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About Ashland weekly tidings. (Ashland, Or.) 1919-1924 | View Entire Issue (May 11, 1921)
ASHLAND 'WEEKLY TIDINGS OL. XLIV 'ASHLAND, OREGON, WEDNESDAY, MAY 11, 1921 NO. 37 PACIFIC HIGHWAY IS IN IMPROVED CONDITION, CAllF. ' ROUTE IN GOOD SHAPE IL'-U. 1 l.lX- The Pacific highway through pre-istructlon crews have begun work gon, from Portland to the Callfor- The Oregon line ends pavement hla line, la now In as good con dl- for many, many miles. It Is approX' Ashland Post, Ho. 1 4 ASHLAND, OREGON , Glenn B. 8 Un poors, Poet Commander. H. G. Wolcott, Vlce-Gmurunder. . ' . Ralph HadfiekL Historian. Wm. Holme, Treasurer. Donald Spencer, Adjutant and Legion Editor. BUDGET EXPENDITURES PROGRAM tlon as It Is likely to be nt.any time Imately 230 miles from there throughfto be our guest as speaker of the ibis year. Better, In fuct. than will "be the case later, for presently con struction work on the new highway grading and paving will start In various sectors. Tlwse will, cause tfetours and rough roads " i At present there is no place on the Pacific highway where even the inexperienced motorist should have trouble. Even the dirt portions of northern California to R)wl Bluff. Except through the towns en route " MoiuorU.1 Day. rJust like the days gone by, when muu of the Memorial .Monument Ashlund Post No. 14 has received 'they were started out for a long lcommittee. He savs we need a letter from Colonel John L. May.Lihlke toward the front: "We don't money for that yet- Rev W I know where we are going but wejjjvaus who was Chaplain in the ro uu ur Army, and V. V. Mills who IPhnu uniliil Mnt ..m i I. ..' ..... iuuj vuuiu m, nu me juH caueci upon for 'NonBH.!e.M We'll CONSIDERED AI NOON LUNCHEON OF CHAMBER OF COMMERCE of Portland accepting our Invitation Several business firms of the city : National Bank and chairman of tho are attempting to eut the current! committee, reported on the cost or year's subscription to the Chamber, the summer normal school to be of Commerce- budget below the; maintained In Ashland for a six amount given last year according to week. mru thi. u,m .t,.ii . atatcment made this noon at outlay of approximately $1500 al- muuled everything that they couUjjadmlt that V. V. ! good at that but1 commerce luncheon .though Mr. McCoy stated that tho there is no pavement over any of Jjorganlztlong interested decided that feel and we'll say that they haven't line absolutely ruined his reputation' Auism t.oiei oy u r. amount in fees and other Incidentals that distance, nor has any been con-ithey wanted an Ex-Service man. who pforgotten (hat Ihey CAN maul. Thenf0r nonseiice, by his spontaneous 6VJ Fcr'tu,,on' chairman of the budget i,0 .be received during the course of (jim spencer anu mason ooran, noin iploslon of as sound common enl ' ' y-.. - instruction win ormg tnii actual ex- day for Memorial Day. The various Memorial Day Committees from all but of different companies. tracted for to date, save about 25 'had had considerable actual expuri miles north from Red Bluff to Re1-'nce In the World War for this oc ding. Northern California Is fari'caslon and we feel highly elated in behind Orpgon In paving operations, the fact that Colonel May has sol.tempted to settle an argument ns1 moons. Rough Xear Mount SliHfrtn. kindly and willingly accepted our(tp who belonged to the beat com-(i V. V. ,pany or tne nest regiment ot ex-! (ex-members of the S18th uglneers'flud as Inter-Mil.., ,. .ii.,....- .... i....l,en,,M .0l 11,8 rm year. Mr. penses to the Chamber of Commerce t--been our pleasure to hear in mnnrl " . ' oetinue oown to 11000. Mr. McCoy read a "i""1 Ul ",B "UK--" " '- commi'.