Ashland weekly tidings. (Ashland, Or.) 1919-1924, November 03, 1920, Image 1

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    rtioa Hlitorlcal SooUtr
NO. 10
William F. Songer, possibly one
o( the oldest residents o( Jackson
county died at his homo on Hel-
man street, Friday, October 29,
. 1920. Mr. Songer wuu taken 111
Tuesday and while all that wed
1 leal skill and untiring devotion
! by his family could devise was
doue (or him , the life that had
Bagley Cannery
Ships Apple lukerfu
U-Year.Old Boy
Language Expert
Her and C.
Medford yes
terday to attend a meeting of the NEW YORK, Nov. 2 In Fredj Ashland citizens who assisted in
Board of Girl's Conference Work- San tne a 1 3-vear-old freshman. fillin" 11)0 carload of clothing for
The Bagley Canning company . rg The pertnaneiu organisation j Harvard recently toasted a boy the. need' Armenians received
Ct(t D.......f
Y. Organization
of Talent is running full blast at
; was strengthened, a constitution i prodigy thut would give the other
. r,..1n 4nlnA fun
iiiesoni ..a....... i adopted and practically the same : colleges something to think about.
which this cannery has become. (icen W(jre r6ol),cted . Mr, j (fi Columbia Cnlver-
wiueiy lamous. riom o .iNi Warner. Mrs. T. G.iliv wlih a 12-vear-old freshman.
through the committee in charge
of collecting the clothes, the grate
ful thanks of the state committee
A called meeting of the sub
scribers to the County Y. M. C. A.
fund was held yesterday afternoon
at the Medtord Public library to
liy ICil L. Keen.
(IT. P. Staff Correspondent)
I have told the Roumanians and the
. NEW YORK, Nov. 2 Apprecl-i Serbs at the peace conference,
htlug tho very great ndruntage of; Senator Cummins, In Iowa, la
having .both the legislative and: reported to have had some diffl
executlve branches of the govern-, cultles In his campaign and deru-
lucnt of the same political faith
managers of the two big parties
liavo devoted much time and en
ergy and money to the congres
sional campaign.
ocrutsr are freely predicting that
unless Harding and Coolldge carry
1000 tons of cull apples are be-! ,, . .ecretarv: Mr. .1 w Hnvt ' wi, p.itt.r,i ! saker , state director of the Near
lingered so long In the sunset fad-jing utilized for this product, and trPa9urer. Mrs. John Fuller, regis-j Jr 12 applied to take the en-jEa9t Rell('f- w'tes t H. E. Bad
ed away, and death closed a long i an average of 3000 gallons of(trar. M-9g Agnog DuUap pub,C,y ; tnuic9 'examati0Il3 ul Columbia.1 W ot the local committee as (el
and useful career at 6:15 o'clock apple Juico Is tinned und turned Phalman Mi , carlton.i the facnttv decided at least "lt!'": '
for their donation. .1. J. IIund. effect the permanent organization.
out. The product Is expected to; , , M , ., i ,,, ,,,.,., ,nr ,,,, ,J "To Those Flllins Oregon's Cur
be from 20 to 26 carloads of cans,, naIlcu, 8ecretury ad M,.g M c , take them. Young Hardy not only ot Clothing for Armenia:
amounting to about 200,000 gal-! Uo(,d program 9ec,otary. Ipassed, but made the highest' "I w"t to lhank you and all,
Ions and will be put upon the mur-, M,sa Carlt01, rev!ewed the work grade on record tor entrance. He; wuo worliel U you (or the
ke.t from Alaska to Southern Cal- ot , gppond year anJ gg g,10;now b011aU the freshmell gkHiIcap. clothing yon sent for the Near1
iforula, and extending east as '"V spoke of Impressions made and the. The youthful prodigy is 5 foet ! Ka9 Re'lef- '
as Pittsburgh, Pa., and all a'011" hearts ot girl touched to new pur-1 3 Inches tall, weighs 143 pounds1 "Owing to shipping by water,
the Atlantic const. ; poses, the women felt the work and Is perfectly normal In appe-"j,h shipment will not go forward
11 i I i.tia imo.m .,.... i, .a i.. i..... ..j iia I until ubout October 31st. so that
....... u.nuu llllinL uo lUIIU.IUeil. 11LO. iinuiix Ul.U i ci; 1 CU I IUI1D. .IW , - - . ...
the state by 100,000 they will' arriving in Portland, and later OREGON'S SHARK IX land that thev would work und Biiinv iiinrnmrlilv th university 'delayed shipments may still reach' m" ' ..l ; " lor, treasurer
have a fair chance of sending, settled for two years In Astorla.j XAT'L FOREST RECEIPTS pray with renewed faith for the swimming pool. Ho is a jolly look-' U9 if coming by October 28th.
