Ashland weekly tidings. (Ashland, Or.) 1919-1924, March 30, 1921, Image 1

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0L. xny
NO. 31
Plan Program for
Bringing Settiers
From Middle West
Mland Posl, No. 11
Uleun E. Simpson, Post OOmaaander.
H, 0. Wolcott, Vice-Commander.
Ralph Hadtteld, Rfttorian.
' Wm. Holmes, Treasurer.
' Donald Spencer, Adjutant and Legion Editor.
(Special to The Tidings)
PORTLAND, Mar. 29 A compre
hensive and far-reaching progrum
tor bringing settlers to Oregon on a
wholesale scale from the middle west
ern states during the coming summer
was announced by the Oregon State
Chamber of Commero Friday, fol
lowing an nil-afternoon meeting of general passenger agent of the Vnlon
the executive committee at the Ore-j Pacific lines, wired frdm Omaha on
gon building.- This plan, which bus! that duto, Informing the State Cham
been "In the making" for several. ber that the Union Pacific would co
motiths, Includes the routing of nun-1 operate in every way possible in I He
brought to Oregon in a body. Defi-
nite assurances have been given by
;tl . ; -. "-r- J
tt , i .- i ii ii ay ,
the railroads that they will co-oper-1 gion Btute Legislative Committee
at? in every way with the proposed I Just received by Ashland Post No. H.
plan. 'Homeseekeru rates which were i we find the following briefly do
suspended during the war' were put scribed bills that were successfully
lu the report of the American Le- work is now going on at Port Walla nous opposition of the export Inter-
House Hill No.
This is our State Aid mil.
bill provides jjor payment to
jests of the City of Portland uiul thpj
; Portland Chamber of Commerce, wboi
This feared It would eudungfr their trad'.'
each' with Japan. This bill is almost tii.f
into effect again last Tuesday 'fol-lpossed through our state legislature! person that was a resident of the some as the one in operation in the
dreds of homeseekers to Oregon In a
body aid a personally conducted tour
by automobile dver the entire state.
lowing a conference of railroad of-' and signed by the governor.
flcials at Omaha. Win. McMurray.l . .. House Memorial So. 2.
Memorializing the congress of ins
United Ktutes to recognize Its obliga
tion which is long overduo and pass
the Nutlonul Four-Fold Optional
Compensation Bill. ' v
IIoiimi Rill No. 24
Amending the present laws of Ore
proposed plan and. that the home
seekers' rates had been put Into ef
fect on the Union Pacific line serving
Tho Htato Chamber win devote Ijs Oregln.
. entire energy and resources to the
tusk tf putting this plan through ef
fectively during the coming spring
and My miner, It was announced.
Briefly, the progrum adopted by
the board of directors Is as follows:
Early this spring, agents will be sent
to canvass tho middle western states
including the Dakotus, Iowa, Kansas,
Nebraska, Colorado, Wyoming, Mon-
Taklng advautage of these rates,
which' permit of stop-overs on any
point enroute, the party of home
seekers would arrive In Oregon, the
rail trip coming to an end at tin
most advantageous point. From that
point a personally conducted tour
ovor the entire state by automobile
would begin.
The routing of the party through
of Wishln
I in tw Se
of (his bl
gton after It was de-
Senato. We must, hear
bill or a very similar
Stale of Oregon at the time of enlist- State of W,
ment or Induction and who served feated
honorably In the Military Service be-inore
tween the sbcth-ilay of April 1917 one.
and the eleventh day of November, ,
1918 tor a period of more than slxlv .
idavs. the ootlon of receiving a nav.' K-'"' People of Ashbmd-.loe
'ment I io in tne state of $15 per.
month tor each month of service be
tween April t, J917, and November
tana and I'tah, for the purpose of1 the state would be in the hands of a
Interviewing prospective Immigrants committee from the State Chamber
who are contemplating a. move west- This committee would select the most
ward. Advices received by the State favorable itinerary which would en
Chamber during tho past few months' able the settlers to Investigate the
Indicate, that this westward move-l wool and wheat growing sections, Ir
ni e nt will be on a larger scale thlsirigated lands, fruit districts, and nil
summer than In former years, and'tlw agricultural and industrial re
these udvance agents will gather to- sources of the state. Great care
gether a large group to move to; would be used In selecting this itii.
