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About Ashland weekly tidings. (Ashland, Or.) 1919-1924 | View Entire Issue (March 23, 1921)
Wednesday, March 2.1, 10f " ASHLAND VEEKtY .WDINGB PA(3k VOl LOCAL AND PERSONAL 1 1 IVK6UArSV James Porter arrived home me Virst of the weekMospsnd the spring vacation. He is a stuuem ai u. - in Corvallis. The funeral of Mrs. Rachel C. Ham-! ilton, whose ueain uwu .-. , day lit a hospital, took place yester-, the Stock un-1 de'rtaklng parlors. Rev. C. A. Kd-;B wards .pastor of the Methodist . . . i church, conducted me iuuclii vices, and interment was made n ; picture world. Mountain View cemetery. Mrs. Ham- $ ilton was a sister of Mrs- E. Dunlopj John Brooks, a former well known of this city. resident of Ashland, was an over 9 ; Sunday guest of flrends and acqualn llaymond linger left Suuduy nighty tancc8 n6 stopped over while on for Hilts, where he expects to be ein-, )llg way 0 California from Portland, ployed during the coming summer. I ! FRIDAY'S NEWS Tourists in Ashland this week l,, - I'lniie Mr and Mrs. F. K. lterry ana ' Mr and Mrs. Brewer of Seattle, who th. Bos ongh residence oft Terrac. . . ..... li.i r-ni.,mi.i.'nd Vista streets to Alida street. . are stopp:ag ai mo nuin .u.u...w.- while in the city. in honor of their house guests, Mr. and Mrs. W. J. McLean of Minnesota, ... .....i ir r n T.nmkln en- i e at dinne'r Sunday, Mr. ad;cent.y on the supply train. Mr.Smith Mrs. E. J. Skewis and Eust Renshaw '" t'''ing to Interest Mr. Turner i , ,. , ;the "supply train system, which is of Medford. 1 ; , . :a very popular-device of the botith- C. H. Vaupei has been called to'ern Pacific, but which has not us yet Jacksonville this week to serve on been adopted on the Northern Pa- Jury duty. ' . Dr. Peter Burnett, who has prom-, ,.L,..j ..Jim iu rant pulpit in the Christian church" 1 1 , ,.mr mv lm uBi-iir-'noso ed is expected to be here the Sun- day following Easter. Mrs. (ioidon MacCracken is hack iinm Sainni. where slie represented Mount Ashland Chapter, D. A. R., at Miss Marjory Edson, of this city. She the state conference. She reports tbis! expects to make a ten day visit here conference as one of the most sue- before leaving for her home in Nor lessful ever held. Sixty-seven delo- them California, aates wpre In attendance at the ses-1 hIoiih, which were held In the legls-l Ml'8- Ma," Cre- former well latlve halls. Mrs. MacCracken, who, k,low" Ashland woman, Is visiting Is regent of Mount Ashland Chapter.1 her 80"' Donald. wh employed by discovered that the latter has made a, the Southern Pacific company as yard nh.nnmim,i .th.'i. it lm now checker. Mrs. Creeks, for the past members, and was organized late, last summer. This Chapter nowj ctunHa aivth In-thA pifjhtPPtl rhnllters! of the state. The guest list at the Austin today includes: C. L. Brown and R. J. Darrach and wife of Chicago, B. H.I r.reenbere of New York. E. G. Watts; and A. E. Dragon of San Francisco, C. S. Root of Salem, S. E. Garrett and son of Thornton, Wash., E. C. Mot fatt and E. J. Morrison of Portland. Miss Elizabeth Palmer, who with Miss Chamberlain has been spending the winter at Pacific Grove and oth-ioery, statu that the pennies exposed er points in 'California, has returned jln the safe were counted yesterday home. Miss Palmer, who was accom- ""d not one Was missing. The burg panled by Miss Julia' Shatter of Pa-M" were evidently after a hjgger clflc Grove, jirove the entire distance. I1"1'! """ the money their explosion in an automobile. The ladles founjl disclosed. A man was expected to the roads muddy" In spots, but hadarrlv 'rom Seattle today to open no difficulty In getting through. ,ne 8afe- The damage to -Hie bank I is covered by insurance. Mrs. Essen, who was in Ashland j g, over Saturday night, gave an excel-) P'- Peck, landscape instructor lent address in the Christian church j0' the O. A. C, was In Ashland to Sunilay morning. Mrs. Essen is stat.' ,,a-v' a"d met in consultation with a Bible superintendi-ni for the dirk- coiiimitlpe from tho Chamber of Coru tian church and was touring this sec-i merce regarding tho location of a tion. She spoke at Central Point In the afternoon Sunday, and Grants Pass in the evening. 