Claude R. Porter to the senate. ; Leaving that section he came to j - ! third anminl Summer Cump for Ung little chap who smiles read-; "A lettor Just coining from Con-,
Senator Marc Smith In Arizona,1 the Rogue River valley in 1854, CI It-la In Ashland trrk next sum
this morning.
Mr. Songer had been n fumillar
figure In Ashland practically with
in the memory of every Inhabi
tant. Ho was a native ot the state
of Indiana, having been boru
July 4, 1826. In 1852 ho made
the arduous pussage across the
great desert wastes ot America,
The following were elected as
members of the County Commit
tee: J. O. Mann. 11. C. Carnett,
H. E. Marsh, C. A. Meeker, Clenn
O. Taylor, E. N. Warner, W.N.
Wells, Walter Frazer Brown, Al
viu Wheeler, J. O. Rigs, C. II.
Latnkin, G. H. Hillings. V. O. N.
Smith and 0. F. Carson.
The county committee met Im
mediately afterward and elected
tho following: J. '". Mann, chair
man; V. O. X. Smith, vico chair-
Inasmucn as the republicans con
trol the senate now by only onejls said to have had considerable and was among tho first settiersi Thirty-one of the counties of mer,
yote (exclusive of that of Senator I difficulty .holding the labor sup-, to locate here. I Oregon share in the distribution
Newberry of Michigan who is port for the democrats. i rinding the neighborhood andot f 121,623.52 derived from Na-
pwaltlng appeal for a new trial on In Utah It la generally expected j genlul, health-giving climate much ' t011ul Fol.e8t business in the state
; stantlnople, expresses pathetic
and (1. H. Billings, recording sec
retary. These font- officers, to
gelher with E. N". Warner and Al-
vin Wheeler, constitute the execu-
the charge of violation of the lec-that Senator Smoot will run ahead
lion laws,) with tho chances aboutiot Harding. -ven
between republicans and dem-j In the struggle for control of
ocrats for control after March 4, ! the next bouse of representative?.
next, the managers have largely
- concentrated on the senatorlul
fights In the various states.
These contests generally have
been waged with more vigor, and
In some Instances with more bit
terness, than even the presiden
tial campaign. Although the league
of nations has been the "para-
the odds are considerably in favor
of the republicans, owing to their
majority in the present house of
But, notwithstanding this handi
cap, democratic managers, at the
close of one of the hottest congres
sional campaigns in recent years,
are confidently predicting a demo-
to his liking, Mr. Songer plckeel j jurinK tle n8cai year 1920, ac-
Ashland for his ncme, and badlcordlng l0 figureH furnished by,
resided here from his first Jour-j Korest Service officials hero. Thlsi
ney to Southern Oregon to the layumouut , 2; per cent of the total1
of his death, and this section has ' recejptg from tne National Forests!
witnessed the struggle with the tor llllH fiscal year iu Oregon and
The Social Realm
Pleasant Surprise.
..t.l.tlA uhnAl ul B-tl! t It lltln tlf I ll u t'..all.t ,.f a Iw.v
.uu.u ,.,u.,u ... .... ... . (jvn f,)lllmittee
the age of 3. At H he was study- of clothing w,iKhlK 200 mmmMtm wl take
ing In high school. He speaks 12 pounds. We hope to send two a( work of ;(
languages and plans to Chi- , hundred such boxes. Refugees are ' C(imi(v M01.etl.v am, ,
nese next. For a pastime he heads pouring Into Constantinople by th- h()1,d lat erer);liuK will h ,
Syrian und Babylonian tablets and thousands, due to the constant ,,,.. ,n,l(M. witllil, ew weeks
investigates the fourth dimension, fighting between the Turks and
. ; tho n reeks. Since I received the $MM Sl IIM UlltFI)
Lemans, Fiance. Nov. 2. Sadl request for the car of clolhlii!;. the lull ntl'XTV
.'Greek government has asked u
Th rpciilui- M-e-.ttv nf I.ernlntn. the aviator who recent- 'ree gineinment nas nsKeu ur ti,., (,.,,,, solicit iuir fundi to
wilderness wnicu was imaiiy over- goeg t0 swel tlle road and ,chool tho c L s c wag al ,he. ,y wo tl(, ,,,,, I)(,llm)U CUI)i to supply relief workers, elothiug establish the countv Y. M. C. A.