Oregon on a fixed ohedtilq and n,erary, so that every representative
' the American Legion mean auythlug
to you? There are a lot more things
done by tho Legion that effect yon
gon to iiitludc veterans of the World! 1919i (one yfiHr after ,ne rm8.i directly ,llttl 'e have neither the
War, who. muy become Indigents; j ,lce). or' a loan tor the Duro,.aH. time nor space to tell about at this
giving them the relief that la now of farni. or cltv and .uburhnn hnmB. time that you ought to know about
accorded to indigent soldiers, sailors! UD lo a maximum of three thousand T11se tnl"" come UP '" ,ne Wlr
dollars of seventy five no, Mm f ol me Post and you ought
the appraised valuation of the prop
erty for homes o purchased a com
mission to administer the act, con- Our entertainment committee culls
and murines of our previous wars.
This law provides for indigent wid
ows, and their minor cblldern and to
defray funeral expenses and the ex-
to he there.
district of the entire state would be
the nearest Post of a Veteran So
House Kill No. 04
This bill for an act amending the
Oregon laws relutlng to legal holi
days which creates an additional
holiday in the State of. Oregon for
the Eleventh Day of November,
(Armistice Day.)
House Hill Xo. ltt.
certain date.
It is believed that a party of at , covered by the party in the shortest
least COO prospective settlers could space of time consistent with a
be grquped together In this way nn1: thorough investigation.
Rogue River Cows
Winners in Butter
Eat Production
The judications are that Ashland
will soon be made the headquarters
for a' new industry.
For the fourth consecutive mouth. T. . K. Kelly of Minneapolis, gen-
the Rogue River cow-testing assocla- er'11 manager of the Mora Pump com
pany, arrived in Ashland a few days
ago aud at once started the Ashland
Iron Works to building some sample
tion won the February championship!
for both the highest average butter
fut production and the largest num
ber of houor cows that yield 40 or
more pounds of fat per month. .The
average yield of fat for the 230 cows
of this association was 2G.34 pounds,
ii nd the number of cows passing the
40-pound mark was 25.
The entire number "of cows tested
in February was 1502, and their av
erage fat production was 22.80
pounds, reports K. B. Fltts, federal
and agricultural college extension
dairy m an for Oregon. The average
yield of milk of all association cows
was 533 only 20 pounds less than
the average yield of the Rogue River
association, which produced more
than twice the average fat yield.
One hundred aud seven cows made
the honor mark, Clatsop county 'be
ing a close second to Rogue River
with 24. These two associations
have almost one half of the honor
cows represented In the ten associ
ations with total cows as follows:
Clatsop county, 372 cows; Tills
in oo k, 258; Nestucca, 122; Smith'
pumps, and it is the intention of the
penses of the last sickness of such9uK or thA Governor, Secretary of, attention to the fact they have or-
soldier, sailor, or marine. Tliej state, Adjutunt General and two ranged to show the wonderful United
amount is puld out of the funds ofj members to be appointed by the Oor-tStates Signal Corp Film culled
each county urn! is upplled for thru Brnor 01le 0f which is to be a vet-1 "Flashes of Action" in ABlilund, Ap-
eran of the War eligible to receive a' rll IS and 16. Included In this mai
bonus or loan under this act. I volous record of action you should
House Joint Resolution Xo. 12 ! be able to see many ot the boys of
This is un enabling act to Houstjjtbe 91st Dlvlslonn which was made
bill 203, an amendment providing up at Camp Lewis, and which was
methods for raising the funds with I considered the most excellent col
which to make the payments called ! lection ot our purely Western Amer-
tor in H. B. 203. (This measure comes1 leans in existence. It also shows
up for the approval of the people of, tho Second Division in action, which
the State at a special election called i included the marines, of whom we
A bill caiTvliig nn aiinroiirintlon , lor Jun Remember the date, nave many in Ashland. Very reus-
of $1 5,000 lo provide for the pernvi-i'9 w111 se that you are thoroughly ouuble prices wljl be charged so that
nent maintenance of the Veterans Informed regarding the merits of the1 H nay have on opportunity to see
