Ashland weekly tidings. (Ashland, Or.) 1919-1924, May 18, 1921, Image 1

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NO. 38
Spraying System Developed
By OAC Experiment Station
Nationally Used Says Expert
PORTLAND, Ore., May IT. The
combination syray system developed
at the Oregon experiment station In
1908 It now the basis of the spray
ing practice of the entire country,
acordlne to V. I. Safro, field man
ager of the Tobacco By-products ft
Chemical company of Louisville,
"Prior to that time the elements
of labor were smaller factors In
economy of application than now,
and the Importance of the time ele
ment date of application and per
iod within which spraying must be
finished to be fully effective was
not appreciated at Its full value,''
he said. "Hence sprays were applied
one at a time at such Intervals as
could be planned tor. It was not at
all nnusual," Mr, Safro points out,
"for a grower to spray as many as
four different spray materials for
four different Insect or disease
Lack of Economy Sensed.
"The gross lack of economy In this
practice was sensed by the Oregon
Agricultural College station entomol
ogists and plant patholibists, who
began Investigations of the possible
ltles of combining two or more of
these sprays and putting them on at
a single application. While even at
'that time the saving In labor was
'considerable, it has become since
that time one ot the main elements
of spraying costs.
"The most important reason why
tomblnations were valuable In cer
tain cases was that unless the spray
was applied at the right time In the
right way for the known trouble, It
was likely to prove of little or ho
John H. Fuller, secretary of the?
Chamber of Commerce bas received
a list of fifty names of tourists in
quiring about the roads to Ashland
and other Information from the Na
tional Park-to-Park Highway asso
ciation of Denver, Colo.
There Is the assurauce that many!
other lists will follow this one, as, to mail Its own literature, thereby
an evidence of the association's pol-1 Interesting the prospective road
1cy actually to direct a greater vol- traveler and his family to stay
ume ot tourist business through this I awhile In communities that make
community. - 3rB!30i'he most sincere appeal for their
One thousand Inquiries Have neon temporary residence,
received within sixty days by the as-! The inquiries come from virtual
focintion, which has sent each In-jly all parts ot the Cast, South and
qulrer a road guide leaflet mention-1 Middle West, and the local commer
ing this and other towns on the blgh-jclal organisation is asked to send Its
way.. Mileage between places Is
given In a simple and unusual
Geo. E. Sackett
Buried Monday at
Ml View Cemetery
The remains of George Edwin
.Sackett, who died Saturday at tbe
borne of his son, Dewey W, Sackett
were burled yesterday at the Moun-
lain View cemetery. Funeral ser-
" vices were held at tbe Stock under
taking parlors, Rev. C, F. Koehler
George Edwin Sackett was born
at Volney, Oswego county, N, Y in
the year 1851. His mother died
when he was about 5 years of age.
Three years later bis father went
to the gold fields of California and
never returned. His boyhood days
were spent in the town of his birth,
where limited conditions made it
possible tor him to recelve'only
such an education as winter terms as
the district school afforded.
- In 1869, having determined to
join his father who was then en
gaged In mining at Downevllie,
Sierra county, Cal he took steamer
at New York on Dec. 2 of, that
year, went by the Panama route and
in due time reached his destination,
and there engaged with his foth-r
1n placer mining until Nov., 1872.
He then followed lumbering for
several months, after which he went
to Murphy's Calaverus Co., Cal., and
again engaged in mining. Here on!
Feb. 19, 1878, he was married to
Rebecca Ann Ellis. In 1892 with
his sons he removed to Ashland,
Ore., where he resided until the
time of his death, Saturday, May 14,
Three children wera born to Mr.
Sackett, of whom only one remains,
Mr. Dewey W., an esteemed cltlien
of Ashland.
Mushrooms will be grown In the
rats of a former brewery in New
value. Where the spraying Inter
vals were short and troubles numer
ous, the combination spray offered
the best possibilities for getting the
syraps all on within the vital period.'
"The first nicotine, lime-sulphur,
lead-arsenate spray combination ever
successfully used was worked out at
the Oregon Agricultural College
station," declared Mr. Safro. -"The
combination - practice reached its
hlghwater mark, at least for many
years, three years later at the Hood
River branch station, when Iron sul
phld was added to the other mate
rials." '
Spray In Oeniral Tue.
The first plant In which the lime
sulphur, lead-arsenate combination
was ever mixed on a commercial
scale was pointed out by Mr. Safro
as still In use on the station grounds.
