ASHLAND WEEKLY TIDINGS ft, m. . ASHLAND, OREGON, WEDNESDAY, APRIL 0, 1921 NO. 32 0L. XLIV i I Meged Cause of Ban( Fa7ure Found In Salt Lake City C. H. Owen, wanted In Jackson j has, expressed his willingness to re county on a charge of alldng W. H. turn to Oregon without fighting ex Johnson, cashier and ex-presldent of , tradition. He declared that the : tlio Bank of Jacksonville, to defraud 1hat Institution of $21,000, was ar rested in Salt Lake City Sunday, ac cording to telegraphic dispatches from there, and Is held for the Jack- son county authorities. On receiving word of Owen's arrest, Prosecutor Moore and Sheriff Terrlll called p ;the governor's office at Salem by telephone and made arrangements for the Issuing of extradition papers quickly. Sheriff Terrlll then luter left with the understanding the pa lters would be delivered to him as he passed through Salom on his way to iSnlt Luke City to bring Owen back to. Jackson county. The search for Owen has been 1 kept up since last October, when he was indicted by the grand Jury fori his alleged part in wrecking the bank, which failed In August. The request for his arrest reached Salt I.nke City Saturday. How the Jack son county authorities got his address has not been revealed. Hail for Owen was fixed at $26,000 ' by request of Itawles Moore, district j attorney of Jackson county. Owen ii T m HINGS SEEN UNDER if CAMERA What the camera does not seecuic coast, ne was apponueu lern- often has a decidedly humorous jPuaHe , .., ... ur..i,h' ..n III U l.llllC-Ul III ..cini, . Ethel Clayton picture now being lilmed by William O. Tlor Tor Paramount Herbert Rawlinson a gay cabaret party are supposed .to enjoying the antics of a chorus ,of bathing girls. When It came time for the "shot". repairs to one of the chorus costumes; niaue ueceu,y .uU. u... And so it is that the laughter con-cak war correspondent for the Iios vulsed faces of the close-ups are r- ,on jjerald. acting to, not luscious bathing glrl.i.l j 1918 he wa npl,0intft,i u ,llem. but semi-portly Frank O'.Connor, uninstrel star, now asslsstant director, i'ho combined a waist of false hair and a tiptilted derby withi clever al fresco presentation nf the hulu hula. Then, for a second "shot" of the flose-iip, O'Connor put on the "cake walk," a dance at which he waa a special adept In the days of black face. "It all goes to show," said produc er Taylor In commenting on the re sourcefulness of his asslsstant, "That you can never tell when former knowledge will prove valuable." The death of J. Huston Jones. oc- purred early this afternoon at the home ot his sister, Mrs. Walter Hash. This young man had been ill for sev eral days, suffering from ptomaine lioisoniqg, und his condition had been irritlcul from the time he was first stricken. Henry Euders, Jr., who bad been quite 111 with an attack of influenza, was reported improved today. Mrs. A. Schuermun has gone down (to Gold Hill to visit for a few days. . Freight On Wool Reduced The Southern Pacific Company announces a reduction In tho freight 'rates on imported wool from Cali-j fornin coast ports to New York Pier (Via Southern Pacific, Galveston and 'Morgan Lines, to become effective 'April 4. The rate is as follows: Wool in grease, in bales, machine compressed to not less than 21 .pounds per cubic foot minimum car load weight 30,000 lbs. $1.25. Old rate $1.66. ; Wool, scoured, in bales, machine- xompressed to not less than 17 lb., per cubic foot, minimum carload 0f the war romances have gone on Ashland last summer, which started weight 20,00 pounds, $1.60. The old! the rocks or tlfe . participants are; immediately at the close of the pu'i rate was $2.16Vi. . married. But 1921 Is going to be a' lie schools and lasted a month. This A large amount of wool has been 'had year for weddings. " 'school bad a good attendance among coming into San Francisco recently' from Australia, with New York and TioBton as its final destination. i OAKLAND, April . Mrs. Ella M.! Douglas became the owner of a mil-! lion and a half acres of Brazil jungle1 land wlien Superior