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About Ashland weekly tidings. (Ashland, Or.) 1919-1924 | View Entire Issue (May 11, 1921)
naammt, Wedwiltiy, May li, 1021. ASHLAND WHEKLY TUHNOa f AOS THREJ ill LOCAL AND PERSONAL JIMMY THK OFFICE BOV, SAYS DEAR READER: The city editor it iurc sore 11 right about my writing to you. He's Jealous, mostly, became people hare kind of kidded him about me. Part ly because of the way he's felt, and partly on account of my working speedy ever since the printers devil took a vacation, t didn't write to you the last couple of days. But I wanted to tell you about the city editor. The office bunch told me so you're getting it third hand like. Well, be walked Into the Beaver Realty company on Main street the other day and while he was there, Mr. Beaver introduced blm to I. M, Moss. Mr. Moss wanted to kuow if the city editor wrote "those Jommy letters." Of course the city editor denied it real Indignant like and put an item In the paper about Mr. Moss going to Medford Just because Mr. Moss said he had always been able to keep his name out of the paper. That wasn't all. The city editor came back to the office when I was out and answered the phone wben a lady called up and wanted to tulk to me. The lady, thinking that she was talking to me, said as how she was going to report me to the city editor and have me fired be' cause I bad been the cause of her boy going to see Mr. D. P. Blue's strawebrry patch at COO Asbland street Instead of going to the groc ery store. Of course it wasn t my 'fault because I only wrote to- you about the patch and It wasn't my af fair anyway, if her boy didn't want to go to the grocery stori. . But the city editor didn't let ou but what I was talking and at the end of the conversation asked her it she would call 39, the Tidings of fice, wben she knew of any person al or local news Items. And the lady said that she would and I'm glad be cause I want to help the city editor to fill this column Just plumb full of news. JIMMY. THURSDAY'S NEWS Gets Name lu Print I. A. Moss of this city, said this morning that he hed been lucky enough to keep his name out of the papers during his residence here. The Tidings staff notes that Mr. Moss and family spent yesterday in Medford, They attended the circus there. Baptists HullgHme Victor The senior Baptist baseball team defeated the Methodist team yester day by a score of 6 to 0 In a game played on the hid- school campus. Chautauqua Postpones Opening Dote . On account of uncertainty as to the weather on-May 11, the grand opening of the Chautauqua Audi torium will be postponed until a ' later date the Symphony Orchestra appearing at the Ylnlng Theatre. Leave for Kansas' Visit Mrs. V. 0. N. Smith, wife of the cashier of the Citizen's Bank, and son, George, left yesterday for To peka, Kansas, where they will visit Mrs. Smith's parents, brother and sister. Mrs. Smith expects "to bs gone about two months. ' Returns from Middle West B. M. Sn Kb of this city has re turned from an extended business trip In the middle western states. Minneapolis Mnn Arrives T. R. Kelley, manager of the Mora Pump company with headquarters here, arrived yesterday with his fam ily rrom Minneapolis. Mr. Keller will make his home here. ' Jnjured by Plow Disc Ed Oowlundof the Bellvlew dis trict was Injured yesterday when he caught his foot between the revolv ing discs of a plow while plowing some soft ground on his ranch. The plow was drawn by a tractor which by reason of its weight sank deep Into (be furrows. To relieve the machine Mr. Qowland stepped off the tractor and in so doing entangled his loot In the disc Baby Born to Aslilnnd Couple ' A baby girl was born to Mr. and Mrs. George Williams on April 25 at Visalta, Calif. Mr. and Mn Williams are former Ashland resi dents and are well known here. Mrs. Williams was formerly Miss Hust of this city. Ten Oaks Ranch Sold ' The Ten Oaks Ranch, known as the Bagley ranch at Rogue River, has been sold by the First National Bank of Ashland to L. Davis and Roy Hugglns of Grants Pass. This is considered