The fact that lime-sulphur was
brought Into large use as a fungicide
under Dr. A. B. Cordley, now dean
of agriculture, was also observed.
"And now," said Mr. Safro, "lime
sulphur alone and in combination
worked out here 13 years ago is In
general use all over the United
States as well as In many districts
ot Australia, New Zealand, SoutH
Africa, parts of Europe and China
and Japan.
"In consequence of their ploneei
work In sprays and spraying the sta
tlon specialists are held as final au
thott'y on many questions conned
ed with the manufacture and nse ot
lead arsenate and combination
. "Wherever spray makers an
users meet In convention, the Ore
gon men are quoted as determining
factors," Mr. Safro declared.
Whether the tourist will linger
a little longer" than he anticipated
depends on how effectively me sioe
trips and points of general Interest
are brought to his attention before
Gus Holm's, secretary-manager of
tbe association, In preparing the
inquiry lists also urges each town
available literature, or otherwise
man-.communicate with the prospective
Valley Dairymen
hold Meeting
Dairy men of Rosue River Valley
held meeting at the ranch of Miv,
A. B. Ferns, west of Phoenix, on
Saturday, May 14th. There was . a
large attendance of dairymen from
different points of the valley, the
Ashland and Talent districts having
the largest representation. N. Dix
on ot Shedd, Oregon, one of the
largest and most successful Jersey
breeders of the Northwest, was pres
ent and gave a brief talk on general
dairy matters. Mr. Dixon maintain
ed that in spite ot the present low
price of dairy products nothing was
more profitable to the farmer than
the dairy business.
Professor E. B. FItts ot O. A. C.
was the principle speaker of the aft
ernoon and at the conclusion of his
remarks, Judging of the Individual
members of the splendid Fern Jersey
herd was In order and all present
were invited to vote as to which cow
In their Judgment was the best.
Ashland was represented at the
meeting by J. H. Fuller, Secretary
of Chamber of Commerce and Mr.
Moore, one of Ashland's successful
dairymen. The Ashland Chamber
of Commerce bas been assisting In
financing the cow testing associa
CHICAGO. 111., May 17. Seventy
five dancers at a cafe paid the piper
early today to the tune of $10,000.
Five bandits, with guns drawn Inter
rupted the orchestral din at the
Roamer Inn, backed the dancers
against walls and took from them
$10,000 in money and jewelry
More than ninety per cent of tho
chllren of Bsrlln have rickets.
Ashland Post No. 14 American
Legion sat In regular assembly tasters of Oregon have an opportunity'
Tuesday evening at the Moose ball., of paying a debt of gratitude to our
There was a lot of discussion of the 'boys who shouldered their guns and
various measures to bo voted upon
at the Special Election June 7th, and
of course quite a lot of It was about
the State Aid Bill wherein Ex-Service
men may obtain substantial
loans from the state for the purpose
of building or buying homes.
Considerable amount of statistics
were brought Into being that shows
that if the bill becomes a law there
will be about $600,000.00 of out -
side capital brought right Into Ash -
land by these service men. All of ( long time loan at a low rate of In-
that money will be spent right herelterest 'to enable these to purchase
for building materials, etc. Not ulfheir own homes and thus get estab -
bad prospect tor Ashland Is It? . .
The J. Henry Albers case was dis
posed of in a way that will eventu
ally prove more satisfactorily to all
real Americans. Albers, should and
will stand retrial as' was urged by all
Legion Posts in the State of Oregon
and other states as well. We say
Oregon more particularly, because
Albert resided In Portland at the
tlmo of his escapade.
Roy Hartley ot Siskiyou came
down to attend the Legion meeting,
never misses a meeting and feels it
is well worth his while to come
down on those occasions.
Oregon paid nearly 1000 lives as
part of her price for Humanity dur
ing the World War.
The Adjutant has just received a
large number of forms from the Ad
jutant General's office at Salem, tor
the purpose of obtaining the Oregon
State Medals. The Oregon State
Medals are beautiful little articles
and well worth the efforts necessary
to get one. Service men should bring
their Discharges and show them
the Adjutant or Commander who Is
authorized to fill out and complete
all forms. Certain Information
must be taken from the Discharge
In filling out the application.
