier General Jan. C. Smuts held official receptions, and at the big" centres military parades were. 'held. The day is observed as a na tional holiday. GOLF IS THE KING GAME SAY CHICAGO EXPERISI j DKIT. Ol1' THE l.NTKIUOIt. I II. S. Land Office at Itoseburg, Oregon, May 25. 1921. j Notice is hereby given that Ralph ;H. Springsteen of Plnehurst, Oregon, who, on May 23, 1918, made Home stead Entry, Serial, No. 011280, for the SVj ot NE14 of Section 17, Township 40 S. Range 4 E, Wlll- mette Meridian, huff filed, notice 'of intention to make Finul tbree- year proof, to establish claim to the Old Men Talk War land above described, before F. Roy CHICAGO. May 31. Golf is the, Davis. U. S. Comiirissioner, ut his Llllkji 1 ul '"eo'oru, urenon, mi tin- Din any oi Jiuy, 1321. Claimant names as witnesses George A. Grieve, of Hornbrook, iking game ot the country iare becoming so crowded that offi cials are banding out lumbers bo us i. .. . .L ...III 1 fli.llf...!. it f ft 1 ito avoid arguments over woo win get -niuiiii. HI We DKal tUO U e course next. I The above statements were glean of Hornbrook, of Pinehui-Bt, limp. Co.; confirmation of sale. Tlinmaa .1 ftripve California. Preil W Eilmill ed from J. Hunter Smith and W. H ! Oregon. BERLIN, May 31. That Hinden-jCook, managers of the Thomas E. ! Kred Train, of Hornbrook, Calif. burg mouths and months before the, Wilson and Company, and A. G.I w- CAN0N-, ...j-.-i., L..tJ. a ..vM i i..,...i0- Register. wars close saw tue uauuwruiiiB uu i opuituus ami uiwtucm. History of the old Oregon fron- Portland uru .visiting friends in the City. Mr. Suvle is a former Ash-I land man Is contemplating locating! tler d."ys wa8 ,old b' M,'s- Dunne hen. niwl Willi il.t on.t in vi. h. nmwu, eucu oi wnom gave sold his grocery stor in Portland, j . From Medford Harry Pellet of Mtdforri was In the city on business yeBtonlay. in luter- the wall and often wanted to call a 'views with the United JPress today. pritur LAM) HA I.E." Earl H. Fehl vs. City of Medfore,; naIt . tl)e gtory tnHt COmeB"from tbei "So much Interest has been mani-i THE IXTKRIOK. undertaking on appeal. inner recesse9 0f his private "skat" tested in golf that -there are hardly j v s Lall(1 office, at Iloseburg, Circuit Court. jclub in Hannover. enough links to tuke care of thoseiOregon, May 19, 1921. Bullock Merc. Agency vs. Edward! This same story casts a sidelight I who . want to play," said Smith. Notice is hereby given that, an fl. High, et al, affidavit, default,inn hla ,,. Tor Llldendorff i Membership In golf clubs has been directed by the Comlsmsloner of tl.p , . uenerai ianu omce, , siaie vs. joe oromiey; sentence. , . , , ,, . . J. W. Merrltt vs. O. T. Wlllson; to be very cordial. j of ten businessmen are flocking to for money. : Hlndenburg, living in his pretty j the courses after their days work has under provi sions of Sec. 2455, R. S., pursuant Io the application of Mnry Homes Tuck er, Serial No. 012927, we will offer Ashland Honors Nation's Heroes i order. M. L'. Nones, et al O'Connell; demurrer. (Cont.-outd From rage One) enlightened by personal experience and localized by their connection with the old Hill property which has now passed luto hands other than the posterity of Isaac Hill. The cemetery is owned by a school dis trict.' Dans were formulated at tbe ceremonies conducted there yester day for the preservation of the burial place for its historical value' It is ulanned to rnlse a fund suffl- dent to Improve the grounds which! Fio VV. HarUllll. et vlr lire now in a run down conil tnn i ' i ". andibeen completed. We have sold mor-.-iat public sale, to the highest bidder. ... . , .,...- ... .... ... .... .... .... .Ul. l,o,.o.f,, " '" Ui "" 1"' vis, lonneny i.iuy mrorou; uiiiuhtii nuving lew luiimaiea. anui iui-iciiiu nun cm nmi. 0-coci( j( on tne 2nd liny sketcBes of the pioneer conditions, Bullock Merc. Agency vs. Lilly Da-, modest cottage in Hannover, nishes his amusement, aud he likes "Golf is going by leaps and W. HJa little group of old men the morelbounds," Cook said. "This year Is lowing tract of lund i,Dinu ihov lnii.n l, In. 