--report on the summer normal school must be more careful of "his I . " , ,., ra.K..iVrom G. A. Briscoe, superintendent the; reputation for nonsense. Invitation, Colonel May Is not onl; '.an ex-service mau of the World Was 'but also of the Spanish-American War and is very well known by bis Spanish War For tho most part, however, the the road, which were muddy and j dirt and gravel roads of northern . badly cut up a month ago and hard .California are In excellent condl 'and rutty later, with dry weather I tlon from the Oregon line via Horn- ave now been dragged anJ ore all brook to Yreka, but south of Yrekn Old comrades of the most like boulevards. ! there are several rough places and rh Ilv here, Smith HHI Not Bad Now. a long grade up to Blsson and Duns- Smith hill, north of Grants Pass, mulr, nine miles, the going quite where the state highway depart-jrough and rutty, though not dlfft iment maintained teams until very cult. Plans are progressing very favoi ably toward a more unified celebra tion of this day than has ever been 'the experienco' in Ashland, The slo- 'recently to tow cars upgrcde on the At Dunsmuir begins the Dunsmulr- Ban seems to be 'Lets everybody south slope of the hill, Is now noth-' Redding section through the Sacra-f"1" P": very appropriate slogan Ihg worse than a stiff climb. The grade -to somewhat rutted, to be sure, mento river canyon. This used to; we fep "ure- be the most dreaded stretch of the It is steep and abounds In sharp entire Pacific highway, hut now it Jcurves, but there Is not a tract of . Is virtually all new highway. The MM presents no mud now and the real difficulties. Siskiyou Grade Mostly Paved, From Gold Hill there la pavement I road whisks through the canyon. sometimes 400 or BOO feet above the Sacramento, with a sheer drop down !to It and no guard rails along the to Medford and Ashland, and rxrept j sides. for a gnp a few miles long south of Between Redding and Red Bluff 'Ashland and soon to be bridged new construction work Is In pro with hard surface, pavement up and; gress and tho going is rough and over the SiBklvous and down to the! unpleasant, but fr.u.i Red Bluff California line on their south slope. I south there Is pavement all the way just gathered about like we used to There still are short gaps, aggre-fto Oakland and on to southern Cal- do In the squad 'teniB Just chatting gating about two miles, not paved Ifornla, with only occasional detours I'of old times past, and a few little Tlmt "Get-Together.'' Did we promise that there wis SOME! blow-out coming! It CAME, land we'll say that It was all that we predicted und THEN SOME. It etarted with a bang, und nobody had time to think until It was all over. Not a wall-flower in the whole bunclh. Everybody up and ut It Tight from the start. Until the en tertainment part actually started w In the Slsklyous, but already con-there and there. MB DEFEAT OF IN I ili II ELECTION wia lr A.hallava irnmpa lllra tho Innn. thnt usol tn he hh.vp.1 when ' ROME, May 10. With the new parliamentary elections'on May 13 ods of administration; legal reji- forms, including not only a greater there is every Indication that, Italy 'extentlon of public cducaliou, but will enter on a new era, wnere ireea me cnanging oi present prescrioeui from the menace of radicalism and courses to meet the needs of modern voluntarily giving up her past pol-Jllfa; agricultural reforms .Includ lcy of territorial expansion, she willjing the solving of the problem of th" devote her best energies to Internal big landed estates, ,which are not yet reconstruction, both materally and j under cultivation, and, finally, labor socially. legislation, tbat will permit of the This Is the electroal program out- fullest productivity between labor the C. O. was too busy to know what was doing. Rut when It conies down to showing up candidates for Cham pionship Illlltnrdlsts, we take our bats off to Doc Bardic, who w- seeri to actually make a run of two without missing.' He was tied for the honors of the evening, however, kment that Don Dicker.i by Commander Simpson, later in the evening. The game will be scheduled between these two at some future date. i But that "cane intent ' sure was an aVful scrap. There were eight blindfolded one-armed boxers in l Ibest division of the best corp of the This was the first attempt of the best army of tho best nation of the j entertainment committee of AO.. aicsi people iii iiu miuu. vionu. incyjand PohI tn li.pln.l. ..II ......,.uio went at it like they really thought It'peraons lu the community but there! " " 01 100 Br"""' 80"cl,i" could be settled too, and