Ashland weekly tidings. (Ashland, Or.) 1919-1924, November 10, 1920, Image 1

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NO. 11
County Farm Bureau loins '
Safe and Naf' Organization
A large delegation of citizeua from,
Ashland and the Valley View district
uttended the meeting of the Jack
son County Farm Bureau at Med-
ford last evening. Te meeting was merce, the Federation of Labor, ana
presided over by Geo. H. Mansfield,! the American Farm Bureau federa
presldent of the Jackson Couhty or-jtlon. That the latter organization
ganlzation and tmporary president of: now numbered- 1,600,000 farmers,
the State Farm Bureau. land was growing by leaps and
The purpose of the meeting was
td ascertain whether or not the local
organization would affiliate with the
state and national farm bureaus.
Mr. Munsfleld introduced Paul V.
Marls, of the 0. A. C. Extension de
partment, who gave a brief descrip
tion of tlie-work of the county bu
reau, Illustrating his talk with charts
of the nroaram of work of different!
counties and showing that this
tram in many Instances had been
fur exceeded.
The principal speaker of the eve
ning was Chester H. Gray, member
of the executive committee of the
American Farm Bureau federation.
, , , .
Mr. Cray's, mission was to demon-
strain the benefit of organization of
- . i a,AD
,ne " -
Dureuu, aiiniiuiaieu ig iuu i.iwjwv w
' omul nrobloms Dertnlninfc to agrl-isrs'. Marls of the O. A. C. and a C
... ... i . .
cu.tura. pursui s to emp.oy
to work out "WwZZJV iZl !
LONDON, Nov. 9 Fifty-one na-
, lions, large and small, und inhabited
by peoples of every race, color andijj 8(
creed, will be represented at the first' jj ..,.60
League of Nations Assembly at Oel, J2 , . . .64
neva, November 15. ,
t:hlnese, Japanese and Arabs "'"'jj 54
rub elbows with Itrltons,' Latins and ( 1B ! .66
Colts. French and English will be ' '.Si
III., medium of lansiia through ""."' 61
which business will be transacted, Jg 49
all hough many ot the delegates !"!!si
iitHliintand neither tongue. 1 !"66
Of the nations represented at "'jj !.SJ
nova, eighteen, Including the five do-j 2 62
minions of the British Grou, became 6g
through the coming into eireci 01 ine
Treaty of Versailles on January 10,
1920. '
Eight other countries ratified the!
. .... 1 1
paci suosequeniiy aim hi w tunii'ioicu i
as charter members. Thirteen states,;
neutrals during the Great War, are!
members through accession under In
vitations extended In conformity with'
the Annex to'tlie Covenant. ;
China, alone, derives her member-;
ship rights by virtue of being a sig
natory to the Treaty of St. Germain.
Eleven other countries, some of
which have only de facto govern-
ments, have officially applied for;
membership. Their applications wlll
be acted upon at the Assembly meet-j
lug, as will be those of Germany,,
Austria, Hungary and Bulgaria, Ifj
they are received officially before the(
date of the meeting.
The only nations which will not
he represented at Genova, either of-;
flclally or seml-officlally, are the;
fnlted States, Turkey and Mexico, j
Nations Invited to Heroine League
. Members who accepted, und Date . '
of Their Accession. j
Argentine Republic, ltyh July, j
1920. j
Chile, 4th November, 1919. j
Persia, 26th December, 1919. 1
Paraguay, 26th December, 1919. j
Spain, 10th January, 1920.
Colombia, 16th February, 1920.
Venezuela, 3rd March, 1920.
Norway. 6th March, 1920.
Denmark. 8th March, 1920.
Switzerland, 8th March. 19"20.
. Netherland, 9th March. 1920.
Sweden, 9th March, 1920.
San Salvador, 10th Mnrch, 1920.
An average ot $7.09 a box tor
extra fancy Bosc pears, and an av
erage of $6.29 a box for fancy
Bosc was received by the Oregon
Growers' Co-operative Association
from b sale made in New York City
November 2, according to a re
port Just Issued by the associa
tion. The total amount received for
the car lot was $3303. The high
er figure was received for 67
boxes of the extra fancy Bosc, and
the $6,29 for the 466 boxes fancy.
