Wiylnewlny, Starch AO, 1021, ahiclaSd weekly tidixo PAGE THREE LOCAL AND PERSONAL dent of this city and is survived bj five sons and three daughterB, who are; Ceo. A. Culy of Roseburg; Cary SATURDAY'S XEWS ,W. Culy of Jacksonville, Clement N. Dr. A., J. Ackerman, president of. Culy of Grants Pass, Allen B. Culy the Oregon State Normal, spent the of Medford, Frank 0. Culy of San day In Ashland yesterday and visited j Diego, Calif., Mrs.. Laura Owen ol some of the city schools in com- Medford, Mrs. Nellie Long of Grants puny with Secretary J. H. Fuller of Pass and Miss Mildred Culy of ABh the Chamber of Commerce. The pur-j land. Mr. Culy's wife died about of Jacksonville yesterday. Dramwell brought action for the recovery of money alleged to be due the Jack sonville bank on a promissory note and overdraft, totalling (3803. Au epidemic of what is know nax Manila smallpox has been prevalent in Talent. The schools were closed for a few days last week, but the dls- . . ... . . i pose of Mr. Ackerman's visit to. Ail- a year ago in this city. ease l claimed to ne unoer comroi. land was to plan the establishment i 0nly fw " wer reported, and of a six weoks' summer normal schoolj Mr"' Loveland, of the Enders cler- these, it is claimed, were of very In Ashland for the coming season!1"" lurK9- " la"a wecK 8 'aca-.niiio lorm. and a conference was arranged at the1 tion' her PlaM ln ,he lc beln Chamber- of Commerce, with a com-.""60 Dv Mrs- Thompson of Uresham mlttee appointed for this purpose. Full announcements will be made later. Dan and A. Lindbcrg of Hyder, Alaska, are spending a few days in Ashlund this week. While in the city tbey are guests at the Hotel Colum street. .A meeting of the Crater Lake pro ject development committee, of which Governor Olcott Is honorary chair man, has been arranged to be held at Medford within tflree weeks, when details for placing the Oregon resort on a real basis will be taken up. A meeting of. the committee was held - In Portland yesterday, when plans is flowing In quantities from the bow. The following from Portland are stopping at the Hotel Austin: .Rev, T. F. Smith, R. W. Hinner, F. E. Bigelow, J. M. Mcintosh, C. S. Llp schnett, R. E. Bradskaw and Geo. H. Kaiser. , F. 0. Ostland is in Ashland this week from the Montana oil fields, where he brings good reports from that rich find in the liquid gold that them. They will all return t Ash land Wednesday and will remain until Sunday, when they must re turn to Eugeue,' where Prof. Spen cer la a member of the university faculty. . ' . At the lust meeting of the local Ministerial Association the member unanimously voted to support In e ery way possible the project byjhe patriotic orders of Ashland In re. gard to securing a shaft. in memory of the soldiers of all wars who made the supreme sacrifice. This announce ment was made in the local churches yesterday and the clergymen assure the committee at the head of the pro. iant thuit II n All n 1 1 f t bri aimnitit Saturday. Jack Brady, Dwight Gregg, Will-1 lam McMillun and Melvin Kaegl are among l of 0. students who arrived! home Saturday to spend the Easter' vacation. , Miss Mary Adnmsou of Talent was rived in Ashland this week from St. Paul, Minn. These tourists stated they made the trip In twelve days, coming by the northern route, and going south. The speed with which this trip was made hows the roads Mr. and Mrs. Ellis Gall also came in Jrom Bellevlew, thus forming a fam ily reunion. Mis. Vau Dyke and daughters, also Misses Esther and Doris ICleinhaU- mar all it M