;i " ?ftW ASHLAND JQJul.iJf,l..'.- I I Oil W Mas- OL,XLIV ASHLAND, OREGON, WEDNESDAY, APRIL 13, 1921 School Bills if Lasf Legislature Reviewed at Lunch The Purent-TeacheiV in much In evidence today, and a ' good representative of that organlza- tion attended . the teml-monthly luncheon by. the Chamber of Com' merce at the Hotel Austin at noon, when tlity were addressed by lead ing educational champions of the state. These were Miss Bertha Davit, who represents the vocational work under the 8mltb-Hughes law at 0. A. VC Mrs. C. W. Hayhurst of Portland, ptato president of the Parent-Teach ors" Association, and Hoc. Ben 0. ,heldon, whose efforts to promote educational interests In southern Or egon are well known. Mrs. H. T. Elmore, vice-president of the Slate Parcnt-Teachem asxo- cialion, presided-at the meeting today ,and introduced the speakors. As fin (niJpetUer, the gathering voiced ft number of the booster songs of the ;Chamber of Commerce, led by Capt. i W. M. Brlgga, with Miss Bernlce Yeo at the piano. , The first speaker was V. V. Mills, twho, in Ihe interests of the American Legion and other patriotic organiza tions of Ashland, told of their effort to raise funds for a memorial to be' .erected in honor of soldiers of all , wars, which, when erected In Ashland cemetery,. will he suitably commemo rated with flowers on Memorial Day, Only a small portion of the sum needed to secure this shaft has been euhscribed, and the Leglonaires are anxious to procure the entire amount and have the monument erected be fore May 30 of this year. M Iks Bertha Davis was next speak er Introduced, and in her opening re marks she pledged her influence with State Superintendent Churchill ard the 0. A. C. in furthering Ashland educational Interests. Miss Davis outlined the vocational work under the Smith-Hughes law to the mem bers of the Chamber of Commerce, nml spoke particularly ubout Ash land's practice house, which le one of four In the state. The Smith Hughes luw, the speaker said, Is to .V -take care of girls, and boys In the schools who are not able to go to college, or who drop out of school before finishing, or get behind In their classea. The training given the girls In the practice house, Miss Da vis stuted, fits them for the great vo cation of life home- makers. She also told, of the benefits of the Smith-Hughes law to women outside the schools, adults and married wo men with homes, and girls In busi ness and offices. This was particular ly Illustrated by the recent dressmak ing and millinery classes in Ash land, and she urged all to attend the I fashion show this afternoon and evo Assoclatlon'ning In Chautauqua Pioneer hall, where the needle work of the women In these classes I on exhibit H HI II Ashland Posi, Uo. lt A8HLA5D, 0RS005 Glenn E. Simpson, Post ConunAndefr. H. 0, Wolcott, VSoe-Coounaacto. ruiph Hadfleld, ntort, Wm. Holme, Treasurer. Donald Spencer, Adjutant and Legion IdJtor. prefaced her remarks with a gracious tribute to Ashland park, which she Hi ! L-i-UlJIJ I, I HUB . - 1 . MKurack 1 TSHBffSUAi-1 Jl- J-JLL,U-...D' JUL.1 LHIHJUIJjail'J JUL" and Field Meet to Be Held in Talent April 29 Thrt BmVpiiMi nnnnnl lnrlrgnn onn i. il.u. ini.n.J t...,ll.kU r Ashland Post, No. 14, has received jber of bur own fellows who are great-. mouut from either the bonus or the ty t ructc and field meet will be held broad Jump; hop. step and jump; , a bulletin from department head-(ly in need of. lust the a.sl.tauc.tluan. In Taient Friday, April 29. under the! flag race; potato . race; baseball quarters at Portland, showing thehU bonus Jaw, would give them.i The bill provide, that any person Lu,plces ot (hB ,a(.kaon Coilntv Aih.,htn on. This meet Is open1 The afternoon program" wilf be as Mm Havhurst the next sneaker. istanding of all the posts of the Amer-t Perhaps you don't need It yourself, aualifled to receive and who elects to!ia,in AMfloiii ,chu -e.u.. ... ---.r-' . " , " "V ". na """to all schools ot the soconrt and third I follows: Boysl 00-yard dash; 220- show a membership of over 200 eache stood together, bo lot's stick to-.nt $16 tor each month or major por- ,,, , ,t, ,(v ,, L. ..,, lin . .... .... ........ ' . .. j nu - I V,i,m l.,.l .!. , ,1.1.1 .. .. ... . .......... ..... ..... w. iuu, iivviii.i -uii .o. v. v.am., had visited some time ago. She: i-orunnu ros. .eaus w.w. . .......... ... uu.. on ihereor that such person was m pftr,clpHted , by (he following! 3-pound and 12-pouhd shot put; Jav briefly outlined the work of the.Pnr-!hlP of 2.138. They follow In order: (We know of at least a dozen of ourUtive service between April 6, ln,8choo,s: 0frlle Rlver, 0oM Hill,tlln throw enl-Teachers' Association and told of'Sulem, S78; Klamath Palls, 273; As-Auddle, who want to own their own nnd November II, 1919, exclusive of iC,trol Point, Jacksonville. Phoenix. Rural-An amusing and'strenuo.H nomcs, ami w..s oonu, um win ux it ie first 80 days, providing that no Applegnte and Talent. The -Olympic sack race. tnm llmni Th n at at A riamiplmnni n.,l l.ii i.. . m inp A I ; person snuu receive in excess oi oV. Cup, for which these schools will con- Two thrilling relay races Boy anin Af till In VIVA nil Aaiil.. fi runil t t. i i - -t Aaa ill . I t- , ' ' ist, wiis won oy uouriuu in io prepare projjug.iiiua. mis mnneyibe made on a flrst-mortgago security will enable them to tell everybody In up to 75 per cent of the appraised tne state aooui me proposeu law and value of the property purchased. The show the benefit! to be derived there- toan to be paid back to the state at Ifrom, not only for the ex-service, men,; per cent annually, 4 per cent to he but for the community in which they Credited as Interest aud 2 per cent reside. ito be credited as nrlnclnal its great Influence as the connect!.. m. aidmjt. in; hooq niver, link between the teachon. and Medtofd, 205. There Is a total ents In working for the gre'atest good; membership In the state of 7,904. for the children. Mr Hayhurst also The posls number from 1 to 99. with stated that this association Is one of I"1 -"ve W lneve- These in the most influential matters, nnJ ; ,0i,,', were tblWie4 in very called the attention of Jackson eoun-! town"' where ,l,e elKblM are ty's representatives, Hon. E. V. Car ter and Hon. Ben C. Sheldon, both of whom were present at the luncheon, to the Influence that can spring from this organization In encouraging and promoting educational legislation. As Mrs. Hayhurst speaks again th afternoon and evening, she made her remarks brief. . Representative Ben C. Sheldon, the last legislature' and chairman of the committee on education; was the principal speaker nt today's now too few to constitute a post. shland Pout, No. 14, now has a 'membership of 63, but more are In the offing. . We will have a hundred before Memorial Day, (- Eugene Post, No. S, Is preparing for one grand time during the con' fvention, which is to be held there (July 1 and 2. A fishing trip and Joy ride up the McKensle river is a part n f ' ' ""i io inn nun win ronsiHi oi Next time you are down town dropi. Tu8 '"an feature of the act is slg-!i,0yS' and gr8- no-yunt flush; 100 Into the office and hand your four'alle(' " oue of the most progressive jblts to the adjutant, who will send it1'6!19 Included in the Icglsliitlou en- In for you.. (actea in tbe stalo of Oregon; The Some of the aallent features of the one of Jackson county's delegation atyof the plans for the entertainment ot the delegates and firends. The Amer ican Legion secret organisation known as "Homines 40, Cbeveaux 8" Chamber of Commerce forum lunch-will stage a big initiation.' All candl eon. He gave a general resume of dales will be brought In box cars tbe educational measures considered, with a bed of straw to remind us of at the last session. j the convention , enjoyed In France. Mr. Sheldon spoke ot the gcinr..lllA8hlund ought to be a dandy place feeling at the session, which reflected Ifor the convention ot 1922. Why not? feeling over the state that tl.e uii-l A buddy writes for Information, Usually high tax cvles of this yearbsking in what round Congress were largely uue iu ma puuy.cs kku- iKnoexea out ine bonus. It was a foul, prous voting of Increased mileage