would havo;t, mo,.0 corn,1K we don't need to ''"118 ,0 re,'0lt "' tho chamber "r been going yet hud not Don l)lcker-itei the,,, feI)owa ,0 comB , rjCoinmcrce tomorrow morning at ! ;the budget fund. The committees 0f the city schools, outlining tho moil sounded mess call, aud that would settle pretty nearly anything as far as ex-service men are con cerned. That dining room at the armory was crowded almost to ca pacity with hungry men and heaps iof eats. Sandwiches, and speaches, und cake and speaches ar.d Ice cream jand speaches and coffee and speaches, and it just cinuluueu like llthat until every belt ' in the house was loosened up a notch. "Ium when all were too crowded to even think about eating any more It was dis covered that there were still thretf whole cakes yet un-cut. Nothing iilke having any cake'leit over ever happened In the army that we be longed to. These cakns were raf fled off and Chet Smith won Wm first one. We think Hhmv was something crooked about the win ning of the second by Don Spencer. He bought a chance nn then drew the winning number from the box ,-whlch proved to bo his own number. The accusion was made that it was the usual "Officer's Luck." V!c Mills bid In the last one, hut he wa so slow to make his ehanKe for pay- jfiled cake oft a Becond time while. Vic championship hwas hunting for the cake he Ifbught. Via learned his lesson. The speechlflers "of the evening we are to Judtse from tho expres sions of enjoyment heard on the btreet by all who were there. Don Dlckerson, Henry Pace and V. V. Mills are entitled lot of credit for their complete success of the occa- Islou. were appointed at a speclul noonprogram to be followed and the pos mectlng of tho Chamber of Com-:slhle appointment of teachers. jmerce. Mr. Fergusou asked tbe a. C. Nininirer. chalrnmn nf tho committee In charge of the Fourth of July celebration, spoke on the advisability of having it celebration and urged the canvassing ot oplnlnn on the subpect. Discussion ot the matter was In order for u short tlmo and although the matter was tabled for lack of time the Impression was 'OC10CK to ascertlllll lip nmn.tnt raised and plan tho action to be taken for the subscription of the re mainder. John II. Fuller, secretary of the The campalgu has started for the the State Aid bill which is to be voted upon next June seventh. The ,Pacitlc Legion, our Oregon State (magazine for service men, will be (out May loth with a full descrip tion of the bill and arguments In its 'favor which we hope to liberally dis tribute among our members and Jfriends so that they may curry their Information to the voters who will have the final say. Michigan Stute has just completed their election and the State Aid bill, very similar to the Oregon bill was (passed by a six to ono majority. We pre pleased to announce that Com rade II. M. Heath lies returned from Chicago aud will write for lis on the bill for next week. Ashland Post Is very well pleased Pwith the stand taken l.y I'ortlnn l Post In the J. Henry Albers case. We hack them up to die limit and will Hake up the discussion of t- case were Commander Simmion, Adjutant ,at our rogulnr meeting next T'.esi Chamber of Commerce, presided alithut the city was to have a Fourth the noon luncheon and introduced of July celebration. Edward T. as a guest of the Chamber, P. Old-! staples stated that the matter had flejd, president of the: State jalroady been voted upon by the Chamber of Commerce. Mr. Old-1 Chamber of Commerce and that need ' field spoke briefly on the merits of 'for further djscussion was unnefes a Chamber ot Commerce in any city,' sary. dwelling upon their activity during! Edwin Murkliam, Oregon poet, the war time aud the good such or-j who spoke bore, yesterday evening at Rantzation are doing during peace; the Methodist church under the ami times for the commercial advance-1 pices of the ('hiiiuher of Commerce, ment of cities and towns. leave several readings at the conclu- J. W. McCoy, cashier of the First'llon of the luncheon. Edwin Markham Favors Ashland Scenic Grandeur Praises Rogue River faZey and Siskiyou Mts. Edwin .Markham, lecturer, writer niagnatism