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About Ashland weekly tidings. (Ashland, Or.) 1919-1924 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 26, 1921)
'41011 ASHLAND WEEKLY TIDINGS OL. XLIV ASHLAND, OREGON; WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 20, 1921 NO. 21 MAN y ATTEND BANQUET AT I ARMORY FEASTING AND HONG PRECEDE FIXE ILLUSTRATED .LECTURE BY FRANK BRANCH RILEY UN DER THE AlHPICES OF THE ASHLAND CHAMBER OF COM MERCEMA NY' VISITORS ARE PRESENT. What the Ashland Chamber of Commerce can do in the way of en tertainment was carried out to the nth degree of satisfaction at their first annual banquet held in the ar mory last night. This wag the first time the newly organized Chamber of Commerce has appeared as hosts nt a large, formal function, and the affair last night wag carried out in a manner well calculated to suit tho tastes of the most fastidious. The banquet wag held at 6:30 O'clock. Covers for upwards of 300 were laid on tables most attractively spread throughout the hall at which the company gathered. This ban quet was arranged by tho women members of the Chamber of Com merce, and prepured and served by the teachers and domestic science classes in the public schools. A large number of Medford people were present and in their cordial, friendly manner assisted much in making the event one of the most delightful so cial affairs ever held in Ashland. At each plate were a copy of the "Ashland Items" the little publication Iseuei! by the Chamber of Commerce stressing the work accomplished dur ing the past six months and giving a report of the various expenses of the Chamber, as well as a folder of ".Songs of the Ashland Chamber of Commerce." These were catchy parodies on popular songs. Led by Henry Enders, with Miss Bernice Yeo at the piano, the company be tween bites made the rafters ring with the melodies proclaiming the fame and popularity of bood old Ash- anA tnwn Atiittiap attractive, mllo. icai leaiure was h sum ueuuuiuny rendered by Mrs. P. Provost. Rev. P. Koehler gave the invocation after the guests were seated at the tables. Secretary Fuller had requested a number of short, snappy, Informal talks by several members of J he Chamber, representing the various features in which this body is inter ested. He first called upon the popular president of the Chamber of Commerce, L. F. Ferguson, who in the name of the Chamber welcomed the gnests to the banquet and ex tended the right, hand of good fel lowship to all present. Ashland has still a claim upon Medford's Chamber of Commerce secretary, H. 0. Frohach, who form erly accupted the same position in Ashland, and who Is as popular In this city as he is In his present habi tation. Therefore no social event given by this body could be complete without an address by Mr. Frobach. Tlie latter Tesponded to his call by giving a short talk on the feeling of harmony which exists between the Ashland and Medford Chambers of Commerce and the efforts' they are making to promote the welfare of Southern Oregon in general and the Rogue River Valley in particular. Fred C. Homes, one of the subur ban members of the Chamber of Commerce was asked to give a short talk on his particular pet hobby, tho farm and farmer. Mr. Homes makes a study of farming, which to bim Is u itiuicsBiuii hh wen as ins ousiness. He. spoke of the interests Ashland farmers are taking in tho matters coming tip before the Chamber of Commerce and the co-operation ex lstlng between the farmer and busi ness man in promoting and carry ing out the various enterprises nec essary for the good of this section ot the state. B. F. Lindas, a rising young attor ney of Medford, gave on Interesting talk on the necessity ot preserving the natural scenic attractions of Southern Oregon. Realizing that thig Is one of the great assets of