This car lot was shipped from
the Rogue valley September 2 and
held bf the association In cold
storage until heavy supplies weie
off the market and conditions fav
orable for a sale.
In view of the fact that about
35 per cent of the car tun 15'
and smaller, these figures are re
garded as breaking the high price
ror4 for Bosc. The association
has been working hard on Winter
Nellls pears but the sales depart
ment h. been under a handicap
on account of the extremely small
farmers for legislation.
Mr. Gray stated that the great
organizations in the country loaay
were the American Chamber of Corn-
After the address by Mr. Gray, Mr.
ManBfield called for action by the
meeting on the question of wbther
the, Jackson County Farm bureau
should join the state and national
organization, and A. C. Joy, former
president ot the county organization,
In a vigorous speech urged such ac-
Hon, and that the annual memoer-
pro-lsblp be placed at $5 per member,
and It mi unanimously so voted by
the members present. 1
Among those present from Ashland
Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Joy, Mr.
and Mr. A. H DaveU.M, andud to GranU "
Mrs. John Dill, J. K. .Mc,racen, - ,
pih -llnr Mr nnd Mrs A R
Ralph Billing. Mr. and Mr,. A. R
Reachert, A. C. Briggs, V. o. J.
Qmlth and others.
f uV.ret.rvofth. Chem-!the
...rndnced Me,-!
n , n nn.tii,,. avAnt rnn-i r,l in 9 B npr!'elU,
"7, ---
' .
Following is the co-operative oh-
server's meterologlcal record for the
! month of OctoW at Ashland:
I Date Max. Mln.,
, g3
"I'll give you one," said the
traveling salesman. "It's a com
bination hard and good luck atory
the kind of story tct makes a
fellow really take some stock In
Elijah's ravens. A long time ago
but not such a blamed long time
ago, either I landed In Kansas
City one cold winter day. Mind
you, I was bioke didn't evon
have a Chlneso pocketpiece left.
A fellow will get that way some
times. Well, I struck the town
hungry and remained 4 hat ?ny
past breakfast and lunch time. I
was a stranger iu the city. And
it was snowing, Just like It does
when the mortgago is due on tho
farm aud the old folks h.ivu got
to go out. I walked the streel.i
in a fejorn hope, that I might run
across somebody that even looked
like he knew me. Just as I wus
getting desperate r.ul figuring on
rushing a free lunch -stand they
'had them in those days I struck
the most extraordinary piece ot ,
luck that ever happened to me.
"I was going up D.-luwuig,
street, perhaps for the tenth time
und Just ahead ot me was a iuimi
walking under an 'umbrella. I
looked down at his. Teot and :;w ,
a piece of paper sticking to h!:i
hc-el tho hardened snow bud lis
tened it there. The paper vns
green and It had a familiar look.
I followed the man a block, hop
ing the. piece ot puper would drop
off, so that I could investigate it, .
but It still clung there. . So 1 Just
walked up close behind him and
put my foot softly on it and ho
went ahead, leaving the mysteri
ous green document under my toe.
I waited until he got around the
corner and then up. It
was a $10 bill. Sounds kind of
funny, I know, but It happened
Just the same. And thnt ten-spot
put me on my feet."
PARIS, France. An automat
' ic chess player, guaranteed to beat
i even the champion players, has
1 been devised, it was announced to
I the Academy of Science by Tor
res y Quevedo, Spanish inventor,
1 who designed the machine.
1 It is a mechanical calculator
j and operates instantaneously.
"Chess," the inventor declared,
I "is merely a matter of mathemat-
ics. It is easily solved by an In
I strument capable of all mathe
i uatlcal calculations."
BaeJ a"d
Destroyed by Fire
Qmilutf avail I i a ttta hurn ti-tltin u ti a
cirrt f hu hnm on
the Boulevard was burned to the
grouud, together with most of Its
contents. The fire was discovered
at about 10:30 m. and an alarm
sent in to the fire department, but
the building was a mass of flames
by the time the fire fighters arrived.
Some time was lost in locating the
fire, as the alarm was sent in over
the telephone, the person who sent
It in falling to give the address.
