ASHLAND WEEKLY TIDINGS uj(tr)' s' 0L.XLIV ASHLAND, OREGON, WEDNESDAY, APRIL 27, 1921 ..L.-LAi.'jJL JtlJ..llJHJU.U.ll-.-'"U. . H J. ASHLAND TO BE CENTRAL POINT OF INTEREST FOR ALL SUMMER TOURISTS Local Hotels Are Now Filled To Capacity In addition to the great Influx of motoring tourists now stop ping In Ashland tills city promises to be the centre point of Inter-'' est for tourists desiring to make round trips to eastern or south ern points, according to a telegram recelred yesterday by 0. N. Kramer, local agent of tbe South em Pacific Railway company, from John M. Scott, general passenger agent, relative to summer rates. Telegraphy Information is 10 the effect that summer tiurlst (ares from nil points (lu Oregon to eastern destinations will also apply lo all routes and for a circuit to ur through California. ' Tho local hotels, according to their managers, are now filled to cupaclty every day. It has been pointed out from various sources (hat added housing facilities are needed In Ashland to accommo date the city's visitors as well as the Increasing population. New comers find it difficult to find living quarters, either houses, apart ments or rooms, it is staled- by local business men. JAP LAND QUESTION LAW TO BE REOPENED (By the I' lilted Press) WASHINGTON, D. C, April 28. Secretary of State Hughes has assured Baron Sliidesara, ' Japanese ambassador, that the state depart ment will re-open negotiations on tlie California anti-alien land laws, It is understood. Hughes hasn't yet taken up the California ques tion because of the immediate. press of other matters. He also wants to acquaint himself thoroughly . w)lth the allied phases of the Issue before ro-openlng parleys. r ' iV- .W . , NO. 35 It S. If (M NEW ': ! r-7 I , - ... I 1. . FEDERAL AGENTS BAR ACTIVITIES ' Qlaonlaee fnae Complain About $50,000,000 Indemnity Payment APPLE CROP MUG warn n ROSEBURG, Ore., April 26. That tbe fruit conditions throiigh iout the state appear to be very mood and that all Indications point to a very good year for the fruit . Biienf Is the statoment made by tic over tbe outlook. t "From all parts of the east came reports of damages to the orchards by storm, cold and frost. The east will have a very small fruit crop, the brokers state, and consequently .Charles A. Brand, of the Overland the demand for Oregon apples will prcharda, who has returned lo this be much greater than ordinarily. '.city after upending the past weekj ''In Oregon, however, condition) conferring with leading fruit men of are much more favorable. There arc the Willamette valley and with other: a few sections where there has been persons engaged in the fruit Indus try. I A shortage of apples In the eas', xlue to frosts, cold weather and other .causes, will bring about a great de mand for Oregon apples, while pecu some damage by frost, but tbe ap ple drop will not be affected to any great extent. From all Indications we will have a bumper crop. - This should be another good Spitten berger year, and altogether we ought (liar conditions In Oregon. will not to have a fine crop. only bring about an abundance pfj "One lesson we learrd last sea- fruit but the quality is expected to! son was that tbe market prefers a be better than usual and the size Is, large apple. Our big apples brought. expected to be above normal. The an excellent price and found ready market demand, fruit wholesalers I sale while we are still holding some etate, will exceed former years anil of the small fruit. The excessive the Oregon growers should receive a fine price for this year's crop. ' The long rains and wet condition of tbe ground will tend to produce a larger fruit than in former years, Mr. Brand states, and as a result (here will be a more ready Bale. In speaking of tho outlook for-apples, Mr. Brand said' I "I conferred with a number of fruit growers of the Willnmetto galley and found them very optlmis- rains have put additional moisture in the soil and this should result in big fruit. . In fact the Indications point to a much larger npplo this year than formerly and with a lit tle thinning and' cultivation the aver age size should be much better' than in past years. If the growers are careful to work for a big apple tbe prices received will more than re pay for the extra care and work demanded." BOXING SUFFERS BAD SLUMP IN BRITISH ISLEi i contest. Since Charles B. C,.