cmaimtes from the Ore- and poet, author of "The Muu with the Hoe," spoke yesterday evening at the Methodist church uuder the aiispieoe of tho Chanibr-of Coin- iron spencer, mij vvoicou au v, ;xiay uigni. ws vriii io Know wpy mP.rce to nn ulldience of .about 500 tell the world. Captain Briggs who such a person as he In ullowed iieonlt To Ashland la " irlven n. privilege of being the first city 'in at one time. Somebody said "Letsj.DOES tell tho world, Ralph Had-; get out merely upon i. slight tech- Go,'; and they Instinctively remem- field who mafces History, 1'. O. t'ole-jnlcality while the real offense mill bered their service days, and "went."! man who make cigars, und is Chair-, exists and goes unpaid. man moat In view as his successor. lined by Premier Glolitti at the mo ment be dissolved the last chamber and there Is every , indication that the country responding again to bis statesmanship will return a chamber wherein there will be a big work able majority for carrying out the internal reforms which now consti tute Italy's crying need. ' The convening of this new cham ber on June 11 will mark an epoch In Italy's history from several points of view. First of all, the number of deputies increased to 535 by rea son of the newly acquired provinces, will give Italy Its first chamber rep resenting Italy as a unified whole. These 635 deputies will come from '40 different electoral districts where of half a dozen were created out of newly added provinces Including 7ara, Parenzo, Corizin, Trieste, Bolzano and Trent. In the' second place, the new cnamner win mam tnat nonnn.: ln m.oh n,n t, i,,. r(W.o,,tiir otnrt. epoch which has already been passed jed gerie of poem, g10Wg COn hy all of the other allied countries, giierable human insight and under- iwnerein naiy can ne 8am to taite up;B.ttndne. The fonDWille is taken from the Portland Telegram. and capital. This latter includcr Ciolittl's famous project for the granting of workmen to the right ot control orauditing ot all the lead ing Industries. Without question, King Victor Emanuel will con f I do again to C!io lltti the task of forming the new government. At whatever time his government may fall, however. Nit IVOCNO TOMATOE PLANTS ' . SfHCKPTIIlLE TO IXJIRY Tomato plants after being trans planted to the garden ure subjected to various things that cause them to be handicapped in heir growth, say the O. A. C. experiment station gar-j den specialists. They should not be transplanted into the field until the State Medical Convention at Grants Pass 1HL!,V", AUKD i'lO.VKKK HOKKH, lllh'H UKKK GRANTS PASS, May 10. The weather has settled and there is no I3""' annua) meeting of the Southern- ti will without question he the states- more danger of frost unless they can ' Oregon Medical association will be1 be covered at night. If set out In; held in Grants Pass today. April or early May they are subject-! The Southern Oregon district coin ed to cold winds and rain. i prises the counties of Douglas, Jack-' The plants are also subject to In-'son and Josephine and the present' Local Man Has Achieved Success In Literary World O. II. Barnhlll is a forfner Ash land man who has nchieved tuii.-fhl-erable success In the literary world His name has become familiar to readers of the Portland Telegram, lot last the new life created for her "by the war. ' By the treaty of Rnpnllo, Glolitti established not only the Inst 'dis puted boundaries of the new terri tory acquired by Italy through the war, but established likewise final friendly relations with the Yugo Slavs. Italy therefore has acquired the natural strategic frontiers which she has always insisted were indis pensable to' her national safety and she has established friendly rela tions with all of the states out growing from the breakup of tbe Austrian - Hungarian empire, name ly, Yugo-slavia, Roumania, Checko slovakia and Poland. Glolitti also imposed on Italy the giving up of all plans of territorial expansion lu Al bania and along the eastern Adriatic coast generally. ' Radlsallsm Is no longer a danger In Italy and this problem has been settled precisely as it was settled, only, more quickly, in