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About Ashland weekly tidings. (Ashland, Or.) 1919-1924 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 15, 1920)
A.. ASHLAND WEEKLY TIDINGS OL.XLIV MILLIONS OP ClSl TREES S CUT ANNUALLY Equals Number Used In England, Scotland and Wales Combined In the United State the Variety of Trees Used Varies With tliu . Locality. ' ASHLAND, OREGON, WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 15, 1920 ii n i i i in a ii m in in H iimhii NO. 16 MAIL YOUR XMAS PARCELS KARLY The United States uses annually between four and five million Christ mas trees, according to the estimate of the Forest Service, Untied States Department, of Agriculture. This equals approximately the combined consumption of Englund, Scotland and Wales Ig about 25 per ct. greater er than that of Germany. The Christ mas tree bears the same fruit the country over, but the variety of the K. J. Kaiser, Ashland Postmaster, Hat Submitted Following Schedule Which Will Aid Christmas Stop per in Mailing Their Christmas Parcels. This, year Christmas occurs on Saturday and it behooves the public to add uue day earlier than usual to their Christmas shipments In order that no delays can place their Christ mas presents in some post office on Sunday and thus postpone the joy of their friends. Postmaster E. J. Kaiser has sub mitted the following schodule for Ashland patrons as one .that would C. C. DIRECTORS DISCUSS 1 SIMMER PREPAREDNESS CHENS j PRIZES AWARDED OS ESSAY I ASHLAN D MILL WAS ! CONTEST AT WINTER FAIR FIRST VALLEY Plan Early for Curing for Huminei ' i , Travel 8. p. Olficlid Encouruges ' Ashland E. V. Carter Reports on ' l Educational Conference. ' I HUME Fl IN VERY SLOWLY Pupils of Public School Ciihlml in Pioneer Tells of Coiisti-iit-tiou of Old Writing on Milk as Food Value Ut' Flour Mills in Southern Oregon Children City aud Rural fitudrnts 101 ii SEASON I CLOSED OVER Compete. Delivery Wagon Attacked by In dians and Drivers Killed. The directors of the Chamber of Commerce met at Pioneer hall Tues day noon for the regular weekly meeting. Various matters of Inte rest were discussed, among otheri the preparation at an oarly date, for caring for next summer's vacation and tourist travel. This subject will PACIFIC HIGHWAY Many Mum Solicitors i Needed by Aid.., The essay contest in the public j O. A. Stearns, on. or the pioneers 'oid-Tlme ltesi.le..ts View W land to Complete Campaign That schools, which was a part of the Puy.nei.tH May He Made I'u to, Winter Fair, resulted ns follows on! June 1st Sot Generally Known ',he subject, "Why Children Shouldi ........ f pn,m To ... I)rlnk Mllk 'r Day.": i City Schools. Interest is) Relief of Many. j Th,rd Fourth mi Fm QndM. First Prize Katherlne Phipps, 5th I be considered at a general public; Tha treiini-nl nninlon of the commit-1 grade. Junior Hiftb forum meeting In the near future. tee )n ehorge today' Is that manyi Second prlse.Orpha R. Arnold, I. T. Sparks, district freight and , more solicitors could be used. V. O.I"h grade. Junior High, passenger agent of the Southern Pn-'N Smith wlii mm,t au. who are In-' Third prize Evelyn Miller, fit Ii .I... ...... n nf ..tin I........ i. . . . Insure parcels arriving on time. "DoP'"" " BU'"" terestod In assisting in the campaign nawtnorne. not Christmas" en he and ava an Interesting talk of the ttnd ,)rovlde them r0cr ma. Rural School. ' i . ... ,i ........i. ... of Southern Oregon, settles the query regardiug the first grist mill built1 In the upper Rogue River Valley. .Mr.! Stearns has personal recollections of the building of these old mills, and, In the followiug communication tells j an interesting story of the early In-, Itl. Ini tni-st Journeying Over the Moun talus In Dead of Winter No Closed Season for Toilriiij(. A regular caravan 'of tourists from ho north passed through Ashland ilustries of the valley: - J this forenoon on their way to points "In a recent Issue of your paper np-! in Southern California for the wln pcared an article recordiug the rus-ter. The caravan was composed of Ing of the old Eaglo mill by its pres-jten automobile loads of people, and written on the address side.' '" P10"""!1"""" l"" "" " ; tewul and Informatioa. 