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About Ashland weekly tidings. (Ashland, Or.) 1919-1924 | View Entire Issue (March 23, 1921)
VeliKtt1ii)TMim'li 24. J Ml AKIlLAYD WEEKLY TTOLVGH PAGE THREE LOCAL AND PERSONAL THURSDAY NEWS Mri. E. E. Kenyon received a tele gram yesterday afternoon from Rock- fnrrf III . announcing the arrival nf a 6 pound baby girl dn March UfTrta. No.. .4 and 1 were delayedM to Mr. and Mrs. Viator Knot. Mr. Knott wai formerly Misa Gladys Ken yon, and is well known In Ashland. ' Mrs. Lottie Hannon, state organizer and superintendent of the child wel'reck could be cleared, the north fare and mothers' meeting, and a resident of Newburg, Oregon, will hold a meeting iu the prayer meeting room of the local Baptist church next Friday evening at 7 30. The meting will be for the W. C. T. U. members of this city and all others interested in this work. Prof. Arthur J. Peck of .O. A. C, Is expected to arrive In Ashland to night, and while In the city will con sult with the housing committee of the Chamber of Commerce and the Park Board In regard to locating .1 tent city, which Is being discussed as one of the features of relieving the shortage of houses in the city. The locating and arranging of this tent city In an artistic and attractive man ner will be one of the Important fea tures of the movement, and It 1 ftfr this purpose Prof. Perk has been in vited to consult with the board and committee. Hon, E.'V. Carter has been appoint ed a member of the state fair board in the place of A. C. Marsters, a Rose burg banker, who has resigned. Mrs. Henry Provost is reported to be making good progress. Her con dition continues favorable according to reports from the Medford hospital this morning, and her many friends hope she will make a complete re covery. Tbe following are stopping ut tbe Hotel Austin: E. R. Patch and F. J. Birmingham of San Francisco, G. A. Thomas and R. D. Cotter of l'ort luud, R. L. Antrem of Aloha, R. J. Crokey of Enterprise, J, H. Snarr of Seattle), Claude Callichor of Port; Mr. Miller's niece, Mrs. Homer El Costa, W. J. Becker of Boise, C. R. hart. These people have recently Thomas and N. R .Thomas and wire of Petnluma and A. P. Ropin of Nampa, Idaho; ulso F, M. Hultt of Roseburg. "Happy" Gillette, general yard master tf the local S. P. yard, is lay ing off for a few days. He Is spend ing quite a bit of his time working on his place on Allison street. Karltne Kreater part of the wintcr !nr(J;entljr vaca(ed by Q w ,,011K a,i Mms is doing the yardmaster stunt until Mr. Gillette reports for duty. Owing to the general conference of the state D. A. R., meeting in Sa lem this week, the local D. A. R. 'meeting will be postponed until Fri day, March 25. The committee hav- ing charge, composed of Mrs. Anna iiriggs. sirs. Anna warier, mrs. aus-jure abeth Conover and Mrs. Doris Pace, i will announce the place and program, later. The regent of Mt. Ashland Chapter, Mrs. Gordon MacCracken, lind the treasurer, Miss Carol Mitch- ell. left Wednesday evening to attend the Salem meeting. . Raymon Long, a well known Ash land boy, has Just returned from Stanford university, where he has been enrolled as a student. The uni versity has losed for the spring va cation. "Wappo" may not be able to attend the spring term on account ot his eyos, which have caused him snipe trouble lately. GuestB at the Hotel Columbia In- Bg responsible for the !' i 1 pearanqc-! chide: G. L. Bradsliaw, C. C. Dole,0f ,ome pigeons belonin : to Wuh A. Yol't, Wm. Hell and E. L. Wright i Chung on A street. Mr. Hatcher also' of Portland, and H. R. Hubbard and family of Helena. A large number of tbe local wrest ling fans are looking forward to the match between Ralph Hand, Gold Mill favorite, and Ted Thye of the Portland Multnomuh lAthletlc club, !TTTr : : Sec Provost Bros Window Display It Will. Pay You THE LARGEST STOCK OF Paints Glass ud Wall Paper IX SO IT HERN OREOOIf, Beet Goods and Best Prices. Get Our Prices. WM. 0. DICKERSON THE PAINT MAN which Is to be featured at '. old Hill, March, 17. The latte rls ilie light weight champion of tbe world. He agree to put Hand's shoulders to the mat twice In one hour on a 75-25 per centbasis. ' ' I - . . iuiu bsuh ui a uoiau- went near Delta yesterday