Judge St. Sure, Kianted her a divorce from B. V.iinarried," he explained. Douglas today, and with it a title to the land. "I Intend to go to Brazil to live,", condition. People are puttng offi ferent desks have filled the posl- land hi delegate to the Degree of she said. Douglas is said to be serr- their weddings until the Jobs look -tion. Edward Missen, the last as-, Honor lodge, which meets In conven ing time in Sing Sing. tsafer. signed to the Job, plans to stay. tion there this week. charge against him was a mistake and that he did not have anything to do with the fraud. Aside from that, 'he declined to talk about the case. Owen- Is reported to be about 50 ' years of age, and Is the man wuo purchased the Buckeye orchards near jTalent several years ago, where he j fitted up a handsome home with all the luxuries of a modern bungalow and posed as a man of means Word received by the officers at Salt Lake" City was to the effect that Owen was accused of defrauding the bank by a direct overdraft. It was alleged that he and Johnson, cashier In the bank, indulged in a joint spec- ulatlon In land In Nevada.- Johnson, It was said, put up most of the money while Owen, according to the officers, promoted the scheme, It was alleged that the tgtal of the overdraft was In the neighborhood of , $60,000, although only $21,000 was Included In the complaint against Owen. The alleged overdraft was no; discovered until after the bank had tailed and after Owen had been gone from Oregon for several months. 1 Give Talk About Near East Dr. Lincoln Wirt will give an ad dress oh the "Near East" In the Pres byterian church Thursday evenina, April 7, beginning at 7:30 o'clock. Dr. Wirt s a natve'of Michigan. Mont of his early life w'aa spent on the Pa- tonal supcrintenuem oi euucuuuii by .the United Stutes government, founding 'be public schools which "e farthest After three years in theoretic, Dr Wirt went seven succeeding years in woria-ww. travel, journeymg exteu slvely throughout China, Japan, the Philippines, Australia, 'the South Sea Islands, Africa, Europe anil Central America f(j ,( Frallce, Belgium and England as spe- ex-ig. o( the Red Cross publicity coin mission, given the rank of captain, and again visited the trenches on three fronts during the Ger man drive. Upon his return he be- came the special representative of j the Red Ciobs of New England. 1 Iu 1919 he was Risked by the "American Committee for lliu Relief of the Near East" to join tho relief expedition which sailed lu January for Constantinople. There he wai given charge of a chain of rellef'sta tions Btretching from the Syrian polls eastward into Mesopotamia. In recognition of his oriuiual on- .tributlons to the study o compa: i ; five ethnology, he was tn .'. "mem ber" and later a "fellow" n: die Rov- m UCUKI.IJII!i:ilJ flllL-lciv, ilin ii-.,. ill- ..1 ..Ul 1 Dnn!nl. IJ... Inn! PAI ' oefore the Armour lustitine of Tecii- nnlnpir hrniititit him ihn ilnui-en (if . j w"- in is aattress win ue tree. RAIX DRIVKM MANY .MEN TO MATRIMONY' , CHICAGO, April 5. Night's the time for wooing, oh!" said a well known Scotch nuluorlty. But L. C. Legner, in charge of the Cook county marriage license bureau, iias another version. "When it's rainy and the fog set tles down over the old town, why people Just naturally get lonely," said j Legner, "and they dream of cozy flats and fireplaces, slippers and ; homemade biscuits they 'Want io ;ove and hold hands, s0 on rainy days we issue many ,nore n,arriage licenses than when (he sun In shinUig brightly." Dan Cupid Is still as active as ever (hii year, but marriage licenses are!"1 fulling off, according to Legner. High rents, the employment situa tion, or "something else" is tlt cause. Legner doesn't oulte know. Last year 42.503 counles were mar- ried in Cook tounty. The A. E. F. j got married in 1920. But now niostlssme plans us the one carried on In "This marriage license, window Is an excellent barometer for the coun-! try's economic condition.'" added i Legner. Cupid's agent' that romance Is people aren't lovin' any more. "One