ftrtm 'at rAKt anpnt Ea. - ...k..IIh nn.l ... v. ....... .... MTU rw finiuimn-- uu. ter with the'latter's parents, Mr. and 44. Mrs, Kleinbammer ot the ranch on Philip S. Bates, former secretary Applegate. ! of the Oregon State Editorial associ- 4 4 ! atiuu, and who is now connected with . Mrs. .Heury Held returned home t)lc Northwest Manufacturer, of thlsr morning from San Frnuclsco.j Portland, was a caller In Ashland where she had been visitlug with her yesterday. Mr. Bates has Just re 'son for the past week or so. ; turned from a trip east as far as . i Chicago, and states conditions Rev. E. H. Edgar, pastor of the, throughout the country are generally i Presbyterian church of Central Point, picking tip and regaining normalcy. and iiia wife were Ashland visitors' ' 44 Mr. J. H. Provost, who lias been an Inmate of a Medford hospital for Mrs. Phoebe Wright Is seriously 111 at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Hattte Lynch. W. Stoll of EtiXfltie. B. O'Brien of Hornbrook, G. R. Cameron and wife of Tucnimi, and H. B. Symes of San Francisco. Miss It 11H1 Mars cunlA home last evening from' Medford; 'where she Is attending St. Mafy's academy, tor the Easter vacation. ' 4 4- Mrs. W. H. McNalr, Mrs. Mlltou Fraley and little son Rillie, are .in Pacific Grove, Calif., where they arii guests of their father, V. P. Moore. - Mr', and Mrs. Northrup are moving this week from the Shook apartments where tbey have been living during the past winter, to .114 Mechanic street. 4 Mrs. Agues Broughton returned an rm tillia UfllAI'U ulta II tlftarU'ant fl ; ' . . , . home the first of the week from serious operation, is so far recovered! that she expects to return home within n few days. WEDNESDAY'S XKWS , Mrs. Will Densmore left Monday. The old show windows in the Hoot The following from Portluud are for the further uction were made. reglBjcred at the Hotel 'Austin: C.I William F. Isaacs and George T. Col D. Rde, H. H. Murphy, Homer Ham-!lins, members of the Crater Lake dc lln, Guy S. Munhnll, C. Weightmau vilopment project committee lrom and wife and W. H. Bellinger. Guests Medford were In attendance at the from other points are: Geo. Evans of Quincy, Wash., W. C, Welghtman of San Francisco and J. Heckendorn and wife of Los Angeles. latter meeting. The Ashland Auto Company is mak ing an excellent start in the sales of new cars this spring. Among clt- M is. A. Giebisch, wife of Contruc-i Izens of this city and vicinity who tor Giebisch, who Is grading the"! have puchased new automobiles from Green Springs Mountain highway east' thin company are A. R. Squires, who of Ashland, Is spending a few days! has a new 6-passenger '21 model in the city with her husband. 4 Bulck; Claude Millet, a new 7 -pas senger Bulck; J. J. Robinson, a new O. E. Jobes and family are moving: 5-passenger Bulck, and H. C. John Ihis week to Talent where 'Mr. Jobesj,,on 8 new m Chevrolet, expects to bo employed on the saw-j Edgewood where she hud taken her young son to place him In school for the balance of the year. ' . Mrs. Elizabeth M. Smith recently bought, the C. W. Fraley residence at "8 Fourth street through the mill that will soon start In the Wag-: FRIDAY'S XEWS nor creek district. 