come by the sheer tenacity and funda 0, tne counties in which the, Wintf)1. hom h(l Iiolllevard ' established what is declared to"1"1 supplies for It.onfl O reeks ni gathered at luncheon today noon
unfaltering mnors wntcn placed , foreiltll of the Btate are located. Monday at 2 p. in. The event ter-j be an automobile record for 200 ''"'
Mr. Songer among the foremost
farmers and stock misers of Jack
son county.
During his long resideuce in
Ashlund, Mr. Songer was deeply
mount Issue- in the fieht for tho'c'"tlc m,,rBn of (rom ten ,0 flf
national tickets, It has been over-ltecn voteB' 0n ,he otller hand, interested in the development of
shadowed In the enatorlal cam-'"16 republicans are hoping to in- the country and served his county
pulgn, iu some of the states at ! crease their lead to at least 60 and as a member of the legislature
JeaBt, by local Issues. ,
Thirty-four new cenators are to
1e chosen today, from thirty-three,
xtntes, Alabama choosing two. Ac-
possibly 70. for a term, and also was a member
Democratic managers, besideslot the board of the city council.
at the Hotel Austin, ami showed
The amount turned over to the, ,i,lat.i . v.iil,ln ....nrU t,. melnra. toine the distanse in 13 "M-- 1,1111 Alr- H'inihn have gon- , lle plld of ilifii- three davs can-
state from this Bource tor 1919jthe preaidcllt of the or(eaiiiBsttliii. :t-4 seconds. : 10 1Jll,ol". ""d we are hurrying ,nss the sum of 1!00 has been
was 115,405.65. Including the Mit Wm Meypr Elirh of thP . shipments of clothing, for this is ,i,soribed. The team of O. F.
tirst payment ot $7,685.96 In ' u.mberl, pregent wag alot(,d ., 1 ,,,,,,. nf ,)r (,,; -lIn, n M, oreI' nded, as the plague hua (.arsn was slightly In advance of
1906, the state has received to nve-ininute period on a given n,-0wer of this eily and In u moH hkn nl" ,",10"R "", rntn- that of Mayor I.amhln. As there
date from this 25 per cent fund cnI , , oreaon. ' Xee,llss to J(.. u,i (,.i..,.t,.,i v,,,,,,.- ,,. By iakll't-r '"'er sanitary condi- ro ,)0,Sous who have not been so-
$s i a.itDJ.Di lor uisiriouiion iu
the National Forest counties,
cording to tho forecasts of politi
cal observers generally, It Beams
reasonably certain that the repub
licans will return senators from
Vermont, New York, Pennsylva
nia, Ohio, Illinois, Kansns, North
Pakota and Washington; while it
appears equally certain that the
democrats will return their two
expressing entire confidence In be
ing able to hold their own In the
south, and iu addition to their
hopes in the eastern states, above
referred to, are predicting gains
of four in Ohio, six in Indiana,
where at present they have no
congressmen ; one In West Virgin
ia, one iu Maryland, ope in Okla
homa, at least one In Illinois and
one or two each in Wisconson and
MinnAHntu. In thr far wput. t.hpv
from Alabama, and one each Irouiie , , k what , have
Virginia, North Carolina, South
Carolina, Georgia, Florida, Louis- -gh hkeT CROP
lana, Arkansas and Oklahoma. j LARGE IX MOXTAXA
The expected changes, if any BILLINGS, Mont. The local
it-Mi In Ilia fnllnwltlir KtiitA!. ...