al- touddy, and the money was forfeited jowances for the three educutlomil Institutions ot the state, with a con sequence that there was a rigid ques tioning, ot every school measuio which might mean heavier taxation. The result was the adoption of many forward-looking school luws, but practically none looking to an In crease In school costs a result, ac cording to Mr. Sheldon, -fair to the Ibcliools and to the taxpayers alike. Special reference was inado to tbo two most Important new school laws: IJie county unit plan and the require ment tor a gradual Increase in drain ing for the teachers of the grade schools of the stute, this latter bill having a direct and helpful bearing on tbe ambitions of southern Oregon to have Its normal school reopened to the railroads. "The Salvage Dump." 6 440'ynrrt reluy race; 8 town teams, 4 by Central Point in 1S1B; hy Talent! best men to a te.am, each mnn to rtin In 1918; by Phoenix In 117; by Tal-I lio yards. Girls: 440 relay raed, ent In 1919, and by Talent In HJO.jj town teama, 4 best girls to a teaiii. Contests for all rural schools in the each girl to run 110 yards. county will bo hold on (ho s:imo day In the morning the school contests will take place and will rousiHt of luregou cuuus Am; -v You must have been ft resident of the state of Oregon at the time of enlistment or Induction Into service. You must have served between April 6th, 1917, and November 11, 1918. You must have had more than 60 days' service.-' ' Conscientious and political object ors and persons whose only service was In the 8. A. T. C. will not par ticipate under IU provisions. If you have received a bonus from another state, or have received extra .pay from the government, the amount ,-of such bonus or extra pay will be deducted. If a veteran entitled to receive the compensation hag been killed or has 1'Im? Oregon llunus Election Coiues Jun 7lh Buddies, it has been Drought ka new opportunity lu life's battle and should mean the foundation of many future fortune for former eervlco men. There Is a strong effort being made by the opponents ot the bill to de feat It at the election June 7th, so you .must talk it and work tor it among your friends from now until we are assured by tho returns that It is a law, Zero hour, Buddies. Let's put It over for the benefit of our buddies rand the community In general Bring your four bits down lo the ud Jutant. , 1 A part ot the creed known and flag etlquet s:i.vh, "Do not allow the flag to be flown'ut nljiht or in slormv Iwe.Hlter." It hus grieved members of the American Lealun. Ilnv Remil mid lu.eu. Hi money wm ne paia to nisfc)tier patriotic organisation relatives. - yard dash; 120-ynrd hurdles; pole vault; riinnlni; high Jump; running broad Jump. All classes and age will be Included In these contests. Rural 50-yord dasli; 100-yard A girls' championship bnxehalt gaino will be a feature of the after noon program. Two picked tnam will play a game of playground base ball for the championship of tbe val ley. No admission fee will be charged nt tho meet, and everybody will bo Welcome. Most Accidents Due to Autos ; Striking, Railroad Trains to note dhat there has Wen emuldenilil.. ni. - Veterans who hav received fiuaii- ect or c.irHemness upon the part of toKclal aid from the atate for educa- ni,.o n,.,.,,!. ......... cur attention that there are a num- fional purposes, must, deduct such matter. - Digger Squirrel lilf) pniipPrP Poisoning WeekMlj UUUltOtO Time to Apply SAX FRANCISCO, April 12. "That at the hazard-of his life a driV' er of an automobile slinnhl run into trains, break down crossing gules aud run over crossing flagmen, when a little precaution or wait would elimi nate all danger, is a problem embrac ing carelessness that almost passes iCOiiiprelieiislnii," states It. J. Clancy, assistant to the geueral manager ot .the Southern Pacific. , "During Ihe last three years' end ing December 31st, 1920, 181 people were killed, i!38 were Injured, and J HO'.) automobiles were damaged or destroyed at grade crossings' on the Southern. Pacific. tempting to cross a railroad truck, I and where vision