1 . . Mrs. Susie L. Allen has completed Rev Norman Wavne Pholi.s. nav! through her real estate office the tor of the Talent Methodist church, I ma house and lot on Palm transacted business in Ashland today. ven"e belonging to Frode Froder- 4 4 I son of Norway, to Lewis H. Jacki. Mrs. C. H. Hums, daughter of Mr.jMr. Froderson was a former architect 1111 her home in Houston, Texas, after, number of the large business blocks paying a visit in Ashland. This pop- in the city. He later returned to his ular young lady will be greatly miss- native land, Norway, but still retain ed by her affectionate parents. ' ed property in this city. Mrs C It.' Loshcr and two dauah- Mrs. Howard Barrett woe up fronii ters, Ardoth and Bernlta, of Port-j Talent yesterday visiting with her land, arrived yesterday and will hoi parents, Mr. and Mrs. F. 'J. Shlnn. over Sunday guests at the home of' and other friends. i - n.. . . ... 1 ... . . . 1 vhnn noi'A nmn mrn nin nnii nnw els of the earth Mr Ostland states guest 01 miss i.race coomne at me night for Leon, Ky., wnere sne e.-j - - a good well was recently brought In i latter homo on . Scenic Drive Sutur-'pecta to spend the coming slimmer modern ones are being built to take on a quarter section adjacent to that day afternoon. with flrends. ; ,ne" """-B' '" """ B.-nver Realty company. t ' I I . I 1 L nlnad I iriru I. tint hniL Anil ' !""" B"", ' '" -""I 4 J. H. Fullor. secretury of tho Ash-' Stoppiug at the Hotel Columbia will be attractively made to lend to jlilts KenlI0r (;reer was an over land Chamber of Commerce, left last'": C R- Lousdale au'd wife and; artistic decorations. When complet-, Sunday visitor at the home of Mrs, I .. n I . ... ,11 I.- I .l.ll I ...... night for Eugene where ho will be; Eugene U. Bell ot ban rrancisco. In attendance at the ehort course of Crete V. Bergon of Tacoma, Kirk Chamber ot Commerce Secretaries i and II. E. Shelley of Coquilla. thls'week 1 Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Cartwright and from her parents and brother, Mr. !chlldren, Susan and Charles, arrived' and Mrs. Thos. II. Hoover and son Mi .nrf m. n i uinlhnr. n,i! in Ashland last evening from the. Meade, who left Sunday for San Frnn- famlly drove down to Medford Sat-.uth where they had been spend-, cIkco. that tney nan sirieu s.nei )Ut ;l surcr ai(, ()t sprng Wn n urday evening for a brief call. Iiik the winter, and stopped over night iu that city. Tim. trip w,ts made In j ,Cated wheu three airplanes passed 44 In this city before continuing uiuir.ii roru bcuuh , iu... .n, over Aaniana today about 1 0 clock Guests registered at the Hotel Col- Journey to their home ln Dawson, two days on the way. I hey ropoi t umbia include W. A. Van Ooether of! Mich. tue roads in good condition practi- n.. a.ruiinn lii irnnwn in Eu-1 Portland, D. L, Showers of Weed.l . ically all the way. - - - . - . n.'Mrs. F. Warren of Hilts and W. .I.i Mrs. Bert Orr of Medford was an 44 gene us a luimtsr uikcuiidl uv uv - - - belonging to the Ashland syndicate, and the terrotory is fast being taken up by representatives from all over the country. , Good Friday is being observed In the various churches today by religi ous services. A union prayer service was held In the Baptist church from 12 to 1 today, while the Catholic and Episcopal churches held Bervlc.es this afternoon and the Methodist Episco pal church announces special Bervlces this evening. ed they will make handsome adill-;S S- Sm,h of j,ford. She waa Hon to the store. , 'accompanied home by Mrs. Smith 1 .Mill dauirhlor. Mrs Iteumnnnt Mrs. N. H. Harrison receive.! wordl. .,,,,, It is a sign of spring when the birds begin to return to the north, theatre, arrived In the city recently for a visit with relatives and friends. He has been located at Ashland, McEnerny of Dunsmuir. J. E. Barrett, who has been an in- Ashland culler yesterday afternoon. Ural Coleman was In Medford yes- .. . n..l nf o hn.nlti.1 In Cn P,..nnlu, 1 ,rr "! """-"6 Kiamatn r ails ana ronianu biucc - - -... ... i leaving Eugene." In Portland he has1 "me borne yesterday after an ab- Mrg Byro Leal)0 of Rogue Kiver had opportunity to bundle one otjaence of five weeks. Mr. Barrett , , ... h B8.er.ln.iaw. Mr8. j. l. ;J-trr:, lrr -.re ...