Through the telephone central, how
ever, the department found out the:tlons, helping to clean up the human
fire was on the Boulevard, and when refuse of the war. j
they reached the Tavener home the, over a thousand American nurses,,
barn was too far 'gone to be saved.! doctors and relief workers wearing:
insurance was carried on tin ! Red Cross Insignia are scattered !
barn, it Is stated. throughout Europe, -ministering, In ;
many cases, to the same people
ASHLANI) HOYS WINNERS I against whom they were fighting ' In j
OVER ;ilATtt PASS ..... .. .-.l h,.. orn.l
The local high school football team
with lUal Cliy, ana orougiu uome,.
"w - ,
The game was caueu ai i.i anu
two team, started off with a snap. I
Ashland kicked off to Grant. Pass,;ands
who returned the ball to the mid-
Here they, were
held for;
Aowm ,nd CranU Pass punted andUlslons and corp. ot skilled doctors
Ashland made yardage on the sec-
ond down.
! On the next three plays Ashlund1
inrnred its' first touchdown. Clarke.!
. A(,,.,fllld, carrving the
bull over. The game seesawed buck they did not starve,
and forth the rest of the quarter. in devastated France ono and a
In the second period, Heer, Ash-j ilai( million francs worth of provis
lund's half back, went over for a j0ng were distributed free last year,
score on a beautiful broken field run.' A e,imii amount was handed over
The goal was kicked. making the',0 needy Eastern and Central Eur-score14-0.
At the beginning of the' op9,
second half, Ashland Scored again on. . . . .. v,.rnrM h,s formed the
a line smash by Clarke,.
Only once during tho gumc did
Grants Pass make yardage. On runs
they carried the ball for 30 yards,
but here they were stopped und they
hud to punt.
In the last quarter, Les Heer, the
Ashland halfback, carried the ball
through for a touchdown on a beau
tiful broken field rum . Of 35 yards,
evading the whole Grants Pass team.
This Is the fourth game of the
.,. lo.,i,.H , .
class in this game except that Clarke,
who made consistent gains on the
line of the opposing toam. Clarke is
rtr-well developed bi-okta field runner
nnd when given a chance makes
gains that count largely In the final
score. Heer, played a good game at
left half.
The lineup was as follows:
High and Brower, ends; Cockranjbeen able to go Into Ibis work on a.
and Ross, tackles; Small and Snyder,
nuards; Moore, center; Clarke and
Heer, halfbacks; Altken, quarter; 1
Ramsay, fullback. '
Substitutes: Selby, Hnbson, Bu-
chunan and Quatn.
Plumb of this town thinks he has
n straugle-hold on at least one cor
ner of the high cost of livlng-if
he can only put his plan Into exe
cution. Plumb found a chicken with four
legs among a recent hatching. The
chicken is strong and lively and
uses both pairs of legs alternately.
Where Plumb hopes to cash in
is by getting hold of a young four-"
legged cockerel, several of which
have beefl reported hatched in
various parts ot the country. Then
he will Btart breeding four-legged
chickens, he says, which won't
cost any more to 'feed, but will
provide an extra pulr ot drum
sticks tof the Sunday dinner ta
: The idu: kiH6i j f ah 'ashe? au VjT x-N" (mr, this T"
i 'wwi r ir TV 4P7
II IIUll 10 i
(By the United Truss)
PARIS Nov. 9. Two years after
Mm armistice, the American Red
Cross today is still Blg-JJrotherlng j
eighteen war-stricken European na-j
ijuft, ii in esuiumow
inn nn -i,i heln last month in I
Alistl,a-Hungary and Poland alone
. , ,,.,.. ,,.
Ai mo, geuerui "i"
, nold9
... ,, ,' h, ,-. I
reaiiy 10 answer u t" "h "
any part of Europe.
When thous-
were renderea uomeiess Dy
the earthquake In Italy, the American I
Red Cross rushed quantities or pro-;
to the devastated Carrera district.!
I When General Denlkln's offensive
collapsed In South Russia and some
two million refugees crowded Into
'Crimea, the Red Cross saw to It that
habit of looking toward the Amerl-
can relief organization to direct
"first aid" measures, no matter j
where the catastrophe or suffering,
may be. Thanks to it und the Hoover j
Relief Commission, America has!
gained the reputation of the world's,
greatest ultrulst audpliilanthropisl. j
With a 1921 appropriation of $20,-1
000,000 already assured for next I
year's work here, R'e.l Cross chiefs I
'ar nlHTiiilnir to concentra
te on child I
welfare- throughout the eminent,
thus helping tp stave off the ill
effects of war physical and mental
upon the coming -generation. I
The Red Cross plui.- to put 150 j
trained units in the field to look af-j
ter the physical welfare of tho 2.-1
000,000 children whom the American j
Relief Association is feeding. Up I
to the present the Ited Cross has!
limited scale only.
