Ashland weekly tidings. (Ashland, Or.) 1919-1924, May 18, 1921, Page PAGE TWO, Image 2

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    AVc.liics.liiy, May IB, iOH.
Ashland Weekly Tidings
Established 1S7S
Published Every Wednesday by
One Year 12.00
Six Months 15
Three Months 76
Display Advertisements, each
inch ?c
Local Readers, the line lc
Classified Column, the word, each
time lc
Legal Notices, each time, the
Card of Thanks
Obituaries, the line ....Vc
Fraternal orders and focietles charg-
ini regular Initiation tees anu uuob,
Muiilar rfltefl.
KoiioHnn. and benevolent societies
.in ha charged at the regular ad'
..rtlalnir rate for all advertising
when an admission or collection is
ASHLAND WBJilHiI xuuinuo mmmmmmmMmmmmmmmmmmmwm I
oniiTu dap nn
ouu nun thuimu
Southern Oregon Club Women
Hold Convention in Ashland;
Corner Milk Supply for Babies
The Presbyterian church will start
construction of a two story frame
building addition to be built front-!ter, llne o machines followed ths
while the highway farther south in
California was blocked for several
weeks. To keep the road open over
the Slskiyous the state highway com
mission used a snow plow during the
many storms that occurred last wiii'
By Mrs, John H. Dill j board of heuith.
Ashlnud was hostess city to the: Mil's Poole, county homo' demon
sixth anuuul convention of the South-lytiatlou .lseut, lo.n of 4be H ;ce'nslV
Entered at the Ashland, Oregon,
T.tnffira second Class mmi
matter. .
Notice of the enactment of a new
government regulation effecting ex-
service men drawing compensation
pay from the government has been
received by 0. E. Simpson, conimaivi
er of the local post of the American
Legion, from the Bureau of War Risk
Iusurance. The new ruling will be
of great help to most In keeping
Ihoir insurance premiums paid up.
Twelve members of the Ashland post
of I he American Legion are offected
by the regulation, four men are now
drawing compensation and eight have
made application.
The following is a substance of
the regulation just received:
1. When an insured has compen
sation sufficient in amount due and
payable, he may authorize the de
duction therefrom of premiums on
his Yearly Renewable Term or Gov
ernment Ife Insurnnce and may au
thorlze the deduction of any sums
necessary to accomplish the rein
statement or reinstatement and con
version. The authorization of do
dtictlon must be made by an uppll
cation In writing signed by the In
sured. Whenever practicable such
application shall be made on forms
furnished by the Bureau. Such au
thorizatlon shall be effective the first
day of the month next following its
receipt in the Bureau at Its office in
Washington, D. 0. unless the Insur
ed shall elect to have It become ef
fective the first day of n succeeding
2. When deduction is authorized
by the Insured In accordance with
the provisions of Paragraph 1 here
of the Bureau of War Risk Insurance
shull, beginning on the effective
date of such authorization nnd ton
tinning during the period covered
thereby, unless such authorization
is sooner cancelled or otherwise ter
minated, deduct from the compensa
tlon due and payable to'the insured
from timo to time on the first day
of each month the amount necessary
to pay the premium for the current
month; and Is so authorized to be
deducted the premium will be treat
ed as paid for the purpose only of
preventing the lapse of the insurance
although such deduction Is not in
fact made, if upon the duo date
there is due and payable to the in
sured on amount of compensation
sufficient to provide premium"
shall be deducted from uny ll,-
payment. Any such unpaid amount
of current compensation that may
become due to the insured in excess
of te current PiPiiiiui.' lor which
deduction has been authorized.