Is obstructed they Uhould stop and listen as welt a-i look. "A passenger train tliut la u quar ter ot a' milu awuy is also only a trifle more than u quurter ot a min ute away, lienee it is essential that, before attempting to cross, automo bile drivers reckon in timo as well us distance, for a quarter ot a mluuKt Is pretty short lime to effect an es cape if in shifting gears the engino goes dead or the machine stalls on the. track. "The permissible speed of u pas (uger train is iiO miles au hour, .it ll.lu 11... ... r, " ' This Week, April llth'to llilli, bus 'been proclaimed by the Rodent Con trol committee of the Farm iiureau ks "Digger Week." Every farmer in Jackson county is supposed to poison ADLTAIIOUT AT . MRL IHUUni HI The two hard fights at the session "" "us wis ween, over educational matters were on the iU be tha 8Vrt of campaign, ana a nuie later another free text book bill and the Portland teachers' tenure ot office bill. The former proposition was not adopted, and in the latter case a .change was made In the former tenure luw. . A brief statement was given of most of tbe remaining 20 educational frills consldereQ at the session. week will be set aelde for this same;! UNIVERSITY OF work, as all of the squirrels do notlGENE. April 12. Four hundred aud l come out at tbe same time. Some of ten different courses will be given in thenr will sleep longer than others, Xhe spring term of the University ot and will not come out for three or i Oregon that began last Monday, April POLISH REFUGEES BROT TO AMERICA NEW YORK. Two hundred and thirty Polish boys and girls, the chil dren of Polish refugees In Siberia, 'have been transported to America ( RANK CASE MUST .BE KEPT CLEAN The manufacturers of automobiles recommend In their inxli 'ictlon books that the prankcase be drained and thoroughly cleaned at regular inter vals. The reason for this ; to avoid i ,i h.. i i. J ""1 J'.ci.ftCl. llH Biijijiuri ed ubout 7 seconds and it require I "Of tho 1009 accidents, 4M, of but a brief wait for all danger t' i j j, mm9 - . - ! more man to per wm, wprn uuusvuj nisappear. , tpple I IK OpraV'y automobiles running into trains,! "There Is but one aafo comae w , land in 122 InatnncoB crossing gates pursue and Ihut Is before attemp!- 1 .- ...... . .....were lowered . td .nrotect Vehicles . Thin waelr will ha tha Imai lima i, while train was liiisslnc were run apply tho pink spray for apple q through and hrokeu down. One cros. in most sections of the county. This'""11'' flagman was killed and -8 In- Spray should be applied after t!Kl4"re(1 h5' nutomohiles while endeav cluster buds have senarated and th'orlng to. warn the drivers of ap-; 'blossom' buds are showing pink. It .fproachlng train. . ill not do any damage to sprav afterj "The noise of the engine of nearlv :i tew of the blossoms ore out, liut'"" automobile!) Is such Hint ilrlverfl.ls then set and kept In action until OREGON, Kl' . .i.nnij i a,.i ,i,: vtiiny not hear the whistle or noise the crossing is nassed. Those warn-' for apple scab. This Is a very tood "n approncning ir.ain ann mey mgs are aisnnctiy auaiDie at tne cros- Itima to use Black Lust 41) fnr iiia'hhonld tlierefore In nil Instances UNIVERSITY ing,.loMt:K. iHk. ure hatlt mar- be done safely, slopping, loiiking a).:l listening If vision be restricted by obstruction or If necessary for any reason. Two long and two, short blasts of the locomotive whistle arj blown a quarter of a mllo back from thn crossing and the locomotive bell unnecessary wear on rwhlch would be caused ij tho con tinued Circulatou of contaminated oil, Btates Mr. C. H. l'iereo of Ford four weeks yet. In order to make h thorough clean-up of the digger, It la necessary to start this work early and keep it going all summer. Every farmer should make it a practice to have poison grain convenient and use it when he sees a digger squirrel. pLet us all get together this week and see what you have done at the first ;clean-up. Every community lit the to .4. A student ordinarily attends 2,200 cla8ses to get hie bachelor's degree. o, If it were possible for him to at tend all