Wcdncduy. May 18, 1021. ASHLAND WEEKLY TIDINGS PAGH TURKS LOCAL AND PERSONAL SATURDAY'S NEWS Arrive From Washington . Mr. and Mrs. 0. E. Horbst arrived Wednesday from Belllngham, Wash. Mr. Herbst hag been in a bnspltal at Betllngham for the punt several mouths. Mr. and Mrs. HerbBt will return to the northern city after disposing of their Ashland home. Mr Herbal wag formerly Interested wlt Joe Cyr In the Ashland Creamery. Make Creamery Addition George D. Stuart, an Ashland creamery man, has recently built a pasteurizing plant and cement milk house at bis dairy. A. L. Lamb a local contractor, constructed the addition. County Buys Trucks The county court has equipped 7 of the 10 trucks purchased from the government a short time ago at a cost of $260 each, with lubor saving hoists and appliances. The total cost of thug equipping there trucks vas $1000. As the present market price of the same cIbbs of truck, similarly equipped, Is $5000 It ma readily be seen that the county profits by this action of the court. Jacksonville Post. University Girl Visits Miss Kathleen MacFaul, of Pendle ton, is visiting at the home of her aunt, Mrs. Angle Engle, 634 Boule vard. Miss MacFaul has been at tending the University of California the past year and stopped at Ashland on the way to her northern home. Leaves) for Chicago Dr. Frank M. Moxon left Ashland today for Chicago and eastern points where be will study recent develop ments In medicine and surgery. It has been his custom to make such trips each year. Dr. Moxon will re sume his practice some time In July. Reorganize Defunct Bond House John L. Ethrldge, ex-president of the Morris Bros, bond house In Port land and who gained much notrlety In connection therewith, urrlvcd In Medford Thursday, and Is stopping at the Hotel Medford. He Is said to be working In Southern Oregon In big effort to effect the reorganlza-; Hon of the defunct bond house. 4 To Visit Ashland Mr. and Mrs. G. E. Furber and , two rhilriren arrived at the citv auto1 camp Thursday from Midland, Cal - Ifornia, and spent the night there, The will also visit Ashland and tnnr hi. virlnltv .1 thev are looklnei for . location. A A Confined By Illness H. P. Holmes has been confined! to his horn for the past week wlthlE. N. Hurd of this city. The plant ASHLAND WILL HAVE SIX WEEKS SUMMER NORMAL SCHOOL BEGIXXIXG JCXI Through the effort, of the Ashland Chamber of Commerce a six weeks extension session of the Oregon N'ormul school will be held In this city durln gthe summer beginning Juno 20 and ending July 20. It will be hold for the convenience of Southern Oregon teacher, who desire fur. ther professional training. The following statement has been issued ly (1. A. Bi-lncoe, city superintendent of schools, in circular form for disti'ihulion among the teacher, of Southern Oregon: COURSES AXD IXSTRUCTORS The regular normal courses offered at Ashland will be tho same as are given at Monmouth, and the same credit will be allowed. In fact, at the close of the session in Ashland, the records will be filed in ilonmouth, Oregon. The courses will Include psychology, educational measurements, rural school problems, methods in arithmetic, reading, language, geog raphy, etc., for primary, intermediate ond grammar grades, public school music, and physical training! i The staff of instructors include men and women from tho reguh-.r instructors In the Oregon Normal School, University of Oregon. Stan ford University, and other well known school people. Geo. A. Briscoe, Superintendent of Schools at Ashland, Oreacn director and Instructor' In School Management and Methods In Seventh and Eigbtb Grades. . ' ' ; Giles M. Ruch, Profesgor of Education Stanford University In structor in Psychology and Educational Measurements. SuBanne W. Homes, Superintendent of Jackson County Schools .Rural School Problems. Miss Emily Devore, Oregon Normal 8coool Primary Methods. Miss Helena Wlllett, Sslem Oregon, Schools Intermediate Methods. Leland Coon, Professor of Music, University of Oregon Public 'School Music and chorus singing. Miss Fay Carver, Ashland Public 