3. If the compensation payable
to the Insured is apportioned under
the regulations of the bureau now In
effect or hereafter issued, the de
duction authorized by the insured
shall be made from that portion
awarded to the insured under such
4. Deduction of premiums from
compensation shall cease If the com
pensation payable to the insured be
comes insufficient to provide the
premiums or if the payment of com
pensation is suspended or discon
tinued; and deduction of premiums
shall not thereafter be resumed
ritH'iu a now authmiratlon execu
ted In accordance with the provi
sions of paragraph 1 above. Notice
of t'jo ..station of of
premiums shall be given by the
bureau to tbe insured, but the fail
ure of tbe insured to receive such
notice, if given, si. til not prevent the
lapse of the insurance unless tbe
premiums are otherwise paid.
ern Oregon District Federation of
Women's clubs Saturday at the Plo
neer Hall. Mrs. C. li. Lamkin, dis
trict president presided, and over a
hundred club women from over
Southern Oregon responded to . the
call of the corresponding secretary.
Mrs. Gordon MacCracken. The key
note of the meeting was service, op
timism nnd progress. It the Milky
Way is a procession of milk bottles
Its evident that Southern Oregon
women have cornered their share and
are uncorking them for the children
who in turn ure responding -with
physical Improvement Jumps. Child
welfare Jieails the list of construc
tive work on most all club programs
and milk campaigns are on In all
The rouventl.ii) Saturday was the
first since 19.19 as the war activities
toqk all the womens' time. Those
strenuous years, however, brought
out the physical defects of the rising
Nearly all the clubs nre supporting
a library. The furthering of com
munity service activities, nnd tho
studying of legislative matter8 rank
Mrs. Ida Callahan, state president
In her message Joyfully proclaimed
that she'd be willing to set Satur
day's program right down In the statu
Aud said she believed this age, re
gardless of turmoil that is Beethlns.
Is a spiritual-age and that this era
will go down In history ns a second
renaissance. She has set the goal
of state membership at 10,000. The
forum plan, adopted, in which all
visitors had a voice, pleased her and
she urged thnt publicity be given
dub work.
Address of Welcome.
Miss Oraco Chamberlain, president
of Ashland's Civic Improvement
Club, gave the welcoming address,
stressing the concentration of energy
on definite lines of work nnd noting
the spiritual Influence of women's
Mrs. William Bell, a state vice
president, of Roseburg gave the
response, pointing out the wonder
ful sp'ilt of comradeship brought out
by Cieso convention meetings.
Mrs. A. E. Hnnby of Medford,
spoke on the spirit of the federation,
calling' It a unity of co-operation
working for the many great causes
confronting the women of today.
She urged n sisterhood of women,
wnose influence through their or
ganizations was world wide, a civic
pride and a kindly, helping hand In
all public activities.
Nurse's Work Applauded.
MIms Faldlne, Jackson county
nnre, won approval with her de
tailed account of the work being
done under her department and her
appeal to the club women to co-
orrate with her tn cheering the
lonely In Isolated places, giving more
attention to children's minor phys
ical defects nnd reporting all tuber-
'.ulnr patients to her or the state
tng on Helman street as soon as the
$5,000 fund necessary for Its erec
tion Is completed by subscription,
according to Mrs. S. L. Allen who
has been doing the Initial promo-
snow plow through snow piled as
high as a man's head on either side
turnouts were shoveled out at fre
quent intervuls to permit machines
to pass while traveling In opposite
of the farm get closer In touch. She. the addition Is not expected to be Closing tho Gup North.
brought out the fact that from six over $5,000 and, It was Btated, might contractors Schell & Calvert who
to seven days a year is tbe average be around $4500. At the present r8 ag0 ayng a 'bituminous pave-
vacation for the Oregon woman. She: time approximately $3,500 has beeu!ment on bltullthlc base are rapidly
thu'. women of tin- cities end those, tlon work. The estimated cost of
told of the milk campaign carried ' raised by the Presbyterian Ladies
on in the county.
Jury System Explained.
Mrs. V. A. C. Aulf, of Grants
Pass, explained the Jury system, as-
Ald Society who bara entire charge
of the project.'