-t a pretty stiff operation;, , (ew days thi8 week. B,r t :::::: z.r :zzz::,z::,:.vj- iwnuo aiaa M,r'' oui Miae rrom;whicb she ten for Portland to b th, the former's father, H. 8. Emery, om Mechanic stret. Rev. E. J. Conaty. rector of the lo- i . , 44 cai catnouc cnurcn, was a persunni llotitl Coluniblu guests are J. H. ; acquaintance of the late Cardinal Garvin und C. C. Dole of Portland,' Gibbons, whose death occured in Biil Geo. M. Taylor of Dunsmuir, Mrs. timore yesterday. S. Swearingen of Los Angeles and' ' 4 W. K. Hunt of Sun Francisco. j Chief of Police Hatcher found an 4 i automobile on A street yesterday Attorney W. M. Briggs transacted lnat na(j Deen i,,ft tnBre a ,jy or B0 Californiuns registered at the Aus tin Include L. C. Francis and wife of I.oomls, Evelyn Chapman, Alice Packwood and Jess Slvyia of Duns muir and J. A. G. Schiller of San Francisco. 4 D. A. Applegate is dealing out law and equity at Jacksonville as a Juror this week. . F. D. Wagner Is also oc cupying a like position. 4 Mrs. A. R. Wright, who has been visiting her daughter in Yakima, Wash., for several months, returned home yesterday. The condition of Miss Librrla Gore, while still serious, was regarded this afternoon as u little Improved, as was the condition of Miss Edith Gore, which is now not regarded as Sert oli as that of her sister. Medford Mull-Tribune. 4 Guests registered at the Hotel Co lumbia ure .lunies II. lluttoii und ('. G. Leland of Dunsmuir. Guy Fruit of Spokane, 0. Emerson Smith of Lou isiana und E. L. Cohiini of Portluud. . 4 Ki'iiueth Lilly, who has been spend ing the past week in Ashland with oeing a mile gaa-y on nis reel, ne is gue3t of relatlr(9 for gpVeraI weeks, feeling fine. i ! The funeral of the late Mrs. Emma The annual congregational dinner, ;E ,,ellett who died at ner honlB 011 an occasion of much interest to the'CIen Dllve. Suuday, was held from Presbyterian church, will take place! he j.tock Unuel.iaklng parlors yes In the church parlors next Wedncs-; WrAay aItfirnoon. Rev. Walter L. dav evenfner at 6 o'clock This will i n i i. - - - - Evans, pastor oi m a iu.ii ciiuiwu ... .... t ,i i u i niv hn fnllnwail hv tho annual hn.inoc . ... .. j. ..... Ill" Pil'''lltS. Ml. Ulld .Mrs. J. K. Ull ".h" ; .' :::z . 01 m tn conauc ,m m'U ....uy to resume hu siies . usv..u.vU u.iv.... wn)cn werB Htiended Dy a large con-1 will be participated by the members' rse of friP,id9 and neighbors of! of the church and congregation, with jthe flec(.a9f.d. Interment was made! their families. ln Mou(ain view cemetery. ' I Host expert Floyd louug expect- v.,.B. J. I,. Heer and Mrs. Levi Siev ed to arrive in the valley yesterday,,, Hpem Saturday in Medford. to carry on observations and preuic- 4 4 Hons of frost during the next six The planes were from the south and were headed uorth. G. C. Culy, a former resident of Ashland died yesterday afternoon at 5:.'I0 o'cluck at the home of his son. A. B. Culy, In Medford after an III hess extending over IS months. Fu neral services will be held from the Perl (a in' nil home iu Medford at l:.'