'in, I ilin't tho hlrireat ever for all snorts and! NEVi NW'A, Sec. 22 lot July, next, at this office, the fol- T. 39 S- K. i the heavy demand for golf sticks gave a short hiograpliirul sketch of:Oeorge Dunne, who Introduced the same pictures at the Talent school.!101- -"" w" 18 w?" Known "ere. $14 was raised for the benefit of the home demonstration fund. Drive to Klii-r Cre-k Perry Ashcruft and Floyd Smith drove to Mr. Anhcraft's navy proposition to those gathered .it the Col. .Muy Old Time Resident. cemetery, made a motion, which was Col. May was a resident of Ashland seconded aud approved, for the up-j at tho lime of the outbreak of the pointmeut ot u committee to carry Spanish Amerirun War. During out those plans. Those named were war mobiliaztion the Itoseburg and:lrs. F. II. Russell, D. Perossl W. C. Foster vs. Samuel McClln-ltalk war and politics. tock, et al; affidavit, default, Judg- While waiting one night for the, shows it is the leading sport. Every ment. field marshal to Join them, the old 'body Is teeing off. One feature about William B. Welch vs. Etta May'men had discussed the war. .the game Is ths all players are de- Welch; amended complaint, order. "I sometimes wonder If it waslmanding a better class of clubs." Lee Phlpps vs. C. H. Owen, et al. I really necessary to sacrifice so manyj ; order. lives for naught," remarked one, not; There are songs unsung ny narp noticing Hlndenburg bud entered or flute. The rythmic years of a the room. ' loving ministry will work out a re- Hindenburg, answered him. train that shall be caught up by the "Jf the war had gon according to choirs that linger along the shoreless my idea, it would huve closed much j seas. ' Ralph O. O. Hutchln- u. j Ashland companies were united it nil lotment homestead on Elder Creek Saturday. They returned Sunday. Prayer Mting There will bu a .neighborhood prayer meting ut the home of Mrs. Morgan, Mountain avenue und Ash land street, at S:3P tomorrow morn ing. The meeting Is following a movement to bold Col. May, at that time Capt. May, sailed with tbe company for Manila, Philippine Islunds. In the army he rendered notable service and was promoted to the rank ot Major be fore returning to tho I'nlted Slates. After the Spanish American war he assisted in the organization of the Third Regiment of the Oregon Na- prayer meetings jtlonal Guard. He later became Col- oni. 0f (n regmerit and command- Lctillu (Jennings vs. Jennings; divorce. L. M. Travis vn, T. soni Judgment. W. C. Foster vs. Nettle Normuu et al; affidavit, default, Judgment. and' luuiivs .. vvicKsiruiii. ei ai vs. n T . n , . , , E B. Barron mi r.noy, ei ai; summons, ue- AL the closo of the exercises ati'au"' ' the Hill cemetery Glenn Slmnson. Stttto vs- 0eo- A- Morse: motion, commander of the local nnl nf f(lB I order dismissing 2 East. Will. Meridian. The sale will not be kept open, but will be' declared closed when those present at the hour named have ceased bidding. The person making the highest bid will be required to immediately pay to the Receiver the amount thereof. Any persons claiming adversely the above-described land are ndvised to file their claims, or objections, on or before the time designated for sale. W. H. CANON. 40-5. ' Register, American Legion, announced that he had received word that a stato movement was being made for the identification of all graves where soldiers are buried. The data will be filed away, for reference after tabulation. Mr. Simpson stated that the work will be carried ont with the "THE ELHART WAY' Quality and Hervli-e In Every Article. ICY-HOT BOTTLES And LUNCH KITS Automobile parlies, bikes, pic nics and tamping trip are not thoroughly enjoyed wit host the ICY-HOT 1XHHI JAR or ICY-HOT IMTTLK in which to carry and preserve foods and drinks. ICY-HOTS are ibe best. Let us prove it. ed it while Borving in France during co-operntlon of tbe American Legion the World War. The regiment was i known as the Sunset Division. Ue Ho()RS TO 1'Kl.NCK HENRY, is at the present time performing; . special work for the Governor ofj LONDON, May 31. Prince Henry Oregon. Col. May was at one time j third son of King George, was to-, General Traffic manager for the I day admitted the Freedom of the Southern Pacific company. . George W. Beale, estate; affidavit, order. Grants Puss Irrig. Dlst. (Inc.) vs. R. V. Martin and