The addition will be 36 by 40 feet
In size, will contain eight class rooms
sertlng it is the duty of women to for U8e of tno Sunday school classes
serve. She said only a mother with'sna on the ground floor, a kitchen
a tiny baby should feel she had al,nd d(nng room, Tne f,.t f)oor
sufficient excuse. :w, be g0 arrangea that it may be
Mrs. D. Perozzl of Ashland discus-j,urncd to an assembly ball or
sed the measures to come up for .auditorium. The contract for the
electlo nund said the women should I construction of the building has not
closing the gap between Foots Creek
and Gold Hill. They have laid two
miles of finished pavement In 24
working days since commencing
operations this spring. t is a
strange coincidence that with the
numerous showers and storms ex
perienced during their first month''!
work, they have been prevented from
paving but one day. Though there
were many showers during the day
both north and south of their work
go to the polls and register their
convictions. She discussed the meas
ure to help soldier boys get homes
and live in Oregon and stressed the
Importance of voting for all five
measures to come up.
Professor Vinlng of Ashland gave
. lecture on "Adjustments to Suc
cess." A noticeable feature was the large
rep' esentation of Parent -Teacher as
sociation members from all towns.
Medford members told of giving a
"daddy's night" at which 81 fath
ers were guests and were told about
the child welfare work. ,
Civic Activities Reported. '
The Greater Medford Club brought j
ft round of applause with its long;
report of civic activities.
Airs. Gllmore of Rogue rlvei':
spoke of the slowness In getting back
io club work after the strenuous war
work, and said woman had learned)
the iesson that she
been let. The plans were drawn by none occurred where they were work-
High & Frooman, local contractors.
It was stated that the accommoda
tions of "the Presbyterian church
jhave been Inadequate for some time
and that the home of Rev. Koehler
lis being used by the Sunday Bchool
; classes during their sessions. (
Tbe committee In charge of rais
ing the building fund aret Mea
dames Sarah Walker, Boslough, An
na McCarthy, Ida A. Taylor, Rudd,
Carrey, Curry, VanSant.
Mt. Ashland Is
Climbed By Week
End Hikers Parly
The party of hikers who left
must do con- Longs Cabin Saturday morning, aft-
Etructive. helpful work and was noijer Deinf entertained by Jesse Win
wllling to go Into club work Just forl'urn. for Mt- ABhland returned San-
Splendid reports were given from
all districts which Included Medford,
Ashland and Valleyvlew.
A noon luncheon was served by tho
ladles of Ashland to 7S. The com
mittee in charge of the luncheon
were chairman, Mrs. S. Patterson,
assisted by W. A. Shell, Mrs C. W.
Curry, Mrs. J. N. Dennis, and Mrs.
McGee, Musical numuera were given
by the high school girls' club and
the Misses Daugherty. ,
The resolutions committee-, Mrs
Gertrude Mason, Mrs. William Bell
and Mrs. E. E. Marcy, offered the
following resolutions, which wera
adopted Indorsement of work of
the county nurse- and demonstration
agent, Woman's Jury bill, Owens
Adair measure, International - di
armament program, stricter Immi
gration laws.
The following officer were elect
ed: President, Mrs. V. A. C. Ahlf, of
Grants Pass; recording secretary,
Mrs. D. Perozzl, of Ashland; treas
urer, Mrs. Lewis Brown of Talent;
vice president, first Mrs. A. J.
Hanby, of Medford, second,
Gllmore of Rogue river.
Invitation la Accepted.
Mrs. Clevenger of Grants
extended Invitation for the next
convention to meet In Grants Pasa,
which was accepted.
day morning after an all night camp
ing trip. The hikers were part of
the' party entertained at the barbe
cue given ly Mr. Winburu at Longs
Cabin Friday evening.
They were the first to reach the; has been
ing until after quitting time each
day. With a continuation of this
good luck, they will reach Rock
Point arch bulge before May 10th,
and should easily complete through
Gold Hill before July 4th.
It will be a close race between the
two contractors. Oskar Huber and
Schell & Calvert, as to who will com
plete the last gap In the pavement
between the California line and
Grants Pass.
Wondm-ful Attraction,) for TouristN
Many beautiful views may be
seen on a trip over tbe Slskiyous.
The drive along the Rogue river
from Gold Hill to Grants Pass Is al
so very attractive to tourists, with
many excellent camping places along
the river.