can be in love and not get I Dispatches here from other cities! of the United 8tates reflect a similar The Memorial is the most promi nent question before the Aemrlcaii Legion Just now. It Is interesting to noto the splendid work of the vari ous committee from all organisa tions represented. The Interest dis played by the committees from the (1. A. K the W. K. C.and the P. A. 11. and ... ..... .aa wHh CliaillOBr OI V.U1UIUOII. their llmeU- suggestions and -helpful! and mature advice ha. been a source, of inspiration and encouragement to our committee from the American! Legion. The. Job Is going over with; a uoom anu uwiu un a (leiiMuom memorial to the kindly thoughts oijNo. 71, of Weed, Calif., Inviting our: an w no siiiiHcriue iu ,iut ivuu uccucwj for Its erection.. Saturday, April i and .Monday, April 4 have been Ignated as donation days for this fund. Even If you cannot give to ward It, yourVvoice In its support will be appreciated. 1 Talk It and think it for a week anyway. Right along; this line it W1V be Interesting to note the work of tho American Legion nationally. The Na tional organization has started n campaign to raise the necessary funds with which to Insure the proper decoration and commemorations of our grave "over there." Each or ganization - has been asked to con tribute at the rate of ten cents for each member in good standing on March 1, 1921. but not loss than $5 from each post. This fund will bejis most worthy Indeed. A healthy handled by our national treasurer change from our time ridden cele- and will be proportionately distrib uted between (he graves of France. Great Brltuln and Belgium, Italy and Germany. The American Legion posts In these countries will have spe cially designated committees to at tend to this work in their respective countries. It is a noble work and a noble cause, and we heartily appro ciate this opportunity to do cur bit. This work is all done by the Amerl-i cans, but that does not take intoj account such beautiful tributes as are paid annually by our friends in France. A beautiful letter was re-i ceived from France a short time ago.! by one of our members who Im, ,i' brother "over there," telling how! they deposit flowers and tears o( love and honor on the graves of our boys, mm ni.i hu iar irom nome. Those uieie uo noi lorget. tt is to them a sacred duty and an - uunur ior mem io pay triDiite to our dead for us. Our monument for permanent Me morial of the Honored Dead. does, not mean for the World War dead alone, but Is bullded to commenoi;- ! ASH I.AM) HEADS R. R. VALLEY WITH PARK LOCATION An adequate tourist camp ground for Merirnrd is simply n business proposition. Without It, Medford will loso the share of the growing tourist crop, to which It Is entit led. And with the tourist season close at hand, immediate action Is Imper ative. Tourists nre already beginning Q nrrvp In two months the 1921 nlleriinaL'e will hi. In full uwlna . ...... Med lord as a tourist center can not compete with Ashland for Na ture in her wisdom, has decreed oth erwise. Ashland will always remain the tourist center of Jackson county, Just as Medford will always remitln the commercial center. But this does not menu Medford should renounce" tho tourist crop en tirely. A certain proportion of the travellers will prefer a stop In the commercial center of the valley, if decent stopping place is provided. This has not been done in the past. It should he done now, for the fu ture. Medford Mail'Trlbune. ASIIIiAND TO HAVE Itlltl.E HCHOOL Rev. J, VV. Hoyt; iSuuday school missionary of the Southern Oregon Presbytery, has laltely-returned from Eugene where ho hud been iitteiid- 11 conference of the heads of the Bililtt schools. At the latter con ference, Mr. Ilrrrt states, the senti ment seems to prevail that many daily Bible schools will be establish- d throughout the state the coining suinnier. These will be Hfter the the children of Ashland, greatly enjoyed by them. I waa, Accord- ing to Mr. Hoyt, Ashland is assured , ;nf a dally Bible school this summer, however, denied 1 although the