Ashland weekly tidings. (Ashland, Or.) 1919-1924, November 17, 1920, Image 1

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    Oruo Historic! ttobtf,
KuMoTlua , .
NO. 12
Chester Quain Loses Isles to Increase Red Cross Roll
Leg in an Accident Telephone Rates Call Increasing
PORTLAND, . Oregon, Nor. 16.
Chester Quain, 17, of 143 Nutley
stret, Ashland, Buttered the loss of
the lower part of his right leg about
3:30 P. M. yesterday, when he fell
hf .eath the wheels of a south-bound
Si uthyu-n Pacific train. He. was
tiilm to St. Vincent's hospital, where
h hovered betweon life and death.
The Paolfic Telephone and Tele
graph company has filed an applica
tion for an increase of rates with the
Public Service Commission, an early
hearing of which Is asked. Ashland
will be placed in-croup 6 cf the ex
changes, and the rates It granted, will
be a follows:
One party business Wall, $4; desk,
According to tho police, Quain had J $4.25. Two party, wall, $3.50; desk,
been working, in company with his '$3.75.
father, on the Pacific highway nearl One party, residence Wall, $3.25;
Ashland. When work stopped desk, $3.50. Two party Wall, $2.76;
there he came to Portland to find desk, $3.00. Four party Wall,
work, but did not succeed. He is! $2.50; desk, $2.75.
i;i Id to have run out of funds and to I
have been stealing a ride home when I PRACTICALLY ONLY CHANGE IN j F. H. Walker, Ben Howe, Florence
Red Cross subscribers to date:
Mrs. Butler Walker, Captain C.
A. Sheldon, V. A. Stewart, Mrs. L.
A. Phillips, Annie Walker, J. O. Wal
ker; Leta Walker, W. C. Baldwin.
Bessie McKenilo, Ella Sperry, A. IS.
Noble, Mrs. Robt. I. Peachy, Hiram
Smith, Loette Smith, Mrs. A. C. Spen
cer, A. C. Spencer, Edward R. Spen
cer, Esther M. Spencer, Mary E. Spen
cer, Mrs. O. P. Ackley, F. S. Thomp
son, Miriam Shepherd, M. E. Duly,
Mm. W. N. Cole. William Ehrke, Mrs.
M. Miles, Mrs. W. A. Cook.
Mrs. Everyl Paulserud, Captain
O. O. Eubanks, Mrs. C. Oi Eubanks, m., leaves 5:00 p. m
Hew S. P. Train 'Mrs. Gibson Dies Shriners.toHold New Prizes for
Schedule Starts Tuesday, Nov, 16 Autumn Ceremonial Products Show
1 !
Following is the new schedule in! Mrs. J. C. Gibson, mother of Mrs.! 0 Thursday, tnig week, Novom.' Every day something new crops up
full which went Into effect on thejOeo. W. Allen, died at the lattery ber j, occurg tho Autumn cercmo-jto make the winter fair and produce
Southern Pacific railroad, Novem- home on Cranlte street at an early, n,al of H1Man Temple o( tne Mystic : show a great success. Among the
berU: hour this morning. Mrs. Clbson was SMM n thl cltJPi i late attractions offered one came this
Southbound No. 13, arrives : 45 taken ilf about tour weeks ago and Rcclprocaiyi botn Aahmes Temple morning from the Ashland Milling
a. m., leaves 10:06 a. in.; No. 11, was taken to her daughter's home; o( 0ak,amli alld islam Telnple of San ! company. This is the offer of u
arrives 6. a. m., leaves 5:15 a. m.; j where she was given untiring and Francgco have walved jurisdiction1 $5 prize for the best bread made
No. 15. arrives ll:l p. m., leaves' loving care until the end. The de-j , ravor o( HlluU , behalt of a class; from Moullt A9nland flour A ec.