one of the finest fruit and alfalfa ranches In Rogue River valley. This sale was made through the E. E. Phlpps Realty agency. ,. Reports Realty Sales E. E. Phlpps reports the following Sec Pf ovost Bf os. Window Display It Will Pay You sales made through his agency the last week C. B. French, has sold his 17 acres on Wlmer Heights Including bis ten acre orchard to L. Davis, late of Kansas City. Amos. Dahutf and wife have sold their residence property on Palm avenue to Mr. Davis also, taking In exchange a residence In Grants Pass, William A. Crandell and Dr. Alfred Little child have sold the 2 acre bungalow property on Indiana street and ttit. It-acre orchard adjoining on the south to C. Guy Crosby, late of Ne braska, and William A. Crandell and wife have purchased from Mr. Crosby his residence at 112 Gar field street. :. Return to Ashland D. M. Lbwe, who has been visit ing out ot town for some time, has returned, lie was noted by friends on the street this morning. Visits Son In Ashland The mother ot J. R. Lilly has been visiting at his home on Union street. Realty Bales Reported Floyd T. Putnam,- a carpenter who has moved here recently from Brownsville, has purchased the cottage at 341 Beech street from H. E. Bonham. The deal was made by the Beaver Realty company" ' SATURDAY'S NEWS At Work on Ranch ' Jay Arant has L. P. Brown's sheep shearing machine and Is. at work on his sheep ranch. Returns From Albany J. E. Barrett ot this city returued yesterday from a months visit vlth Ms ion, Edmond Barrett of Albany, Oregon. Local Woman Marrle Mrs. Myrtle Sayle, dauglUer of Mr. and Mrs. Square Parker of this city, was united in marriage to Dana 8. Campbell, state mechanic, yester day evening at 8 o'clock by Justice of the peace W. H. Gowdy, at the Parker home. They left this morn ing on the 9 o'clock train for Salem where the couple will make their nome. Returns to Arizona L. P. Brown has returned to Asl land from Arltona. Drive from Dunsmuli Geo. Hoak drove lu from Dun- mntr in i hnnr. with hi. Tdilrlc fii yesterday. Mrs. Hoak, who has been ill Is Improving. Called to Gold Hill W. T. York has been called to work in the rock crusher at Gold Hill. Rosebure; Visitor G. H. Dyer of Iloseburg Is Visit tng at the home of Dr. I). M. Brow er of this city. Mr. Dyer is using the Asbland Mineral waters for bis health' WBDNEHDAY'H NEWS State Veterinarian to be Here The state veterinarian will be In Ashland at Smith's livery stable May ( for the purpose of giving at tention to cows afflicted with tuber culosis according to a statement made yesterday by J. R. McCrack- en who Is In charge of the county farm bureau. Cows will be tested for tuberculosis without charge. Parties owning one, or two cows are urged to" bring them for testing ou that date. Returns from Ban Frandwo Mrs. A. Bherard and daughter, and Mrs. L. O. Slaik have returned from a two weeks visit to San Frn Cisco and other bay cities In Callfoi nla. Baby Welfare Meeting .The. monthly .Baby Welfare' meeting will be held at the Public Health center in tbe basement of the library building, May 14, It has been, announced by .Miss Marie Fall- dine, count ynurse. Miss Falldine will be assisted by Miss Florence Pool. Miss Falldine states that Ash land has the best . equipped Public Health Center in the county. A baby clinic . of specialists is planned for next month Miss Falldine states. Ashland Wins Volley Bull Game In a series ot three games played by the business men's Y. M. C. A. classes of Medford and Ashland at the high school gymnasium last night, the locals won two games out ot the series. The Asbland team was composed of J. W. McCoy, V. 0N. Smith, Erlck Weren, and F. S. En gle. " those playing on the Medford team were E. H. Jannle, P. M. Jan nie, A. a Boggs, and Dr. B. R. Elliot. . Kansas Visitor W. P. Johnson of Kansas City, Mo., arrived yestorday for a visit at the home of his parents. Rev. and Mrs. William Johnson, 347 Almond street, and his sister, Mrs. J. R ' Robertson. City Reservoir Cleaned The work of cleaning the city res jervoir at the citypower plant