I PORTLAND. Nov. J The drive
"J drive for $62,600 for the Oregon W.
! C. T. lr. farm home, from counties i
'outside of Multnomah county, will!
get under way In every part of the I
Istute November 15 und continue for)
one week. The money will be usedj
in the establishment of a farm home
In Benton county where orphan and.
dependent children will be given ev
ery home and educational advantage.
The state committee has sent no-
tice to ull county chairmen of the!
quotas for each county, In order that
all preliminary plans for the drive
may be completed. The quota fixed
for Jackson county Is $2850. I
End of a Perfect
! 12850
More Indictments
In Bank Failure
Two additional iiidk'tmeuts in the j
Jacksonville bauk fuse were au-!
nounced yesterday, one against lleui
M. Collins, mi automobile dealer of:
Grants Pass, aud the other against,
J. E. Bartlelt, ot Medford. Accord -
iug to a high couuty official the iu-j
dictment against "John Doe" whose I
presence Ir unknown, is for the "mus-1
itti num. in iud wmniiiii vi mc 111-
istltutloii. This man it said to have
left Jackson county several months
The Ashlund Naturla Carbonic
Company is a new' organization
consisting ot George. L. Utiland,,
Andrew Kocrner, Clarence J.
Young, of Portland, which has
recently Incorporated with a cap
ital stock ot $25,000. This new
concern will produce and market'
carbonic acid gas in Ashland. The
new company will have their '.ti
ces In Ashland and will erect a
plant at the Pompadour Mineral
Springs for tho liquiditlcatlon ot
natural carbonic gus. The sell
ing ot this gas will be carried
on by the Liquid Carbonic Com
pany of Chicago, the largest pro
ducers of carbonic fas in the
I'nlted States.
This new industry was perfect
ed a few weeks ago when Hurry
Sliver, manager ot the Pompadour
Mineral Springs company was In
Chicago, and Is completing the
plans inau;;uarted before the
world war called a bait to the
revelopment of the springs and
Carbonic gas production. It Is
expected to soe extensive business
development r.long this line in the
near future.
A recent dispatch from Hono
lulu, H. T., states that a former
Ashlund, Or., man, Bob Spencer,
will lead the University of liuwiill
football team when the varsity
squad tungles with the University
of .Nevada tit Honolulu on Christ1
mas day, in the first big foot ball
game staged in the Pueiflc. This
will be the first time that n main
land football team bus played In
the islands.
Spencer is quurter-huck for I lie
Hawaii squad and is rated as an
no! her Menerr.d for headiness and
speed. This will be his third
year on the collngn team.
The University of Hawaii team
this year is lighter than It was
last year, tin ave-aee weight be
ing 162 pounds as nguliiHl 170
pounds last season. Neverthe
less, it is expected to put up 11
strong game apnlnst Nevada. The
college team, went through last
season without a defeat, despite
the fact thnt It tuck ltd some
teams that outweighed It twenty
pounds to the man. Hay Eliot,
formerly of .Pomona college, Cali
fornia, Is the present couch.
Mr. Spencer is well known in
Ashlund where he lived until a
few years ago when he went to
Honolulu where he has been lo
cated. Ho Is a brother of Miss
Winifred Spencer, a teacher in
the public schools.
Ashland's new board of council
men will be W. E. Blake, O. M.
Frost, J. L. Harner, A. C. Joy, C.
H. Pierce and F. J. Shinn. At the
election yesterday, W. E. Blake
led the ticket for councllmanic
honors with a vote of 886. Frost
followed with 874, Plerco 807.
Shlnn 765, Joy, 716 and Harner
630. "JJ
'Scandals' Offer
Girls, Comedy and
floilOP PoHar
wlCvi rdlCl
A uevy o( l"t"r t-hh "uo cau
slng aud dance well and who are
beautifully" gowned, with several
,e etertalerl adding zest to the
, , ..,. . . , ,,.,
show, the "White Scandals ot 1919"
made Its bow at Ye Liberty plny
limiaa liiaf nlirht fur a one week's
. , . , , ,,, ., . ,
stand.. Intertwined with the girls
und the male end of the show Is a
, , . ! 11 ,
r,.,w.v . nun nff bnn M Wfll-llt fir tlur
'""W D.V.f,.,B ' y - 1
excellent scenlo effects. Added to
all of this Is some delightful music, 1
old and new.