'rust prize ure iveison, otli grade,:" owner, iu umi ,u yume tnoj.v ot cihhijihmi who an ine par- Address to points lu states east' of "tate(l tnat'nflBr ""'niber of years Many Ashland citizens, unlnform- Lone I'lne school. j'old ploueers' as being In doubt aB.H'hernnlh. of camping. Last night. Chicago and In Southern states; mall 8nent th" dovelonn,w,t wolk ln ed as to the details of the Children's On the subject, 'The Comparative to whether the 'Eagle' or 'Ashland, they claimed, they camped out of not Inter than December 16 t,mt 8CCllon' he had beep rewarded jparm home have consequently de- Valuo of Milk as a Food," the follow- flouring mills watt first erected. doors, and were not at all uncomfort- Address to points In North and! "J"""-" "-"""'" -" "Mayed subscriptions to the fund. Sub- '"g were winners: "The 'Ashland mill was crccteu lu was pernups tue 1854-55 in time to grind the har-i uigm oi mo season in South- ' Christmas tree par excellence, on account of Its long, horizontal, spreading, springy tranches, and .deep-green, fragrant foliage which persists longer than that of any other evergreen. ' Very commonly the question 1b ralsod as to whether the cutting and use of these trees for Christmas pur- noses Is not a great waste, and prize Genevieve liobbs, 8th) vest of '55. us the writer will re-, enl Oregon. A string of seven Ford That . r 1u, ni.,,,1,. Ilra i,oi eradn. Junior Hieh. , iiihuiIhiiv Hi coiiineiitlnn l,..iwn,.n ii,, also passed tlnwiuli Saturday, uihiik ., v,.. South Dakota. Nebraska. Kansas.! 011' wl"f" ,0 ",m sm!mel a v,Ty "e- sfcrlbers should not lose sight of the ty Hrhools. ii. ti.' fi. i. nHnh(a.tiv ih! Oklahoma. Minnesota. Texas. Loulsl-I ,lr"b,,, chn"K anl1 ,1,;it Ashland f:lct thllt pnyments are acceptable Wt ana: mail nof later than December! seenl0l "Re a bit of Heaven 18. I there were thousands of people " distributed for that mirnose. i Second prize Langdon Crews, 7th! farineri of the nearby section to get 801,111 Address to points in Montana, Wy-ltno 1mril valIey a1"' Arizona and, in for the home has not yet K""ie, Junior High. ;tho first grist ground at that mill. To ol(l time residents of Ashlrnd omlng Colorado, New Mexico, IdahoJ CaIlfornl" 1'0 wold be only too been mn(l9i contrary to a false re-: Third prize Georgia Adams 7th My father was nmous the first t0 an'l the Rogue River valley, the sight Arizona; mall not later than De- B'n' t0 tind "ch a HVOt a" Ahlnnd ort publHned few weekg BKOt Se. grade, Central Point.. , take wheat to that mill and I can,'01 tourists going over the mountains cember 17.' for their summer vacation, and urg-;lecon o tnB gfte w b mgde byt Rural School. jrcmember distinctly the color and every into California is ono that Address to Southern California, i Bd thut "U!", bo ta,iCn ,0 K,t ln, the nineteen corporation trusteesj at prize Hazel Howard, 7th j flavor of the biscuits made from the ln Particularly strange, as this, was a Washington. Utah, Nevada; mall not!t0,lch wi,h 8Uc!' 1)C0le :Two of these trustees -reside In Ash- urade, Nell Creek. first homo grow:i wheat. , journey few attempted to undertake later than December 18. . j E. V. Carter gave an Interesting ;nnd n Is not known when the trus-l Second prize Harry Walker, 6th. "Prior to that time wo were com-ju"'es u,"Iei' great necessity. Then Address to points In California i re)orl 01 lne r-uvmu" lomereucu tmt wi meet t0 decrt() th)8 muUel. grade, Lone Vim. filled to use flour ground in Chile, I"'" "8V nno y horse whether .ten. should not be 'taken' ""rth of Sail Francisco. Northern ! held lml w"'k in Portfund at which bl)t ar(j determlled ,lat onlv Third grade Bernice Klncald, Cth South America, whicu was shipped ' Dack' a" ,0 iM ove- H'e mountain Wiiemer SiepB SnUUlU IIOl UO UIHOU, ' . . J... trn lha Auhlniwl. . . . ..