... ... ..... ...... jiaciory ot tne ure-i western bu-
which tho republicans are hoping. gar compauy ls HWamPed with
to retain In their list: New Hamp-! beets ,hat navg bet!n brought n
r.hire, Connecticut, Indiana, MI-.'(rom yeiiOW8toue valley fields. At
sourl, Iowa, Ctah und Wisconsin; ,im 1 5 nnn tnn nr two strlnea
and in the following which the'()f cal.g morfl thau a mUe iongMoiii9 Songer o( Ashland, two
democrats are striving to retain. wer)J on the ,rack, leadjng t0 the ; brothers. Dr. S. T. Songer also of
Maryland, Kentucky. South Da- fact , A w R Kit-
Koia, luHiio. ,o..u. .v . ."".- Tne fllct01-y after several delays, mundy. Ills., and one sister, Miss
With the increasing years, this
jsay the "survey" was well and man. She Is a rrudiintK or the
efficiently performed. The Mon- ,iiL,iwi i.Il.Ii vfiw., i nf ihu rli.xs
The Oregon counties which share. sorri ,..gtem WUs comnrehen- f isis .i ,, her
in the distribution ot National For-; siVHy delineated by Mrs. M. New- cmlrw ghe went lo Wusalnptoa.
naKer, neniun
nged man ceased from active ,bt -(Clackamas, Coos, Crook. Curry.' Bh(, wag also , ((f Mu(lalnP '
ness but his interest in Ashland s Descl,utes, Douglas. Grant, Har-, Mollte80rrl. Tll9 nost(!8B1.8 . M fln,f,
deve opment was M keen aa ever., Dey, Hood River, Jackson. Jeffer-: willler an Scnwelll( w(h afcug. ong ,
Particularly did he take as much 80, j0Bephlne, Klamath, Lake,; (llled tuct workw , was during her sojoum
pride and Interest in the park and ,., L,nn, Lincoln, Malheur, Ma- surprse , ,, ,
springs developmen aa he did In rlon, Morrow, Multnomah, Polk, i (,(mt )t navlllff de, ,
hia tnrHv iliml tftnriu nnn nlninat : m nt ni. f,.nit., mt n
: , . " "j ""'. """". -. "--.meeting was also Mrs. Meyer's l,,,,l. The latter Is employed III
lowa, wasco, neeier an.i ram- ,)irthUay annlveniary. Two beau- the signal service iu that city.
bil1, 'tifully decorated birthday cakes ' Rrower went lo Chicago a shoit.
The area of National Forest land of am)le pi.opol.tions, were carved time ago to visit will, friend, and
In Crater forest In Douglas, Jack-. in honor of the con8plcu()U8 eve,U relatjves am, was m(( (Uim,ii )y
son, Josephine and Klamath coun-! and otner refre(i,meIlt8 were i; Ml. ol),,a whvr the lnar -mfi,
ties, totals 802,128 acres, and theline wjth , godal OCCIIHlon. Mni. i took mace. After visiting in Chi
amount paid to the state from . M ,;VBP . . ,.oao.,i .....i .. , , .....
place Sunday afternoon at 2:30; the forest's receints is $19 144 66 . . .
' , . , .. ,, . Jlne " receipts is u,m,. c,ke of soap 8hower, all qualities Hobbs will go to Wash nglnn to
from the residence at 45 Heman,Tne a.ea ot Klamath forest in f compoulld from Vole, ,
atreeU with interment in Moun- jat.K8oa county Is 8,723 acres, with rearo to D.Jer Kl35 being 1 evi. ' '
tain View cemetery beside his wife, ,S0.01 receipts, and the area of ence, aluI w.ere accompanie(, ,)y ' Hnllowe.,.n ,.,,,-.