It is to be hoped that this beauty
in nature Is not' to be destroyed by
moving -all vestige of foilage along
the highway. This destruction Is al
ready taking place, and if the sev
eral spots that have been barren and
desolate are any criterion of what
the affect will be If this destruction
is allowed to continue until com-!
pleted, we must admit that no tour-1
1st can be persuaded tbat there ever'
any wonderful scenery
The Southern Pacific Company,
through General Manager J. H. Dyer,
has served notice on employes In
train, engine and telegraph services,
tlon as provided by law, all of the
right, title and interest that the de
fendants, Jointly or Individually, had
!on May 1st, 1913 or have since ac
quired, or now have In and to the fo-1
I lowing described property, situated
in Jackson County, .State of Oregon,
to wit:
Beginning at a point 10.37 chains
East nnd 6.25 chains North of the
I Northwest corner of Donation Land
Claim No. 84 in Township 38 South
iot Range 1 West of the Willamette
.Meridian, in Oregon, which point Is
on tbe West side line of proposed
Gibson Avenue and from said point
running North 3 degrees West a dis
tance of 220 feet to the place of be
ginning of the laud to be sold;Thence
West a distance of 132 feet to alley;
of a proposed reduction in wages "UTtienee Norm a aegreea yybbi uw
20 per cent and for employes in'tance of 100 feet; Thence East a di
yard service approximating 15 per
cent. Representatives ot tnese em
ployeg are being requested to Join
in conference June 4 Ito consider
the company's proposals.
"We are compelled to take this
action," suld Dyer, "as is the case
with other roads, owing to tho siit na
tion that confronts the railroads and
In accordance with the changing In
dustrial conditions and the gfiicral
downward trend of prices." 1
tance of 132 feet to the WeBt side
line of said Avenue; Thence South i
degrees East 100 feet, to the place
of beginning.
Dated nt Jacksonville, Oregon, May
6th. 1921.
Sheriff of Jackson County, Oregon.
37-4 Deputy.
There are approximately 8000 em-jIN THE COUNTY COURT IN AND
ployes on the Southern Pacific Com
pany's Pacific System who are affect
ed by the proposed reduction.
Drafts of new rules covering
conditions to take the place of those
included in the old National Agree
ments to be abrogated July 1 ac
cording to the Railroad Labor Board
decision of April 14, 1921, have
been exchanged by the Southern Pa
cific Company with representatives
of tbe railway clerks and with rep
resentatives of the stationary en
glnemen, firemen and oilers. Fur
ther conferences will be held later
In the month at which time the pro
posed rules will be more fully dis
cussed. Under the old National
Agreements the same rules applied
to all ruilroadB despite a wide vari
ance in local conditions. The new
rules will be formulated by the In
dividual roads with their employes.
In the mutter of the Estate of Charles
W. Root, Deceased.
the Honorable G. A. Gardner, Judge
of the County Court ot Jackson
County, Oregon, has appointed the
undersigned as executors of the es
tate of Charles W. Root, Deceased.
Any person having a claim against
the said estate Ib required to present
the same, duly verified, at the offices
of Briggs & Brlggs, Attorneys, Pio
neer Block, Ashland, Oregon, wlthlu
Bix months from the date of the first
publication of this notice. s
Date of First Publication: May II,
High School Girl
Given Farewell
Parly By Guild
.MIkb Lila Houston of Priravllle,
Oregon, who has been attending
high school here during the past
school year, was the honor guest at
government Insurance, and the pay'
' inout of dividends to holders of pre-
. mlums.
I The government has u . total of
$4,452,000,000 ot insurance In force
upon the lives of 690,000 service
and former service men and women,
according to the announcement ot
Director R. O. Cholmeley-Jones ot
the Bureau ot War Risk Insurance.