-J. ...,, I, . . . . .lunula 111 ivlnto,. ul,.,.,l.. ... to discourage or prohibit it. Iuand Eastern Oregon; mail not Aterlhe waB dele,"te I the AshlandBUeh w be pUrchll8ed ,' grade, Neil Creek. the onlnlon of department officials I tln Decembei'19.. the custom Is so old. so well ground-! Address to Ashland and adjacent Chamber of Commerce, and stated. worth the prlce a8ked by ,he ownw that the sentiment oi an ine euuca- d ,d b th,g col.oruton. alld ls THK JKWKI.KV 1. .. tlnniil forces or the state seeinea 10 ,.. l , t , ed. and so venerated, that even If it 'owns; man noi later man Decern- " " : ouiy sucu mnu wm ut inircaaseu as were economically somewhat ,d; ber 22. 1 J1 :! in order to make sure of delivery . v" . "--" ine institution, including tenuity, STORK IIFFORK AM) AFTER WKDDINO IIKI.I.S fensilile, these aspects will and jihould continue to outweigh econ omic considerations. It is denied, however, that pure economic con siderations would lead to the aban donment of the Christmas tree cus tom. Trees aro for Ufe, they argue, jtrIP be in shape to be strapped to Sj and there Is no other use to which clty carr'ers bag. Address plainly, they could be. put that would con-'" w" completely. See that the at destination notice that your par cel Is wrapped securely. The string should not only be drawn tight hut. It should be of sufficient strength to, stand the trip, and at the end of the and that a move in this direction would be taken at the opportune time. UNIONIZE INDIA, IS PLAN drainage, accessibility and suscepti bility to cultivation. WILL DRILL FOB lly Harold D, Jiiculs. I NEW YORK, Dec, 13 There Is no : business thut funihihes a better op- j by vessel to Scottsburg uud packed ro"(ls winter was simply out a( ! across the mountains Iron, there by!,he (l,iea,ion. Now tourists go over :mule train. The price of the Ilour,nB "lountain roads every day, up. I to the cqusuuier was 1 13 per hundred , I,nr"1"l' thinking no more of the and ns the flour was not protected I''"ey than they do In midsummer, i while in transit ;iosstlie mountains According to statements of those I where there wi'.s almost continual who ,,nve oome tr,m ,he ""nth the rain, the flour was wet ami soino-j"nly ''il'lculty that confronts them J limes mouldy ua far as half aa Inch:011 th H,"1 !t' 111 nf I'nnsinulr and or mora all around the sucks, which OF RRITISH LA BORITUS i ami ll.u... ut.....l ..I. CARBONIC ACID OAS portunity to s.udv hunt.,, psychology; flou, 1,WOV(!(,. kind as their use by children on this! 8now Plainly- In case fancy wrapper one great holiday of the year. Fur-i18 usea aa" 8 lly MUlei Press Staff Cor LONDON (By Main- Hurry Silver, manager of the Pom padour Mineral Springs company, hua than that of selline; Jeweliy. accoidli.g. "There was quile a heavy shii- . ... ... .... Ol.rf Ciini.iiuilinilillil I iriouie so mucn to me joy oi man- - - - -i-i".. v... .... k, T. - , , a crew of workmen engaged In put- u shop In Maiden Line, the ilinrnxml iiiik uowii ibhi wens in ine comiiany sicenier or America, Ia Urlllta, n.,,.ti,..w.,. ...Iw. ' " '"' """" ineiit of flour from the. Ashland 1 ' " a l",s ; Mill to the outlying niuinS camps. In Septeiube:' of tint year lour up the mountains on the CulifoniU side. After they reach Oregon their troubles are it t an end, a the sta'e keeps a man statioiini on the hlgli vay,. who sees the mud is opened whenever a snow storm hits the sum mit. With the fine paved highway tag address in add!