date .has not been an wanlng and that ', nounced. PHILOMATH. Or., April 5. South 'em Pacific clerks and Philomath sta- tion seem to be incompatible. In the last year it Is said that 1$ df- Ashland Post, Ho. M ASHLAND, OREGON Glenn E. Simpson, Post Conuaaader. H. O. Woloott, Vlot-Cominaiuler. Ralph Hatfield, Historian. Win. Holme, Treasurer. Donald Spencer, Adjutant and Legion sMltor. ate the dead of ALL our WARS, bonus of $15 for each mouth o( Ber tram (he first up to and including the; vice between the 6th of April, 1917, World War. While the American! and Npvember 1UU, 1919, mid a ! Legion is taking the active part of! the preparations, it is lonly upon the advice and co-operation of all I home, or a farm home. The loan fea the other organizations that this ar-!ture grants a loan up to "5 per ceut tion Is taken. The privilege and ! of the appraised valuation, not to hnnni i.f tnVlnir im i-l In tlilu aul 1 n ..a(;w,u fvu. ..... undertaking belongs to all alike no, so Ic ting 1. contemp uted; It will be, left to your own desires. Ashland Post No. 14 has received; comiuunicuuuu irom weea rost uutfiHiou iw ino incc inai iney are!11" iimuiiiiiito v. ..iw going to stage a real celebration for des-j'july Fourth this yar. They state! that their celebration will be differ- ent from the old drift of such cele brations. It Ii to be sane, attrac tive and instructive in every detail, with special attractions ot Interest to members of the American Legion. More detailed Information will be given out at a later date. They are very much in eonest In their en deavor for an extra good one this year and have an extra good cause for which the hope to raise some funds with which te develop it. All moales gained from the celebration will bo spent In the erection of g children's recreation park, In at- , tendance at this celebration, which brations would, be greatly appreciat ed by all. Weed Post has our very best wishes. ' The ex-service men and the Civil Service positions are pretty thorough ly dove-tailed together. There is a law In effect at this time that pro tects the ex-serrice man where hi? work is good. We quote as follows: "That in the event of reductions being made in the force In any of tho executive departments, no hon orably discharged soldier or sailor whose record In said department Is rated good, shall be discharged or dropped, or rcMeed In rank of salary. Isigning the application for the Aux Is a pretty stiff little pen-l Hiary, so it came back for Hie coin. There ally attached to the law for violators oi Its provisions, wh eh mnka (f scarcely worm while to attempt it. There is to be a special election held on the seventh of next June'acoln and cet readv to brittle 'em all (June 7, 1921), at-which time It will be decided by the people of Ore-j gon whether the wish to have the ex- service persons of this state paid a GOODS IN BELGIUM (By t R. H. Sheffield, Culled Pro Staff toiTopondenl.) BRUSSELS (By Mall). Iu a for- mal note addressed to the Belgian; government, the Belgian Federation j ot Contractors charges Germany j with perfecting a gigantic system of dumping. This la declared to be at)4. formidable that no Industry outside of Germany can fight against It un less determined and rapid action il taken al once. It la further charged that the whole financial power of the German Btato hag hmi uiaced at the disposal of German industry, enabling fler jnan firms to grant the most liberal kind of terms in the wuy of long time credits. This Is protection the Belgian contractors declare. This Incident arose between the Belgian government and the Belgian Federation of Contractors, when the government recently acoepted a Ger man proposal to' supply rolling stock for the Belgian State Railways. Incorporated In the protest is a de nunciation of governmental policy la ordering German goods it an appar ent saving of 18,000,000 franc when, it is declared, Belgium will lu' the long run stand to lose 21,000,000 francs by reason of unemployment and so forth The protest declares It Is a false policy to consider solely and