this section of the state, one that la draw ing tourists from all over the coun try to our midst, Mr. Lindas made it emphatic that these features must be preserved, and all discordant elements be removed. An associa tion being formed In the Rogue River valley, Mr. Lindas remarked, to carry on this work, and he enlist ed the assistance of Ashland and the Chamber of Commerce members to take a part in this most necessary work. Prof. I. E. Vining, who ag"a native on, hag the welfare of Oregon and particularly Ashland go much at heart, gave a moat eloquent plea to preserving the historic and legendary pointg of the Northwest. . He com pared the pages of European history teaming with legend and folk-lore to those of this state, which in the minds of most are blank. Oregon haa its romances, its legends and his tory, a finer story than can be found in the mustynnala of ! European countries. Secretary Fuller then Introduced the principal speaker of the even ing, Frank Branch Riley, the noted tourlBt and lecturer, who was engaged to deliver his great illustrated lec ture, "The Lure ot tb Northwest," later In the evening. Mr. Riley mounted a chair and made his bow to the audience, giving a flattering compliment to Ashland, its beauty, Its hospitality and great surround ing scenic attractions. As he was to occupy an Important portion of the evening' program ha was al lowed to retire with only a brief talk, the eloquence of which whetted the interest ot his audience In an ticipation of the treat before them. 'After satisfying the inner man the guestg drew their chairs to a com fortable promlxlty to the stage where thrown upon a screen were to be de picted the wonderful illustrations of that land ot mystery and romance known to so few even ot those living with a day's reach of their location. YEARS REPORT 0 F ASHLAND CHAMBER OF COMMERC E rnent of this industry.,- A road lead ing direct to tb .loading station at Mistletoe if an imperative need -of. the plant nn l -honld nan th? eup- port ot the entire community. Thiol granite, equal to any In the United I States, should have every oppor-j tunity to reach the market and build a real industry for Ashland. . Report ot baseball affairs made and voted that baseball uniforms and equipment for which the Cham BANK CASES 10 GET STATE AID PROSECUTION OREOON WEATHER IS J ARID IN COMPARISON ! WITH CALIFORNIA'S j Californlans with their. ;,mcli-j vaunted- sunny weather still mav ' come trekking north to Oregon's : aridity, Judging from a comparison of rainfall in Oregon and California. While the City of Roses had but .21 of au Inch of rain Tuesday, Sacra-! meuto und Los Angeles were do-1 I luged with more than two Inches, ATTRACTIONS Tl D DRAW TOURISTS ber of Commerce had paid, be placed Attorney (ieiienU mid Dunk Exam, ' while San Francisco slushed about in H,',lM rt Cuthbert Surprised at Ar- Pi-osrtutor Moore (iovcruor serves Petition Decision. Re- I In this the first number of Items we wish to inform our members of the work that has been undertaken during the past weeks and mouths to give an idea of what we hope to accomplish lu the weeks and months to come and to offer substantial reasons for asking your support.and cooperation in a program tor tin future. The campaign for reorganl- last spring and resulted in a mem- ' i W inklo concerning the Bank of Jack- letters from her friends here In hands of .responsible party. Tennis tournament this season was1 financed by the Chamber of Com-' merce and the Chautauqua Associa tion. Signs maintained at Tolo and in the Slsklyoua were prAnounoed as Iner Pledge AwilKlmi.-e to County ' almost an inch and a half of rain. I Mrs. C. W. Ward, who was former : ly well known In Ashland as Mrs. i Frances Hockett, a prominent nurse, ! writes to the Tidings from Burling ! ton, Washington, stating she wishes County Prosecutor Rawleg Moore to ,.onew her subscription as she rnngementfl Made for Tourist Travel Says AnIiIhiuI's Entertain until t of Editor Is Commented 1 h.ii All Over Country. . 