Burial plot of the Mt. ,Scotts Ceme-measure' , , , ' j the thing you have all thought about,
tery. All veterans who have no onej' llouso Bill Xo. Sao Wur 49 "he sPoke' We fellows
to care for them or who may desire Provides for the Issuance of fai;Wh had " ,a9,e ot " u,' 10
may be buried in this cemetery. It! Oregon State 'medal to all honorably be u ",tle atiXiou 10 "ue URal" "omo
Is situated in Clackamas and Mult- ulschn reed soldier., sailor. and m:,.of ,llat oU1 8,uff hat-made us see
nomali counties, . ,.lles and 0"tner per)(on9 of anv nmeuj
Houw Joint Memorial 'No. 4 'army, who were residents at the tinn
A Memorial asking Congress of the! of entering such allied army and dim
United States to provide for the build-1 now residents of Oregon,
ing and grounds at Fort Walla Walla. The Anti-Allen Laud Bill which
Washington for the use of the Public! providing for the regulation of laud
Health Service and. Federul Board! holding in the State of Oregon, it
ot Vocational Education to establish kiniide it unlawful (or alieus not ellgi
a hospitalization and vocations! ble to citizenship in the United States
training center for 'disabled men in! to hold land within the State of Ore-
measure' gon. This bill passed the house with
life a little diflerently. There are
five reels of If", and every bit of It
will hold you from start to finish.
The employment bureau has a num
ber of Leglonuires who are anxious
for work of any kind. The atmos
phere is the best in the world here,
but they really are regular fellows,
and they dou't thrive well on ozom
uloiie. They will do anything. Please
company to locate its general offices! 'hi district. (Note This
here, providing Mr. Kelly finds the j wl" necessary appropriation has pas-' a substantial majority but was killed inform the adjutant of your needs,
conditions In Ashland favorable. Ised the National Congress and tv. in the Senate on account of the streii- we will fix you up.
The pumps being manufactured by " 1
the Mora Pump company are an im-j COUNCIL ACTS ON
proved type of Irrigating pump, be- CITY BUSINESS
ing entirely different from unytblng nuoux&oa
now being offered on the market. I
It has been the intention of the.
(!. A. It., for a number of years, to!
erect a monument to be dedicated to
The program of Iho concert to bo
ulven bv the rnlveraitv nf (Iibbiiii
Civil War heroes. The Idea has been , 0rchoHtra under the auspices of th
Junior Class of the Ashland Ilijtii
postponed from year to year aud now
the move Is progressing. Because of
the fact thut great numbers ot the)
school in the Armory on Friday eve-
ulng, April 1, is well-balanced and
young men of this generation have colllalll!1 lMnMm f9atui.e8 tUllt
lost their lives, the idea is fully np
predated by most everyone.
The members of the O. A. II., W. R.
('.. 1). A. It., Spanish-Ameiicau Vete
rans, Veterans of Indian Wars, unci
American Legion are In fully co-operation,
and if the Ashland citizens
will lend their" aid. it is expected
thut this Memorial Day will see tile
completion of details aud lite erec
tion of at'iltlng monument to our
Practically every city in the United
Slates is planning or lias completed
a unliable memorial to our heroes and
Ashland is not lackhiK in progress.
An offer has come In from a local
company that a native yrunlle stone,
cut, polished and lettered, with
bronze decoration, be furnished l
en-!. It Iiiim been found that nativj
granite, the Soiitharn Oregon
far surpasses any stone In the world.
and, after spending several years j Tlle c"y council held an adjourned
In perfecting it, the company claims! meeting last night at which various
to have a pump far superior to j Important matters were taken up that
pumps commonly in use. ,,, ,, u ,A ' .. , .
.... ! na(! bet!n held over from the previous
f Ashland is successful in Indue-
ing the Mora Pump company to lo.im9etinK- " AmonS tht bU8l"es8
cate Its general offices here. It will ! brousht before this body was tlui
mean not only that the name of Ash-i reading of a -remonstrance against
land will be advertised throughout' the construction of a sewer on Ohio,
iu iiLiimmi
A LKADINt; I fcl.VH lih IN
the country on the conviany's pro
ducts, but will ibe the me i:n of bring
ing more people to the city.