11:30 p. m.; No. 63, arrives 4:20 p. ceased was well known In Ashland ;of caIlUdllte. ma.y fom Dnnsmuir'ond prise of 60 pounds of flour will
m., leaves 4:40 p. in. , where she had made her borne for i anU vlclnty although Klamath Falls, be given and a third of 25 pounds.
Northbound-No. 14, arrives 6:20'many years previous to moving to!0rant, Pa aH. R01)ebiirg will be. This will be an opportunity for the
a. m., leaves 6:40 a. m., No. 12, ar- Yoncalla upwards of five years ago.i repre8eted. housewives and good cooks of Ar
rives 8:55 a. m., leaves 9:10 a. m.;.,from where she and her husband re-! Tho receptlou committee includes1 land and vicinity to .diow their skill
No. 16, arrives 8:15 p. m., leaves turned to this city In September and; pagt potentates of Hlllah Temple re-'and proficiency in cooking.
on p. m.; iiv. i. pureiiae a noma on tieimuu sireei.i .j M1jf,j u.f.i,. inniko. u,.i.u.i ,.. ,
he fell beneath the train. The ac
cident occured near the municipal
golf links.
. Chester Quain was a former high
school student and bis many friends
bore regret to hear of his accident.
co err was lead op
At the Medford Chamber of Com
merce forum luncheon held in that
city Wednesday noon, J. H. Fuller,
secretary of tho Ashland Chamber
of Commerce read the following
The official count of the elect ion I Hughes, Dr. F. H. Johnson, Mrs. F.
In Jackson county has been con:plet-jH. Jobnson, Mrs. C. A. Edwards, Dr.
ed and shows N that no material ; Geo. J, Kim, Miss'Lydia McCall, W.
I HldlDK here and at Medford. Refresh-
, runerui services win lane piace , ment Simpson, Nlms, Weisenburger. this morning from the Ashland San
,2 o'clock tomorrow afternoon from i P.riillo. nnn,ia. McCarthy. Hush. Itarium. Twentv-flve .lnlUr. i. ..
Howe. Jim Spencer. J. E. Hicks, Dr. TWO KRD CROSS STATION'S ARK the Dodge undertaking parlors. and!Hitoll Mu8lcM1s, Caraon, War- been offered by this institution for
.interment will be made in the two ner 8h(,pherd. Decoration Teug- special prizes In the baby show. This
W. E. Blake, B. C. Forsythe, W. R
Mrs. Gibson is survived by her lius
band, J. C. Olbson, and one daugh
change has been made, from the nuJC. Moor, F. D. Montgomery, C. C.I 1,18 response w me ueo. uross ter Wri) 0 w Aen
official count given out Immediately; Robertson, C. W. Nims, Mrs. C. W.jRo" Cal. despite the hard work of; ;
Practically tlie Nlms, Roy Bebb, A. Troutfether, Will"18 aole campaign manager and nor, FORMER LOCAL GIRL
Fellows plot at Ashland cemetery. j Wlll(li chllmaIli Dnnn, Weisenbur-, will be an Interesting eveut in the
gor. Mrs. F. G. Swedenhurg Ischulr- inir and a large nnmber of entrant
man of the ladies' entertainment will undoubtedly bo made,
committee, having abundant support; ;
in this important particular. 'TIME TO SPRAY FOR '
The Arab Patrol will have exclus-l AN'THRACXOSE AND
lve jurisdiction over the stunts, and PEACH TREK HLICIIT
It Is needless to add that there will There are two diseases prevulent
be a fearful old hot standstorm in in some purls of the county that
following election.
only difference in the cointy wero; Sunder, Mrs. Acklln, Mr. Billings. .faithful captains, has not been as
the leads of Carter for legislature; Homer Billings, C. A. Edwards, Q.j generous as the wortniness ot tho
and Moore for district attorney, while1 H. Yeo, Edna Storey, Mrs. A. ZleglerJ cause deserves. j Miss Frances Hrallu, a former well1
f,...,i.ii . .... nil n n fni..i.. t I M.'IHV hflVA Oinresed themselves bnnn Aaliloiut u.iiiiir l.wW U'lm la'
Buuiueia guinea over i namocrmin uy. t. nmcy, mm. ooriua w. nuiey, u. - """"" j - , ... the Armorv even ulinulil lm inr ,ir;ni, ti. .