-' Ibo1' union Is being organized lu In- ... . , ., ,, , i ihk a.iuiesi in auai-, " , I plant for carbonic acid gas, which "One itional address Inside1 din by leaders who .rankly state that j nn lnvo....I.lLr r...,..uul 1... ther. particularly In the Northeastern! )o. Aa itional address Inside! b, 1den , who rankly ate t at the , dewlop ex. ( a y ,p,r States, a large proportion of the, - - ."1" '" h. ' n,...... ...donnn- teM,TO"- Mr Sli' ,la8 th" dri".t- " f hi- stnisi trees are cut from nasturei '" -"'" i "' oi. ----- lands on which they are ox tennis loaded with flour from that''1''' Jn,ln",.v n the Oregon ..ide is a mill vr,i aiiihu.'lied by Iuiliiins Just this side of the cmnniil of the Siski you mountains, and two of the driv- delfght, even In win'er. Tourists from the north claim the road north of Grants Pass presents encroach-, OT "amv "nu .. ! tlons for development on a large, -rt la mav tell whleh will ilniul-. ... n, .!, in. . f.. tnH w.,l(.h cn.,l he" must oppear on each parcel potter Member of Parliament, who I.. ' , . .. "..... " . .' " . cleared up In the ordinary course of M.k, sure and state to India i, the d,:l ude .i; '-'Z h i I TTv farm improvements. The trees " reaving clerk. Three: emissary o the English ..Abor Party , " - - P a ' stroyed vUto ,.,., v. ...,. a . Hems ore Important for the clerk to nd as a delegate to the Ir.dia N.i-I , """Lln "en.iiii.iiun "nnninghnm were t killed, the oxen shot u ml the w.ihoiis tl" present time. Tills m retch of, with their contents nearly all de-i r""" I" "ot yet paved, .nid witnout would be cut In any event. A mar ket for them gives the owners some important for the clerk to jknow ln order that the parcel is han-jtionul Congress, which meet at Nag- ! weather, the ont of ('oor wo been greatly hampered. Fields aiid .lohn I"ht Is hard to undertake w!th tii- tonioblles. That they run make the rark has; price, you may depend uiion 't ,.,,...,,, ,, ,.,, ',,!. trip without serious drawbacks U A uai'i'oa nf -h. .,:il ,..!,,. nr u ,i,.i,.;..oi ' ' .i .. ... . ... , ji.j a. r.,.-..,i... ic r it... . . WM1 iMtinr; mwni in 'tmii!p , .... , . ...i i nv ( PPn n ' ii r i) i nr Mil nmn . u4 uM i HA I.!.. UlWl HCCUruiDK lO Hie raltwaV mail I'inuci aj, ir- u hmiiiumi. . . .. . , . iiuiiiihH ii nun utrii ma iiiuuillil 111, - return for tlieir labor If nothing " ' I we h wi be sunk in the v c in ty of ftr tliev are ninrrle( ;i'i vie vei-n . . ... ... nHKsinir thmnHi ivm .1. t- ,....1 r..-, tA . ... . 4. ,.,..11..! service system. The nroner elaRRifl- about tho spread of iinionlsni in the,,. . ' inty "e ,,ilu MMI 1 WM llM'' never HtonpiiiR until li rencheil tln I,HSSIll iniouffh mmy (h. am! tho 'T.rrV;:: ."Zlwtlon. kni the nll oWU of the Kaj,b. negey , "nt" , H C1"" ,US ,0. ell whe,.,er.he,mInnR Mn ()( .t,)lt0lnvnml,. .,U-Mt of tor.s.H making a trip over ui la i gg viu-Go ma vuuavuina hoc. , , . , , ,, , UUIMt HC1U HH IS IllHnuvtTeu 111 UtIV supply is ometime. secured In such ! bevm,arkKe,d traW n "Perishable." j The Labor Feneration of India Is . . . .. ... Valuable artieltui ahnnlri lu. in. ni-oi la two-bladed swerd with which thai a way as to De uestruciive oi young. I will be thrifty or a spendthrift." Barthmnn cited an Instance of a where now is Ilornhrook. Dunlel the Pacific highway north or south growth. This, of course, should be ' A good container and securely j Indian workers c. sever the ties of A) ,.HKrK AKX1STS discouraged ".iiiu Vuikvi ihhiih-. unci com-1""" '' " " ' .,,..