8chools Physical Training, Folk Dancing, and Playground Gain. Miss Callle Vogell, Ashland Public Schools Typewriting, Book keeping, and Gregg Shorthand. CHAUTAUQUA ATTRACTION'S The regular Chautauqua Association will put on an unequalled pro gram at Intervals throughout the entire six weekg period. Men and wo men of national reputations and well known organisations will be ia Ashland giving summer school students an opportunity to hear some of the best talent on the platform. Mr. Coon is one of Oregou's best teachers of music. In addition to his daily classes, he will be available for private lessons In Instrumental music, theory, harmony, etc. For private vocal work, Mr. Passamore of San Francisco, will be available. Two splendid natatoriums, the most beautiful park In Southern Oregon, and hikes to the health-giving hills can not fall to Interest everv visitor to the summer session. IOCATIOX AXD EQUIPMENT The summer school will be held in the Ashland High School build ing, a splendid stucco finished structure, having an abundance of light and air and commanding a delightful outlook of the surrounding hllle. The building is completely equipped with classrooms, gymnasium, and auditorium. It hag a good library and Is supplemented by one of the best Carnegie libraries in the state. At Medford, only twelve miles away, is a County Library which will co-operate with its In supplying needed books of reference. MVIXO ACCOMODATIONS A special effort is being made to and pleasant accommodations at t and boarding places Is being time to be of gervlce to all gtudent. Cogt of board and- room ghouid not exceed $9.00 per week nnd where studentg degire to manage their own home, can be made consid erably less. ENTRANCE REQUIREMENTS All geeking admission must be graduates of a four r year high school course or Its equivalent. Those who now are teaching or who have taught are entitled to entrant. an attack of bronchitis and Influenza. FRIDAY'S NKWS California Editor Visits Harvey R. Llug came in yester day for a visit with bis father-in-iaw Bert R. Greer. His father J. W. Ling has undergone a serious opera tion at the Weed hospital uud Hur vey came up from Burbnnk, Oal., where he Is editor of the Review, t'i see his father. He will return to Weed Saturday, in' the meantime dividing his time between here and Medford, his old home. ' , Floyd Vrnley Buck From Franee Lloyd Fraley, who has been In i. M. C. A. work In France, arrived home on 63 yesterday. His wife and mother accompanied him. This Is Mr. Fraley'g second trip home since be enlisted In the work. Visit at Klumnth Falls Raymond Long, First street, has been spending the last few days at Klamath Falls on business. Social Circle Meet The Ladles Social Circle of the Christian church held a business meeting on Wednesday afternoon Visit Parents- Mr. and Mrs. Fraley are visit ing at the home of Mr. Fraley'g par ents, Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Fraley, on Mountain avenue. Attend Evangelist Meeting Rev, and Mrs. Charles F. Koehler together with John H. Fuller and father, J. M. Fuller motored to Med ford yesterday evening to attend the Evangelist meeting held in that city by Dr. E. J. Bulgen. ' Visits Parents Mrs. Frank Schwahan, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. R. P. Porter, of the Fountain Confectionery, came in yesterday with her three children for an Indefinite stay with ber par ents. Recently her husband died n? an after effect of the flu Illinois Visitor Mlsg May Ilurtch of Peoria, III . who has been visiting at the home nf Mrs C. W Chntlln. 