..k-. .a ,.,..i a xi ur u n Mr. w u n as ready to Join, but claim that no lourli, throi.el, Now Zealand. Aus ; ,no luterlor ot XM Armory, eeii8nould bo sprajed for during tlm
vvuui vw vwirn, iuu uiul'ui uuiii , . wuu, i , mj , a, it , - - '
follows: 'V. O. N. Smith, Fred Morris, Ed Du-!80"0'101, hai approached them. The truliu and the Orient this winter,
Preldi iii. ! vis. H .C. Emery. Mr. Staples. Ed : ollcitor have, of course, found a : writes very entertainingly to an Ash-
Harding and Coolidge 4 382, Kaiser, Henry Enderg, R. D. 8anford, proportion of the people out and, land friend of her trip. Miss Hamlin
The following item appeared In! Cox and noosevolt .. 2164 Wm. Mitchell, E. J. Farlow, Mrs. E.were unable to cover their territory; told of the many Interesting cities
the Mail-Tribune recently: "ThajWatklns .'. J36J. Farlow, J. K. Choate, O. A. Paul-!8 ,econa time. or ma oenem oi she had visited in Now Zealand, whlcli
secretary of the Ashland Commercial ' Debs 247 serud. C .H. Vaupel. Mrs. C. H. Vau-i those who hav been overlooked and country, she claims, she liked better
club appeared at the teachers. Instl- Cox 6k pel. Miss Ayre, Mr. Bess, Mrs. S. P,
tute in Medford yesterday and asked ' 1 Tuylor, M. C. Kaigl, Genorhbo Rod-
for Medford'a support in establishing Harding's plurality .IMS logog, Merrill Butterfield, Oscar Ous-
a Summer School In the Granite Cltyi V. S. S'nutnr. 'tafson, A. E. Jordan, Rose Jordan, H.
this year. There was considerable Rtanfleld 3487. C. Avant, unknown, N. Erlckson.
comment among Medford delegates 'Chamberlain .'3257' Mrs. Victor Mills, Captalu F. H.
on the prompt reaction on Ashland's 'Slaughter lSiSankey, Mr. Hatcher, chief of police,
part,' asking a favor from this eltyjh'ajf.s 112; Virgil Ramsey, A. E. Kinney, A. A.
Immediately aflcr Ashland had snow-. B'e.iMn .. 1 2; 1 Bright, Mrs. Mullit, unknown, J. W.
ed under a benefit for Medford." ' - -i Cornell, unknown, Mr. Sylvia, Harold
As one especially interested In tha Stsnfleld's pluraiitr 23oL. Lee, Mr. Monroe, Dr. Hawley,
summer school, not particularly as an Repwsea.- fvt j Bert R. fireer, H. Bag3r, Mr. Hudnell
;suouiu tne weaiuer prove uura pieas-: mouiu or iSovoniDer. .Voiice was
ant outsido. The Patrol includes 25 given earlier in the fall for these
or more huskies, with Cuptuln Mu- sprays, but on uccount of various rea
lone and .Lleuteuauts Chapmuu and !ous some growers have upt been able
Tengwald in command. H. C. Slock1 to apply the spray up to the present
will manipulate the electrical devices, time. To be most effectire this spray
H. C. Sparr, as acting potentate,! should be applied as soon after thin
will be master of ceremouies; W. H. ruin as possible. The eporoK of these
McNnlr, chief rnbban; ti. W. Dunn, two diseases will germinate very rup-
.assistaut rnbban; P. K. Hammond, Idly after this rain, and if the hark
who yet wish to Join, two Red Cross the longer she remained there.
stations will be maintained at Mc- Among the cities Miss Hamlin vis-
Nalr Bros, drug store and at Rose. lied were Wellington, Lyttleton.l
Rrna until fha avnlrrtHnn flnta tlia ' riitnA.l:., nn.1 nunmlln
' " ""'v " ... ,, .,,, ,.,,,. n W K '1.. .... ... ,. .