afternoon, j Three car were reported to have! splashed Into tbe Sacramento river not far from Delta and before the bound passenger train, were strand-! ed for a couple of hours. Leland DeCarlow received serious Injuries yesterday, when the horse which be was riding slipped on the pavement and fell. Mr. DeCarlow. sustained a compound fracture of the ankle, and was removed to a local hospital where his injuries were' treated. The accident occured near the Jackson springs, where Mr. Do-' Carlow wag driving cattle In for his father. One of the animals ran off the highway at that point, and Mr. DeCarlow rode after it to the side of the road. The horse shied at a tele phone pole lying down there, nnd'and We'tfail of Portland j, Sam Jumped back to tbe pavement, where lie slipped and fell. Dr. W. A. Gile of DesMoInes, Iowa, I Lodl, California, I. C. McGee, R. j Supply company, and Is expecting to, of good cheer, and kept his audi presldent of the school of orlflclal' Holl, a"J Mr- ntl Mrs- H- c- Bun'l Ipuva noon for Hilt, where he will do'ence In gales of merriment from start surgery, was In Ashland yesterday,01 hun rancisco; c. w. watson anu on professional business. He was accompanied by Miss Jean Croatoa.j secretary and manager of the school. fWhlle in the valley Dr. Gile was the guest of Dr. Bertha Sawyer and oth er oriflclallsts. ' Mrs. Alice Balch is making an ex tended visit with ber brother, J. L. Greenwood and wife, on Liberty street. Mrs. Balch's home Is in the mountains near Eugene, but for the benefit of her health she came to Ashland and stayed for a few weeks last winter, and from here went to California, but found tbe climate so unpleasant there sho has rcturneJ to Ashland again. Mc' and Mrs. Curtis Miller und daughter are visiting at the home. of sold their farm in Sams Valley andi 'are looking for a location. They will visit in Portland, bat may conclude to come back here to locate, as they seem very favorably impressed with our fair city; James Beagle and family have re- j turned to Bellevlew after spending the vicinity of Portland, Mrs. Nellie Randies and Miss Helerrr Walker spent F.iday in Jacksonville, the guests of an old schoolmate, Mrs. Ray Coleman, nee Anna French. The Darling Studio is certainly rushed with business lately. The en- senior cms. oi u,e s.iwuu ...go, school have had their pictures "snot i - besifleg a large number of mmetlc; pictures have been taken there. Mr. I Darling has recently purchased new equipment ana is amy prrpareu 10 meet the spring enthusiasm of the amera. Chief of Police Hatcher is chuck' ling over his success iu running to eartn a pair 01 juvenile ouenaers. ; mo , uu, Buu., . i...B; coils from automobiles and selling as juiik. inissnouiu ue u waiuiug the house he recently purchased at to any other youngsters who havajj47 Factory street. ambitions to get nch via the take ana sen . route, a numoer 01 o:ner young 'boys were also t r d as hiade this discovery. 1 I W. A. Pearson, local chairman of 1 the Portland division of the order of; railroad telegraphers, stopped over night In Ashland on his way to San Francisco, where the election of gen- , pra officers will take place. He was la visitor of F. E. Walters of Allison 'street last night. H. E. Elliott of Turlock, Callfor 1 nla, has moved Sis family to Ash land, with the intention of settling here. , . j Al Stroul. one of the best train dis:; pa.cners in me ranroau game ,nV , . I1UUID 111 lyUllBIIIUII IAB, and spent the night with Carl Hoots.'j a Southern Pacific engineer, with j whom he. consumed most of the, U I. U n n..n....tH In.t Al'nnlna, : night in talking about "How it used to be done." Stroud is an old en gineer and trainmaster of- the Sac ramento division and understands every turn of the railroad busines3. SATURDAY'S NEWB Operators iiiuich of Hornbrook and Ragland ot Siskiyou came over to Asbland last evening on train No. H and returned to their respective homes on train No. IS last -night. Arthur Peters and Elmer Biegeljed in a baseball game. She expects are leaving-on train No. 13 tomor-ito row morning for Hilt, California, where they will try to land a Job at the mill. The Fruit Growers' Sup- by that time should again be able ply company at Hilt is planning 011 ' to heave