J. M. Spencer has accepted a posl-1 American Legion and Spanish War commerce oi I loneer jiau loauy. ine tns eil90ll becnll8e stifltiinr railroad; 8uci numbers that Main street is
tlon with the Oscar Huber company1 Veterans and the D. A. R. Themo,ion' RCll,lg 011 "e 8l,fge8t on 0l,rate. have made it Impossible for!,,, (he ..wuy f a ,holl9an(,
a, an engineer and I. now on dutyjBoy Scouts will be very much J? powers to operate except at a . lo... ......
at the Siskiyou Camp. Jim is
mlf,My handy B, the Bketchlng game!
and has a really valuable collection!
of sketches made while In
and Germany.
The Standard Oil Company hns
a complete ex-service men crew now
In their local plant. Bill Holmes is
chief mogul and Steve Erlckson and
PI.I.V vnl. ti. n m.i.k.f.L
' ' u w."" "-"
lerl are orientuers of the eas dial
.emtnatnr, Henrv Pe. hri h
gas up to them In his big truck andidld) there was deducted $5 per
Jean Hastings shows Henry where
to get the stuff that makes the
autos go and the public pay. Mr.
Patton, the superintendent certainly
has selected a fine crew of assist-
The United States returned to Ore -
?on over 1000 wounded men after
the war was ended; 200 of theseWho was there.
maimed men are permanently and
totally disabled.
Make your plans now for Tues-
Support of C of C. Possible
From Tent City Revenue
' Possibilities Offered Private Interests
With the ground just south of
the Chautauqua building graded
and terraced preparatory for . tbe
erection of a unit of six tents or
cottages tor the housing ot sum
mer tourists there is speculation
among local business men as to
the possibility of a self support
ing Chamber of Commerce by
means ot the revenue derived from
the renting of the tents or cot
tages. It is thought that the
amount of a potentiol income for
tbe Chamber ot Commerce Is limit
ed only by the tourist demand for
sush quarters James H. McGee,
chairman ot the Chamber ot Com
merce committee in charge ot the
tents and cottage construction pro
gram, stated recently. The possi
bilities offered private enterprises
for the promotion ot a tent city.,
at a tent or cottage rental of $5
to $7 a week are very promising,
Mr. McGee stated.
Mr. McGee mentioned several
sites near Lltbla park on private
property as desirable sites for a
tent city.
Ashland Post, No. Vt
Glenn E. Simpson, Post Commander,
H. O. Wolcott, Vloe-Oommander.
Ralph Hadfield, Historian.
Win. Holmes, Treasurer,
Donald Spencer, Adjutant and Legion Editor.
day, June 7th. On that date the vol -
went overseas In order that Amor
lea might take her place among the
nations of the earth In the struggle
for right, so that we might continue!
to enjoy the libery which has been
the Ideal ot every true American
Some of them never returned. Many
returned broken lit health and for
tune. Disheartened and hnudlcar-
ped, finding their jobs had been
i filled in their absence.
! The proposed bill provides for
llshod and become better citizens.
Thore Is some opposition to the
bill. Can our stale. Oregon, afford
to be the only state to go on record
as refusing this gratuity? .. .
Talk it over among your frleudii
and vote YES on Tuesday, June
seventh. ?' .'
The charter of the Women's Aux
iliary ot the American Legion huh
been received by Adjutant Spencer,
who will Immediately arrange with
the Interested ladies of Ashland for
a meeting at which the organization
will be completed. It . developes
that to be eligible to membership n
the Auxiliary one must have a rela
tive who Is a member in good stand
ing In some post ot the American
Legion or be a relative ot some'
service man. who paid the supreme
The number of survivors of the
Civil War who will participate In
this next Memorial Dny In Ashland
wll consist ot two numbers of vfhicii
the first number will be one. (1).
Last year there were many more
to, than there will be this year.
Joy rides and fishing trips are all
called, off for this Memorial Day
ITvAvvhnflv la viwImI tn attend the
ceremonies ot the .fay with the oil,'" lo ..
nl.l(r the Relief Pnrn. mid the;1"""" "
evidence as a special escort for thi.
Veterans and the Relief Corps and
Auxiliary. Dy our attendance
Francelhope to show (he respect that we, " i roiuto ana onion growers ot ure-
isay we have for the memory of onr,lh'" 8U"imer- , U I"'l0f'1 .,'a,l. Washington, Idaho and Outer
most Honored Dead .merchants will make a record of the , recelltly notified all railroad
,purciiasea maue oy me visitors, urns 8ygtemg thnt they wore fiicing bank-
A private In the service received a"ordi"g d"ttt not only of the num", ruptry because of rates now In ef
(or was supposed to) $.1.1 per month!ber of ,ourlst9 who tlop at AbI'1u'u1 feet.