1 25th of November 1 she describe.l, is a Scotch city, built ' v , .' ' .' " " ' " u '"' " . nm v'
Please keep In mind that the $l,on the hills with the ocean at Itt-""1"' 'nu'"'" "-"" wu m
, . . .. .. ... ,. . : uror: W. H. Day, recorder, 'snravi.
you pay, is not mereltfn donation feet. Everything in Dunedln was clos- m, , . , 1
. . . 1 . . . . . . ' The program Incorporates 11 parade it is not deemed necessary to snruv
to a worthy cause, but secures you ed tight from Saturday noon, slit . , . ,'.,, ., ., . ut,,",u "-'""'. i" ira
. ', . , ' ., . ...., . 1 ubout 3 p. 111., followed by the first all aunle orchards it t this time oulv
a membership fn one of the noblest states, until Monday morning. ,, i .1 , . . , . ' '
nvuii.'ii, 111 inn wi ic.rH.uH.r.n tUUSc lliai UuTH SIIOWI1 inivCIIOll 01 U II
organizations of our modern world.; Christchurch, she sr.ys. is a very.
To be a full-fledged member of the flat city, something like Medford, and '
American Red Cross ought to be as is very English. In that city Miss
proper, at the Armory. Banquet at tlnainose, but all peach orchards
6:30, basement of Elks' Temple. Sec- should he sprayed.
ond section, at the Armory. In the rSe liordeaiix mixture, six pound
. am( . n nnam n.l.ln n .1 nfl .....I I ' IT., . It l,.n
Ashland matter, but as something w. v. Hawiey 6296 unKiiown, .vir. ning, j. a. renaieion,- ,- - - m ,,m0 the lvilm wm 1)t, ,,ntol.. f b, , . , ( ,
needed and beneficial to Jackson Talbert 623 Mis. J. II. McGee, Mra. Clara E. Cros-j wor'b the paymet of an e ranee derfu ; flower show with about a cou- ,IllS01llc ,,,,. , , L,L, ', Z 1 m
county as a whole, we do not see how
Secretary of State,
by, Mrs. Ella B. Mills, Mrs. fa. L. ' fee 88 admission to any oilier lodge- pie of hundred varieties ot daffodils.
anyone could take such an attitude ; Kozer 639'.! Hurdle, Dr. R. L. Burdic, T. S. Urley, t nemberMp whatsoever. To be- .and the most beautiful hyacinths, tu
the nlmve ounlntlon would seem Sears 427 Victor Mills. Mrs. Victor Mills. Win.,10" 10 l,le ano u iui- np sno vioieis,
to indicate. It has always seemed , Vpton 200 Briggs, Mrs. Wm. Bnggs, Mrs. Berg-Itied w'th IU splendid work for hu- flowers
to the writer that whatever benefit-1 Justice of Supreme Conrt. ner, J. E. Crowson, Helen Blede, o. 18 an nonor lnnt "" Phl"!
.j .. t,.i,... n( ... ! Pon,nn i aai winter R V Mnntmmerv. W O. spirited American ought to covet.
cu yv i ww n ui it hv nnuit vw uut - j '' . . - r . - a
tho. Jlnvun Tllvar vaIIav niiiut aun hi I Iteftn 41 1 A DIckei flOll. B. A. FitlCh. J. F. PlflStill.