1 la back from Salem where he had cannot afford to lose a slncl. conv i not properly placed with the change . .. ,., ,, ca,lllul auora jo lose a sinme cop,, uvv upon i , gone to collier with Governor Ben M it u iibg getting: a letter from of the h ghway and matter of relo- n. . ... ,, , 11 " llKe Ke"'"K ieiieirom "'., "1. .i..,u r.rr.H : 01co,t U(l A"rey General Van hnme. Shii states she receives . 4 41 l 4 - .1 n 1 bershlp of 630 persons, nearly ;'," ni'rtnr. 'maetlutr vo''- onVl118 ca8'" wlllch w" coma up ,or ni-va ,lie Kenernl news alirn iwr tnm h Aa ifrt i tJpi. . . win vriiiifj iui a unco jem of but, the poHod.1 Bn ' , trial at the February term of the town which she gets in the naner. commencing May 1, 1920. No .Ni " V " court. iM by the lust or ,. fort has been made for a further en-, M ' ... . . ! According to (he Meilufrd . . (.. nr tta tinrvin tr ma rnwn . air. uiiey, a cnaner memoer anu later; rollmenl since then but we have had! " "" ' Tribune Governor Olcott u- - nit Aamiinftm nltinnntr ivv presiaem oi me lamous mountain , g0me voluntary accessions and ul-i"' decision one wuv or the other, rohi-1 ,i.r. m nttu n.,n .Miiil- guve no . climbing organisation, (he Mazamas. hag been selected by the ojlnt uegls luture of Oregon and Washington and the parliament ot British Col umbia to carry the message of the Pacific Northwest to the men and Tidings where two dear pioneer wo men have posed away, .Mrs. K. K. Aa- Mrs. though there have bevn some losses from removal, death and other reas ons, we remain strongly around the 500 murk, and with a slight effort on the part ot tho membership com mittee believe Ashland may hare - . . . nh,.i . .-, i"-'"i" vuiiBiia ui nam states, "i cured tor Mrs. An Oct. 7. A General Forum meet-, ,,.. ous what anaiiBements were already i MKM nr PniiiirtA-. v ' B-.m..iiiviii ' MCIBUII lur III II H I1IUI11IIS II I Ulifi 1 1 111 tS lal Club -ailed for Pioneer hall In:" "''f' to try the cases, i ten year, ago, and thouel,, bet on, "" 1,111 . . ... Attorney General Van Winkle an-! of tho nniesi nii.l Keeinst rlmiLW. the evening, about eno nunareu land being an object lesson to larg Herbert Cuthber:, executive sec retary of the Northwest Paeific Toui ist Association, during his stay In Ashland yesterday said "For a city ot its population no other city in the Northwest has the diversified attractions that AshliiMt has scen ery, park and waters. Time will come when the people of AslilanJ realize that its biggest Industry in the Tourist Travel. Mr. Cuthbert said it was marvol- inade for tourist travellers In park. camp site, and public baths, Ash- women of America. Accordingly Mr. the banner Chamber of Commerce In Riley took bis audience back with Oregon. With this In view the him to the east where he displayed WCGt commencing January 17th for the first time to many a magical, 22nd will be Chnniber of Conimarce picture of the grandeur of this great j week und you are asked as a dutv to wonderland which hag startled the the organization to endeavor to se eastesn country with its matchless cure one new member, beauty. ... 1 The new organisation really corn Mr. Riley took his audience to the 1 . T, I iia nwin juiiu 1. ocurtui; members In attendance. 