has been completed. Registration Books Clone .May 7 The County Clerk states that the registration books must close thirty days prior to tbe Special State Elec tion June 7, 1(11. This means -that ill parties who have changed their 'residence since November, 1920, elec- tion and are now living in another! precinct, should cancel the bid regis- tration and re-rerister before May 7th. Trip to Hornbrook Emit Pell and salesman for the International Harvester company have returned recently from a busi ness trip to Hornbrook and the surrounding country In the Inter- lasts of the Implement business. Near East Relief Gets S130 The proceeds of the Oregon Pro ducts given recently amount to $160 and will be given to the Near East Relief fund according to John H. Fuller, secretary of the Chamber of Comerce. Pleads Not Guilty W. J. Boyd, held here on a charge of forgery,- pleaded not guilty In a preliminary bearing given before Judge Gowdy yesterday. Boyd - Is charged with forging a cashier's check drawn on the United States National. Bunk of Portland. Railroad Official Visits - Mr. and Mrs. Tyler arrived In the city yesterday In their private car. Mr. Tyler, who Is vice president of the Northern Pacific railway com pany, is an Invalid and has been touring southern California for the past several weeks. They stopped at Ashland for the . purpose of seeing the Rogue River valley. Tbey left this morning at 6:20 o'clock. Ten Pound Baby Boy A ten pound baby son was born to Mr. and Mrs. V. P. Phillips of Ash land on April 29. The child was named 'George Glover Phillips, Marries at Vancouver- News was received today of the marriage of Miss Mary Sargent, for mer well known Ashland girl, to Buster Swigart, nt Vancouver, Wash They will make their home in Seat tle. Mrs. Swigart Is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. P. D. Sargent, for mer Asbland people. Return From Corvullls Mesdames C. W. Wiuule and G II. Hedbeog returned Monday from Corvallis where they bad been vis iting (belr sons who are attending 0 .A. C. Realty Sales Made- Mrs. . 8usie Allen, local real estate dealer, reports the sale ot the W. H. Tate residence, la tieimcn sireoi ' tn Mrs. Belle-Carliu. Mr. Tate will move tn Duusmulr. Calif., for his health. She also reports the sale of the F. C. Russell home on the cor ner of Helman and Mechanic streets . E p. Moore. Both deals were made through Mrs. Allen. - Miss Palmer III ; Miss Palmer is quite .. ill at hor home on the Chamberlain - Palmer ranch. On Saturday Miss Palmer fell down a flight of steps and sus tained severe bruises and a nervous shock. Visitors From Eugene Mr. and Mrs. D. B. Proctor of Eu gene were visitors last week at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. N. Dennis, 477 Allison street. Mr. and Mrs. Proctor are completing a six months. motoring trip which extended to the southcrmost point In Callfor- la . i FRIDAY'S NEWS t Nine Pound Buby Girl A bine pound baby girl was born! Monday to Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Har ris. The baby was named Marjory Grace. j Druggist Return - W. H. McNalr, a local druggist, returned this ' morning from Sa.1 l-'ranclsco, where he has been at tending the Rexall drug store con vention for the past several days. Baptists Will Meet ' The Rogue River Valley Baptist association will celebrate their 44th anniversary at tbo First linptist church of Medford, May 7 nnd $. Local Girl Ul Miss Winnie Hoak. bus been 111 the past few days at the home ot her mother on Fourth street. " Arrival From Euipne -Mrs. Mary Evans, from Eugene, Ih a guest at the Bell rooming house on Fourth street. . , Returns From California B. C. Hubbard, who left Ashland In November ot last year tor Cali fornia, arrived yesterday mornlntr, from Igo, Calif. From Canyonville Mr. and Mrs. D. Le Blanc have re cently moved to this city from Can yonville, Douglas county, and have taken possession of a home i 983 Oak street. Recovers From Illness . C. C. Darling, a local photog rapher, returned to work this morn ing after an illness of severs! days during which