beneficial to each of her cities imd McBrlde 4C33 unknown. Helen Dickerson, Mr. Bris- have "ubscrlbcd under the various Hamlin relates. "The roads were ter-
towns. Having been for a numbei
and many native
We left Christchurch Friday morn
ing for a five days' motor trip across
A list of the names of those who the island to the coast," Miss
of years a resident of ono of the
Harris ; .. 4007 co. Mrs. L. W. Storm, Miss Calla Bie-1 '"V"""" ' puoiisnen eacn oay rmc aim in country very rongn. ne
., . ui i A.unn b phnoto fi J Wntier Jn The Tidings, starting today, as forded 179 streams the first day.
follows: , . and drove through passes ut the foot
Mrs. Chuttin, captain: H. (i. En-Jof snow cupped mountains. ' Then
ders, Sr., S. B. Powers, Mrs. S. B. we .struck the west coast and drove
J Powers, Mrs. C. W.-Chmmnv Mm.- OUAlwough -mot bountiful fumiiiiH eoun-
Hllty, Mi's. Slgird Esbensen, Louis' try. The fruit trees were in blossom,
Kruggel, Mrs. McAllister, C. C. Walk-land the gardens Juct coining up. The
er, B. Bowers, Mr. Worts, C. J. San- hillsides were very green and covered
ford, J. J. Muden, Mi. Ira Raeder, , with thousands of sheep." It was in
W. S. Ball, Jas. A. Cook, L. G. Van October when Miss Hamlin visited
Landlngham, Arthur Peters, Mrs.: this country.
Geo. Harkins, Katherine Harkins, r This letter was written from Syd
Mrs. F. G. Swedcnburg. Wm. Tavener, Iney, New South Wales, at which city;
be held In the Portlnnd armory, Tues-i Mr. True, Mr, Nell, J. D. Mars, J.: Miss Hamlin Imd Just arrived. "The
Two conferences T. Atterson, Mrs. Williamson, Geo,. Sydney harbor Is the most wonder-,
plinp.t j.,,, will bo hold throughout the day for' N. Kramer, Mr. ralterson, C. W. fill harbor I huve even seen," she,
court house should not be considered Newman S37 officers, and In the evening all Chattin. Irene Wherley., H. W. Mich- j states. "It is very large with a liar-.
amuller towns situated between Ash-! George Brown 080: Mr. Porriue, Mr. Patton, Amelia F.
land and Medford, we were Interested) Wm. McCarthy'Furer, Emma Purer, . Mrs. F. B.
In the development of both Ashland Coshow 1 1 Bunkey.
and Medford, and" In fact, the entire J. O. Bailey ,V. .. 7- ' ' '' ' " "
valley as a whole, so have become j Attorney General. OFFICERS CALLED
uccustomed to looking at these mat-j Van Winkle 495 TO CONFERENCE
ters, not altogether from the" local! Coshow 408 11
view point, hut as affecting the en- J. O. Baliey 91 1 CaPtaln Wm- BriaKs, First Lleuten-
tlre people of the Rogue River val- George Brown , J7 ant H. T. Elmore and Second Lieu
ley. I Dairy and Fowl Commissioner. : tenant Beecher Danford are expect-
A normal school, a summer school. Hawley 6021 '"B to to Portland, November 29.
... mi-h in.niniin... inr.iied at Vnn rtehren - 4g to attend an officers' conference to
any noint in our valley could not fail . Public Service Commissioner.
m ha ,,f urei.t vnlim and benefit tOiHnehtel S8S1 day. November 30.
all. The removul and location of thej
Members ot Hlllah who have pass- blue stone and slake the lime in sep
ed on and "entorod the unseen torn- urate containers, then add both to
pie" during the current year Include, , the spray tank at ihe same time.
.1. N. Bayllss, of Minefield; Frank Keep up good agitation. If prepared
H. Carter, Ashland; Charles Hird, j Bordeaux paste Is used, use about
Oakland. Calif.; Bert. II. Harris. W0 pounds more than Is recoinmeiid
Ilerkeley. Calif.; rteo. H. I.uiidburg, j 0n tho container to the fifty gul
tirants Pass. Ions. Ho sure to cover nil parts of
. ,9 trees.