-,.. ,.. Thut the use of Christmas trees is ",etely iAl l half way dellv- the same stroke," declared Snoor to the TTnited Press. "The Federation . AmJ t. . 1 nnrferllv fomnntlhle linwever. ilh " "IB ver, the welfare of the forest is fullyi In usinB old C0Ilt-"ners bear In v''" speedily en: oil millions of work proved by the practice in the Euro-!mlnd ,nat old tampscrs, ns all that is ne.esr.pry is to-or-pean forests. The cutting of small ,and ,ormer rtdnHV must be re- HnlB the different castes, which are trees for Christinas is not there con- n,oved en,irely ond ""'I'es osj themselves really iron bound unions, Bldered in the least as a menace to ""ul,a II,U31 UB suppiieu. , " -........ .II KIT It El) TO CITV . Sheriff C. K. Terrill and Deputy Sheriff J. J. Mc.Muhan arrived In Ashland this morning on train No. 14, bringing with them the two men. Murphy and Morgan, charged with boit $ao0i (w,,, whnt In tlie dead of winter fa really a great, feature to those who remember til"" heart-breaking journeys of former years. the forest, but s a means for Im-l Bxanline W U8el container. Thesej "The strike Is i new weapon in In- lund merdlantll. The len fii'itton. the fourth mall, who was young couple who came In lo buy a liroVH1.,)uy K,mv w.1( , ,)( r1u diainoud solitaire. The youth very. , WHRmm wh(ll delicafly let his swnetlteart under- ,ng th(j (Mnf( ,fl ,oft is tMm stand that he did not feel able to,n( nm, nn up (owai.dH wh(trn t,)(, pay more than 400 or $500. But. (irinK WM. ,(J Haw lll0 .,, , every ring she decided upon was niMr wol.k of .lasnuctlon. and with- I i 1 OnA A t 1 fl it A Tl.... 1.. ueu l,' fl.uvu. iucj I...- , h , ,l,,.rH lrno,l .,! ,. !!!L.Tr,"0Lr JTir: lh" mnmnin ,W Mount'"i At th. Jcl,eo:, of the d.rer.M of suansua ttuuMv.i v.. ...... . . fnln(ltt-l n ,.nv UIXTKK KAIK WAS UNAXriAli 81TCKN proving the forest and n source of revenue, and is therefore constantly encouraged. It is uot by denying ourselves the wholesome pleasure of having a bit or nature ln our homes,! forest officials say, that we shall ; preserve our forests, but by learning , how to use them wisely and properly.! containers are sent nut hv mnii nr. dian hands, but thev urn hecinnlnel .... ,.. r, i j ,..,. - ., i eaten in oacniiiiHiun unu, ucioi unu; . . . . h,.. ..niiitiwl in c ill It der stors for tho purpose of making to feel Its power, wlii- h accounts for,to th9 offlcei.9, 0nfegJlod ,he cUarRft. ' ""'?t' " ' l,''" ! eler declared. llarthman was asked how tho av one trip only. AVOMKX DISAPrOlVT OIB LADV AHTIlll , the epidemic of ntrilze, now breakl..B;Tn6 men wm.e takt.n t.nfo,., JustiC() over India. I have no doubt but . Gowdy unMliK iu the city. They IV at inrlla will nan .I.n n..k .1... .Ui ..... .... n ... nrtj aij examination and were nave he m,e Ashland Chamber of Commerce alarm. ,i ... ....... i And If I had been that young man, , , ..,.,,..,.,. wna ,, .. . . i -- ' " ... memo oi r.uneiiH was a Riiost unu ! raised, who tracked the Indlanr ma0 report o( hU recent visit to jsround by way of Dead Iiulluu l'ini-i Dl.V(iP w1(,rB he went U(.. ;rle, down llutte creek to the Indian iBnte to tne pnrk-to-P:irlc convent ion. "! reservation, near Table Hock. Herejwllicn wa(1 rec(,llty , thllt city. ..biggest centralis union in the world j,ater taken to Jack9onvillB by the of- ,7J " . . Z y were attacked and many killed. ! Tnta, ; within the nest year or two and it isfIcers ,Tnfiy were recosmze(i by natural that direct action should rot- of the engagement ring. Mr. Steele said, was a most en- j precipitating the Itogue Klver War of . thuslastlc meeting and one that will LONDON (By Mall 10 United ,..., .k ... I " fiances rieht In to try- It on." he re bv9the Zesf Cice'f'oTthe .7 i f AU" W "l8i"""1"d I political freedom. The