the old horsehide. doing away with camps ll and 6 andi 4 opening up of a new camp. No. 15.1 While in Salem last month at where eamp I Is now situated. ! tending the session of the legisia "Brick" Smith will have camp 1 if tore of which he was a Jackson coun lor his battle site in his survey ork. y member, Hon. E. V. Carter ap- the Southern Pacific and living on; North Main street of this city, has! T r . tn purchased a beautiful, new, green 'the local lodge of Elks some time ago operation .was held Monday, It is Nash. He Is now trying his new pos-l and which died soon after being stated, and a piece of skull was re session out and Is highly pleased with brought to Ashland. Mr. Carter was; moved from the depression caused the way It works as well as Its be-' given the assurance an elk will bo, by tbe fracture. This apparently re Ing "some looker." provided for the Ashland park ai moved the pressure on the brain, and Fireman Turner and family re- - rned home o Irjin No. 16 l. tv- nln from Red Bluff, where thev - have been visiting for the past week. Mr- Turner is leading for Hornbrook this morning on train No. 13. A quartet of local' aspirants of the ring have 8tarled a 8trlct tralnlD system and; will soon begin to stage some slugfests for tbe coming Elks' smokers. Jimmy Blair, Archie Cal vert, "China" Heath and Louis Jen nings are the four interested in the "K-O" game and are on hand daily for om practice sparring, It Is rumored, that Calvert will run up against Heath on April 2 for the 1 fire maatlnir Guests stopping at the Hotel Aus tin are: C. W. Fullerton, S. J.jGIn- nes, W. L. Ludiu and wife, G. D. Roe, Earl (J a fro r and Wife, M. Selzer, L, S. Hopfield, L. Shumaker, B. F. Hunt aician oi mil, J. r. .-uorguu unu wife and L. R. Scott of Seattle, H. B. Barkis and Mrs. L. L. Volnburg of M. E. Wilson of Montague, Geo. A. Grleve ot Hornbrook, and 0. H. West- cay and wife of Inidanapplis, Ind. H. P. Holmes of the Holmes Gro cery on North Main sfret, has been ill for the past few days at his home, on Manzanita street. His son. Carol, is looking after the store'durlng Mr. Holmes' sickness. ! V The V. S. navy recruiting station' at Portland. Oregon, bas received u.u i.u... m.., ucu.uucm Washington. D. C, to start first en llstments again. Only desirable young men of 18 years of age or more are uesirea. r:nnsimenis win ne ior a period of four years only. Anyone interested Is requested to call at orl write to thhe I'. S. Navy Recruiting Station, 20C Uekum building. Third und Washington streets, Portland, Oregon. Mrs. J. E. Thomas, who has been quite ill at her liome on Secuud street with an attack of bronchitis during the past week, is Just now able to be about the house again. . Mrg jcciannahan has moved thisf ,week jmfl ,he house on Secon(I gtreel family. Mrs. McClanuuhiin is the owner of this residence. ' e i O. W. Long has moved his family' this week to the house formerly occu- pied by B. L. Delsman. The latter1 is living temporarily iu the house he! bought some time ago on 'Sherman : street and later sold. As' soon as his ,10use 0 Second gtrpe, ,g Taca(ed Mr.Ashland .(, Mrs. McDermid's moth-' lie KniHii win move nm lamuv inin that hou(je e Station Agent G. N. Kramer, wife; and , ieare tnig evening for Port- inll(i t0 spend Sunday In the Oregon metronolis. MrS- s. b McNair and sister, Mrs.! Haverkamp, speit yesterday In Med- f,rd, . . g. F. Jones moved this week to . Airs, r rana uennam was up irom Talent yesterday, shopping at the! local stores and calling on relatives and friends. David Whittle Is back from Cor - vains, wnere ne is aueniung w. a. u.,ig Mendelson and w. A. t oiiee 01 and will spend his spring vacation !portinnd; C. M. Boyan and Jack with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. F, F Whittle, in this city. Mrs.' Clifford Jenkins visited In Medford yesterday. The Juionr High basketball team will go to Medford to play tbe gram mar grade team at that city tonight. ! This will be the return game with this team which met defeat on tlui local floor last Saturday night. The Junior High team consists or Cht-- Mert w,y: Ram9e.f clark utterfleld and Bus-1 ter Prulan' ml wi bB accompanied tUteS " Fireman Ogden of Blaine street i,ag moved his famllv to Hornbrook. WEDNESDAY'S