!il p. ill., Saturday, March 2ti. anil In terment will be made in .Mountain View cemetery, Ashland. When 11 resident iu Ashland, Mr. Culy lived on Mountain avenue, where Ills wife died over a year ago. Mrs V CrfiV And SOU UoV areltvApka ni- an Ml Vminor hai hoon I Annu nnrlitim left this mot'llilli; ill business in Jacksonville today. ! ago. by two good looking young men, in Ashlnnrt this week from Morley, secured hv thn nrrharduta nt .wkun.i : iim lniter' cur for Lewlston. Iduho, where they will visit for some tlm.' with Dr. and Mrs. Smith's daughter, who resides there. They expe"! (o Miss Katherlne Dauchy of New . maK, n,B entire trip by motor. ' I whom residents state, drove the carlculif., guests at the homes of C. A. j county in order to prepare against Evangelist J. W. Barnett will speaK; 1q Tne chief wre( t0!Cotter and Mrs, C- M. Bomar. ; .osU durlg frult b,08S0m every evening next week at '! Sacrament0 fronl wh(Mee the car hn.l , . 44 church of the Brethren, corner of come, for information regarding It. ChnrleB Graham and mother, Mri. ul Stanford university. Mrs. .1. M. Wagner, who hss been ) visiting with her daughter, Miss Hes sle Wagner ut Berkeley, is now visit j ing her son, Carroll, in I.oh Angeles. 'She expects to remain away several . ,1 Dr. and Mrs. B. E. Smith and Mrs. 9 V Mr. and Mrs. Waterman, who have been gui-ls of friends in Ashland for Hie past week or so from Salem, have pin" tn Talent to locate. .Miss Harriet Ruger wus iu Grants Pass the fore part of the week, the NEW ti.tliWOX TOOLS. e- Spray 1'iiiiips. Xcw Spray Hose. New tiank'ii Hose. en Iron Age Hand Cultivators, Vciv SewiliK Muchinni. l ueil SewiliK Machines. Sold or rented by the mouth. All Kinds of liVncti .Posts and I'eiii lin; PEIL'S CORNER BV THE PARK Mountain avenue and Iowa street. Rnd received word rrom !in isuranceE. G. Elgin, are here from Dorrls.j York is a guest at the Chamberlain-j 4 nr n,t Mrs M P Mendelsohn have! c""Pany that, as carriers of Insur-i Calif., and are camping in the park.jPalmer ranch, and will remain here. Criminal action against J. E. '"". ,, , Miss I)oro(llv Howard of . . . r.n j . ance on tins car iney were responsi-: uiimni m : u"ii - umuui. mm unuraj imii, (hat cltv returned from Chico. Calif., and are .,!., . ,. I, . s R. San-!, ensin nf Ml- s-ii,t,..h nuim.,. Icnnrt for niHIne and abettlnc a bank C"y' Incnted In Ashland. The former is, 1 .... ... .1 . . , .n.. ; to notify them If It is In good run ning order. Chief Hatcher has not 11 well known eye specialist. 4 4 Francis Winter and Edwin Mowat yet solved the' mystery of the car's were down to Rogue River today, appearance in Ashland. spending the day fishing. i 4 4 The three airplanes that passed Mrs. Gene Holmes was an Ashland, over Ashland yesterday at about 1 visitor yesterday from Weed. She o'clock contained forest service men going to the conference in session left for her home this morning. 44 I in Portland today to consider plans Mrs. II. 0. Frobach waB an Ashland, for making a reeonnolssance from the visitor from Medford yesterday theialr of the tornado swept bell of big guest of Mrs. T. H. Simpson. 1 timber in the northwesterly section 44 I of the Olypmlc peninsula. The 1 lanes Mrs. Nora Walrad came home last were from Mather field, California, evening from Weed and Hornbrook,! ....... lint prnaa hllna nppilt.r X rnmdlftlil where she had been a guest or ner, -- " " "(land. S. Corruson and Wife. J. Issues the Place in me menu 01 1 .my numeni iana tnis weeK. Mr. Monroe is a wen . --. -- k... ln- f Ql.blvm. .oi.n.v nj,"' """' 'I"U1I UI1U 111 ders, who will conduct it during tho 44 coming summer. Mr. Sanders his Captain W. M. Briggs