! t mpqua iorest in uoos. uougias, ntnrn,. hnn .... j0..i..h, t
jacKson, josepntnecnu Lane coun- the Iltere8,lllg PVent-not
ties totals 1.010.6J3 acres, with ,ll)ly one a8 fn0W8:
up to hlB final illness wag this re
markable man seen sitting under
the trees Iu the park, deeply In
terested in the various changes
and Improvements taking place
The funeral services will take
tions in nalouin, our car of cloth-, M0ittl yet. the teams will continue
Ing may he the mnaiis of helping Ull, ,, fn fon0 rllised
save the lives of our Oregon rep- 0.rt(,r t() 1Pp , t,e Hinaller dls
resentu lives. (l.cts vbMx ,. nt ,,1,1,, to r.,s
We are plaiiuing for a liberal Hieir quota. Anyone desiring to
Chrimas offering through-the I)lltkn a contribution toward this
Sunday schools and the regular project l asked to leave It either
campaign during the next few w,, Homer lllllingn or V. O. N.
months. In this I am sure we shall Smith.
have your continued co-operation. :
"Cordially yours, ENTERPRISE East Oregon
"J. .(. HAXDSAKKR, - Lumber company announces 20
"State Director." per cent wage reduction.
Herman J. Hlnsltamp, estate;
Lee Triiett Waters, et ul (min
ors), estnte; licenso to Bell really.
Guy W. Connor, Frunk P. Far
rell; assume the business name
of "Medtord Land and Insurance
I --r-J
everal years ago. Surviving Mr.
Songer are one (laughter, Miss
14,775.78 receipts.
uregon aim Luinornia, , ruilng at capacity, handling
In no states of tho thirty-three 210(J ,ong of beets dally ,
have tho contests for the senator-; u ,g esllmated that the bfct
nhlp been conducted with more..crop for the reglon th)s year ,
energy than in Xew Hampshire. 150 ou0 iMB This year the farm
and Connecticut, where Senators! er ure lmylng goud weather for
Moses and nrnndegee have bcen,theil. ueet harTe8t for th9 tir8t
subject to a hot democratic flrcitjme , several yean
on account of thtir "irreconcll-l
embedded in the river bank.
ability" with regard to the league ' nHX(i PIGEONS
of nulions. It was in these states j MAKE FAST TIME
that the chief irreconcilable, Sen-, rjuxfj Two homing pigeons
nor Borah, made hit- first appear-, from the w j Spr0Rt loft, aided
nnce on the stump In the present by gUff wlnd made the almo8t
rampaign. While the republicans unbelievable time of 28 miles
profess to be confident of victory, ,n 25 mmite8. The bird's were
the democrats say they are equally; released at La P110 by Forest Su
sure of defeating both these sen- pervi80r piumb at 8:30 o'clock In
ntors, largely through the woman th(J morUg ali arrved in Bend
vote. Moses nnd Brnndegee were at 8;65 oio The rate was
both pronounced anti-sutfrugists,-we ver a mie a minute. Just
nnd although Augustine Loner-, now lnucn th)J birds were a89gted million years ago,
gan, Brandegee s opponent, is also .by the wlnd ,g imposallle to tell ;
opposed to women's voting, s as lts velocity could not be mefls-
support of the league is expected ured
hy the democrats to attract the,
Mollie Songer, also of Kllmundy.
Blame Short
Skirts for Auto
mobile Accidents
1 "We may live without learning,
We may live without hope;
But pray tell me who
Can live without soap."
Circuit Court.
A. Weathorby vs. G. A. Morse; Aeoncv
stipulation. . . ., K. G. Trowbridge. II. D. Mills,
Bullock Merc. Agency va. Ora E. fi. a. Codding, Incorporate as
Kay, et ux; for money; summons. i-Medfnrd Iron Works '"
H. N. Anderson vs. O. J. Bill, et1 Sl.nnnn Farlnw ..state: ndmlt-
pleasnnt "Piesto, change!" nl; foreclosure. ted to nrohnte.
the, Presbyterian young women Irving V. Huley vs. .1. R. Wick, Chu. Young, estate; admitted
who are Mrs Wick's Blhlo class 01 "'' lo q"'L''- to probate.
who are Mis. 11 s class , AI((n,g A(lju8lment Co ,i p ff ,
on Sunday niornlmv I line the lc V8 E L Mann. ror money. y
Westminster Guild. Sunday eve- Iu the mutter of liquidation of Samuel H Duffleld eslnte- nroof
LEWISTON, Idaho While en-!
gaged in tho construction of the
Clearwater highway near Arrow!
Junction, a steam shovel recently!
uncovered the bones of a dinosaur 'serving Tom Flinn writes Mayor Whittle.
nlug. In this dual capneity they '!' Hank of Jacksonville; petl- ot publication
were entertained last eveninir .V or ' . . . ' Eva Roberts
rtiurv if 11 h i'ituiiitin va a i. . . . 1...