Duke Rogers is truly funny. As
a broken-down musician out ot a
Job through the famous eighteenth,
amendment and afterward as a wait-;
er on an out-at-sea cabaret, Duko
does some clever work. His scun-;
duy-mongerlng about the rest of the;
company and bis songs are well worth
listening to. Miss Grace Cameron,'
who off the stage is the wife oti
Duke, does several clever turnss, par
ticularly the one In which she Is a
street urchin, and also as a little
old woman who knows all about her
neighbors, but never scandalizes.
Juck Edwards, a nimble-footed
yong man, does several fancy and
difficult dancing steps und does much
to enrry the show along. Miss Irene:
Gray as the prima donna is one of
those rare leading ladies who can;
sing and has an excellent stage pres
ence. Others who add to the delight
fulness of the Scuuduls are Helen
Wilson, Elizabeth Hopkins, lllani-hu'
Boone and Dorothy Posty.
U I r...,l.. ..u lll.l.r,t l Ilia
final scene iu good, and Victor Curno
creates plenty 01 umuseiiiem ... iu
attorney for the defense.
t . .1.. ............ . l.a U'I,(IU'
I .tiii.'i.K u. . ...
1 w uv iTi.i. co nuoseu 01 .Messrs. .1 111
iiny HticKiey, wany snnrpics mm . ntra
I Ilisland, who sing and dance well, '
' and do a bit ot vaudeville that Is ex-
ceptionally clever. ' " HO DKFKATKII TIIK.
; Being a revue, there is the usual. KM4VAI. OK 4'OI'XTY SEAT
fashion parade und the display of As Med ford's correspondent to the
'fetching gowns with a sung to lllus- 'Oregonian bus seen fit to chargJ
itrate each character. j Ashland with the defeat of the pro-
Tlie above is the newspaper com- rosal to move the couuty seut, it Is
'nient of this delightful niusciul show, only pertinent to mill the attention of
I which will come to the Vinig Frl- the voters of the county to Medford's
(lav, November 12.
Classes Ashland
As Health Resort
: (Special to The Tidings I
; WOODMURN. Ore., Nov. 9 Words
i of commendation for Ashland wbm
'spoken recently by Mrs. Wni. Mishler
of this city, which will have u real
i message for people o' Oregon und
! the Pacific const. Mrs. Mishler said:
"I was born und Hved for some found to be -4 2 5 which means that 423
time at Ashland, and I firmly believe .Medford voters through apathy, In
1 Hint Ashlund Is the healthiest place ' difference or Ignorance, failed to ex
4 In Oregon. I hope to return some press themselves on the question of
;day to that city." removal, Who is to hlamo for the
I The city of Woodliuin is located In! failure of this measure. Ashlund or
'the Willumette valley, which valley1 Medford?
lis considered the "Garden Spot of It Is Interesting too to note that
! Oregon," but it cannot compare with Jacksonville cast more votes on the
' Ashland as to health requirements. 1 removal question thau they did for
1 president.
j I Had Medford voters hown the
LONDON, Nov. 9 "This Is the
house Ihut Jill built."
The Jills of England are competing
with the .lucks iu many trades hlth-
erto monopolized by meu nnd uu In-
teresting advent uro Into the building
trade Is now being made by 11 firm
stylod "Women Rudders," which has
its offices ut 56 Victoria Street.