France and the northern war countries. In the new elections, It is expected that both the socialist and popular ' parties will lose heavily.. From the 154 deputies which the socialists elected in the 1919 elections the number Is expected from anywhere rom 60 to 100. The broad lines of Itaiy's Inter nal reconstruction program are the re-adjustment of the budget so as to wipe out the four billion deficit which still remains; the reformation of Italy's present bureaucratic meth- jury by two Insects which can read ily be controlled. The cut worm can be checked by the placing of a lnlsoned bran mash mound, the phints, and the flee beetle by dust ing the plants with powdered ar senate of lead or the "one-ln-ali" dust. u-lin knew TWillov. Tim'u.. wtih Dr. V. TV. Swedenburg, of a family net during the l.fe , ItIolieIit of human understanding. iu peuiuug, u puweriu. porKOUitl The AiiiHiicun people will be overtaxed so long as the government at Washington overspends. ' officers are Dr. L. O. Clement, Grants Pass, president; Dr. E. B. Plckol, Medford, vico president; Dr. A. C. Seeley, Rosehurg, secretary - treas urer. Ashland und Dr. E. 1). Stewart of ItoftcburK, comprise tho board of censors. Dr. W. II. Flunagun, Grants Pass, is the delegate to the 1921 state medical usHociatlon, and Dr Robort W. Stniiins. Medford, dele gate to the convention In 1922. lkUy, 2I fear old horse, owned by Orru Angle of Irwin's hhiI hall, Is uYiid. Dolly died 'stenlny at tl.o Angle place, IIU pioneer avenue .mil finished out nn eventful cmter whirl, started In IHUO when Levi Angle, of OtTH Angle, purcluised tho horw, then four yurs old, at Meil fonl, picked from a shipment be ing made to Poiibtnd., Dolloy has IK-eu it familiar sight on the streets of Ashlund for years and the death of the old nurso will be regretted by chll lin of thin anil n past genenitioii Oregon to entertain, and bn enter tu. nod tiy, Mr. Markham as a guest in his home state. Mr. Markham spoke at the Chamber of Commerce luncheon given this noon at the Aus tin Hotel. He left this afternoon for Medford, where he will speak this evening. His visit in this city yesterday was the first time in sixty fve years that Mr. Markham had set foot on Oregon soil, ns he left this state lu company with his mother, when he was five years of age, and is now seventy years old. The noted gon poet who bus a nuive way of creating extt.npornnenus talk from the platform while preparing to glvo a rending. And Edwin Mark hum wai not without his Jokes, many apt Il lustration pertinent to his talk and others for the sake of wit only. Mark ham impresses his audience us ono who hassoen a great deal of life and has remained smiling, uiilik many literary genlusus past and contemporary. There is a strong vein of humor in the Oregon poet. After Mr. Markham's talk a num ber of his audience came to the plut form for a personal meeting and to request photographs of the poet. Mr. Markham made arrangements to have photographs sent to several Ashland residents. Mr. Markham speaks hlgMy ot fie iwiurer is winning up a spenKlng reception he has been accorded la tour of the Pacific coast and expects i this city and was very compllmen to leave Portland about May 19 foritary In his references to Ashland. Detroit, Mich., where he hag several engagements planned. Edwin Mnrkham held his Ash land utidlenco yesterday evening with several readings of his poems Interspersed with wit, humor and of .Mr. Augle's niolher was the pilvulo driving horse of Mrs. Levi Angle. For a horse, iH.llej has hud in. exceptionally long life, uh I lie average life of a horse In figured nt about 'M years. CLERKS, By O. H. BAHNHII.L When I am browsin' round a store, without a thought of buying, It al ways makes me mad and sore when clerks are on me spying. They dog my footsteps here and there. where'er I choose to wander. 