Gertrude Martin: j answer. ! Probate Court. j L. L. Leedom, J, G. Cannon; as sume the business name of "Leedoms Tire Hospital." Col. May held tbe rkt atten tion of the audience nil through his STATE BANK HOARD W1XS , 41IH;MEXT AGAINST JOHNSTON ' The State Bank Board was award ed a judgment of $1570 by the cir cuit court yesterday afternoon In tbe civil action of tbe State Bank Board City of London, with customary civic honors. The Prince drove to GuilJ- against 8. L? Johnston heard in the, ball, where a guard ot houor of the circuit 'court . .Tuesday. The case cpeech. He, stressed the fact that Honorable Artillery Company, was' went to the Jury early yesterday aft-during- the World War the foiled drawn up, with the regimental bandjernoon. The Jury remained out for! Stutes wu flfchtlng its own fight undm! colors, and was received by the three hours betore rendering decision nol that of European countries, i Lord Mayor and other civic dignitar-j Attorney Porter J. Neff In his ar- From personal observation he de-jlcs. He was escorted to the Library igument contended that his client as where tbe City Chamberlain read well as the State Bank Board were the resolution making him a free-' deceived by the manipulation of1 maa of the city, the document aft-j Johnston. Attorney E. E. Kelly In erward being presented to him in a. his argument .characterised John-, golden ca-ak. . ' ' . M roMen perjurer," and "a: I man who robbed old women of money CITY POSTPONES INSTAI.I.A- they had saved to bury themselves." TIOX OK SETTLING TANK Johnston is a smooth Individual j Tbe installation of a settling tank, he fooled the banking board for 5 at the- city power plant for the pur-1 years." . pose of clearing the water has been! Attorney Kelly also said the badk burial place known as the Hill Cerae-postponed for an indefinite time ac- failure was tbe most colossal In the tery. eight miles pnrth of ih city.; cording to a decision of the city! history of banking." Attorney Rob in d where are buried 17 volunteer ; council Tuesday evening. The pro'erts in his review of tbe evidence soldiers who fell in the Indian war poned tunk would have cost the city 'said Johnston "had come clean." of 1863 io Rogue 4liver valley. Of; $8,000 and was objected to bectuic and "bad made his peace with his these 17' who are buried there OBly'of the financial consideration. In- God and was trying to make It with two are known. Wham P. Keith. 'stallation of a settling tank has been I his fellow man." killed at Eran Creek In 1SS3, and under consideration by tbe council W, H. JohnMoa, former caih sr of scribed the nicrai of the French troops ut the time of the advent ot the American doughboy in the trenches of E'Toix? , faring tho Boche. The closing prayer of benediction was given by Rev. Walter E. Rvans. IKVornte Hill Cemetery Graven. At 2:30 o'clock in the afternoon a party left the pjaas Itv cars for a little known and almost fogotten FORDSON Farm Tractor More than 100,000 I'orakon tractors have been sold to fiirmein jn the I'nited States. They are helping I how runners 'do more and better work In' lew time and ut less cost. North, Eaitt, Hoath, West everywhere the Fordoon hits proven ItHClf n mono' - maker and a reiU necessity to the fiinner. Bosldet. it Is helping mightily to solve the lniwir prob lem. . Tliewe one hundred thousand and more practical fanners have afflnned the economy the exceptionally low fuel and operatinit cost nf the Kordson; Its- Hino nnd lubor 'snvlna; qualities and its ability to Increase production. The Fordson was built to be the most economical tractor; it ta compact and devoid of excessive weight. , And It Im built of the aaino strong Iron and steel as la the Ford car. - Winter or bad weather does not Wilder the Fordson's usefulness. Day or night IwCnty-four "hours a day If you choose you can utilise the Fordwin. Only so maay Fordsona are allotted tliia territor-. Orders are qnence first come first served. Let n have yours now. being filled in se. There's a practical nse for the Pordson every day of the year. Let's tell you. Come Id and have a tractor talk. Give ns the chance to make a ilemonstraUon on your farm. , HARRISON BROTHERS . ' FORD and F0RDS0N DEALERS ASHLAND, OREGON.