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About Ashland weekly tidings. (Ashland, Or.) 1919-1924 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 15, 1920)
Wednesday, December 15, 1020 ASHLAND WEEKLY TIDENM PAG TltltEB LOCAL AND PERSONAL MONDAY'S liKWH Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Taylor of Cor- valll. are In Ashland .pending few days at. the Austin. Joshua Patterson or Talent, broth er of 8, Patterson of this city, re turned to his home yesterday morn ing after undergoing a serious oper ation at a hospital. Mr. Patterson is reported to be making a good re covery. Mrs. Tom Hill was lu Talent yes torday calling on her cousin, Miss Violn Jones, who is seriously III at her home. . Glenn Roiell and wife of Empire are tourists passing through on their way to the south, and are stopping orr In this city for a duy or so. The Hotel Austin has prepared for a repetition of the big snow of a year ugo, 'whether it arrives or not. Sat urday they hung the storm doors In the hotel lobby and made that room warm and comfortable against the chilly blasts which it was feared might come. Mrs. Archie Million left Saturday evening on train No. IS for Los An geles to spend a couple of months with her uncle and aunt, Mr. and Sirs. 0. B. Nichols, who were former residents of this city. Mr. and Mrs. Tom Bundy of Weed came over yesterday, Mrs. Bundy has entered a local hospital to un dergo an operation. Mrs. M. . J. Dick and daughter Jessie, who have been the guests of friends in Ashland nnd Medford, re turned to their home in Eugene Sat urday. Mr. and Mrs. R. A. Avery were Business visitors in Medford, Sat urday. I'nsettled and occasional rain, with normal temperature is the forecast for the coming week, according to the U. S. department of agriculture weather bureau. Judge and Mrs. P. M. Calkins of Medford were Sunday guests of Ash land friends. Paul Guiley was a business "visitor in Medford the latter part of the week. The lawns and gardens surround ing the Grenada hotel have been trimmed for the winter by S. Pennis ton, landscape gardener. Penniston now is supervising the laying nut of the grounds surrounding the Victor E. Warren home at Yreka. Monta gue Messenger. David A. Mlntle, a member of First Company, 0. N. G., leaves to day for Fort Riley, Kan., to take a four months' trclping course of in struction in the school tor cooks and linkers. Mr. Mintle is one of seven from tho vr.rioiu companies of the state who are taking advantage of this opportunity offered by tho government to equip themselves for a trade. Miss Mabel Russell arrived home Friday from her homestead .near Montague and will remain here until after the .Christmas holidays. Miss Russell started with her nephew Fri day to motor to Oakland where she expected to remain for the win ter, but the snow was so deep In Northern California that she thought It advisable not to attempt the trip at this time of year. She expects to go later. Mr. and Mrs. Carl E. Burkett of Portland are spending several days in Ashland, guests at the Hotel Aus tin. ' J. L. Morris and daughter of Port land are stopping a few days In Ashland at the Hotel Austin. They ALL KINDS OF Barb Wire, Dandy Cedar Post and Yew anchor posts in carload lot ar rived. Plows and tractor tool of all kinds. Holder Tractors. New and Second Hand Sewing Machines for sale or rent, at PEIL'S CORNER BY THE PARK THE LARGEST STOCK OF Paints Oils Glass nd Wall Paper IN SOUTHERN ORKflOX, Bert Good and Beat Prices. Oct Our Price. Ml. 0. DICKERSON THH PAINT MAN are making the trip from the Ore gon metropolis to Los Angeles and are held up here for a few days on account, of the deep enow in the mountains. Byron Leabo and wife of Houlam, Wash., arrived In Ashland yesterday and after spending the day with the former'a sister, Mrs. J. L, Heer, left for Trail Creek to visit with friends. The will return and spend Christ mas at the Heer home. Major C. H. Dincy of San Antonio, Texas, was a caller la Ashland yes terday. He vaa on his way to Klamath Falls where be was called by the serious illness of bis father. While in Ashland Major Dlncy was a guest at the Hotel Austin. Mrs. Elizabeth Anderson Is report ed quite ill at her home on East Main street. Ernest Israelfon of Alaska arrived in Ashland yesterday nnd will spend a few days in the city. Mrs. Halleck of McCloud is spend ing several weeks in