Laurel, Willow and Otis streets and
Orange avenue, signed by residents
NEW YORK, Mar. 29 "Please, nil
from that section and presented tol)lei",e' "tack." That is )
Ashland will be assured plenty oi
band music for the coming summer,
according to the Indicutolns anil en-
j thusiusm which greeted Curl I.ovc
I land's call Monday night to plan a
j boy's band in the city. Heretofore,
while u resident nf Ashland, Mr.
Lovelund has successfully led u .hoys'
band, and prospects lire as certain
this year that a good band will !e
In the course of rehearsal In u short
I the council.
I merly been
At a meeting of citizens i-.illed last j probable cost of construction of tho
This mutter had for-jthe tearful cry or , despair, uiterea. a number of boys unswered gu
taken up, but the city time and again at Gills Island, by , call of Mr. Lovelund to appear at the
will keep listener up ou the edge
of their chairs from the opening cur
tain until the last if ho has 'died
away, uccordiug to John Anderson,
manager of. the orchestra.
Rex Undemood. director of-th.i
orchestra, has taken great pains In
working out the progrum, to make It
interesting u everyone. One it his
pet sayings is: "Everybody likes
music It it is only giveu to him right."
So he always tries to make good his
saying by putting something for ev
erybody Into the concert, lu til"
Ashland concert he is going to even
u greuter extreme than usual, for
the listeners aro to have u choice for
one of the full orchestra uunihers be
tween "Dance of the Hours," from
Ponnielli's "La tiiucoRdu," and the
selection from "Kutiuka." by Ru
dolph Friinl.
The first named is ballet nunir
from the opera. It is composed (in'
the in oh I part of very melodious mel
odies lu which the (lutes, violins and
cellos have the leading parts. Tin'
first part is light' and delicate. At
the end, however, th,e full power of
the orchestra is used.
"Kutlnks" Is' of a lighter nature.
Frimt, the composer, is well known
as the composer of "The Firefly" and
"High Jinks," two ot the most melo
dious musical productions that h.iv.i
been on the Btage in the last ten
1 years. "Kntlnka" is much like them.
Ilusitiets Iu the automobile Hue Is
still lo the fore, as is evidenced by
Hie following list of sales reported
by Harrison Hi nt hers of the Ford
(la rage:
Arthur Kiuz, Frank Ha rues and
Dun Crouure aro purchasers of a
new Ford truck and have gone Into
Iho wood business on Anderson
Leo Duncan of the Milluer ranch "quests that either of the uitm
has bought a new Ford chassis which b(M' b I,l"'p'1 Brn "M : ,a
he will use as a-lruck conveyance thlsiba t0 K' K- l"sldent
of the Junior Class of the High
(!. II. Yen, the Ashl.-nid insurance
man, has purchased a new Ford Sfl-
AiKD englneer not having reported on ttie'scores f immigrant women and clilld-jtlty hall Monday night and dlscdssidi"'
evening nt Pioneer Hall to discuss' sewer, no action was taken
the plans for the Chautauqua and j remonstrance.
SllinmAr fictinril it Vnrv ,1uAl,laH l,,L rn,,HAtt m i ...
impquo, ,1. Coquille & Myrtle Joint i novatlon WM Uw!lded ,,, tne en. ;pQ8P(1 c(ty or(Umnce ,
nif 1 I hA tfyt I f 'AA lllln Jr. slttirf Ia I .
,' , - u..o !i" tire gathering being unanimous In meuts for special benefits to uccrue
boys' band.
Point No. 2, (no report); Coos Buy
159; Rogue River, 230;, Bandon Co
operative, 67; Columbia county, 233.
The 258 cowH ot the Tillamook as
sociation led In milk production with
un average, of 699 pounds.
The heaviest yield or fat made by a
registered cow was taken for the
fourth oonsecutive time by P. A.