1 J. V. Wright is reported quite 111 at bis home on Mountain avenue this week. ' ' Mr. and Mrs. G. E. Moore and baby arrived in Ashland the first of tho week and are looking for a home, with a view to residing here. Mrs. Jack Edwards has been sick with the "flu" foreveral days. Miss I.ydia McCall is back at her post in the local postoffice after tak ing a brief vacation. Guy Prescott is building a tine ner garage at his home on Chestnut street to bouse his new automobile which he has Just purchased Mrs. L. Schwein left Sunday uight tor Portland, where she will spend a few days this week. ' Hotel Columbia guests Include: J. C. Harris, wife and son. H. V. Clark and wife of Reeds,ort, H .G. Saun ders of Seattle. C. C. Dol of Portland and A. J. Andrews of Salem. W. H. Monroe was over from Ga zelle yesterday transacting business iu the Lltbia City. " Miss Jplla Shatter of Pacific Grove. 'alif.. i the ruhsi this week of the Misses Chamberlain and Palmer at meir uome soutn of Ashland. She will visit here for a week or so. Mr. and Mrs. W. J. McLean of Wiu ilom, Minn., who have beeu guests ut me nome ol their coukIii, Mayor is. l-aniKin, for the past two wc-kij left last night fur Seattle. The U. ilors were murh . leased with Ash land and the surrounding country. Mr. and Mrs. L. J. Orre and daush ter diove down to Grants Paw Sun day aud spent the day at the Jose phiue county capital. The children of Mrs. J. W. Bosqui who are visiting here from Portland w- 0 Sander has built a handsome at the "home of Mrs. Bosqul'a parenlj.l-11 f"uud his home plot on the Mr. and Mn. W. H. Bartges. are sick ' corn''' of Nevada and Hlman streets, with the "flu." The little boy hn!The wa" ' made of ppbble from tim slrl : UtJCrii in i"i v , i.- . - o- - ' came down with the disease tliis mnmlnir. Neither are serious. lfl substantial. Mrs. W.H.Bartges received a long! ' tel,phone from Tillamook The Allen Realty agency reports a baby gir9 Wa(ftr taie 0r Wilbur Jordan's house h daughter. Mrs. C. A.! Brown, of that city. Later news says j the' mother and child are both do- we, j Mrs A s Jav lla3 u(,en spending a f i . ... Aihlanil from California , lnt(lrest3 of music. Mr8. Jav j , a pi.omlnont director of orchestras F ... . aml is well known in tne moving H. J. Smith, storekeeper Tor the Portland division, took Mr. Turner, a representative of the Northern Pa cific railroad, over his district re cific. I C. B. Bess, master mechanic of the I shtn iiivioinn u-n in, fmm hi home! In Dunsmuir yesterday for the pur-!; of learning the power situation ; at the local roundhouse. I Miss Luclle Whitley, a well known j young lady of Edgewood, California, Is visiting Miss May Hadfleld and' several months, has been living at Delta. California. The following guests are stopping at the Hotel Austin: Robert McKee, Carl Coniiet, B. F. Hirst, 11. Welch and wife, J. Wutson and A. B. Parker of Portland, V. E. O'Neill of Klamath Galls, Arthur L. Peck of Corvallis and Mr. and Mrs. C. Orr of Red Bluff. Reports this morning from the State Bank of Talent, which was brokeu Into some lime Wednesday night and an attempt made at rob- tent city project for Ashland. Secre tary Fuller took Dean Bexell and Prof. Peck about Ashland this fore noon during their visit. Mrs. Barker of Butte Falls, who has been an Inmate of a local -hospital where she underwent on opera tion, has recovered sufficiently to return to her home this week. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Curtninghum left last night on train 15 for their home at Willows. Calif., after spending a few days , this Wlh As,iand friends. Mrs. Harry Herreford and little son are iu Butte Kails this week vis iting with friends. -Ml sb Florence .Vastier has coue to Eureka where she will visit for a nuinth or so. Hon. K. V. Carter was in Medford yesterday, transacting business. Rev. Moore of Cloverdalo is as sisting Rev. Samples in a series, of services In the Talent Itantlst church this week. Mr. Moore was for many years a missionary in Mexico. Sylvan Provost, local hardware merchant, and Bud Storm. Southern I'aclric brakemaii. accompanied by their wives, hare Just returned from a fishing trip near Gold Hoy. They report that the fish hit like a man Just from the furm but that they had trouble in pulling them out of the stream. Mr. Provost broke his fish ing pole in two in a struggle with one or the larger ones. The party re turned with a half dozen samples of what wub n ii,,, ri.. ,, .., - illU IV-fMl '""t similar amount after """king them J. D. Mars, who was ralled'to Ala "rM t of the week by the ""' OI Us mother, returned home .last evening on train Xo. 54. He was accompanied borne by hi. r.ihnr J L. Mars, mho left th morninK for Portland. the creek below tho lot, and topped with a band of coping of cement. The effect is extremely artistlo as Well iuri.Hu.. u.. jou j,... ., which has been purchased by George W. Gash. Mr. Gash and his mother. Mrs. Barham, expect to occupy their new home. Mr. and Mrs. H. W. Binnie of Oak Park, -111., are guests at the home of . C W. Nlms and family this week. IMh Rlnnla Ian nUler nf Mr Nlm - - - --..-. - The car men of the local railroad shops are building a covering their air machine, situated In the middle of the Ashland S. P. yard. Tbey are building the shelter to keep the machine from freezing next win ter. They certainly believe, in "pre paredness." Sam King and family of Klamath Falls are planning on buying a home and settling In Ashland. Mr. King came over from Klamath Falls yes terday In a car and reports a very bad slide in the road about a half mile this side of Hilt. He consum ed the entire day in making the trip over the rough roads, arriving in su.anu . eveuuig. n . turning to Klamath Falls today "1 win move nis lamuy nere next weeK - j Mr. King is formerly of Ashland and Ih a stone polisher by trade. ! The Hill's Grocery on Main street cnangea nnnas yesteraay. m. h. Plumber, formerly of Colorado, has bought out Mr. Hill who has succes-j. flllly lian,,led ,1,e business In the:made publc wlll glve a ictui.e of ipast. Mr. Hill is now a "retired! capitalist," having served his term behind the counter. John A. Bexall, dean ot the Bchool of Commerce of Oregon Agricultural College, is calling; at the various Southern Oregon elites this week. He was In Ashland, today and addressed the blgh school this morning. The new Jackson county directory recently compiled by tho R. L. Polk company, was distributed In the city yesterday and today. The new pub lication is printed ln an attractive manner and contains a full directory of the various towns and rural com- munltles of the county. Mrs. A. L. Phillips returned last night on train Na18 from San Fran cisco,1 where she has been visiting for the iiast month with her daugh ter, Mrs. F. M. Carter, formerly of Ashland. V. M. Carter is building a large dam 190 feet high and IVi miles wldo near San Francisco for the Madera Irrigatoin Project Co. Lester Phillips, also of Ashland, tis working for the same company. Miss Ivern Keller, who graduated at Ashland High school with the class of 1920, and