British Labor! '1L1!!B by the Forest Service for the wood-iin women. I , , . , , . ZT, ITTT land owner who wlshe. to ImnrnvB . aj .... ...... ... .... " -,u"r" '"-' mjum 4 i nuu 011(7 iumi mcill liU 111 U H lt'eUU 'Well n fftw nf tlipm hi'hm t r ! . J"OE, hnnr frnlf fnr tho pnnut miintrv fn. A large fallen fir tree with theof tno prominent members of the plied. "Some obtain Iron: us n card board arrangement to fix the sine. ! brunches set up along the body, near! convention In a speech on auto rather dense stand of evergreens and . which she ma do to masses of them1 the ImKnn iubor movemeni ' and I am empowered In exteud them MAKK ITTI IIK HOMK IIKKK Other knot n string iiliout her fin ger or try one of the rings she ul nmrket the good trees for Chr,tma,at the opening of the Eg6hwon,n's Z Z ZZZ. L ILWynntnd family. w.,o on one of their fingeis. Hut 7 'Z Z 'Zw'ZZ IT ,n,t ToS t purposes: Exhibition. (1) Find a market for Christmas J "I am glad that the days of the! trees of the species which are grow-(clinging, dependent woman are over,": ink on your land. she said. "When I was a child I used! (2) Oo through the woodland ,t0 read about heroines who fainted! carefully, pick out and mark the; at the sight of a rat and wondered most vigorous specimens of trees, j if i would grow up like that." These should be allowed to remain However, while admitting that wo to form the mature stand of timber, men have outgrown these puerilities, (3) Mark for removal the trees ghe deplored their lack of logic In the which are crowding these better specimens.. (4) Cut as many of these infer ior trees as there is a suitable market for. Cut them carefully to avoid uamage to tne remaining trees. 5) Remove them carefully from -the area and market vhem in accord ance with instructions from the buy- ,er to avoid any cause for dispute. C. H. Howard came home this week from Southern California, where he -went earlier in the fail to run a stage line between San Diego and ' Tia Juana. Mr. Howard was for merly from that country, but asthma -drove him out and for a number of years be had been living In Ashland where he was entirely tree from that matter of dress. "This Is a testing time for women, ' h continued, "but when I walk down Bond street and see the way they dress,' I think they have been tested and have failed. Whnt should we think If men changed the length of their trousers every year?" she usked. Lady Astor appealed to the women ' to dress more sensibly, as men do. Her Idea seemed to be that If their skirts reached a logical conclusion, their brains might get there some day, too. Another grudge which Lady Astor i the last hi on the upward climb tilcnmpa ni,mi( to Ashland's camii. ' Iho of the Slskiyous. was the of whlch he ,,, tll(w wfllt mllv rtul place of nmbush for the Indians ln;olmr , ,ne whne comitry whlcll lie that uttnek and was nlaililv visible i,.,.i Hl.lln.1 fl.t- .....1.1 - - ' ' ii. . ... . .... ... ... ' ' i iv:rHt"ii mi i run iu rwiiiiirtj ii. i. ... ... run trrtiir mn uiriiv mar triiauu nt it ...... oi assistance. have been living in Seattle where " . n - tmm ,e om roau wr severui years; Wj, jt The National Irdlaj: Congress. onejMr. Wyant was employed in the navy:"""nd U8uaI'' -f',l' wrong. Most uIle. thfl t(jM r()ll( 0VB. lhe moun.! M, nso (UBCURSe( hft n)()t. of the biggest polilh al orgaiikntloiisj yards during the war, roturned homci of th08e wno BUe"s se,ect a rinf! to tains wus completed several years; lPr nf t))0 , n,1P0priutioii allot In the world, with a membership of; yesterday and will settle in their, hre- Probably assuming that they:after (M Jo (,rftUr d over seven milHcns pledged to work .home in Ashland. They were nc. l "5 on the safe side when Incomes ( .,T,le pUo(JUs KrUt ,, uui , thnt Southern 0rpR;n unl() for India's freedom, has pledged itslcompanlod by Mrs. Wyant's father,! to readjusting It. Rut it is Just as jg.