1 'hot nt n.alf iu no In tliu iltv Tnlin .... ...
: salary
A compulsory allotment to,
mfflA meniher nf liiH fulniiv (if 115
Per month. If ho subscribed for
J Liberty Boids and most of them
month - for each $50 bond bought.
After that came the Insurance. He""" " "
subscribed for $10,000 Insurance.
Vnr thnt there wan deducted 16.70'
month. How much did the
private In the Pulled States Army
; actually get? Doesn't It figure out I
'that he got about 11 cents a day? It
Isn't so? Ask ANY Bl'CIC private:
There were 31,600 men under
arms in the World War who came
from OREGON. Their average ser
vice was 10 months each. If you
The committee now has under
advisement, Mr. McGee said, the
accepting of an offered loan to
the Chamber of Commerce, by a.
local business man, of enough
money to construct an additional
tent or cottage, the leaner to get
six per cent Interest on his invest
ment. The possibilities ot such an
enterprise is almost unlimited Mr.
McGee said. He pointed out the l
fact that the tent city would pay
for- itself with a profit left over
tor tbe maintenance of tbe Cham
ber of Commerce. Also that the
further the program ot building
was carried to equal the demand
for such rental properties tbe more
revenue would be given the Chem-
ber of Commerce,
The committee Is awaiting fig-
ures on the cost ot construction
from architect W. T. S. Hoyt
before making expenditures of the
$1200 laid aside for the purpose.
At least one cottage will be erect
ed, Mr. Gee said In order that the
committee may have a better Idea
of the ultimate program to be fol-
lowed In their construction.
! figure that the Average wage that
they would have received had they
stayed at home was $1000 per monthj
they' would have received $34,600,-!
000.00 in those same 10 months.
But they only received $10,350,000,
so they actually out $34,160,000.
Figure It out yourself.
During the drive for the sale vi
the Second Liberty Loan, the sol
diers at Port Stevens, Oregon, sub
scribed for $151,000 of Second Is
sue of the Liberty Loan. The en
listed me not one coin puny bought
nl$U,000 worth,
The .Memorial Monument has been
, set Into place unci the finishing
touches are being applied. .The
money is not yet raised for it. A
little over $300 Is still needed.
Would the children of Ashland like
to help build this monument by
giving a penny a piece toward Ml
, i.nur. uulu mat u.uko s
au i, a n.caie was given ny eacjof of worlhl(,Ss prol,erty .
person In Ashland, how mauy nlckles. , u..i(,,, h. ,,,, ,hnlll,.
woul.d that make?
very big itself.
A nlckle is not
"Flashes of Action" have proved
to he a very Interesting display of!
war picture, and It is certainly n
opportunity that tho people ot Ash
i i i ,.. ,..
iud ,.,,,.(, im-ii ui.y
Ashland will place an approxi
mate value In dollars and cents on
J the summer tourist trade, accord-
Li........ l..i.nK ,.f'th
vimiiiuci ui
take ac"" to obtttln t,om "president of the California Vegetable
tflia imMili.iDad htf lha tmii'ltitu
m o . n .1 it I a nf ilia ftirv 1111 inipmin! ni
' " wv"
n. ruuer, secreiaiy oi me i iiumuer
0 Commerce will take steps to col -
. .....
I lect ,uca . . .
A report was made by L. F. Fer -
scnueo lor me ouugei iuiiu, a sum
wmcn approximates .zouv or more
at fliA ni'utiatit tlnin
i . . -
Air. Ferguson
read tho names ot subscribers, and
the amount given by each, at the
luncheon. He stated Unit he ex-
peeled a report to be miido by the
committee captains about the mid
dle of the week and that a complete
report of the amount raised would
be made at the next meeting of the
Chamber of Commerce. Mr. Kcr-
kii.ui. v..uu niuimcnco uiai iue
ift.ouv budget would be raised by
tllat ,,me'
Dr. E. A. Bulgln, au evauaellst
u,uum" iepuion, wno is sensu-
dtiled for a series of revival meetings
in tins city,- wag the principal
speaker at the Forum luncheon. He
was Introduced by Rev. Charles F.