-' raue an nounced he had washed ! s hands of Dempsey and Carpentier, t!.e papers have guyed the whole affair. Even sport editor began to , blush utter announcing for the nth time that tho fight positively would take place on such and such a date, according to COFFEE 1 J EAN DAYS COFFE EKI COMMUNISTS MILES W. VAUGHN (United Press Staff Correspondent) SAO PAULO, Brazil, April 26. These may be lean months in the coffee Industry but one sees few sur face evidences of hard times here In the "Coffee Capital of the World." .. The Btreets are full of Imported 'automobiles the new ones chiefly from the United States and from behind tbe shaded limousine glasses women in Pari gowns stare at ono nrough the inevittblo loigeette. The; fathers of these same women may Ihave come from Ituly in the steerage but Brazil Is a liberal country and money speaks a universal language. Under the surface, however, one catches now and then a glimpse of the "Fazenik'iro'g" troubles. The l,ew crop is Just coming ou and last J'tar's production th' greatest in the history of tbe state,' which produce some 60 per cunt of the world's coffee output still is largely unsold. The loan just floated by a syndl- ST. PAUL. Minn., April 26. Circulars calling for a May Day uprising of "workers" were found today by federal agents. They were signed "Communist Party of Amer ica." Justice Department . agent and the local police are making every effort to block farther circulation of the pamphlets and trace orig inators of the plot, ! The "May Day Revolution Is Here, read the cir cular. "We Must Destroy the Unit ed States Government." Tho cir culars urged the establishment of n " workers government, " federal agents appealed to Fort Snelllng to be prepared to aid fn the case of a May Day demonstration in the twin cities. ( FISH PIRATES GO ON I WARPATH (By tbe UnlUd Press) PORTLAND, Ore., April 26.- -Or- catA of London hAtikerii nnrt of which is to be sold irr New York; i " Pl" completely expected to finance the present har vest, but it cannot supply a profit 'able market, and that Is what the coffee men must have if they aro to keep going. f Prices In most of the big foreign markets, the coffee men tell you, are below tbe actual cost of produc tion and markets are gluted at even these prices. However, the Paullitas aren't los ing a lot of sleep. ' They have pulled out 'of worse scrapes than this, they remark with a smile, and things will break their way sure Inside of the next six months. The whole coffee situation Is much the same as the sugar crisis in Cuba. During the war evervbodv wanted coffee and price was no ob ject. Faiendas doubled the num ber of their trees, prices soared and everybody had money to burn. Like tho Cubans, some of tho Brazilian Fazendelros burned It and these are the people who are suffering most now. Others Including many wealthy old Italian Immigrants stuck to the woolen sock of Europe and nr routed a force of game wardens on Willamette river between here and Oregon City, In a series of vicious gang fights and gun battles last night and early today. Many wore hurt, but none seriously. Wardens. under Roy Bremmer, are being armed here for a cleanup tonight. The state fish commission is considering a call for military aid in policing the river. The wardens were en gaged in last night's battles. Fire Whistle Ashland and residents have a strong desire to sleep, that Is, nt the appointed hours deemed sac red for that purpose. Further more, they are very much awake during the day and do not care to be constantly railed upon to decide whether the fir.) station whlstel is serious or merely "blowing." That Is the sub stance and purport of a petition recently signed by 2o Ashland resi dents and read before the city council recently with the conclud ing plea that tho alleged nuisance be abolished. Investigation brought forth the following fact The electric current which gives the "glow" to the tire whistle is supplied by the Western I'alou Telegraph company. The company supplies the current by means of two dy namos, used alternately because Of the excessive' heat attained by the exclusive use of one. In some technical way the switching from dynamo to dynamo causes the In termittent blowing of the whistle which has been itnnoylni; resi dents. The city council, says Fire Chief Robinson, U considering the matter getting the necessary power for the "blow" from the I'os(al Telegraph, which company It is claimed will supply electric current of a more tractable nature. BERLIN, April 26. (Special) ,1,000,000,000 gold marks b de- The payment by Germany of 200.