wholly the mere question of lowness nf price and quickness of delivery and makes a plea for governmental assistance for strictly national industries, now suffering from scarcity of foreign orders, thereby making local busl- ness afl the more valuable. By awarding governmental orders to a foreign cotintry, the protest points out, Belgium is deprived nf a valuable source of revenue at a time when it is badly needed. Mrs. Will Myer has gone to Port- GERMANY DUMPING loan from the state for the purpose 0f purchasing a city homo, suburban! I HAilA Thiu 1,1 Ita kfl very substantial assistance o a great mny exeVvice men and women and ,elld to make for the very best kind of citUcns-Home owners -V home owner will naturaly takOj ""' " i than a non-owner, rne state execu- gion asks nil ex-service persons m "n commdilty to donate 50 cents. each toward a fund for pressing the Issue before this election; These do nations are to be 4aid to the local adjutants who will forward them to me stale uepHriuieiib ui ruiii.iuu. If you ara Interested read this sec tion again, and then use your own Judgment. Do you know the present where abouts of Lee Moore, formerly of the 76th Company, th Marines! Moore was last seen In Dallas, Oregon. In fnMM.IlAn lu oalrail 111 tllA fltntfl headquarters and the American RBllC3f!( ReSlQHS tO -. r l ... I. Tl, IlnHl K russ mui'iei- iu j-uiuuuu. iuo i Cross Chapter also wants to kuowj where the following men ato: They hold their discharges and cannot de liver them: Emmet Weston, Guy M. Russie, James A. Browu, James Kingston and Ralph Jackson Murrl.i. Ashland Post wants to know where Charles Burdette Is. ' He was lust heard of at Hilt, Calif. Any in for mation that can be obtained regards ing the above named ex-service men will be greatly appreciated by American Legion. the ' There is muny a slip between the cup and the lip, and it slipped this1 time, but Just temporarily. The !- Jut'unl ueglected to collect the re quired four bits from each member' Fn,iuiiUilv it Wi's not greatly de- in,-0 fo kindlv put up the necessarv whera- il lit up with and it has gone In again, so you can count up your eligible neighbors 'down to the Armorv when the cull conies for the election of your of- fleers and the completion of your or ganization. ALLJirTTWO COINTIES EXEMPT FROM DIPPING; The State livestock sanitary board has Just issued a proclamation In ' compliance with Section' 11 of Chap-' ter 223 ot the Laws of 1907, which permits them on or before April 1 announced he had discovered thati H. 0. Wells has been asked to cont Of each year to declare certain. terri-1 male trees committed various crimes,) pllo a list of things to ha burled lor j lory within the State of Oregon as among them excessive drinking and the penofit or this rar-unuripatea ex i being apparently from sheep scabies, ' over-polleulzal inn. .envator, and if tho chest contains all and ueolarlng the annual dipping of; all sheep within such territory that i aro not uctuny affected or exposed growers lost by the (igs nttalnlngj to sheep scab as unnecessary. This'iuch immense size that they split year'a proclamation exempts all ter-1 their sides. i ritory within the State of Oregon, ex-' Professor Condlt was engaged to ceptlng Deschutes und Lake coun - ties. Inspection is now being carried oirlll females are not thlrnty, and that! In these two counties and if it Is "u excessive amount of pollen for Hi.' found the Infected territory Is only j female trees resulted, limited and there Is but little expos-1 ' ,h professor's recom- ure certain portions. of (hese twoln,,,"lB"0,,!i "" association has set counties may be exempted from thel01" 11 &il-nrre Tiilaro foothill tract annual dipping requirements by the devoted entirely to male trees, unanimous consent of the members P. Rlxfonl, San Francisco phys of the State livestock sanitary board. 