NEWS Harry Moore, whose home is at Bellevlew, and who has been employ ed by the Transcontinental Freight bureau as a freight Inspector at Port land, has just returned to Asbland. Mrs. G. L. Corby, wife of Opera tor George Corby of the IochI S. P. j station. tiH. departed for San Pedro, where she will visit her brother, wholgoing by automobile and Willi be to la ill as a result of getting overheat- gather on their Journey as far as remain in San Pedro for a couple Mr. . and Mrs. Carpenter remaining j of weeks. Her brother will probably jtbere for a visit, while tlie Besslres accompany her on her return and1 will go on to a point near San Fran- Broached the state fish and game com-, Asbland park with . bull elk to take the pae, of the one presented by l. I 1 ..I .. U .. soon es It can be captured from on -of the, state herds. . ' " '.-- ' The following guests are stopping at the Hotel Columbia; HK. Mer wln, R. H. Slderaus, Mr. and Mrs. F. McAllister and Mr. and Mrs. F. C. Youtsey of Portland and Kirk Shelby of Coqullle, Oregon. ' E. E. Pbipps is spending th day In Rogue River. The corporate existence of the First National Bank of this city has beenterday with a party of motorists on extended by the comptroller of thej their way south. Mr. Fenton was a Currency to March 8, 1941. ' ; former pastor of the Grants Pass .and Medford churches and is an old Guy Cary, night roundhouse fore- time friend of Dr. D. M. Brower. The man at the local Southern Pacific j latter was fortunate, enough to see roundhouse, took a spin down to ' his friend for a few moments while Medfoid in his car before the sun was up this morning, to Inhale a little early ozone. ! "Brick" Smith of Ashland hus ship-j of the winter lyceum course under ped over all of his credentials,, rec-jthe auspices of First Company, 0. 0. ommendations and' references to Mr.; A., was greeted with a sympathetic Birmingham, superintendent of the audience at the Armory last night. Hilt branch of the Fruit Growers' the surveying act this summer. V. P. Phillips and wife, formerly! tertainments given by the First Com of Ashland, have returned from Sanjpany in the Armory throughout the Diego, where they have lived the winter. past six months..- Mr. Phillips has' been the manager of the Jacobsou Auto coranany at 8an Deg0 aurng Ume They returM(, (0 AMani wl(h ,he ln(entlon o( re. mainlng for gome Ume. Mm Mrg fi 0 wh0 been , the of hef Mf , 0ordon MacCracken for the past week, left;8uwt at the Motel Austin wniie injb()lll by nlg eloquence iu the pulpit today for San Francisco. Mrs. Bolte will anil SAturdftV on the atpAmar ftol-1 k Jw Japan Md chlua Mrs. Tom Bundy, who has been ill a local ),08pltal for a long time has improved so much that she has been able to-stay at thbome of Mrs. ! 0. V. Gillette for several days. She leaves today for her home at Weed California. 4 Mrs. M. S. Mulit Is leaving for Port-i land tonight where she will remain at least a month. Mrs. Clara Esson of Portland, stat'j Bible school superintendent ofe the: Christian church, will speak lu the, local christian church next Sunday.! Mrs. Esson was at one time assistant (pastor of that church and Is well known by many of the older mem-1, hers. Mr. and Mrs. A. McDermld left: Sunday for San Francisco, where the! former has accepted a position. They : ; have been spending the winter in: pr An .vi. a. .wuiii. ai inw wiir, a home on M(,chnnic street. The public is invited to Hie adnresj to be given by Kev. E. J. conaiy nil the Lyric theatre tomorrow. Thurs-: dav evening. The topic of Father: Conaty s address win ne i.ineny. The many friends of Mrs. J..Henry , Provost will be glad to hear tmu nerFals Th(lrsday for ,ow ,,av,. ,.,:, condition is soracwnai improten morning, according to word oomiim I from the Medford nospnai wnernei underwent an operation Monday. ; i i Tne cuy couu uui night until tonight, when It will meet In usual session, 1 The following visitors are rcgistor- e(j at the Hotel Austin: A. L. George, Flschell of San Francisco, Herbert Cook of Caro, Michigan, Mrs. T. L.ptore Is a business visitor inSan Fran- Dates of Owens Sound, Ontario, W. A. Guild, M. D. and O. Crofton of Des Moines, Iowa, Carl R. Ilrunke of New! York City, Mr. and Mrs. E. C. Van I Leyen