- wu9 the ai.colld ,, fIllshedi n domu1(UK th() inrrf,.Ate r m(irfl resources to aid the lahorltea, accord-jL. H. Settles, who has been iVng' eagy to m,19 a ring l irger as It Is toj and thu Kll r,m wai constructed favorable action Ing to Secretary Bllzard, of the Brit- i with them since his wife died a year mnko 11 smaller-" ; by John and Toby Thomas, soon after, A report on , nef,nt wll'l((T Pl(jr lull Committee of the Congress. iago. It took five days to mako the. Wllat doe" tne nvni'aB" younB '"-"' ond in connection with their mill they waa ma( t ,8 hln(.,1POI1 t0lUv "The fact that some of our mem-i trip and the motorists found .me'hay IllB "weetheart, in thowuy ol , bllill ,, 1MH.raled tt distillery j w)ll(.h sll0wed w., fimm(,iu, n'uc'. Ders are in tne capitalist class will bad stretches of road between hero " "'" " tor several years. not prevent us extending co-operation ,'nnrt Seattle, notuhlv in WashhiBton j marrled man "" hl8 wlf? to the Indian labor movement." hs!and the other side of Grants Pass.! Burthman ld tllat BI(I or "liver Kiry enterprises. said. "We expect the Labor Federa tion ot India to beonn our most ef fective ally. We have backed Gandhi and his non-violent non-co-operation, ut naturally this is a slow way of arousing the national consciousness. India is unquestionably .in the mood for a radical organization, assume leadership." Mr. and Mrs. Wyant are very glad to : Be,hta are the most popular gift get bark to Ashlam they state. Elect Officers For Red Cross loess. Over 1000 uald admissions This Is iu brief a record of those were fuiPn n t , RuturiIny nif,M I carnival of the fair, amounting to Honored Former Tmiohw. A handsomely appointed lUuner 1214.60. Of those attending 850. I were adnlts, with upwards of 2i children. A surplus in In tho trens- Post Elect Officers. season. At the annual Ked Cross meet ing held yesterday at the Pioneer Burnside Post G. A. It., at its res-! hall, reports wora banded In by the; gold fountain pen. 'hotel attendants at six o'clock. Kol has against women is their absolute ular meeting Saturday afternoon, campaign and other committees. "It's interesting lo watch the devel- owing the dinner the company en lack of loyalty. Site declared that 'elected the following officers to pre- Mrs. Alice Peil reported nearly 11200 opuient of a young couple's courtship Joyed a theatre party at the Vinin during the courtship period, with gold ; bracelets and pearl open, glasses run-! ulng a close secoud. After marriage, i party was glwm at the Hotel Austin .the woman usually demands a pearl last evening In honor of Mrs. ti. K. , necklace or a diamond mid platinum Kile a teacher in the .luuior High bracelet, and gets it. . . school,- who has resigned from h.)r Gifts for children are generally In position and will leave shortly tor the form of a ring, bracelet or pin. her home in Vancouver, B. ('. Six- lL'k.n .....1. :ru r..- .....n -.I... .i... .....-. ...t .1,...-,. ,.... ,,,. u ..... u ........... .j w Johnson, president of the U. RU...jr , 1 ,. , U COU.-HB ll,:..,.-. .... . ..r .f,,,, Ja ,.,, v, , b;,nki D Hines. former vice president, and Mrs. Alyrtle Hhikeley. rountv treas- BANK OrTHIALS PI.KAI) NOT fil lLTV women would not vote for women, side during the coming yoar: Post as the result of the campaign forjand marriane." Bartliman said. "A Those who coinpoaed the patty were Just because they were owmen j Commander, Comrade Nobles; sen- ' membership and the probability of 'young man will coine in and buy somel Mm. Kric. Mr. and Mrs. (!. A. Ilris-i whereas men never refrained from lor vice, A. C. Spencer; junior vice, . a few more yet to come In. . 