1 have no chance to stop and stare, much less to stop and ponder. I like to look at things for sale upon the counters lying, that it I only hud the kale I surely would be buying. Men's underwear and Jewels rare with me are special hobbies; likewise false hair, some shelf hardware and juicy, ripe casabas; old; musty books smell good to me, and so does corn a- popping. It's lots of fun these things to see and make believe you're shop ping. If only clerks would keep away, with all their watchful wait ing! They spoil my favorite kind of play and on my nerves keep grat. Ing. But when some things I want to buy and take home In a hurry, do those same clerks toward me fly and all around me scurry? Not so that you can notice It, for then they're always busy to other forkf they flit so fast it almost makes me dizzy.. In vain I stew around and sweat and think how time is flying and get as mad as I can get because I can't be buying. Where are those Clerks who followed me, with ready pad and pencil? My anxious face they cannot see on tombs their names I'd itepcll. ' ' D The Port of Missing Men i i 1 'n'n . i wfad i n i vfi-vin Hii! r ir w i .wji-M ii em. ."i'.'ur v-" unki ntsi -i 1 j n j- r. .mt "v crv-r"" ia tiA'.rxri. n i n . -I r- v-Ailt it K 1 . . - ; . : I dtl VA hmtA V.. . 3 ' 1 VVA -I P hr UrMWA wm ii i i it i f" vr'w iur,.vjrr4A r . t tyi i. wr . 1 s "v i ix i nj j a'j vztwm wfti fi nr i x run He was especially impressed with tho scenic wonders of Anhlnnd, the Rogue River Valley and the Siskiyou moun tains. Ho stated tbat Ashlund would make a splendid rendezvous for literary peoplo who wlshod to guiu Inspiration scenic grandeur of southern Oregon. PORTLAND ROSE FESTIVAL FROM Jl'XE H To IO PORTLAND, Ore., May 6. The Hoard of Directors of the Portland Rose Festival Association huve fixed June 8th to 10ih as the date for this year's three day teto. For fifteen years the Hone Festival has been the most Important celebratiou iu the Pacific Northwest, aud ranks In beuuty and entertulnment features with the famous Murdl Grus of New Orleans, and tho New Year's Day floral parade at Pasadena. Preparations for the festivuk are proceeding, und au elaborate enter tainment programme is being ar ranged. Two great day parades will bo held. The Floral Parade, always a thing of marvelous beauty, will this year be made even more attrac tive by the addition of new features. The automobile section of the parade Is expected to include at least Hire? hundred handsomely decorated can. The Indnsrtial and Port Develop ment Parade will be designed to de pict Portland's growth as an indus trial and shipping center. The annual Rose Show will be put on for three days in tbe municipal auditorium; competitors from all parts of the rose growing sections of the I'nlted States will enter blooms for the contest. Tbe American Ross Society's principal test garden Is I located in Portland and is expected to produce some new and wonderful roses for the event. Several new roses will b named during the show. Jack . Pelton Dies Sunday M Rosehurg The I'nlted States suould do ell It can, in its own proper sphere, to obviate conditions thaA. would breed another world war. Jack E. Pelton, former Ashland mau prominent in the civic affairs and business life of this city, died Sunday ufternoou at the Mercy hos pital in Itoseburg after a short Ill ness. Mr. Pelton was operated on for peritonitis May 5, after which he rallied slightly although his condi tion was not materially improved. Due to bis strong constitution hopes wero entertained until the last mo ment for his recovery. Mr. Pelton was well known thru out the valley was a stock man. Hi was sixty years old and born on a farm in Sams Valley, Dec. 20, 1B61, where he llycd until about twenty-five years of age. He then came to Ashland aud engaged In the butcher business here with R. P. Neil, opening a shop where the Plaza Market is at the present time. A short time afterward he became interested In the old Ashland Flour Mill. Mr. Pelton sold his Ashland business Interests some time ago, although he wa a property owner of tbls city. He served on the eitv council here and was for two year Sheriff of Jat-kson rottnty. , Mr. Pelton was burled In Rose- . burg yesterday afternoon under th ausplcesof the Elk's club of which he was a prominent member. He Is survived by brother, Horace Pel ton, Klamath Falls, and a daugh ter by a former marriage, Mrs. Guy Jacobs of Ashland.