time hs was con fined to his home. 264 North Main street. , 4 Rabr Boy Arrives An eight end a half po-nd babyj" He--hn was bora vesterdar to Mr. and today. Ha v Mrs. W. G. Nord-ot Roseknrg at tbe home of Mrs. Hattle Lynch. Mrs. Nord was formerly Miss Keaton of this city. Card Club Meets The Cinderella 600 Club met Mon- day evening at the Parrish bouse. Mrs. C. A. Shutte Qearheart were and - Mrs. . Roy hostesses. ... Mrs. Jacoby made the high, score.. ..At the. usyal hour delicious . rajresD ments were served. . , Returns From Calif, School- Mrs. 3. E. Barrett, who has been teaching at Happy Camp, Call,, during the past school ye-, has re turned to Ashland Mrs. C. M. Scot, and, daughter. MlUlied, Vjo ba'c been Visiting at the borne ot Mrs. Bar rat t the past month, left yes terday for their home In Iowa. Medford Pastor Visits A di land- Rev. Lawrence, the new pastor ot the Medford Presbyterian church, and Wife, accompanied Rev. and Mrs. Rice to Ashland this morning to drive about the park and city be fore Mr. and Mrs. Rice take the train for Klamath Falls, where Mr. . . 1 1 .- j t t .. ... . 1 nice win .uwu hg famMjr were ,ourUtli But pastor of the church. i after a brief stay In this citv thev ': w w Attend itieaiora iw-rmu .uvnuig Mr. and Mrs. Plummer, Mr. and Mrs. Rots and Rev. and Mrs. Koeb ler attended the llulgln revive meetllng last evening in Medford. Tonight Is Presbyterian night and a number ot the Ashland members plan to go. MONDAY'S NEWS Paint Homes ' D. H. Barneburg on North Main street and C. H. Chamberlln, (30 Boulevard, are having their homes repainted by Dlckerson and Son, local painters. The O. E. S. embroidery clubs will meet tomorrow (Tuesday) aft ernoon -In Masonic ball. Hostesses Mrs. Anna McCarthy and Mrs. Wll shire. All O. E. S. members and visiting members urged to b pres ent, Improvement for Crater Lake Tbe Medford members of the state committee now in charge ot Crater Lake and Its tourist possibilities de velopment met with a number ut business men' ot Medford late Fri day" afternoon in the city council chamber there for a conference on the raising of Mcdford's share of the fund for Improvements at tbe lake this season. From Han Diego, Calif. Crlt Toleman. a former well known Ashland resident arrived Saturduy form San Diego, Calif. 925 Fine for Duke Haxel Dale (Duke) Haxel was fined $26 and costs in Justice Taylor's court Saturday afternoon-at Medford, forjnlng today for subscriptions to th,!Uv-tr rj6pt ) being intoxicated rrinay nignt. ienuclKCt. rive inonsana miliars wan was arrested about 9 p. m. by Chief j the amount decided on as necessary of Police Timothy, wno saw mm stag - gering along the street. Later that night the police located' his wrecked car on North Central avenue, which; he had wrecked by colliding with 'phone pole some time before his, arrest. Front Door Midi Delivery Letter carriers are not required to deliver mail at the rear door or side door of residences, according to! j regulations Just Issued by tbe post- office department, and received by Postmaster Jones of Portland. Jones has had considerable trouble with persons wanting the postman to go to the back door. Such service ma- terially Increases the time necessary, for the carrier to deliver the mail. Crater Lake Hotel In Open Seely Hall, of Medford. who will have charge of tne t rater i.ane transportation facilities this year,;tuere are at ,Mit seventeen new ,ndVdual members of the com will go to Portland, probably the, mercnanU wh0 have located In Ash-; ,,.,, note for lIt hulldrf(1 latter part of this week accom- am, accordlnB to Mr. Ferguson. dollttrg to equlD a club room, ,,, panled by Carl Tenewald, the man-jThere were 125 ,ubier,b9rl lo last ,he orKanItalon hM almost paid off agar of the Crater Lake hotel, ta- bdwt Ml, perguson stated. , ote b K,vlne entertainments, bring down the Crater Lake stages: j w McCoy, cashier of the First ietc and other cars, to get them in readl-, Ni,t,onll, Bnnk ltnlpd that' the banks' Enunment: Quartermaster nron- ness for the opening of the season July 1st. Theso nutos are