who has boen a student of the Oregon Agricultural college this year, returned home last evening for the spring viicatiou. The rest of the "bunch" at Corvallis will be drifting In tomorrow and the fol lowing day. The guests stopplng-nt the Hotel Columbia are: C. E. Thompson, W. B. Somers and E. L. Coburn of Port land, F. Miller and father of 8anta Cruz, Austin Powers of Sterling, Illinois, H. J. Coakley of Enterprise, and Lucille Whitley ot Edgewood, California. The Social Realm Birthday Party. Dorothy -Bergstroni of Chestnut street celebrated her seventh birth day, together with some of her little friends. The timo was pleasantly spent n playing games, after which refreshments ot ice cream and cake Were served. The guests were. Ruth BiUlngs, Edith McCallister, Lois, Mary and Ellen Wiley, Hamlt Pres ent!, Lyle and Mlldren Springer, be side her brother and sister. Dinner for Niece. Mr. aud Mrs. Eric II. Weren gave a dinner recently in honor of their niece, Dorothy Bergstrom, who cele brated her seventh birthday. The guests were the immediate family. The table was prettily decorated with spring jlossoms, and of course a birthday 'rake graced ' the festive board. Entertained at Diuner. The birthday of Miss Gladys In low was observed Saint Patricks' Day, with a dinner at her home with plates laid for ten. Games were phiyed in the evening, after which the guests departed wishing her muny more happy birthdays. FISHING TRIP. The picnic season was inaugurated Sunday when- a party of Ashland people drove down to Grants Pass on a fishing expedition. While the com pany reported plenty of fishing, they enlarged mostly on the excellent feed that bad been taken from their homes and eaten by the river bank. The company consisted of Mr. and Mrs. Hobart. Mr. and Mrs. P. 8. I'roost . . t.jJdplll nf tha livil lllirarv knarH lire and Utile gin. Mr. ana .wrs. duo Storm. Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Hughs, Dom Provost and Rilling Schuerman. In the evening the party built a huge camp fire and enjoyed the elegant mulligan, stew prepared by Mr. Hughs ', MUCH LAND JAB COUNTY Hi The director of the census nounces, subject to correction preliminary figures for irrigation In Hie State of Oregon. Followlug are the figures applying to Jackson county: , f, & Acreage in cntenirise, lu 1920, 107,' rj097; In 1910, 82.427; per cent of In- crease, 29.9. ' Acreage irrigated, in 1919, 23,917; in 1909, 12.239; per cent of increase, 95.4. Acreage ct enterprises capable of Irrigating,' in 1920, 34,891; In 1910, 17,978; pnr cent of Increase, 94.1. Banker Making Economic Survey V. O. N. Smith, agent in Ashland for the Fidelity and Deposit com pany of Maryland, .is conducting a re-;9urvey of economic" conditions In his 1 tePritory- ln behalf of his organlza- ltlon . .This survey -is being undertaken simultaneously in more than one thousand American cities and towns. The Information gathered here and in other lecalitfes will he telegraphed ,0 th(J home offlce , BaUlmore t0 Bnnivzed and tabulated, and when the national situation. The question- nareg drawn up by the company and used bV its representatives wlll be answered by March 23. MOVEMENT STARTED TO . HAVE A BOY'S BAND Carl Loveland, who recently re turned to Ashland to reside after an absence of several fears, has already put In motion activities regarding musical organizations In the city. Mr. Loveland, was a well known' and popular band leader when he was a resident ot this city before, and he Is now arranging to organize the var ious musical people of Ashland Into bands In order that plenty of music 'will be one of the drawing features for the summer's entertainments. Mr. Loveland has a project in view to organize a Doy'g band which will fill a long felt need in this