1 The change 1 of name to the Ashland Chamber of Commerce wag effeoted at tMg meet- J t0 log; other changes,, were maae 111 1 the constitution at, una umt. for tho handling of the cases, and! Mr. Anderson in his lust illness and, promised any aid sought. ,cun say ths same of hlin. I often Bank Examiner F. S. Rrumwell j see whero some substantial popular will visit Medford next week to out- ' residents, are seriously ill. aniMt af- tops of snow-Wad mountains, stark and bleak In their snowy fastnesses, but with many - unexpected beauty spots covered with gorgeous blos soms never seen beyond the snow line of the high altitudes. He took his audience also through the giant for ests, those hugh monarchs of the he used only in the event that suff cient support wag not forthcoming from dairymen. Reports of action by Housiux C01.1 m It tee and the need lor a modern The following is a record of meet-, npartment house in Ashland wan lugs and uffairs undertaken: June; ur)Eei. The situation of the local 10. Public Forum in City Hall, with .uuuery also received attention reports by Music Committee. Auto- 0ct. 8. Public Forum ' Luncheon : line ft nlan nf mtinii in Itia ' rn, ....... ,.l....u..u ... ..An.i i Voted to assist the Dairymen in ' , , ,.... lu lluu ,., , , . ' , . ' , 'Ion of the bank eases, and go over the next Issue that they ore recover- instltuting and gupporting a cow t...- ,he daU) wj(h Vtwc ing association, anM l-and conf(!r witu ,01lnty .,, r. j pon noi in "" -'eardine Ihe ,.. . er communities. He expressed surprise and gratifi cation that Ashland has a Chamber of Commerce with a membership of fivo hundred and says the time has arrived when no commiiulty can pros per without a live Chammher ot Commerce. Speaking of the Editorial Kxellt- J. H. Fuller, returning from a trip through the Southern States to as sume his duties at that time. I Pretti' Homo Wediliuu. I The Attorney's office Co- Charming in Its simplicity was thoj"on 01 ,wo yeur" as' 01 wllich ,m inclded with Prosecutor Mnnr- wedflhiir r Mis Kvlv Cvr u,l .waa 'h official pilot. Mr. Cuthbert that he should he In cbaiac of the Chasley W. Priest which took place said the entertainment provided by last evening: at seven o'clock at tl.a , Ashland in the park in tho form of 1 The petition of the Jacksonville home of the bride's sister, Mrs. K. I""u,,r 1v"1' c '" b" citizens fo ra special prosecutor was' F. Herbst. Rev. C. F. Koehler. ,0,ie "f ''""'"'11t ""' I"'"-' sent before Thanksgiving, and II,, ! pastor of the Presbyterian church of- ,h,M,e vreni tronl "" s"c,i()l19 ot county seat residents have been anx ious ever since for a reply. fieiated in the presence of relatives of the bridg and groom. The bride .. .... ... .tPutmi unit Put-It f'nininltte Wnter'ii . m. AH ..fl west mai nave siooa ine stress an-J ; " ,., n " rZ, . . Z I 7- ,, T D'-partment offices at the slat-; was gowned In blue satlu and carrie I storm of centuries. They visited ! Commute, a ICanne C om,nUt. 0 pertaining C S Senator h,Khy uU xuui laae 01 unexpiaiueu mystery set ' " 0 . ! ,uo ' "V '- "'";bal.k trials, nrenrdina to l'nw..e..t..- was beautlfullv decorate,! In while the United States. of making Crater within a giant peak. Crnter Uke.:Pprlted SI.600.00 to bo . expend- j (or gefurIng further inigi, Ion b,c:;ilfie of comiectj()11 .V carnations r tit... ... . . on iiv r nil 11 it nr .111 v rnm iiiiiipm ad ...i n Hu...iAJi k cn .amumr iu uiosi 01 me au.uence otii--- - ,7 , ,' ""I""""' , - - , stHte ,)unk ..xaniinei-s ollice ceremony a buffet lunch was served. of never ceasing wonder and charm. oMei eomm tu-e to present matter I McNary. wllh ,he slls lsl f , , Tho ,, lu lllH f M, ,, of wiuening Main street from ttio, Oct. 26. Meeting of the Director; ! . . . . .. '!.. , i-roseciiior .tioore s:ihi mat lie was .toeiui i.yr ni 1111s cuy aim nas. and tenia. Alter tho They visited Marble Caves of Ore- 01 w'uel""K -Mal" 8lreel "'0' Oct. 26. Meeting of the Director; . ! Um.nb in..s.... Mill t ... ... n . j . . gon, ine Columbia Highway, the :-" '" (voio to nom a w.mer. ra.r ana ., t0 ,,,, , ,.., ,. (Mnl),()-V(M, 118 boukfc.p,r , lho magnuicient coast scenes, renewed ' v-"u""-"- ipropriuiea au.u ior nuuncin ; ; now and the opening of court to the , liuearthing of evidence