I u-ll?V('V. rvtl-nuu 1 kCISI ATlOV UKOl'IRIXti M'VI.
State Iiegbilnture.
officers will be guests of the Fifth I el, W. W. Williams, Walter Miksch,
n.. . ILfn.lfAM.l nvnnnoDlAn aa n: .ii.... ... . n
Jackson county matter and the writ-barter 8865 mrantry at me dinner lo unerai nuys. ,r. . u. n.rro, n,
,. ,..... ,! ok-.u- -c!n Hunter Liggett at the Portland Cham--B. Smith, Mrs. O. F. Carson, Mrs. J,
people to see the matter In this light, i Mansfield 3192ber of Commerce. .
und that It would be to the advan-j Phlpps 2101 Captain Briggs of the First Coni-
tageof the county as a whole to build j pany has received an appointment
a new court house ut Medford, never-; Carter's plurality 290 on the general staff of Oregon, to
tholes .'. iln not feel that the failure; DtKirln auimh. i laKe lne Place 01 -Oionei i-reea
M. Ross, Fred Euglc, Carl Murphy,
J. O. Nell, G. Carey. Geo. Harkins,
Unknown, D. Conser, J. True, Mrs.
James Rudd, Mrs. Deer, Mrs. Leslie,
Mr. Carson, I. Frldiger, Mrs. Nellie
of this measure should necessitate) Rawles Moore
Hammond. This Is i high honor, ! Ross, F. Crouch, Chas. Weis, E. L.
Medford'a cltiiens falling to generous-'O. M. Roberts 8240 "ol on,y lor -la" "BR8 a me. m.Ku, r, ...-. ..-.
,.. . ... .i. , i , 'First Company, but for Southern Hall. Ulenn inmun, fan woicot, u
past, such institutions as the South-1 Moore's majority 385;0rKon in Seneral- as he wl" be th,W' Trofren
em Oregon Chautauqua Armbiy at! County ComBiIloner. i on,y "-epreseniauve tor ine c.wsi Ar
Ashlnnd, an Independent institution, !Bursell 4232. ,lllery- nlB appolntrr,or,t, Cap
one of the oldest In the northwest,! Dillon Hill ,. 2514 tuln Bri8 wl" bo Ctt!led !o Port'
hleh hn. l.een estnhllshed for some! flhrfff. i 'al" monthly to conferences of the
row entrance and beautiful country
on either side. The city Itself re-i
minds one of San Francisco, being'
built on hills and around the har
bor." After a visit to Melbourne Miss
Hamlin expected to sail October 29
for the Orient and arrive In Honolulu
about December 22. '
1 ni'itivr: it, ii,vkin iv
In accordance with the Smith-: mhimku hi imi.
Hughes net, -wlilch was discussed In' NEW YORK, Nov. 1.1 Legislation
these columns a niolilh ago, District 'requiring all football teams to mini- !
No. 5 qualified this year as a Smith- ber players may find lis way on the
Unfiles unit in domestic science. gridiron law books whan the rules
This means that every girl passing 'Committee meets this winter,
through our high school has the ad-: Numerous other reforms aro also
vantage ot federal aid applied to her being ugltoted. The committee h
courso in household economics expected to go on record with u cen
through the medium of u practice xuro of the "scouting system," and
house. the practice, becoming more and
It hud been the plan of tho school mora prevalant, of coaxing star play
board to remodel tut old bouse' era away from othe,r colleges nn-l
which stood on school property, but' universities.
tho high cost of construction made It! Numbering players, as a conces
soerilmore practical to rent a house. !sion to the public, has been tho suli-
Fortunately tho board was able to
secure a seven-room house, No. 925
on the Boulevard, which Is fairly well
adapted to the pnrposo and Ib easily
accessible to the high school campus.
Ject ot agitation for several yeur.i.
The rules committee had It up lust
winter and disposed of the proposal
with a resolution "The committee
recommends that nil players bo num-
F. E. French of the Ashland Laun- Hughes legislation is for the girls to
Tho underlying Idea In the Smith- j bored."