city. For this purpose1 he has called all par ents who desire to have their boys enter such a musical organization to meet him in the city hall next Mon Hay evening at 7 o'clock, or send their children, when plans will be discus sod as to organizing this bnnd, Those who already have instruments- are asked to bring them, and those who have none may specify at this meet ing their choice In Instruments, and express their wishes to-secure one. No restrictions will be placed on tho age of the members of tills bund, us it Is Mr. Loveland's iuteution to take boys ot any age and drill them Into proficient band players. There are without doubt many .who belong to Mr. Lovelands' band in past years who by this time have attained the years ot manhood, and Mr. Loveland would like them to also appear at this meeting, when a place can probably be arranged for them ln the' men's band. It is Mr. Lovelands' hope and Intention to form a band of boys who will be second to none in South em Oregon. , TALK OF BASEBALL STARTS WITH SPRING Following from the Medford Mail Tribune yesterday: , , . , ; ' Spring baseball practice for the Medford high school team began Monday with a good turnout., The school will have a baseball team this spring for the first time in years. Equipment and uniforms have been ordered, and games will be played with Ashland, Grants Pass, Phoenix and Talent, These . baseball games will be the first exhibitions ot the national sport In this city since be fore the war. Autolng and fishing killed' tho diamond sport In this sec tion." As soon as Coach Hughes and his brood of athletes get settled from their recent, northern trip, It is ex pected that baseball will open up on the Ashland High tchool diamond. Guthrie and Heer are mentioned as the possible battery which will rep resent the Red and White in their diamond battles this season' and a fast Infield should develop around Moore and High. FORI'M LUNCHEON ATTRACTS MANY The Chamber of Commerce Forum luncheon held ln the Hotel Austin this noon was largely attended by Ashland people, the news of the visit of Miss Marvin, at ate .librarian, be- i Ing suffllrent to bring but a large number of members of the Cham ber. H. G. Enders, -Jr., the newly elect ed president, made a few brief re- marks, outlining his plans for the "ing year. r. c Watson, pres.- -- - !,lde, over the speaking, and Miss I Marrn a fine address along the lines in which she is interested A number from Medford. headed- by MJ"r Gates and the Medford library board, attended ! luncheon. SCENIC MEETING WAS HELD FRIDAY The Scenic Preservation association . 1 of Jackson county will hold Its reg ular monthly meeting In this city to morrow utternoon. Previous .to the business meeting, the directors will ! bold a luncheon at the Hotel Austin at . which time tbey will complete their organization and transact busl- uess,' and matters of Importance that will come Vp. The election of per un"jmaneut officers will be-one of the Hie fAiitiire of tlila meeting. At ores- ent BenJ. F. Lindas is acting as Pres ident and H. O. Frobach secretaiy and treasurer. At the afternoon meeting, which will bo held in Chautauqua Pioneer hall, speakers of note from the cotiu- lry wm be present and deliver ad- dresses. A large delegation,, headed by Mayor Gates is expected from Med ford, and citizens from all over tho county are urged to attend tbii meet ing and take an interest In tho scenic preservation of Southern Oregon. HAD ACCIDENT, DIDN'T NEED ANOTHER ONE i C. O. Johnson, employed as brake man for the S. P. Co. and living on Eighth street, is laying off as a re sult of an accident which befell him some time ago at Hilt, while work ing the local way freight. Johnson returned to work before he was alHe and has been forced to lay oft