Lux's'Dolly Dimple of Rock Run
I, registered Jersey.
ren who ure the victims of false pass
nn I tin I
"U"B' " " "fent are already provided with musl-
consulate vises, obtained at Danzig: eal instruments, while others express
and Warsaw, a dfslre to secure one and Join '.he
Harry H. Schlucht, commissioned by i DanL Mr. Lovelund. on receiving ns
the plans for the organization of a! . (iillmoro has purchased u
the decision. It has been customary; to the several lots and properties on,ii, .lonnrimonf nf lnhnr recently ds'iurnnce that enough boys are Inter
all these years to hold a seven JiijMill street or Park avenue fronting heud ot the Immigrant aid ut Ellis Is-ted In-the project, Immediately wir-
len aays asseinuly with niornlnir. on the new v lulil, n.i.l, , v , ert for o numhnr nf
Several who were pret-ln"li 'Kon on a Ford Chassis.
II. S. Lynch of Wagner creek hus
purchased u new Ford truck which
he will also use for hauling wood.
Elton- Heeson of Talent has placed)
an order for a new Ford roadstfcr. :
The remainder of the program just
carries itself along. It is 'the inten
tion of the director to have the con
cert move swiftly fhroughout.
afternoon and evening lectures and, ordinance '
entertainments. Due to the fact that
smaller Chautauqua assemblys have
been established by Ellison & White; t
was voted upon
bones, altos 'and clarinets which on
their arrival will be distributed
among the players.
As a number of the boys who are
and iter thoroughly Investigating 'ncrson-
sd"I)tpd- 'ally 100 cases olpasBport frauds, that
A committee reported ou the mut-l former residents of thfl United States
ter of the request of certain nurtiral -nnnaihlo fnr ifroii,iin
in all tho territory adjacent to Ash-1 for permission, to cut out somo trees 'these poor, helpless women of their jueslrous ' Joiuliig the band have
land, and that the standard has notion Ashluml street. Alter discussion , worldly all." and that action by theW practically no knowledge of i.luy
been kept up lo that which we have it was recommended (hat the request ' United States state department wouldi"1' Mr. Lovelund will arrange u ser
been accustomed to furnish the al-b not granted. L neeessurv to stop It. , le ot prlvale.lessons with these hoys
tondants at the Southern Oregon as-i The finance committee reported "Owing to the Immigration rush!'0 ft them to play with the aggie
sembly, the board of directors, ut a the investigutipn of the mutter of to Amorica from Poland, long lines !atlB- Mr- Lovelund also has many
A number of Ashland citizens drove
down lo Gold Hill last night to wit
ness the wrestling bout between Ted
Thye, regarded as the middleweight
wrestling champion of the world, and I vlted to come to
Ralph Hand, wrestling champion of
Southern Oregon. Thye's agreement
was to throw Hand twice in one hour.
meeting held one week ago, deter- the proposed Issuance of bonds
" " engage tne unison amaue tne following reenmmenda
White program this year. It was1 Hons: That the amount of the hnmi
felt advisable, however, that an ex
pression of opiulon be obtained from
the regular patrons of the Chautau
qua, and everyone Interested was in- i
Issue be $05,000, said bonds to mu
turo ot the rate' of $5000 each year,
beginning with the year 1938. Of
this proposed Issue $46,000 will be
for refunding the Bancroft bonds
which have been running for ten
the meeting lust
night and express an opinion.
The plan for this season will be years and are due this year. Anoth
to extend the assemhlv over a six er norlinn will ha rn .i
Hand look the defensive up until weeks period, this time to co-lucide! street intersection, and for the grad
the last 15 minute, of the bout. Every! with the Summer School plan and! Ing and paving of A.hland .treet and
num miow,. ... .ue an m wrestling i during tills period to furnish at fre-.the Boulevard pnf In last
wHs.pui iiuo execution, dui me worm queiit intervals
and1 of people, with their children and
packages, come in front ot the pass
port office, at Danilg and Warsaw,
sleeping on the ground while wait
ing in line. They are approached by
alleged American., bearing passports
and vise stamps. They explain to
these women that it will be unneces
sary to wait for by paying a .mall
sum they may obtain passports. The
women are duped, usually parting
with all their cash, above the price
of the steamship passage. Upon
reaching America, the land of their
According to the Mail Tribune,
Lieutenant Coney, tho young aviator
who was so seriously Injured by u
tall yesterday while muklng a
Headed by Verne II. Vuwter, u to coast airplane (light, ww ttatlon
; large dvuegutioil from the .Medfordjcd In MedfonUlast year. He is the
Chamber ot Commerce will go to, daring aviator who last Labor Day,
i Portland Friday to hold a conference at the dedication of Burlier field, pro
I with the special committee recently , vlded the great thrills with his hair
! appointed by President II. B. Van I raising parachute drop and other air
Duzer of tlio Portland Chamber of stunts. Lieutenant Coney made
Commerce lo devise ways and means many friends while In Med ford, and
of financing concessions of Crater Is regarded as the most daring avl
Lake National park. j ator ou the coast,
i It is said the Medford delegates - -
will so nienared lo hack lo the limit' ' WORTHY PROJKCT.