of Detroit, Michigan, und Mr. 1 and Mrs. J. A. Charbarmeau of Ry- aer south Dakota, jic. Gordon MacCracken and Mrs. Carrie Mitchell will leave tonight (or Salem, where they will attend th-J tate conference o( the DaUKh,er. of the American Revolution which will !b, n session there Friday and Sat as delegates from Mqunl Ashbtnd chapter, ot which Mrs. MacCracken Is regent. Miss Mitchell expects to go pn to Portland to visit after tbe conference Is ended. ' Operator Craig of Siskiyou was an Ashland visitor today. He gets a great amount of enjoyment out of bis crimson Maxwell bug, In which he comes down very, often. Mr. and Mi's. G. E .Curpejiter and Mr. and Mrs. Bessire expect to leave tomorrow for California. They are Corning, where they will separate, Cisco where they expert to locate. Mr. and Mrs. Carpenter, will spend the summer in San Jose, where their danghter. Miss Meesin (Carpenter, Is located. Miss Edith Gore, trm young girl. who was struck by a ear Sunday night, - reported to be still lylo in . critical 'condition in a Medforo hospital. An. .A ......l.ul f a , . . a. H . 1. .. M la ' the girl was reported to be in a sorai- conscious state nftsrwards. It will be a day or two before, her chancer for recovery are known. 1 The au thorities are making an effort to identify, the driver of. tbe car that used tbe spot light and was the cause of the terrible accident, and they feel assured they will have the car and owner located shortly. Will Kenton, a leading minister of the Methodist church,' South, of thl.i district, passed through Ashland yes- he was going through the city. ) Herbert Leon Cope, the noted hum orlBt who appeared as an entertainer: .The speaker is noted as an exponent to finish of his address. This mini-'days , ber was the last ot the series of en- MONDAY'S NEWS ; ans chose for his subject, "The Do D. B. Morgan and wife. Margaret , mn(on flf Mau ,u whlch ne I) and Cladys Morgan, all of Seattle,, d mun. slrengtu um ,atstersliip are nmont tourists through this sec-!,.. . .. , ti. tlon, who have been stopping In Ash- - land over tbe week end. They werej me ctiy. 4 I C. W. Watson, the well known civil nn..tnA.. VI.. u.,.u n., lal.- hind visitor over Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Phil Pinkston, while coming through Ashland Saturday from California, where they had been spending the winter, stopped off to visit at the home of U. W. Benedict. Mrs. Pinkston had been a former pMpil of Mrs. Benedict 40 years ago. and was glad to have the opportunity to renew the old iicuuuiiitani'esliip. The Pinkstoiis ale making thu trip by automobile und went from heia to Douglas county to visit wilh relit lives before continuing' their Jour- ney to their home in Washington j Mrs. Ada Clark has gone to Castor. Alberta, where she expects to remain : tor an Indefinite stay. ! JIi-s. Charles Haley of San Fran- Cisco is a guest at the home of her daughter. Mrs. David Tompkins, " Beach avenue. wiuj, ...... . ...... ...... Edwin Mowat are among the students from Corvallls who arrived home h it- a, w,n spend the Easter va- cation with 'heir parents In this city. 4 irg. nav Cochran and babv Jean. Mrs. Mabel Weeden and Messrs. w.i H. and M. S. Swaoe, brothers of Mrs. Cochran aroye oler trom Klamatli at the W. T. Cochrnno homo on Avery atrflpt npy retllrnert ,, morniiig. A Miss Ruth Mowat of Vancouver. B. C, was a recent visitor at theal. nlakillB the ., , 1Plr famny home of her uncle, W. H. Mowat, in this city. Miss Edith Murlowe and a company of friends were over from Diinsmulr, Saturday, shopping at the local stores. W. H. McNair of the Itexall drug Cisco this week. While In the city, Mr. McNair will negotiate attractions for the Hillah' Temple ceremonial which will be staged at Eugene May 28tu. Ashland friends of the Gore family of Medford will bu glad to learn that the Gore sisters who were so seriously injured'when struck by an automobile a week ago aro on the road to recovery. Saturday's Mull- hunied Inspection of the Pacific Tribune states the condition of Miss highway south of the city. They re Edith Gore continues to Improve, und port everything satisfactory in this her mind was clear all day. Miss! section of the highway. Liberia Gore's condition also contln- ues to