aga'ln. When he made his appearance at a local hospital, the Doctor Inquired, "Have an Accldeut?" "No, Thank You," replied John son, "I Just Hud One." I). A. I, to Meet The members of Mount Ashland chapter, Daughters of the American Revolution will meet Friday after noon at tho home of Mrs. It. W. Conover on Laurel street. Screen Gossip . Humors that Bill Hurt has retired; from the screen for good bavelatre records, that he alma to take a brought this statement from .Mr. long vacation. Hart: "I am going to enjoy a long vaca tion. , For seven years I have work ed every day making motion pictures. Now I. want to play it while. The picture which I have Just completed! Is my ninth and last for the present.. I am now fitiir pictures ahead of my Paramount schedule. . I have no plans' of any kind for the future. A few! weeks ago I purchased a little ranch In the hills not far from Los An-l084 slr;- ' ' and Miope to enjoy many days' n in mo ouiuoors wuu me puuo pony and my other horses that will be pastured there. . I simply want to feel that I am absolutely free." ' An imposing cast of well-known Bcreen players has been chosen to sup- port Thomas Mcigljun In his Intent Hlu" '""'" "V . " . ,. , . i no Improvement. I still suflered from Paramount picture. "The ConqueBtln80mnlu eyer gettlng u ,,,,,,. of Cuii'ian," by Booth Tarklngton.j rest; also jialpltatlon of the heart; which wlllebe produced In Para- In fuct I was in such a nervous state mount's eastern studio. Doris Ken- that .the slightest excitement caused 'cataleptic condition.' I attended, yon will be .Mr. Melghall s leadliig-ervij9 , uull church neur my woman and the other feminine pails home., The pulpit was being filled will be taken by Diana Allen. Ann! by a visiting paBtor, and the insls-' Eggleaton, and-Alice Fleming direction of the picture, will be In the bands of R. Wininiif Nelll, who recently completed Dorothy Dulton's latest Paramount picture, of the North." The Idol John S. Robertson, director, has completed the' preliminary work for the production of "Footlights," Rita WJeman's story, in which Elsie Fer guson will he starred by Paramount. Cecll B. DeMille is still busily en- gaged in cutting his musslve all-starBnyone else you are at liberty to use BUY.'. A. FORD Why Mott Now? FORD and 0RDS0N production, "The Affairs of Anutol." It Is understood that somewhere along about March 21 he will begin work on a new picture about which he has given out no details. Kate-Bruce, who played tha mother In "Way Down East," and who alio had a similar pint In Tnomaa Molg hau's Paramount picture, "The City of Silent Men," has been chosen to play the part of "Youth's" mother in the George Fltzmaurloe product- tion of "Experience" for Pnraniounr.iden)Rn(,d ex(.utor ot ,,e eBtttt0 0f , . -j Philip Honhiim, deceased, bus filed The fame ot Paramount' picture 'I the County Court of Jackson ,.,,. i -m uurrle's "Sentimental' Counljr' sta,e of 0l'eKn- tlnal of Sli J. M. uurr es hi 1 menlll,.accoUMt ttB 9UCl, Executor of said es- Tommy," has spread to Scotland, thetale and ,nat Sutur(ay, t,e 23d day locale of the "Tommy" stories, ae-;of April, 1921, at, the hour of ten cording to word Just received by John'o'clock a. m., haB been fixed by tho S. Robertson, who produced (he ple-lfou" as the time for hearing of ob ' ijeetlopa to said reiort, and the settle- iure. mo ......v.,...., Scotland,! recently printed a picture of the village of -Thrums, which was constructed near Forest Hills, L. I., for use In filming the exterior scenes for the picture. Kirriemuir Is the "Thrums" of Burrle's storieB and the newspaper commented on the ex cellent reproduction of the village. One day to film one moment! But: the one moment In question happen-1 ed to be the most important and one of