There are 290,000 permanent gov-
a farewell surnrise nartv aiven for rnment life Insurance policies car
her Friday evening of last week byriea veterans aggregating 9dz,-
tlio Girls Wide World Club of the uuu'uuu 01 lnurance- WD1,e vv-vvv
Baptist church. The party was
given by ten members of the Guild
at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Paul
Held, Liberty street, the uncle nnd
aunt of Mies Houston. . Miss Hous-
hold term (war time) Insurance
amounting to approximately $3,600
000,000. Veterans are rapidly changing the
term (war time) Insurance amount-
ton will leave Thursday of thlsMng to approximately $3,500,000,000
wwk for hor ranch home near Prlm
ville, Calif., In company with Mr.
and Mrs. Held who will spend the
summer months with Miss Houston's
parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Houston.
Mr. Houston Is a large stock miser
In the northern part of the state.
The evening was spent in pi ay in ;
games and what was termed "one
grand taffy pull." The making of
the taffy was a co-operative affair
and according to or.e of the party
members was the feature of the entertainment.
Miss Houston is well known in
the school and social life of Ashland's
younger set who in wishing her a
pleasant Jonrney, n!cfl:d expres
sions of regret at hor depr.rture. Miss
louston Intends to return to Ash-
Miss Katberine King of Roseburg! land In time for the school season ot
and Hurley R. Grower, an Ashland
boy, were united in marriage Thurs
day evening at the King home near
Phoenix. The couple left tbe same
evening for a boueymoon trip In
Southern California. They will re
turn to Roseburg and make their
home in that city where Mr. Brower
is employed by the Southern Pacific
Both young people tie well known
in. this city. Mrs. Brower is the
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Kins
Pho?nIx. Mr. Brower Is the son
of Dr. and Mrs. D. 'A. Brower of this
next year with the Intention of com
pleting high school here.
Those who were present and like
wise the hostess 0f the party were:
Veterans are rapidly changing
their term (war time) Insurance to
the permanent forms of government
life insurance, the average dally
amount of insurance thus being con
verted is nelrly $2,000,000.
Dividend payments ranging from
$1.04 to $7.50 on each thousand dol
lars for one and two yjnr policy
holders will be paid June 1, Director
Cholmeley-Jones also announces.
Many of these dividends are al
ready due, but because o( the im
mensity ol the bookkeeping and
acturlal work involved tha checks
will not be ready tor mailing until
the first of June. There are 136,-
000 policy holders who will reee're
tbe one year dividends, and 74,000
who wil receive two year dividends.
top of Mt.- Ashland this year and re
ported biiow from Humming Bird
Springs on up to tbe summit. Those
in the party were:
Mrs. (,'hns. Loomis, (chaperon) ;
Geraldinn Ruch, (Maude Hedrick),
Margaret Johnson, Jennie Dowd,
Humphrey Anderson, Frederick John
son, Grant Selby, l.lesse Winburn.)
Real Estate
Homes and acreage. Farms and
Stock Ranches.
All Kinds' of Good Insurance
Ashland Agents of Abstract Co.
Billings Agency
C. of C. Committee
To Make Report
On Budget Fund
along the Pacific highway In Jack
son county.
Green Springs Mountain Ruad,
The grading work that has been
under way during the past two years
on the Green Springs Mountain road
Is also rapidly nearing completion.
. Anton Glebisch, who has the con
tract from the Pacific highway
nnutl, nt Aahlmid tn rim Hiimmlr. of
the Green Springs mountain nnd hasiN0TICK OF HEARING OF FINAL lExecutor and Executrix respectively
worked steam shovels from both
Notice Is" hereby given that the un
dersigned, administrator of the Es-
i tate of William Powell, deceased, has
j filed in the County Court of Jackson
County, State of Oregon, bis final
account as such administrator ot
said estate and that Saturday, June
11th, 1921 at the hour ot 11 o'clock
a. m- has been fixed by the Court as
the time for hearing of objections to
feald report, and the settlement thereof.
Administrator of the
Estate of William
Powell, deceased.
In the Matter ot the Estate of Eliza
beth, N. Anderson, Deceasod.