year. The
lUC UI-SI UIM1MIMIUIC Dlllll Ul liUIIV 1UUR H I I Hfr I nn, iIm.i Iknu !,. Ik... 1
I'hsmnlnn fallen In molt, .nnd hll. . . . " ...,, me na9 Deen
" , . " . " , !""". iiinaiiuneiiis, musical, cost ot iu5,olO for paving Mill street, defrauded and must ret
uniicugc. iu me moi ki.v iiiiiiulob unimailC,
of the bout, when the men were tied,
The rest will
The city engineer was Instructed
to road connecting Terrace street and
! constitute a board of directors for Glen View Drive which resident, of
jth'e Summer School, and President that section have petitioned council
to bring them back with proper cre
W. R. C Club
turn to- the
go toward thO niOlleV nlH mnntrv Ihara l i.
This will constitute a return to the borrowed from the watrr th,L-inr ...i, .. .
in a double toe hold. Hand made ck. , ... ,..... .. ' ...ign mony
.... uuauuua llleB WIII luml ior paying taxes and incidental
inye release nts noia to protect mm-. again place Ashland In tlie forefront , expenses connected with the fore
self. After the match was finished with a new plan for the entertainment closure of properties the city has tak-
ThvA Waa Inlnrrnvalail n n i n n him. . l ..... '
.... ,cbiu,.i(, i..ui me many tourists and pleasure eu over, unci that due the city for
oi....ion oi nana. Hano I. an aw-,eeker. coming, to Ashland, during widening the corner by the Plaza.
limy nuuu man, was me oniy com-; the summer season
ment myemaae. ; The primary purpose of the meeting , to make a survey of the proposed
. ... w,c iiri preliminary, ,,m inor'la.t night was to obtain action
was thrown by a Kansas City wrest
ler. Joe Tuber, the Salt Lake cham-
. ..... .nerweigni. ooieo Monk H. O. Enders. Jr.. of the Chamber of! to open.
i.r. in inree-rouna exhibition In . Commerce and J. H. Fuller, presi
ne -wunu preliminary.
The Women's Relief Corps Club
held It. regular meeting at the home
of Mrs. Trask on the Boulevard yes
terday afternoon, at which a large
company were In attendance und en
Joyed a social gathering with their
fancy work.
tiny proposition for Improving facili
ties for housing and feeding tourists
at the park. They are especially in
terested in the proposition becauso
practically all tourist travel lo and
from (he park passes th round their
The movement inaugurated by il.
H. Leavitt lu encourage the raising
of sugar cane in and around Ash
land, and the manufacturing of csui
syrup, is a highly commendable one,
nnd should meet with euthuslusm.
good prospects whose assistance
the band will be of great benefit
Following the tentative organiza
tion ot the boy', band Monday night
a rehearsal of the newly organized
'Ashland Concert Band was held.
About twenty members were present,
and a. this was only the second re-
hearaal the leader Is more than pleas
ed wHh results. The band is fully
organized with O. F. Carson as presi
dent, Dr. C. F. Tllton, vice prrsid.-nl
and O. H. Yeo, secretary aud lr
, Owing to the weekly drill of die
National Guard on Monday nighi. rev-
eral members of which are iu llifbe pa veil Ibis year und the last ot of raising cane. The fart that sugar
band, the rehearsals will take place the paring should he laid about Si"i-cane hss'heeu successfully rslsel
each Tuesday night Instead of Alau-j teinber, 1921" predicted Herbert , elsewhere iu the state has led Mr.