left last been a resident of this city for the! night for Salem where he was culled past five years, and Is well known 'to atend a general etaff meeting to- to Ashlanders. M. C. Reed, the well known Chau tauqua lecturer and superintendent, left last night for Houston, Texas, to attend the seven-day Chautauqua convention of the Ellison-White com , day. Guests from the north who are stopping at the Austin include. C. C. Cooper and wife of Hoqulam, Wash., C. Clark and wife und C. R cashier to defraud a bank was (lis-. Kvervbodv is invited and urged to missed yesterday, and civil action 11108ent , n0on-duy services was started against Bartlett by Stale V, ba Mti llt ,h jja(tst church next Superintendent of Banks Bramwell rr)duy udpP n,a auspices of the for the recovery of money alleged to . A!mlund Ministerial association, 12 be due on a promissory note and (o j p , overdraft to the amount of $3800. 4 4 j Fred E. Walters baa been uotlfled S. M. Sturr is taking charge of the,ot hs eiKlion and bas a'ceepted the home properly of Dr. B. E. Smith )OHmo1 uf BCUOrl, secretary and Sec Piovost Bros. Window Display II Will Pay You Nelson of Solem, George Cook and while the latter Is away on nis vaca- tl.enaur,.r 0t the Order of Railroad pany. He expects to start from Hous-' c- J- Smith of Eugene, C. A. Fair- tlon to Lewlston, Idaho. ! Telegraphers of Division Fifty-Tare.), ton on the summer circuit of the banks of Centralla, ' Wash., und W.,' ; which covers the entire Southern Pu-, Ellison-White people. ' j L. Campbell ot Tillamook. A short course for commercial club ; cjfic company lines. Headquarters! 44' .secretaries of the state will bo leldi(irt, main(11(.d Sa Francisco, and W A Monroe of Northern Califor- Calfrnians registered at the Hotel on the campus o. the I'nlverslty of,lfl deparle(1 Saturday on train No' nia Is snenditiK a few days in Ash- "Mnw" - urBon nru Hiu...fi .v - fi3 l0 taKft ,,,, lllH aicw (Iull(.a al inM duugfitor, Mrs. Gene Holmes at .1 ..V.. .A....l.. I,l.,.. Tkin former Iplace, and her brother at j 'cu",,u' """'', , . ' 1 old-time custom dates from ancient the hitter. , , : times, and each year finds adherents Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Gray and little! who still cling to the Idea of eerv son came up from their ranch nearjlng hot cross buns on Good Friday. Gold Hill, Wednesday, and were shop-. ping with our merchants, as was also Lee Py nt ver 10 Hilt8 Mrs P. J. Barnum of Medford. 'yesterday, where he expects to get 1 . , employment for the coming summer. Clirence Buck of Jacksonville Is among .the applicants for rights tot Mr. and 1 Mrs. ' Henry Pace haye secure 0.43 second foot of water from purchased the building on East Main Big Applegate river, for Irrigating street formerly occupied by the Ov .14 acres ' erland Shoe Shop, and have moved It , to their lot on Harrison street. The Mrs. C. A. Shutts leaves today ' building Is being remodeled and ad for Eugene where she will spend the (led to, and will be occupied by Mr. Easter vacation with Miss Fern Mur-jnnd Mrs. Pace as a residence when phy, who is a student of the Unlver-j completed. They will have a hand Bity of Oregon. ; some home ln the near future, 4 I . The body of the late Geo. C. Culy, y. S. Stancliff. who underwent an whose death occured in Medford last , oieratlon In a local hospital reccni Thursday, was brought to Ashland ly, .js getting along nicely, from last this afternoon and burled In the fam- reports, and expects to be removed Ily plot of Mountuin View Cemetery. to" his home at Phoenix shortly. Services were held from the Perl 4 4 Funeral Home at 2:30 this after- A verdict for State Superintendent noon, conducted by Rev. F. R. Leach of Bank Bramwell for $2543.1 1 of the Medford Beptlst church. Mr. against J. E. Bartlett of Medford, was Culy was a former well known res!