-1 posited iu the Bank of France on or 000,000,000 gold marks for repara-1 before Auril 30. 'lions Is. roughly, tho proposal sub ! The Roichstag will not b given By P. M. SARL (United Press Staff Correspondent) the latest cables from New York. Cables from America now govlng still with money to spare. tho "latest arrangement" are print- . ' ed ui;dor derisive headlines and notes. Montana Oil Field Has Promising Outlook Local W. C. T. V. mil Celebrate )36th Anniversary The anniversary of tho W. X". i U. will be observed with a program at the Presbyterian church on Thurs day, April 28th. 11 A. M. Co. executive meeting. Mrs. Holmes, Co. Pres. In charge. 12:00 Luncheon. 2:30 p. in. Program. Hymn. Prayer. Paper read by Mrs. Wilson. ' Solo. . Reading, Mrs. Pygal. Paper, Mrs, Russel. Address, Rev. Walter Evans. Sqlo. Devotlonuls, Mrs. Sllngerland Finds Favor at Washington WASHINGTON. 1. C, April 2. Germany's new reparations of fer bids fair to receive u favorable response by the United States gov ernment it was understood hero today. While the state department of ficials refrain from formal comment, belief is indicated In responsi ble quarters that tho German proposal contained the key to tho find settlement of the reparations tangle. Hughes took the complete text of tho German nolo with him to the cabinet meeting. WASHINGTON, I). l' April 28. Disarmament steps have been un der serious cousldornllon by Prvuldeul Harding and advisors, It wart learned today following u cabinet meeting. An authoritative statement was made, however, that the administration sees no way to move at this time. PARIS, France, April 26. Regardless of the outcome of Ger many's new reparations proposals, France will demand the immediate occupation of Ruhr valley, if the reparation commissions demand for the surrender of lteischbanks metal reserve Is not met by Friday, it wis officially announced today. mltted by Germuny for transmission to the allies, according to sou rcei close to the government. The payments will be spread over a period of from thirty to forty-two years, or less, according to Germany's wonoinlc recovery. Economic pledges in the way of goods and participation In German industries are offered as guarantees, it is stated. The offer, it Is Indicated, Inclines mure toward the terms formulated by the allies at the Paris conference last winter than towards the offer made hy Germany nt the London p.oncrence which the allies summar ily rejected. the text of the communication until Tuesday. Foreign Minister Simons announced today that ho would merely present to the Relchstug this afternoon, "the status of Germany's foreign relations." not divulging tin new counter proposals on repara- . tions. Germany's counter proposals re frain from proposing the assumption by Germany of the allied'dehti to the United Slates. The allies, under the decision reached at Paris In January, de manding that Germany pay 22(1, 000,000,000 gold marks, or approx imately $56,600,000,000, the pay mmitn to be spread over a, period of i 4i years. Germany's exports, in uddltiou, would bear an export duty PARIS. April 26. (Special) The allied reparations commission has sent a note to the German war of 12 per cent to go to the allies for burdens commission demanding that an identical period. UN m GIVEN 1 mm Orogon Products week in Ash land got off to a running start In this city yesterday. Tho decora tive colors of orange and black are "To- etc LONDON, April 28. Boxing has """rrogauon. - wnai, AgainT Klumned badly In EwMand lately and !-"Iempsey Say, Fight Positively with the possible exception of th3!wm Take Tlace Perhops" .. iimmv wn,io it i. dim 'morrow: Some Day, Never, cult, to arouse any Interest in the' aro tyP'cal head- doings of any British or' European! 1 TT . ' - , . ,flgnter i RAILROAD HEADS HOLD True Bomby Wells und Joe Beck-(BUSINESS MEETING HERE 'ett have been matched for the ump-i EN E P HUMS A busIlieKH mPftHtiff ' nt flmit hrn teenth time, to meet sometime In L,,,,, mnnA (-t i ... . .. May, but only the Incorrigible Well- , AlhlB (a Una .. t, A IliA Rnnk at 1 1 1 a. nnn wirlr n.. -..v. ,... ,of tDe raUroad mct , a get-lo.stlir (up an argument over the meeting of, ag9embljf for ,Up I)Urp08e Qf ,0()k. 