day, as previously decided upon Nunii, stale highway engineer, at Hie! Lesvilt to make this trial In Ash
These rehearsals will take nl.ii" in i Imperial yesterday. "Hy the end ofitand. und his eximrlment succeeded
city. They are anvious to make it as Ml- 'v'tt demonstrated on his own
uttrartive lo tourists as possible In
property that a first class produ.'t
of umber sugar culie can be raised
iu Southern Oregon. Moreover, he
raised a quantity of seed which he
....... . ,.,- -h wiah
"Most of the Pacific highway will; t seen re It and make the experiment
the city hall only such nights as Ibis this year you should he able lo drive' beyond his expectations.
building is engaged, when arrange- from Portland to the California line; Mr. Leavitt, however, does nut stop
nents' have been made to hold them I on the Pacific highway lb a day. The with giving nut the free seed. He
In the armory. The rrtienraal will , distance can be easily made iu a day-; also offers a prise of Ii for the best
take place In the latter hulliPng next, light run and without violating thecane syrup made from home grown
Tuesday night. ' speed limit. Most of the highway' sugar cane and placed on exhibition
The co-ope rstoln of sit band- will be hard snrfured this year, but at the next session of the Ashland
dan I. solicited to make this band there will be some gaps lo connect. Winter Fair. If palatable syrup ciin
Refreshments were ser-: a success, and any one who run play up and these should all be finished be marie from sugar cane grown at
The eonimiawion has a i home it is a project worthy of con-
points I hostess who were Mesdames Howard! to communicate with Leader Carl' tremendous amount of work mapped tideration and Mr. Lewdf deserve
0 aeciston, dent Of the Chautaunna auncintlnn ' Mr n U lhn.nn l. k..k l. va.l k. tk. 1.. ...J , .... i. ..... ..
Was etven In thia m . k a I ' "...... - ",-... iium w;,iaw vu.ui.i.i.vfv NSHlssting tlieW win hhih in inn uunu pre uhai'ii . iimi Bur,
s i in mis matcn. A large-were designated a committee to ar-' Garfield. Washj . and other nolntsl hostess who were Me,H.n,.. un-.,H' . .mmnii. ith l.e.ner rH ir.,n.n,in
nessed thTm'atcheT ' " " 'bo'i P'ln "l,','"on of ,hi" nor,h' where ,he bai been mklnl?l KeK'. Hawking, Carlton, Jordan.LoTeland or to to the band practice J out for the next two y-irs." Ore- much credit for his enterprise In In
Woman Legislator
Gives Approval of
Mew Marriage Law
SALEM, Mar. 29 The cost of The annual cost of operating the
maintaining the several stale Instl-j several institutions referred to by
tutlons which, at the recent session! Mrs. Kinney follows: Feehle-mlnd-of
tho legislature, Was reported -Oied home. $kfi.000: tnte hosnltul.
aggregate $9S5,0ii0 per year, is one $465. dOO; eastern Oregon state hos
of the most convincing arguments' pital, $135,000; industrial school for
why the taxpayers of Oregon should ! girls, $25.000; ' state training school
upprove at the special election to be. for boys. $60,000; penitentiary,
held on June 7. the measure making $150,000.
It Incuinbent upon all persons seek-' "The great muss of mental defec
ing a license to marry to undergo tlves Inherit their feeble-mlnded-both
physical aud mental exaininn- ness," said Mrs. Kinney in her argu
tions, according to Representative ment. ".Sometimes defectives occur
W. 8. Kinney of Clatsop county In i j In healthy, normal families, hut au
statement submitted to the secretary thoritles agree that two-thirds of wit
of slate today for publication In the feeble-minded persons are victim, o.'.
voters' pamphlet. bad heritage from their patents, who .
This measure was approved by the themselves are not well born. Every
legislature at its recent session,: feeble-minded person is a potential
with the provlsio that It should bo criminal. Unable., to distinguish
referred to the el.'ctorate for final right from wrong, they drift into
acceptance or rejection. i crime or pauperism."-
patriotic orders Treat AsurpH in
IN ASHLAND PLAN FOR ! 1 fM' n55ura
memorial monument U. of 0. Orchestra
, an extended visit.
Smith, Erickson and Ratbbun.
,snd Join the organization.
, augurating the movement.