Rev. Charles A. Edwards, pastor
nt the Methodist church, announced
that Bishop Homer C. Stunts would!
' ' ' ' pected to start June l. During the past year with the ex
Churcli on May 20 - The fru( grow(,ri f ,,, Pacific CMdl(,ly neaTy r,al, ,wn a pla
A committee of ten men mem- , ji, ih. .i.ih f wMhi ... v. ..... .....
. . . . .
num vi tun VHKIIIUCI ui i.Kiiiuicitn,
(cooked and served the luncheon ng ,h(, fomiK Heason WI have B
served today at the Pioneer " - totu I of 100,000 cars of fruit," de
The opinion was voiced that the coin-. fii Harold poweni rhlllrman
mlttee should have a steady Job. The
force who did "kitchen police" duty
was summoned before the Chamber
of Commerce to receive salutation!
from the members for the work of
the committee. The salutation was
carried out literally.
A diploma from high school, col-.'growers who have a capital Invest
jlege or university will not, in snd ment exceeding $300,000,000 pro
of Itself, carry a young person very. pose to form a central organization
far in life. But the educational
training which the diploma repre
sents, if it be backed by character.
'Competency, courage and consistent I
energy on tbe part ot the graduate,
Is of vast benefit In assisting a young (
'woman to get on in the world. :
I '
When someone heaves a rock ul
yon." said Uncle Eben, "don't w&j'e
time heavln' It back. Keep cllmbln'
van' use It lor a steppln' stone,
'Washington Star..
Fruit and Vegetable Growers
Of Pacific Coast Organize to
Fight for Lower Freight Rates
( Special to Tidings.)
LOS ANGELES. May 17. Simul
taueous uctlon ot all heavy tonnage
producing industries of the Pacific
Coast in a drive- to
obtain lower lutes has been concentrated
in a gi gun tic "Save the West" movo-
mont, officials of these Industries
stated yesterday.
Producers of fresh fruits and vege
tables declare they are fighting to
save the Industries from destruc-
tlon and tho only hope is reduction
of the present rail rate. Amend
ments to the Transportation Act of,
1(20, which caused the last raise of
33 1-3 per cent in freight rates, will
be the first objective.
The assailed act guarantees a net:
annual earning of G per cent upon
the value of combined railroad prop-1
ertles lu the United States.
C. C. Teugue, President of the!
California Fruit Growers Exchange,
said today that by this act the In
terstate Commerce Commission is
I charged with
fixing rates on the,
shippers of the Vnited States which
, , proUuce earnillK ou billions
railroads which,
have never been built, will be keptf
out of the receiver's hands through!
tha ft nnp rent thev ohtiiin nn their
ho,)llngll, At the same time that the1
growers of Cullfonilii organized
wu, ,,, ,. Krowenl
of the northwest including Oregon,
Willn uld ()aho nn(, thB;K011tll wrecking car after the wrecked
I".J...... ., A;.,..,o .....1 T.,v.,.,
were starting similar campaign?.
These actions have led tn a concert-1
led battle for lower rules.
That citrus groves are being torn
i out In Southern California because J
leach crop of fruit shipped to east
ern markets under the present rail
j rates means a dead loss to the grow
lers, is the statement ot officials oi
the California Fruit Growers Ex
change. Thirteen hundred cars ot npplos
are In storage at Yakima, the pro
ducers refusing to ship at a total
loss, according to O. C Soots, secre
tary of the Yakima Commercial
I That the vegetable acreago ot Cal
ifornia will decrease 50 per cent
.... . . n
f ruit and trucK growers lu Texas
wil, ot be M to anp ,nU year.,
;,.on because lrelnht chane- exceed
icron Because irei,nt cnaiges exceea
'the value of the products
Den E. Kelth, of the International
Apple Shippers Association and tbe
Western Fruit Jobbers Association
..Three tn011imn(, Cllrg o( vegetables
hnVe t0 w(Wte , th)J Ro GrK1(lffl
Valley this year because they could
not be shipped at existing rates,"
asserts V. S. I'uwkett of the Illo
,.ran(lfl valley Association.
Senator Frank R. Gooding, of
Ion ho, says In behalf of the peoplb
of his state, "I believe that every
railroad coinp'iny is entitled to a
r(jturn m.e8tmenti but
should not take more. I want to
, ruct ,,at j1t wage
onr f, , , the tlf(M gprt Dllt
I we must wage it! The road Is not
feItltl(d (o nlore than B Jiwt ,.e,urn,
, am conTince(i ,hut no rnllroa.1 has
I been Buffrillg fronl ack of r9.