Improve, although she still! V. K. O'Neil of Klamath Fulls was suffers much naln. H mi Mr. and Mrs. B. H. Ooble. newly weds, ot Corvallts. have been visiting at tbe home of Mrs. Goble's sister. Mrs. W. T. Cochran, during the past week. They left Saturday night fur California on their wedding trip. Mrs. Anna Cook made a business triy to Ashland Saturday from Med ford. Mrs. Cook was a resilient of this city for many years, .and still holds property here. Extensive Improvements are being! made to the B. O. Wallstein resi-l dence on Second street. Tbe bouse is undergoing remodeling in the in terior, a fine large sleeping porch 's being built at the hack and many other inovations will be made before' tbe house is completed. i The weather man has graciously promised fair weather for the eom-j""cr enhanced with seasonable bon ing week, which will be balled with.""81 a'"' nl,wy lo"- The color uoiikui uj lariuvlB uu MIUVU M for bsued for ,hi.j he int., i .r decoration. particular wk ''at weatbr will be gen-,'r at rae jve. erally 'fair except along the north coast where occasional rains are probably, with normal temperature. - Mr. and Mrs. T. F. Pettlnger and family were up from Medford Sat urday spending the afternoon With Ashland friends. George Blake, who has been spend ing the past wek or so in Portland, stopped off Saturday to visit with his brother, Dr. W. E. Blake and family In this city, while on his way home to California. He remained in the cily over Sunday. Mrs. J. I). Rickert and Mrs. Ford Hubbard of Medford were Ashlnnd shoppers Saturday afternoon. The Y. M. C. A. gymnasium class will meet Tuesday at 8 p. m., instead of 5 p. m. The "Friday class will meet as usual at 5 p. m. " ' BeiiJ. Ripin, manager of the Ash- llllltl t:iUMII3Ul IWU1' ,J , Ml,,'..,. yesterday In Ashland from New York. Mr. Ripin made a leisurely trip to thig Cty stopping at various points in the south before reaching here. Mis. Oscar Klute Is back from Kan sas, where she had been making an extended visit with friends. Mrs. Nellie Conner returned a few ago from San Francisco, where she had been spending some time vis iting with friends. A large audience attended t lie Bap tist church lust evening and listen ed to the uinsterly discourse by the iiustor! Rev. W. L. Evans. Mr. Ev- lu uu ,uK MJtWlilCI. JNii"" hu chm.chi while a new coum ,fJ Asl,.ind , ,nst mljUU(, miuly ,riemli and by his cordial manner to the public. Mrs. J. H. Witbrow and little daughter Vera, were up from Tal ent. Saturday, where the latter was getting dental work done. 4 Mr. and Mis. Archie Waterman are visiting ut the home of the hitter's aunt, Mrs. J. I.. Greenwood, on Lib erty street. Mr. and Mrs. Waterman have spent the last year iu the Wil lamette valley, but may locale either III Ashland or Talent. They own a ranch near Talent, which lliey nave leased. Kenneth Lilly arrived Home lasl night from Stanford I'uiversity. and will spend his Kaster vacation with Ills parents. Mr. and Mrs. .1. R. Lilly. The Ashland Junior High basket ball team was defeated by tlm Med- fori( s,.a,iMr grade team on the a(t,,r s floor Saturday night by . ' ,,cuie of 2D-22. During the first hnlf ! of IIih game Ashland oHtelnssed their onnonets bv a score of 16 to 13. The .... ... iimvei,.-. mini i,iHiri ullrt ,H KCOre even until about tivn nines before the game was fjnjh,.ci when hv a lucky aourt Med f(ml em(,,i the ,,,, ti two points ahead. Coach Hughes of Ashland u, !. llol, .,ilu,.ii,,l lha 1,11111,) 4 0 Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Vining arrived 1 iu Ashland Saturday night from Onk- ,, ra,r .,,,. haVB b,.,.n spending the past winter. After vis- i itlng with relatives in this city for a j we(,k nf K0 ,,,,. w, contmle on 1 th(,jr j,.m.y t0 Portland. They Harry Morgan, who is taking .1 vocational training course in the Ore gon Agricultural college, Is spending his Easter vacation with bis parents, Mr. und Mrs. J. M. Morgan, at their homo on Mountain avenue. , Miss Cuiiaty has been quite ill at her homo on Sixth street for seve ral days with an attack of Influenza. Mr. and Mrs. O. Winter were down to the ranch ot Dr. and Mrs. J. B. L Webster near Talent yesterday: It. A.1 Booth. W. H. Barrett and lohn U. Venn, members of the state highway