'these erstwhile heroes. - ,ng 0Ter lhe fje)d and lleveIol)illl? ,. The reason for this apathy is that , torcgtll fof the general good of , mere is no uriunner oi uuiBianumg 10 GERMANS It is beginning to look as If a lot of Ashland people have gotten In about right in the Montana oil fields, Yesterday R. P. Nell receiv ed the following telegram In regard to that promising field: Wlnnett, Mont., April 25. R. P. Noll, Ashland, Oregon. Two wells came in yesterday aud one today big gusher our opera tions start tomorrow. Will send you some photographs showing the tre mendous activity. Everything lino and our success seems absolutely certain, L. M. ADDINOTON Some lfiO Ashland citizens are In terested In the Cat Creek field and the above teles i.m Indicates thut they have their money In the right land. The window display prize will be awarded nt this dinner. The following are the women op the various committees who w:)l Several members of the Medford! fast coming into prominence in the have charge of the banquet: j Union and uther points In the county store windows of the local merch- Sale of tickets Mrs. S. B. McNaii-, jure Upecting to attend tho annlver- ants. The business houses of the'chalrman; Mesdames Delia Acklln, jsary'and a good tlmo of Interest and city were busy arranging their wln-J. H. Mcflee, A. A. Marskee, C. II. 'profit Is promised. dows with displays of Oregon Pro- Pierce, L. J. Heer, J. H. Fuller, i , ; ducts, duly placarding them with Table committee Mrs. F, (1. I the window cards supplied for theiSwedenburg, chairman; Mesdames purpose by the Associated Indus-j W. H. McNair, G. A. Briscoe, H. K. , tiles of Oregon. At a late hour to-j Tomplinson, Emll Pell. day the windows of all the stores Piece do Resistance Mrs. O. wore not complete, lly this evening) Winter, chairman; Mesdames A. it Is expected that every availably Patterson, Walter Herndon, I.ett display window in the city will havo Trask, C. H. Vaupel. I W W MFMRFR is lis lis muiiuui CHECKED IN AT j LEAVHlH (lly the United Press) LEAVENWORTH, Kas April 20. Twenty of the I. W. W. members sentenced to serve time Iu Leaven worth prison were "checked In" to- merlt at present In' the ring and (more especially there are no British 'heavyweights capable of extending .Georges Carpentier,. the Frenchman, .who Is considered the world's Cham- niion by default. ' True, over In America there is a fighter of some jorfute named Jack Dsjmpsley, but when a Carpentier-Dempsoy match WASHINGTON, D. C, April 26 An investigation of the granting to the Germanys of 201 American pat ents since July may be asked In the Senate by Hiram Johnson, chairmen patents committee, and Wadawortli POf New York, chairman nt n,!lln rt. 60 persons representing the variousi . InnlllH. . .... I A An vtmAnt - 1 O i U Ti ttlfil T'w VW I O- UC"" " ,lt , lellllatlon cance,in. nnmnonv vora in artaHiinnna " V ... ', ft was indicated today. Senatbrs system. Ashland being easy of ac cess was used as the center from which to draw the officials from th! various ends of the road, and about .lorary ana was caneo a Secretary of War Week, the forenoon, finishing L.. ... I, mentioned, the British . fan I. too abut 4 0.c!ock( , me , alow , P - "n Issued, tired even to smile. . member. preiM!Ut to catch trains ""j"'" U tfrtek Kri'p' This may be unfair to Dempsey. .. both north BBd nllth Traln. Ge''man "'"nltl -" mil (lie urrnsn spoiling purine uas mB.ter, for the road and station's) . j, . ., k . never seen him in the ring and the agents of Marshfleld, Portland, East), gAX nuxttSCO MAKKKTH endless delays and disappointments! PorUandi em, Corvallis, Brook-' in iixiiig iu. lung u,Crnc. Msuviyn, Albany. Roseburg, Grants Pass between the two champions attrib-' nd Medfor(! were aI,0 ,n atten(. iited here almost entirely to thoanca American and his supporters, have " left. the Britishers cold, sarcastic i Twenty-five young people from and bored. "They will never meet the Ashland Baptist church visited the Lon-ltho B. Y. P. V. of the Medford First doner says, and the press confirms! Baptist church Sunday evening. After him in this opinion by consistently the meeting refreshments were ijeerlng at every report' from the' served and a social time was en I'nited States regarding the proposed; Joyed. ' - i (Special to the Tidings.) SAN FRANCISCO, April 26. Fo. lowing are market quotations: EGGS 28c. i BROILERS 45 Si 50c. HENS S7 9 40c. nlace. The telemm referres to syn- 1 weuiy-sei en omen. ui dicate represented by Messrs. Nell.Pected to arrive within n few hours. and Staples and the one which !Tnoy' wer convicted oi espionage m... wni. .nd 8tnnlfl. mnileiby Judge Landls' court, Chicago. the trip to Montana to Investigate. A. M. Templeton of Brownsville who has been visiting friends in Ash land for the past few days, left thls4 morning for San Diego, Calif. Whlje here, Mr. Templeton w negotiating for Ashland granite for the Pioneer Monument to be erected in the Brownsville Park in the near future. . His family was among tbe earliest settlers of Brownsville on the Cala pooya river. The Presbyterian church was organized there In 111 with five Templeton's Its sole chart er membership. Wm. Templeton was superintendent of the Sunday school for 31 years and his son W. C. Tem pleton who was a member of the legislature this winter, has filled the same office for the past eight year. Most of them lire dejected because of the desertlou of their leader "Big Bill" Haywood. homo products on exhibition. Anion the earliest to completo a window I.I!.. ..I V II t.... nit.f Anm. uinpiay wan it. immt uum vu.ii- paliy. This store has an uttravtivo i display of the products of the Pen dleton Woolen Mills of Pendleton, Ore., consisting of varied hued couch covers, blankets, bath robes and pillow covers. The local program for observame of Oregon Products week, ,1s practic ally outlined. Nearly 190 attractive window cards have been received from hoadqunrters of the Associated Industries of Oregon for display In local store windows. In connection with window displays prizes will be awarded iu the sums of $26, f 15 and 110 respectively. The test of merit. Roseburg Prospect for big crop of apples this season declared excellent. Lebanon cannery to be In opera tion In time to take care of fruit erop. JT m GATE 10 CONDITION IN THE SOUTH Cold Meats Miss Mollle Songor, chairman, and Mrs, 9. A. Carlton. Vegetables Mrs. Chas. Howard, chairman; Mesdames Fred Engle. Walter Everton, A. A. Mamke. Mashed Potato Mrs. E. J. Van Sant, chairman; Metdamee Louis Uodge. F. H. Johnson, Frank Jor dan, Pernio Johnson. Macaroni a la Tomato Mrs. Marcey, chairman; Mesdames Wheeler, McCracken. O. A. Jarvis and Miss Chamberlain. Salads Mesdames J. H. Fuller, chairman; Margaret Mills. J. . Wing. H. E. Frsnk Jordan Ice Cream and Cake Mrs. Q. S. Butler, chairman, and Mrs. E. V. Carter; assisted by Messrs Butler end lied to window illspluys, will! Lane, as appi be upon the basis of their educa tional aud advertising value, plus artistic arrangement. It Is taken for granted that the exhibits are to consist of Oregon raised or manu factured products. The Oregon Products Banquet wi'l be given in thu Elks Hall at 6:30 I o'clock Thursday evening under, the auspices of the ladies of the Cham ber of Commerce. Mrs. V. A. St wart who has been actively engaged in preparatory work for Oregon Pro ducts week, assisted John H. Fuller, secretary of the Chamber of Coiu- Cotfee Mesdames L. J. Heer, chairmau, and Schuernian. The Festival Prune M,idainM C. B. Lamkln, chairman and U 3. Brown. . St. Helens shipyard resumes work after being Idle for several months. V (By the United Press) ' ATLANTA, Georgia, April 26. The federal government stands ready to send fifty operatives to Georgia, i merce, In making arrangement for to aid In Investigating negro peon- the dinner und assembling the coin age conditions, Vlnoent Hughes, I mlttees. chief of United States bureau ofj Mr. Fuller states that there will Investigation here said today. The: be S0O plates set at the bannnet. II. grand Jury today started an inquiry. I J. Frank, president and P. C, Free It Is reported that many cases of, man, manager of the Associated In peonage and several "death farms' dustries of Oregon will bo prtsjent would be brought to light by the at the banquet and will be among probe. the principal speakers from Port Newspaper Men Faced by Crisis (By the United Press) NEW YORK, April 26. The American newspaper publishers as sociation, meeting In annual con vention tomorrow, will he faced by the most Important problems by which it has been confronted in yean. These problems includ wage adjustments, postal rates, tax 'ation and a threatening strike In newsprint Industry. - WEATHER roRECtn'. Fair and warmer.