Those present were: Mesdames : uiH8 Ksl,.,la ,.,. acting presi- Freeman; ' order, aHldavlt. sum--CXslo Woman Monroe Washing-
win. JHeyer, m. awiituri, r. i,. rui- rlillt or t lie liUIIU. AOOUl au guests moils. ... n,iatu- InvelltorV and
Lydiu Lovelund vs. John M. ,.1,il,n,pnt
nam, A. C. Brlggs, L. Schweln, ' enjoyed the social, from tho gay
Winter, S. Cochran, R. Billings, conversation to the elegant sup-
estate; final uc-
Lovelaud; default, affidavit.
City of Ashlund vs. W. W. roll"Ilt." or(lei..
J. D. Anderson, estate; final ac-
;F.'H. Johnson, G. Icenhower, and pPr that crowned the evening. Druke, et al; summons, order, af
I. P. Leslie. Visitors were Mes- The long table was beautiful fiduvit.
NEW YORK. Nov. 2 An ob-1 dames M. Newland-Judy and F. F. ,-f 1 1 Autumn decorations und the Kearney Roblnsoii vs.
Transfer & Storage Co., et al; an-.,, J2400
Ileal K.slnto Truiwfen.
. Mary A. Peterson, et vlr, to M.
Ends n n,,a Sp . 4,1 ,, 10 u u
Hylan that the hiuh elevation of
A. A. McGnvern et ux to M. D.
1 menu elegant and bountiful. '
Little Misses Maxine Emery and r;iHdys E. Cobleiuh vs. Roy Cob- ,,,' 0'CT . 00 o' n'
I Louise Moor were bewitchlnglv lelgh; sunimons. tliOO.
waiter tverton vs. nuuonni , ranll011 0 M olds,
change assn,; motion, order. wl, n( VH RK n NW. vi; of
Manv ot thn bones were shatter-1 ladies' skirts is responsible for the 1 Ladies' Day nt Elks Club.
ed by the shovel before their na-''Bh automobile death rate. Tom: Mrs. F. G. Swedenburg and dressed as Hallowe'en witches to
ture could be ascertained. Three Flinn penned this: Mrs. J. H. McGee will be hoslesses assist in the serving. Altogether
or four riaantic bones were seen "Dear Sir: There has been a for the (.pening party of tho Elk's t was a very happy occasion to County Creamery; summons.
protruding from the dirt nnd rock lot of tulk tlle newspapers about Club tomorrow afternoon. Moth- u present. The Coinnierclal Corporation. 1 go() 'j, 1S s R
ami limso up... .nvpd n..o w.i your wanting the nutomobllu to era, wives, sisters and daughters . '"I; V9- : (iol'!l,l"i; cost l""' Kd (i'Meila el ux to E.
- , , ,, ., , , , writ 01 aiiucumeiu.
five feet In length. They were st0P killing people. It nin t the of Elks ere el'g'.hle and are cor-j Itii-thday Party. KlM n wilcox vs. Harry H
broiiaht to this city. Local stu-l automobiles fault. Tlie trouble , dlully Invited '.o attend. I The birthday of Carlton Wil- Wilcox; summons.
ain't there. Make the wlnimeu . Hums, the little 3-vear-old son of iN. . lioruen s. t.eorge ti. au-
dents of prehistoric life huve pro
nounced the ronmlng those of a . folks luit waring dresses so high. ;
dinosaur which existed about a , That's the trouble. Men walking' Miss Mine B.owe
Murrlet! in ( iiic;igo.
i Mr. and Mrs. Albert Williams, was
l1' '. ' wnn.iut vs. JeKHonSW- ep g ,w s Ri 4B; ,50,
I.ou E. Reader lo M. I). Olds;
T. Mer
rill, SK sec. 4. tp. .'IS, S. It. 4E;
Clarence IV Groesbeck et ux to
M. D. Olds: lots 3 nnd 4. SU, of
NW,- arc. 4, twp. 38, S. It. 4E;
drews; affidavit, order.