1 lologlsl of the bureau of plant indiis The federal government will largely j ry of the department of agriculture,' supervise the scab eradication con- hns Inspected the site und hns re trol work carried out In Oregon thlal.P"'1''11 ''is findings to Washington. year. r. or1 o. STIDENTS WHET IV RIVKIi A news item In last night's Port' land Telegram states that John An derson and two other University of Oregon students clung to a log two hours Monday afternoon in the mid dle of the Willamette river lifter their canoe had upset. The three boys wero riding in a canoe when it Struck a snag and capsized. ' The log, floating in the river, probably saved their lives, as the water was swift near the rapids where the ac cident occurred. Friends on shoro threw tbem ropes anil were success- Inl tn recn in ir thi-m. Mr. Anderson " J T '.r, 'Id o" : :pe from glad to learn ,n artiwnniR. .n - Ashland this week as a member of u . . titr. whirl, will1 give s concert In the Armory. Krl- day night. Portland begging Its 1 tax-levy i in int mlu In rates Canyonity getting a 30-ton cold' Wilson. Lolral..e. Edith and little the expulsion of Emperor Carl ex storage plant. j Bettie Brookmlller and Ad. Hurst, .pints Thursday. "Baby Croesus Is Now a Man Crown NEW YOKK, April 5. No longer' weeks of his father's demit "Baby'1 is he "Baby Brown, the infant Croe-i Brown's uncle, Harold Brown, alstt bus," although he Is still a croesus, died, leaving to the Infant millionaire tor $20,000,000 is a golden nest egga fortune said to have been' $1,000, to last a lifetime, and John Nicholas) 000. Other bequests" from wealthy Brown, who celebrated his twenty-'relatives added to his estatf until nt first birthday in Boston recently, has. the present time he Is rated nt more grown up to bo a man. For two dec-' than $20,000,000. ades he has been known as the rich-' Virtually all of, his lifo has beeH 'eat boy In the world. As n child he had a town house in Fifth avenue,! under the watchful eye of his mother, New York city, and a villa In New-j Mrs. John Nicholas Brown, whose, port. He hnd a bodyguard of'detec-llife bugaboo has been the fear that . ....., , ..,, -. nmM Menii wh Bnn hu )fe ((f tho . ,,ttle . . BO,lhnm(m. . Harvard, he Wliicd out of tlio classroiini tho other day nt the close of liis class In eco-l Inomlcs and went to his mother's homo to celebrate formally the event boys live It. He" enlisted in the llai of his birthday. He did not even'vnrd naval unit, and as A common pause at his luxiii'lniis apartment on ' "fob" came Into contact with scrub Jho "Cold Coast," fur ho was too In-1 (,'lit mi nffli'lullv lcaviliu behind hltn'hnw In "hnlvatnllA" n iImIt Ha even oJloU8 nflmj of .,Uh.1iv ntJwn,lll(1 MAm poUce oum, , that has clung to him for so many years. It was i it 11100, when ho was only a few weeks old, that he came into the first of the many inheritances that wero "to swell his present-day for - (line. His father, a multi-millionaire, ilii'tj. leaving Ills Infant sun $0,000.- 000 in his owu right. Within u few, 1 n Cflf 6f liUSMeSS A. (!. Clark, manaaer of the Asso ciated Industries, ami n well-known frequent visitor (o AmIiI.hhI. has ten dered his resignation lit I lie board of direcdirs of the iirKanualiou to ;:o ! """ ,l,e ''t'obile and garage busi ness In Bend with .1. I.. Van lluft'ord. Ills brother-in-law. The latter al- , ready uwns half Interest in t lie Cen tral Oregon Motor . of lleiiil, and Mr. (.'lark has purchased the oilier half of the business. He will sever ' hiM ciiiiuectlon with the Associated Industries us soon as the board of directors can obtain a man to Mieceedj liiin. Mr. Clark has been the prln- ;dpal factor in the upbuilding of tho Aspnciated Industries since organiza- linn In Ifll". The work will be car ried on alter Ills departure along the same lilies which he hns followed. Fig Growers Divorce Trees ! FRESNO. Ciil., April 5. Edicts havo gone forth barring the gallant I men nt the liir l'amilv 111 California .from associating with their mates in I tho chin. I Orders banishing the mule trees to uu, foothills nntl leaving the fertile! valleys (or I lie female of the species were issued by the California peach and Fig Growers' association recent-' ly, when Prof. I. J. Condlt, fig export,! California's fig crop Inst