The women's I loneer In this move -
i ment is Mrs. Oliver Strackey, who ha which we havo hud occasion to visit,
just completed the building of her! we came upon this group pitching
1 own house at Hasleiuere. For this their tent. We asked the Indian
house she wiis her own contractor uus what lln-y thongiit of our park,
and employed ulmost exclusively fe-: Thinking as we do and knowing
Imule labor, women ruin 111 1 m the what the opinion is of tourists along
i walls, shoveliii'.; the earth and ills- the coast route, Imagine our surprise
tempering the rooms. .when the spokesman described it as
However, a ineni mull bricklayer "punk." Thnt remark mudn us see
built the chimneys and a burly male' red for awhile, but cooling down w
carpenter ma.lii the doors. heard him out. He further stated
-Mrs. Strackey is now busy building , that to be a good park we should
another house and is Increasing her have free bath, furnished rooms, an
'numbers of women workers. Many ; electric Iron and washer. He said
ex-fa rnieret les und others have ap- that at Boise. Idaho, such luxuries
plied to her for employment in the were provided.
building trade. In the spring the During our limited travels we
private compunv which is being form- have never seen such a naturul and
e.l with Mis. SI racket at its head , beautiful park in any city that wi
will launch nut on a bigger scale and near the slie of Ash'und. nor cities
undertake the building of houses, many 4ime larger, and we are of
large und (mull, cottages, gurages,.'lhe opinion that the aforesaid people
etc., for clients who can. if they wish., could not he suited if a strictly up
supply their own plans. ; tcdste modern housetfiwe of course)
On the first house she built. Mrs. with free hath, all electrical contriv
Strurkey claims she saved at least unres. steam heat, etc., were pro-
200 (about $1000) and the oldvlded for their comfort. It would
Established male contractors are be- not have been surprising In the
ginning to look to their laurels, for, least If they hid expected free gro-
the women have proved themselves! ceries. and possibly a maid or two.
Just as efficient as men at the work, Enough is a plenty, and we rail the
and quite a lot quicker. above down-right Ingratitude.
PORTLAND, Nov, 9 Great Im
provement in Its passenger train
schedules will be nisile by the South-
em Puclfic company, November 14
A new train, "The .Shasta," No. 11.
twill leave Portland at 4 p. 111. daily.
.arriving In San Francisco the follow
lug day ut 10 p. m. The San Fran
cisco express No. IS, will leave Port
land at 7:30 p. in.. Instead of 8 p.
m. as at present, arriving in San
Francisco at 7:30 a. 111.
There will be no change iu "The
Oregonian," No. 53, lenving Port
laud at 1 a. m. The California ex
press, No. 15, now leaving PortUind
at 9:30 a. 111., will leave ut 8:40 a.
ni., arriving ut Sen Francisco at 6:50
p. m.
Effective with this chunge through
i sleeping car service will be inaugu
rated between Portland, Turoinu and
; Seattle, und Seattle and Los Angeles
via Sacramento aud Sail Joaquin val
ley, leaving Seattle at 11:15 p. ni..
iund Portland on train 15 ut 8:40 a.
' ni., arriving ut Los Angeles early the
second morning euroute from Port
lund. Trnlns 11, 13 11 nil 15 will rar
ry through stundurd sleepers from
Portland. Tacoma and Seattle to San
North bound the new train, 'The
Shasta," No. 12, will leave Sau Fran
cisco at 4 p. m., arriving at Portland
fat 10 p. m., Tacoma at 4:50 a. m.,
and Seattle ut 6:30 u. 111. Other
'northbound trnlns will continue t.
leave Sun Francisco at
., m ml ,0.2()
10:20 a. m.,
p. in. This
-.hnll, .,.. ..Tl. ."
! well as trains now operating, except
,he 8.20 m ,,.,
will curry the
sleepers' to Se-
own vote on this question." By itf
terrlng to the Medford Mail-Tribune's
tabulated vole It hi shown
thnt Medford's twelve voting pro
ducts voted us follows:
Harding 1555
Cox 824
Total vote of president .. 2379
The siiiiie precincts voted:
For county sent removal ... 17 8!)
Against 156
Tot til vote on removal 1954
lly subtract iuc tho total removal
mtes 1951, from the total vote for
President, 2379, the difference is
'same loyalty in heli.ilf of removal
j that . Jacksonville voters showed
! removal, the measure would
'have curried and Medford would be
the county sett.
There ape several kinds ot in
ajre several kinds
gratitude, but the meanest kind that
we know of Is akin Iu an iucident
which occurred Suudny afternoon in
this city. An uuto purty of three
' from Indluuu bud plopped In the
uuto park outside ot this city which
has become so renowned through
Oregon, Washington i.nd California,
'and were putting up their tents, etc.,
1 preparatory to milking camp. After
enjoying a glorious hour In this, the
1 most delightful nnd grand park