1 Practically all ot the major tcum
The sixten clubs of the American
and Nutlonal leagues are now at
peace. i
30 years; nor should It full lir taking iTerrill ii9S ,gtaff- Th'8 ym"? oflc(r 18 Vm
a vital Interest In such a measure asj Jennings 2822 tor&n to tha ,ront ln military clr-
the Institution of a summer school, County Clerk. ; cleg of the state.
located at Ashland only, because en- Florey .4606
vironment and opportunity seemed ;Rlgg 2205
naturally to invite such, a plan.' I Treasurec. ;
This institution was inaugurated! Walker 4491!
lust season at a lato moment and : Schleffelln 229V
Jlttle opportunity was given for the County Assessor I
necessary publicity attendant upou ; Coleman 4.177:
such an enterprise, nevertheless thej Trowbridge 2199,
school established itself as a marked! The vote on the city officials Is
success and plans are now under way practically the game as the unoffl
whlch if carried out will bring to us'cial returns published last week. The
a very valuable, asset. result from Southeast Ashland which
At the Jackson County Teachers' j was not completed until lato the
Institute held ln Modford recently next day after election simply added
over 50 teachers from all parts of to the vote of the candidates already
Jackson county signed a question-j conceded to be elected. The next;
nulre stating that they were Interest-; city officials will .be: Mayor, C. B.t
' ed In this project and wished to reg-i Lamkin; treasurer, O. O. Eubanks;
ister for the coming session; some! recorder, Gertrude Blede; park corn
et them being Medford teachers. : nilssibners, Frank Jordan, Mrs.- C. H.
After reading ot the paper on a i Vaupel; councllmen, W. E. Blake,
motion by one ot the members the'G. M. Frost, J. L. Harner, A. C. Joy,
project of the summer school was un-j F. J. Shlnn and C. H. Pierce,
nnlmously endorsed by the meeting.) .
The Job of secretary of the .Cham-! Wonder How Far His Power
ber of Commerce, as we comprehend j Extends,
it, is to work for harmonious and. The state banking department has
pleasant relations between Medford been exonerated Of blame in connec
and Ashland and other towns of this tlon with failure of the bank at
valley and Jackson county, and it is Jacksonville by the grand Jury of
our purpose and Intention to aid and that county. Examinations were j
support such enterprises whether in (frequent, but somehow those con-j
Ashland or Medford, so we have no corned managed to show affairs In
hesitancy on these grounds In asking
the support and assistance of Med
ford as well as Jackson county for
such enterprises as we may attempt
to foster and encourage,' which are
for the benefit ot the valley as a
Pearl W l l. " Mr. W retu"" m9 J'9"8 '".! .a actual practice in running . are numbering heir players this
'r Pa l He J i ' Tcl-' Portland, where he had been attend-! home along simple lines-Just .ucb'j "Pi Harvnra und the
I Bwon own Mrs J I "'8 th. organization of the Oregon ! a home a. the majority of our girls; two service acadamies.
' . ' . . ' I?' Lanndrv Owner.' association which' make for themselves In later years. Princeton has been numbering tho
H. Relsinger,' 1
err. Austie
. ' i T.nnnitpv HwiiaM' naunnloHnti 1
C. Ferguson, mish rurrar, a. mom- " " Tn ,.,, ,. .... hnllllfl ... been tur. Tigers In every game and lias an
, Mr. a v Jhnes. D. C. Wilson. W8 perfected In that city Saturday. To mis end tho house oeen mr i
c ..,., , riii.ii,n..i, I Fifty-one charter members were . nlshed very simply but tastefully.