and ninrshal- Ashlaud Ashland. creamery since coming to Mr. Priest Is in the em- And the feature Lake hv round I trip taking In the Lake of the Wood 'should he more fully exploited ami I this road developed and made most j comfortable. Mr. Cuthbert was the guest, whlK In Ashland, of Secretary Fuller of ' the AHhlund Chamber ot Commerce and visited the park and auto-caniji site with Messrs. Amiersou. Jordan, The court 'y of the S. P, railroad and is the. FRCIT A( ItCAtiK l STATE. to each of us, that we have a share in the ownership of a country niagnifi- cent, beyond the vaunted scenery of ancient countries beyond the seas.' The fact that this great scenic coun-i try is practicaly unknown to the i session is expected to last a month "on of Mr. and Mis. .1. II. Priest, ulsn , of this city. For the present the.i About thirty couples met at'.Mem- ' .oung people will make their bomd'orlal hall last night and enjoyed an. fin Aahliud. , .. i, other of tlmir. semi-month),v dance , The apple acreage lu Oroqun, ac- . 1 " which are among the must popular cording to Ihe fli;iirea of tho Oregon, ,So far noun of (lie 'lolllli-ians who socjal events of the lily. Kxcop Growers Co-oierativ assorintion. is have been sliotillng lor economy, have lloiuilly flue music was furnished ami 50,011(1.' Tlje prune acreage is about 1 been beard asking to have the up- all agreed t tiat litis last was ouo iO.HOH. while 1 hat of pears is 1 3,-1 proprialiona for llieii- uivn ilistrlcts of the most pleasing dances of thu !v00. cut down. seritix. acquaintances with Ashland's beau-l Juu 21-. Directors meeting. DiK-Sume Also voted that the Dlres- .1 1 . 1 iiianlmi if Hrtnultiir ftiiHutinn uii1 iii. . .. 1 nun paria, many cnarming views oi -- 1 -e 1 tors meei every iikwuii auuu u -ic-i )ng evjrtl;u,fl )M ,e case. wnicn .nr. uiiey has woven In his soe-j " , 0 "'ihi, , nlc lerture. Throughout the vlewg Mr , Preparation' for installing tent city Nov. 6. Meeting of Directors at Rlley'g story oj 'the great wonder- j "lan t0 bo in operation for season ni pioneer Hall. Letter t off ilea la of land in the west was beautiful and1921 tue ltttesL . . , , tho Southern Pacific ! R. relative gripping. Through it all ran thel Jul-V 3'4'5- I'rlor to the reorgaui- to the building of new station at impression which he strove to make """n of the Commercial Club, Mr.Ashland wag read and discussed,, his audience gain, that this belongqE- T- stal)les wa appointed chai.-j8ani8 endorsed and forwarded kkhII man of a Fourth of July celebration I these officials. committee, with power to choose bal-j Nov. 16. Meeting of Directors ance of committee. The C!lub assuni-lat Pioneer Hall. Mr. Hunt-of the ed 11,600.00 of the expense an. I Oregon Journal bains a guesl statement will be found in another j it was voted that Joint nicotines1 item. It was fully expected that er- be arranged between the City Cou'i- greater majority of the' American ambassador James Gerard would bo di, park Board and Chamber f people, especially those In the east ' tn9 orator of the Fourth and quit Commerce for the purpose of co make the presentation all the more eloborote plans were made for enter- operating In work relntlng Ir. Pork I wonderful. Frank Branch Riley will ! talnl"' Mr- Oerard and party, but j and Auto Camp, long 'be remembered.'in Ashland byjowlll to tlie San Francisco Conven-i Committee appointed to act rein-! his wonderful picture-lecture and I"0" not adjourning as was expected, tive to the coutinuance of work on1 his reappearance will Jje looked for- ' wr disappointed. Bishop Shoo- (he Dead Indian road. ard of Portland, the-preacher at thi Nov. 30. Held Directors meet auditorium on 8unday, tilled, he ! rfig at 'McDonald's cafo and appolnl posltlon with great acceptability and, ed Mr. E. V. Carter delegate to j also unveiled the Bronze Tablet