the most delicate in the entire picv ture, and the moment referred to! iu the title of Gloria Swanson's first Paramount starring vehicle, which Is entitled, "The Great Moment." The; action of the moment was rehearsed j all day long by Miss Swanson and Milton Sills, her leading man, under' 'Sam Wood's direction and the day I was drawttig a close before the I scene was finally recorded by the1 camera. Jhe Gilded Lilly," in which Mae Murray is starred iu the first Para mount picture directed by her hus band, Robert Z. LeanonI, is an orig inal story by Clara Berunger. Kill Hint not Qulttiii' His I'into l'ony Explains k "Reckon it seems strange wheu my boss's pictures are breukin' all the- 'Lots of folks want to know if we're qulttin' we ain't. . Me an" my Seattle Nurse Carried From Church Building i preBg iy ul,)rP(.iatloIl t0 you In writ- ItUUI VltUlt A 1VU1 IIIUI a III MM V ing. 1 am a trained nurse and after fanning through the gruelling ex perience ot the "Flu" epidemic 1 found myself ln an absolute rundown coifHItion. Under orders from my doctor I took a complete rest for '! .U. ,.,l.tnU 1 fAi.nil The'ent vibrations of his huge voice In IU6 Small euillie uueuieu HID w buuijb uui n uai: ui hhuiiui ill liny 11111- an extent it brought on this catalep tic, condition and I was carried from me Cliurcil. iuu can imagine uun i , r flSCOUrag eu 1 leu unci- mumus ui treatment ami no improvement, rm ally a friend of mine recommended "WONDER HEALTH RESTORER," iwhlch I decided to try, although us a rule I have no faith in patent med icines. After only a few days' treat ment I felt a decided Improvement, was sleeping better and after two weeks 1 found I had gained five pounds. I now feel like a new wo- ' . ...... . be of benetlt ,0i 0qof or Lata0 You Will HARRISON RR0S. Ashfend, Oregon e N'yTH'E OK FINAL ACCOUNT. MntlAn iu hftvuhv irlVAn Hint tliA nil. ment thereof. ' . Published first time, Wednesday, March 23, 1921. J. P. SAYLE, Executor.of the estate of X0-6 , Philip Biinham, deceased. "THE ELHART WAY" "Pleased Only When You A re PlmintMl." EASTER GaFdS and Booklets CHICKS AND RABIIITS EGG DY1.S. A Very Complete Assoi Uncut of These Items. PERFIMES, TOILET WATERS anil TOILET ARTICLES Make Hiiituhle EASTER GIFTS SEE OCR WINDOWS ELHARTS FOR ' DRUGS, ROOKS, STATIONERY. 11 1,1 ' l" f'1' v - Zuk ' , - tiuriuiKton, wasn. No person who is suffering from disease or who has a friend who Is suffering can ntl'ord In overlook the wonderful work ot Wonder Hejtlth .Restorer its rword of restoring thousands to health No known remedy eiii:ils Wonder Health Hentorer in I lie treatment of ;RlK!unuitJsiii, Sciatica and Lumbago; Aiitlinm, CutJirrli, indigestion and nil form of Stomal Ii troubles; Kidne) Ijnnd Bladder complaints; Nervous ilU- Blood disorders , as eyl.H-nre.l Jn Kr.enm and other Skin discuses; jliollti. Piles mid Constipation, (Wonder Health Restorer is n true Nature Remedy. It contains notli- -Ing but the Juices iK rare herbs. Theru cilic urug in u. ii is ini'iuiii-ii ui-- cording to the formula nt a great Scotch herbalist and represents Ins life work for suffering humanity. Ol'R GUARANTEE Wn giiinaii. tea that Wonder Moult Ii Restorer will do it work when taken for n snfil- j clout period and under proper i-ondl- tlons. If it falls, you get your money bark. A six weeks' treatment of iiiijler Health Restorer costs Jii.l'ii, post paid. J. S. RANKIN, Distrilmlor. I.VJ2 4iM Avenue North, , Seattle, Wash. Phono East 72AS. DEALERS soven years, tvo are tour piciurq ahead of our Mr. Paramount releases; an' we want to hit the trail an' play . awhile, where the buffalo grass . shines all pink-an' purple, an' tha yuccas, stand out agln the sky." - "So Jong, 'till we meet again, , ..."BILL HART'S PINTO PONY, ' "Me too, BILL HART."