1 1 .1.. m nf.. '
nf At.hll.nd 1 cnliifit-ntp.l lit thnli' limnn no VIkI II ... .1.... S.lUMU
Walter Gaslln' lo M. D. Olds: lot
1. SE'i of NE'4 , E'-i of SRVi of
Ion the streets and driving cars and William ll. Hobbs ot Wash- street, by a party at which a mini- Will 11. Baruett. superintendent
can't keep their minds on their fngton, D. C, n:e vnlled in mar- ber of tiny tots were present. The of hanks, vs. II. E. Haney, et ul; SK1 fic 2' ,'wp' ;ts,"a. R. 4E.
ririTH'.TTC . Vn... ton nrtft rt... .... ...... ..fx,,!-. M,'n.. I., fi..: ... 11..1.. .1 1 w.mci iiiniiiinm i.
j .71. . .iiJiT f i,vt"vu linn- juus. 1110 Uttii L iu". in.j uurn ii. ii. V' u, iiiuiiiiii; uti IT. - llll.o Ullvo H;,I-U Mtllli-n nun mini- j 1 d i " v8 It D HilieS Ot
ery in operation. I shuns at wonce." : noon. The bride is the youngest ty refreshments were served. a. Pptitiou, oriler.
I - Talent Irrigation Co., Inc., vs.
bulk of the feminine contingent In fovicR CROPS TO PLAXT XOWl
that state.
OrchardlstB who have not been jf
rmzmmwmm wmmmmmimmmwMmmwwmm,imTVw ii-iiiiiiiiiimiiii i 11 i i imjii . i 'iiii
n -a
1 r Indian Summer 1 1
: ( ui IU 1
i ni T k iiS Tfin
I 1 1 fEU.TAItfc tiERPiE?) f1 . i I
I V WROinrc yoy LOOK. i,
I J X (505H. I PEEL K g f 1
i WW Vm A1
5IiH!?;nii "ST" Edwin P. Hughes, et ul; motion.
Jackson County to Wuh Chung:
QCI) to lots 1, 2, S and 9. blorfc
A. Itailroad add. to Ashlund.
W. W. Nunn to H. H. Dullois.
et ux; Wl) lo lots 1, 2. 7. nnd 8.
in New orn state, also wnicuial)lu tQ Ret tnelr cover crop ln lls.g
the republicans are claiming for yet g10Uid do 0 n8 goon as pos-i
th national ticket by at leaBt 400,-:8ible u mugt get ltg Krowlu in
1100 although admitting that Sen-;t,1B fa t0 be worth anything to
ntor Wadsworth will probably run the grower. cover crops should 1
slightly behind Harding, the demo-, be plallted in ate August or early.
crats are counting on a heavy wo-, Septembor, but will do fairly well1 1
man vote, because of Wadsworth'sj ,t planled I10W especially if the1
opposition to suffrage. They arejwinter g mnd The best combi-'
also expecting their candidate (ornation for ea8telll Oregon is 30 1
Benator, Lt. Gov. Harry Walker. p0uud8 halry vetch with one bush- 1
to poll well In the rural districts. j e, grey oatg per ttTe drllied n..j
wnere lie is sam in oe esperianv gprjng vetch, 40 pounds to one
ropu'ar- i bushel ot grey oats, drilled In,
The situation In Maryland Is; are be8t for western Oregon
generally regarded as close, wlthj Horticultural department O. A. C.
the chances favoring the return j
of Senator Smith, democrat. LARGEST DEER KILLED, v
egalnst Orvington E. Weller, re-j SHELTON, Wash. The largest
republican. deer reported to havo been brought
Notwithstanding that the sena-'in this season was on display Iu
torship In Ohio is classed by the, the windows at Piper & Taft sport
political experts as reasonably safa Ing goods store ln Seattle recent
for former Gov. Frank P. Willis, I ly and was killed In Mason coun
t ha democrats insict that their ; ty. The animal was a three
candidate, W. A. Julien, has a good pointed buck weighing 194 pounds
chance, although es a rule they I dressed. It was brought in by a
admit he will run behind Cover-! party of three'men and their wives
nor Cox In that state. , who spent Beveral days hunting g
In Indiana, the contest between here. They also had another large
Senator Watson, republican, and ' buck weighing somewhat less.