in , P-Hnraiinnul Conference In Portland I commemoration of the boys who lost' and to ascertain regarding any ac-! Tlle "Mutlve committee of asii-i SENATE JOINT MEMORIAL No. 1 ' 4. their lives durinc tho late war. Altion relative to normal school pros- m""1 Po9t No' 11 mel ut n l,ulcl1 Petitions the Congress of the V splendid pageant in tin .Auditorium I pects. on Saturday, July 3, was one of tha; Nov. 23. A Forum Luncheon was features of the Celobralioii; . Bali j held at Pioneer Hall for the purpose games on Saturday and Monday, i of discussing auto camp and woa Parades and Fireworks made up the participated in by members of the program of the three days. The Park Board, City Council and the Ashland of her Christmas festivities, ogue er valley uanu con"'ibutel Chamber of Commerce. In which they entertained seventeen lai'gely t0 ,he i,,,ere,,t of 'e occ-l The further development of this guests, over half of whom were from 8l0D dU'"lg the tl,re d"V"' igreat "ertlslng asset of Ashland Summer School. June lu Aug.; was urged and an appropriation of 1. The Chamber of Commerce fui-( $100.00 by the Chamber of Coin nlshed tho office and office force merce was asked tor purpose ot con- ire in the auto Vlniug and Duller. 1 1 O'clock Club Daii-eN. ward to with gneat Interest. j Many Ashlanders In Santa Monica'' Miss Helene Casey, v. :o with hei father, J. R. Casey, lefi Ashland over a year ago to make her home In Santa Monica, writes to friends in Ashland Posl, No. H ASHLAND, OHKtiON. (ileiin E. Simpson, Post Commander, it. G. Woloott, 'Vico-Oommander. Ralph Ho.tficl.1, Historian. Win. Holmes, Tivasuier. Donald Spencer, AdjiKanl mid Legion Editor. Ashland. There are nineteen for mer residents of Ashland living in Santa Monica. Miss Casev states. therfore they have quite a colony j thro"6 "e secretory and stenog- structing a flrepl about them. Mr. and Mrs. James 1 rol'ner ,or '-wrKing out tue plan camp Archibald live next door to the Cnevl01 a summer scuooi. I lie equipment,, Dec. 7. Directors meeting was Persons representing a mili tary character in u theatrical or treat" dinner In the Hotel Austin g t() 811)lllit t0 ,,(. vurlous states, moving picture performance may Saturday evening. Considerable ; nmBmi,ueI,t to the Constitution of wear tho uniform during that per Leglon business was transacted injtlle imited States to provide that formanco provided It does not brlnn the way of committee appointments' (he children ot parents who cuimot discredit on the service, and the discussion of 'financial and1 becomo citizens .shall not themselves G. Members of the Hoy Scout, entertainment questions. I lie com- become citizens of the I'niled Stato. mlttees appointed were as follows: We want l0 moro conscientious ob- Committee oh Constitution W. M.ijpclors ,, u1(1 illckerg. lands in Klamath County, Oregon to ontry, nnd giving service men pref erence thereto. SKNATE KILL No. 2fi home, and thev have most eninvniil.' DulmmB9- etc- De"" Provided by held at Pioneer Hall. The prln-1 """. .........-.. - . .u.,.,. - iiuiuo, aim mey nave most enjO)al)10 ., , . . inrskh l'r,,l ll rnlomnn nnil Mllhert . hnnnrnhlv .llsclnii-L-er un d er, sa nes ' : me uiiuuiauqua associuuou. in mis cipal topic being ine eariy prepara- - - ' 1 a.1 .u. - ; manner u vorv successful session or tlon for next .miner vacation and 'A. Bentley. , ors, or marines, who desire a v,u ui 1110 imrucuiari ueiiguiiui 1 i-in. mi.. n.. .1 . six weeks was maintained and over tourist travel. tending .h. Ll V. ... ... "Vitwo hundred were regislered In tho, Mr. I. T. Sparks. Southern Paclflc'I'- Wckerson, W. M. HrigRs and MM; g In the State of Oregon Brlggs. R. L. Ilurdic and J. O. Rigg. Committee an Finances W. C. Holmes, V. V. Mills and S. A. Peters,! Jr. . Benevolence Committee J. O. Rlgg. V. V. Mills and Dr. MacCrack-; en. ' Athletic Committee Milliard W. SENATE JOINT MKMOUIAL No. 6 mi vn 1 militia and similar organiza tions may wear the uniform of their organization. C. Members of the National Guard tl... ..n!rn,.. 