- awarded by a Jury In the circuit court has with him some fine samples of chrysolite asbestns of which he has an extensive mine, as well as some specimens heavy with lead, silver and gold. Everett Arklin is confined to tho house this week with an attack of grip. . Mesdames Hubbard, Childers, Viv ian Schulcr and Miss Sadie Lacey of. Medford were Ashland cullers yes terday afternoon. 4 4 and running to April 2. Prominent ; )1((,e ,, been ocul c,a1Iuan speakers from all over the stale will; . (u Shas,a iStrlct ever since It Kom of Sun Francisco, L. M. McKee'be present, and special classes in var-l w created some fourteen years ago and wife of San Diego, C. Hanson andiious important topics concerning thcu)(j ni, aPWldd wor n tnat office F. Gray of San Jose, Dolly Gray A r- work of secretaries of commercial! ,mH won (or ltm lhg advnncement. nett of Slsson, and Paul M. Lyon of clubs will be held. Secretary Fuller jr9 waiters and children will fol Hilt. ! of the Ashland Chamber of Com-'i. in 11 few wnflfti nflAP illunoHinkf Mr. and Mrs. J, B. Loucks, who have been spending the winter. In Southern California, nre in Ashland visiting for a few days while on their merce expects to attend the school 0, lMr ,,, property here. Mr. jund Mrs. Wallers came to Ashland Guests at the Hotel Austin Include: I vMw a0 biv uke. a W. L. Campbell of Tillamook. .1. W.;artve iurl jn , ciul.ch ullJ Hammell and S. 8. Gilbert of Al-,. f ... way to their home In Port Oxford. !bany, Harry Meyer. Louis Tonilnl.' .. ther dfi,)arlure. iDlnstfc Vlvorelll and Peter Dort I The following from Oakland were Sant0 of San Frandnco, Mr. and Mrs.; The ..0NSi jduiTal coutaln's tlm iweek end guests In Ashland, stop-'j -. Newmarch of White Horse', Dr. fowlng concerning the m.ui who ping ai me noiei uoiumoia,. n. r;C L Clark of Portland, John StrucK ,.fl hPrn week or so ago by auto- Mrs. Sam B. McNair und Mrs. j. ovenason, .nesier ovenason, fcinenei0f Cottonwood, Idaho. J. A. Sulli-i mo,j,, for Eastern Oregon: Edw. Thornton were in Medford yes- Svenson and Mra. B. O. Arnold. terday afternoon attending to Red' Cross work of which they are the! Mi Theln.a Throne, who has been a guest 01 Mrs. verne larey ana otuer THE LAIW1EH1 STOCK OJ' Paints Oils Glass d Wall Paper Itf "OVlHIRiN OltKGON. Brat Good and Heat Prices. Oet Our Price. WM. 0.. DICK FR SON THE PAINT MAX E. it. Ashland representatives. They were accompanied to Medford by Mrs. Catherine Haverknmp and Mrs. How. ard Rose. Ashland ' friends for the past week. , left Sunday for her home in Cor- vallls. ' Mr. and Mrs. O. W. Steele of Ta coma are in Ashland, guests of the former's brother, George Steele. Mrs. Fred Gardenshire and son Charles, wife and son of an 8. P. con ductor, arrived on train No. 16, '..m a 9 1 mi Anornlaa 11 II KchrnPflet- f 1.11.. .. ... ...... I .! u.. n.i van ui uva niif,.v, ... ... l.UUKI'llli, ill turn IUII1VU vj liiiueri ; and family of Spokane, Chas. Howard Johnson, sad Dick Darnhoiise, uc-! of England, Mrs. A. MacManany of cnmpaiiied by Chas. (1. Millet, arrived 1 Detroit, Mich., B. W. Hoff of Belllu.;- (n mobiles from Ashlund, Oregon, ! uPerrine SSale Ladies' and Children's Buster Brown Hose Black, Brown and White - -' - - -25c DRUMMER SAMPLES Ladles Underwear now en sale Your Dollar is Worth More Now fl-ET WISE MONDAY'S NEWS Harold Simpson, a student of the University of Oregon, is home for his Easter vacation. 