In stor- age In Portland. j Motor From Weed 1 Mr. and Mrs. Ceno Homes of I Weed, Calif., motored to Ashland yesterday to visit friends here. They returned In the evening accompanied by Mrs. Nora Wulrud, mother of Mrs. Homes. Water Appropriation Made The appropriation of 60 second feet wter from Sucker and Cave creeks to be used in the development of power for mining purposes, Is sought by the Norden-Fritx syndlc- cate ot Holland, Josephine county, Oregon, in an application tiled with the stste engineer's office at Salem last week. Development work In connection with the proposed project Is estimated to cost approximately $14,000. ' Game Comntiwion Meets Bert Anderson leaves today for Portland to attend the monthly meet- In a of tbe game commission. Action will ba taken on the Ament dam and, scrlbers will bo added: work will, no doubt, ba started at j L. F. Ferguson, chairman; A. O. once on the fish ladder Medford ; Brlggs, W. H. McXair, H. H. El Sun. - jbart, V. O. N. Smith, Fred Engle. . 10. F. Carson, C. H. Pierce. C. B. Rdwin Markham Arrives jtsmkln, Louis Dodge. J. W. Mc- Edwln Markham. Oregon writer Coy. E. T. Staples, J. H. Mcfiee. and poet and author of the "Manj arrived In Ashland ;Nlnlger. Tom Simpson. Ill lecture at tbe1 Rose. Methodist church tonight. Return From California Bert Freeman returned yesterday j The Trinity Guild nas announces from Banta Cms where he has bean a dance to be given at the Armory the last fonr montha learning thejhall Friday evening, May 6th, with chlck.n s-ame as It is nlaved hr theiLoveland's seven place orchestra. eueceastur ones la California. He isThie is their first venture of the I loaded for bear having mothered , kind for some time, and they are ex more than a thousand little chirks pecting a large attendance. There this spring. Ha will likely remain j will be refreshments for everyone, here and go into the chicken ranch' The patron and patronesses are, business. He says he likes It better, than postofficlng. When W. D. Jackson, from Whit tier, Calif., stopped at the. Ashland Free Auto Camp two weeks ago, he : decided to locate in th Rntua Rlvnr valley and by Saturday of last week j nau purcnasea an eleven acre tract In the Bellvlew district from Hoy C.I TOURIST LOCATES HI AFTER A BRIEF VII Walker and Airs. Ethel . Alvord of and Josephine D. Crocker. Alter this city. The deal was made through I nates. Jessica C. Porter. Alvin Moss line ueaver ueaity company ou MaMAnna l, q. Myers, Anna Moss and treat. Mr. Jackson stated that he had .1 received literature regarding the ad-1 vautages offered by Ahsluud and the' Rogue River valley from friends in! this city. Mr. Jackson spoke veryj highly of the camping facilities of tbe local camp ground. According to local bankers Mr. Jackson Is not the first to come to Ashland as a summer tourist and re main as a resident. New arrivals at the camp grounds are . Increasing dally. 10 E C. OF. C. The committee for the raising nf a (9,000 Chamber ot Commerce budget for this year was appointed at a special luncheon meeting of the Chamber of Commerce at Pioneer Hall at noon today. The comini'. tee is composed of seventeen mem bers of the Chamber of Commerce. j They will canvass the business firms and individuals ot Ashland begin j ror tne expenses ot tne current year j by the budget committee nt a meet-, lug held last '.week. The amount! raised last year was $4200. At the a! time of the issuance of the last bank statement. John If. Fuller said at today's meeting, tne tnamnei oi, j Commerce naa siaatt or tins amount left. The amount to be rtiiesd will not be used for salnrics or office erf - penses. It was stated at the luncheon.. The meeting was presided over by L. T. Ferguson, ex-president of thi - Chamber of Commerce. Mr. Fer guson stated that a great amount of last year's subscription had not been paid, some of the subscription had not been paid, some of the subscrlb- ers having fallen down In their pay ments through Inability to meet them. The fund however was made up by the payments of memberships by ew member,( HE MB 5,000 Since