1. 1 n T I.. J.t,lJ ... i i . I u,ucu "jToting for a member nt their own Ed White; officer of the day, Charles IE ni.iTH ...ii!, hi... .1 nn m n n .at nv , . ' ex merely oectuse li this winter he would remain, but af-lgex. small present, audi us a hroorh, i.'0..1-. cue, Misses Iteed. Ohde, Illume, ter only ajiout three weeks ln that sea level country his old affection returned, and was so bad be was com pelled to feavu. "I could make good money there with my anto stage," Mr. Howard stated, "but money is uot everything when one's health Is at stake, so I guess It is Ashland for me." was of (hatOanlere; quartermaster, Comrade 'elected, comprising: Kev.'P. K i Brush; chaplain, C. W. Benedict; In- Hammond, chairman, Mrs. J. M. Officers for the ensuing year were ing 115 or $20. A few mouths later1 Beaver, Spencer, Boss, Voruz, Trout- Judging from opinions expressed by ' side guard, Comrade Palmer. members of the audience, most of the urer, were arraigned in the circuit court Saturday and entered pleas of not guilty to the Indictments. Tho court bad previously overruled de- iinirrer-i llhul In 'n..,.ol. ih. t..l. re will make n lltt'e more expensive p an, Jlruner, Wattenbarger, Miller, ,,. m ..... . ... , , , ,, , . ments. These proceeding were pure- gift. Then, as birthdays and Christ- Carver and Mr. Wilson. ' . ftL ' ,' . .ii- ly a lemil formality, and the case will masses arrive, he increases the value, ' . . . . chairmen; Mrs. A. H. Praeht, secre-.of his gifts until fluslly the engage-; Officers for the coming year were ment ring is bought. Next Is tli.t j elected at the last meeting of the! , ... wedding ring.. After this there 'l. a Woman. Belief Corp,, resulting m. ,8",on ' he "'""" of Jackson ceswtion of three or four years. They follow,: President. Mrs. Lulu How-110"" UkB pl,,C" at th" t,me- : Wagner aud Mrs. Alice Peil as vice- women there were entirely in accord THE DALLES TO MAKE BHIfK.' tary; G. G. Kubanks. treasurer, with with Lady Astor. They agreed that Mesdames 8. McNair, F. 8. Ensle, J. In the main women were foolish crea-i THE DALLES, Dec. H Concret ) ! E. Thornton, W. L. Maxey and Mr. tores. brick and tiles are to be turned outjThos. H. Simpson as assistant mem-j are spending all their money fur- aid; senior vice president. Mrs. Co-i H-l-OIL-iy SI'GAR HELM Tbdl is why they rote for men. 'of a factory It Is planned to open bers of the executive committee. , nlshlng a home and making s start. ' der; Junior vice president. Mrs.! WHOLESALE AT 8!in here shortly and which will be known1 Much has been done during the'lf he Is successful !n busine, this James Lowe; recretary, Mrs. Peters; i jBy the United Press) Oscar D. Johnson, of the Stockwell as The Dalles Shope Prmwcd Brlckipast year In the Home Bellcw Workpsriod will be followed by one of fur treasurer, Mrs. Jennie Hammond; SAN' FRANCISCO, Dec. 14 The Lock Inspection company of Los An-iCo. The rnilnut will h i,nrii-..l.ri. and an annronriallon was voted to more einensire nresents." ichanlain.' Mrs. Mathnk: enniliiAinr whnln.uiA nri nt .rn,,,,iai..H -.... Mrs. O. H. Johnson Is numbered , geles is in Ashland this week clean-' designed for material for residences 'assist in paying for a Red Cross nudse Barthman said the expected slump! Mrs. Moss; guard. Mrs. White. A sugar was cut from to i eents """' -u" " " , ' ' i" iocks on tb Citizens and public buildings, borne on North Mala street. .Bank vault. . ' .to assist the county nurse In car- In Jewelry sales, looVed for long ago, fine social time followed the busl-.a pound, the California-Hawaiian Ing for the children ot our school. . had not yet become apparent. jness meeting and election of officers. Sugar company announced today.