Notice is hereby 'given that the
undersigned have been appointed
Tbe Chamber of Commerce will
meet at a luncheon forum tomorrow
noon at the Pioneor Hall for the pur
pose of hearing tho reports of the
budget committee captains on the
raising of $5,000 for current expen
ses of the year,
The luncheon will be cooked and
served by the following ten men: T.
H. Simpson, A. II. Niningcr, C. A
Edwonls, Fred Wagner, C. C. Wels
onberger, R. C. Jergenson, C. B. Lam
kin, F. H. Shlnn, R. P. Nell, Bert H.
Hinthrone. The address of the hour
will be delivered by Dr. E. A. Bulgen.
ACCOUNT of the Estate of Elizabeth N. Ander-
I 1 1 nnti icnattanA All naranni hai'lttis
ends -of the Job, now has a short, IN THE COUNTY COURT IN AND claims against said Estate are re
dlstance left In-connecting the world FOR THE COUNTY OF JACKSON quired to present the same with pro
carried on from both ends. With , STATE OF OBEGON. per vouchers, duly verified, to us at
finishing crews working both ways . th. Mn..or J7Z , , ,r "4 EuBt ""in St., Ashluud, Oregon,
i, .. ki .u , ''V., Matter ' the Estate or GeorKO before the exp rat on of six months
above and below the gap, the new; W. Grow. Deceased. fr0m the date of this notice, whl.h l
grade should be completed early In! NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, That April 20, 1921.
July as far as the top ot the moun-'lle undersigned has filed in said' GEORGE N. ANDERSON,
., vuurt ner rinai Account as admln-
,. n n ,,tratrix wltn WIU annexed, of the
From the summit of the Green iK9tate of Cie0rge W. Grow, Deceased
Springs mountain to Jenny Creek, and the Honorable G. A. Gardner,
the grading Is being done by thejCounty Judge, has designated June
Jackson county court. On account ltn- 1'21- '10:00 o'clock at the
u, v , ., , . Court House n Jacksonville, said
of the snow which lays so late at Countyi a, the tme and p,ace' u
this high altitude and mukes the hearing thereon. Any person object
road Impassable to heavy loads at Ing thereto Is required to file such
this time, the county will probably Injection on or before the time of
outu iica i jug.
34-6 wed.
-llll IIU 1
be still further delayed In resuming
operations, but should be able to 137.4 Wed
completethe work late this summer.
In tbe County Court of the Stale of
Oregon, for Jackson County. In
the Matter of the Estate of Nanicy
J. Cunningham, deceased.
To Winnie S. HopklnB, Covert Hop
kins and Harry Hopkins, and all
The completion of the road to Jen
ny Creek will eliminate much of the
... , ., . . " uiiuomigiicu executor 01 (lie
A rcnort will be mailo of h nrmrMQ1 -- ul Ju n. nogue, ueceased.
a won win nc maclo 01 the progress Klamath Falls. The maximum grade will, at any time before June 9th,
on the new road to the top of thet19'1- receive at the law office of
Green Springs mountain Is 6 per! M2? J""8 ,Cltyof A8"lani1'
... , , , . , . Oregon, sealed bids for the purchase
cent and for long stretches is cut ln-of all rIghti tule and nterPest ,hJ
to solid rock along the mountain: the said deceased had, at the time of
side. The new grade being far 'his death, In and to the following
ahnve the old. at one nolnt. more :"oea wucis 01 iana:
AdmlnMrntriv I persons interested In said estate:
,OF OREGON. You, and each of
you are hereby notified, cited and re-
The undersigned Executor of the1uil'C(i 10 appear on Saturday, tbe
"11 tn .ray or June, 19Z1, at the Court
of the budget committee and a brief
period devoted to a discussion of the
manner nnd extent to which Ashland
will celebrate the 4th of July. It
will be necessary that cirery one be
on hand promntly as the luncheon
will he served at 12 sharp, secretary tnan 100 feet nlgher afford8 a w01,
John H. Fuller staled.
(Dlv. Engr.)
A large part of the work being
done by the state highway commis
sion in Jackson county, is rapidly
nearing completion.