Inst year's budget was raised.. k. n,.u r tM nrmnisstlnn. of Ashland will subscribe an nddl - tlonal ten per cent of the amount raised for the budget. . At the meeting of the budget com-1 mlttee last week a tentative program of expenses was mapped out. mount foatures of that program rjexceIient m0rale, and the evident de the amounts allowed for the summer;lr9 o( Mcb memher to make this school, $1000, tent city on the Chan tattnua grounds. $1200, and a Fourth of July celebration to cost $1,500. The members of the committer raising the budget fund will report the amount subscribed up to and In clusive of tomorrow noon at a lunch eon of the Chamber of Commerce to be given at the Hotel Austin. P. Oldfield, president of the Montnni State Chamber of Commerce,' will be present at the luncheon, Edwin Mark ham Is expected to be a gue-t although definite arrangements have not been made. j The following constitute . t h e1 committee which will solicit tho I budget for the coming year. All those who subscribed to the bud- ret Isst year will be expected to sub- 'scribe again this year and many new J. C Koegl. Homer Billings, A C. Charles TRINITY GOLD TO GIVE DAXCK AT ARMORY HALL Rev. and Mrs. K. P. Hammond. Mr. and Mrs. T, H. Simpson, Mr. and Mrs. R T. Elmore, Mr. and Mrs. E. V. Carter, Fred Wagner, Mr. and Mrs. H. S. Sanford, Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Paroht. WOODCRAFT NEIGHBORS OF SOUTHERN OREGON WILL CONVENE HERE The dictrist convention of the Neighbors of Woodcraft, compris ing all Southern Oregon, will con vene In Asblaud early In June. An ticipating this convention Acorn Circle No. 54 has been working hard since November 1st and has suc ceeded lu almost doubling the local membership. The members are now making ar rangements for the entertainment of the delegates at the last meet Ins elected the following delegates: aufe Dyrud. Vellu H. Baugham, Mabel A. Roberts, Edyth L. Phlppa 'CalHe n s&elton. LOCAL COMPANY . O. X. G. COMMENDED The annual armory inspection ot the first company coast artillery corps, Oregon National Guard, of Ashland was held here on March 14 of this year by Lieutenant-Colonel W. O. Mapes ot the Uuited States In fantry, and a communication for warded to the Adjutant General at Salem making several commenda tlons of the local company. The re port which also includes several recommendations of actlou for the Ashland company, has been received by Captain William M. Brlggs ot the local company. The report highly rocommended the company. That part of the report Is as follows: The following records are in "ex cellent' condition: Enlistment paper (Form 22-V A. O. 0.) Report of physical examination, (Form 136-1 A. G. O.) Service record (Form 29 A. fl. 0.) Identification record card (Form 210 A. G. 0.) Record of monthly aUendnnce at armory drills (Form 100 M. B.) Uocord of attendance at enc.imp tnenls, maneuvers, or other exer cises Including outdoor target prac tlce. Pay rolls (Form 307 and 367i Requisition for j 25fl p nml g clothing (Form Individual clothing slips (Form 165 Q. M. C.) Correspondence boor, I Document file. Property loan record (Form 2H P. and S.) shipping tickets (Form 280 P. and i ucc(,ving reports in(j s j (Form i7 P tn(T(iUBi equipment record lv.m SS7 o O O ) j , Armory. This Is the best armory In the state. Coast artillery equipment In ex cellent condition. Morale: Is high, although there la but a mft percentage f ex-service men. ,Morale Ig kept np cnefiy by keeping th9 organEatton busy toward tbe at- ' talnlng of some goal. As evidence of jerty excellent. " i S'gnn pr0perty: excellent. Medical property, excellent. Engineer property: excellent, The strongest features ot this Para-jCompay a its splendid discipline, Its organization the best In the state. (Signed) L. S. CHAPPEI.EAR. Assistant Adjutant, For the Corps Area Commander. WILL IMPROVE PARK GROl'ND FOR TEXTS Arrangements have been made by the Chamber of Commerce for the use ot a city team for the purpose of grading and terracing vacant ground directly south of the Chau tauqua building where either