1 MeMorlalizes Congress to restore ,,,u "c"' ",c for the uuuru. .viemuers or ash- land Post No. 14 will bear this la In mind und govern themselves ac cordingly. SENATE IHI.L No. 4it Prohibits the employment of ullcnt by public officials on public works. at . . . . nuJ.i There- n001- coursea were provided in. official, was tho spenKer nno gava Committee Don of study in any institution of learn- h,iAlh HILL M). is This An amendment to the laws or bill provides for the maximum aid,'1", reuiiuig iu ine eAiieuuiiuro in. Publicity Committee Don M. 'of 125 a mouth, not exceeding $200 county tuiKis 10 ereci monuments or Spencer and eiery mun called upon 'per year, or more than n period of 1 archeg to the memory of tho soldiers to produce dope. four years, for all students taklim i "l "allots who served lu thu World Tho work for the various commit-: sixty hours of Instruction per month ' W"'- Th amendment in effect tees was outlined nnd turned overland for proportional aid for those,makes It possible, the use of such ik. . ir i nrn nrnvlrteri n!o them for operation. No chloro- taking less hours of instruction. Pasadena New Years' dav were in the parade 125 floats madlMusic' Li,erature auO Physical Edu- an Interesting talk of the develop- up of flowers, and no artificial flow-' cat'011' alti0 cllorus work w con-J ment of the Southwest and said thie ers allowed, twenty-five bands and!'1"0'0'1 nt two Poi"ts 1,1 tlle valley. were thousands of people In the Im about 400,000 people, and It looked j A9nlaml a"(1 Puoenlx, and a presen-j perlnl Valley und Arizona sections as i.f there were that many nutos. i'allon 01 lne K08e nla,,len Btven;who would be giau to come ucre in In sneaklna- of the Charles Hnra-Iut tl,e clo8e ot tue emlu- dines, who also went to Santa Monica i Ctwtitauquu, .July 1C-23. Chautun- iake care of them, last fall Miss Casey says: ,,Maryi,UH in Aslllul,(1 is n institution of: Mr. E. V. Carter, reported the Virginia is some kid, taller than l!Deal"1, th,rtJr yeur duration, during Educational Conference held at Port end weights 96 pounds. She and i the Per'0(l of " x't'1"ce It has been land stating that the Educational Charles are full fledged Californlans! e01"1"0'6'1 011 a" entirely Independent , forceg. of the state seemed to stresg nasis. Asniana Chautauqua being . the fact that more normal training recognized as distinctive. Aside from schools were needed. Ashland's offering the usual program of fectur- claims, as the logical point for In ers and eutertuiumeiit we have main-; eating of such a school have been and tained a high class of Instruction in ' are being properly presented. THE DALLES, Jan. 25 Rnnchers literature, economics and social, Dec. 14. A directors meeting held living on Seven-Mile hll!, between The gclence. 1 at the Hotel Austin appointed Secre- Dalles and Mosier are Inking ndvon-1 During the season or 1920 "thru a tary J. H. Fuller a delegate to the tage of the bad condition of the road close affiliation of the Chautauqua State Chamber of Commerce meet to "soak" the stray tourists who at-, Association with the Chamber of lng at Portland, tempt to get through. One Is laid to, Commerce thcie. classes were oxteud-! A committee" was ' appointed to hnv. rharireri gun fni. - tns nf thraa ed to a neriod of six weekfl ami tirnv. ' mn.Mor inhnr intentions as nertainina miles, or $10 a mile. In another case,1 ed such a marked success that It Is to Ashland, especially with regard to(but whlch havp bw,n rff,,lrnd to the ((f rank a tourist had driven to the side of! the purpose to make this feature of obtaining and operating a Wood lot. uePment mini ine i osui .iei u. - mem as neing nnanie u n.