318 HaEardinel street, left this morning for Port . land where she will visit friends and relatives. I I Returns From Calif. Visit I J. R. Toiler returned to Ashland Wednesdaey after a three months visit with his son. Bert Tozier, in j Petaluma, Cal. i Xe Medford Popcr-. special dispatch from Seaside, .Ore., dated May 10th. In the Port- land Journal, says: 'W. E. Phlpps, attorney of Medford, has purchased the large Astoria printing plant of provide all students with suitable low a price as possmie. tasi of prepared and will be completed lu will be moved to Medford imme diately and Phippg will euter the newspaper business there. It is bis Intention to conduct a weekly for the present, and this fall make thi publication a dally." Visits Gustufson Family Miss Lllile Peterson,, a nurse of the Alhertlna Kerr home of Portland, who has been visiting at the home nt her aunt, Mrs. O. Gustufson of this city, returned to her home yesterduv evening. Eight Pound Baby Hoy An eight pound bnby boy was born to Mr. and Mrs. Reed Harrell of Mon- tugue, Calif., yesterday. Mr. and Mrs. Harrell are former Ashland young people. THURSDAY'S NEWS Scout Hike Regulnr Scout meeting were omitted this week. Weather per mitting, there is to a double troop hike Friday nlsbt and Satur day. Toledo Visitor Frank Parker, from Toledo, Ohio, arrived yestorday and went directly to the ranch home of Arthur Kins, near Talent, for a two weeks visit. Mr. Parker is an employe of the Pennsylvania Railroad. a 4 Pitinta Home .land Vulcanizing Works, has taken James O. Merrett Ihib recently a position with Leedom's Tire Hoa painted his home at the corner of'Pital. Mr. Cannon was formerly in- Rock and Nursery streets. The work was done with Sherman-Williams paint purchased from Carson-Fowler Lumber Company. Christian Eiidcnvorerg Meet The Junior Christian Endeavorers held their regular business meeting In the Presbyterian church last even ing. Considerable woik was done, preparing cards and supplies for shipment to a mission station in Korea. The fact tliHt there was a surprise coming, kept the members a flutter and at last it was revealed by the superintendent. Miss Estella Hays, who appeared with a most .Hilda Hansen, president, Huby sldo to the California line, nnd whose, but advised the Cleveland boat own beautiful birthday cake In honor ot Powell and Alice Pratt, secretaries, i crews recently commenced work on ers to inaugurate an operating coin- the five members whose birthdays, come In May. The cake was decor- ated by Mrs. A. II. Mussel, who is an artist in culinary as well as other lines of work. Pink lemon - adn added to the festive Bpread. and the Juniors felt they had added one: more occasion of profit and pleas - tire to the credit of the society. " Miss Bessie Tenipleton, who has been visiting friends and relatives in this city for the past two months. left this morning for Brownsville In company with her aunt, Mrs. Clara! Couey. Miss Tinpleton has Deen staying at the home of Mrs. ( ouev, 89 Boventh street. Mrs. Coney will visit friends in Willamette Valley, Fiom i ntril Point Mr. and Mrs. Geo. wnuace ana Mrs E. ri. Edgir of Centrul Point, . ... . spem yesieruay in as nana. l is lames visttcu irenns wnue .Mr. wal- lace was doing some work" nDout hH orchard, near town. i aiiiorniu UIICStH Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Burneburg, of San Luis Obispo, Cal., are guests ot Mr. and Mrs. D. H. Barnehurg of this city. The Barneburgs are con sins. OLD CLOTHES 1'OH THE ARMENIANS. (Contributed.) The citizens of Ashland are asked to co-operate with the committee In Near East Relief In gathering old clothes for the use of needy Armen ians. These clothes should be in a more or less serviceable condition. The apieal is very urgent and those lo cally responsible are anxious that Ashland do her best ' in the under taking. Leave your bundles at the Presby terian Manse, 132 N. Main street, not later than next Tuesday. ! Each church wishing to co-operate In the Bulgin meetings is asked to be present with a representative . , ., . ,, , .. delegation at a meeting in the Bap tist church Monday evening, at 7:30 MONDAY'S NEWS Shoppers From Weed- Mr. and Mrs. E. G. Oweu and Mr. and Mrs. Edward Grisez motored to Ashland Saturday on a business and shopping trip. Missionary Society Meets The Woman's Home Mislonary so ciety met at the Methodist church Friday afternoon of lust week ond observed the annual custom of onen- ing the mite boxes which contained! ; Though clouds above may form, my I $J3. Sixty members were presen:.iArr,ve Vrom To,,,. Ohio days are