tents or small bouses will be erected to house summer ' tourists. The re quest of the Chamber of Commerce for the use of a city team was grant ed at the meeting of the city coun cil last night with the understand Ing that the Chamber ot Commerce pay the expenses of labor. John H. Fuller, secretary of the Chamber of Commerce, announced this morning that Mr. Rathburn bad been given charge of the ground sod that he would plan the arrange ment of the tents or houses. At a meeting ot tha housing com mittee from the Chamber of Com merce tomorrow a decision will be made tents or houses will be erect ed, deciding also the nnmber to he nsad. Mr. Fuller states It Is expedleot that the city have soma place to house summer tourists. At present the hotels end apartments bonset are crowded. Interesting Life Start Disclosed By Bob Warner Robert E. Warner, mall clerk running; between here and Gerber, made a shining start in life by polishing, stoves at three dollars a week, according to a statement, not fur publication, made Friday morulug ot lost week. The sidelight information on the past life of Mr. Wniiier was given by himself as he watched Will Dodge polish a store in front of the Dodge furniture store. Mr. Warner stated that he hud to pay for board mid room on his three dollar a week sulnry. Where and when he obtained his start he failed to mention. Notwithstanding his experience at stove polUliing it was stated that Mr. Warner did not offer as slstnnre to Mr. Dodge. Mr. Bodge could not be interviewed at a lute, hour today before going to press. SURPRISE BIRTHDAY PARTY GIVEN MRS. O. WINTER .Mrs. O. Winter was the honor guest at a surprise birthday party given yesterday afternoon by the girls Presbyterian Sunday school class of which Mrs. Winter is teach er. Mr. Winter persuaded Mrs. Win ter to go on a fishing trip early In the day which enabled the class to prepare dinner. Three birthday cakes were made. The cakes were recorated with caudles by Mrs. Rus sel, the mother of Mrs. Winter. After the birthday dinner Mr, Winter tinned hostess to her class and entertained them by telling fortunes. A program of music and games followed. Here is what Dan Abbott, of the Outlook thinks a country vdlor should do. This has heeu the pol icy ot Tho Tidings for the past ton years and the constant development Lot our subscription list indicates What it is not without Its mitrit: I think tho first duty of a coun try editor is tit give his readerB the local news nf interestind value. Hv this I do not mean high-brow news and I certainly do not mean scandal. A death, a marriage, an accident to a neighbor, or the visit of a neigh bor to some other community Is of real and vital interest to his local-' "I am not one of those who poke fun nt the country weekly for say ing 'Deacou Smith has Just painted his fence.' It may bo that Deacon jSmith's action will lead to a long and important train Of events in the gen eral Improvement of the village. It in ay even he that It will so encourage the Deacon, if he is a hard fis'ed kind nf customer, that he will do some other things in the way ot cleaning up his place, f should say that in the back of the country edi tor's mind there should always be the desire tn see his community pro- gres and improve materially, physic ally, Intellectually and morally. This, however, should be the spirit that animates him. He must not be too didactic.'' NEW GARDEN TOOLS. New Spray Pumps. New Spray Hose. New Uarden Hose. Used Hewing Machines. New Iron Age Hand Cultivators.' New Sewtng Machines. Sold or rented by tbe month. All Kinds of Fence Posts mid Fr iidim PEIL'S CORNER BY THE PAHK Real Estate Howes and acreage. Farms and Stock Ranches. All Kinds nf Good Insurance Ashlaid Agents of Abstract Co. Billings Agency Tha Citizens Batik ot Ashland is a firm be liever I" a progressive policy,, and is ever ready to extend the most helpful kind ot ser vice to its patrons. A Checking Account with us is a live busi aass asset. ntj SAVINGS' ovir)Posir.i ! )CITIZENS y BANK J F ASH LAN Ly I PROGRENMIYE I , POLICY I .V ilL2iz?Hs:'-3