Osker Huber, who has a contract
tor paving tho 21 miles from Ash
land over the Slskiyous to the Cali
fornia lino, resumed paving on
Thursday, April 17th. As he has
only about two and a halt miles of
work to complete the paving, the
last gap on the Slskiyous should be
closed by July fourth.
Mr. Huber's contract calls for a
two Inch bltullthlc pavement laid
upon a bituminous (black) base;
and sub-base is of crushed rock of
varying thickness depending upon
the base conditions encountered. For
several miles on the south side of
iderful view ot the surrounding
mountains and rivals any of the
views on the highway over the Sls
kiyous. Crater Lake Highway.
The government, state highway
I commission and the county court are
co-operating In the construction of
the section of the Crater Lake high
way between Clngcade place on Anto
lope Creek and Trail. The esti
mated cost of this work is $530,000,
which is being bore 25 per Vent by
the county and the remainder by tho
state and government. Contracts
covering the grading have been let
in three sections, the contractors be
ing William von de Hellen, Rhodes
A Price and W. B. Tull. The bridge
across Rogue river near Indian
Creek, is being built by the Portland
Bridge company. Four bridges
over Indian Creek, Lltle Butte Creek
and Antelope Creek are being built
by contractors Llndstrum t Felgen
sen. .
Work on the contracts mentioned
above Is progressing rapidly and it
ii the Intention ot the state higb-
, I ., . .
nrawmra uruneny locatoil on
Water Street: Beginning at the
southeast corner ot lot 3 block 29,
of tbe City of Ashland, Oregon, ex
tending thence northerly along the
west line of Water Street, 100 feet;
thence northwesterly 40 feet; thence
southerly parallel with the west lln
of said street, 100 feet; thence east
erly 40 feet to the place of beginning.
Timber lands located near Hvatt
iPrnlrie: The fractional WV4 of thp
nwh or section 2 in Township 39
south of range 3 east W. M. Oregon,
containing 79.90 acres.
Bids will be received for either or
both of said tracts, subject however,
to confirmation by tbe County Court
of Jackson County, Oregon. Said
bids shall be in writing, signed by
the bidder and accompanied by a
dyly certified check payable to the
executor 01 said estate for twenty
per cent of the amount of any such
bid, balance to be paid upon accept
ance of bid. The executor reserves
the right to reject any and all bids.
37-4 Wed. Executor.
the Slskiyous the two Inch pavement way commission to let contracts for
By virtue of an execution and order
ot Sale duly issued out of and under
tbe seal of the Circuit Court for the
State of Oregon, for Jackson County
The total population ot Oregon Is
783,389 which is an increase ot
Birdena Elder, Opal Harvey, Lu-;14.4 per cent or 110.124 more than
dated May 4th. 1921, in a certain
suit therein, wherein Elizabeth A.
flmlth am Plaintiff
- v.mhucu rue, uaie. i uicauaui m"j nun um-ment against uiarence A. Hazen and
The original grade over the 8U-mer, or as soon as the grading is Johanna D. Hazen, husband and wife,
klyous which wsa prepared by theinesr enough completed to warrant 'Defendants, for the sum of One thou-
county, ha. been widened, and the lit. . d 'VJ, "i"'?;8.1.1
kroom of said County Court, In the
Court House at Jacksonville, Jack
'on County, Oregon, at tbe hour of
ten o'clock, a. m. ot said day to then
and there show cause, If any there
be, why an order authorizing and
licensing the said executrix to sell
the following described real prop
erty belonging to said estate at
private sale or public auction, ns
she may deem best, for the purpose
of paying the debts of said estate,
tbe expense of the erection ot the
Tomb-stone and the expense of the
administration ot said estate, shall
not be made and entered therein, in
iaccordance with the prayer of tho
said Petition filed therein on thu
26th day of April, 1921, to-wit:
All of lot 22 in Block "L" In Rail
road Addition to the City of Ashland,
in Jackson County, Oregon.
Service of citation on the non
resident heirs and devisees of said
estate Is made by publication there
,of In the Ashland Weekly Tidings
pursuant to an order of the above
entitled Court, made this day.