never dim, j Parties having mite boxes In theln George H. Kinz, father of Dr. J.iAnd, in my garden beuiitiful. the possession have been asked by theKlnr of ,nis rly ni Ar,h,1' F. Klns secretary, Mrs. Van Fosen, to givo them to Mrs. Lulu Howard, treas- urerurer of the society. The busl ness meeting was followed hy a liter-' ary and musical progrnm after! which wag served cream. Arrive From SeuttUw. sir. ana sirs. r. s. short, recent arrivals from Seattle, have takea honnpkppping rMn1, at tho Rose- ' i mont apartments. I ' The W. C. T. U. will have an all day meeting Thursday at the Presby terian church beginning at 10:30 a. m. Mrs. Hannon, state field secre tary, will speak., also senator Thomas and Mlsg Faldlne, county nurse. Cat- eterla lunch served at noou. The, Increasing business made the pur missionary societies of different, chase necessary. The truck was es churches Invited as sfncial guests, peclully equipped for the use of Mr. Complete program later. jLumb, it was stated by Harrison - Brothers. Reports Realty Hule n C UaHU ha. 1.1. ...t.lKu "' - at 81 Church street to R. P. Porter, ot this city according to jus. s. I,. Allen, a local real estate agent, through whom the deal was made, County Prosecutor iluwles Moore j returned to Medford Saturday after; a five days uusluess visit In Salem and Portland. Improving Trull Creek Road One ot the county's caterpillar tractors and u scarifier have been sent to the vicinity of Trail and Elk Creek, to be used In improving the highways In that section of th county. Dninngn to Pear Crop While slight damage has beenisite for construction of a unit of slxl done to the pear crop in Southern tcl"8 or 'muses. A committee Is! Oregon by the recent frosts, It expected to decide definitely today j estimated that the shipping tonnage!011 ll erection of either tents or, will amonut to the same as last cottages. j year's shipments, according to vice president C. M. Seerist of the Pa-,"1 to un derived from the total mini clflc Fruit Express Company. :L'r of ,,mt " cottages by the Cham Takes Xeiv Position J. E. Cannon,, who has until re- -coniiy Deen conneciea wun me Asn- terested In the automobile tire busi ness in Detroit. From lloriibrouk, Calif. Jlr. and Mrs. Rush Grieve and children were in the city Saturday on business. While here they visit el local friends. I The King's Heralds Meet The King's Heralds held their la.-t meeting with superintendent Mrs. Alice Mallcont, nt the homo of Mm. Van Froeen, Sulurday afternoon. There were 20 precent. Mrs. G. H.jyous, seven miles on this side of the i Billings was elected superintendent.' summit und six miles on the other and John Billings, treasurer. They gave a very interesting pro - gram after which an hour with playl t j WEDNESDAY'S NEWS , i,ivie- rwn.....iiv l r Tue jckaon county farm bureau jwi nve charge of the coininuulty club meeting at Uellvirw, May The bureau will show moving 12. pic- tureg ot an educational nature pre senting current topics of I he day. s nilrond .Man Visits y Ti Snaiks. district freight und ; passenger agent of the Southern Pa- ;cjrc comnanv stunned nt A.hlnnil ii,i ,r,,inir Ho will leavo lliisw"s recently promoted by Mr. Huber 'und "Billy" Strand, another live wir.', nonlnc (irants Pas. Visllorw Mils S A Pplera Si- Mr. II . C. and i , ,. ,, "oiler, Mrs. 0. G. Howard ,., . . , Mrs. Georcfl Robinson motored to 0ri,n(s psl) j.PH,e.,ilv to ,.,, rel. j( j ;Gus Service Station Opens ..... . ..... The Standard oil company service station recently i-iected at Ibe cor- ner of Third and Main ttn.