Thomas Taggart, democrat, has .
been sharp and lively. i Kabies have appeared among
The senatorial result 'In Ken- the coyotea of Milheur county,
tucky Is likely to be very close, and immediately steps are to be
MisBouri is classed among the taken to prevent tho recurrence
dnubtruli, especially on account of ot the hydrophobia plague that
the uncertainty of the reaction fol-' swept the cattle of this section
lowing Senator Spencer's alterca- In 1916, according to Elmer Wll
tion with President Wilson over Ham of the predatory animal
What the president ii reported to uivision ui ms uiuiuBimi urYey.1.,,m:,.ga-i0-TO
eonle D. Schmidt vs Jackson b ' d' ' ,
Cnuntv Creamery; foreclosure. , . " ' ., . . , " v....- v
Cltv of Ashland vs W W ' Ho"u ll()bl,l,la Voung to N. S,
Arlon R. Skinner vs. Hazel Skin
ner; divorce.
State vs. James drier; Indirt
' ment, plea.
State vs. Joe Blackburn: Indict
ment, plen.
Stale vs. David llearks. D. II
McGlown, Clarence E. MeDade;
State vs. J. R. O'Donovan; In
dictment, pica.
State vs. John Marion, true name
W. H. A. Smith 4o C. M. Stap
les; WD to land In twp. 39, S. R.
IE, Ashland, Ore.
' Joseph Zciglnr, et ux, to It. L.
Mol'fitt. et ux; WD to land in twp.
3!l. S. It. IE. Ashland. Ore.
W. J. King, et ux, W. II. A.
Smith, WD to land in twp. 39, S.
R. IE, Ashland.
Pearl Mooney. nee Hollenbeak,
et nx. to F. D. Build; WD to lot
Jack George Hiiro; Indictment. ' blo''k4' V!t' ,0.M.'?"',
State vs. J. R. O'Donovan; in-
T. G. Burrows, et ux. to City of
.ifi -::jr:-ju m.j and appraisement.
r w .1 . inr . 1 1. 1 L 4
S .diriment, plea. ...o.i. wv ... ... ... u. ...
I ' State vs. Jim Theodore; Indict- Barr. add. to Met ford
p ,( Emma Bennett, et vir. to . W.
1 State vs. David C. O'Connell; ': WD to kit 6 block 1 Im
1 sault and battery V"M add. lo Medford: 1300.
8 State vs. Fred Block, and Noel Martin Erlwein. ot ux to Emma
1 Adelhart; Indictment, plea. , rri" n ,: WD to land In sec. 21.
iProlinte Court. 36 S. R. JW.
Est. Ann ilea II; report. ; ''9 "' ,We ch l" ""
Est. Mvrtle W. Bvrum und Wil- w1-h: to, ' ,5' bloclt J'
Ham II. Byrum, minors; petition 1 P'n add to Medford
it and order Marion B. Jardme to Menry
I Est. Simon Pressley Matthew; 1 Mankiu. et al; Wl) to lots 3 and
petition and order. ; D10CK ra,m " iua aa- lu
Est. Dennis F. Wilson; order and Medford.
Dond Mollie T. Black to J. I. Thomas:
Est. Ann Beall; order and vouch-' W. D. to lot 4. block 1. Highland
en : Park add. to Medford.
Est. A. P. Talent; receipt. ! Kuute Helland. et al. to M. T.
Est. Calvin P. Hughes; Inven- Muurseth: WD to NW ot sec. 2.
torr twp. 38. S. R. 4E.
Est. William V. Halley; inven- Duane H. Sturtevant to Bernlc
tory. Cameron; WD to lots 1 and t,
Est. Maria Hoist; order. block 7, Ross add. to Medtord.
Jame. O. Smith, estate; add!-. M. T. Maurseth, et ux. to M D.
tional undertaking. .Olds; WD to V'W of seo. !!. twp.
Nina Harris, et al; guir.llar.-, 38. S. R. 4E: iiJOO.
hip; petition and order. Cameron to K. C. Eldrblge:
Francea M. Btewart, estate; will WD to S 75 feet of loti 5. i. I.
tn.A 9 block . Medford.
I Samuel H. Holt estate; demur-' Sarah Emerick to W.
rer phreys; WD to lot In bloclt 2. Oal-
h F. K. Deuel, estate; inventory loway a add. and lot 11. biock 40.