the classes given by the uni versity In one week, he would have his education, and a varied educatlou jf water 'control of green aphis. This can be .'used at the rate of a pint and a half to 200 gallons of water. Use liquid hllme and sulphur, one gallon to 25 gallons of water, Dry lime and sul- look In both directions before at- sing to Ing." any one with normal hear- MODKRX MKAHl'REH RENDER RAILROAD JOURNEYS SAFE phur, 3 to 4 pounds to BO gallons.! " 3 10 Punas 10 69 Pllous; Tim recent train wreck on one of Spray thoroughly and cover all parts of the tree. engine, eradicate the digger squirrel ii nd been placed In Institutions by thetp Polish National Committee of Amer-I ' Regular cleaning of the automobile crankcase Is the first and easiest aid (lea. according to the 1920 report of (hut organisation. This action was ,taken at the request of Dr. Jakubkie l.wlez, a special delegate from Vlady ' vostok, who urged it as being the .only means ot saving these children, to better engine performance and 'longer engine lire. The wear and tear 'of engine operation causes steady ac cumulation of road dust, carbon, fine ,. .i , ... 'metal nartlcles aud other Imnurltlen V. ii oi ineiii ui'iniiiiifMi or sepuraif-(i . . ' from their pnoents. from death or de-!Ja cr,nkca o- This gritty contnm aiationallzntlon at the hands of thet,na,ed " UKh the en- 'Holshevikl. ; j 'ne' lmI,uirs " performance andj , ... ,..,, ultimately leads lo rapid depreciation wi i.. .... n,. '""land repairs. us possible. Poison barley can be on- 'tulned In every section at cost at 16 cents per hound. OREGON M Hi teport, 100 have been placed In the, The oil,, like the blood of, the body (Orphun Home. Ellsworth , Pa.; 16, clrcuIateM thr0UKl, , 1 LOAN at that. But it would take him about 140 years to finish and get passing trades in all these subjects. i Eighteen ot these courses are In architecture, 9 In normal art, 16 In jflne arts, t In botany, 8 In chemistry, 25 In commerce, I In economics, 13 In education, 12 In English literature, 25 In rhetorio and American litera ture. 9 In geology, IS In (Jermun, 6 hers of the city council, visited the In Greek, 83 In physical education for Ashland Iron Works yesterday to rtnen, 24 In physical education forUritness a demonstration of the Mora women, 10 In hlBtory, 18 In house-jpump, the new device that Is being hold arts. IS in Journalism, 10 Injbuilt at that Institution. This is a Latin, 10 In law, 11 In mathematics, new Irrigation pump that has been 4 In mechanics and astronomy, 9 in brought to Ashland by (he Mora peo mllitary science, 16 In music,. 3 ijil.ple, with the object of having them philosophy, IS in physics, 3 in pollt- manufactured at the local Ironworks. ileal science, 14 In psychology, 7 Injand the demonstration of the pump tho eastern lines, in which many lives were lost, la so unusuul in mod urn railroad history that attention may be directed to the fact that a passenger in a railroad train, accord- 'CITIZENS WITNESS DEMONSTRATION OF I NEW MORA PUMP ,nK ,0 statistics, Is really safer than ! ho would he If he wore walking the intreets of his home city. The safety ' measures put In force by the South- dents to such a small figure that, C- cording to the statisticians, a South ern Pacific passenger could expect to travel 2,620,202,909 miles, or 104, 808 times around the world, in per- Larimore Chosen For Crater Lake Hotel Manager The Northwest Hotel News an nounces that Mr. R. E. Larimore hus been selected to go to Crater Lako (national park and take charge of the hotel there. The securing of his ser vices wfjl satlle satisfactorily! .the question of the hotel management at '.this most popular resort ot Oregou. Mr. Lurimore will be under tho direc :rectlon of A. L. Parkhurst. Mr. Larimore is well known over feet safety. Since June .10, 1909, thohe country as a successfii) innnagor. Southern Pacific hus carried 482,-'"is wora ai i ne Oregon in I'oltlnnd. , in St. Joseph s home, Milwaukee, 'Wis.; 20 In the Fellclan Sisters' Home, Detroit, Mich.; 31 In the col- engine and carries away all dust and dirt at the eame time that