4 4 The case of W. F. DeWItt, the Ashland Jitney driver who was In-L Portll(ndi Mday ,nJn(f, ,na ioiciea oy a gran.u jury .or "lan'wwa Easter guests of Mrs. Alex Hall slaughter as the result ot an auto.,,,, Mn) j M Eaaterling. : accident on the Pacific highway on' Christmas Eve. which resulted in tne jr. and Mrs. F. L. Nelson arrived ham and H. C. Betard of New York. lust Wednesday, having mude the, trip by way of Portland in four days. ! death of Mrs. Nana Jennings of Med ford, has been postponed until the May term of court. This postpone ment was granted upon the applica tion of Attorney O. M. Roberts. Bertram P. Spencer, with his par ents, Prof, and Mrs. Peter L. .Spen cer, Is spending his spring vacation with his grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. home yesterday from California, where they had been spending seve ral weeks with friends in various see lions of that state. Olaf A. Hansen and J. N. Taylor of Medford, were registered at the Aus tin today. Mrs. E. N. Warner and daughter, Miss Ruth, of Medford, ffare up Sun- A. C. Spencer, of this city, and Mr. and Mrs. George B. Skeen of Mon- day. calling on friends. tague, Calif. Grandpa and Grand4 ' ma Skeen drove over from Montague E. G. Roberta came up from the yesterday for a brief visit and re-: ranch near Medford to spesid Easter turned in the evening to their home, with his mother, Mr. E. J. Roberta, TUB lire aepanmmi. ......u um (ey , out last night to the residence of II.!am s,nl( , c;iinyon vtIt, . , nexV L. Moore on Vista street to quell a (.iv (hey .. mHn , Jerfpp.i blaze burning back of the flrepla.e oi(; hp hpvt day ,., mUm (o The, In their living room. The jamb ,, ,e , ,,,.,,,, ,., byl burning and the fire was in a fair way ()f Ar,jnK,()n bump ThP 0Iliy way to communicate with the rest, b(( r(aJ lpy f()und (m )he of the walls. It required tearing out r ()n ml( m,M wa. (he gmUh m , the mantel to get to the blaze, but lhH gfiH (f AH,1ni. MeBan,. Barll. aside from that little damage " 10UHe and LaiiKhlin expect tlie worst sultedv roads of the trip from here homo iol Mitchell I The show windows of the dry goods , toreofE. R.Isaac -Co.. are under-! T), (,.v Hw,rran. rin,Hiet u. i going extensive Improvements with , BUn. m UM ()f (he mHm tg paint and .decoration. 'A soon as Bhnn, ronaUn,(4h ln ,he c)ly tllj.; completed they will make a marked T)(i (nlg a(iy wjh t flat , addition to the store. . , llehtlna. and ls'consldercd j CITIZENS ( y BANK 5 0 FASH LAN DJ I HAVE Vol' I I MARKED I a much more economical way of u- C. n. nenson. w i ninuj (n ,,w.(rrtj. Medford. expects tn move his family - j to that city In the neur future. F. G. Lewis, traveling agent of th; ' traffic department of the Southern TH11WDAT4 XWTWn Pacific company, was in Ashland yes-j Tourists are beginning to make' terday from Eugene looking ftr their appearaoce by automobile from business Interests in this vicnlty. all directions, which is an indication 1 4 ..... .r. in unusually good Guests at the Hotel Austin are ondlUon for thl. time of year. An i Frank M. Barrett and H. W. Ireland. taking Bertram and bis folks with! and sister, Mr. Lulp Van Wegea.; automobile containing a party ar 'of Portland, F. O. Lewis and Frank the number of people who are camping on the trail of your small coin? Why not hang onto t . yourself? Wart a Ravlnga Account in Thia Ntroeg Rt-k TODAY. AVCIH SAVINGS'