Ashland, the guest of her sister, Mrs. 0, H. Ket chum. Two Ashland families are awaiting a hold-up in the rain of the past week in order to start for ths south. These are Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Kinney and Mr. and Mrs. H. 0. Mathes. Both families have planned to make the trip to Southern Oregon by automo bile, but on account of the heavy snow in the mountains they have been detained for upwards of a week. . Major Dusenbury and Sergeant' Jirak, inspectors and instructors of the Oregon Nutional Guard, were vis itors in the city today on National Guard business. Mrs. Ayres anda children of San Francisco are making a brief visit In Ashland this week. ' MUton L. Meyers, inspector gen eral of the Knights Templar Com mandarles of Oregon, will pay on of ficial visit to Malta Commnndery next Wednesday. Word from Vallejo today states the destroyer Zeilm, constructer at the Union Iron Works in Ran Francisco, has been delivered at the Mare Island navy yard, and Lieutenant Command er James D. Moore reported at Mnre Island last Thursday. Ha will com mand the Zellm when she is com missioned this week. She will be assigned to duty with the Pacific fleet. Lieutenant Commander Moore is a former Ashland man, and Is a son of Mrs. S. J. Evans of this city. W. B. Cox and W. Heitt of Astoria, who are tourinj throuth the coun try on their way to San Diego, stop ped oft yesterday nnd spent the day in Ashland. Word comes from Glendule, Cali fornia, that Mrs. E. A. Esies Is very ill and is not expected to recover. She had an attack of the "flu" twoj years ago and complications set in that may prove fatul. Mrs. Estes will J be remembered by many friends here. Mrs. W. L. Melllnger, wife of tho former pastor of the iocul Christian church, writes to Ashland friends from Ogden, Utah, that Mr. Mellin ger's father, who makes his home with them, Is very feeble this win ter. She states the ieople of their church would like to keep Ksv. Mel llnger as pastor of the Ogden chu.'ch for the next ten years, but she ex pects they will make n move In a year or to. Sectional meetings of the County Farm Bureau scheduled for this week are as follows: Wednesday night. Belleview; Friday night. Talent, and Saturday at 2 p. m., at Ashland. The Phoenix basketball team won the opening game of the county high school league last Friday night from Jacksonville, by a score of 55 to 2. The game was played In Phoenix and was a fast and clean one, according to reports. Miss Berulce Kelts was taken to a local hospital Saturday, where she underwent an operation. She Is re ported getting along nicely. Yester day the members of the Loyal Work ers' class of the Christian Sunday school sent her a handsome bloom ing plant 'to help cheer the tedium of her sick room. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Green of the Lamkln ranch noar Montague were over Sunday visitors at the I'ittenger home on North Main street. They report the wheat is up on the ranch and never looked better. Plenty of rain Interspersed with warm sun shiny days mako the wheat ranchers In that section happy. Mr. and Mrs. T. -0. Morrison of Walla Walla, Washington., arrived In Ashland yesterday, with the inten tion of continuing their Journey by motor Into California. On reaching the mountains, however, they struck so much snow that Mrs. Morrison returned to Ashland and is stopping at the Hotel Austin, white Mr. Mor rison' remains with the ear on the mountain. Machinists went out to day to assist In getting the ear in running order. SATURDAY'S NEWS One of the pleasing features ot me ecaooi anniversary pwy, urran. Stocking;" at the high school gym-l naslum last evening was the sing ing of the girls' glee club. This aggregation of young musicians is unusually good this year, and their production last night showed care ful trainlug and much proflcleucy. P. S. Provost and George Carey left this morning tor Yreka to look1 after business affulrs there for a few days. John Loomls of Wilbur was a busi ness guest In Ashland yesterday. P. Provost has been sick for th!ta"on. where Mr. Peachey Is env mint fwn nr ihroA inv at iiia hnme f - - . . -- on Oak street. . Miss Kutherlne Ferguson of Rose burg was an Ashland visitor yester day, the guest of her college friend, Miss Madeline Sliver. Mrs. Joe Gregory anil son, Richard, of Tacoma, are guests at the home of the uncle, J. A. Ruger, for