J. R. Pltenger, Mrs. Channcll, Larnc present at the association which starts.
Comniaiider Douglas Howard of Hut
nounced tho Intention of diiing the
'present at the association which starts! In order lo plan and work -for e me uig games wm, , a,e ana
jwith Percy O. Allen of Portland s household, a family must be organ-) Harvard, al hough it seems likely
nresldent. John Tali at Astoria, vlcel Ued, so four of tho Digll SCIIOOl tcacu-;
i- , . n . ni-A linnnllnir ul the nractlce
Cotton mills all over me i nueu . presiuuui, una v. a. npei-r m i-.iri-r-- -- - --" -- , ,,,,. ,.,,, ,, ,,,
Eugene was chos- house, one oi the tour w wis. avan-; -
accredited sinliu- rriin.-Biuu-rtj. t"'"" " ""u
States are operating on purl time, 'land, secretary,
the result of less cotton being used.' en for the first convention
Cooking Up Something
a favorable light. Yet one ' may
wonder what an examiner Is tor and
how far his power can. reach. The
Bank of Jacksonville was a "one
man" Institution, its president old
fashioned and the friend of every
body; now be is In Jail In default ot
$50,000 bail. It will all come out
Secy. Ashland C. of C. in the trial. Portland Oregonlan.
CORVALLIS $350,000 hotel to be ENGENE Lane teachers are re-'
built here. Iceiving better pay, 1
i I II l Z "- otrnrll '' I IV I 1 1 I
eel ne rolev. au
I Hughes teacher, who Is houso-moth-l shlpmen would not be numbered In
i er, and has full charge and over-sight I any game. It the Navy takes this
of the house. 1 attitude, it la certain that the Army
. The girls of tho senior class work' wl" " the same thing.
in the pructlcH house In groups of! One of the objections Is that
.four. Each girl trends her first week , "scouts" can pick out stur players
'in care of tho upstairs rooms, acting! and that trick plays are more easily
Jos housemaid. The second week she , detected by numbers.
I has similnr duties downstairs. Her' However, this objection will bs
i third week she is purchasing agent I overruled if some action is tuken by
i and assistant at cooking and. the'i'i" ruies com mine, re umiruu
fourth week she Is entirely respons-
ible for the cooking.
I The whole nisignnieiit, then, in
' the practice house Includes the ordi
nary processes of th i home, the c ue
bodies of the big universities to dis
courage "scouting"
Princeton, the lone member of the
"Itlg Three" to show uny progressive
ideas, has come out against "scout-
' or the bouse, piirclnsiu;; of supplier ig" wl'b the ussertion that they will
the balanced meal, household ac-. t do It In the future. A "geutle-
counts and all the common problems man's agreement" is said to hav
'cf the home. been reached umong the "Big Three"
I Ti, .,., 1... i.riv.d to be so to discontinue the practice.
.mmlar that when Miss I'olev lately! I-t year ikfter losing the annual
'nsked Tor volunteers for the practice anie to tha Naval Academy, the Ar
! house, every girl In the class volun- rny announced that it was going out
! t0Pied and get players. The Navy howls
On Fridav afternoon, beginning at 'hut me Cadet management did go
half 'past Iwo o'clock, the Parent- out and collect stars by a wholesale
Teacher's association will hold open , distribution of appointments,
house ut the practice house. Besides Rutgers is also howling about the
having an opportunity to Inspect the!""1" thing, having had a good teura
house, the women of the city will mined by "desertions." Nlu star
have an opportunity to meet Miss Players left and went to other unl
Bertha Davis, who Is in charge of versifies, where they are starring
Smlth-Hnghes work In the state. Miss. "'Is year. French and Stork went
Davis will speak briefly at 3:15 and Point. Kelly to Yale. Alex-
again at 4:00. All women are ln-l"ndr nrt 10 Pordbam. Whlte-
Tltafl , hill to Penn, Meistrell to Princeton
. jand Hummell to Lafayette.
.PRAIRIE CITY Prairie Co-opera-' Some very Interesting disclosures
tive Creamery company states the out- about the inducements being offered
put of butter for October waa $0 per to prep school stars is promised tor
cent greater than ona year ago. ' the winter meeting.