it lubricates, but, un- lflte the blood of tbe body. It has no li.iirA nt fha PntlnA Mntinnnl llllniiitA ' ' . ' A ... " I ' w"y cleaning Itself, as the blood , " n i. i.. ,, . i'loes through the lungs. For this rea- Viei WIK S WlUlli.ll AHVIUIII. lllfB, III, hnH ... . . . . ' 'lon, it Is necessary to drain out the 'Tho expenses so far have amouu edi,,. , . . , ,.,... pla oil at regular Intervals and-to ' ' : , flush out the crankcase to avoid de . ' iposils of. dust and dirt, which might 1 otherwise contaminate the fresh oil as soon as it is put in the crankcase, T Rn fUeavuA uanln the crankcase Is a Job 10 De IDSCIVCU generally disliked; therefore fre- : quently neglected. To meet the need of regular cleaning of the crankcase, modern crankcase cleaning service hasbeen established at first-class garages and other dealers on the Pa cific coast. These garages and deal era use a new scientific flushing agent that cleans out old oil. dirt. Animals Week ' ' This' is "Be Kind to Animals .Week," and demonstrations calling 'attention to tbe importance ot klnd- ;ness toward man's four-footed friends will be held by tbe Oregon Humane 'Society, tl Is not known that any .particular observance will be made In I grit and other Impurities and does not impair the lubricating efflcency of the fresh oil nsed. . Ashland. Today is known as "pet animal 'day; Wednesday will be "benefit" day; Thursday, "red star" day; Fri day, "school" day; Saturday, "Boy Scout" day, and Sunday "Humane" Sunday. The week will be observed throughout the nation under tbe aus- WASHINOTON, April or nine million dollars will he made available for federal farm loan bank loans in Oregon, Washington, Mod' taua und Idaho from the ond issue to be sold by the federal farm loan board April 15, according to present estimates, but some of this money may not be available tin.il July. This Information was - fu'r.lshed Senator MeNary by the "federal . 'arm loan "board In response to an Inquiry as to additional farm loans for the Ocboco irrigation project in liie Prinevlile country. Loans were suspended until tbo dam there could be approved Ly Mr. I McKlttrlck, the engineer appraiser of the Spokane headquarter', and this will be done soon. What proportion o'thlji '. ..fnfl,f.00 will go to Orptron caiinoi now in de termined, hut the board rs'lmates public speaking, 19 In French, 1 in Italian, 18 in Spanish, 4 In sociology, r.nd 6 lu zoology. Fifty-five of the 410 classes are held at 8 o'clock In the morning, and 11.- Eight ktbe same number at 9 o'colck, neces-! given yesterday hn roused the keen est interest among those who wit nessed It. The pump was used In the ditch of tho iron works with power from an automobile, and while little power was utilized In running the ,1!i3,f38 revenue passeugers, and tho revenue passenger mileage has been 18.341,420.368 miles. In this time only Beven passengers have lost their lives, a percentage which is In Htrik- lug contrast with every other known means of transportation. Dltatlng an early reveille on the part! machine, a wonderful amount ot wa- ot the students. Several of the ter was fnrced on the land. From classes will be held in tbe evening, j present Indications the new pump Some of the unusual course ln-1 promises to be one of the best assets elude photography, extemporaneous speaking, home-made, physical app ratus, marketing, philanthropy and educational tists and measurements. SOLDIER OF LATE WAR LAID TO REST that annHcatlons now on tile from The service lg readered for a nom-j Oregon would dUn'i the total an.l It wilt hnve lo he pro rated amour II,- four stiles. uai cuarga iu auauion io I tie cost of amjunt the neceasary "gallon of flulshlng nil fund the fresh lubricating oil poured into the crankcase after It has been cleaned. Garages and dealers rivlne pices of the Humane society, and in this service are designated by a blue many places appropriate prograrnk'nd orange sign, bearing tbe words will be given in the schools and ' Modern Crankcase Cleaning churches. '"lee." -. Culifornians stopping at tbe Hotel Austin are W. W. Woolf of