snason'tuo articles suggestea ny wens, inn was of unusual excellence, hut ninny jamaied finder will believe himself lit i Investigate, iiml discovered mat thcjls made airtight and watertight by I males demand water at a time when' concrete several feet thick, articles If they approve the change, the gov ernment will assist In maintaining tho reservation. The fig, it was said, is one of the few trees ill the world which pro duces the distinct male nntl female flowers on separate trees. The mule tree hears only n .shell containing flowers, the edible fruit being found exclusively on the female tree. lliiihiltty Part).- j Last Thursday a number of Mr.'a f!eo. Ilrookiniller's friends nntl neigh-, hors appeared at her house to help ! her celebrate her birthday and to wish her ninny happy returns of th dny. The afternoon was delightfully; spent in visiting, fancy work.' and in .u, .me... rf ..a.. p,kle. coffee, ice cream and cake, were served. Those present Mesdame Walklns. Hudtl. Wlaon. Walker. Burns. F. M. Brook-,. miller firernwond. Handles. Jensen.' 'Calef and Joiles. and Misses Helen i vicinity" of Cinque Chiese and the city Walker. Rachel Hurst. Vlnita Burns.lpf Riegidin. Olive v Calef. l.nlA Walkar. Janet 'spent at Newport, where he grew up ,, , ,, k kjn.iu,,1 ,,, , ran,om. The hoy wat ,. .,,,,,, , R0 ou, B,0 ,, as ho grew up.he was never without n "companion" of particular build whir him ,. ...otto- when, ho went. .During the war voung Brown had his only taste of real lifo as other buckets and such things and learned sensation so novel after a lifetime as the richest boy in the world that he preferred to remain behind, peeling potatoes, to going skylarking with the other "gobs." But the war came j to an end. and he had to return to j his Job of being the richest boy In t!i world. He is studying to fit himself to become a banker, T IN REMOTE 592 LONDON (By Mail to the I'nitel Press). a'our thousand years hence perhaps more some enterprising excavator may dig up a wonderful "find." showing the customs of the people of this country.. Whether the excavulor digs it np or no, the evidence will be there, he cause at present quite a number of people are busying "planting" IJ. Should the excavator happen on il. however, he will discover from docu ments that In the year 1H21 a build' ing had been erected lu Aldwych by the Hush Terminal Company, nnd I Willi the thoughtful idea of perpetu iiiliug the memory of the civilization I of the J in li fen liny they had hidden In reinforced concrete beneath the foundations' samples of the contem porary merchandise. A safety razor will prove to the bearded soldier of four thousand years hence that there was a tiuw when men carefully removed all hair from their faces. A bottle of pickles 4,000 years old may puzzle him some, and there's no telling what he'll mako out of a pre-war Contlental Railway Guide. new Alladin'a citve. An official of the Bush Terminal Company, outlining the stJheme! eS plained that In an excavation which might be preserved for hundreds of thousands of years. Clergymen of Rogue River Met At Grants Pass, The Rogue River Valley Miuiste-, rial Association held Its bi-mouthly meeting at Oram's Pass yesterday. The Baptist church was the scene of the meeting, oud was attended by a representative of practically all the .churches in the valley. The forenoon session began at 10 o'clock, at which Rev. Walter L. Evans of the Ashland Baptist church read a paper on "Pas toral Evangelism." The lending u(-- ternoon topic was "Reading of Theo- logical Hooks" by Rev- C. M. Clin the Oram's Pass Baptist church. f;aci paper was followed by Infor- null discussion. Rev. C. F. Koehler. pastor of the Ashland Presbyterian church. Is president of the assoclu- tion. The sssoclaton wll hold ts next nint-tiug n Ashland. VIENNA, Apr,, , fore. Hungary, without wait- ing for the expiration of the little EXCAVATORS were: i entente's ultimatum, it was unoffl llurst. cially reported today. The Serbs are" aid to bav occupied Hungary a mosi unponsui ... . TBe lime cuieoie uiiiiDmuui on