-u..-i but Carrie is still all for Oregon, al though she admits this is a great country. Dad la fine and so Is my brother and all the rest of the tribe." form will J)e permitted. The boftl.' Is bunted. Every man must be up and at It. Onto your toes. Com mitteemen. The Adjutant has a circular list ing the names of 4.800 service men and women who have subscribed ami paid for Liberty and Victory bonds.! that cannot be delievered on account of incomplete addresses. This cir cular shows the rank and organiza tion to which the subscribers belong- HOI'SE HILL No. Ii7 Prohibits the wearing by anyon" not a discharged soldier, sailor or marine, any button, insignia, or em blem issued by the I'niled Slates government mi a unit of milllarv services rendered, or tho wearing of clothing of army issue by anyone not a discharged soldier, sailor nr mar ine. The exceptions noted In this. bill are as follows: 1. Members of societies compos funds for the erecting buildings as well as monument or arches. In connection with this hill, whv would II nyl he a very excellent thing for Ashland to have a memor ial nf some simple sort In our ceme tery for the purpose ot holding our Memorial services around gn our '"Decoration Day!" How about It? 'Ashland Post will welcome letters on this subject with suggestions and criticisms. th. in uiinM. ..n.i,A. on- fM no,. thA MiiiiimAr attuanii noteworthy i VniaS that committee on mem- and had become mired there. The1 Among the distinguished guestg at bershlps be requested to act on llst A"y Person knowing of any servlc.. same farmer made a rhargo of $10th 1920 Chautauqua, U. S. Senator of prospects for memberships and also -m "no na" nm r . fl,r. Pk.n.hlaln l.. ... . ,.M. ..1 (.V. ilPfloit nn W"' "1" AOJUIBm T bringing in their names that he mav for merely pulling the car out of the! George Chamberlain contributed to consider and take action on any rut In whih l mma n.l..A.I Iha tAiir. the flltCeeAft nf (lis nsutmhtv ' I 1st complained upon arrival In The' July2. A committee delegated Dec. 28. Mr. Lnn D. Mowat m"ke r"nri lara" ,nem Dalles. to visit the Blair Granite Works re- gave an interesting talk to the dlr-! The road from The Dalles to Mos- ported having devoted a day to this ectors at Hotel Austin on Chamber; Summary of beneficient legiala ed at the time of the subscription e ptr,.y of ,raf)ly dlschargen. Ashland Post No. 11 wish to ex Init no addresses. There Is also a 0,tiren Bllj lnPn IHy year the unl- press to the good people who uttend llst of some 400 names for which frm on r,.,.1Hon f ..,,, but ed the funeral of their late comrade the bonds have been shipped as dl- ,, haVB . (,tini.tve mlrk SMrReaut Leo. L. Parrlsh. their most recien at ine lime ni suns. u.."". and mist , W(.llr nnv insignia 1 grateful thanks nnd deepest appre- .elation. We wish especially to Honorably discharged officers publicly announce our gratitude to may wear, on occasion of ceremonv,. Rev. C. A. Edwards and his quar the Insignia and uniform of the high-! tette, consisting of Messrs. G. H. est grade they held. Veo. Dr. C. F. Tilton. Tercy C. Strat- 3. Honorably discharged men are ton and W. T. Cochran,- for their allowed to wear the uniform from beautiful service and thoughtful place of discharge to their homes, spirit during tills service, during a period of three months, but ; We also wish to express our thank on reaching home within this per- to Captain W. M. Briggs and bis bonds service by ier is almost impassible, according to proposition with much enlightenment ! of Commerce work in the State of tlon now in force in the State of lod must Immediately divest them-; firing squad whose services were so local garage men. " i as to the prospect for a big develop-; California. . Oregon. gelveg of the uniform. ; cheerfully given at thle time,