-ts. onon- today under the management of E. Erickson ami E. J. Farlow. , t (legislature appropriated $10,000 Mother of Wal Man Dies j with which to pay oft outstanding Mrs. H. H. Palmer received a claims against the plant and resumo telegram yesterday evening from her! operations. husband in Irving. Kansas, stating' Numerous inquiries are being ro thut his mother had passed awayjeeired for lime from farmers yesterday. Mrs. Palmer was 811 years 'throughout the stale, and particu old. Mr. H. II. Palmer loft Ashltinl larly from the Willamette valley. It March 1 for Irving and has been 'is said. Those attending lhe meet- wlth his mother until her death. Returns From California Mr. and Mrs. Mlllner have id- turned from Southern California where they spent the winter nioiillu. They will reside at Mr. Millnor's bungalow ranch home opposite the Normal school. Mr. Millner is fin ishing the rooms which had not here tofore been completed. The house ! U being newly finished nnd furnish - led throughout I 1 imuiiBiioiii. California Visitor Dr. J. W. Reed is a visitor In Ash- land from Norman, Calif. He is looking for a location and Ig much Impressed with Ashland. Evangelist To SX-ak Here Dr. E. J. Bulgin, nn evangelist of National reputation now gpeakrjig In Medford, will open revival mcet Ingg at the Chautauqua building be- ginning June 15, It was announced today by Rev. Charles A. Edwards. pastor of the Methodist church. of Talent, arrived In Ashland yea-. terdsy from Toledo, Ohio. He will visit at the home of Dr. Kinz for the oa,ance of J""1"' He "tate lh-' " wl" Prbabiy locate here perrri enthusiastic over the '.'.rrgnn srensrj Hi d climate. I L. Morris, Walnut street I Mrs. R. wno bren '"rlou"ly ' for tliei1" 1 " monin, is reparian as Beln; - i.L... . ,' ...... . . 'miKiiiiy improved loiiay. i Buyg Xew Truck A. L. Lamb, an Ashland contract-'' or. purchased a new one ton Ford ,,r- v"n wert nas tt""'s a pro-i mansuip 10 neveiop. i ne raw mate truck today from Harrison Brother.'.,'1"1"''11 enforcement officer for sev-rial, so to speak. Is there, iu the the local agents for Ford truckg and! ni yar ""d ,n n, nf', position form of urgent needs for construc carg. Mr. Lamb reports that an!wl11 nav ttt" f deputies. tlve legislation. .. ....... I nmira to Asiuiuiu ln Kerlls valley, Saturday, May 14, Mr. und Mrs. J. E. Angutu, 93at i o'clock. , Bush street, have returned to their 'homo otter a three weeks motoring j trip in Southern California. HAS STARTED OX THE TEXT CITY "The dirt Is flying," John II. Ful ler, secretary of the Chamber of Commerce said yesterday regard ing the erection of tents or small cot tages to be built in Lithiu park Just south of tho Chautauqua building' for the housing of summer tourists.! A team for grading und terracing j purposes has been lent to the Chain-1 ber of Commerce by the city and work is going uheud to praparo tho: A considerable revenue is expect-1 ber of Commerce by renting thorn lo tho summer tourists. It is under stood that nevoiiil business men of tho city have loaned funds to the Chamber of Commerce for the pur pose of building an additional unit, the investors to be paid six per cem interest on their investment. The cottage or tent city plau I .i expeced to relieve the. local housing situation to a great extent. The hotels and apartment houses are full the the present time and fncing the prospects of summer rush of visitors. CO.MPLK VINO SISKIYOU j has combined cargo capacity of PAVING IIV JULY FIRST 30,8f0 tons, or .1.800 tons each. The fleet was offered for outright pur- Oskar Huber, who bad the contract! chase to the California Fruit Grow for pavlug 21 miles over the Slskl-,ers Exchunge. ; the last two and u half miles, will ' finish it about July 1st and It is the Intention to have a celebration on July 4th on tho line celebrating the 1 connecting of the two states with the! lnew Pacllic "iBbwny. Mr. Huber has been laying a splen did bltullthlc pavement two Inches thick with bituminous base and ; crushed rock sub-base mid he should I feel justly proud nf this stretch of road. It Is not only first class hut is a scenic route second only to the Columbia river highway. Tlie work for two yeniB was under. 'he supervision nf Clifford Dunn, who is an expert road builder. Mr Mil his line, takes his place. I -lib wi-AHi mmk. i-i.. I A i ! COLD llll.li TO ItK-OPHXhipmont of a1R.e the war. gold llll.l,, way in. no state 'Hum plant here will he reopened as soon lis arrangements for Its opera - Hon can bo completed, according to -member tho boar I who have rc - cently held a meeting here. tw hM m... In hr The I plant lias neeii closed tor morn man:,, bushel on tho markets In Aravers y-'""'. 