a few days this week. They will continue their Journey to San b!eao later to make their future home lu that city. Fay Geo. Phillips, whose eyes were injured by a piece of glass from the wind shield, when the car in which he was driving was run Into by n truck, Is reported to be improving rapidly. The accident occurred on November 16th and since that time he has been confined to his bed at the Burnett Sanitarium in Fresno. His doctors state that he will be allowed to leave the sanitarium this week. Mr. Phillips Is the son of Mrs. L. A. Phillips. Abe Bennett, secretary of the Bible University of Eugene, was in Ash land this week, after preaching in the Christian church Sunday .at both morning and evening services. Mason Doian, son of Mr. and Mrs. T. F.""Doran, has arrived here from Oakland, where he has been employ ed in the shipyards, and will spend the Christmas holidays with his par ents. Tourists from Washington arrived in Ashland last evening and spent the night at the HoteJ Columbia were! Mrs. Lena Althoff of Fairfield, Wash.,) Mrs. Julius Zahon of Waverly undj Mr. and Mrs. Stoeck Of Yakima. i Mm. Phoebe Well, went yesterday Sm ft Geo. Owens, east ot Ashland, where she expects to spend several -weeks this winter. Dealings in real estate are rather quiet at the present time, owing, I- t tha ..At . ' nave seiuuu in iueu muici huhucio and will not be making any changes for the next three or four months. Indications point to considerable building to start in the spring, how- Air ah A lii i'o-d v 11 rvi lift i rtt lisillufW . . ..J that recently change,, owners '' Ing to statements from tho purchas - era. Some new houses , are also plauned by spring. Chester Qualn, the young man who was injured by fulling from a train in the Portland railroad yards sev eral weeks ago, arrived home this morning with his parents, who had been called to Portland when their .on was injured. Chester sustained the loss of one limb, which wa. am putated below the kne. He Is niak- Ing a good recovery and his family; rejoice over bis escaping with no; worse casualty. W. J. Dougherty of the Ideal Gro cery received word yesterday stating that his father, A. G. Dougherty, was dead at his home lu Memphis, Mo. The latter had passed away Thurs day and will be buried Sunday. The chairman and "Drive" com- miitea ot Children'. Farm Home wish; to extend their thanks to all who have contributed in any measure to Its success, and desire to say to those j Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Wing have who are waiting to help them, tor the been guests this week at the homo canvassers found many away frora;0f Mr. and Mrs. J. Z. Wlng,nt 532 home, that they can leave their I Allison street. They left Wednesday subscription at the Citizen's Bank and get a receipt. A. L, Barker is over from Horn brook today on a business trip. According to report, at noon to day a man arrived in Ashland from Hornbrook. He wa. nine hour, in making the trip, he stated, but man aged the Oregon line. This motor ist stated a number ot car are stalled on the mountain and have not been able to get through. Some of these had jumped the track and have not been able to regain the road. The Senior High school students gave a dance last night in Memorial hall after the anniversary play. A large company attended and enjoyed dancing to tho music furnished by the local orchestra consisting of Jimmie Rouse piano, Harry Snyder, trombone and banjo, and Lawrence Porter, drum. All report a fine time. Mr .and Mrs Sowerby, former well known residents of Ashluud, return ed to this city this week after a four years' absence which wa. '.pent in Butler, 'Pa. During their residence In. the east Mr. Sowerby'. health be came badly impaired and they were very glad to return to Oregon. Chester MacCracken, oldest son of Dr. dnd Mrs. Gordon MacCracken of this city, who i. a sophomore In chemical engineering in the Oregon Agricultural College, has been award- ed a tree copy of tho 1922 Beaver, the college annual, as a prire for having guessed the nearest to the actual number ot Beavers sold on thei campus on a recent drive. Mr. Mac-1 Cracken guessed 1347, while the ac tual number sold was 1350. Guests from afar off stopping t the Hotel Austin are F. R. Fry and wife ot Toronto, Can., and Mary E.i Todd ot Seneca, Kan. H. J. Boyd, who left recently with I his family for Pacdena, has piirch-! Mr. and Mi's. A. H. Peachey came:aswi a noma tner f . ,eceut let-i home Thursday from the Star ranger ployed as ranger. The station Is shut down for the holiday season, and Mr. and .Mrs. Peachey will spend several weeks with their family here. A rev.vat semce win ne ne.u me tnrisiiau cuurcu uunug m uuu-j days, conducted by students of the' Bible University of Eugene. A siug- ing evangelist will also accouipnny! the speakers. Percy Arant is home from Oakland where he has been employed In the shipyards, and will spend the holi days with his parents in Ashland. Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Eecber of Shaw, Ore., are guests at the Hotel Co- lumhia, today. George Virgil Gillette entertaiuedl the Black Bear Patrol of the Boy Scouts at his home on High street Thursday evening. The members with j their leader, Archer Hoyt, made mer ry with gamea throughout the eve ning and enjoyed tho fine refresh- ments provided by Mrs. Gillette for' the young lads. Those In the party! were Archer Hoyt, George Francis Barron, Paul and Lawrence Wagner, Paul Campbell, Webster Chattln, Ver non Mcfiee and George Virgil Gil lette. FRIDAY'S Mrs. Emma Branam of Woodburn arrived today for a visit over the holidays wltht her daughter, Mrs. Glenn W. Loomls, of 470 Allison I treet' n, fat Mr. Williamson, father of Mrs. Will ! Lindsay, who is spending tho winter; sum this week to the Children'. Farmj"y or mis cuy, is quite poor.y at. Home fund, after reading articles i " pre.ent time, her friends slate. - Farm! ' ' Tiding, . of . the need The com. j mil uuu c i. iiiiiiijmi ojb lum miv Mrs. Emma Coffee returned homo'"' Seattle uro tourists who arrived last night on train No. 16 from Port-!1" Ashland yesterday on their way land, where she had been spending south. Owing to the snow reported the past two weeks. - She was accom- " 11,8 mountains over the Siskiyou., t panled by her sister, Mrs, Anno Wll- lhufpuoplel" f Brmntifbrd, Ontario, Cuna - ,n,tn T)ia Inner nvneeiy in mnke lierl ndo. The latter expects to make her home In Ashlaud. , ' ' i ('.. J. Drue is making extensive re-! pairs on his building on Eust Main I street formerly occupied by tho Fixlt! Shon. As soon as completed. Mr. Drue, wlI1 move uis tailorIns ffltnbll8llmcnt j ' Cnlifornians r'egistei-ed at the Ho- , t,,. Auj,tin inciuiu mv, rjeorae Fifo. Mlss B. M. Burwell, P. A. Rowe and wife ot Sun Francisco, Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Tonser of Sacramento and Miss Anna D. Silva of Dunsmuir. ' Rev. W. O. Forbes, district supoi- intendent of the northwest lu Sunday, school missions, wu. an Ashland vis- itor yesterday, where be came to con - fep with Rev". C. F. Koehter. nerre - Ury of ,he gynud colnmlUee of ,,.' Pre,b.vrian church, and Rev. John W. Hoyt, Sunday school missionary of Southern Oregon Presbytery. .all telephone and telegraph wiresrtvere Mr. and Mrs. F. E. Worsley o(jdown ,, trnflic Wlln ,H.1(, f,. Klamath Falls are over this weekseveral nay,. Tui9 ilnm waH f. spending a few days with Ashland owwi by tho coldest v eather experl. acquaintances. i Mrs. S. C. Williamson, who has. been spending several days this week! , AMnj , ...i kl nonl8 at Kerby. on an automobile trip to Yrka, Calif. L. F. Ferguson, who spent a few day. the fore part of the week with! his brother in Klamath Fulls, is back home. i J. C. Barnard was a business vis itor in Ashland yesterday from Weed. ' . - I A petition tor a rehearing in the. Lark Evans case is being filed by the attorney general upon application of Prosecutor George Roberts. Evans was recently granted a new trial, i His attorney filed a protest to the! rehearing upon the grounds that he1 had not been notified. The case! Ml .. .,n .. , Ikn haw .. t .i. j DIN uumu ill' u iivai id 111 111 i;ii- cult court unless dismissed In the meantime. Evans is at liberty on bnnd, pending his trial. During the recent war mnny books were gathered from various aources In the country by the American Li brary association for (he soldiers' li braries at cantonments. Now since the war Is ended these book, are be ing distributed to the free libraries and the local library Is In receipt of upwards of 76 volume., mostly tech nical works, which will he of great value to the public. This library was most generous In giving out books' value to the public. This library was glad to receive this return gift. J. Harrison, A. England, V. John-: son and 8. Johanaon, who hare been employed at the A. Oiebisch camp on the Green Springs mountain high.' way during the past rummer came, in yesterday to spend a day or so in, Ashland. They sre slopping at the Hotel Austin. I A. S. Kleinhammer wus in Ash- aod this wek from Jacksonville transacting business in this city & i ter t0 (rienu Ashland. Mr. Boyd states he was unable to rent a house j poles ulong the street and as Mr. anywhere In that sectlou, and wus.Ketchum passed under it the wire compelled to which to live. Among the several u(V.ltore ltopplBf 0er nWlt at the Hotel Austin were E. J. Kellogg and j. m. Brlnkley of Portland, F. W. Smith of Gladstone nnd II. (i. Hol ton of St. Louis. Mo. J. F. Gaines of Portland, a former well known Ashland resident. Is, spending several days In the city thisi week looking after business affairs! and culling on old-time friends. ' I .Mrs. lues Ferguson of Central Point is a guest of Mrs. Oeo. Kohli son this week. Rev. A. C. Edward? of the local Methodist church Is the purchaser of a fine new Ford Sedan. Messrs. Calvert and Schell. the' paving contractors who have been ! building the highway out from Grant's Pass, were business visitors In Ashland this week. Mrs. Geo. Tretren, Jr., is in Ash-! land from Butte Falls visiting for; a few darn with her mrents. Mr. nnil Mrs. W. A. Conner, at -their honlO,wek on Glen View Drive. Mrs. Trofren! Emnm wnK of ,,,, K,lM(1 is awaiung tno arrival or ner sister' from Colorado, who is coming to! spend the winter In Ashland. j Rev. aud Mrs: John W. Hoyt emer-l tained Rev. Dr. Forbes of Portlnnd and Rev. C. F. Koehler, pastor ot the local Presbyterian church at 'their Tiome at luncheon yesterday. My of this city, is quite poorly at TymomZ fumily of Valil ..... .....i v p ii. ...... i H'ey decided to remain hero a day jor two and are stopping at tho Hotel, i Columbia. They report Columbia. They report the roads 1101 Pared to ua l)letl' u"d north of hero, while the weather nt this time of year is not conducive to enjoyable motoring. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Hiimberg anil niece Mis. Mary of Rose burg, former residents of Ashland, passed through here last evening on train No. S3 on their way to Tennes see, where they exp?cl to make a visit this winter. They were met at the train by a number of their friends In this city, who gathered there to wish them a pleasant journey. . A year ago tonight, December 10. was quite a momentous time In tlx history of Ashluud. That is Hie date ' of the big snowfall which struck this ' vntlnv Snnw Imnn t, fll purli iii tlia 0yeing of that ('ale, following a dav of rain, nnd nmniln? un- . wards of 15 inches had fallen. The electric light system was demoralized. enced in the Rngin River valley for tunny voflrB J. R. Squires, who ha. been con nected with tho Oskar Huher con struction company during Its opera-! tion. in Ashland, returned home this morning from New York city, where Notice to Our Customers W0 Reduction On Every Pair of Shoes in the Store Until January 1st, 1921 Big Reductions on all Grades of Merchandise Tin; prifes of shot's ln-oke suddenly, and wu haven't time to re-prire every pair, su we arc noing to give a general reduction. THI8 MEANS A LOSS OF THOUSANDS OF DOLARS. BUT WHAT DO WE CARE? WE OWE IT TO YOU. YOU OWE IT TO US. We k'ivp all our bargains to Our Customers, liar am Hunters please stay out. You all know the place you got the host prices lie fore the war, duriiiK the war and we are at it now. Perrine's Bankrupt Store he had been on business for the pastM. Burke. A. K. Rowley of Dunsmuir couple of monthc. Mr. Squires states; and W. E. Grlffis of Portland, he Is glud to got back to Ashland j which he claims has the finest climate In America. He says there was snow In New York on Thanksgiving Day iand the weather was bleak aud cold. (J. H. Ketchuia, a local engineer. business lu Ashland yesterday after had a narrow escape from sudden noon, death when' he wus struck by a fall-! ing telephone wire while going to his work' yesterday morning. The wind. which had blown 'furiously all ninlit. had dislodged a live wire from the i was knocked to the siuiind by the electrical shuck and was badly tun tourists and;Ileli (or a time. He attributes hi? e30al,e ,0 , fuct he Wils voariu rubber coat at the time. TIH RHDAY'H NEWS E. French aud wife of Detroit,! Michigan, are tonrln;: through the' turn to their home in Portland to coust states and were guests yester-gether. Hosehurg News-Review, day at Hotel Austin.. j ? $ s ; (.'