commission, passed through Ashland Saturday, while making u lover this ween iransacting Business in the valley. PAI LSKRI li AM) IIAItltKTT I'HKSKXT AX ATTRACTIVE ROOM I'aiilserihl & Barrel h.rVe complet ed remodeling their tailoring estab lishment, ainl the rooms today pre sent a most attractive appearance. The front of the building was remod eled, putting iu the latest idea ill nhow windows, and widening the door way. The Interior has been freshly kalsomineil anil painted, and hungs with artistic draperies harmonizing with the furnishings, while enameled tables and mirrors make one of tbe most attractive interiors among the business houses in Ihe city. All fix lures in the establishment are new " "e window decorations are fur- i scheme of old blue and cool gray of II The Weed Lumber Co. will estab lish a town known as Garner' City named from Garner Mountain nearby as a logging center for operation on Anetlope creek. The new town will start with round house of night stalls, a large machine shop, offices of the company and somes for the employes. Gurner City will be forty miles north east of Weed and eight miles from the Weed and Klamatli Kails railroad from which a brancli will he built. The logs will be taken to" Weed for sawing. The opening date of the Weed saw mill" is Indefinite on account of tho poor market for lumber. Oenerai Manager White is unable to say if the mill will start April 1, April 15 or May 1. He suy8 ultl'ough the price has been cut below last year's cost of production there is HUM movement In lumber. Montague Messenger. , Well Known Lady Dies Yesterday Mrs. Kmmu K. Pellet t passed awy at her home on (Hen Drive yes terday afternoon at the age of C" years. The deceased had been a, resident of Ashland since 1903, and had made many friends during that time. For many years she had been a great sufferer, and during the past' week she had been failing rapidly, and her death was not unexpected. Mrs. I'ellett was a kind and loving mother, and was loved by all who knew her. She leaves her husband, G. W. I'ellett, one daughter. Mrs. O. E. Delbert, a stepdaughter. Mrs. F. A. Greaser, and a niece. Mrs. Harry Pellett. Her departure from this lift is a great loss to her family and many I rif litis .but these realize she is freo from her suffering anil is at rest. Funeral services will tako pluco tomorrow. Tuesday, afternoon from the Stock I'mleitaking parlors at i o'clock, with liiliM ineiit in Mountain View Cemetery. KltKK AM UK It C.WK SKK.ll AM) ( ASH I'ltlK (ilVKN I grew on my ranch, 440 Chestnut street, last year, a putch of Early Amber cane. It grew fine, stulks were eight feet high und neighbor boys said it was as "sweet as candy." Why not some man who hus the time gel an outfit and manufacture can syrup? In a short time it would be a profitable business to follow. A small patch grown in any hack yard would keep a family in syrup for a year. An acre of cane will produce, well cared for, several hundred gul lone. On exhibit at the State Fair at Salt-in last fall was a sample of Am ber cane syrup which was as light as a good grade of honey, which at tracted more than passing attention. It was made by Frank Lambert, of Jennings Lodge. They propose, around there to go into the business, why not Ashland do the same. I have cane seed enough for u good many acres which I would he pleat ed to furnish all who want it free while It lasts, and in addition to thai will give a cash prize of J.'i.OO for the best syrup made from it exhibit ed at the Ashland Winter. Fair. 1 believe I will reserve the right to ex hibit syrup myself. A committee of those Farm Burenii ladles would make excellent Judges. Come ami get your seed to plant, und talk over the business with me. H. II. LEAVITT. XKW GARDEN TOOLS. New Spray Pumps. 4 Xcw Spray Hose. New Garden Hose. Xcw Iron Ago Hand Cultlvatore. Xew Hen bug Machine. IVd HetviiK Machines. Sold or rented by the month. All Kind of Fence Posts and Fencing PEIL'S CORNER BY THE PARK THE e s s W t uiiisctni j BANK V O FASH LAND. ii.mi vol' MARKED the number of people who ore camping ou the trail of your small coin? Why not hang onto It yourself? wmvam API cm SAVINGS t-0vr DEPOSITS EW IN SISKIYOU COUNTY (Wart a Saving Account I in This Swag Itunk TODAY. ' I