Gottvllle. Chas. M. Savage. James L. Lodie and Mrs. M. Barthelomew of San Fraa- Ser-lcixco. C. R. Thomas and son of Peta- lurra, A. B. White and wlte of Yreka. Ashland' can secure. The funeral of the late John Wm- ton Jonea took place yesterday after noon from Dodge's undertaking par lors and was attended by Urge as semblage of bit sorrowing friends nd associates. Rev. W. L. Evans of the Baptist church gave an address over the bier of this young man, after which members of the Americas I tbat the call continue to .come Legion, consisting -of Arthur Brick-; American people, and Dr. Wirt Is be aon, W. C. Holmes, 8. O. Songer.j lag sent out by the board ot relief In Jtay Jillson, 8. A. Peters, Jr., sad order to tell the story of their suf Donald Dlckerson, bore the casket to ferlngs a he actually knows of Its Its last resting place In Mountain Vxistenee. View cemetery. Military service In No action was taken regarding the WOES OP ARMENIA I VIVIDLY PORTRAYED K representative audience greeted Dr. Lincoln Wirt, who addressed them In the Presbyterian church last evening on conditions prevailing in Armenia In connection with the Near East Relief. Dr. Wirt had recently returned from that terribly afflicted country and la able to portray cou- dltionns first-hauaen. While relief I being meted nut to the Armenians gradually, the needs are so great to VETERAN OF CIVIL WAR AX8WKIW CALL llafter the failure of Wright ft Dickin son, was such that he turned the tide lot business from a distinct loss at ttia time he took It to take charge of the housing proposition at the Stundlfe, Ship Yards under the U. 8. shipping board. Here he hud charge of the big ((Liberty hotel and thirty bungalows 'for a period of three years. Mr. Larimore hus always been very active In all civic matters, having been one of the successful speakers on all Liberty loau and Salvation Army (drives during the period of the war, , John W. Mills. Sr., died at hiB home iu Ashland Thursday evening nt to oVloek ut the sue of 85 years and three months. He was bora lu'aml ln 1,17 ha w the president ot Bristol, Teuu., on January 8. 1 83, j""' Il("'8 Festival Association and ..,, I.. l.r. came to Oregon, where ",rouKn "l'rig etforta. with lie made his home until the Civil War, when he enlisted with Co. C First Regiment of Oregon Cavalry. December 20, 1S64. After his discharge Jiily2s. 1866, at Vancouver. W. T.. Mr. Mills re turned to ItiiHebiirg. then later went to Jacksonville, where h was united In murriuge lo Tabltlia Anderson on December 29, 1867. To this union seven children were born, all of whom ar living and were with him ut bis death. Thesn are Mrs. C. W. Matties, Mrs. (i. L. Carey, W. A. Mllls.l John W. Mills. Jr., Jessie Mills of Ashland: Mrs. J. A. Friielle of Suo-iopen July 1st for the 1921 qtialmie Fuls, Wash., sad F. T. Mills of Chico, Calif. Funeral services will be held from nothing but opposition und very litti money at the hand of the festival board, succeeded in giving Portland a festival that year second to none in Its history. The traveler and tourist will bo ai- sured thst all that is necessary in the. Avay of hospitable and courtaous treatment and service will be dealt out for his comfort and pleasure. We believe "Lurry" will put Crater Lake on the map. It Is certain be has tho best wishes of the entire hotel fra ternity. , Crater Lake Lodge wul officially abd probably close September SO. The shipyard hotel will close down In time for "Larry" to transport his the cemetery were conducted with e'eetabllshment of a community che.t the house Sunday afternoon at 2 fcrew direct to Cruter Lake. His elief. salute tired by a aquad from tbe Ntln Ashland, save a vote on such s'o'clock. with Interment ln the rhoe-JJ. C. Fritz, formerly with tbe Arllm tlonal Guard, end taps were soauded fund. Tills vote resulted in an over-lx cemetery The service at the. ton aud Universuy clubs, has a re. ffter the casket was lowered In tbe whelming majority In favor of the' cemetery will be conlucted by tlnjord for gaod culinary work, and Ihe ground. community chest. order of O. A. R. 'entire crew I loyal,