Cantaloupe growers nf Imperial
Valley claim that their cantaloupe
crop of 1 1.000 curs will he a heavy
loss this year, if lower shipping
rates are not procured Immediately.
Shipments of the melons are ex-
.. - r, -
. . nom.. mill Pi, fnrn i. ,lnp.
nf California
Product Trans
portation Committee, organised at
the Instigation of Governor Wllllnni
D. Stephens, "the largest part of
this produce should be distributed
In the eastern costal sone of the
United States.
"With this tactor in view the
which, acting in close co-operation
with similar organisations a n d;
backed by commercial bodies of all
municipalities, will present a pow-!
erful and united front in the battle, perils the patriotism of the nation
to obtnln lower rates." (should be arrayed nillliantly.
Some of the Influential organita-i
,tions backing; this fight are: The
California Fruit Exchange, the Cal-
Ifornia Fruit Distributors, tbe Cal-f
Ifornia Pear Growers
Spokane Valley Growers, I'nion, Per-
ham Fruit Company, Yakima, Spo -
'kane Fruit Company, Apple Growers
of Hood River, Pacific Fruit aud
Produce Company, Northwest Fruit
Exchange, Oregon Growers Co-operative
Association, Acme Fruit Grow
ers Assoclatiou, Wonutchee Produco
Company, Associated Dairymen of
California, California Peach Grow
ers Association, California Prune, and
Apricot Growers, California ' Bean
Growers Association, Salt River Val
ley Growers of Ariiona, Rio Orande
Valley Growers Association ot Tex
as and many others.
Grants Pass
Man Overturns
In Auto Wreck
E. C. Smith of Grants Puss had hi
arm broken today when the automo
bile which he was driving over-
turned a few miles from here on a
I inouiituiu road. Ho was taken to
Ashland by Chief ot Police Hatcher
for medical attention. Mr. Smith
was accompanied by his three small
sons at the time of the accident. Two
of the boys remained in the car and
-had not heetl taken tn Anhlund at a
late hour today. They were unln-
Injured. Tho other boy accompanied
Mr. Sm, t0 th. city,
The Overland Marcy company
Ashlund Is trying to got its money's
worth ot electric current by keeping
the streamer lights on Main, street
burning at night. For the past two
weeks these Iglhts have been lighted
lights wero dark. Inquiry brought
out the following facts. ,
The city Is paying a minimum elec
tric light bill of $600 a mouth to
the Cnllfornlii-Oregon Power com
pany with the provision that all cur
rent used to exceed that amount will
be paid for at the usual rates. Be
cause ot the unusual heavy rains this
yeur, Mayor Lamkln stales, the
local power plant owned by the city,
given tho Increased power from the
mountain torrents, has been able to
generate more electric current tor
tho city's use than might ordinarily
be expected. Henco the city has
been paying for more current than
It was able to use.
During the past few months ac
cording to figures obtained at the
city recorder's office the actus
amount of current used by the cltv
averages around $300 or $350 :
month. Hut because tbe minimum
of $1100 must be paid to the California-Oregon
Power company the city
will burn the streamer street lights
to effect a closer check of tbe two
Items. Mayor Lsmkin said that It
had been the custom ot the city In
past years to burn the streamer lights
during the summer months although
this year they had been lighted later
than usual.
The ndviaulillity nf the city install
ing a larger power plant, thereby
eliminating the existing condition of
electric light supply was suggested
to Mayor Lsmkin. He stated that
the water power necessary for such
a plant was not reliable enough.
wiium vn ti'ucmrui um mm uiinuri
ordinary seasons the power from that
source would not be sufficient for
the city's use.
Under the present plan the California-Oregon
Power company and
the city electric power plant co
operate in supplying electric current
for the use of the city.
Patriotism should not be put
away in moth-balls, to be Used only
when the country is threatened with
war. There Is need ot patriotic im
pulse and patriotic effort, practic
ally applied. There are enemies ot
the government and Institutions of
the United States; these enemies are
clandestinely working. There Is
menacing propaganda. Against these
The American people and millions
in foreign lands habitually trust to
providence and the American faroier
'to feed them. This trust Is not nils-
placed. Providence
likewise the farmer.
is unfailing.