. If. Pierce- of the Ford garage County ,Asses"or J. B Coleman was up from Jacksonville on a IniHi ness trip yesterday afternoon. S Mrs. S. ('. Wlllirmson of Kerby is In Ashland this week visit ln wita old time friends and looking after business affairs here. ' Glenn Rhodes, who has been mill stituto mail clerk from this illusion for the past two or three months u.lilla tl.u l-i.mtlllf ,'l:tl'ku llilVl, llPll .(." - " " , n 1,1 taking their annual vacations, ion ' " .Mrs. East, a nurse from .Medfoid. is up spending a few days at Iho homo ot Miss Tlllio Anderson this came over this week to spend a few days in the city with f.'iemls and in cidentally to transact business af fairs. Mrs. G. R. Williams or Dunsmuir is u guest at the home or Mrs. L. C. Dunn on Laurel street. Mrs. Wil liams will probably remain In Ash land until utter Chr'stnias. A it p j Mackey one of the mail clerks . ... ,lfvlHi ' wl,u ,!US ,.., .... ,. vacation spent lu the Hay cities, will arrive home this evening. He will he uccninptinied by his family who have been in the south lor some time. The city council nt an adjourned meeting yesterday dclded to taku tile necessary legal steps to complete ,he ()f ,hp ollol urunIll, lhP Iluimalow property near the springs at Iho end o( Park street, providing the additional paving does not ex ceed $lltilll. $ .Mrs. Denny Is homo from Phoenix I where she was called by (lie recent 1 illness of her ' ranililam;hter. Mi.n Cnlilie I trow n. a former Ashland IiIkm school student. Hiss llrown was I operated mi fur Ihroa' trouble, but is ni. living a guild recovery. ' The condition of Mis. W. It. Yock- (yi ,v10 bien seriously ill (or the piist week or two. continues to tin-( prove and hopes are entertained for; her speedy recovery. $ '$ i Mr. and Airs, tieorge Kilborn and children of I Mnisin uir have moved to' Ashland and are living in tho Mailt se on Chiircli street. The Kil- liorus are so pleased with Ashland nm t, h(:koIs that they are goln ,,, nnv ., (, lHVn, Mrs. John Shook,, who has been spending several days In Ashland this week from Portland, the guest of Mrs M. .1. Slionk, lert this morning for San Francisco, where she will also visit lor a few days before con tinuing her journey io Los Angeles ( to spend the rest, of the winter. fiuesla stopping at .he Hotel Co- liitnbia are It. Carlson, A. Adamson,, 3C ' Mrs. W. A. Benson and children of : Chlloquln are in AB'uland this week , spendlug a few days, I H. . Hendrlckson of Medford had M, M. Duvall of Fori Klamath, J. B. Honeyman and wife and Elmer Limlstrom ot Eurene are guests at tlle Hotel Austin. Mitts Inez Agor of Ager, Calif., is the guest of Mrs. Herbert McCarthy this week at her home on North Main street. S Mrs. Earl Davis, who lias been vis iting here for a short time with Mrs. J. E. McUrlde, lett tliis moriiing for Ashland, where she will join her husband, who is in the employ uf the Southern Pacific. They will re- will leare this evening for Eugene to attend the meeting of the Valley Ford dealers, which ronvenes In tlint city this week. This association ex tends from Portland to Ashland, and representatives of the Ford company will be present to address the coast dealers. T.UKS I.OWKItK.I) TO ()I.V 2o.ll MILLS Taxpayers in the cily will he great- .... . . ........ ... . iy roneven io mm in taxes win lie ; somewhat is"mBW"a'' man ronneriy announced in me recent oruinanca i passed ny me council. Alter llie city budget was made out it was dis covered tho corporation tax had not been fixed when the tux was levied, and was not included In the budget. This lowers the tax, and instead of 2.1.5 mills being levied, the tax will be 20.9 mills. At the meeting of the council last night the former or dinance was repealed and another fixing the tax at 20. 9 was passed in Its place. Supply Your Kitchen With . Aluminum Ware l.lKht and Lasting. Provost Bros. HARDWARE Christmas Greeting Cards and Booklets Wo Call-)' .he Well Known Gibson Line or highly artistic and beautifully engraved Greeting Curds. PRICKS So TO 7.V. GIFT BOOKS Pleasing Array and (iimiiI Assortment. Selection of Titles From Hie Host Authors. "A DAY IN THK NISKIVOt S" A l ine (ift Dook at $2.00. Poley's Drug Store POI.KV & KLHART DRUGGISTS