1,8 suspension following thelty, .Mich. The luw price is due (exhaustion of funds appropriated I , lhe ,-,,, ,IH, tIOUMUUUH f fMn. ifor operation of the plant. The Iastl.01.H ,aVB n, f,. ,Ki.r ircea gince ing were Benton Bowers of Ash- land, Chairman; Dean A. II. t .nrinr ! clnc ,.,,,, aml Cuba, via the L'lilto.l of Corvallis, secretary; II. G. LcedvjgtatPS rlH distance covered Is' of Tigard, Sam Moore of Corvallis jnn miles. and John Shlmanlk ot Solo. I According to price dutu In posses- THE PRETTY LITTLE HOME IX THE ASIII.AXI) FOOTHILLS Nestled In tho foothill.-;, in the midst of gigantic trees, Small and white, with shutters green' and trim. And roses climbing on tho wicket Eat in spring, Is my llltle home, where love hex entered In. With plox and honeysuckle, pink snapdragons, too, Blue larkspur growing tall und slim And wild verbenas near the path ways rllng, '.u the garden of my little home, where love has entered In. To 11,0 ,n are always blue, the SM" forever bright. birds will always sing. Because I have my little where love has entered In. By MARY L. GIL.MORE. j Gils city was a guest of the associa Ilouston. Tex. Hon. It was reported, that Ashlund - iwas the best represented city In the OXF. TIME ASHLAND I'ltOlllltl- tm. counties of Jacksou. Jo.iphin TIOX 01I ICI.lt GETS JOli and Douglas. ctiiii-un uu ncii. wuu vuiiiiui-iuu ; successful operation against dealers lllicl1 l,00M '""'a ' H0S-S when j """ ""7U .- .i,tnlA,l liUr .f,.la ..nl.ll.llli., ..ffl In . .,. 1..... I.an. !" - - v...... mu.o gnvi..., ....... v. icer for Montana according to Infor mation iccelved by tho Tidinits from correspondent at (treat Falls, Mon'..ut DAIRVMKX TO MEET AT UEKV VAM.F.V RANCH (Contributed.) Dairymen should keep in uilnd the regular monthly dairy meeting that will be held at The Feru Ranch. Ferns have a splendid herd that will bo worth seeing. Pointers in judging good dairy animals will be taken up by Prof Fitts and C. C. Dickson, of Shedd. Ore., will give seme of his ideas on the need for proper care and develop ment of tho young cow and the in fluence of good sires. It is now time to figura on feeds for next winter and discuss some of our dairy problems. I (Special to Tidings. 1 I.OS A.VGEI.KS. May lfi. A new steamship lino of ten fast refriger ated ships carrying fruit from Pa cific Coast ports through Hie Panama Canal to the eastern seaboard may soon be a reality. This possibility loomed us the re sult of u conference held here re cently between ('. S. Wbitcomb, vice President ot the California Fruit Growers Exchungo, and .1. H. Work man and W. H. Gerhouser of the American ' Steamship Company of Cleveland, Ohio. The fleet ot fruit-currying ships, which has Just recently been built, Officials of the growers organlza- Hon did not accept the purchase plau puny, install adequate refrigeration facilities and put them on coast wlso service. According to Whit comb tliia suggestion is likely to b followed out Business FACTS AMI I Kjl'ltES A Current Review of Trade, Finance and Industry hl-oughoiit the World There are 5 1 kinds of paper nioncv in circulation in this country, rang iug in denomination from $1 to fin, liuti notes. A consignment of gold coins j nearly $r.(ltlO.OOU. mostly in marks, I recently arrived in this country Hum Germany. This Is Hie firat Ti,p..e .,.. i ,ne ynuli stains ir,,ooti miles of Inland waterways, : is.uihi miles of Interurbau elect ru j tracks, SUa.iKM) miles of railroad. iam 2.25 0.000 miles nf hlghwuys. :'l I'olutoes ure selling tor 18 cents last full. i Joseph G. Cannon, former speaker of tho house of representatives, went to work In 1850 nt tho age ot 1 1. His first Job was clerk In grocery store, where he earned $1.50 a week. Telephone connections aro now mailo for spoken conversations be tween Ciilalina Islands, in the Pa- slon of the secretary of labor, mid i dleinen are now levying a total of 21 per cent on tho value of all foods! i.i.l .,ial tiu'.iuiall Ina tluml tlii'miwli.l , ,, ,, , ....... i nn . ,,i . i.,,i !, . , . (Germany, paper money In existence mounts to 105 billion marks, and that In circulation amounts to more than 80 billion, as against f0' bil lion In circulation in 1919. A shipment of 741 milch cows and three pedigreed bulls recently left Baltimore for Hamburg," Germany. The consignment, which will he dis tributed among dairymen In lh.it country, represents a gift from u dairy company In Chicago. ASHLAND DOCTORS ATTEND MEDICAL COVVEXTIOX Six Ashland doctors attended tho convention of the Southern Oregon Medical Association held at Grants Puis yesterday. They were Doctors Ifl PANAMA CANA home ',urviB' Swedenhuig, Brower, Mac Cracken, Gregg and Woods. Dr. Reed ot California who Is visiting in i ue otiicei 01 me association tor the coming year were elected. Dr. IS. A. Wood of this city was appoint- K.I - .1 I . - .... a,.., . u uuktkuic iu ma duiib .netii- ...... I.- .A ... ...... . uieruuuu u un item tum year. Thero are glowing opportunities Washington now for great slate!-- BACCALAUREATE N Gil 10 (Contributed.) Before a splendid audience last evening, Rev. Charles A. Edwards, pastor of the Methodist Episcopal church, delivered the baccalaureate sermon to the 43 members of the 1 1 2 1 gruduutlng . class of the high school. Hev. Kit wards spoke on the "Golden Afce of Man." using ths text from Mlcah 0, 8, "What doth, the Lord Require of Thee, but to do pleat ly, lo love mercy and to wolk humbly with thy God." Til.' speaker dwelt upon the dif ferent nges, the clay age, the stone J20, the iron itKe, the bronze agw. the silver age i:ud the golden age. "Life is a crucible. In which we all pass tliroimb. and the tint ot tht) utility of our characters, will be, how we nUiiiI the crucible. Man Is a dual nature intellect and heart, intellect ualism Is not enough, emo tionalism not alw.'.vs safe. We can not d"Vi'lop the one at the expense of ibe other. Science calls for facts. While the affection of the heart are as real as any facts of science or mathematics, Love Is generally spoken of as an emotion, but love is both. It is the most powerful prin cipal in the world. Mt, Sinai rep resents law and Justice. Mt. Ca I v a r y represents mercy ami grace. What you would teach in theory you must he in character, and practice. It-v. Edwards used Ruskln as un exuini le of intellectiialism, us an uposlli! of righteousness and John Wesley as an example of intellect ualisiu set on fire with- a holy zeal In Inspire humanity. Ho also show l how great authors become life's greatest teachers and briefly out lined George Eliot's Romala, Haw thorne's Scarlet Letter, and Victor Hugo's Leg Mlserahles, authors who showed what, lovo can do In lifting up humanity. Mr. Edwards closed with the question of what would the young people of the age contribute toward tho Golden Age. This ctm only come hy living the golden rule. Ilov. Kdwards was listened to with rapt attention throughout tho entire dlsorurse. n.KS I.ADIFS OPKX CLUH ROOM WITH PARTY SPF.F.CHKS (Contributed.) The opening of the Elks Ladies' Club Room last night was one of the most pleasant affairs ot the season. Both brldgo and C00 were prsyed. Mrs. Frank Dow anil .Mr. Fred Wag ner having made the high scorns In bridge. Mrs. L. Sclnveln nnd Mr. Nate Bates scored high for 500. At the sugger .Mrs. Wagner. Mrs. Per- rozzl and Mr. Tomlinson made shift spenches. Mm. L. Lodge presented the prizes. It was a most enjoyablo affair and lhe hopo was expresso.1 that nil the Elks ladles will make It truly a club home. NEW flAKDKN TOOLS. Xew Spray Pumps. ! ' Xew Spray Hose. Sow (iimlen Hose. Used SeMug Machines. New Iron Age Hand Cultivators. N'eiv Sewing Machine. Sold or rented by the month. All Kinds of Fence Post and Feuaiug PEIIS CORNER BT THR PARK Garden Tools The best on earth nt RIGHT PRICES. The Best Lawn Hose. Pt ovost Bt os. THE CITIZENS! BANK OF ASH LAND PROURES8IVE lOLlCY . The Citizens Bank of Ashland ig a firm be liever in a progressive policy, aud is ever ready to extend the most helpful kind of ser vice to its patrons. A Checking Account with us is a live butt ness asset. f tfntj SAVINGS GRADUATES