' WITNESSETH: The Honorable
O. A. Gardner, Judge of the above
entiled Court with the seal of said
Court herewith affixed on the 2ilth
day of April, 1921.
36-wed-6 County Clerk.
Notice is hereby given that the
undersigned, Executor of the estate
of Mary M. Shepherd, deceased, has
filed in the County Court of Jack
son County, State of Oregon, his
final account as such Executor ot
said estate and that Saturday, the
zstn day of May, 1921, at the hour
of ten o'clock a. m., has been fixed
by the court as the time for hearing
of objections to said report and the
settlement thereof.
Published first time. April 27.
G. H. YEO.
35-wed-5 Executor.
ditches have beun deepened, so as to! $2,000,000 Spent In Two $150.00 attorneys fees, together with
provide better drainage. Although The awarding ot the macadam i $222.35, being the amount plus in
die Cllmore. Mor C.itmn J.n.t In 110. lceordinc to a bulletin r-!mailT "d" have come In durlnr the ' contract, on this ection will bring terest paid by Plaintiff as taxes on I Notice is hereTjy given that the
U'il.n nn.. ... ! .1. .j v.- .h. r.i,. fi,., Pst snrlne keonin . f m. th. tnt.l nt ),. mnir.M. -mm, ald ReaI Property, tnrethw with undersigned has been appointed exe
t, v ,. .. "".:"' ""'":h0. , V I 1 $12.40 cost, which Judgment was en- cutrix of the estate of John W.
Ruth Fifield. Marguetrlte Mnore ureau of cenius. The population , ou"y everal months in removing jhave been awarded In Jackson coun-roie(j and docketed in said Court Mills, Sr., deceased, by the County
Mrs. S. A. Peters, Sr. At the .tate In 1910 was (72.7(5. j'hein, this condition .hould be muchjty during the past two years close to-Aprll JOth, 1921. (Court of Jackson County, Orison,
' Oregon ha. I( counties and total 'Worta by another year. $2,000,000. This money- does not Notice I. hereby given that, pur-rand ha. tiualilied. All persons Uv
itcoT ....... With tbe eomnlotlnn nt ih. n. Um. fmm th. .iirMt traiinn nt r.r.1 'nl 10 ln" "Tmt ' saio execution, ing claims against said estate : re
------- . ... . . ... ... a win uu Daiuiuoj, dune ii. i.ii. iiijiuiiiiru iu ureonii B-imn 10 nn
l AKKII'D UY GOVERNMENT! average numorr 01 innaDiiaois, - ,,. .rcuon uuv uori. u.mii iub bii.u- J0 0.cock A. M., at the front doorUhe law oftlce of W. J. Moore. In
4,432,000,000 INSURANCE
me st
to the Huare mile ln 1920 I. I.t. caB be keP' Pen to traffic through-! mobile license and the tax on gaso-lof the Courthouse'in the City of Jack-.Ashland. Oregon, with nroDer Touch-
G. E. Simpson, commander of the against 7 In 1910 and 4.1 In 1900.1 ( ln year. Even with the nnpa '-i line and distillate, and In this w.v sonville, Jackson County. Oregon, ers and duly verified within six
local post of tbe American Legion, The state was organised as a terrl- M "cbe machine, were able tolthese who use and get the greater ""Ior . 0 "p . 'i,,.
.. .nj i. . .cn.t. nf th. A.1.1..J t... i j .i .., .-. . .... .- .,...., .L ret avtr thl. ,.. . . v.-v ..J1'0" Ior " ,n niguwi niuaer.
vi, .'m - p.. j umm iccitvu iqq following iniDnoi-, iotj in iiii ma
high srhool. , tion regarding the present status ot, Union in February
admitted to the et ow mountain practically benefit from the haghw.y. pay for , ,Mtty ,ald Judsmet, wlth thJ
of 1851. Try day during tbe past winter.'these Improvements. costs of this sale, subject to redemp-JJ5-t-
months from the first publication
hereof, which is April 27th. 1921,
w Executrix,